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Full text of "The miscellaneous works of the Rev. Matthew Henry : containing in addition to those heretofore published, numerous sermons now first printed from the original mss. : an appendix on what Christ is made to believers, in forty real benefits, by Philip Henry ... : funeral sermons for Mr. and Mrs. Henry, by the Rev. Matthew Henry : funeral sermons on Mr. Matthew Henry, by W. Tong, John Reynolds, and Dr. Williams"

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BY  J.  B.  WILLIAMS,  LL.D.  F.S.A. 







VOL.  I. 







Preface           .... 




Prefaces  to  Life  of  Mr.  Philip  Henry 

.       XV 

Life  of  Mr.  Philip  Henry 


Sermons,  Tracts,  &c. 

On  the  death  of  Mrs.  Katharine  Henry 
Appendix         .... 
The  pleasantness  of  a  religions  life    . 
Concerning  meekness  and  quietness 
Christianity  not  a  sect 
Communicant's  companion     . 
Directions  for  daily  communion  with  God 
Discourses  aj^inst  vice  and  profaneness : — 
L  Against  Drunkenness.  II.  Uncleanness. 

III.  Sabbath-breaking.        IV.  Profane 

Folly  of  despising  oar  own  souls 
Folly  of  despising  our  own  ways 
Sober-mindedness  recommended  to  the  young 
Right  management  of  friendly  visits 
A  church  in  the  house.    Family  religion 
Reformation  of  manners 
Popery  a  spiritual  tyranny 
Method  for  prayer        .  .  .  . 

Essaf  on  psalmody,  with  family  hymns 
England's  joys 
Eagland's  hopes 

Work  and  success  of  the  ministry 
On  the  promises  of  God 
Disputes  reviewed       .  .  .  . 

Faith  in  Christ  inferred  from  faith  in  God 
Forgiveness  of  sin       .  « 

Hope  and  fear  balanced 
OnflM  catechising  of  youth    . 
CwmemnratioB  of  the  fire  of  London 
Inquiry  iol^  ihe  mttan  oftebism 






Layman's  reasons  for  communing  with  dis- 
senters      .....  857 
Catechism  for  children                                   .  861 
Scripture  catechism  in  the  method  of  the  As- 
sembly's              ....  864 
Christ's  favour  to  children      .                        .  929 
Memoirs  of  Mrs.  Radford       .                        .  942 
Memoirsof  Mrs.  Hulton  945 
Account  of  Dr.  John  Tylston              .  959 
Sermon  at  Mr.  Atkinson's  ordination              .  967 
Exhortation  at  Mr.  Clark*s  ordination             .  979 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Owen  991 
Funeral  sermon  on  Dr.  Benion  1007 
LiFEof  Dr.  Benion                            .           .  1019 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Tallents                     .  1032 
LiFEofMr.  Tallents                                        .  1044 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Lawrence                   .  1055 
Life  of  Mr.  Lawrence             .  1065 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Stretton         ..  1072 
LiFEofMr.  Stretton    ....  1086 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Burgess  1090 
Life  of  Mr.  Burgess                           .           .  1102 
LiFEof  Lieut.  lUidge                         .            .  1106 
Separation  without  rebellion  1132 
A  Treatise  on  Baptism  1145 
Preface  to  the  Life  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Beard  1205 
Preface  to  Murrey's  Closet  Devotions  1206 
Six  sermons  on  the  worth  of  the  soul  .  1209 
Sermons  and  charges              .  1236 
Funeral  sermons          ....  1248 
Fast  sermons                ....  1255 
Funeral  sermon  on  Mr.  Matthew  Henry,  by   . 

W.  Tong  ....  1271 

Ditto— by  John  Reynolds  .  1282 

Ditto— by  Dr.  Williams         .  .  ,   \«!i 

860    Appendix 


"  The  lips  of  the  righteous,"  said  Solomon,  "  feed  many;"  and  in  our  times  especially  is 
the  assertion  verified  by  the  published  relics  of  persons  so  denominated.  In  the  publications 
referred  to,  as  in  ample  storehouses,  hath  been  laid  up  for  the  church  most  invigorating 
food ;  and  the  press,  like  the  blessing  upon  the  widow's  stock,  continues  to  multiply  and 
perpetuate  the  treasure. 

Few  individuals  have  been  more  distinguished  for  their  endeavours  to  advance  the  divine 
honour,  by  such  means,  than  Matthew  Henry.  His  name,  because  of  his  productions  as  an 
author,  is  deservedly  great  in  Israel ;  and  in  tlie  gates  thereof  do  his  works  praise  him.  His 
course  on  earth  terminated  long  ago,  but  not  until,  in  a  far  more  exalted  sense  than 
the  racers  in  the  Grecian  games,  he  had  delivered  a  torch  to  survivors — ^a  torch,  which 
guides  to  heaven ;  and  which  not  oidy  has  remained  unextinguished,  but  still  flames  with 
increased  and  cheering  brilliance. 

The  favourable  reception  given  to  the  late  edition  of  our  author's  Scripture  Commentary,  in 
three  octavo  volumes,*  has  induced  the  enterprising  and  zealous  proprietor  of  that  unique 
impression,  to  send  forth,  in  a  size  exactly  uniform,  the  ensuing  collection  of  the  same  ines- 
timable man^s  Miscellaneous  Compositions. 

Various  editions,  some  smaller,  and  some  more  extended,  bearing  a  similar  titie,  have 
heretofore  appeared.  But  if  the  folio  of  1726,  and  the  quarto  of  X811,  be  excepted,  not 
one  has  made  the  least  pretension  to  completeness.  Neither  of  those  editions,  though 
the  most  perfect  of  any,  is  fairly  entided  to  the  distinction.  The  quarto  contained  the 
Sermon  at  the  opening  of  the  Meeting-house  in  Chester,  which  was  omitted  in  the  folio ; 
and  the  folio  preserved  the  collection  of  Family  Hymns,  while  the  quarto  retained  only  the 
Prefatory  Essay  to  that  collection.  But  neither  embraced  his  Treatise  on  Baptism,  nor  yet 
his  Memoirs  of  Mrs.  Radford,  Mrs.  Hulton,  or  Dr.  Tylston. 

All  Mr.  Henry's  publications,  (except  only  the  tract  on  the  schism  bill,t  which  cannot  be 
discovered,)  including  the  Prefaces  he  wrote  to  the  Life  of  Thomas  Beard,  J  and  Mr.  Murrey's 
book  on  Closet  Devotion,  §  will  be  found  in  the  present  undertaking.  Many  discourses  from 
original,  and  hitherto  unpublished,  manuscripts,  are  added ;  as  are  also  the  admirable 
aermons,  delivered  on  occasion  of  his  death,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Daniel  Wiliams,  the  Rev. 
William  Tong,  and  the  Rev.  John  Reynolds  of  Shrewsbury.  Tliey  are  all,  as  I  am  informed, 
accurately  corrected,  as  well  as  beautifully  printed  :  and  elegance  is  united  with  cheapness. 

*  Orifioall J  printed  ia  6  folioi.  Bdr.  Thoretby  of  Leeds,  of  antiquarian  celebrity,  and  Mr.  Henry's  friend,  (see  the  Life 
pfefiied  to  the  Exposition,  in  oct  tit  «tipra,  vol  i.  p.  35.)  posseswed  *'  the  memorable  pen,  wherewith  the  far  greatest  part  of 
the  volamet,  in  folio,  was  writ,  the  gift  of  the  reverend  author,  1712."  See  Thoresby's  Docatus  Leodensis,  Dr.  Whitsker's 
edUioo,  p.  70.  in  the  CaUlofae  of  Nstarsl  and  Arti6cial  Rarities,  fol.  1816. 

f  See  the  USt,  ut  mpra,  p.  108.  t  The  Holy  Seed,  or  the  Life  of  Mr.  Tho.  3oi,^OT\ftt»^^'5AAn\\. 

i  Ctoeet  Devotioiia,  by  Robert  Mairwy,  duod,  1713, 


Had  Mr.  Henry's  life  been  lengthened^  it  was  his  intention  to  have  published  the  manu- 
script sermons  now  introduced,  and  many  others.  *  The  series,  alas !  in  present  circumstances 
broken,  would  then  liave  been  perfect 

As  selections  from  his  usual  pulpit  preparations,  and  amounting  to  scarcely  more,  in  any 
instance,  than  sermon  skeletons,  the  manuscripts  now  published  will,  if  compared  with  other 
parts  of  the  volume,  suffer  from  the  common  disadvantages  of  incompleteness.  But  while 
this  circumstance  has  been  felt  as  a  reason  against  their  introduction,  the  consideration  of  the 
welcome  they  are  sure  to  meet  with,  and  the  prospect,  therefore,  of  their  usefulness,  has 
outweighed  that  and  several  other  objections.  One  of  those  objections — ^brevity — will  be  to 
some  persons,  no  doubt,  a  recommendation. 

It  will  be  observed,  by  careful  readers,  how  well  the  manuscripts  referred  to  accord  with 
Mr.  Henry's  more  finished  productions,  which  it  will  now  be  seen,  more  clearly  than  ever^ 
were  only  a  faithful  representation  of  their  author.  What  he  appeared  to  the  world  to  be  as 
a  preacher,  he  really  was  among  his  stated  auditors,  both  at  Chester  and  Hackney. 

To  the  whole  is  appended  a  set  of  discourses  by  the  venerable  Philip  Henry,  his  father,  on 
what  Christ  is  made  to  believers  in  forty  real  benefits.  The  subjects  of  this  part  of  the 
volume  are  now  first  published  from  the  hand- writing  of  the  holy  man  who  penned  them ; 
and  being  thus  associated  with  his  Life,t  are  not,  it  is  thought,  unsuitably  preserved  in  the 
present  volume.  They  have  been  introduced,  indeed,  because  of  their  intrinsic  excellence ; 
for  the  greater  honour  of  the  writer ;  and  for  the  sake  of  a  wider  circulation  than  would  pro- 
bably have  been  secured  if  published  in  a  detached  or  separate  form. 

Independently  of  their  interesting  subjects,  their  author's  special  approbation  of  these 
sermons  may  be  noticed,  Philip  Henry  selected  them  from  his  accumulated  collection  of 
papers  as  a  legacy  to  his  excellent  daugliter  Mrs.  Savage ;  J  a  fact  perpetuated  by  her- 
self in  the  commencement  of  the  original  manuscript,  which  forms  a  thick  duodecimo 

"  What  Clirist  is  made  of  God  to  true  believers  in  forty  real  benefits,  preached  at  his 
moeting-housc,  at  Broad  Oak,  in  Flintshire,  by  my  honoured  father,  Mr.  Henry,  thus  written 
with  his  o\\Ti  dear  hand,  and  left  to  me,  S.  S.  by  his  last  will,  to  the  end  I  may  learn 
Christ,  and  live  Christ,  and  be  eternally  happy  with  him.  Amen."  § 

The  treasure  thus  distinguished,  is  possessed  by  my  respected  fiiend,  Mrs.  Bunnell,  Lower 
Terrace,  Islington,  a  descendant  of  Philip  Henry ;  and  at  my  request  she  kindly  communis 
cated  it  for  publication. 

Notwithstanding  similar  regrets  attach  to  the  contents  of  the  Appendix,  as  to  the  rest  of 
the  fragments  now,  for  the  first  time,  made  public,  the  same  arguments  for  their  admission 
preponderated  in  the  one  case  as  in  the  other ;  and  they  fully  demonstrate,  though  unfinished, 
oiu:  author's  accuracy,  when  he  pronounced  his  father's  preaching  to  be  "  very  substanjtial, 
and  elaborate,  and  greatly  to  edification."  || 

All  the  sermons  included  in  the  Appendix  are,  as  their  title  imports,  concerning  Christ— 
in  various  of  those  endearing  relations  which  he  bears  towards  his  church.  It  is  their  indi- 
vidual and  combined  object  to  exalt  him ;  to  maintain  his  true  and  proper  divinity ;  to 
illustrate  the  necessity  and  infinite  nature  of  his  atonement ;  and  thus  to  fix  every  eye  upon 
his  cross.  They  exhibit  likewise,  in  lively  and  familiar  terms,  those  sources  of  satisfaction 
to  believers,  which  alone  can  minister  joy  as  they  travel  to  their  everlasting  rest 

It  is  the  exclusive  design  of  one  discourse,  the  eighth  of  the  series,  to  prove — that  Jesus 
Christ  is  the  Lord  our  Righteousness ;  and  that  it  is  the  duty  of  believers  to  call  him  so.     No 

•  See  the  Life,  nf  tupra,  p.  111.  f  See  p. 9.  %  See  her  Life,  duod.  1828.  4Ui.  cd. 

$  Mrs.  Savise.    The  origiDal  MS.  |  See  fott,  p.  106. 

PR£FAC£.  ill 

resder,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  will  slight  the  request  which  is  prefixed  to  the  discussion  of  that  all- 
interesting  topic.  ^ 

Nor  should  it  escape  notice,  in  reference  to  the  same  sermons,  that  irrespectively  of  the 
uncommon  importance  of  the  subjects  discussed,  they  are  among  the  very  choicest  relics  of 
their  author.  The  date  of  the  first  is  July  26,  1691,  and  of  the  last  June  5,  1692.  Philip 
Henry  died  June  24,  1696.  So  that,  instead  of  containing  any  thing  crude,  they  memorialize 
the  piety  and  wisdom  of  that  eminent  man,  when  both  were  most  matured. 

Such  are  some  of  the  claims  which  the  present  volume  has  upon  the  public  attention. 

Besides  which^  the  responsible  duties  of  an  editor  of  all  the  manuscripts  now  first  printed, 
have  been  most  judiciously  and  faithfully  discharged  by  the  Rev.  Edward  Hickman :  a  gen- 
tleman who  numbers  no  less  than  three  of  the  ejected  worthies  in  the  line  of  his  ancestry ; 
and  who  is  himself  the  fourth  in  his  family  of  a  regular  succession  of  nonconformist  divines. 
His  residence  at  Denton,  in  Norfolk,  so  near  the  press,  rendered  this  service  by  him  especially 
convenient ;  and  his  attainments  in  the  knowledge  pecuUar  to  his  sacred  profession ;  his 
ardent  attachment  to  the  writings  of  Mr.  Henry ;  and  his  deep  admiration  of  their  merits ; 
attest  his  particular  fitness  for  the  task,  which  happily  for  the  public,  and  the  credit  of  our 
author,  he  imdertook. 

In  contemplating  Mr.  Henry's  Miscellaneous  Works,  in  themselves  a  library  of  theology, 
it  naturally  occurs,  how  much  less  known,  and  consequently  less  esteemed,  they  have  hitherto 
been  than  his  Exposition.  So  far,  indeed,  as  paramount  attention  to  Holy  Scripture  is  con- 
cerned, this  is  just  as  it  should  be;  and  it  is  not  wished  by  any  effort,  either  of  commendation 
or  criticism,  to  weaken  the  force  of  that  prepossession.  The  Exposition  is,  and  ever  must 
be,  regarded  as  the  magnum  opus  of  its  author.  Nor  can  it  be  any  presumption  to  predict  of 
it,  as  Ovid  is  reported  to  have  done  respecting  the  far-famed  poem  of  Lucretius,  that  it  will 
Uve  till  the  dissolution  of  all  things. 

Still  it  appears  somewhat  reproachful  to  the  Christian  pubUc,  ih^jL  the  Miscellaneous 
writings  of  our  author  should,  in  general,  be,  as  a  whole,  in  a  comparative  state  of  neglect : 
for  it  will  be  found  on  examination,  that  the  same  commanding  excellences  which  have 
rendered  Mr.  Henry  so  celebrated  as  an  expositor,  distinguished  him  as  a  preacher;  and 
have  imparted  to  his  Sermons,  and  Treatises,  and  Tracts,  a  charm  not  less  fascinating  than 
that  which  pervades  the  Commentary.  There  is,  throughout,  the  same  soundness  of 
doctrine,  the  same  "  strange  readiness,  and  fertility  of  invention,"  t  the  same  novelty,  the 
same  felicity  of  Ulustration,  the  same  pointedness  of  remark,  the  same  ingenious  contrivance 
of  proverbial  sentences,  |  and  the  same  unvarying  attention  to  usefulness.  His  zeal  for  this 
latter  object,  like  the  fire  of  the  vestal  virgins,  was  always  burning. 

Whatever  prejudices  may  exist  against  theological  compositions,  in  the  form  of  Sermons^ 
that  neither  accounts  satisfactorily  for  the  neglect  of  Mr.  Henry,  nor  does  it  annul  the  fact — 
thit  one  of  the  most  interesting  and  valuable  sections  of  English  divinity,  consists  entirely 
of  sermons.  And  the  remark  must  not  be  withheld,  that  considering  the  age  in  which  Mr. 
Hairy  lived,  he  is  entitled,  as  a  sermonizer,  to  special  honour.  There  are  few  discourses, 
ancient  or  modem,  which  possess  more  intrinsic  excellences ;  or  which  contain,  without  the 
slightest  pietensions  to  greatness,  more  various  reading,  more  powerful  appeals,  more  appro- 
priate imagery,  or  a  purer  spirit  of  sacredness.  Having  explained  his  text,  and  so  explained 
it  as  to  fix  the  attention,  he  commonly  divides  his  main  proposition  into  parts ;  and  generally 
restricts  his  observations,  sometimes  avowedly,  as  at  p.  (83.),  to  the  context  His  explication 
of  the  doctrine  deduced  fix>m  the  text  discovers  occasionally,  as  do  all  his  applicaUons,  powers 
of  discriminatioii  equally  uncommon  and  striking.     The  subdivisions  are  so  managed  as  to 

*  AppcDdiz,  p.  M.         t  Fooenl  Sermon,  by  Mr.  Reynoldi,  p.  1291.  t  I>>tto,  by  Dr.  Williami,  p.  1301. 


assist  the  memory ;  as  when,  for  instance,  he  describes  the  nature  of  the  sacramental  supper 
— as  a  commemorating  ordinance ;  as  a  confessing  ordinance ;  as  a  communicating  ordinance ; 
and  as  a  covenanting  ordinance.*  And  although  these  intended  helps  appear,  frequently,  too 
jingling  and  fanciful  for  correct  taste ;  yet  in  Mr.  Henry  there  is  such  an  air  of  naturalness, 
even  about  theniy  as  to  prevent  offence,  if  not  to  disarm  criticism.  When  he  comes  to  press 
the  usesy  and  urge  the  motives^  connected  with  his  leading  topic,  he  rises  in  instructiveness. 
Nor  does  he  lose  sight  of  a  single  fact  or  circumstance  with  which  the  truths  he  nvishes  to 
enforce  can  be  associated.  He  seemingly  exhausts  the  subject  without  exhausting  the 
reader.  Is  there  one,  among  all  his  discourses,  which  does  not  capitally  illustrate  those 
three  qualifications  of  Baxter's  "  Best  Teacher,"  which  are  essential  to  a  good  sermon  ? — a 
clear  explication  of  the  gospel ;  the  most  convincing  and  persuading  reasonings ;  and  a 
manner  at  once  serious,  affectionate,  and  lively .t  If  Addison's  test  be  true,  that  the  secret  of 
fine  writing  is,  for  the  sentiments  to  be  natural  without  being  obnous,  Mr.  Henry,  in  whatever 
department  of  authorship  he  is  considered,  is  entitled  to  a  far  more  exalted  rank  among  illus- 
trious MTiters  than  he  has  yet  attained. 

In  funeral  sermons  he  so  excelled  as  to  render  it  just  occasion  for  regret  that  he  published 
so  few.  They  all  mingle  liveliness  with  affection  in  a  very  remarkable  degree.  The^  are 
grave  \iithout  being  dull ;  and  seriousness  is  seen  at  the  widest  possible  distance  from  gloom. 
One  of  them  expatiates  vAih  singular  beauty  upon  the  duty  of  Christians  giving  thanks  when 
in  sorrow ;  J  the  death  of  "  good  men  and  good  ministers"  is  represented  in  the  exquisite 
imagery  of  the  Scriptures ;  eternal  realities  are  even  familiarized ;  the  instruction  of  the  living 
is  most  powerfully  attempted ;  and  the  ability  and  excitation  of  the  biographical  sketches, 
which  are  perfectly  free  from  panegyric,  cannot  be  estimated  too  highly.  His  sermon  on  the 
death  of  Mr.  Tallents,  is  one  of  the  finest  specimens  of  preaching  that  can  be  instanced ;  the 
text  selected  by  his  revered  friend  was  peculiarly  appropriate,  and,  united  with  the  occasion, 
called  forth  all  Mr.  Henry's  powers.  There  are  many  passages  in  it  of  great  strength  and 
beauty ;  but  his  representation  of  ^'  the  delights  of  sense,  and  all  earthly  amusements  and 
entertainments,  as  only  despised  crowds  through  which  the  soul  of  a  Christian,  big  with 
expectation,  presses  forward  in  pursuit  of  everlasting  joys,"  §  is  too  noble  not  to  be  specially 
noticed.  It  is  a  kindred  thought  to  that  of  the  apostle,  when  he  speaks  of  pursuing,  or 
pressing  toward  the  mark  for  the  prize  of  the  believer's  high  calling, — or  should  its  originality 
be  questioned,  it  must  be  allowed  the  merit  of  a  happy  paraphrase. 

Another  of  those  sermons  is  entitled,  though  in  a  different  aspect,  to  more  than  incidental 
attention.  It  was  preached  on  the  death  of  the  Rev.  Daniel  Biurgess,  ||  after,  as  the  reader 
will  perceive  by  the  date,  Mr.  Henry's  removal  to  London,  a  circumstance  here  noticed,  be- 
causer  of  the  supposed  influence  of  that  event  upon  several  of  its  statements.  The  allusions, 
coupled  vnih  the  circumstances  of  the  case,  are,  indeed,  most  significant ;  and  admirably 
unfold  our  author's  excellent  spirit,  his  talentis,  and  masterly  adaptation  of  passing  occur- 
rences to  the  purposes  of  general  instruction. 

The  case  is  Uiis :  Shortly  before  that  discourse  was  delivered,  Mr.  Henry  was  attacked, 
through  the  press,  by  the  able  and  untiring  pen  of  De  Foe — ^not  by  name,  but  by  inuendo ; 
and  so  graphically  as  to  appear  as  visible  to  the  mind,  as  De  Foe  himself,  a  few  years  before, 
had  been  made,  by  a  state  advertisement  for  publishing  a  political  squib.  The  delineation 
upon  the  face  of  it  was  highly  honourable  to  Mr.  Henry,  but  it  was  so  completely  neutralized 
by  sarcasm,  and  no  small  portion  of  scorn,  as  to  be  grossly  insulting.  It  touched  nvith  an 
unsparing  hand  the  tenderest  point  in  Mr.  Henry's  histor}' ;  and  being  published  so  soon 

*  P.  206,  kc.  t  Poor  Man*i  Family  Book»  p.  303.  dood.  1091 .    Worki,  vol.  19.  p.  510.  «ct. 

/  P.  806,  806.  i  P.  776.  H  P.  820. 


ifter  his  settlement  at  Hackney,  respecting  which  his  Life  fully  details  his  distress  *  was  but 
00  well  adapted  for  his  own  annoyance,  and  the  irritation  of  his  beloved,  but  dissatisfied,  flock 

It  Chester.f 

To  De  Foe*8  uncalled-for  representation  Mr.  Henry  opposed  no  express  reply ;  still  less  did 
tie  again  revUe ;  he  took  occasion,  however,  firom  the  text  of  the  sermon  now  under  consider- 
ition— "  We  have  this  treasure  in  earthen  vessels,  that  the  excellency  of  the  power  may  be  of 
God,  and  not  of  us  " — ^to  expatiate  upon  the  infirmities  of  Christ's  ministers ;  to  acknowledge 
that  "  they  have  their  faults,  their  flaws,  their  blemishes,  as  earthen  vessels  have ;"  X  and  to 
notice  also,  how  frequently  they  are  "  despised  and  trampled  upon,"  §  even  "  loaded  with 
reproach  and  calumny."  ||  And  then,  applying  the  whole  to  himself  and  his  brethren,  he 
added,  and  it  must  have  stung  such  a  man  as  De  Foe  to  the  quick — ^^  By  keeping  the  grace 
of  humility  in  its  strength  and  exercise,"  we  shall  have  "  this  to  say  to  those  who  think  and 
speak  Ughtly  of  us,  That  they  cannot  have  a  meaner  opinion  of  us  than  we  have  of  ourselves, 
DOT  lay  us  lower  before  men,  than  we  lay  ourselves  every  day  before  God."  % 

The  infusion  of  this  spirit  of  Christianity  through  every  part  of  Mr.  Henry's  works  it  is» 
which  constitutes  one  of  their  peculiar  charms.  And — because  of  it,  it  cannot  be  otherwise 
than  gratifying  to  those  who  admire  him,  either  as  a  man  or  a  writer,  that  increased  attention 
is  still  likely  to  be  given  to  his  remains.  The  Exposition,  indeed,  which  has  been  so  long  a 
&Tourite  with  studious  dissenting  ministers,  and  plain  unlettered  Christians,  not  to  mention 
some  members  of  the  established  church,  is  now  greatly  extending  its  range  in  the  latter 
direction  ;  and  that,  notwithstanding  the  increasing  circulation  of  the  popular  and  invaluable 
Commentary  of  the  Bev.  Ihomas  Scott  The  demand  for  that  excellent  work  was,  at  one 
lime,  such  as  to  threaten  our  author's  exclusion  firom  one  large  circle  of  the  community ;  but 
the  paroxysm  being  over,  and  reflection  having  succeeded  excitement,  Mr.  Henry's  unequalled 
irork  has  been  restored  to  its  rightfiil  pre-eminence ;  and  it  has  lately  been  afresh  commended 
by  a  zealous  clergj-man  of  the  establishment 

To  prevent,  as  much  as  may  be,  the  possibility  of  disappointment  in  any  reader,  who  now, 
&r  the  first  time,  may  resolve  upon  the  study  of  all  our  author's  writings — the  Exposition 

ami  those  which  are  Miscellaneous — it  may  not  be  amiss  to  observe,  how  important,  as  well 
as  just,  it  will  be,  to  make  proper  allowance  for  the  difierence  of  the  ground-work  in  the  two 

classes  of  the  publications  as  so  distinguished ;  and  to  keep  especially  in  constant  recollec- 
tion, the  aids  to  thought  which  are  inseparable  firom  an  exclusive  consideration  of  the  divine 
testimony  :  otherwise  a  comparison  to  the  disadvantage  of  the  latter  class  of  authorship  may 
easily,  and  even  unintentionally,  be  formed.     Witliout  a  caution  so  necessary,  even  in  the 
absence  of  any  thing  else,  our  author's  Exposition,  like  the  Contemplations  of  Bishop  Hall 
will  be  very  apt  to  disparage  his  other  productions ;  a  consequence  the  more  to  be  deprecatea 
because  the  Miscellaneous  Writings,  as  is  the  case  with  tlic  Sermons  of  the  revered  prelate 
just  mentioned,  actually  evince  quite   as  extraordinary  faculties,  both    of   ingenuity  and 
instnictiveness,  as  the  Commentary ;  though  less  obviously,  because  the  opportunity  for  pre- 
senting uncommon  remarks  is   less  frequent,  and   because  the   range  for  observation  is 
necessarily  extended.     The  style  of  Mr.  Henry,  however,  on  every  subject,  as  is  the  style  of 
the  good  Bishop  of  Norwich,  is  enriched  by  Scriptural  allusions;  many  of  them  surprising, 
and  even  delighting  the  reader,  not  less  than  some  of  those  incidents,  drawn  from  tlie  same 
pure  fountain,  with  which  Milton  adorned  the  sublimest  of  all  poems. 

The  habit  of  sprightly  and  apt  allusion  to  Scripture  facts,  and  the  use  of  Scripture  language, 
irhich  Mr.  Henry  diligently  cultivated,  has  not  only  enriched,  but  xmspeakably  enlivened 

*  Uk,  ui  jwpr«,  p.  46»  Ice.  t  See  De  Foe's  PieseDtSute  of  the  Partiei  id  Great  Briuio,  p  307—309.  oct.  1712. 

tP.825.  JP.826.  II  lb.  ^Y«». 


the  ensuing  Miscellanies ;  and  frequently  more  instruction  is  conveyed  by  the  manner  in 
which  he  has  seized  the  hints  scattered  up  and  down  in  the  sacred  volume,  than  by  the 
lengthened  and  elaborated  topical  discussions  of  many  celebrated  writers.  And — his  applu 
cation  of  such  references  b  incomparable.  In  this  poudt  of  view  the  exordiums  to  his  sermons 
deserve  especial  regard.  They  are  fine  instances  of  the  advantageous  illustration  of  one 
scripture  by  another;  while,  as  specimens  of  the  beneficial  observance  of  biblical  phraseology, 
they  are  unrivalled.  An  attempt  at  citation  would  involve  considerable  extracts  firom  most 
of  the  sermons  in  the  volume. 

In  the  management  of  texts,  as  well  as  their  illustration,  every  reader  conversant  with  what 
are  called  the  old  divines,  will  perceive  in  Mr.  Henry  a  vast  improvement  upon  the  canons 
of  most  preceding  theologians.  It  is  true  his  style,  like  that  of  the  majority  of  the  admirable 
persons  referred  to,  was  oftentimes  too  quaint,  and  too  antithetical;  but  even  in  those 
respects,  great  advances  are  discoverable  towards  the  happier  modes  of  division  and  ex- 
pression, which  are  now  in  use.  Mr.  Henry  is  both  less  strained  and  less  excessive ;  as 
may  be  seen  in  the  exordium  to  the  ^'  Pleasantness  of  a  Religious  Life,'*  where,  perhaps,  he 
has  put  forth  his  antithetical  prowess  to  the  uttermost. 

From  another  fashion  of  his  predecessors  and  contemDoraries — the  firinging  of  the  margm, 
**  with  variety  of  choice  reading" — Mr.  Henry,  except  in  the  "Treatise  on  Meekness,"  and  the 
sermon  entitled  "  Christianity  no  Sect,"  has  still  further  departed.  Not  that  he  was  unequal 
to  the  task ;  for  his  reading  was  extensive,  and  various,  and  well  managed ;  and  in  the  com- 
positions thus  mentioned,  he  has  shown  the  ease  with  which  he  could  have  vied  with  eveo 
the  most  erudite  of  his  brethren  in  citations  firom  antiquity.  But  ever  after  those  two  discourses 
were  published,  wiser  in  this  respect  than  many  of  the  ancients,  he  deemed  it  sufficient  to 
state  the  results^  rather  than  the  sources,  of  his  thoughts.  And  so  completely,  firom  that  time, 
were  the  ideas  he  collected  firom  others  moulded  and  fashioned  in  his  own  mind,  as  to  render 
it  almost  as  difficult  to  trace  them  as  it  would  be  to  detect  the  fiowers  and  blossoms  from 
whence  has  been  extracted  a  mass  of  honev. 

Socrates  has  directed  mankind  to  limit  their  studies  to  things  of  real  utility.  And  Mr. 
Henry,  in  his  official  capacity  especially,  diligently  acted  upon  this  counsel.  Therefore  it 
was,  that  in  drawing  the  portraiture  of  a  good  minister,  he  declared  he  should  do  it  "  by  his 
interest  and  fidelity,  not  by  his  learning,  or  the  arts  and  languages"  of  which  he  was 
master.*  And  therefore  it  was,  that  instead,  on  the  one  hand,  of  hunting  after  novelties  in- 
stead of  the  gospel ;  or,  on  the  other,  of  borrowing  largely  from  celebrated  philosophers,  and 
admired,  but  profane,  classics,  either  to  adorn  his  compositions,  or  display  his  learning ;  he 
bestowed  all  his  energies  to  increase  men's  acquaintance  with  the  Scriptures;  to  make,  by 
the  use  of  the  words  of  truth,  the  "  countenance  of  truth,"  as  Hooker  expressed  it,  "  more 
orient."  There  is  not  in  all  his  \vritings  a  single  attempt  to  resolve  any  one  of  the  absurd 
inquiries  which  are  so  common  on  the  lips  of  mere  speculators  and  trificrs.  Like  the  apostle 
Paul,  whom  he  admired  more  than  all  mere  mortals,  and  whom  he  has  signalized  as  "  the 
most  active,  zealous  servant  that  ever  our  Master  had,"  t  he  daily  studied  to  know  nothing 
"  save  Jesus  Christ,  and  him  crucified."  His  preaching,  as  was  the  case  with  his  beloved 
friend  Mr.  Samuel  Lawrence,  tended  "  to  bring  people  to  Christ  and  heaven ;  to  heaven  as 
their  end,  and  to  Christ  as  their  way."  J  This  the  reader  may  see  beautifully  illustrated  at 
the  close  of  the  sermon  entitled,  "  Faith  in  Christ  inferred  firom  Faith  in  God."  ^ 

Far  from  contenting  himself  with  mere  illustrations  in  geography,  or  natural  history,  or  the 
"  fine-spun  cobwebs  of  school  notions,"  or  maxims  of  heathen  ethics,  Mr.  Henry's  whole 
soul  was  absorbed   in  a  mighty  effort  to  unfold  the  meaning  of  God's  word ;  to  convince 

•  P.  739.  t  P.  734.  t  P.  803.  $  P.  796,  797. 

PREFACE.  vii 

mankind  of  sin;  to  induce  reflection;  to  exhibit  the  riches  of  salvation;  and  to  guard 
against  neglecting  it.  Instead  of  glancing,  now  and  then,  at  the  essential  parts  of  the 
Christian  system,  as  if  at  a  spectre;  instead  of  treating  the  doctrines  of  the  cross  >vith  reserve 
and  hesitation,  as  if  afraid  they  should  do  harm ;  he  evidently  gloried  in  them,  and  delighted, 
upon  all  occasions,  to  give  to  them  the  greatest  prominence.  This  spirit  leavens  the  whole 
of  his  writings ;  and  such  is  his  regard  to  the  necessity  of  divine  influence,  and  such  the 
earnestness  of  his  solicitude  that  all  might  be  savedy  that  we  seem  carried  back  to  the  minis- 
trations of  the  apostles  themselves ;  the  energies  of  the  soul  are  called  into  continual 
exercise ;  and  holy  cheerfulness  is  promoted.  Mr.  Henry,  indeed,  was  a  happy  Christian, 
and  aU  his  publications  breathe  the  air  of  heaven.  There  is  impressed  upon  them  a  calm- 
ness, a  vivacity,  a  heart,*  so  strongly  indicative  of  "joy  and  peace  in  believing,"  as  to  form 
a  running  commentary  on  his  own  memorable  declaration,  that — ^*^  a  holy,  heavenly  life,  spent 
in  the  service  of  God,  and  communion  with  him,  is  the  most  pleasant  and  comfortable  life 
any  man  can  live  in  the  world  ;"t  or  on  that  other  striking  assertion — "  I  would  not 
exchange  the  pleasure  of  converse  with  the  Scriptures,  and  divine  things,  for  all  the  delights 
of  the  sons  and  daughters  of  men,  and  the  peculiar  treasures  of  kings  and  princes.''  X 

It  was  this  settled  persuasion,  combined  with  zeal  that  others  might  enjoy  the  same  bless- 
edness, which  so  urged  him  onward  in  his  style  of  writing,  as,  oftentimes,  to  give  an  idea  of 
almost  breathless  haste ;  an  anxiety  for  the  reader's  good,  which  never  seems  to  have  allowed 
him  to  stop  till  all  his  emotions  had  found  utterance.  The  reader  must  be  struck  with  this 
m  his  Recommendation  of  Sdber-mindedness  to  the  Young ;  §  in  his  Improvement  of  the 
Death  of  Mr.  Tallents ;  ||  and,  indeed,  in  all  his  published  labours,  treatises  as  well  as 

As  an  author  Mr.  Henry  is  what  Lord  Bacon  would  pronounce  a  "  full"  writer.  He  takes 
many  things,  after  the  manner  of  Holy  Scripture,  for  granted.    There  are  no  digressions. 

He  never  aims  at  making  a  single  sermon  a  complete  body  of  divinity ;  and  still  less  does 
he  waste  one  page  after  another  in  a  dry  repetition  of  truisms,  which  when  pronounced. are, 
because  of  their  commonness,  as  ill  calculated  to  move  as  to  interest  the  mind.  More  is 
<rfien  implied  by  him  than  expressed ;  and  even  the  most  important  instructions  are  fre- 
quently conveyed  incidentally.  **  Gospel  ordinances,"  he  remarks,  "  in  which  we  deal  much 
im  our  way  to  heaven^  are  very  agreeable  to  all  the  children  of  God."  IT  And  again — "  we 
must  take  up  our  cross,  when  it  lies  in  our  way^  and  bear  it  after  Christ"  **  The  Miscel- 
laneous Writings,  like  the  Exposition,  are  full  of  such  examples.  But  the  most  perfect  and 
continuous  of  them,  occurs  in  the  4th  chai)ter  of  the  Communicant's  Companion,  under  the 
title  of  Helps  for  Self-examination. 

Whatever  oinr  author's  defects  may  be,  they  are  never  important ;  nor  do  his  writings 
sustain  by  them  more  injury  than  a  fine  face  does  by  a  mole.  He  never  oflcnds  by 
Ugotxy,  nor  disgusts  by  mysticism,  nor  wearies  by  feebleness,  nor  puzzles  by  abstruseness. 
Some  persons,  notwithstanding  even  efforts  to  be  intelligible,  and  efforts  to  all  appearance  as 
sbenuously  put  forth  as  was  the  strength  of  certain  mariners  when  rowing  towards  Tarshish, 
are  still  obscure,  and  full  of  oracle-like  uncertainty.     Mr.  Henry,  on  the  contrary,  is  perfectly 

lacid,  and  clear. 

His  diction,  always  expressive,  is  often  felicitous ;  and  though  it  makes  no  pretension 
to  elegance,  is  both  nervous  and  forcible.  His  writings  are  not,  it  is  true,  "  embossed," 
like  Bishop  Taylor's,  "  with  graceful  ornaments ;"  but  ordinary  subjects  are  treated  by  him 
m  an  extraordinary  manner; — an  attainment  Horace  thought  so  difficult    Nothing  can 

•  See  p  1279.  t  P-  283.    Life,  ut  lupra,  p.  76.  t  P.  331. 

f  p.  554.  I  P.  1032.  %  P.  253.  ••  P.  258. 

viii  PREFACE. 

be  more  appropriate  or  instructive  than  his  description  of  his  mother's  wisdom — as  con- 
sisting in  being  "  well  versed  in  Solomon's  proverbs."  *  And — when  he  delineated  "  the 
plea8m*e  of  a  proud  man  in  his  dignities,  and  the  respects  paid  him,  as  Herod,  in  the 
acclamations  of  the  crowd,"  he  represents  it  as  but  affecting  ^^  the  fancy;"  as  ^Wain  gloiy;** 
as  "  but  the  foUy  of  him  that  receives  the  honour,  fed  by  the  folly  of  them  that  give  it :"  t— 
does  he  desen-e  less  regard,  or  is  he  less  accurate,  than  Shakspeare  himself,  in  the  celel»'ated 
catechism  of  Falstaff  ? 

In  definitions,  indeed,  our  author  excelled  greatly.    His  writings  abound  with  them,  and 
they  are  uniformly  distinguished  by  the  best  characteristics ;  they  are  simple,  original,  and 
uncommon.    ^' What  is  heaven,"  he  asks,  ^^but  holiness  in  honour?  grace  crowned  with 
glory  ?":(  ^'  Meditation  is  thought  engaged,  and  thought  inflamed."  §    ^^  Our  love  to  God  in   i 
this  world  is  love  in  motion,  in  heaven  it  will  be  love  at  rest."  || 

His  allusions  and  imagery,  in  like  manner,  always  please,  and  always  edify ;  the  former, 
because  they  are  generally  Scriptural ;  the  latter,  because,  like  the  parables  of  our  Lord,  they 
are  derived  firom  the  most  common  occurrences.  It  is  their  reflection  of  the  images  of  every- 
day life  which  gives  to  them  such  an  inexpressible  charm,  and  an  impression,  also,  upon  the 
memory  so  difficult  to  efface.  Let  his  reference  to  Jacob  and  Boaz  H  be  well  considered  in 
illustration  of  one  of  the  classes  now  under  consideration ;  and  such  instances  as  the  follow- 
ing of  the  others ; — *^  Wisdom  not  only  makes  the  face  to  shine  for  the  present,  but  leaves  a 
good  report  to  succeeding  generations,  like  the  after-beams  of  the  sun  when  he  is  set,  sur- 
rounded with  which  he  lies  down  in  honour."  **  "  The  yoke  of  Christ  is  more  than  easy, 
it  is  sweet  and  gentle ;  not  only  easy  as  a  yoke  is  to  the  neck  when  it  is  so  well  fitted  as  not 
to  hurt  it ;  but  easy  as  a  pillow  is  to  the  head  when  the  head  is  weary  and  sleepy."  ft 

Sometimes  he  produces  a  singular  and  powerful  effect  by  a  peculiar  and  impressive  repe- 
tition  of  a  word.  At  first  sight,  indeed,  the  phrase  may  appear  capricious ;  fi^uently  it 
really  is  so ;  but  if  considered,  it  will,  nevertheless,  be  uniformly  found  to  convey  some  truth 
of  special  moment,  if  not  to  unite  with  some  portion  of  Scripture  worthy  of  supreme 
attention.  For  instance — the  concluding  sentence  of  the  exordium  to  the  fimcral  sermon 
for  his  mother ;  XX  ^^  ^^^  paragraph  of  the  same  discourse ;  §§  and  the  close  of  the 
first  branch  of  the  application  to  the  sermon  entitled — Christ's  Favour  to  Children.|||| 

It  is  remarkable,  that  when  Mr.  Henry  is  ever  so  awakening  his  address  is  always 
attractive.  Though  filled  with  zeal,  he  never  indulges  in  the  awful  style  of  some  ardent  and 
talented  writers,  who,  when  writing  against  evil,  have  so  expressed  themselves  as  to  make  it 
questionable  whether  they  did  not  mistake  pride,  or  maUgnity,  or  passion,  for  Christian 
charity.  Under  a  better  influence  Mr.  Henry  employed — ^plain  and  Scriptural  statements ; 
tender  and  kind  expostulations ;  the  sweetness  of  condescension  and  respect ;  and  no  small 
portion  of  that  "  long  suffering"  M'hich,in  reference  to  one  of  its  brightest  manifestations,  was 
proclaimed  a  pattern  to  subsequent  believers — ^for  guidance  surely,  as  well  as  encourage- 
ment 1[i[  So  that  when  he  makes  the  reader  start,  it  is  not  so  much  by  a  voice  of  terror,  as 
of  solemn  importimity.  If  the  individuals  alluded  to  (and  it  seems  to  have  been  the  case) 
were  provoked  by  human  offences,  like  warring  elephants  by  "  the  blood  of  grapes  and  mul- 
berries," to  Jighty  Mr.  Henry's  heart  was  melted.  The  dishonour  done  to  God,  and  the  im- 
minence of  man's  danger,  affected  Aiwi,  as  they  did  David  when  he  grieved  because  of  trans- 
gression ;  and  David's  Lord,  who,  beholding  Jerusalem,  wept.  It  is  observable,  that  Mn 
Henry  advised  others  to  a  like  course.***  The  truth  is,  he  regarded  the  present  world  in  con- 
nexion with  a  system  of  mediation ;  a  system  which  it  is  the  design  of  the  New  Testament 

•  P.  168.  t  P.  232.        t  P- 16*.  i  P-  365.  ||  P.  267.  %  P.  «57.  ••  P.  167. 

tt  P.  231.  «  P.  167.  i§  P.  174.  Ill)  P.  709.  f  1  1  Tim.  i.  16.  •••  P.  324.  610. 


to  unfold ;  and  of  individual  ministers^  in  proportion  as  they  are  actuated  by  a  genuine  desire 
of  usefulness,  to  exhibit  and  enforce.  Hence,  how  poignant  soever  his  reproofs,  his  very 
tone  and  manner  discover  such  love  to  mankind,  as  forbid  the  supposition  of  even  an 
inclination  to  angry  violence.  In  his  Discourses  against  Profaneness,  where  all  his  hostility 
to  sin  is  consolidated,  there  is  actually  nothing  to  inspire  displeasure  at  his  rebukes.  Nay, 
the  very  titles  of  those  productions  are  enough,  if  prejudice  previously  existed,  to  disarm  it. 
One  is  a  **  Friendly  Admonition — ^to  Drunkards  and  Tipplers ;"  another  a  "  Word  of  Ad- 
rice — ^to  the  Wanton  and  Unclean ;"  the  next  is  a  "  Serious  Address — to  those  who  Profane 
the  Lord^s  Day  ;**  and  the  last,  a  "  Check — ^to  an  Ungovemed  Tongue." 

Mr.  Henry  knew  the  terrors  of  the  Lord,  but,  in  imitation  of  the  great  apostle  of  the  Gen- 
tiles, that  knowledge  was  not  used  for  purposes  of  intimidation.  He  persuaded  men.  He 
aimed,  by  means  of  motives  and  arguments,  at  "  alluring"  sinners  "into  the  ways  of  yns- 
dom  and  holiness."  *  This  was  a  method  of  treatment  to  which  from  childhood  he  had  been 
accustomed ;  his  honoured  parents  constantly  used  it  towards  their  children :  f  and,  suc- 
eessfiilly  pursuing  the  same  course,  his  own  writings  display  a  power  of  insinuation  precisely 
similar  to  that  which  prophecy  and  poetry  have  attributed  to  the  dews  and  the  snow  of 
heaven.  How  singularly  is  this  the  tendency  of  the  Treatise  on  the  Pleasantness  of  Reli- 
gion. That  inestimable  little  work  is  introduced  by  an  allusion  to  a  principle  of  ratiocination 
insisted  upon  by  a  great  name  in  the  Platonic  school,  Dr.  Henry  More ;  and  upon  that  prin- 
ciple Mr.  Henry  proceeded  in  a  train  of  holy  argumentation,  and  with  a  persuasiveness 
vhich  has  never  yet  been  surpassed.  Though  the  treatise  in  question  was  the  last  our  author 
wrote,  it  is  a  sample  of  all  his  other  pubUcations,  and  may  be  fitly  recommended  to  such  as 
tre  unacquainted  with  his  merits  as  the  first  to  be  read. 

Let  it  not  be  inferred,  however,  firom  any  of  the  foregoing  remarks,  that,  because  Mr.  Henry 
never  provoked  hostility,  he  trimmed,  either  in  his  writing,  or  preaching.  Instead  of  with- 
holding any  part  of  God's  counsel  to  please  men,  he  paid  as  Uttle  regard  to  human  prejudice, 
or  human  passions,  when  opposed  to  the  promulgation  of  truth,  as  an  eagle  does  to  flies.  In 
the  discourse  entitled  "  Christianity  no  Sect,"  %  he  has  expressed  himself  fidly  on  this  point, 
as  also  in  one  of  his  ministerial  exhortations ;  §  and  the  works  now  collected  admirably  illus- 
trate and  confirm  those  statements.  He  greatly  disapproved  of  not  giving  to  each  ^^  principle 
of  religion  its  due  weight,  and  each  practice  of  it  its  due  place  and  proportion.*'  ||  He  would 
not  have  "  one  precept  of  the  gospel,  any  more  than  one  table  of  the  law,  dashed  in  pieces."ir 
In  spite,  therefore,  of  cavillers  he  uniformly  combines — ^privileges  with  duties;  and  doc- 
trines with  obligations.  He  equally  recognises  dinne  power,  and  human  agency.  He 
exhibits  the  grace  that  bringeth  salvation ;  but  he  also  maintains,  and  upon  the  same  un- 
erring anthori^,  that  perdition  is  the  firuit  of  sin. 

He  every  where  uses  great  plainness  of  speech ;  an  acquirement  of  singular  importance, 
but  which,  so  fiail  is  human  excellence,  may  easily  degenerate  into  lowness,  if  not  vulgarity. 
Instances  of  that  kind  do,  it  must  be  confessed,  occur  occasionally  in  our  author's  writings ; 
and  lest  the  present  remarks  should  be  considered  as  savouring  of  inordinate  partiality, 
and  lest,  also,  any  person  should  follow  even  Mr.  Henry,  as  an  exemplar,  injudiciously,  one 
instance  shall  be  noticed.  It  occurs  in  the  "  Directions  how  to  Spend  the  Day  with  God." 
— **  We  must  wait  upon  God,**  says  our  author,  "  as  the  holy  angels  do,  who  always  be- 
liold  the  face  of  their  Father,  as  those  who  are  at  his  beck,  and  ready  to  go  upon  the  least 
intimation  of  his  will,  though  but  by  a  wink  of  his  eye,  wherever  he  sends  them.*'  **  It 
cannot,  surety,  admit  of  doubt,  whether  the  words  thus  printed  in  Italics  are  a  blemish  to 
the  passage  or  not.      They  do  detract  firom  its  force  and  dignity.    The  idea  is  actually 

•  P.  2»,  t  P.  171.  t  P.  321.  $  P.  728, 729.  B  P.  230.  %  lb.  ••  P.  443. 


debased  bj  the  homeliness  of  the  illustration ;  and  the  familiarity  of  it  reminds  us  of  the 
lightness,  and  taste  for  punning,  so  assiduously  cultivated  in  the  middle  ages. 

Connected  with  Mr.  Henry's  studied  plainness  of  speech,  must  be  noticed  his  boldness. 
Frequently  that  quality  is  very  striking.  His  exposure  of  transubstantiation  in  the  Comma- 
nicanf  s  Companion ;  *  the  seventh  direction  at  the  close  of  his  Advice  to  the  Wanton  and 
Unclean ;  f  and  the  whole  of  the  sermons  entitled  ^'  Self  Consideration  necessary  to  Self- 
Preservation,*'  X  are  deserving  of  especial  remark  in  this  respect  Astonishment,  indigna- 
tion, inquiry,  antithesis,  and  grave  announcements,  are  so  mingled,  as  to  press  upon  the 
reader  with  a  force  absolutely  overwhelming ;  comparable  only  to  the  fervid  eloquence  of 
Baxter ;  and  best  accounted  for  upon  the.  principle  Mr.  Henry  once  stated  as  a  reason  lot 
earnestness — a  sight  of  death  at  the  backs  of  his  hearers.  § 

For  the  same  reasons,  when  the  exposure  of  error  justified  it,  an  observer  will  perceive 
that  Mr.  Henry  did  not  conceal  even  Uis  natural  facetiousness ;  and  occasionally  it  amounted 
to  direct  satire.  He  is  evidently  so  to  be  understood  when  he  alludes  to  the  '^  cannon**  of  the 
angry ;  ||  when  he  mentions  dragoons  as  the  ^^  booted  apostles '*  of  the  church  of  Rome ;  % 
when  he  adverts  to  children  intended  for  tradesmen  learning  Latin  and  Greek,  with  a  design 
to  forget  it ;  **  and  when,  as  if  determined,  if  possible,  to  cure  an  inclination  to  mysticism, 
he  observes  in  the  Commentary,  (to  which  in  this  edition  of  the  whole  works  one  allusion  may 
be  allowed,)  that  none  should  be  puffed  up  with  a  conceit  of  visions  and  revelations,  since 
*^  even  an  ass  saw  an  angeL'^ff 

A  few  remarks  must  be  offered  upon  our  author's  compositions  in  the  order  in  which,  from 
time  to  time,  they  were  first  published ;  because  a  regard  to  this  will  discover,  to  great  ad- 
vantage, some  of  the  excellences  and  characteristics  of  his  spirit 

The  Tract  on  Schism,  for  example,  his  ^rst  publication,  instead  of  emitting  controversial 
sparks,  displays,  like  all  his  other  works,  the  most  enviable  moderation ;  a  moderation  indica- 
tive of  the  sobriety  and  seriousness  of  a  mind  deeply  impressed,  as  his  certainly  was,  with 
the  presence  and  the  coming  of  Christ  Nothing  can  be  imagined  better  adapted  than  that 
small  pamphlet  to  draw  men  off  firom  the  circumstantials  to  the  essentials  of  religion ;  to 
destroy  a  party  spirit ;  to  promote  Christian  unity  and  love ;  to  put  bigots  to  shame ;  and  to 
explode  superstitious  fancies,  as  absurdities  fraught  with  inexpressible  danger.  And  the 
same  excellent  temper,  it  may  be  remarked  in  passing,  breathes  throughout  his  ^^  Layman^s 
Reason  for  Dissent  ;'*^XX  ^^  Sermon  delivered  by  him  at  the  Opening  of  his  New  Meeting- 
house ;  §§  and,  indeed,  all  his  other  works. 

A  Collection  of  Family  Hymns  followed  the  Tract  on  Schism.  And  these  discover  aa 
impidse  still  more  celestial.  The  avowed  design  of  this  labour  of  love  was  to  '^  help  for- 
ward" the  doing  of  God's  will  "  on  earth,  somewhat  like  as  it  is  done  in  heaven."  |||| 

To  the  Psalms  and  Hymns  succeeded  the  Life  of  his  venerable  and  celebrated  Father.lflF 
A  volume  in  which  he  presented  to  the  reader's  eye  a  ^'  living  epistle  of  Christ ;"  just  such 
an  exemplification  of  the  principles  of  piety  as  he  longed  to  see  imitated.  Who  that  knows 
that  lovely  specimen  of  biography  will  not  admit,  that  the  peaceaUeness  of  its  subject ;  his 
patience ;  his  fireedom  firom  ambition ;  his  entire  deadness  to  the  world ;  and  habitual  aspira- 
tions after  the  heavenly  glory,  are,  in  fact,  a  picture  of  what  imagination  supposes  the  life  of 
an  angel  would  be,  if  one  of  those  supernal  beings  were  permitted  to  tabernacle  for  a  sea- 
son among  men! 

Whether  the  reader  concurs  in  these  views  or  not,  it  will  be  worth  his  while  to  mark  caie- 

•  P.  238.  t  P.  490.  t  P.  519.  $  Life.  p.  63.  ||  P.  286.  f  P.  625. 

••  P.  834.  ft  V.  i.  p.  393.  Nnmb.  22.  «  P.  867.  §§  P.  856.  ||||  P.  705,  706. 

Wt  See  p  I^S24,  of  tbe  preient  volume,  where  it  it  printed  with  the  enlargemeDti  and  illustrations  recently  added. 


fiiDjy  as  he  proceeds,  all  the  remaining  tractates,  and  discourses ;  those,  I  mean,  not  already 
specifically  noticed. 

The  Essay  on  Meekness,  for  instance,  is  eminently  characteristic  of  the  author ;  and  it 
shows,  that  ^ehile  the  endeavours  of  many  writers  seem  to  have  been  directed  to  the  scorch- 
ing up  of  every  vestige  of  Christian  love  ik>m  the  earth,  Mr.  Henry  sought  diligently  '^  to 
promote,  and  to  charm  men"  into  another  temper;  a  frame  of  mind  "conducive  to  the  com- 
fort of  human  life,  the  honour  of  our  holy  religion,  and  the  welfare  and  happiness  of  all 
societies,  civil  and  sacred."  * 

The  Communicant's  Companion  has  no  rival.  All  who  preceded  our  author  in  that 
charming  work;  such  as  Dyke,  (the  title  of  whose  "Worthy  Communicant"  Jeremy 
Taylor  seems  to  have  adopted,)  and  Vines,  and  Doohttle,  and  Shower,  to  mention  no  others, 
appear  immeasurably  below  him.  The  productions  of  those  good  men,  and  they  were  all 
men  of  renown,  had,  it  is  willingly  admitted,  their  individual  excellences.  Some  of  them, 
eqiecially  Mr.  Dyke's  Manual,  (a  book  much  prized  by  Philip  Henry,t)  and  the  Treatise  on 
die  Lord's  Supper  by  Doolittle,  (Mr.  Henry's  tutor,)  were  exceedingly  popular.  But  the 
"Instructions  for  the  right  receiving  of  the  Lord's  Supper"!  evince  to  the  most  careless 
examiner,  such  a  striking  superiority  for  all  the  purposes  of  Christian  edification,  as  to 
foibid  comparison.  When  there  has  been  conceded  to  Dyke  and  Shower  all  the  judicious- 
ness and  good  sense  ;  and  to  Vines  all  the  learning  and  acuteness ;  and  to  DooUttle  all  the 
eamestness  and  simplicity;  and  to  Bishop  Taylor  all  the  elaboration  and  splendour, — ^they  can 
fidily  claim  ;  there  will  be  found  in  Mr.  Henry's  Uttle  book,  such  a  combination  of  attractive 
properties,  in  union  with  a  native  sweetness  of  disposition,  pecuUarly  elicited  by  his  subject, 
as  fully*  to  justify  the  preference  which  so  long,  and  so  wisely,  has  been  given  to  it  by  the 
religions  public. 

The  Catechisms,  again,  though  in  a  state  of  comparative  neglect,  are  treasures  of  divine 
truth.  That  "  in  the  method  of  the  Assembly's"  has  been  styled  by  an  excellent  friend  of 
mine,  who  ranks  deservedly  high  as  a  preacher,  and  a  scholar — ^^  the  ablest  summary  of 
divinity  iq  our  language."  § 

Nor  are  the  other  pieces  of  Mr.  Henry,  his  "  Method  for  Prayer,"  and  his  Sermons,  (chiefly 
delivered,  it  will  be  observed,  on  special  occasions,)  entitled  to  less  praise.  Those  of  them, 
not  to  repeat  such  as  have  been  mentioned,  which  are  designated — "  Directions  for  Daily 
Commmiion  with  God ;"  the  "  Right  Management  of  Friendly  Visits ;"  ||  on  "  Family 
Religion  ;**  and  "  Disputes  Reviewed"  are  deserving  of  peculiar  attention  ;  and  are 
sufficient,  had  their  author  written  nothing  else,  to  have  embalmed  his  name  through  all 
succeeding  generations.  The  admirable  nature  of  the  instructions  he  has  there  embodied ; 
the  way  in  which  true  religion  is  exhibited — as  a  matter  of  principle,  as  a  continual  disci- 
]dine  of  the  heart  and  the  life ;  and  the  skilful  and  impressive  manner  in  which  moral  duties 
lie  connected  with  the  Saviour,  as  their  source,  their  incentive,  and  their  medium,  do  the 
utmost  credit  to  his  understanding,  his  ability,  and  his  zeal. 

In  one  word — ^the  direct  tendettcy  of  all  his  compositions,  those  which  have  been  specifically 
named,  and  those  which  have  been  included  under  a  more  general  reference,  is  unmixedly 
md  uniformly  good.  It  is  to  render  Christianity  attractive;  to  divest  it  of  those  exorbitances 
and  blemishes  by  which,  during  the  lapse  of  ages,  it  has  been  dishonoured;  it  is  to  promote 
idf-knowledge ;  to  draw  men  to  the  Redeemer;  and  to  meeten  believers  for  their  inheritance. 
Thither  he  was  himself  perpetually  looking.  He  does  not,  indeed,  any  where  attempt  a 
Dunnte  descriptioii  of  what  *^  the  eye  hath  not  seen,  nor  the  ear  heard,  nor  the  heart  of  man 

•  P.  26B.  t  P.  14.  t  P.  331.  §  MS.  Uuet. 

I  See,  ai  to  thii.  Dr.  Wilts's  Humble  Attempt.  Works,  y,  4.  p.  616.  oc\. 

xii  PR£FAC£. 

conceived  ;'*  but  he  does  discover  such  a  familiarity  with  that  better  state,  as  to  show  ^^  with 
what  ease/*  like  his  beloved  friend  James  Owen,  he  could  *^  take  leave  of  the  world  as  one  well 
pleased  to  think  of  being  no  more  in  it*'*  The  comforts  of  grace,  which  Christians  often 
experience,  made  Aim  ^*  long  for  heaven  ;''t  and  the  removal  of  other  saints  excited  him, 
by  faith,  hope,  and  holy  devotion,  to  ^^  follow  them  to  the  things  above  ;  on  which  as 
Christians,'*  said  he,  "  we  are  to  set  our  affections.''  J 

It  would  be  no  irksome  task  to  pursue  these  observations  through  all  Air.  Henry's 
writings,  individually ;  so  as  not  only  to  mark  their  chronology,  but  by  suitable  excerpts  to 
make  the  reader  acquainted  with  their  respective  merits ;  but  after  what  has  already  ap- 
peared, §  it  seems  an  indispensable  duty  to  refrain. 

The  broader  lines  of  our  author's  literary  character  and  genius  having,  in  the  work  just 
alluded  to,  been  attempted ;  with  observations,  Ukewise,  upon  his  defects  and  peculiarities ; 
it  will  be  well  if  many  of  the  notices  already  submitted  are  not  deemed  needless ;  or  at  all 
events  an  improper  detention  of  the  reader  from  the  volume.  Since,  however,  this  Preface 
is  perfectly  gratuitous,  originating  in  personal  conviction,  and  contributed  with  a  view  to 
the  obtaining  from  the  public,  if  possible,  renewed  attention  to  the  valuable  remains  thus 
introduced,  the  service,  it  is  hoped,  will  be  readily  borne  with.  And  if  what  is  commend- 
able and  attractive  in  our  author,  should  appear  to  have  been  principally  dwelt  upon,  let  it 
be  remembered  how  much  more  pleasant  it  is  to  dilate  upon  excellences  than  imperfections ; 
upon  that  which  is  worthy  of  regard  and  imitation,  than  of  censure  and  aversion.  Nor  must 
the  remark  be  withheld,  that  Mr.  Henry's  defects,  as  critically  studied,  will  be  found  to  be 
not  only,  what  Dryden  has  so  well  stated  of  some  errors,  ^^  like  stains  flowing  upon  the  sur- 
face," but  so  trivial^  as — ^in  comparison  of  positive  and  numberless  beauties — to  be  umworUiy 
of  notice.  His  constant  endeavour  aft;er  perspicuity  more  than  atones  for  some  ^^  poornesses 
of  expression ;"  and  the  "  infusions  of  sentiment,"  and  "  felicities  of  fancy,"  which  every 
where  abound,  for  inattention  to  critical  exactness  and  laboured  poUsh.  Mr.  Henry  has  fur- 
nished other  emplojrment  than  thinking  upon  words. 

J.  BicKERTON  Williams. 

The  Creteenty  Skrewthury 
December  21,  1829. 

•  P.  746.  t  P.  412  t  P.  757.  §  See  the  Life,  vol.  1.  p.  101,  he. 








Magnum  et  memorabile  nomen.      V  i b o i  l. 
An  exainp1e,-in  word,  in  conversation,  in  charity,  in  spirit,  in  &ith,  in  purity.       St.  Paui. 


BY  J.  B.  WILLIAMS.  F.  S.  A, 


TO    THE    LIFE    OF    PHILIP    HENRY. 

In  pr^enting  to  the  poblic  a  new  edition  of  the 
life  of  that  *'  wiacy  goody  and  truly  wonderful  man, 
Mr.  Philip  Henry/'*  the  editor  cannot  forbear  to 
state,  that  early  and  established  prepossessions  have 
powerfully  concurred  in  its  production. 

The  published  work  has  been  long  distinguished 
by  special  approbation.  Sir  James  Stonhouse 
designated  it  his  '*  favourite  piece  of  biography.''t 
Dr.  Doddridge  *'  often  spoke  of  it  as  affording  him 
much  instruction  and  encouragement.''|  By  another 
writer  it  is  represented,  as  "  one  of  the  most  in- 
stnictiTe  and  interesting  pieces  of  religious  bio- 
graphy ever  written."^  Mr.  Chalmers  pointedly 
notices  '*  the  piety.  Christian  moderation,  and  good 
sense,  which  pervade  the  whole."||  And,  by  a  late 
revered  friend.  Dr.  Edward  Williams,  it  is  ap- 
propriately characterized,  '*  a  beautiful  delineation 
of  primitive  Christianity,  and  the  power  of  godli- 
ness, where  social  religion  and  personal  holiness  are 
<bawn  to  the  life,  and  eminently  manifested ;  where, 
in  a  word,  the  doctrine  of  the  life  of  God  in  the  soul 
of  man,  derives  a  striking  proof,  and  a  venerable 

Judicious  friends  have  repeatedly  suggested  to 
the  writer,  that  existing  manuscripts  might  be  so 

•  Life  of  the  R«T.  T.  RoMwdl,  p.  30.  oct  1718. 

t  Lefttan  hmn  Hie  Rev.  Job  Oritoo,  tnd  Uw  Rer.  Sir  Jtme*  Stoa. 
k«K,  But.  M.  D.  to  tbe  lUv.  TboouM  StcdoHUi,  M.  A.  Vicar  of  St. 
OadX  Shwwbary,  od.  VtfA,  ?oL  S.  p.  300 ;  aod  aee  alto,  rol.  1.  p. 


selected,  and  incorporated  with  the  work,  as  still  to 
increase  the  estimation  of  this  edifying  volume,  and 
have  urged  him  to  undertake  the  service.  The 
materials  in  his  possession,  and  within  his  reach, 
frequently  disposed  him  to  comply.  Of  late,  vari- 
ous occurrences  have  served  to  engage  his  atten- 
tion to  it  more  fixedly,  and  the  supply  of  numerous 
relics  afforded  a  stimulus  to  the  undertaking. 

The  whole  seemed  to  form  a  deposit  so  favourable 
to  the  object,  that,  if  attendant  difficulties  were  not 
insurmountable,  the  obligation  to  publish  was  ren- 
dered imperative. 

Indeed,  had  the  task  been  declined,  might  not  the 
editor  have  incurred  an  imputation  of  selfishness, 
for  improperly  hoarding  treasure  so  calculated  for 
general  usefulness?  These  and  other  considera- 
tions determined  him  to  commence  the  work,  and 
to  proceed  with  it  as  quickly  as  constant  profes- 
sional engagements  would  allow. 

In  the  **  Entire  Collection  of  Mr.  Matthew 
Henry's  Writings,"**  the  Life  of  his  Father  was 

With  this  exception,  the  editor  is  not  aware  of 
any  genuine  edition,  since  the  third,  which  was 
published  in  1712 ;  improved  by  the  author's  final 

t  Uk,  byOrtao,  p-  ^^  •^  ''"*' 

h  2 

I  Eclectic  lUview,  N.  S.  vol.  7.  p.  273. 

I  Gen.  Biof.  Diet.  vol.  17.  p.  361.  by  Alexander  Chalmers,  F.  S.  A. 

IF  Preftce  to  Morrice's  Social  Religion  Exemplified,  p.  xv.  ed. 

••  In  aeveo  volame«,  4to,  1811.  edited  \x%  tbft  R«ii.  G«w^V»x4tx^ 
and  ^  Rev.  Joaeph  Hagbes,  A.  H. 



corrections,*  and  the  addition  of  a  sermon,  preach- 
ed by  himself,  on  the  death  of  his  honoured  mother. 

A  new  and  valuable,  but  abridged,  republication 
appeared  in  1765,  under  the  superintendence  of  the 
Rev.  Job  Orion.  The  copy  which  he  used  on  that 
occasion,t  with  the  alterations  in  his  own  hand, 
being  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Stedman,  through  his 
kindness  an  opportunity  was  afforded  to  the  present 
editor,  of  noticing  the  great  extent  of  the  variations. 
It  was  dedicated, — "  To  the  Descendants  and  other 
Relations  of  Mr.  Philip  Henry ;"  and  in  the  opinion 
there  expressed  roost  readers  will  concur.  ''  I 
esteem  it,"  says  Mr.  Orton,  "  one  of  the  chief  ex- 
cellences of  this  book,  that  it  is,  as  the  author  hints 
in  his  Preface,  the  history  of  a  person  who  roani- 
fested  such  an  eminence  of  piety,  prudence,  humili- 
ty, zeal,  and  moderation,  as  would  have  adorned 
the  highest  station,  and  is  scarcely  to  be  equalled. 
He  is,  therefore,  a  suitable  and  bright  example  to 
persons  of  every  rank,  as  well  as  an  admirable 
model  for  the  ministers  of  the  gospel."  t 

Of  the  second  edition,  §  of  the  original  work,  a 
re-impression  has  lately  been  given  by  a  dignitary 
of  the  established  church,  ||  Dr.  Wordsworth  ;  who, 
in  his  Preface,  has  observed,  that  '*  if  he  could  any 
where  have  found  nonconformity  united  with  more 
Christian  graces  than  in  Philip  Henry,"  the  ex- 
ample should  have  obtained  its  station  in  the  work. 

Various  other  editions,  both  Scotch  and  English, 
more  or  less  inaccurate,  might  be  enumerated,  but 
the  supply  can  furnish  no  reason  for  withholding 
one  more  correct  and  enlarged. 

•  1711.13,  January  23.  I  began  to  read  orer  my  fiither'i  Lifcp,  to 
correct  it  for  the  preaa.    Rev.  Matthew  Henry'a  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

t  The  firat  edition,  1696. 

t  Dedication,  pp.  iv.  v.  See  Mr.  Griffin'a  Sermon  on  "  The  Decline 
of  Religion,**  oct  1813.  p.  68.  Mr.  Henry*a  Life  ia  there  urgently 
recommended  to  roiniatera. 

\  Printed  in  1699. 

R  See  Eccleaiaatical  Biography ;  or  Lirea  of  Eminent  Men  connected 
with  the  Uiatory  of  Religion  in  England,  by  Chriatopher  Wordaworth, 
M.  A.  Dean  and  Rector  of  Booking,  (now  D.  D.  and  Maater  of  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge,)  in  6  Tola.  oct.  1810. 

IT  Id  the  poawaaion  of  Mr.  Witton. 

The  following  notice  of  the  undertaking,  in  a  letter  to  the  Re?.  F. 
Tallenta,  ahowa  the  author'a  anxioua  deaire  of  accuracy : — 

**  Clieater,  Norember  81, 1696. 

*'  If  thia  find  you,  aa  I  truat  it  will,  aomewliat  rerived,  let  it  alao 
acquaint  you  that  1  am  orer-persuaded  royaelf  to  put  together  what 
nMteriala  we  have  of  my  dear  &ther*a  life,  wherein  I  ahall,  aa  well  aa  I 
can,  puraue  the  directiona  you  gave  me ;  when  it  ia  done,  (and  it  ia  not 
yet  begun,)  I  afaall  aubroit  it  to  your  cenaure,  and  deaire  you  to  put  a 
abort  prefoce  liefore  it.  I  purpoae,  in  a  chapter  by  itaelf,  to  give  aome 
very  abort  accounta  of  hia  frienda  and  brethren  in  the  miniatry,  that 
went  to  heaven  before  him,  having  materiala  for  it  out  of  hia  own 

A  minute  detail  of  the  sources  whence  the  new 
materials  have  been  derived  has  been  deemed  un- 
necessary. Nor  has  it  been  thought  expedient  to 
distinguish,  in  every  instance,  the  particular  nature 
of  the  manuscript  resorted  to. 

The  diary,  in  compliance  with  well-established 
custom,  is  uniformly  pointed  out.  A  few  but  im- 
material alterations  have  been  made ;  such  as  occa- 
sional abridgments  and  transpositions,  and  the 
completion  of  here  and  there  'a  sentence.  Some- 
times obsolete  words  or  phrases  have  been  changed 
or  expunged. 

In  general, — "  to  prevent  any  repellent  effect,  it 
was  thought  advisable  to  adopt  the  modem  ortho- 
graphy." In  two  instances,  the  one  a  letter  from 
Lady  Puleston,  the  other  from  Mrs.  Henry,  the 
original  spelling  has  been  retained. 

Being  favoured  with  nearly  the  whole  of  the  Life, 
in  Mr.  Matthew  Henry's  hand-writing, IF  the  editor 
has,  by  collating,  been  enabled  to  make  such  com- 
parisons and  additions  as  to  insure  uniform  accu- 

As  to  the  general  plan,  much  difficulty  was  felt ; 
but  to  have  made  alterations,  or  to  have  done  other- 
wise than  reprint,  would  have  been  to  destroy  the 
charm  which  will  ever  attend  the  volume,  as  a  me- 
morial of  strict  fidelity  and  filial  affection  ;  as  dis- 
tinguished also  by  an  enviable  simplicity,  and  a 
ndivSte  **  of  expression,  in  perfect  unison  with  the 

Objections  may  arise  to  such  large  additions  to 
the  original  volume,  and  it  may  be  feared  that  the 

diary ;  only  I  do  not  remember  that  I  met  with  any  thing  there  < 
cerniog  Mr.  Hilderaham  of  Felton,  who  yet  I  know  waa  hia  great  friend. 
When  you  are  at  leisure,  1  rtult  be  glad  to  have  from  you  two  or  three 
linea  concerning  him,  particularly  hu  age,  and  the  time  of  hia  death; 
and  whether  he  ordered  this  to  be  hia  epitaph,  (aa  1  think  I  have  heard,) 
— '  Here  lyes  S.  H.  Minister  of  Welsh  Felton,*  till  Auguat  34,  1668.*' 
Matthew  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  BriUsh  Muaeum,  fol.  No.  4375.  Pint.  111. 
E.  Bibl.  Birch. 

•«  It  was  not  till  after  tlie  above  paragraph  waa  written,  that  tha 
(ditor  noticed,  in  the  History  of  Disaentera,  by  Meaara.  Bogue  and 
Bennett,  vol.  3.  p.  395.  a  like  atatement  The  Rev.  Maater  of  Trinity 
College  has  adopted  a  different  phraseology.  Ne  aaya  of  the  work  ia 
question,—"  It  abounda  aomewhat  too  largely  in  certain  quaintoeana 
of  expresaion  introduced  into  religioua  aul^ecta,  and  affiKted  by  tha 
puritanical  divines.*'  Eccl.  Biog  v.  6.  p.  109,  ul  aupro.  If  it  ba  bare 
intended  to  insinuate,  that  quaintncaa  of  expression  waa  peeuiiar  to  the 
puritana,  a  query  at  once  preaents  itaelf  aa  to  Biabopa  Latimer,  and 
Andrews,  and  Fell,  the  poet  Herbert,  and  other  eminent  epiacopaliana. 
See  potf,  p.  314. 

Were  lAey  puritanical  divines?  And  waa  Sir  Edward  Coke  of  the 
same  fraternity  ?  Mr.  Justice  Blackstone  saya,  "  The  great  oracle  waa 
fiol  a  lUtU  infected  vUh  quaimtnese.'^  Comment  v.  1.  Introd.  1 3.  p. 
71.  l^h  ed.    The  truth  is,  that,  in  thoae  timea,  to  ad<^t  a  remark 



editor,  tfaroagh  impartiality,  or  for  other  reasons, 
has  been  led  to  introdace  passages  too  unimport- 
ant for  publicity.  He  hopes,  howerer,  to  stand 
acquitted,  at  all  events,  by  those  who  regard  his 
end;  and  that,  on  perusal,  the  book  will  display 
somewhat  of  watchful  caution  for  the  avoidance  of 
such  an  error.  He  does  not  expect,  indeed,  that 
mil  will  approve  either  the  plan  adopted  or  the 
selections  furnished.  It  would  be  difficult,  perhaps 
impossible,  to  arrange,  or  extract  from,  a  mass  of 
theological  effusions,  like  Mr.  Henry's,  so  as  to 
give  universal  satisfaction.  Nothing  is  made  pub- 
lic, it  is  hoped,  which  can  justly  be  deemed  offen- 
sive to  a  discriminating  judgment,  inconsistent 
with  a  due  regard  *  to  the  venerated  writer,  or  pre- 
judicial to  the  interests  of  that  charity  for  which  he 
was  so  deservedly  famed. 

To  suppress  what  appeared  fitted  more  fully  to 
develop  Mr.  Henry's  character,  was  deemed  im- 
proper. And  more  especially  so,  as  it  was  con- 
sidered, that  to  give  prominence  to  his  sentiments 
on  a  variety  of  topics,  would  render  more  exemplary 
and  more  instructive  his  moderation  and  candour; 
virtues  which,  drawn  into  exercise  by  difference  of 
judgment,  impart  gpracefulness  to  the  determin- 
ations of  a  well-regulated  mind,  give  weight  to 
argnnacnt,  and  attraction  to  Christianity. 

Excerpts  of  a  nature  so  devout  and  so  practical 
as  those  ordinarily  introduced,  appear,  it  is  thought, 
with  advantage  in  connexion  with  the  events  of 
their  writer^s  life.  They  illustrate  and  enforce  each 
other.  Letters,  particularly  when  fraught  with 
evangelic  sentiment,  and  adapted  for  ^ew^a/ utility, 
are  usually  much  esteemed,  and  for  biographical 
purposes  are  invaluable. 

Epi«lol«  vitun  ipMiD  horoinb  repneaentant. — ERASMUS. 

Letters,  tlierefore,  constitute  a  large  proportion 
of  the  additions.  For  the  sake  of  more  convenient 
arrangement,  these,  vrith  some  other  enlargements, 
have  been  interwoven  with  the  original  text,  but,  for 
easier  distinction,  are  separated  by  brackets. 

Many  of  the  papers,  thus  exhibited,  being  scat- 
tered when  the  Life  was  originally  written,  were 

probably  unknown  to  Mr.  Henry's  biographer. 
Various  causes,t  too,  which  might  at  that  time 
have  rendered  omissions  prudent,  have  now  ceased 
to  exist.  We  are  happily  removed  to  a  distance 
from  the  irritations  peculiar  to  that  afflicted  era ; — 
a  kindly  feeling  of  brotherly  love,  between  Chris- 
tians of  different  parties,  has  gradually  been  dif- 
fused ; — the  rights  of  conscience  are  more  widely 
recognised,  and  better  understood,  and  an  agree- 
ment to  differ  is  acknowledged  practically,  as  well 
as  in  theory,  to  suit  human  affairs  better  than  the 
prejudices  of  ignorance,  the  penalties  of  legis- 
lative enactments,  or  the  dogmas  of  assumed  infal- 

The  work,  abounding  with  allusions,  required 
references  to  other  compositions,  and,  frequently, 
extracts  from  them.  The  reader  will  perceive,  that 
an  effort  has  been  made  to  supply  illustrations, 
wherever  practicable,  from  manuscripts  hitherto 
unpublished ;  and  that  brevity  has  been  studied 

A  Scriptural  phraseology  characterizes  the  papers 
of  Mr.  Henry,  and  the  Life  now  reprinted.  In 
some  instances  only,  has  it  been  thought  advis- 
able distinctly  to  solicit  the  reader's  attention  to 
such  borrowed  passages.  To  have  done  so  in  all 
cases  was  unnecessary,  and  would  have  been 

There  being  only  one  note  to  the  original  work, 
(see  p.  18.)  it  was  thought  needless  to  apply  any 
mark  of  distinction  to  the  annotations  now  intro- 

The  references,  occurring  in  the  first  edition  of 
the  Funeral  Sermon  for  Mrs.  Henry,  were  placed 
in  the  margin.  The  same  course,  for  distinctness 
sake,  is  followed  on  the  present  occasion. 

If  a  desire  of  accuracy  have  occasionally  led  to 
an  exactness  apparently  trivial,  the  error  may  be 
classed  among  the  few  which  are  harmless,  if  not 

Most  of  the  authors  quoted  were  contemporary 
with  Mr.  Henry,  or  immediately  precedent.  Some 
are  of  a  date  still  more  ancient.  This  arose  partly 
from  necessity,  and  in  part  from  choice.   The  editor. 

■irie  bf  Mr.  Niefaols  in  bw  prefiKe  to  the  improred  edition  of  Fuller'* 
WortlMiorEaglaod,— "  QoAiBtiieawas  tlie  characteriatic  of  almost 
evcrj  vriter  of  Mnincncc.** 

•  See  Mr.  Scotl*»  CoroiiienUry,  Deut  xxx\7.  Practical  ObservatioiM. 
i  8e«  pott,  p.  SS3. 



while  he  admires  modern  elegaDcy,  believes,  with 
an  antiquated  poet,  that, — 

"  Out  of  the  olde  feldet,  as  men  nietb, 
Cometh  all  tliii  oewe  corn,  fro  yere  to  yere ; 

And  oot  of  olde  bookes,  in  good  fiiieth, 
Oonieth  all  thu  newe  science  that  men  lere.*** 

He  is  convinced  also,  that  many  of  the  writings 
thus  noticed,  notwithstanding  their  style,  and  in- 
dependently of  the  clue  they  furnish  to  Mr.  Henry's 
studies,  are  of  peculiar  value. f  This,  he  acknow- 
ledges, has  sometimes  influenced  him  in  these 
citations, — ^that  the  reader  may  be  induced  to  study 
such  compositions  more  at  large.  They  commonly 
receive,  it  is  admitted,  a  quaint  designation, — 
"Old  Dyuynes,"t — as  if,  by  inculcating  a  cere- 
monious reverence,  to  obstruct  intimacy ; — but 
familiarity,  instead  of  producing  its  ordinar}'  elTects, 
will  excite  attachment,  and  perpetuate  esteem.^ 
Inquire  of  the  former  age,  and  prepare  thyself  to  the 
search  of  their  fathers.  For  we  are  but  of  yesterday, 
and  hnow  nothing,  because  our  days  upon  earth  are  a 

It  is  not,  however,  intended  that  the  passages 
so  given,  or  referred  to,  should  be  regarded  as  a 
selection,  either  complete,  or  preclusive.  Quota- 
tions from  the  Fathers,  not  to  mention  almost 
innumerable  later  theologians,  and  others,  unno- 
ticed in  the  following  pages,  would  have  furnished 
notes,  perhaps,  equally  apt  and  useful.  But  the 
design  was  to  avoid  diffusiveness,  and,  by  a  refer- 
ence to  publications  of  comparatively  easy  access, 
to  meet  general  convenience.  The  diligent  admirer 
of  antiquity  ||  will  easily  trace,  in  the  more  remote 
''  lights  of  the  church,"  not  a  few  of  the  sentiments 
and  phrases  here  used,  together  with  many  illus- 
trative parallels,  which,  for  the  reasons  before 
mentioned,  have  been  omitted. 

Nor  do  the  opinions,  thus  expressed,  result  from 

*  Learn.  Chancer*s  Parliament  of  Birds,  rerie  33. 

■f  See  a  Practical  View  of  the  Prevaihng  Religious  Syntem  of  Pro- 
fessed Christians,  by  William  Wilberfbrce,  Ettq.  M.  P.  chap.  vi.  pp. 
379.  383.  Oct.  1707. 

%  The  I>ore  of  Holy  Scripture,  1 540.  oct.  Ames  and  Herbert^s 
Typographical  Antiquities,  by  the  Rev.  T.  F.  Dibdin,  vol.  3  p.  410. 

I  When  a  young  man,  a  little  too  forward,  had,  in  presence  of  many, 
said,  that  he  could  conceive  no  reason,  in  the  reading  of  the  old  au. 
thors,  why  men  should  so  greatly  admire  Uiero ;— "  No  marvel,  in- 
deed, (quoth  Master  Fox,)  for,  if  you  could  conceive  the  reason,  you 
would  then  admire  them  yourself.**  Life  of  Fox,  prefixed  to  the  Mar. 
tjrrologjr,  vol  I.  to),  XOM, 

such  love  to  the  olden  time  as  is  implied  in  the 
perverse  doting^  of  indiscriminate  veneration ;  f 
nor  yet  in  ''  a  critical  desire,"  as  Dr.  Johnson 
expresses  it,  ''to  find  the  faults  of  the  modems, 
and  the  beauties  of  the  ancients."  Non  vetera 
extollimus  recentium  incuriosi.  Such  opinions  can- 
not, therefore,  be  justly  considered  as  disparaging 
to  later  compositions,  particularly  those,  and  they 
are  various,  whose  prominent  features  display 
''  profound  scholarship,  disciplined  and  vigorous 
reason,  masculine  eloquence,  and  genius-breathing 
enchantment"**  Productions  so  exquisitely  or- 
nate render  comparisons  invidious,  and  would 
aggravate  detraction.  The  editor,  because  of  their 
illustrious  eminency,  and  without  seeking  to  lessen 
their  deserved  influence,  aims  only  to  dissuade 
those  who  **  seek  and  intermeddle  with  wisdom," 
from  such  a  regard,  as,  from  its  exclusiveness, 
might  prove  injurious.  Not  only  will  the  neglect 
of  much  **  fruitful  erudition  "  be  thus  effectually 
prevented,  but,  in  the  assiduous  use  of  means  so 
excellent,  a  kindly  impulse  will  be  given  to  the 
whole  process  of  edification  ; — 

"  For,  though  old  wrytynges  apere  to  be  rude ; 
Yet,  notwithstandynge,  they  do  include 
The  py  the  of  a  matter  most  fructuously."  tf 

It  furnishes  an  opportunity  for  congratulation, 
too  congenial  to  be  omitted,  that,  at  a  time  when 
the  capabilities  of  the  English  tongue,  for  elegant 
combination,  have  been  so  signally  manifested,  and 
so  many  invaluable  productions  have  raised  our 
national  literature  to  an  unprecedented  elevation, 
sufficient  encouragement  should  have  been  afforded 
to  the  enterprising  spirit  of  typography,  not  only  to 
reprint  the  remains  of  many  early  Reformers,  and 
other  Protestant  Divines,  but  to  give  to  the  volumi- 
nous labours  of  Archbishop  Leighton ;  Bishops  Hall, 
Hopkins,  Taylor,  and  Beveridge ;  Doctors  Light- 

!!  Blessed  be  God,  for  the  monuments  of  antiquity,  and  the  primitive 
church.    Matthew  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

*T  See  Caryl  on  Job,  v.  i.  p.  705.  fol.  1676.  And,  Baxter*s  Practical 
Workx,  vol.  V.  p.  566.  oct  ed. 

**  Eany  on  Popular  Ignorance,  by  John  Foster,  p.  8D.  2d  edit  See 
Dr.  Parr's  Spital  Sermon,  pp.  63,  64.  4to,  1801.  Sonoe  curious  remarks 
upon  ••  bokes,"  and  their  *'  stile,**  occur  in  "  Nicholas  Udall*s  Prefcoe 
to  the  Translation  of  the  Paraphrase  of  Erasmus  upon  Luke,"  the  three 
last  pages,  fol.  1548. 

H  Ames*s  Typographical  Antiquities,  by  Herbert,  voL  3.  p.  1756. 



oot,  Barrow,  Owen,  Watts,  and  Doddridge ;  John 
ilowe,  Chamock,  Baxter,  Matthew  Henry,  and 
President  Edwards,  permanent  external  respecta- 
bility. The  omen  is  fayoarable ;  and  the  impulse, 
it  }B  hoped,  will  not  become  extinct,  nor  even 

Bat  while  so  mach  in  the  sig^s  of  the  times  is 
calculated  to  cheer,  by  a  conviction  of  increasing 
intelligence    and    liberality,   there    sdll    remains 
enough  to  render  too  apposite,  in  a  spirit  of  mild 
seooomiodation,  the  caustic  remark  of  Milton ; — 
*'  Things  of  highest  praise  and  imitation,  under  a 
right  name,  are  mis-called,  to  make  them  infamous 
tnd  hateful."  *     To  those  who  follow  the  things 
ftkiek  mmke  for  peaety  it  cannot  be  otherwise  than 
grievous  that  such  an  attestation  is  not  exclusively 
applicable  to  those  times  of  perilous  disquietude 
wbich  prompted  the  complaint.    And  still  more  so, 
tbt  of  late  especially,  and  among  the  literati  too, 
tke  originating  cause  of  that  complaint  should  have 
fomished   new  evidence   of  undecaying    vigour. 
I^re  needs,  but  a  slight  acquaintance  with  the  re- 
>oblic  of  letters,  and  particularly  the  history  and 
(iography  of  the  last  thirty  years,  both  original  and 
dited,  to  notice  many  confirmatory  instances  ;  in- 
tances  which  would  have  warranted,  in  the  follow- 
ng  annotations,  a  system  widely  different  from  that 
mrsued.     How  much  might  be  adduced, — to  hold 
M)  inquest  upon  moti^res, — which  is  adapted  to  pro- 
ince  party-prejudice,   and  antichristian    temper! 
Has  not  the  power  of  truth,  by  zeal  for  preferences, 
iBcrely  secular  or  ritual,  been  lamentably  obstructed, 
and  the  censures  of  deists  thus  disgracefully  coun- 
tenanced ?  Has  not  godliness  itself  been  so  misre- 
presented and  caricatured,  iby  attacks  upon  puri- 
tans, nonconformists,  and  Calvinists,  and  so  identi- 
fied with  alleged  imbecility  or  extravagance,  as  to 
inspire,  in  not  a  few  caries,  contempt  and  aversion  ? 
How  irrational,  to  say  the  least,  is  such  a  course ! 
As  if  the  exhortations  to  love  and  good-will,  which 
abound  in  the  sacred  oracles,  and  which  are  en- 
forced by  tremendous  sanctions,  were  to  be  mea- 
lured  by  human  fancy  ;  as  if  they  respected  only 
tbose  whose    thoughts    run   harmoniously    about 

*  Tbc  AMwer  to  Eikoo  Builike.  Miltoo*s  Prose  Works,  toI.  3.  p. 

f  Mr.  Doracj^e  Acroont  of  the  Her.  Joarph  Caryl.  DWiDe  Cod. 
iH&phtkRM,  p.  M4,  dnod.  lOM. 

X  la  Middlcton**  Bioc.  Em.  toI.  hr.  p.  ?&  oct.  1786. 

trifles,  who  congregate  as  one  party,  or  rally  under 
one  visible  standard !  Not  more  incongruous  would 
be  the  assertion, — that  the  cause  of  truth  is  best 
promoted  by  ignorance  and  error ;  or,  that  the  en- 
mity against  God,  (including  his  image,  as  impress- 
ed upon  the  saints,)  which  constitutes  a  carnal 
mind,  would  be  most  effectually  counteracted  by 
the  infusions  of  hatred,  the  "  moroseness  of  bigotry," 
and  the  workings  of  bitter  disaffection. 

For  the  better  avoidance  of  evils,  like  these  re- 
ferred to,  the  original  design  of  the  Life,  the  ele- 
vated spirit  of  Catholicism  which  it  breathes,  and 
the  sweet  fragrancy  f  which  is  uniformly  associated 
with  Mr.  Henry's  name,  have  been  kept  habitually 
in  view. 

The  animadversions  on  some  of  Dr.  Words- 
worth's statements  will  appear  to  the  reader,  it  is 
believed,  in  nowise  inconsistent  with  this  pro- 
fession. Siqcerely  regretting  the  existence  of 
those  statements,  the  writer  would  have  passed 
them  by,  had  it  been  warranted  by  a  conviction 
of  their  accaracyi  or  been  consistent  with  official 

It  is  hoped  that  the  introduction  of  the  fac-timiles 
and  portraits  will  be  deemed  an  improvement.  Mrs. 
Henry's  picture  has  not  before  been  engraved.  The 
print  conveys  the  exact  expression. 

The  engraving  of  Mr.  Henry,  by  White,  prefixed 
to  the  early  editions  of  the  Life,  is  a  performance 
but  ill  evincing  the  justness  of  the  character  usually 
given  of  that  once  popular  artist.  Nor  can  any 
thing  better  be  said  of  a  subsequent  attempt  by 
Trotter. t  A  comparison  of  the  three  engravings, 
which  are  from  the  same  painting,^  will  demon- 
strate the  superiority  of  the  one  now  published. 

The  late  Mrs.  Brett,  of  West  Bromwich,  informed 
the  editor,  that  Mrs.  Savage,  her  near  relation,  and 
the  eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  Henry,  pronounced  the 
representation  in  the  painting  good,  but  rather  too 

"  Hit  eye  was  raeek  and  gentle ;  and  a  imile 
Play'd  on  lii«  lipii ;  and  in  his  apeech  wan  heard 
Paternal  sweetnen,  dii^iityi  aud  Iove."R 

To  Nicholas  Ashton,  of  Woolton  Hall,  in  the 

)  Thus  dated,  **  Ann.  et.  SO,  Aug  34, 1691."  The  portrait  illontrat. 
ing  Mr.  Ortoo  s  Abridgment  of  the  Life,  fU  nqtra,  is  a  memorial  of 
younger  daya. 

I  Cowper's  Task,  btwk  ii. 


coanty  of  Lancaster,  Esq.,  acknowledgments  are 
due,  and  are  thus  publicly  offered,  for  the  contribu- 
tion of  the  picture  from  which  Mr.  Henry's  por- 
trait, introduced  into  this  volume,  was  taken,  and 
of  which  it  is  a  faithful  resemblance. 

For  permission  to  copy  the  painting  of  Mrs. 
Henry,  and  also  for  the  communication  of  the  bap- 
tismal covenant,  from  which  the/ae-«tmt^  has  most 
accurately  been  made,  as  well  as  for  various  useful 
manuscripts,  thanks  are  respectfully  tendered  to 
P.  H.  Witton,  Esq.,  of  the  Ravenhurst,  near  Bir- 
mingham, a  lineal  descendant  of  Mr.  Henry,  whose 
name  he  bears. 

The  manuscript  diaries  used  on  this  occasion,  in 
addition  to  that  which  is  possessed  by  the  editor, 
were  kindly  furnished  by  his  much  respected 
friend,  Joseph  Lee,  Esq.,  Redbrook,  near  Broad 
Oak  ;  also,  by  Miss  Bunnell,  (now  Mrs.  Lewis,) 
London  ;  Mrs.  Osbom,  Worcester  ;  and,  through 
the  friendly  application  of  the  Rev.  J.  Robertson, 
of  Stretton-under-Fosse,  by  Mrs.  Bunting,  Sprat- 
ton.  To  all  of  whom  the  editor  begs  to  express  his 
grateful  sense  of  their  politeness  and  liberality. 

The  editor's  excellent  friend,  the  Rev.  Dr.  Raffles, 
of  Liverpool,  is  entitled  to  particular  remembrance, 
not  only  for  the  loan  of  manuscripts,  but  also  for 
much  personal  trouble. 

To  the  Rev.  Thomas  Stedman,  and  Thomas 
Weaver,  Shrewsbury ;  J.  Grundy,  Leicester ;  James 
Payne,  Ipswich  ;  J.  £.  Good,  Salisbury ;  and  John 
Pearce,  Wrexham ; — also,  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bunnell, 
Islington,  London;  Mrs.  Kenrick,  Wynne  Hall, 
near  Wrexham ;  Miss  Hunt,  Exeter ;  Joshua  Wil- 
son, Esq.,  Highbury  Place,  Islington,  London ; 
Joseph  Lee,  junior,  Esq.  Redbrook  Farm,  near 
Broad  Oak ;  Mr.  Lewin,  Shrewsbury  ;  Mr.  Lewis, 
Wrexham  ;  and  Mr.  W.  Cook,  Liverpool ;  the 
editor  is  likewise  much  indebted  for  the  liberal 
communication  of  manuscripts. 

Mr.  Matthew  Henry's  sermon  on  the  death  of 
his  father  is  now  first  published  from  an  authentic 
transcript,  obligingly  communicated  by  Mr.  Sted- 

To  the  learned  and  Rev.  S.  Butler,  D.  D.  Arch- 
deacon of  Derby  ;    and   also  to  the    Rev.  Mr. 

•  See  ante,  p.  xr. 

i  See  Dr.  Doddridge*!  Wofk%  toL  4.  p.  901,  Ice.  oct.  1802. 

Archdeacon  Owen,  and  the  Rev.  J.  B.  Blakeway, 
the  elegant  historians  of  Shrewsbury,  the  editor's 
obligations  have  been  increased,  in  connexion 
with  the  present  undertaking,  by  frequent  in- 
formation, as  well  as  by  friendly  communications, 
at  all  times,  from  their  curious  and  valuable  librap 

Nor,  in  this  reference  to  the  editor's  obligations, 
can  he  content  himself  to  omit  his  esteemed  friend, 
Mr.  Chalmers.*  He  is  entitled  to  special  acknow- 
ledgments for  repeated  attentions,  which,  bestowed 
in  the  midst  of  laborious  avocations,  became 
doubly  obliging. 

Should  the  engagement  result  in  the  con^ction 
of  but  one  fatal  error, — ^should  it  promote  the 
establishment  of  only  one  sincere  Christian, — 
should  it  assist  in  estimating  the  importance,  reality, 
and  necessary  effects  of  primitive  piety, — should 
it  aid  in  a  correct  judgment  of  the  principles  of  the 
nonconformists,t  and  evince  that  there  is  no  '^  con- 
nexion between  dissent  and  fanaticism^'  any  more 
than  between  Christianity  and  imposture, — should 
it,  therefore,  tend  to  bury  unjust  censures,  and  dis- 
play, with  additional  clearness,  that  friendship  te 
monarchy,  loyalty  to  the  king,  and  attachment  to 
the  English  constitution,  are  perfectly  compatible 
with  separation  from  an  ecclesiastical  establish- 
ment,— should  it,  especially,  be  the  means  of  pro- 
moting ''  living,  powerful  religion,"  which  ever 
disdains  the  limits  of  a  party, — the  editor  will  re- 
gard apology  as  misplaced,  his  object  will  be  hap- 
pily attained,  and  his  toil  delightfully  rewarded; 
nor  will  he  regret  having  devoted  to  the  under- 
taking, hours  which  were  redeemed  from  morning 
slumbers,  or  stolen  from  the  vacancies  of  leisure.^ 

The  writer  cannot  dismiss  these  prefatory  re- 
marks, without  trespassing  upon  the  reader's  pa- 
tience, by  a  few  hints  in  refSrence,more  particularly, 
to  the  due  improvement  of  biographical  composi- 
tions. Mr.  Henry's  character  will,  thereby,  be 
somewhat  illustrated,  his  predilection  for  such 
writings  §  explained,  and  similar  attachments,  it 
may  be,  excited.  It  is  in  the  use  of  means  that 
divine  influence,  so  essential  to  the  vigour  and  very 
existence  of  spiritual  life,  is  to  be  expected ;  and 

t  See  Lord  Bacon,  oo  the  Adyuiceinent  of  LearniDg,  p.  10.  4to, 
)  See  the  Ltfe»  pott,  p.  197. 



M  increasing  recognition  of  that  inflaence,  with 
mest  desires  for  its  possession,  stands  in  near 
ifaity  to  the  proper  observation  of  its  effects. 

So  great  and  so  obvious  are  the  attractions  of 
liography,  when  brought  efficiently  to  bear  upon 
iciional  history  and  individual  excellence ;  and  so 
decidedly  is  the  meed  of  public  approbation  be- 
itoved  upon  it,  that  to  explain  at  large,  why  the 
fires  of  wise  and  good  men  ought  to  be  perused 
■d  esteemed ;  or  to  inquire  haw  it  is  that  they  are, 
k  fact,  daily  read  with  profit  and  delight,  would 
h  a  soperfluous  discussion.  It  will  suffice  to  re- 
Mrk,  of  Christian  memoirs  generally,  with  an 
appeal  for  confirmation  to  the  present  volume, — 
ftttk,  by  illuminating  the  judgment,  by  enriching 
te  sKmory,  by  elevating  the  affections,  by  demon- 
inting  that  eminent  religious  acquirements  are 
Munable,  such  memorials  conduce,  in  a  very 
kigh  degree,  to  the  best  interests  of  man.*  Reg^- 
kting  the  love  of  incident,  and  stimulating  to 
Indable  emulation,  they  are  adapted  to  give  to 
ftoeghtf al  habits  a  correct  tendency,  and  inquiries, 
II  the  narrative  proceeds,  instead  of  being  insti- 
tiled  for  the  gratification  of  curiosity,  are  asso- 
cialed  with  self-observance  and  self-improvement.f 
Wheaee,  asks  the  awakened  intellect,  this  compa- 
latiTe  indifference  (as  in  the  case  of  Mr.  Henry)  to 
al  things  earthly,  in  the  midst  of  their  diligent  use 
•■d  happiest  enjoyment?  Wherefore  an  ardour  in 
tbt  service  of  Jehovah  so  vigorous  and  unabating  ? 
By  what  process  has  subjection  to  his  appointments, 
enlightened,  and  uniform,  and  acquiescent, 
attained  ?  Whence  can  be  derived  peace  so 
hsiy,  oprightness  so  inflexible  ?  Whence  springs, 
what  nourishes,  compassion  towards  transgres- 
and  affection  even  for  enemies,  so  tender,  and 
IS  sincere! 

To  soch  queries  Christianity  alone  can  furnish  a 
sttisfactoiy  reply.  In  accordance  with  the  inspired 
Intimooy ,  a  life  of  faith  may  thus  luminously  be 

•  It  40ih  ■■  good  to  md  Mid  hnr  Mch  troe,  holy,  tod  mpproTed 
talanMk  wmmamtutM,  oratioiM,  epUtlct,  and  letter*,  m  do  aet  forth  uoto 
■I  Ike  Uk»d  belMTioar  of  God's  dear  ■erraota.  Biihop  Coverdale's 
liiiiB,  prciaed  to  bia  Letten of  the  Martyrs ;  reprinted  in  '* The 
hlfam  of  the  Eofliih  Chorch."  vol.  4.  p.  ix.  oct  1800. 

♦  See  Ifr.  Ortoa't  PrrfiMW  to  his  Memoirs  of  Dr.  Doddridge,  p.  riL 
tf  mi^rm.  **  One  page  of  Philip  Henry's  Life,"  obeenres  an  eminent 
PMneber  of  Ow  present  day,  **  makes  me  Uoah  more  than  all  the  folios 
tf  IMS  SM  liittheVs  retrkm  ExpoaUioB."    The  Re?.  J.  A.  Jameiri 

demonstrated  to  be  the  path  of  the  just,  the  prin- 
ciple of  spiritual  animation,  and  all  real  virtue. 
By  that  sublime  grace, — significantly  designated  the 
evidence  of  things  not  seen, — it  was,  that  the  admir- 
ed subject  of  the  ensuing  portraiture,  beholding 
Aim  who  is  invisible,  connected  all  his  actions,  and 
all  his  thoughts,  with  eternity  and  with  God.t 

The  subject  thus  exhibited,  is  both  directive  §  and 
animating.  Mr.  Henry's  biographer,  indeed,  has 
more  than  once  given  to  the  idea  due  prominence. 
Nor  is  it  too  much  to  affirm,  that  the  volume,  un- 
folding, with  enviable  attractiveness,  the  one  thing 
needful,  and  the  fruits  of  early  instruction,  so  dis- 
covers the  happy  consequences  of  fervent  piety 
and  enlightened  decision,  as  to  instruct  the  inquir- 
ing, to  cheer  the  timid,  to  invigorate  the  feeble, 
and  to  fill  vrith  joy  the  cup  of  the  desponding. 
While  it  illustrates  the  Christian  warfare,  and 
shows,  that  high  attainments  in  holiness  furnish  no 
exemption  from  the  ordinary  calamities  of  life,  it 
inculcates  the  pleasantness  of  religion,  and  teaches 
all  who  tread  her  paths,  instead  of  encouraging 
doubts,  or  yielding  to  despondency,  to  look  con- 
stantly to  the  Saviour,  as  the  centre  and  medium  of 
revealed  mercy,  and  as  nuide  of  God,  to  all  believers, 
wisdom  and  righteousness,  sanctijication  and  redemp- 
tion. Not  only  vrill  the  plants  of  righteousness,  un- 
der such  influence,  bud  and  blossom,  as  did  the  rod 
of  Aaron,  but  they  will  bear,  in  gladdening  abun- 
dance, those  fruits  of  peace,  which,  like  the  leaves 
of  the  tree  of  life,  are  intended  for  the  healing  of 

The  editor  feels  it  unnecessary  to  indulge  in 
eulogy  upon  the  illustrious  character  delineated  in 
the  following  pages  ;  or  to  point  out  the  light  which 
they  cast  over  the  history  of  Britain,  civil  and  eccle- 
siastical ;  nor  has  he  a  desire  to  animadvert  upon 
the  persecuting  spirit  of  the  times, — a  spirit,  which, 
notwithstanding  its  hostile  and  provoking  tenden- 
cies, seemed,  in  the  case  of  Mr.  Henry,  and  of 

Addrea  at  his  Brother's  Ordination,  appended  to  the  Church  Member's 
Guide,  p.  831. 

t  There  is  a  God.  There  is  a  judgment  to  come.  Were  these 
two  firmly  believed,  what  a  change  would  it  make !  Philip  Henry, 
Orig.  MS. 

)  See  Mr.  Baxter's  Remarks,  prefixed  to  the  Life  of  the  Rev.  Joseph 
Alleine,  duod.  1678.  Introd.  p.  4.  And,  also,  Mr.  Wilberforce's  Prac. 
tical  View,  di.  vU.  1 11.  pp.  465,  467,  «l  ntpra. 



many  others,  to  elicit  and  nerve  the  sublimest  vir- 
tues. Yet  he  cannot  forbear  to  reiterate  the  remark 
of  Mr.  Jay, — "  Who,  without  sentiments  of  love 
and  veneration,  can  think  of  Philip  Henry  V**  If 
Ennius  was  justly  commended  by  Cicero,  for  having 
bestowed  lofty  epithets  upon  poets,  because  of  their 
peculiar  gifts,  a  like  course,  in  the  present  instance, 
would,  for  similar  and  more  powerful  reasons,  have 
been  defensible  ;  for,  undoubtedly,  Mr,  Henry  was 
**  one  of  the  most  pious  and  excellent  men  of  the 
age  in  which  he  lived,  or  any  other/' f  At  the 
same  time,  let  it  not  be  inferred,  that  he  constituted 
an  anomaly  in  the  records  of  the  new  creation. 
Although  he  is  even  *'  believed  by  many,  to  have 
come  as  near  the  pattern  of  the  apostles,  and  the 
first  ministers  of  the  Christian  church,  as  any  that, 
to  this  day,  have  succeeded  them ;"  |  and  although 
it  deserves  acknowledgment,  to  the  glory  of  God, 
that  no  public  blot  defaces  the  accurate  delineation 
here  exhibited,  enough  of  the  **  stain  of  human 
frailtie"  is  visible,  to  show  that  he  was  AtiiiMn,  and, 
therefore,  to  prevent  ''  esteem  above  that  which 

Connected  with,  and  perhaps  in  proportion  to, 
such  impressions,  the  work  of  praise  to  God,  a  duty 
always  incumbent,  will  not  be  overlooked.  The 
eye  of  the  mind,  instead  of  resting  upon  the  picture, 
how  beauteous  soever,  will  ascend  to  the  Eternal 
Benefactor, II  in  devout  adoration  of  his  mercy,  and 
the  triumphs  of  his  grace.  Love  to  the  brethren  is 
an  affection,  neither  sordid  nor  imbecile :  while 
ministering,  with  obedient  assiduity,  to  the  house- 
hold of  faithf  it  rises,  instinctively,  to  the  ever- 
blessed  Jehovah ;  by  whose  power  the  new  nature 
•  is,  in  every  instance,  produced,  and  into  whose 
image  the  indispensable  transformation  is  invari- 
ably effected.  When,  therefore,  that  sacred  reno- 
vation, which  forms  the  attractive  cause  of  Christian 
love,  has  been  perfected^  though  by  the  violence  of 
death,  the  expectants  of  similar  dignity,  instead  of 
occasioning,  by  inferior  considerations,  a  suspen- 
sion of  the  principle,  should  indtdge  in  lively  gra- 

*  Mcmoirf  of  Mra.  Savage,  Mr.  Henry*!  eldest  daughter.    Pre&ce, 
p.  1. 
f  Dr.  Rktiarda**  Welsh  Noncoaformitts*  Mem.  p.  360. 
%  The  New  Spiritual  Magazine,  1783,  vol.  I.  p.  63. 
)  Hooker**  Eccl.  Pol.  Pref.  1 4.  fbl.  166S. 

titude,  and  the  anticipation  of  a  more  endeariii| 
friendship.    Shall  the  entrance  of  the  heirs  of  GW 
upon  their  unfading  kingdom,  occasion  only  heavaii§  ^ 
acclamations  ?    Shall  it  excite  on  earth  no  delight;  ; 
inspire  no  *<  hymn  of  laud,  no  solemn  canticle!''  | 
Shall  not  hope  restrain  sorrow,  and  faith  exilt  i 
over  the  vanquished  grave?    When  Mrs.  Heuy 
was  bereaved  of  her  venerated  husband,  she  ex- 
pressed her  thankfulness  that  she  had  him  so  long; 
and  that  she  had  the  prospect  of  being  eteiiiany 
with  him  in  glory .11 

It  cannot  escape  remark,  that  those  associafioot 
with  eternity,  which,  by  a  moral  necessity,  attend 
written   lives,  gain,   in  a  case  like  the  presotit, 
special  ascendency:  they  seize  the  mind  with  a 
firm  grasp,  and,  if  duly  cherished,  disentangle  it 
from   the  world.      Having  traced  the  earthly  ao- 
joumings  of  the  heaven-bound  traveller,  and  wit- 
nessed the  increasing  development  of  principlef» 
as  unvarying  as  they  are  immortal,  every  advance 
towards  the  '*  final  hour''  occasions  new  and  refined 
excitements.    At  length   placed,  in  imagination, 
upon  the  brink  of  that  river  which  ''  has  no  bridge," 
we  gaze  upon  the  pilgrim  as  he  draws  nigh  to  th6 
water,  and  listen  to  his  parting  salutation  ;  ai  the 
billows  rise  and  swell  around  him,  every  thing  irre- 
levant and  unhallowed  is  absorbed  in  personal 
interest ;  the  '*  reign  of  stillness''  commences,  and 
other  cares,  and  other  thoughts,  save  those  of  future 
and  interminable  existence,  are  silenced  and  sup- 

How  singularly,  how  deeply,  interesting**  the 
communications  of  an  expiring  believer !  The  at- 
tention is  arrested,  nay,  awed,  by  reflecting,  that 
the  chief  result  of  vigilant  observation  is  then  im- 
parted,— ^in  the  immediate  prospect  of  eternity. 
Mr.  Henry,  consciously  unable  to  recapitulate  his 
history,  or  to  detail  his  enjoyments,  or  to  dispense, 
minutely,  his  counsels,  and  in  haste  to  enter  upon 
the  "  blessedness  of  the  righteous,"  gave  utterance, 
with  a  rapidity  peculiarly  striking,  to  the  one  main 
sentiment  of  his  soul.    Follow  peace  and  holiness. 

I  See  ReeTea*t  Apologies  of  Juttin  Martyr,  fcc.  toL  S.  p.  35.  oct 
1709 :  alao,  pott,  p.  173. 

IT  See  po9t,  p.  120. 

••  Sonoe  remarks  on  this  subject,  with  more  paKicalar  refereoce  to 
the  latest  revelations  of  Jesus,  introduce  Bishop  Heber's  Lectures  on 
the  Personality  and  Office  of  the  Christian  Comforter,  pp.  1—4. 



was  the  instmctiTe  exhortation.  The  acceDts,  now 
that  the  spirit  has  long  fled  to  celestial  occupations, 
seem  to  linger  apon  the  fancy ;  the  last  flashings  of 
the  fire  ethereal  are  yet  seen  through  the  lengthened 
distance,  and  each  word,  at  all  times  valaahle, 
becomes,  hy  no  violent  metamorphosis,  a  pearl 
iBdeed,^-deriying  an  additional  lastre  from  the 
deepened  shadowings  of  the  "  vale  of  death,''  the 
use  of  sacceeding  generations,  and  the  hope  of  that 
utold  felicity,  which  will  consist  in  their  fullest 
exemplification,  and  ever-brightening  splendour. 

The  disregard,  or  non-improvement,  of  an  event 
»  momentous  as  the  soul's  transition  to  unknown 
regions,   involves  deplorable  indifference,    if  not 
itapidity,  comparable  only  to  that  of  the  Egyptian 
Bonarcb,  or  the  very  auditors  of  Zechariah :  con- 
eeining  the  latter  of  whom,  it  is  affirmed,  to  their 
perpetual  reproach,  that  they  made  their  hearts  as 
a  ademumt  stone.    It  should  always  be  remembered, 
that  death,  in  the  case  of  every  human  being,  is  so 
inevitably  certain,  as  to  render,  when  the  appointed 
season  shall  arrive,  every  plea,  whether  for  exemp- 
tion or  postponement,  fruitless.    No  man  hath  power 
in  the  day  of  death:  there  is  no  discharge  in  that 
war.    And  an  apostle,  as  if  to  force  onward  the 
thoughts  with   an    impetuous    ardour,   urges  the 
solemn  warning, —  We  must  all  appear  before  the 
J9ufyment-seat  of  Christ. 

When  man's  probationary  existence,  its  termi- 
nation, and  the  altered,  but  endless  mode  of  being 
which  then  commences,  are  thus  contemplated,  not 
only  is  biography  suitably  improved,  but  the  pro- 
cfaunation,  that — time  shall  he  no  longer— once  to  be 
heard  from  the  apocalyptic  angel, — will  fill  the 
mind,  and  chase  to  a  distance,  with  irresistible 
aothority,  all  terrestrial  attractions.  Visions  of 
eternity,  succeeding  in  awful  progression,  and  un- 
4efinable  grandeur,  obliterate  those  ''  characters  of 
divinity  which  men  set  upon  absurdities,  and 
errors;''*  sweep  away,  as  with  hail,  every  refuge 
•f  liesf  and  exalt  the  reUgion  of  the  Bible  to  her 
rightful  pre-eminence.  The  glorified  Saviour,  as  a 
prevailing  intercessor, — as  the  vanquisher  of  un- 

*  See  Locke**  Eamj  eoocerning  Human  UodenUoding,  ch.  ill.  |  2Al 

t  Sec  the  Life,  po&t.  p-  1S7.    The  oamet  of  the  aocieot  father*  should 

be  feiy  preciona  with  a*»  so^  ^^  remains  of  their  live*  and  labours ; 

the  frit  Rcfimner*  in  our  own  land,  in  otlier  lands;  the  good  old 

pQritans;  tbom  bubMm*  and  Christians  who  have  been  eminent  in 

seen  foes, — as  still  effiecting  the  work  of  ''  redeem- 
ing mediation,"  is  beheld  in  the  bright  effulgence  of 
uncreated  divinity,  and  is  invested,  as  the  Lamb 
that  was  slain,  with  loveliness  inexpressibly  cap- 
tivating. Employed  in  such  meditations,  the 
Christian  participates  in  the  grateful  admiration 
and  vehement  aspirings  of  Stephen,  when,  full  of 
the  Holy  Ghost  J  he  saw  Jesus  standing  on  the  right 
hand  of  God;  and,  mingling  astonishment  with 
triumph,  uttered  the  memorable  invocation, — Lord 
Jesus,  receive  my  spirit ! 

These  views  of  the  subject,  while  they  prevent 
our  wonder  at  the  multiplicity  of  Scripture  narra- 
tives, and  account  satisfactorily  for  the  interest 
Mr.  Henry  took  ''  in  the  lives,  actions,  and  sayings 
of  eminent  men,"t  discover  also  to  the  reflective 
and  pious  mind  their  legitimate  effect.  Nor  can  it 
escape  notice,  that  the  chief  est  of  the  apostles,  when 
closing  the  early  records  of  faith,  has  consolidated, 
in  one  unexampled  address,  and  as  a  deduction 
from  the  whole,  sentiments  the  most  noble  and 
sublime : — Seeing  we  also  are  compassed  about  with 
so  great  a  cloud  of  witnesses,  let  us  lay  aside  every 
weight,  and  tlie  sin  which  doth  so  easily  beset  us  ;  and 
let  us  run  with  patience  the  race  that  is  set  before 
ust  loohing  unto  Jesus,  the  author  and  finisher  of 
our  faith ;  who,  for  the  joy  that  was  set  before 
him,  endured  the  cross,  despising  the  shame,  and 
is  set  down  at  the  right  hand  of  the  throne  of 

Let  it  never  be  forgotten,  that  admiration,  how- 
ever glowing,  bestowed  upon  the  affecting  structure 
of  a  passage,  like  that  just  cited,  can  avail,  for 
practical  purposes,  cither  personal,  or  in  reference 
to  the  community,  only  as  the  metaphorical  allu- 
sions, which  it  embodies,  are  duly  regarded.  But 
let  that  regard  be  once  prevalent ;  let  the  eye  be 
intently  fixed  upon  high  examples,  and  not  upon 
those  who  rank,  at  best,  only  as  inferiors  in  the 
school  of  Christ;  let  the  attention  be,  especially, 
directed  to  the  Great  Exemplar  himself;  and  effects, 
fruitful  and  all-pervading,  will  invariably  follow. 
Then  will  be  given  to  base  companionship  the  hap- 

our  own  country.  We  sliould  not  despise  the  way  of  our  fathers,  but 
be  ashamed  to  think  how  short  we  come  of  them.  We  munt  regard 
their  testimony ;  and,  as  far  as  it  afi^rees  with  the  word  of  God,  put  a 
great  value  upon  it  We  must  follow  them  as  far  as  tliey  followed 
Christ.    Matthew  Henry.  Orig.  MS.    And  see  pott.  p.  188. 



piest  overthrow;  then  will  calumniated  piety  be 
upheld  by  unanswerable  vindications;  religious 
attainments  will  be  advanced  to  an  enviable  matu- 
rity; and,  while  individual  happiness,  and  the 
prosperity  of  the  '^  holy  church "  universal,  are 
efficiently  promoted,  jflory  in  the  hiyheit,  ever  justly 

due,  will  be  secured  to  the  only  living  and  true 

John  Bickerton  Williams. 

Swan  Hill,  Shrewsbury, 
February  12,  1825. 





The  ministers  of  the  gospel  are;  in  the  Scripture  language,  stars  in  the  right  hand  of  Christ, 
to  signify  their  diffusive  Ught  and  beneficial  influences.  As  in  the  futiu'c  state  of  the  resur- 
rection, some  stars  shall  differ  from  others  in  glory,  so  in  the  present  state  of  the  regeneration, 
tome  ministers  are  distinguished  fix)m  others  by  a  brighter  eminence  in  their  endowments, 
and  a  more  powerful  emanation  of  Kght  in  their  preaching.  Of  this  select  number  was  Mr. 
Philip  Henry,  in  whom  there  was  a  union  of  those  real  excellences  of  parts,  learning,*  and 
dirine  graces,  that  signalized  him  among  his  brethren.  This  does  evidently  appear  in  the 
narrative  of  his  life,  drawn  by  one  very  fit  to  do  it ; — as  having  had  entire  knowledge  of  him, 
br  long  and  intimate  conversation ;  and  having,  by  his  holy  instructions,  and  the  impression 
<rf  his  example,  been  made  partaker  of  the  same  sanctifying  Spirit.  The  describing  the  ex- 
ternal actions  of  saints,  without  observing  the  holy  principles  and  ajSections  fi:om  whence  they 
derived  their  life  and  purity,  is  a  defective  and  irregular  representation  of  them.  It  is  as  if  an 
account  were  given  ol  the  riches  and  fecundity  of  the  earth,  firom  the  flowers  and  fnuts  that 
grow  upon  it,  without  considering  the  mines  of  precious  metals  contained  in  its  bosom.  Now, 
only  an  inward  Christian,  that  has  felt  tlie  power  of  religion  in  his  heart,  can,  fix)m  the  reflec- 
tion upon  himself,  and  his  uncounterfeit  experience,  discover  the  operations  of  grace  in  the 
breasts  of  others. 

Mr.  Henry  was  dedicated  to  the  service  of  Christ  by  his  mother  in  his  tender  age.  His 
first  love  and  desires,  when  he  was  capable  to  make  a  judicious  choice,  were  set  upon  God. 
He  entered  early  into  the  ministry,  and  consecrated  all  tiie  powers  of  his  soul,  understanding, 
memory,  will,  and  aflections,  with  his  time  and  strength,  to  the  service  of  Christ  And  such 
was  the  grace  and  favour  of  God  to  him,  that  he  lost  no  days  in  his  flourishing  age,  by  satis- 
fying the  voluptuous  appetites ;  nor  in  his  declining  age  by  diseases  and  infirmities,  but  in- 
cessantly applied  himself  to  his  spiritual  work.  He  was  called  to  a  private  place  in  Wales, 
but  his  shining  worth  could  not  be  shaded  in  a  comer.  A  confluence  of  people  fi-om  other 
parts  attended  on  his  ministry.  Indeed,  the  word  of  truth  that  dies  in  the  mouths  of  the  cold 
and  careless,  (for  they  are  not  all  saints  that  serve  in  the  sanctuary,)  had  life  and  spirit  in  his 
preaching ;  for  it  proceeded  firom  a  heart  burning  with  zeal  for  the  hbnour  of  Christ  and  sal- 
vation of  souls.  Accordingly  he  siuted  his  discourses  to  the  wise  and  the  weak ;  and  imitated 
the  prophet  who  contracted  his  stature  to  the  dead  body  of  the  widow's  son,  applying  his 
mouth  to  the  mouth  of  the  child,  to  inspire  the  breath  of  life  into  him.  The  poor  and  de- 
mised were  instructed  by  him  with  the  same  compassionate  love  and  diligence  as  the  rich, 
notwithstanding  the  civU  distinction  of  persons  which  will  shortly  vanish  for  ever ;  for  he 
considered  their  souls  were  of  the  same  precious  and  immortal  value.  In  the  administration 
of  the  Lord's  Supper,  he  expressed  the  just  temperament  of  sweetness  and  severity.  With 
melting  compassion  he  invited  all  relenting  and  returning  sinners  to  come  to  Christ,  and  re- 
ceive their  pardon  sealed  with  his  blood.  But  he  was  so  jealous  of  the  honour  of  Christ,  that 
he  deterred,  by  the  most  fearful  consequences,  the  rebcUious  that  indulged  their  lusts,  firom 

*  Every  one  knows  Mr.  Philip  Henry  was  an  excellent  scholar ;  he  was  certainly  possessed  of  a  rich 
treainre  of  all  polite  and  useful  learning,  both  in  languages  and  in  the  sciences.    LUe  oi  Wie'^N  •'^'o^^t!^ 
Henry,  by  W.  ToDg,  oot.  1716.  p.  24. 

B  2 


coming  to  partake  of  the  feast  of  the  unspotted  Lamb.  He  was  not  allured  by  temporal 
advantage,  which  is  the  mark  of  a  mercenary,  to  leave  the  first  place  where,  by  the  divine 
disposal,  he  was  seated. 

When  the  fatal  Bartholomew-day  came,  though  he  had  fair  hopes  of  preferment,  by  his 
attendance  upon  the  King  and  Duke  of  York  in  their  early  age, — of  which  the  remembrance 
might  have  been  revived, — yet  he  was  guided  by  a  superior  spirit,  and  imitated  the  self-denial 
of  Moses,  (a  duty  little  understood,  and  less  practised  by  the  earthly-minded,)  rather  choosing 
to  suffer  affliction  mith  the  people  of  God,  than  to  enjoy  the  good  things  of  this  world.  As  the 
light  of  heaven,  when  the  air  is  stormy  and  disturbed,  does  not  lose  the  rectitude  of  its  rays ; 
so  his  enlightened  conscience  did  not  bend  in  compliance  with  the  terms  of  conformity,  but 
he  obeyed  its  sincere  judgment. 

After  his  being  expelled  firom  the  place  of  his  public  ministr}',  his  deportment  was  becom- 
ing a  son  of  peace.  He  refused  not  communion  with  the  Church  of  England  in  the  ordinances 
of  the  gospel,  so  far  as  his  conscience  permitted.  Yet  he  could  not  desert  the  duty  of  his 
office,  to  which  he  was,  with  sacred  solemnity,  set  apart.  He  was  faithful  to  improve  oppor- 
timities  for  serving  the  interest  of  souls,  notwithstanding  the  severities  inflicted  on  him.  And 
after  the  restoring  our  freedom  of  preaching,  he  continued  in  tlie  performance  of  his  delightfid 
work  till  death  put  a  period  to  his  labours. 

After  this  account  of  him  as  a  minister  of  Christ,  I  will  glance  upon  his  character  as  a 
Christian.  His  conversation  was  so  holy  and  regular,  so  free  from  taint,  that  he  was  imac- 
cusable  by  his  enemies.  They  could  only  object  his  nonconformity  as  a  crime ; — ^but  his 
vigilant  and  tender  conscience  discovered  the  spots  of  sin  in  himself,  which  so  affected  his 
soul,  that  he  desired  repentance  might  accompany  him  to  the  gate  of  heaven.  An  excellent 
testimony  of  humility,  the  inseparable  character  of  a  saint.  His  love  to  God  was  supreme, 
which  was  declared  by  his  chosen  horn's  of  communion  with  him  every  day.  The  union  of 
affections  is  naturally  productive  of  union  in  conversation.  Accordingly,  our  Saviour  pro- 
mises ; — He  that  loveth  me  shall  he  loved  of  my  Father ;  and  I  will  love  him,  and  will  manifest 
fnyself  to  him.  And  he  repeats  the  promise ; — If  a  man  love  me  he  will  keep  my  words  :  and 
my  tather  will  love  him,  and  we  wilt  come  to  him,  and  make  our  abode  with  him.  To  his  spe- 
cial and  singular  love  to  God,  was  joined  an  universal  love  to  men.  He  did  good  to  all 
according  to  his  ability.  His  forgiving  of  injuries,  that  rare  and  difficult  duty,  was  eminently 
conspicuous  in  the  sharpest  provocations.  When  he  could  not  excuse  the  offence,  he  would 
pardon  the  offender,  and  strive  to  imitate  'the  perfect  model  of  charity  exprest  in  our  suffering 
Saviour ;  who  in  the  extremity  of  his  sufferings,  when  resentments  are  most  quick  and  sensi- 
ble, prayed  for  his  cruel  persecutors.  His  filial  tnist  in  God  was  correspondent  to  God's 
fatherly  providence  to  him.  This  was  his  support  in  times  of  trial,  and  maintained  an 
equal  temper  in  his  mind,  and  tenor  in  his  conversation.  In  short,  he  led  a  life  of  evangelical 
perfection,  most  worthy  to  be  honourably  preserved  in  the  memory  of  future  times.  The  fol- 
lowing narrative  of  it,  if  read  with  an  observing  eye,  how  instructive  and  affecting  will  it  be 
to  ministers,  and  apt  to  transform  them  into  his  likeness ! 

Thus,  Sir,  I  have  given  a  short  view  of  the  life  of  that  man  for  whom  you  had  such  a  high 
veneration  and  dear  love.  It  argues  a  clearer  spirit,  and  a  diviner  temper,  than  is  usual  in 
persons  of  conspicuoui^  quality,  when  holiness  is  so  despicably  mean  in  the  esteem  of  carnal 
men,  to  value  it  above  adl  tities  and  treasures,  and  the  perishing  pride  of  this  world.  I  am 
persuaded  it  will  be  very  pleasing  to  you,  that  your  name,  and  excellent  Mr.  Henry's,  are 
joined  in  the  same  papers. 

I  am. 


Your  very  humble  and  faithful  servant, 

William  Bates.  * 

TAe  Rev.  W.  Bates,  D.  D.  died  July  14,  1699,  act.  74.    See  the  Biog.  Brit.  v.  l..p.  687. 



That  which  we  aim  at  in  this  undertaking,  and  which  we  would  set  before  us  at  our 
Dtnince  upon  it,  is,  not  so  much  to  embalm  the  memory  of  this  good  man,  though  that  also 

blessed,  as  to  exhibit  to  the  world  a  pattern  of  that  primitive  Christianity,  which  all  that 
new  him  well  observed  to  be  exemplified  in  him  while  he  lived ;  and  when  they  saw  the  end 
^  kit  conversation^  as  it  were  with  one  consent,  desired  a  public  and  lasting  account  of,  or 
Iher  demanded  it,  as  a  just  debt  owing  to  the  world,  by  those  into  whose  hands  his  papers 
ime,  as  judging  such  an  account  likely  to  conduce  much  to  the  glory  of  God's  grace,  and  to 
le  edification  of  many,  especially  of  those  that  were  acquainted  with  him.  He  was  one 
horn  the  Divine  Providence  did  not  call  out,  as  neither  did  his  own  inclinaticm  lead  him,  to 
ly  very  pubUc  scene  of  action.  He  was  none  of  the  for\i'ard  men  of  the  age,  that  made 
iCTiselves  talked  of.  The  world  scarce  knew  that  there  was  such  a  man  in  it.  But  in  his 
iwand  narrow  sphere  he  was  a  burning  and  shining  light:  and  therefore  we  think  his  pious 
uuDQple  is  the  more  adapted  to  general  use,  especially,  consisting  not  in  the  ecstasies  and 
iptnres  of  zeal  and  devotion, — which  are  looked  upon  rather  as  admirable  than  imitable ; — 
Dt  in  the  long  series  of  an  even,  regular,  prudent,  and  well  ordered  conversation,  which  he 
ad  in  the  world,  and  in  the  ordinary  business  of  it,  with  simplicity  and  godly  sincerity ;  not 
iStifltshltf  wisdom  J  but  by  the  grace  of  God,  It  hath  been  said,  that  quiet  and  peaceable 
9gns,  though  they  are  the  best  to  live  in,  yet  they  are  the  worst  to  write  of,  as  j4elding  least 
uiety  of  matter  for  the  historian's  pen  to  work  upon ; — ^but  a  quiet  and  peaceable  life,  in  all 
odliness  and  honesty y  being  tlie  sum  and  substance  of  practical  Christianity,  the  recommend- 
ig  of  the  example  of  such  a  life,  in  the  common  and  familiar  instances  of  it,  together  with 
16  kind  and  gracious  providences  of  God  attending  it,  may  be,  if  not  as  diverting  to  the 
irious,  yet  every  whit  as  usefiil  and  instructive  to  the  pious,  readers.  If  any  suggest  that 
ic  design  of  this  attempt  is  to  credit  and  advance  a  party,  let  them  know  that  Mr.  Henry 
18  a  man  of  no  party,  but  true  catholic  Christianity,  not  debauched  by  bigotry,  nor  leavened 
r  any  private  opinions  or  interests,  was  his  very  temper  and  genius.  According  to  the  excellent 
id  royal  laws  of  this  holy  religion,  his  Ufe  was  led  with  a  strict  and  conscientious  adherence 

tmth  and  equity ;  a  great  tenderness  and  inoffensivencss  to  all  mankind ;  and  a  mighty 
Qcture  of  sincere  piety  and  devot^dness  to  God.  And  according  to  those  sacred  rules,  we 
lall  endeavour,  in  justice  to  him,  as  well  as  to  our  reader,  to  represent  him  in  the  following 
rcoont ;  and  if  any  thing  should  drop  from  our  pen,  which  might  justly  give  offence  to  any, 
hich  we  promise  industriously  to  avoid,  we  desire  it  may  be  looked  upon  as  a  false  stroke ; 
id,  so  far,  not  truly  representing  him,  who  was  so  blameless^  and  harmless,  and  without  rebuke. 
[uch  of  our  materials  for  this  structure  we  have  out  of  his  own  papers,  especially  his  diary, 
T  by  them  his  picture  may  be  drawn  nearest  to  the  life,  and  firom  thence  we  may  take  the 
nest  idea  of  him,  and  of  the  spirit  he  was  of  Those  notes  being  intended  for  his  own  pri- 
ile  UM  in  the  review,  and  never  communicated  to  any  person  whatsoever ;  and  appearing 


here  as  they  ought  to  do,  in  their  own  native  dress,*  the  candid  reader  will  excuse  it,  if  some- 
times the  expressions  should  seem  abrupt ;  they  are  the  genuine,  unforced,  and  unstudied 
breathings  of  a  gracious  soul,  and  we  hope  will  be  rather  the  more  acceptable  to  those  who, 
through  grace,  are  conscious  to  themselves  of  the  same  devout  and  pious  motions.  For,  as 
in  water  face  answers  to  face,  so  doth  one  sanctified  and  renewed  soul  to  another ;  and  as  Mr. 
Baxter  observes,  in  his  Preface  to  Mr.  Clark's  Lives,t — ^^  God's  graces  are  much  the  same  in 
all  his  holy  ones ;  and  therefore  we  must  not  think  that  such  instances  as  these  are  extraor- 
dinary rarities ;  but  God  hath  in  wonderful  mercy  raised  up  many,  by  whose  graces  even  this 
earth  is  perfumed  and  enlightened."  But,  if  one  star  be  allowed  to  differ  from  another  star  in 
glory,  perhaps  our  reader  will  say,  when  he  hath  gone  through  the  following  account,  that 
Mr.  Henry  may  be  ranked  among  those  of  the  first  magnitude. 

*  Tone's  Life  of  the  Rev.  Matthew  Henry,  p.  3.  ui  supra, 
t  The  Lives  of  Sundry  Eminent  Persons  in  this  latter  Age ;  in  Two  Parts  ;  Part  I.  of  Divines ;  Part  11. 
Of  Nobility  and  Gentry  of  both  Sexes.     By  Samuel  Clark.  Fol.  1683. 


This  Account  of  the  Life  and  Death  of  my  honoured  father,  was  first  published  the  year 
after  he  died ;  and  in  a  little  time,  there  was  a  second  impression  of  it,  in  which  many  con- 
aderable  errors  of  the  first  were  amended.  It  having  now  been  long  out  of  print,  and  often 
mquired  for,  this  third  edition  comes  abroad  at  the  request  of  many  who  have  found  this  por- 
traiture of  a  Nathaniel,  an  Israelite  indeed^ — a  genuine  son  of  faithful  Jacob, — ihoi  plain  man 
dtDelling  in  tents^ — very  serviceable  to  themselves  and  others,  both  for  direction,  quickening, 
and  encouragement  in  the  ways  of  God  and  godliness ;  for  even  this  way,  as  well  as  in  conver- 
sation,— as  iron  sharpens  irony  so  a  man  sharpens  the  countenance  of  his  friend. 

Frequent  mention  being  made  in  the  book  of  the  comfort  he  had  in  all  the  branches  of  his 
family,  whom,  with  satisfaction,  he  saw  planted  in  families  of  their  own,  it  may  not  be  amiss 
here  to  mention  the  changes  which  the  Divine  Providence  made  among  them,  soon  after  the 
Lord  had  taken  away  our  master  fix)m  our  head,  who  was  a  daily  intercessor  for  us. 

In  the  year  1697,  the  year  after  my  father  died,  two  of  his  four  daughters  died,  in  Chester, 
of  a  malignant  fever,  within  three  weeks  one  of  another :  two  excellent  Christians ;  and  one 
of  them,  by  some  papers  of  her  writing  found  after  her  death,  appearing  to  have  had  such  an 
experimental  acquaintance  with  the  principles,  powers,  and  pleasures,  of  the  spiritual  apd 
divine  life,  as  few  Christians,  that  have  more  than  doubled  her  years,  attain  to. 

In  the  year  1699,  two  of  his  four  sons-in-law*  died,  likewise,  in  Chester,  within  four  or  five 
months  one  of  another ;  both  of  them  useful  good  men  in  their  places,  and  blessings  to  their 
faunilies.  One  of  them  was  Dr.  John  Tylston,  a  physician, — ^like  St  Luke, — a  beloved  physi- 
cian ;  some  time  of  Trinity  College,  in  Oxford.  Though  he  died  at  thirly-five  years  of  age, 
he  was  for  several  years  very  eminent,  and  of  great  repute,  in  his  profession.  He  was  a  imi- 
versal  scholar,  had  abimdance  of  knowledge,  and  used  it  aright ;  and  was  a  very  devout, 
serious,  conscientious  Christian,  and  one  that  made  it  his  business  to  do  good.  Many  excel- 
lent papers  he  also  left  behind  him,  full  fi*aught  with  proofs  both  of  his  learning  and  piety. 
He  was  greatly  and  generally  lamented ;  and  his  memory  is,  and  will  be,  very  precious  in 
this  city.  Having  this  occasion,  I  cannot  forbear,  even  at  this  distance  of  time,  dropping 
some  tears  afresh  over  his  dust,  thus  publicly  ;  for  he  was  to  me  as  my  own  soul ;  and  upon 
every  remembrance  of  him,  I  must  still  say,  as  I  did  then,  what  David  said  of  Jonathan, — 1 
am  distressed  for  thee,  my  brother ;  very  pleasant  hast  thou  been  unto  me, 

•  The  one.  Dr.  John  Tylston,  died  April  8, 1699.    See  his  life  in  the  Investigator,  v.  2.  p.  254,  Su;. 

The  other,  Mr.  Samuel  Radford,  died  August  20, 1699.  See  an  interesting  record  of  this  event  by  Mrs. 
Savage,  in  the  Memoirs  of  her  Life  and  Character,  p.  22,  &c.  Also  Tong's  Life  of  the  Rev.  Matthew 
Hemy,  p.  149.  nt  Mupra. 


It  pleased  God  graciously  to  prolong  the  life  of  my  dear  and  honoured  mother^  almost 
eleven  years  after  my  father,  very  much  to  the  comfort  of  all  her  relations  :  she  continued,  to 
the  last,  at  her  house  at  Broad  Oak,  where  she  was  bom,  a  great  example  of  wisdom,  piety, 
and  usefulness,  and  abounding  in  good  works.  I  think  I  may  say,  in  her  sphere  and  capacity 
she  was  not  inferior  to  what  my  father  was  in  his.  She  was  very  happy  in  a  constant  calm- 
ness and  serenity  of  mind,  not  easily  disturbed ;  which,  as  it  was  a  singular  gift  of  the  divine 
grace,  and  an  instance  of  her  wisdom,  so  it  contributed  very  much  to  her  close  and  comfort- 
able walking  with  God,  and  her  doing  good.  She  lived  and  died  rejoicing  in  Christ  Jesus, 
and  in  a  pleasing  expectation  of  the  glory  to  be  revealed.  Dr.  Benyonf  preached  her  fune- 
ral sermon  in  the  meeting-place  at  Broad  Oak,  not  a  year  before  I  preached  his  at  Shrewsbuiy, 
on  Hebrews  vi.  12. — Be  ye  followers  of  them,  who,  through  faith  and  patience,  inherit  the 
promises.  The  first  sermon  I  preached  at  Broad  Oak  after  that  sad  occasion,  I  wrote  over  at 
large  afterwards,  designing  it  for  the  benefit,  not  only  of  her  children,  but  of  her  grand-chil- 
dren, of  whom  she  had  twenty-three  following  her  to  the  grave.  They  have  hawl  it  in  manu- 
script among  them,  and  now,  in  compliance  with  the  desire  of  many  of  my  friends,  I  have 
here  added  it  to  this  edition  of  my  father's  Life ;  and  it  is  all  I  have  thought  fit  to  add  to  it 

I  confess,  I  am  not  solicitous,  as  some  perhaps  may  think  I  should  be,  to  make  an  excuse, 
and  to  ask  pardon  for  troubling  the  world  with  the  little  affairs  of  my  poor  family,  and  with 
the  indulgences  of  my  natural  affection  to  it.  I  design  nothing  in  it  but,  if  it  may  be,  by  the 
grace  of  God,  to  do  good  to  plain  people  like  myself. 

Matthew  Henry. 
February  27,  1711-12. 

♦  Appendix,  No.  I. 

t  Tator  of  an  Academy  at  Whixall,  in  Shropshire,  afterwards  at  Shrewsbury.    He  was  bort  June  14, 
1073 ;  and  died  March  4,  1707-8.  set.  36. 









He  was  bom  at  Whitehall,  in  Westminster,  on 
Wednesday,  August  24,  1631,  being  Bartholomew 
Day.  I  find,  usually,  in  his  Diary,  some  pious  re- 
mark or  other  upon  the  annual  return  of  his  birth- 
day. As  in  one  year  he  notes,  that  the  Scripture 
mentions  bat  two  who  observed  their  birth-day  with 
feasting  and  joy,  and  they  were  neither  of  them 
copies  to  be  written  after:  viz.  Pharaoh,  Gen.  xl. 
20.  and  Herod,  Matt.  xiv.  G.—But,  saith  he,  I  rather 
obsenrc  it  as  a  day  of  mourning  and  humiliation, 
because  skapen  in  iniquity,  and  conceived  in  sin. 
And  when  he  had  completed  the  thirtieth  year  of  his 
age,  he  noted  this,— *So  old,  and  no  older,  Alexan- 
der* was,  when  he  had  conquered  the  great  world, 
but,  saith  he,  I  have  not  yet  subdued  the  little  world, 
myself.  At  his  thirty-third  year  he  hath  this  hum- 
ble reflection, — A  long  time  lived  to  small  purpose. 
What  shall  I  do  to  redeem  it?  And,  at  another, — 
I  may  mourn,  as  Csesar**  did,  when  he  reflected 
upon  Alexander's  early  achievements,  that  others, 
younger  than  I  am,  have  done  much  more  than  I 
have  done  for  God,  the  God  of  my  life.  And,  to 
mention  no  more,  when  he  had  lived  forty-two  years, 
he  thus  writes, — I  would  be  loth  to  live  it  over  again, 
lest,  instead  of  making  it  better,  I  should  make  it 
vorse ;  and  besides,  every  year  and  day  spent  on 
earth  is  lost  in  heaven.    This  last  note  minds  me 

a  Plntarcb's  Uvea,  v.  4.  p.  SO.  ed.  1793,  oct 

b  Jaliiis Ccnr.  Plut.  v.  4.  pp.  337,  wt  mipra.  Also,  Paradise  Re. 
litiied.  Book  iii.  30.  Jec.  Miltoirs  Poetical  Works  by  the  Rev.  H. 
J.Todd,lf.A.F  S.A«  v.  5.  p.  U3, note. 

c  AppnwWy,  Na  II- 

dWbcn  llMt  eadnent  martyr,  "Master   George  Wischard," 

of  a  passage  I  have  heard  him  tell  of  a  friend  of  his, 
who,  being  g^wn  into  years,  was  asked  how  old  he 
was,  and  answered,-^On  the  wrong  side  of  fifty ; — 
which,  said  Mr.  Henry,  he  should  not  have  said ; 
for,  if  he  was  going  to  heaven,  it  was  the  right  side 
of  fifty. 

He  always  kept  a  will  by  him  ready  made ;  and 
it  was  his  custom,  yearly,  upon  the  return  of  his 
birth-day,  to  review,  and,  if  occasion  were,  to  renew 
and  alter  it.  For  it  is  good  to  do  that  at  a  set  time, 
which  it  is  very  good  to  do  at  some  time.  The  last 
will '  be  made  bears  date, — ^This  24ih  day  of  August, 
1605,  being  the  day  of  the  year  on  which  I  was  bom, 
1631,  and  also  the  day  of  the  year  on  which,  by  law, 
I  died,**  as  did  also  near  two  thousand  faithful 
ministers  of  Jesus  Christ,  10G2 :  alluding  to  that 
clause  in  the  Act  of  Uniformity,  which  disposeth  of 
the  places  and  benefices  of  ministers  not  conform- 
ing, as  if  they  were  naturally  dead. 

His  father^s  name  was  John  Henry,  the  son  of 
Henry  Williams,  of  Britton-Ferry,  betwixt  Neath 
and  Swansey,  in  Glamorganshire.  According  to  the 
old  Welsh  custom,  (some  say  conformable  to  that  of 
the  ancient  Hebrews,  but  now  almost  in  all  places 
laid  aside,)  the  father's  Christian  name  was  the  son's 
surname.*  He  had  left  his  native  country,  and  his 
father's  house,  very  young,  unprovided  for  by  his 

was  prohibited  preaching,  **  he  grew  pensive  i  and  being  asked 
the  reason,  said,— 'What  do  I  differ  IVom  a  dead  man,  but 
that  I  eat  and  drink !'  **  Clark's  Gen.  Martyr,  p.  283.  fol. 

e  See  Verstcgan's  Restitution  of  Decayed  Intelligence,  p  311. 
1628.  4to. 



relations  ; '  but  it  pleased  God  to  bless  his  ingenaity 
and  indastry  with  a  considerable  income  afterwards, 
which  enabled  him  to  live  comfortably  himself,  to 
bring  up  his  children  well,  and  to  be  kind  to  many  of 
his  relations;  but  public  events  making  against 
him  at  his  latter  end,  when  he  died  he  left  little  be- 
hind him  for  his  children,  but  God  gpraciously  took 
care  of  them.  Providence  brought  this  Mr.  John 
Henry,  when  he  was  young,  to  be  the  Earl  of  Pem- 
broke's '  gentleman,  whom  he  served  many  years. 
The  Earl  coming  to  be  Lord  Chamberlain,  preferred 
him  to  be  the  King's  servant.  He  was  first  made 
Keeper  of  the  Orchard  at  Whitehall ;  [For  which  he 
had,  besides  a  dwelling-house  at  the  garden-stairs, 
with  the  perquisites  of  the  water-gate,  and  lodgings 
of  considerable  yearly  value,**  and  the  profits  of  the 
orchard,  ten  gpxiats  per  diem '  standing  wages,  with 
livery  out  of  the  wardrobe, 

*  per  annum,  in- 
somuch that  he  lived  plentifully,  and  in  good  repute, 
but  laid  by  nothing.^ 

He  was]  afterwards  Page  of  the  Back  Stairs  to 
the  King's  second  son,  James,'"  Duke  of  York,  which 
place  obliged  him  to  a  personal  attendance  upon  the 
Duke  in  his  chamber.  He  lived  and  died  a  courtier, 
a  hearty  mourner  for  his  royal  master  King  Charles 
the  First,  whom  he  did  not  long  survive."  He 
continued,  during  all  the  war-time,  in  his  house  at 
Whitehall,  though  the  profits  of  his  places  ceased. 
The  King,  passing  by  his  door,  under  a  guard,  to 
take  water,  when  ho  was  going  to  Westminster,  to 
that  which  they  called  his  trial,  inquired  for  his  old 
servant,  Mr.  John  Henry,  who  was  ready  to  pay  hb 
due  respects  to  him,  and  prayed  God  to — Bless  his 
Majesty,  and  to  deliver  him  out  of  the  hands  of  his 
enemies ;  for  which  the  g^ard  had  like  to  have  been 
rough  upon  him.® 

His  mother  was  Mrs.  Magdalen  Rochdale,  of  the 
parish  of  St  Martin's-in-the-Fields,  in  Westminster. 
jShe  was  a  virtuous,  pious  gentlewoman,  and  one 
that  feared  God  above  many.  She  was  altogether 
dead  to  the  vanities  and  pleasures  of  the  court, 
though  she  lived  in  the  midst  of  them.  She  looked 
well  to  the  ways  of  her  household ;  prayed  with  them 
daily,  catechized  her  children,  and  taught  them  the 

f  He  had  from  his  flilher,  as  I  have  heard,  but  one  groat.  P. 
Henry.  Orig.  BIS. 

g  Ob.  23rd  Jan.  1640-50.  Collins's  Peerage,  v.  3.  p.  127,  kc.  ed. 

h  £50  or  £60  per  annum.  Orig.  MS.  of  the  Life  of  P.  Henry,  by 
Matt  Henry. 

i  Above  £60  per  annum.    lb. 

k  £27  per  annum.    lb. 

1  P.  Hen.  Orig.  MS. 

m  Afterwards  King  James  II. 

n  1652,  Feb.  28tlL  My  dear  &ther,  Mr.  John  Henry,  died  at  his 
house  in  Whitehall.  A  very  great  affliction  both  to  myself  and 
sisters,  especially  the  two  little  ones.  The  Lord  provide  for  us! 
He  was  bom  July  20. 1590.  P.  Henry.   Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

o  See  a  Mem.  of  the  reign  of  K.  Ch.  I.  by  Sir  P.  Warwick,  p.  379, 
and  Sir  Tho.  Herbert*s  Memoir,  p.  163. 

p  The  Rev.  W.  Perkins  died  A.  D.  1602,  aged  44.  Clarke*s 

good  knowledge  of  the  Lord  hetimes.  I  have  heard 
him  speak  of  his  learning  Mr.  Perkins's  p  Six  Princi- 
ples,** when  he  was  very  young ;  and  he  often  men- 
tioned, with  thankfulness  to  God,  his  great  happi- 
ness in  having  such  a  mother,  who  was  to  him  as 
Lois  and  Eunice  were  to  Timothy,  acquainting  him 
with  the  Scriptures  from  his  childhood ;  and,  there 
appearing  in  him  early  inclinations  both  to  learning 
and  piety,  she  devoted  him  in  his  tender  years  to 
the  service  of  God,  in  the  work  of  the  ministry.  She 
died  of  a  consumption,  March  6, 1645,  leaving  be- 
hind her  only  this  son  and  five  daughters.  A  little 
before  she  died,  she  had  this  saying,  '*  My  head  is 
in  heaven,  and  my  heart  is  in  heaven ;  it  is  but  one 
step  more,  and  I  shall  be  there  too.'' 

His  susceptors  in  baptism  were,  Philip  ^  Earl  of 
Pembroke,  (who  gave  him  his  name,  and  was  kind 
to  him  as  long  as  he  lived,  as  was  also  his  son 
Philip  after  him,)  James"  Earl  of  Carlisle,  and  the 
Countess  of  Salisbury.^ 

Prince  Charles°and  the  Duke  of  York  being 
somewhat  near  of  an  age  to  him,  he  was  in  his  child- 
hood very  much  an  attendant  on  them  in  their  play, 
and  they  were  often  with  him  at  his  father's  house, 
and  they  were  wont  to  tell  him  what  preferment  he 
should  have  at  court,  as  soon  as  he  was  fit  for  it 
He  kept  a  book  to  his  dying  day,  which  the  Duke 
of  York  gave  him ;  and  I  have  heard  him  bewail  the 
loss  of  two  curious  pictures,  which  he  gave  him  like- 
wise. Archbishop  Laud^  took  a  particular  kind- 
ness to  him  when  he  was  a  child,  because  he  would 
be  very  officious  to  attend  at  the  water-g^te,  (which 
was  part  of  his  father's  charge  in  Whitehall,)  to  let 
the  Archbishop  through  when  he  came  late  from 
Council,  to  the  water  to  Lambeth. 

[And  when  the  Archbishop  was  a  prisoner  in  the 
Tower,  his  father  took  him  with  him  to  see  him,  and 
he  would  remember  that  the  Archbishop  gave  him 
some  new  money.*] 

These  circumstances  of  his  childhood  he  would 
sometimes  speak  of  among  his  friends,  not  as  glory- 
ing in  them,  but  taking  occasion  from  thence  to  bless 
God  for  his  deliverance  from  the  snares  of  the  court, 
in  the  midst  of  which  it  is  so  very  hard  to  maintain 

Bfarrow  of  Eccl.  Hist  p.  850. 4to.  1654.  It  was  the  motto  of  the 
learned  and  godly  divine.  Mr.  Perkins,  F!t!ei  vita  vera  et7a;-the 
true  life  is  the  life  of  fiaiith ;  a  word  which  that  worthy  servant  of 
God  did  both  write  and  live.  Bishop  Hall.  Works,  vol.  viii.  p.  30. 
oct  ed. 

q  See  Mr.  Perkins's  Works,  vol.  i.  p.  1.  fol.  1608. 

r  See  Dunton's  Life  and  Errors,  v.  i.  p.  344.  ed.  1818.  He  died 
Dec.  II,  1660.    Collins's  Peerage,  v.  3.  p.  140,  &c.  >/  suftra. 

s  Died  without  issue  in  1660,  on  which  his  titles  became  ex- 
tinct.   Collins's  Peerage,  v.  7.  p.  205.  ut  npra. 

t  Lady  Catharine  HowanI,  youngest  daughter  of  Thomas,  Earl 
of  Suflblk.  She  was  married  to  William,  the  second  Earl  of  Salis- 
bury, Dec.  1. 1608.  Collins's  Peerage,  v.  2.  p.  490.  utsmpra, 

u  Afterwards  King  Charles  II. 

V  He  was  bom  A.  D.  1.573,  and  beheaded  Jan.  10. 1644-5.  Hist 
of  his  Troubles,  Trial,  Diary.  &c.  2  vols.  fol.  1695. 

w  Life.   Orig.  HAS.  v/  tvpra. 



t  good  conscience  and  the  power  of  religion,  that  it 
hath  been  said,  thongh,  blessed  be  God,  it  is  not  a 
role  without  exception.  Exeat  ex  auU  qui  velit  esse 
fius,  *  The  breaking  ap  and  scattering  of  the  court, 
by  the  calamities  of  1641,  as  it  dashed  the  expecta- 
tUMis  of  hia  court  preferments,  so  it  prcTcnted  the 
danger  of  court  entanglements.  And,  though  it  was 
not,  like  Moses's,  a  choice  of  his  own,  when  come 
to  years,  to  quit  the  court ;  yet  when  he  was  come 
to  years,  he  always  expressed  a  great  satisfaction 
in  his  remoral  from  it,  and  blessed  God,  who  chose 
his  inheritance  30  much  better  for  him. 

Yet  it  may  not  be  improper  to  observe  here,  what 
vas  obTious,  as  well  as  amiable,  to  all  who  convers- 
ed with  him ;  yiz.  that  he  had  the  most  sweet  and 
obliging  air  of  courtesy  and  civility  that  could  be ; 
which  some  attributed  in  part  to  his  early  education  at 
court.  His  mien  and  carriage  were  always  so  very 
decent  and  respectful,  that  it  could  not  but  win  the 
hearts  of  all  be  had  to  do  with.  Never  was  any  man 
fartiier  from  that  rudeness  and  moroscness  which 
some  scholars,  and  too  many  that  profess  religion, 
either  wilfully  affect,  or  carelessly  allow  themselves 
in,  sometimes  to  the  reproach  of  their  profession.  It 
is  one  of  the  laws  of  our  holy  religion,  exemplified 
in  the  couTersation  of  this  goo8  man,  to  konour  all 
mem.  Sanctified  civility  is  a  great  ornament  to 
Christianity.  It  was  a  saying  he  often  used, — Reli- 
gion doth  not  destroy  good  manners ;  [it  destroys 
not  civility  but  sanctifies  it ; ']  and  yet  he  was  very 
far  from  any  thing  of  vanity  in  apparel,  or  formality 
of  compliment  in  addross ;  but  his  conversation  was 
all  natural  and  easy  to  himself  and  others,  and  no- 
thing appeared  in  him,  which  even  a  severe  critic 
could  justly  call  affected.  This  temper  of  his  tended 
very  much  to  the  adorning  of  the  doctrine  of  God 
oar  Saviour ;  and  the  general  transcript  of  such  an 
excellent  copy,  would  do  much  towards  the  healing 
of  those  wounds  which  religion  hath  roceived,  in  the 
house  of  her  friends,  by  the  contrary.  But  to  return 
to  his  story. — 

The  first  Latin  school  he  went  to  was  at  St. 
Martin's  church,  under  the  teaching  of  one  Mr. 
Bonner.'  Afterwards  he  was  removed  to  Batter- 
aey,  *  where  one  Mr.  Wells  was  his  schoolmaster. 
The  grateful  mention  which  in  some  of  his  papers 
he  makes  of  these  that  were  the  guides  and  instruc- 
tors of  his  childhood  and  youth,  brings  to  mind  that 
French  proverb  to  this  purpose, ''  To  father,  teacher, 
and  Grod  all-sufficient,  none  can  render  equivalent.'' 

X  Lncretiiis. 

7  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MB. 

I  Who  was  very  loving  to  me,  and  took  pains  with  me.  P.  Henry. 
Orig.  MS. 

a  Where  I  tabled  at  one  Mr.  Heybom's  by  the  water-side,  and 
went  to  Bcbool  to  one  Mr.  Wells.   P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

b  Died  April  6,  1605.  0t  80.  See  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet.  v.  7.  p. 
438,  Ice.  And  Mattaire's  Ep.  at  the  end  of  the  Prefiuse  in  Vit  Job. 
Birwick,  S.  S.  P.  ed.  173L    In  the  same  volume  is  preserved  an 

But  in  the  year  1643,  when  he  was  about  twelve 
years  old,  he  was  admitted  into  Westminster  School, 
in  the  fourth  fonn,  under  Mr.  Thomas  Vincent,  then 
usher,  whom  he  would  often  speak  of  as  a  most 
able,  diligent  schoolmaster;  and  one  who  grieved 
so  much  at  the  dulncss  and  non-proficiency  of  any 
of  his  scholars,  that  falling  into  a  consumption,  I 
have  heard  Mr.  Henry  say  of  him,— That  he  even 
killed  himself  with  false  Latin. 

A  while  after  he  was  taken  into  the  upper  school, 
under  Mr.  Richard  Busby,  afterwards  Dr.  Busby ;  ^ 
and  in  October,  1G45,  he  was  admitted  King's  scholar, 
and  was  first  of  the  election,  partly  by  his  own  merit, 
and  partly  by  the  interest  of  the  Earl  of  Pembroke. 

Here  he  profited  greatly  in  school-learning,  and 
all  his  days  retained  his  improvements  therein  to 
admiration.  [Nor  was  there  any  part  of  his  life 
which  he  did  more  frequently  speak  of  with  pleasure 
than  the  years  he  spent  at  Westminster  School. '] 
When  he  was  in  years,  he  would  readily  in  discourse 
quote  passages  out  of  the  classic  authors  that  were 
not  common,  and  had  them  ad  unguemy  and  yet 
rarely  used  any  such  things  in  his  preaching,  though 
sometimes,  if  very  apposite,  he  inserted  them  in  his 
notes.  He  was  very  ready  and  exact  in  the  Greek 
accents,  the  quantities  of  words,  and  all  the  several 
kinds  of  Latin  verse;  and  often  pressed  it  upon 
young  scholars,  in  the  midst  of  their  university- 
learning,  not  to  forget  their  school-authors. 

Here,  and  before,  his  usual  recreation  at  vacant 
times  was,  either  reading  the  printed  accounts  of 
public  occurrences,  or  attending  the  courts  at  West- 
minster Hall,  to  hear  the  trials  and  arguments  there, 
which  I  have  heard  him  say,  he  hath  often  done  to 
the  loss  of  his  dinner,  and  oftener  of  his  play. 

But  paulo  tnajora  ranamti^.— Soon  after  those  un- 
happy Hurs  begun,  there  was  a  daily  morning  lecture 
set  up  at  the  abbey-church,  between  six  and  eight 
of  the  clock,  and  preached  by  seven  worthy  members 
of  the  assembly  of  divines  in  course,  viz.  Mr.  Mar- 
shal, Mr.  Palmer,  Mr.  Heri,  Dr.  Staunton,  Mr.  Nye, 
Mr.  Whitakcr,  and  Mr.  Hill.  It  was  the  request  of 
his  pious  mother  to  Mr.  Busby,  that  he  would  give 
her  son  leave  to  attend  that  lecture  daily,  which  he 
did,  not  abating  any  thing  of  his  school-exercise,  in 
which  he  kept  pace  with  the  rest ;  but  only  dispens- 
ing with  his  absence  for  that  hour.  And  the  Lord 
was  pleased  to  make  good  impressions  on  his  soul, 
by  the  sermons  he  heard  there.  His  mother  also 
took  him  with  her  every  Thursday,  to  Mr.  Case's* 

anecdote  at  once  descriptive  or  the  Doctor's  exemplary  temper- 
ance and  the  sad  efl^ets  of  prejudice,  p.  333. 

c  Life.    Orig.  MS.  m/  npra. 

d  Thoma.H  Case.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  Thomas  Case,  M.  A. 
died  May  30.  168-2,  aet  84.  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  t.  I.  p.  153. 
ed.  1802. 

He  preached  a  lecture  at  St.  Martin's.! n-the-Pields  every 
Thursday,  which  be  kept  up  above  twenty  years.  Fun.  Serm.  by 
Thomas  Jacomb.  D.  D.  p.  41.  4to.  1683. 



lecture  at  St  Martin's.  On  the  Lord's  day  he  sat 
under  the  powerful  ministry  of  Mr.  Stephen  Mar- 
shal ;  in  the  morning  at  Ncw-chapel,  in  the  after- 
noon at  St.  Margaret's  Westminster,  which  was  tlicir 
parish  church.  In  the  former  place  Mr.  Marshal 
preached  long  from  Phil.  ii.  5,  6,  &c. ;  in  the  latter 
from  John  viii.  36.  of  our  freedom  by  Christ.  This 
minister,  and  this  ministry,  he  would,  to  his  last, 
speak  of  with  great  respect,  and  thankfulness  to 
God,  as  that  by  which  he  was,  through  grace,  in  the 
beginning  of  his  days,  heyotten  again  to  a  lively  hope, 
I  have  heard  him  speak  of  it,  as  the  saying  of  some 
wise  men '  at  that  time, — That  if  all  the  Presbyte- 
rians had  been  like  Mr.  Stephen  Marshal,  and  all 
the  Independents  like  Mr.  Jeremiah  Burroughs,^ 
and  all  the  Episcopal  men  like  Archbishop  Usher,  s 
the  breaches  of  the  church  would  soon  have  been 
healed.  He  also  attended  constantly  upon  the 
monthly  fasts  at  St  Margaret's,  where  the  best  and 
ablest  ministers  of  England  preached  before  the  then 
House  of  Commons ;  and  the  service  of  the  day  was 
carried  on  with  great  strictness  and  solemnity,  from 
eight  in  the  morning  till  four  in  the  evening.  [He 
likewise  frequented  extraordinary  fasts  and  thanks- 
givings, i*  Here  he  used  to  sit  always  upon  the 
pulpit  stairs,'  and]  it  was  his  constant  practice, 
from  eleven  or  twelve  years  old,  to  write,  as  he  could, 
all  the  sermons  he  heard,  which  he  kept  very  care- 
fully, transcribed  many  of  them  fair  over  after,  and, 
notwithstanding  his  many  removes,  they  are  yet 

At  these  monthly  fasts,  he  himself  hath  recorded 
it,  he  had  often  sweet  meltings  of  soul  in  pj^ayer, 
and  confession  of  sin,  (particularly  once  with  special 
remark,  when  Mr.  William  Bridge,"^  of  Yarmouth, 
prayed,)  and  many  warm  and  lively  truths  came 
home  to  his  heart,  and  he  daily  increased  in  that 
wisdom  and  knowledge  which  is  to  salvation.  Read 
his  reflections  upon  this,  which  he  wrote  many  years 
after.  ''  If  ever  any  child,"  saith  he,  *'  such  as  I 
then  was,  between  the  tenth  and  fifteenth  years  of 
my  age,  enjoyed  line  vpon  line^  precept  upon  precept^ 
I  did.  And  was  it  in  vain  ?  I  trust,  not  altogether 
in  vain.  My  soul  rejoiccth,  and  is  glad  at  the  re- 
membrance of  it ;  the  word  distilled  as  the  dew,  and 
dropt  as  the  rain,  1  loved  it,  and  loved  the  messen- 
gers of  it;  their  very  feet  were  beautiful  to  me. 
And,  Lord,  what  a  mercy  was  it,  that,  at  a  time 
when  the  poor  countries  were  laid  waste ;  when  the 
.  noise  of  drums  and  trumpets,  and  the  clattering  of 
arms,  was  heard  there,  and  the  ways  to  Sion  mourned, 
that  then  my  lot  should  be  where  there  was  peace 

e  Mr.  Baxter  used  to  ny  so.  Neal's  History  of  the  Puritans,  v. 
3.  p.  349.  ed.  1795. 

f  Nat.  A.  D.  IM9.  Ob.  Nov.  14.  I64fi.  Lives  of  the  Puritans,  v. 
3.  p.  i& 

g  Nat.  Jan.  4. 1.580.  ob.  Mar.  21,  18W.  Life  and  Utters,  by  his 
Chaplain.  Dr.  Parr,  fol.  1686. 

h  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

and  quietness,  where  the  voice  of  the  turtle  was  heard^ 
and  there  was  great  plenty  of  gospel  opportunities ! 
Bless  the  Lord,  O  my  soul!  As  long  as  I  live  I  will 
bless  the  Lord.  I  will  praise  my  God  while  I  have 
my  being.  Had  it  been  only  the  restraint  that  it 
laid  upon  me,  whereby  I  was  kept  from  the  common 
sins  of  other  children  and  youths,  such  as  cursing, 
swearing,  sabbath-breaking,  and  the  like,  I  were 
bound  to  be  very  thankful.  But  tliat  it  prevailed, 
through  grace,  effectually  to  bring  me  to  God,  how 
much  am  I  indebted !  And  what  shall  I  render  f" 

Thus  you  see  how  the  dews  of  heaven  softened  his 
heart  by  degrees. — From  these  early  experiences  of 
his  own, 

1.  He  would  blame  those  who  laid  so  much  stress 
on  people  knowing  the  exact  time  of  their  conver- 
sion, which  he  thought  was,  with  many,  not  possible 
to  do.  Who  can  so  soon  be  aware  of  the  day-break, 
or  of  the  springing  up  of  the  seed  sown  ?  The  work 
of  grace  is  better  known  in  its  effects  than  in  its 

He  would  sometimes  illustrate  this  by  that  saying 
of  the  blind  man  to  the  Pharisees,  who  were  so  cri- 
tical in  examining  the  recovery  of  his  sight.  This, 
and  the  other,  I  know  not  concerning  it,  but,— TAit 
one  thing  I  hnow,  that,  whereas  I  was  blind,  now  I  see, 
John  ix.  25. 

2.  He  would  bear  his  testimony  to  the  comfort 
and  benefit  of  early  piety,  and  recommend  it  to  all 
young  people,  as  a  good  thing  to  bear  the  yoke  of 
the  Lord  Jesus  in  youth.  He  would  often  witness 
against  that  wicked  proverb,  "  A  young  saint,  an 
old  devil ;"  and  would  have  it  said  rather, — A  young 
saint,  an  old  angel.'  He  observed  it  concerning 
Obadiah,  and  he  was  a  courtier,  that  he  feared  the 
Lord  from  his  youth;  1  Kings  xviii.  12.  and  it  is 
said  of  him,  verse  3.  that  he  "  feared  the  Lord 
greatly."  Those  that  would  come  to  fear  God 
greatly,  must  learn  to  fear  him  from  their  youth. 
No  man  did  his  duty  so  naturally  as  Timothy  did, 
Phil.  ii.  20.  who,  from  a  child,  knew  the  Holy  Scrip- 
tures. He  would  sometimes  apply  to  this  that  com- 
mon saying, — He  that  would  thrive,  must  rise  at  five. 
And,  in  dealing  with  young  people,  how  earnestly 
would  he  press  this  upon  them, — I  tell  you,  you 
cannot  begin  too  soon  to  be  religious,  but  you  may 
put  it  off  too  long.  Manna  must  be  gathered  early, 
and  he  that  is  the  first,  must  have  the  first.  He  often 
inculcated,  Eccles.  xii.  I,  Remember  thy  Creator  in 
the  days  of  thy  youth ;  or,  as  in  the  original,  **  the 
days  of  thy  choice," — thy  choice  days,  and  thy 
choosing  days. 

I  Life.  Orig.  MS.  W  npra. 

k  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  a  p.  19.  He  died  Mar.  12,  1670. 

1  Remember  the  olde  proverbe,  yomig  saints, old  devils;  which 
proverbe,  in  very  deed,  is  naught  and  deeeitfull ;  therefore  ^e 
may  say  thus,— Young  devill,  old  devill ;  Young  saints,  old  saints. 
Sermons  by  Bishop  Latimer,  p.  171.  4to.  1007. 



[He  would  say  sometimes,— The  life  of  a  Christian 
is  a  life  of  labour  ;  San,  Go,  work  ;— it  is  necessary 
work,  and  excellent  work,  and  pleasant  work,  and 
profitable  work ;  and  it  is  good  to  be  at  it  when 

I  remember  a  passage  of  his  in  a  Lecture  Sermon, 
io  the  year  1674,  which  mach  affected  many.  He 
was  preaching  on  that  text.  Matt.  xi.  30.  My  yoke  is 
easy;  and,  after  many  things  insisted  upon,  to  prove 
the  yoke  of  Christ  an  easy  yoke,  he  at  last  appealed 
to  the  experience  of  all  that  had  drawn  in  that  yoke. 
— C(f//,  now,  if  there  be  any  that  will  answer  you  ;  and 
to  which  of  the  saints  will  you  turn  ?  Turn  to  which 
Tou  will,  and  they  will  all  agree,  that  they  have 
foond  wisdom's  ways  pleasantness ;  and  Christ's  com- 
mandments  not  grievous ; — and,  saith  he,  I  will  here 
witness  for  one,  who,  through  grace,  has,  in  some 
poor  measure,  been  drawing  in  this  yoke,  now  above 
thirty  years,  and  I  have  found  it  an  easy  yoke,  and 
like  my  choice  too  well  to  change. 

3.  He  would  also  recommend  it  to  the  care  of 
parents,  to  bring  their  children  betimes  to  public 
ordinances.  He  would  say,  that  they  are  capable, 
sooner  than  we  are  aware,  of  receiving  good  by  them. 
The  Scripture  takes  notice,  more  than  once,  of  the 
Uttle  ones  in  the  solemn  assemblies  of  the  faithful ; 
Deat.  xxix.  11.  Ezra  x.  1.  Acts  xxi.  5.  If  we 
lay  our  children  by  the  pool-side,  who  knows  but 
the  Blessed  Spirit  may  help  them  in,  and  heal  them. " 
He  used  to  apply  that  scripture  to  this.  Cant.  i.  8. 
Those  that  would  have  communion  with  Christ, 
must  not  only  go  forth  by  ihe  footsteps  of  the  flock, 
themselves,  hnX  feed  their  kids  too, — ^their  children, 
or  other  young  ones  that  are  under  their  charge, 
beside  the  Shepherd's  tents. 

4.  He  would  also  recommend  to  young  people  the 
practice  of  writing  sermons.  He  himself  did  it,  not 
only  when  he  was  young,  but  continued  it  constantly 
till  within  a  few  years  before  he  died,  when  the  decay 
of  his  sight,  obliging  him  to  the  use  of  spectacles, 
made  writing  not  so  ready  to  him  as  it  had  been. 
He  never  wrote  short-hand,  but  had  an  excellent  art 
of  taking  the  snbstsmcc  of  a  sermon  in  a  very  plain 
and  legible  hand,  **  and  with  a  great  deal  of  ease. 
And  the  sermons  he  wrote,  he  kept  by  him,  in  such 
method  and  order,  that,  by  the  help  of  indexes. 

m  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

n  See  John  v.  2 — 8. 

o  It  hath  been  observed  of  many  eminent  men,  that  they  have 
wntten  bat  bad  hands,  and  some  think  that  is  the  meaning  of 
Paul's  rnXicocf  'tpa4iiLa*rt9,  Gal.  vi.  II.  **  Ye  see  with  what  sort  or 
letters  (how  ill  made)  I  have  written  to  you  with  my  own  hand." 
Rut  if  that  be  a  rule,  B(r.  Henry  was  an  exception  from  it.  Life. 
Ori^  MS.  9t  tmfrm.  The  aame  could  not  be  said  of  the  excellent 
cofmneotator.  Avrare  of  it,  in  a  letter  to  his  friend,  the  Rev.  S. 
Clark,  be  tbos  writes ; — **  I  oft  blame  myself  for  writing  carelessly, 
etpeeiany  when  my  mind  is  intent"  Chester.  Dec.  4,  1700. 
Orig  MS. 

p  Mr.  John  Ireland,  the  editor  of  Hogarth's  works,  numbered 
Mr.  Henry  among  hia  aneeators.   His  mother,  the  daughter  of  the 

which  he  made  to  them,  he  could  readily  turn  almost 
to  any  sermon  that  ever  he  heard,  where  he  noted 
the  preacher,  place,  and  time ;  and  this  he  called, — 
Hearing  for  the  time  to  come.  He  recommended 
this  practice  to  others,  as  a  means  to  engage  their 
attention  in  hearing,  and  to  prevent  drowsiness,  and 
to  help  their  memories  after  hearing,  when  they  come 
cither  to  meditate  t^pon  what  they  have  heard  them- 
selves, or  to  communicate  it  to  others ;  and  many 
have  had  reason  to  bless  God  for  his  advice  and 
instruction  herein.  He  would  advise  people  some- 
times to  look  over  the  sermon-notes  that  they  had 
written,  as  a  ready  way  to  revive  the  good  impres- 
sions of  the  truths  they  had  heard,  and  would  blame 
those  who  made  waste-paper  of  them ; — for,  saith 
he,  the  day  is  coming,  when  you  will  either  thank 
God  for  them,  or  heartily  wish  you  had  never  written 

But  it  is  time  we  return  to  Westminster  School, 
Vhere,  having  begun  to  learn  Christ,  we  left  him  in 
the  successful  pursuitof  other  learning,  under  the  eye 
and  care  of  that  great  Master,  Dr.  Busby ;  who,  on  the 
account  of  his  pregnancy  and  diligence,  took  a  par- 
ticular kindness  to  him,  called  him  his  child,  and 
would  sometimes  tell  him  he  should  be  his  heir ;  and 
there  was  no  love  lost  betwixt  them. '  Dr.  Busby 
was  noted  for  a  very  severe  schoolmaster,  especially 
in  the  beginning  of  his  time.  But  Mr.  Henry  would 
say  sometimes,  that,  as  in  so  great  a  school  there  was 
need  of  a  strict  discipline,  so,  for  his  own  part,  of 
the  four  years  he  was  in  the  school,  he  never  felt  the 
weight  of  his  hand  but  once,  and  then,  saith  he,  in 
some  of  the  remarks  of  his  youth,  which  he  wrote 
long  after,  I  deserved  it.  For,  being  monitor  of  the 
chamber,  and,  according  to  the  duty  of  his  place, 
being  sent  out  to  seek  one  that  played  truant,  ^  he 
found  him  out  where  he  had  hid  himself,  and,  at  his 
earnest  request,  promised  to  make  an  excuse  for  him, 
and  to  say  he  could  not  find  him ;  which,  saith  he, 
in  a  penitential  reflection  upon  it  afterwards,  I 
wickedly  did.  Next  morning,  the  truant  coming 
under  examination,  and  being  asked  whether  he  saw 
the  monitor,  said.  Yes,  he  did ;  at  which  Dr.  Busby 
was  much  surprised,  and  turned  his  eye  upon  the 
monitor,  with  this  word,  Kal  ffv  rUvov ;  What  thou,  my 
son!'  and  gave  him  correction,  and  appointed  him 

Rev.  Thomas  Holland,  of  Wem,  in  Shropshire,  was  Mr.  Henry*i 

The  first  time  Mr.  Ireland  was  introduced  to  Dr.  Johnson,  he 
was  stated  to  be  a  descendant  of  Mr.  Philip  Henry,  on  which  that 
great  man  remarked,  in  his  emphatic  manner,—"  Sir,  you  are 
descended  from  a  man,  whose  genuine  simplicity,  and  unalDscted 
piety,  would  have  done  honour  to  any  sect  of  Christians-,  and, 
as  a  scholar,  he  must  have  had  uncommon  acquirements,  when 
Busby  boasted  of  having  been  his  tutor."  Public  Characters  of 
iaoO-1801.  p.  339. 

q  One  Nath.  Bull,  afterwards  a  Master  of  Paul's  School  Life. 
Orig.  MS.  «/  npra. 

r  The  historian,  narrating  the  murder  of  Julius  Cesar, 
records,  that,—"  with  3  and  20  wounds  he  was  stabbed :  dur- 



to  make  a  penitential  copy  of  Latin  verses,  which, 
when  he  brought,  he  gave  him  sixpence,  and  received 
him  into  his  favour  again. 

Among  the  mercies  of  Grod  to  him  in  his  youth, 
(and  he  would  say,  it  were  well  if  parents  would 
keep  an  account  of  those  for  their  children,  till  they 
came  to  be  capable  of  doing  it  for  themselves,  and 
then  to  set  them  upon  the  doing  of  it,)  he  hath 
recorded  a  remarkable  deliverance  he  had  here  at 
Westminster  School,  which  was  this :  It  was  cus- 
tomary thei  J,  among  the  studious  boys,  for  one,  or 
two,  or  more,  to  sit  up  the  former  part  of  the  night  at 
study ;  and  when  they  went  to  bed,  about  midnight, 
to  call  others ;  and  they  others,  at  two  or  three  o'clock, 
as  they  desired.  His  request  was  to  be  called  at 
twelve ;  being  awaked,  he  desired  his  candle  might 
be  lighted,  which  stuck  to  the  bed's  head ;  but  he 
dropt  asleep  again,  and  the  candle  fell,  and  burnt 
part  of  the  bed  and  bolster,  ere  he  awaked ;  but, 
through  God's  good  providence,  seasonable  help  came 
in,  the  fire  was  soon  quenched,  and  he  received  no 
harm.  This  g^ve  him  occasion,  long  after,  to  say, — 
It  is  of  the  Lord's  mercies  that  we  are  not  consumed. 

When  he  was  at  Westminster  school  he  was  em- 
ployed by  Dr.  Busby,  as  some  others  of  the  most 
ingenious  and  industrious  of  his  scholars  were,  in 
their  reading  of  the  Greek  Authors,  to  collect,  by 
his  direction,  some  materials  for  that  excellent  Greek 
Grammar,  which  the  Doctor  afterwards  published. 

But,  be  the  school  never  so  ag^eable,  youth  is 
desirous  to  commence  man  by  a  removal  from  it. 
This  step  he  took  in  the  sixteenth  year  of  his  age. 
It  was  the  ancient  custom  of  Westminster  School, 
that  all  the  King's  Scholars,  who  stood  candidates 
for  an  election  to  the  University,  were  to  receive  the 
Lord's  Supper  the  Easter  before,  which  he  did  with 
the  rest,  in  St.  Margaret's  Church,  at  Easter,  1647 ; 
and  he  would  often  speak  of  the  great  pains  which 
Dr.  Busby  took  witli  his  scholars,  that  were  to 
approach  to  that  solemn  ordinance,  for  several  weeks 
before,  at  stated  times ;  with  what  skill  and  serious- 
ness of  application,  and  manifest  concern  for  their 
souls,  he  opened  to  them  the  nature  of  the  ordinance, 
and  of  the  work  they  had  to  do  in  it ;  and  instructed 
them  what  was  to  be  done  in  preparation  for  it ;  and 
this  he  made  a  business  of,  appointing  them  their 
religious  exercises  instead  of  their  school  exercises. 
What  success  this  had,  through  the  g^nce  of  God, 
upon  young  Mr.  Henry,  to  whom  the  doctor  had  a 

iog  which  time  he  gave  but  one  frronn,  without  any  worde 
uttered,  and  that  was  at  the  first  thrust ;  although  some 
have  written,  that,  as  M.  Brutus  came  running  upon  him,  he 
said,  Kai  ffv  TCKvov ;  j1»d  lk<m^  my  tonnt  /"  Suetonius,  p.  33.  fol. 

s  Upon  hearing  of  the  death  of  Dr  Busby,  in  April,  1695,  after 
he  had  been  near  flfty-eight  years  Schoolmaster  of  Westminster 
School,  Mr.  Henry  thus  writes.^!  believe  1  have  as  much  reason 
to  l^less  God  for  him,  as  any  scholar  that  ever  he  had  —he  having 

particular  regard,  read  from  his  own  hand.  '*  There 
had  been  treaties,"  saith  he,  '*  before,  between  my 
soul  and  Jesus  Christ,  with  some  weak  overtures 
towards  him ;  but  then,  then,  I  think,  it  was,  that 
the  match  was  made,  the  knot  tied :  then  I  set  my- 
self, in  the  strength  of  divine  grace,  about  the  great 
work  of  self-examination,  in  order  to  repentance ; 
and  then  I  repented ;  that  is,  solemnly  and  seriously, 
with  some  poor  meltings  of  soul.  I  confessed  my 
sins  before  God,  original  and  actual,  judging  and 
condemning  myself  for  them,  and  casting  away  from 
me  all  my  transgressions,  receiving  Christ  Jesus  the 
Lord,  as  the  Lord  my  Righteousness,  and  devoting 
and  dedicating,  my  whole  self,  absolutely  and  unre- 
servedly, to  his  fear  and  service.  After  which, 
coming  to  the  ordinance,  there,  there  I  received  him 
indeed ;  and  He  became  mine ; — I  say.  Mine,  Bless 
the  Lord,  O  my  soul  /" 

Dr.  Busby's  agency,  under  God,  in  this  blessed 
work,  he  makes  a  very  g^^teful  mention  of,  in  divers 
of  his  papers,— The  Lord  recompense  it,  saith  he,  a 
thousand-fold  into  his  bosom.  * 

I  have  heard  him  tell  how  much  he  surprised  the 
Doctor,  the  first  time  he  waited  upon  him  after  he 
was  turned  out  by  the  act  of  uniformity :  for  when 
the  Doctor  asked  him, ''  Pr'ythee,  child,  what  made 
thee  a  nonconformist  ?— Truly,  Sir,  saith  Mr.  Henry, 
you  made  me  one ;  for  you  taught  me  those  things 
that  hindered  me  from  conforming." 

"  Encouraged  by  this  experience,  I  have  myself," 
saith  he,  in  one  of  his  papers,  '*  taken  like  pains 
with  divers  others  at  their  first  admission  to  the  Lord's 
table,  and  have,  through  grace,  seen  the  comfortable 
fruits  of  it,  both  in  mine  own  children  and  others. 
To  God  be  glory." 

Mr.  Jeremy  Dyke's*  book  of  the  sacrament,  I 
have  heard  him  say^  was  of  great  use  to  him  at  that 
time,  in  his  preparation  for  that  ordinance. 

Thus  was  this  great  concern  happily  settled  before 
his  launching  out  into  the  world,  which,  through 
grace,  he  had  all  his  days  more  or  less  the  comfort 
of,  in  an  even  serenity  of  mind,  and  a  peaceful  ex- 
pectation of  the  glory  to  be  revealed. 

May  17,  1647,  he  was  chosen  from  Westminster 
School  to  Christ-church  in  Oxford,  jure  loci,  with 
four  others,  of  which  he  had  the  second  place.  At 
his  election  he  was  very  much  countenanced  and 
smiled  upon  by  his  godfather,  the  Earl  of  Pembroke, 
who  was  one  of  the  electors. 

been  so  instrumental  in  beginning  the  good  work  in  him.  Lire. 
Orig.  MS.  tit  twpra. 

t  He  was  "  or  a  cheerful  spirit ;  and  know,  reader*  that  an  ounce 
of  mirth,  with  the  same  degree  of  grace,  will  serve  God  farther 
than  a  pound  of  sadiiease."  Fuller's  Worthies.  Hartfordshire,  p. 
38  fol.  1602.    He  died  A.  D.  16*20. 

The  book  referred  to  is  entitled,  *•  A  Worthy  Communicant; 
or,  a  Treatise,  showing  the  due  order  of  Receiving  the  Sacrament 
of  the  Lord's  Supper."    Duod.  1615. 





Though  be  was  chosen  to  the  Uniyersity  in  May, 
yet,  being  then  yonng,  under  sixteen,  and  in  loye 
with  his  achool-lcaming,  he  made  no  g^at  haste 
thither.  It  was  in  December*  following,  1647,  that 
he  removed  to  Oxford.  Some  merciful  providences, 
in  his  joamcy,  he  being  a  young  traveller,  affected 
him  much,  and  he  used  to  speak  of  them,  with  a 
sense  of  God's  goodness  to  him  in  them,  according 
to  the  impressions  then  made  by  them ;  and  he  hath 
recorded  them  with  this  thankful  note, — That  there 
may  be  a  great  mercy  in  a  small  matter ;  as  the  care 
that  was  taken  of  hipi  by  strangers,  when  ho  fainted 
tnd  was  sick  in  his  inn  the  first  night;  and  his 
casual  meeting  with  Mr.  Anncsly,  son  to  the  Vis- 
count Yalentia,  (who  was  chosen  from  Westminster 


School  at  the  same  time  that  he  was,)  when  his  other 
company,  going  another  way,  had  left  him  alone, 
and  utterly  at  a  loss  what  to  do.  Thus  the  sensible 
remembrance  of  old  mercies  may  answer  the  inten- 
tion of  new  ones,  which  is  to  engage  our  obedience 
to  God,  and  to  encourage  our  dependence  on  him. 

Being  come  to  Oxford,  he  was  immediately  en- 
tocd  commoner  of  Christ-church,  where  Dr.  Samuel 
FelP  was  then  Dean ;  the  tutor  assigned  to  him  and 
the  rest  of  that  election  was  Mr.  Underwood/  a  very 
learned,  ingenious  gentleman. 

His  godfather,  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  had  given 
him  ten  pounds  to  buy  him  a  gown,  to  pay  his  fees, 
and  to  set  out  with.  This  in  his  papers  he  puts  a  re- 
mark upon,  as  a  seasonable  mercy  in  regard  of  some 
straits,  which  Providence,  by  the  calamity  of  the 
times,  had  brought  his  father  to.  God  had  taught 
him  from  his  youth  that  excellent  principle,  which 
he  adhered  to  all  his  days,  that  every  creature  is  that 
to  us,  and  no  more,  that  God  makes  it  to  be  ;**  and, 
therefore,  while  many  seek  the  ruler's  favour,  and  so 
expect  to  make  their  fortunes,  as  they  call  it,  seeing 
every  man's  judgement  procccdeth  from  the  Lord,  it 
is  our  wisdom  to  seek  his  favour,  who  is  the  Ruler  of 
rolers,  and  that  is  an  effectual  w^y  to  make  sure  our 

To  the  proper  studies  of  this  place  he  now  vigor- 
ously addressed  himself;  but  still  retaining  a  great 
kindness  for  the  classic  authors,  and  the  more  polite 
exercises  he  loved  so  well  at  Westminster  School. 

t  Dec  15     Orig.  BIS. 

b  Bora,  1584 ;  Ob.  Feb.  IS48-9.  Wood's  Ath.  Oxon.  By  Dr. 
mm,  T.  a  p.*  343.  4to.  ISIT 

c  See  Walker* s  Sofkrings  of  tbe  aeiig7,  Part  11.  p.  110.  fol. 

d  Dr.  Harris  **  would  oHen  say,  God  made  It  appear  to  all  be- 
kolden,  that  the  beat  nan  ia  no  more  than  God  makes  him  hourly." 
Ufe.  by  W.  D.Cuzham.3  p.  4S.  duod.  lew.  See  Wood's  Ath.  ▼.  4. 
pi  146L  witaprm. 

He  was  admitted  student  of  Christ-church,  March 
24, 1647-8,  by  Dr.  Henry  Hammond,  **  that  g^eat  man, 
then  Sub-Dean,  who  called  him  his  god-brother,  the 
Earl  of  Pembroke  being  his  god-father  also,  and 
Prince  Henry  the  other,  who  gave  him  his  name. 

The  visitation  of  the  University  by  the  Parliament 
happened  to  be  in  the  very  next  month  after.  Ox- 
ford had  been  for  a  good  while  in  the  hands  of  the 
Parliament,  and  no  change  made-;  but  now  the  Earl 
of  Pembroke,  and  several  others  thereunto  appoint- 
ed, came  hither  to  settle  things  upon  a  new  bottom. 
The  account  Mr.  Henry  in  his  papers  gives  of  this 
affair,  is  to  this  purpose  :  The  sole  question  which 
the  visitors  proposed  to  each  person,  high  and  low, 
in  every  college,  that  had  any  place  of  profit,  was 
this,  **  Will  you  submit  to  the  power  of  the  Parlia- 
ment in  this  present  visitation  V*  To  which  all  were 
to  give  in  their  answer  in  writing,  and  accordingly 
were  either  displaced  or  continued.  Some  cheerfully 
complied,  others  absolutely  refused ;  (among  whom 
he  would  sometimes  tell  of  one  that  was  but  of  his 
standing,  who  gave  in  this  bold  answer,  "  I  neither 
can  nor  will  submit  to  the  power  of  the  Parliament 
in  this  present  visitation ;  I  say  I  cannot,  I  say  I 
mil  not.''  J.  C.^  Others  answered  doubtfully, 
pleading  youth  and  ignorance*  in  such  matters. 
Mr.  Henry's  answer  was, — I  submit  to  the  power  of 
the  Parliament  in  the  present  visitation,  as  far  as  I 
may  with  a  safe  conscience,  and  without  perjury. 
His  reason  for  the  last  salvo  was,  because  he  had 
taken  the  oaths  of  allegiance  and  supremacy  a  little 
before,  at  his  admission ;  which  he  was,  according 
to  the  character  of  the  good  man,  that  he  fears  an 
oath,  very  jealous  of  doing  any  thing  to  contradict 
or  infringe ;  which  hath  made  him  sometimes  signify 
some  dislike  of  that  practice  of  administering  oaths 
to  such  as  were  scarce  past  children,  who  could 
hardly  be  supposed  to  take  them  with  judgment,  as 
oaths  should  be  taken.  However,  this  answer  of  his 
satisfied ;  and,  by  the  favour  of  the  Earl  of  Pembroke, 
he  was  continued  in  his  student's  place.  But  g^eat 
alterations  were  made  in  that,  as  well  as  in  other 
colleges,  very  much,  no  question,  to  the  hinderance 
and  discouragement  of  young  scholars,  who  came 
thither  to  get  learning,  not  to  judge  of  the  rights  of 
government.  Dr.  Samuel  Fell,  the  Dean,  was  re- 
moved, and  Dr.  Edward  Reynolds,  afterwards  Bishop 
of  Norwich,  was  put  in  his  room.  Dr.  Hammond 
and  all  the  Canons,  "  except  Dr.  Wall,  were  dis- 
placed,  and   Mr.   Wilkinson,   Mr.   Pococke,   and 

e  See  bis  life  by  Dr.  Fell.  p.  3.  duod.  i661.  Dr.  H.  was  born  18 
Aug.  1605.    Ob.  25  Ap.  1600. 

f  John  Carrick.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  See  Wallcer,  »/  wpra. 
Part  11.  p.  110.  His  answer  provoked,  and  be  was  soon  after 
turned  out.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

g  See  tbe  Lives  o(  Jobn  Leland,  Tbomas  Haame,  and  Anthony 
i  Wood,  ▼.  2.  p.  52.  OCt  1772. 

h  Dr.  George  Morley.  Dr.  Rich.  Gardiner,  Dr.  Morris.  Dr.  San- 
derson, and  Dr.  Payn,  and  one  more.   P.  Henry,  Orig.  MS. 



others,'  of  the  Parliament's  friends,  were  preferred 
to  their  places.  His  thoughts  of  this  in  the  reflection 
long  after,  was,  that  milder  methods  might  have  done 
better,  and  would  have  been  a  firmer  establishment 
to  the  new  interest ;  but,  considering  that  many  of 
those  who  were  put  out  (being  in  expectation  of  a 
sudden  change,  which  came  not  of  many  years  after) 
were  exasperating  in  their  carriage  towards  the 
visitors ;  and  that  the  Parliament,  who  at  this  time 
rode  masters,  had  many  of  their  own  friends  ready 
for  University-preferments,  (which,  Oxford  having 
been  from  the  beginning  a  garrison  for  the  King; 
they  had  been  long  kept  out  of,)  and  these  they  were 
concerned  to  oblige,  it  was  not  strange  if  they  took 
such  strict  methods.  And  yet  nothing  being  required 
but  a  bare  submission,  which  might  be  interpreted 
but  as  crying  quarter,  he  thought  withal,  that  it 
could  not  be  said  the  terms  were  hard,  especially, 
saith  he,  if  compared  with  those  of  another  nature 
imposed  since. 

Among  other  student-masters  removed,  his  tutor, 
Mr.  Underwood,  was  one,  which  he  often  bewailed 
as  ill  for  him,  for  he  was  a  good  scholar,  and  one 
that  made  it  his  business  to  look  after  his  pupils, 
who  were  very  likely,  by  the  blessing  of  God,  to 
have  profited  under  his  conduct.  But,  upon  the  re- 
moval of  Mr.  Underwood,  he,  with  some  others,  was 
turned  over  to  Mr.  Finmore,  who  was  then  in  with 
that  interest  which  was  uppermost,  and  was  after- 
wards Prebendary  of  Chester ;  a  person,  as  he  notes, 
able  enough,  but  not  willing  to  employ  his  abilities 
for  the  good  of  those  that  were  committed  to  his 
charge  ;  towards  whom  he  had  little  more  than  the 
name  of  a  tutor.  This  he  lamented  as  his  infelicity 
at  his  first  setting  out.  But  it  pleased  God  to  give 
him  an  interest  in  the  affections  of  a  young  man,  an 
under-graduatc  then,  but  two  or  three  years  his  senior 
fix>m  Westminster,  one  Mr.  Richard  Bryan, "  who 
took  him  to  be  his  chamber-fellow,  while  he  con- 
tinued at  Oxford,  read  to  him,  overlooked  his  studies, 
and  directed  him  in  them.  Of  this  gentleman  he 
makes  a  very  honourable  mention,  as  one  who  was, 
through  God's  blessing,  an  instrument  of  much  good 
to  him.  Mr.  John  Fell,  also,  the  Dean's  son,  (after- 
wards himself  Dean  of  Christ-church,  ahd  Bishop 
of  Oxford,)  taking  pity  on  him,  and  some  others 
that  were  neglected,  voluntarily  read  to  them  for 
some  time ;  a  kindness  which  he  retained  a  very 
grateful  sense  of,  and  for  which  he  much  honoured 
that  learned  and  worthy  person. 

Here  he  duly  performed  the  college-exercises,  dis- 

i  Mr.  Cornish,  Mr.  Langley,  Mr.  Rogers,  Mr.  Button,  and  Dr. 
Mills.  Also  great  alterations  among  the  students,  and  the  like,  in 
other  colleges.    P.  Henry.  Orig  MS. 

k  See  Walker's  Sufferings  of  the  Clergy,  Part  II.  p.  110. 

1  Life.  Orig.  MS.  «/  $wpra. 

m  What  must  needes  bee  done  in  colledge-exercise,  for  dispu- 
tations  every  day,  in  Tcrm>time,  for  theames  and  verses  once  a 
week,  and  for  declamations,  when  it  came  to  my  turn,  I  did  as 

putations  every  day,  in  Term-time;  thenies  and 
verses  once  a  week,  and  declamations  when  it  came 
to  his  turn ;  in  which  performances  he  frequently 
came  off  with  very  great  applause.  And  many  of 
his  manuscripts  which  remain,  show  how  well  he 
improved  his  time  there,  [though  most  of  his  philo- 
sophy collections  were  casually  lost  together  in  a 
trunk  in  some  remove,  which  he  oft  lamented. '] 

And  yet,  in  some  reflections  I  find  under  his  band, 
written  long  after,  wherein  he  looks  back  upon  his 
early  days,  he  chargeth  it  upon  himself,  that  for  a 
good  while  after  he  came  to  the  University,  though 
he  was  known  not  to  be  inferior  to  any  of  his  stand- 
ing in  public  exercises,'"  yet  he  was  too  much  a 
stranger  to  that  hard  study  which  afterwards  he 
became  acquainted  with,  and  that  he  lost  a  deal  of 
time  which  might  have  been  better  improved.  Thus 
he  is  pleased  to  accuse  himself  of  that,  which,  for 
ought  I  ever  heard,  no  one  else  did,  or  could,  accuse 
him  of.  But  the  truth  is,  in  all  the  secret  accounts 
he  kept  of  himself,  he  appears  to  have  had  a  very 
quick  and  deep  sense  of  his  own  failings  and  infir- 
mities, in  the  most  minute  instances ;  the  loss  of  time, 
weakness  and  distractions  in  holy  duties,  not  im- 
proving opportunities  of  doing  good  to  others,  and 
the  like ;  lamentably  bewailing  these  imperfections, 
and  charging  them  upon  himself,  with  as  great  ex- 
pressions of  shame,  and  sorrow,  and  self-abhorrence, 
and  crying  out  as  earnestly  for  pardon  and  forgive- 
ness in  the  blood  of  Jesus,  as  if  he  had  been  the 
greatest  of  sinners.  ["  I  was,"  he  writes,  "  too 
much  in  love  with  recreation ;  a  bowling-green,  I 
remember,  out  of  town,  and  a  methcglin-house,  which 
I  often  went  to  in  winter  for  my  morning  draught, 
and  it  was  such  a  draught  as  disfitted  me  for  study 
after,  though  I  cannot  say  I  was  ever  drunk.  These 
things  are  now  bitter  to  me,  and  have  been  formerly, 
many  a  time,  in  the  reflection,  and  here  I  record 
them  against  myself.''  *]  For,  though  he  was  a  man 
that  walked  very  closely,  yet  withal  he  walked  very 
humbly,  with  God,  and  lived  a  life  of  repentance  and 
self-denial.  This  minds  me  of  a  sermon  of  his, 
which  one  might  discern  came  from  the  heart,  on 
that  scripture,  Rom.  vii.  24.  O  wretched  man  that  I 
am,  who  shall  deliver  me  from  the  body  of  this  death  ! 
A  strange  complaint,  saith  he,  to  come  from  the 
mouth  of  one  who  had  learned  in  every  state  to  be 
content.  Had  I  been  to  have  g^ven  my  thoughts, 
said  he,  concerning  Paul,  I  should  have  said,  O 
blessed  man  that  thou  art,  that  hast  been  in  the  third 
heaven,  a  great  apostle,  a  spiritual  father  to  thon- 

others  of  my  standing,  and  sometimes  had  prayse  for  it  But  as 
for  that  which  wee  call  hard  study,  giving  myself  to  reading,  late 
and  early,  and  digesting  what  I  read  by  daily  serious  review,  I  was 
too  much  a  stranger  to  it  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  See  some  Re- 
markable Passages  in  the  Lire  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Edmund  Trendi,  p. 
!iO.  duod.  1693. 
n  P.  Henry.    Orig.  MS. 



giDds,  &c.  and  yet  a  wretched  man  all  this  while, 
in  his  own  accoant  and  esteem.  He  never  complains 
thus  of  the  bonds  and  afflictions  that  did  abide  him, 
the  prisons  that  were  frequent,  the  stripes  above 
measure ;  but  the  body  of  death  ;  that  is,  the  body 
of  sin,  that  was  it  he  groaned  under.  How  feelingly 
did  he  observe  from  thence, — That  the  remainders 
of  indwelling  corroption  are  a  very  grievous  burthen 
to  a  gracious  soul.® 

But  to  return.  It  may  not  be  amiss  to  set  down 
the  causes  to  which  he  ascribes  his  loss  of  time  when 
he  came  first  to  the  University.  One  was,  that  he 
was  younf^,  too  young,  and  understood  not  the  day  of 
lib  opportunities,  which  made  him  afterwards  ad- 
vise his  friends  not  to  thrust  their  children  forth  too 
90on  from  school  to  the  university,  though  they  may 
seem  ripe,  in  respect  of  learning,  till  they  have  dis- 
cretion to  manage  themselves.  While  they  are  chil- 
dren, what  can  be  expected  but  that  they  should 
mind  childish  things?  Another  was,  that,  coming 
from  Westminster  School,  his  attainments  in  school- 
learning  were  beyond  what  generally  others  had  that 
came  from  other  schools ;  so  that  he  was  tempted  to 
think  there  was  no  need  for  him  to  study  much,  be- 
cause it  was  so  easy  to  him  to  keep  pace  with  others ; 
which,  be  said,  was  the  thing  Dr.  Caldecott,  Chap- 
lain to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  and  his  great  friend, 
warned  him  of  at  his  coming  to  Oxford.  Another 
was,  that  there  were  two  sorts  of  persons,  his  con- 
temporaries ;  some  of  the  new  stamp,  that  came  in 
by  tiie  visitation,  and  were  divers  of  them  serious, 
pious  young  men,  but  of  small  ability,  comparatively, 
for  learning,  and  those  for  that  reason  he  desired 
not  to  have  much  fellowship  with.  But  there  were 
others  that  were  of  the  old  spirit  and  way,  enemies 
to  the  Parliament,  and  the  reformation  they  made ; 
and  these  were  the  better  scholars,  but  generally  not 
the  better  men.  With  them,  for  a  while,  he  struck 
in  because  of  their  learning,  and  conversed  most 
with  them ;  but  he  soon  found  it  a  snare  to  him,  and 
that  it  took  him  off  from  the  life  of  religion  and 
communion  with  God.  Elanguescere  mox  eepit, 
saith  he,  in  a  Latin  narrative  of  his  younger  years, 
fristuuB  pietutu  order,  9fc,  But,  *'  for  ever  praised 
be  the  riches  of  God's  free  grace,"  saith  he,  in  an- 
other account,  **  that  he  was  pleased  still  to  keep 
his  hold  of  me ;  and  not  to  let  me  alone  when  I  was 
running  from  him,  but  set  his  hand  again  the  second 

o  See  the  Works  of  Bishop  Reynolds,  fol.  1056.  p.  6S4.  and  Dr. 
John  Owen's  Treatise  on  In-dwelling  Sin,  1608.  oct 

p  A  sfanilar  phrase  occurs  in  the  writings  of  Mr.  Paul  Rayne  ;— 
"  He  Vbmi  stamhles,  and  comes  not  down,  gets  ground :  the  trip- 
piop  of  God*s  children,  in  which  they  recover  themselves,  bring 
them  on  with  greater  advantage."  Christian  Letters,  p.  na  daod. 
1631.  Jfir.  Bayne  died  in  1AI7.  See  Chuk's  Lives,  annexed  to  the 
KMyrologie,  p.  «.  foL  1077.  Mr.  Baxter  thought  him  '*  one  of 
the  hoUcst  eboiecst  men,  that  ever  England  bred."  Saints' 
Everlasting  Rest,  p.  4IS.  -Ito.  IMZ. 

q  FstaMrsNoDCon.  Mem.  ▼.  3.  p. 480;  said  to  be  printed  fhmi 



time,  as  the  expression  is,  Isa.  xi.  11.  to  snatch  me 
at  a  brand  out  of  the  fire,"  His  recovery  from  this 
snare  he  would  call  a  kind  of  second  conversion ; 
so  much  was  he  affected  with  the  preventing  grace 
of  God  in  it,  and  sensible  of  a  double  bond  to  be  for 
ever  thankful,  as  well  as  of  an  engagement  to  be 
watchful  and  humble.  It  was  a  saying  of  his,— 
He  that  stumbleth  and  doth  not  fall,  gets  ground  by 
his  stumble.P 

[Hence  he  writes,  "  Forasmuch  as  I  have  by 
often  experience  found  the  treachery  and  deceitful- 
ness  of  my  own  heart,  and  being  taught  that  it  is 
my  duty  to  engage  my  heart  to  approach  unto  God, 
and  that  one  way  of  doing  it  is  by  subscribing  with 
my  hand  unto  the  Lord ;  therefore  let  this  paper  be 
witness,  that  I  do  deliberately,  of  choice,  and  unre- 
servedly, take  God  in  Christ  to  be  mine  ;  and  give 
myself  to  him,  to  be  his,  to  love  him,  to  fear  him,  to 
serve  and  obey  him ;  and,  renouncing  all  my  sins 
with  hearty  sorrow  and  detestation,  I  do  cast  myself 
only  upon  free  grace,  through  the  merits  of  Christ, 
for  pardon  and  forgiveness ;  and  do  propose,  God 
enabling  me,  from  this  day  forward,  more  than 
ever,  to  exercise  myself  unto  godliness,  and  to  walk 
in  all  the  ways  of  religion  as  much  as  ever  I  can 
with  delight  and  cheerfulness,  as  knowing  that  my 
labour  shall  not  be  in  vain  in  the  Lord/*  i] 

At  the  latter  end  of  the  year  1648,  he  had  leave 
given'  him  to  make  a  visit  to  his  father  at  White- 
hall, with  whom  he  staid  some  time ;  there  he  was, 
January  30,  when  the  King  was  beheaded,, and  with 
a  very  sad  heart  saw  that  tragical  blow  given.  Two 
things  he  used  to  speak  of,  that  he  took  notice  of 
himself  that  day,  which  I  know  not  whether  any  of 
the  historians  mention.  One  was,  tliat  at  the  instant 
when  the  blow  was  given,  there  was  such  a  dismal 
universal  groan  among  the  thousands  of  people  that 
were  within  sight  of  it,  as  it  were  with  one  consent, 
as  he  never  heard  before,  and  desired  he  might  never 
hear  the  like  again,  nor  see  such  a  cause  for  it.  *The 
other  was,  that  inmiediately  after  the  stroke  was 
struck,  there  was,  according  to  order,  one  troop 
marching  from  Charing-cross  towards  King-street, 
and  another  from  King-street  towards  Cha ring-cross, 
purposely  to  disperse  and  scatter  the  people,  and  to 
divert  the  dismal  thoughts  which  they  could  not  but 
be  filled  with,  by  driving  them  to  shift  every  one  for 
his  own  safety.    He  did  upon  all  occasions  testify 

r  At  the  latter  end  of  the  year  I64S I  had  leave  given  me  to  goe 
to  London  to  see  my  rather;  and  during  my  stay  there,  at  that 
time,  at  Whitehall,  it  was.  that  I  saw  the  beheading  of  King 
Charles  the  ^rst  Hee  went  by  water  to  Westminster,  for  bee 
took  bai^e  at  Garden-stayres,  where  wee  lived,  and  once  he  spake 
to  my  father,  andsayd,— Art  thou  alive  yetl 

On  the  day  of  his  execution,  which  was  Tuesday,  Jan.  30,  I 
stood  amongst  the  crowd  in  the  street,  before  Whitehall  gate, 
where  the  scaObld  was  erected,  and  saw  what  was  done,  but  was 
not  so  near  as  to  hear  any  thing.  The  blow  I  saw  given,  and  can 
tndy  say,  with  a  sad  heart.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  BIS. 



hia  abhorrence  of  this  unparalleled  action,  which  he 
always  said  was  a  thing  that  could  not  be  justified, 
and  yet  he  said  he  saw  not  how  it  could  be  called  a 
national  sin ;  for,  as  the  King  urged  upon  hL«  trial,  it 
was  certain  that  not  one  man  of  ten  in  the  kingdom 

•  Sf^e  the  Bishop  ^'^  ^^^^^^^^^  *^  ^^ '  *  "«'  <^°"'^  ^*  ^^ 

of  Chichester's  Ser.  called  the  sin  of  the  long  Parlia- 

moD  before  the  King,  ^^rr^L  xT-^* 

Jan.  30th.  I6OT,  page  ment,  for  far  the  greatest  part  of 

could  be  called  a  na-   thing  was  in  agitation,  imprisoned 

and  kept  under  a  force,  and  scarce 
twenty-seven  of  the  forty  that  were  left  to  carry  the 
name  of  a  Parliament,  did  give  their  vote  for  it ; 
which  the  Commissioners  for  the  trying  of  the  King's 
Judges,  in  the  year  1660,  (some  of  whom  had  been 
themselves  members  of  the  Long  Parliament,)  urged 
again  and  again,  in  answer  to  that  plea  which  the 
prisoners  stood  so  much  upon,  that  what  they  did 
was  by  authority  of  the  Parliament.  But  it  is  mani- 
fest it  was  done  by  a  prevailing  party  in  the  army, 
who,  as  he  used  to  express  it,  having  beaten  their 
plowshares  into  swords,  could  not  so  easily  beat  their 
swords  into  plowshares  again,  as  having  fought  more 
for  victory  and  dominion  than  for  peace  and  truth ; 
but  how  far  these  men  were  acted  and  influenced  by 
another  sort  of  people  behind  the  curtain,  the  world 
is  not  altogether  ignorant.  *  For  some  years  after 
King  Charles  II.  came  in,  he  observed  the  yearly 
day  of  humiliation^  for  this  sin,  desiring  that  God 
would  not  lay  the  guilt  of  blood  to  the  charge  of  the 
nation.  9ut,  afterwards,  finding  to  what  purposes  it 
was  generally  observed,  and  improved  even  to  the 
reproach  and  condemning  not  only  the  innocent,  but 
of  some  of  the  excellent  ones  of  the  land,  and  noting 
that  there  is  no  precedent  in  Scripture  of  keeping 
annual  days  of  humiliation  for  particular  sins;  espe- 
cially after  the  immediate  judgment  is  at  an  end, 
Zech.  viii.  19.  Heb.  x.  2,  3.  he  took  no  further 
notice  of  it.  But  in  his  diary  he  adds  this  tender 
remark,  according  to  the  spirit  he  was  of,  '<  Yet 
good  men,  no  doubt,  may  observe  it  to  the  Lord." 
Rom.  xiv.  6.  Thus  he  judged  not,  and  why  then 
should  he  be  judged  ? 

In  the  year  1650-1  he  took  his  Bachelor  of  Arts 
degree,  and  he  hath  recorded  the  goodness  of  God 
in  raising  him  up  friends,  who  helped  him  out  in 
the  expenses.  Such  kindnesses  have  a  peculiar 
sweetness  in  them  to  a  good  man,  who  sees  and 
receives  them  as  the  kindness  of  God,  and  the  tokens 
of  his  love. 

He  would  often  mention  it  with  thankfulness  to 

s  See  Dr.  Pair's  Life  of  Archbishop  Usher,  nt  $upra.  Letters  at 
the  end,  No.  293;  and  the  Alnr.  of  Baxter's  Life  and  Times,  ▼.  I. 
p.  57,  &c.  oct  1713. 

1 1671.  Jan.  30.  Brings  to  remembrance  the  horrid  murder  of 
the  late  King.  Deliver  the  nation  from  ))lood.guiltinea8, 0  God ! 
P.  Henry.    Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

1073.  Jan.  30.    We  remembered  this  day  the  death  of  Charles  L 

God,  what  great  helps  and  advantages  he  had  then 
in  the  University,  not  only  for  learning,  but  for 
religion  and  piety.  Serious  godliness  was  in  repu- 
tation, and  besides  the  public  opportunities  they  had, 
there  were  many  of  the  scholars  that  used  to  meet 
together  for  prayer,  and  Christian  conference,  to  the- 
great  confirming  of  one  another's  hearts  in  the  fear 
and  love  of  God,  and  the  preparing  of  them  for  the 
service  of  the  church  in  their  generation.  I  have 
heard  him  speak  of  the  prudent  method  they  took 
then  about  the  University  sermons  on  the  Lord's  day 
in  the  afternoon ;  which  used  to  be  preached  by  the 
fellows  of  colleges  in  their  course ;  but,  that  being 
found  not  so  much  for  edification.  Dr.  Owen "  and 
Dr.  Goodwin*  performed  that  service  alternately,  and 
the  young  masters  that  were  wont  to  preach  it,  had  a 
lecture  on  Tuesday  appointed  them.  The  sermons  he 
heard  at  Oxford  he  commonly  wrote,  not  in  the  time 
of  hearing,  but  afterwards,  when  he  came  home,  in 
his  reflection  upon  them,  which  he  found  a  good  help 
to  his  memory. 

In  December,  1002,  he  proceeded  Master  of  Arts, 
and  in  January  following  preached  his  first  sermon 
at  South  Hinksey  in  Oxfordshire,  on  John  viii.  34. 
Whosoever  committeth  sin  is  the  servant  of  sin.  On 
this  occasion  he  writes  in  his  diary  what  was  the 
breathing  of  his  heart  towards  God, — The  Lord  make 
use  of  me  as  an  instrument  of  his  glory,  and  his 
church's  good,  in  this  high  and  holy  calling. 

His  great  parts  and  improvement,  notwithstanding 
his  extraordinary  modesty  and  humility,  had  made 
him  so  well  known  in  the  University,  that  in  the 
following  act,  in  July,  1653,  he  was  chosen  out  of  all 
the  masters  of  that  year,  to  be  junior  of  the  act,  that 
is,  to  answer  the  philosophy  questions  in  Vesperiis, 
which  he  did  with  very  g^eat  applause ;  especially 
for  the  very  witty  and  ingenious  orations  which  he 
made  to  the  University  upon  that  occasion.  His 
questions  were, — 1.  An  licitum  sit  eamibiu  vesdt 
Aff.  2.  An  institutio  academiarum  sit  Htilis  in  repub' 
licA?  Aff.  3,  An  inpenium  pendeat  ab  kumoribus 
corporis  ?  Aff.  At  the  act  in  1654,  he  was  chosen 
Magiiter  Replicans,  and  answered  the  philosophy 
questions  tit  comitiis,  with  a  like  applause.  His 
questions  then  were, — 1.  An  melius  sit  sperare  quam 
fruif  Neg.  2.  An  maxima  animi  delectatio  sit  a  sen- 
sibus?  Neg.    S.  An  utile  sit  per egrinari?  Aff. 

Dr.  Owen,  who  was  then  Vice-Chancellor,  hath 
spoken  with  g^eat  commendation  of  these  perform- 
ances of  Mr.  Henry's  to  some  in  the  University 
afterwards,  who  never  knew  him  otherwise  than  by 

with  grief,  and  prayer,~that  God  would  please  to  foigive  it,— 
Exod.  XX.  &.— vwtViii^  the  iniquity.    P.  Henry.    Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

See  the  life  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Cawton,  p.  25.  duod.  16G3;  and 
Clark'a  Lives  of  Eminent  Persons,  p.  19.  foL  1683. 

«  Nat  iei6.  Ob.  Aug.  34, 1683.  .See  his  Life  by  Mr.  Onne,  ntnpn. 

r  Nat  Oct.  5.  1600.  Ob.  Feb.  23, 1679.  Life  prefixed  to  his  woiks, 
vol.  V.  fol.  1704. 



repent ;  and  I  have  heard  a  worthy  divine  who  was 
MMCiwliat  hill  junior  in  the  University,  and  there  a 
perfect  stranger  to  him,  say,  how  much  he  admired 
diese  exercises  of  his,  and  loved  him  for  them ;  and 
yet  how  mach  more  he  admired,  when  he  afterwards 
became  acquainted  with  him  in  the  country,  that  so 
curious  and  polite  an  orator  should  hccome  so  profit- 
able and  powerful  a  preacher,  and  so  readily  lay 
aside  the  enticing  words  of  man's  wisdom,  which 
were  so  easy  to  him. 

There  is  a  copy  of  Latin  verses  of  his  in  print, 
among  the  poems  which  the  University  of  Oxford 
published  upon  the  peace  concluded  with  Holland," 
ia  the  year  1654,  which  show  him  to  be  no  less  a 
poef  than  an  orator. 

He  hath  noted  it  of  some  pious  young  men,  that 
before  they  removed  from  the  University  into  the 
eoontry,  they  kept  a  day  of  fasting  and  humiliation 
for  the  sins  they  had  been  guilty  of  in  that  place  and 
state.  And  in  the  visits  he  made  afterwards  to  the 
Univernty,  he  inserts  into  his  book,  as  no  doubt 
God  did  into  His, — a  tear  dropt  over  my  Univcrsity- 
un%.*  [He  would  sometimes  say,  *'  When  we  mourn 
for  sin  becaosc  God  is  oflended  by  it,  and  abstain 
from  sin  becanseof  his  honour,  that  we  may  not  wrong 
him,  or  grieve  him,  this  is  more  pleasing  to  him  than 
bnmt-oQcrings  and  sacrifices. '] 



Worth  EMBURY  *  is  a  little  town  by  Dee  side,  in  that 
Hundred  of  Flintshire  which  is  separated  some 
■lies  from  the  rest  of  the  county,  and  known  by  the 
name  of  English  Mailors,^  because  though  it  is  re- 
puted in  Wales,  as  pertaining  to  Flintshire,  yet  in 
language  and  customs  it  is  wholly  English,  and  lies 
mostly  between  Cheshire  and  Shropshire.  Worth- 
cnbory  was  of  old  a  parochial  chapel,  belonging  to 
the  rectory  of  Bangor,'  but  was  separated  from  it  in 
the  year  1666,  by  the  trustees  for  uniting  and  dividing 
of  parishes,  and  was  made  a  parish  of  itself.  But 
what  was  then  done  being  vacated  by  the  King's 
coming  in,  it  then  came  to  be  in  statu  quo,  and  con- 
tinued an  appurtenant  to  Bangor,  till,  in  the  second 

w  Appendix,  So.  UL 

s  Umj  not  Sterne  tiave  htd  in  view  this  sentence  when  he  pen. 
Md  die  well-known  pMssge,— '*  The  accusing  spirit  which  flew 
op  to  heaven's  chancery  with  the  oath,  blushed  as  he  gave  it  in ; 
—and  the  Rceording  Angel,  as  he  wrote  it  down,  drcfped  a  ttar 
apoa  the  wont,  and  blotted  it  out  for  erer."  Works,  vol.  vi.  p. 
Oidood.  ma 

7  P.  Bcary.  Orig.  MS. 

•  Beacth  Bangor,  stil  on  the  sonth  side  of  Dee  ryver,  is  a  pa- 
roebe  eaallid  Wortbembre:  in  Walch,  Ouothambre;  having  a 
fiure  diicii,  tat  at  a  membre  to  Bangor.  Leland's  Itinerary^  vol. 
▼.  p.  m  oct  1744. 

V  Sec  Leiaad,  wtmprM,  v.  5.  p.  SO. 

c  2 

year  of  the  reign  of  King  William  and  Queen  Mary, 
it  was  again  by  act  of  Parliament  separated,  and 
made  independent  upon  Bangor.  That  was  the  only 
act  that  passed  the  royal  assent  with  the  act  of  re- 
cognition, at  the  beginning  of  the  second  parliament 
of  this  reign.*  The  principal  family  in  Worthen- 
bury  parish,  is  that  of  the  Pulestons  of  Emeral.  The 
head  of  the  family  was  tfien  John  Pulcston,  Serjeant 
at  Law,  one  of  the  Judges  of  the  Common  Pleas. 

This  was  the  family  to  which  Mr.  Henry  came 
from  Christ-church,  presently  after  he  had  completed 
his  Master's  degree,  in  1653.  Ordered  into  that 
remote,  and  unto  him  unknown,  comer  of  the  coun- 
try, by  that  overruling  Providence  which  deter- 
mincth  the  times  before  appointed,  and  the  bounds 
of  our  habitation. 

The  Judge's  lady  was  a  person  of  more  than  ordi- 
nary parts  and  wisdom,  in  piety  inferior  to  few,  but 
in  learning  superior  to  most  of  her  sex,  which  I  could 
give  instances  of  from  what  I  find  among  Mr.  Henry's 
papers, «  particularly  an  elegy  she  made  upon  the 
death  of  the  famous  Mr.  John  Selden,'  who  was  her 
great  friend. 

This  was  the  lady  whose  agency  first  brought  Mr. 
Henry  into  this  country.  She  wrote  to  a  friend  of 
hers,  Mr.  Francis  Palmer, «  student  of  Christ-church, 
to  desire  him  to  recommend  to  her  a  young  man  to 
be  in  her  family,  and  to  take  the  oversight  of  her 
sons,  some  of  whom  were  now  ready  for  the  Univer- 
sity, and  to  preach  at  Worthenbury  on  the  Lord's 
days,  for  which  a  very  honourable  encouragement  •* 
was  promised.  Mr.  Palmer  proposed  it  to  his  friend 
Mr.  Henry,  who  was  willing  for  one  half-year  to 
undertake  it,  provided  it  might  be  required  of  him 
to  preach  but  once  on  the  Lord's  day,  and  that  some 
other  supply  might  be  got  for  the  other  part  of  the 
day,  he  being  now  but  twenty-two  years  of  age,  and 
newly  entered  upon  that  great  work.  Provided  also, 
that  he  should  be  engaged  but  for  half  a  year,  as 
little  intending  to  break  off  so  soon  from  an  acade- 
mical life,  which  he  delighted  in  so  much.  But 
preferring  usefulness  before  his  own  private  satis- 
faction, he  was  willing  to  make  trial  for  a  while  in 
the  country,  as  one  that  sought  not  his  own  things, 
but  the  things  of  Jesus  Christ,  to  whose  service  in 
the  work  of  the  ministry  he  had  entirely  devoted 
himself,  bending  his  studies  wholly  that  way.    [One 

e  See  Leiand, «/  nprot  v.  5.  p.  30. 

d  Sir  John  Trevor,  the  Speaker,  being  Tather-in-law  to  Sir  Roger 
PulestoD,  the  Patron.    Life.  Orig.  MS.  wttwpra. 

•  See  Mr.  Orme's  Life  or  Dr.  Owen.    App.  p.  511. 

t  John  Selden,  Esq.  was  bom  Dec.  16.  1584.  He  died  Nbv.  30, 
1654.    Mr.  Chalmer's  Biog.  Diet.  v.  27,  p.  317. 

ff  Probably  the  same  person  who  contributed  a  copy  of  veraet 
when  the  poems  of  William  Cartwright,  "  the  most. noted  poet, 
orator,  and  philosopher,  of  his  time,"  were  "  uxher'd  into  the 
world,"  A-  D.  Ifl5i.  oct.  See  Wood's  Ath.  Oxon.  ▼.  a  p.  70.  «/ 

h  My  diet,  and  sixty  pounds  per  annum  salary.  P.  Henry. 
Orig.  MS. 



of  the  letters  which  passed  on  the  occasion  just  re- 
ferred to,  has  been  prescr^'ed.  It  is  introduced  from 
the  hand-writing  of  Lady  Puleston,  and  the  ortho- 
g^phy  correctly  transcribed.  It  illustrates  in  some 
measure  the  nature  of  Mr.  Henry's  inquiries,  and 
furnishes  a  pleasing  corroboration  of  the  character 
already  given  of  its  excellent  writer. 

19th  Sept.  1663. 
Cosin  Palmer, 

Y*  Messeng'  w*^*"  brought  mee  a 
lett'  fro  y"  brought  y*  judg  one  also  fro  his  Nephew, 
Mr.  Hamlet  Puleston.  But  no  motio  of  a  Schoolm\ 
However  I  rely  so  much  on  y'  choice  of  y*  gent'" 
pposed,  y*  thers'  no  need  to  trouble  Mr.  H.  Puleston. 
I  am  content  to  abate  one  of  y*  sermons,  hoping  hee 
will  pray  in  y*  family,  insteed  thereof,  w^**  is  so  easy 
to  a  Christia  y*  bee's  rather  lead  then  drawn  therto, 
and  if  y*  expositions  of  chapters  or  Psalmes  bee 
easyer  to  him  then  preaching,  I  shal  like  it  (as  ever 
I  have  done)  bett'  then  y*  other.  Im*  confident  wee 
shall  not  differ  heerin  ffor  I  shall  eyther  wait  ffor  y* 
guifts  and  calling  of  God  in  him  (w^**  are  w'^out  re- 
pentance) or  wholly  indulg  him  ffro  y*  fformalities 

of  preaching,  praying,  &c as  some  use  y"  please 

to  send  him  away  ffor  y*  half  yeer  ffro  y«  time  hee 
comes  till  26  weekes  be  complcat :  his  allowance 
shall  be  half  y*  revenue  pposd,  and  other  accomo- 
dations mentiond  formerly.  This  time  of  probatio 
will  conclude  us  eyther  on  a  ffarther  time,  or  repayr- 
ing  to  Oxford  at  Spring. 

Please  to  keeep  y*  letter  

as  an  evidence  of  our  bargain.  I  have  delivered  y* 
Bearer  6/.  ffor  y*  Gentleman  in  part  of  y*  first  quar- 
teridg.  what  y«  charge  of  y*  journey  takes  out  of  it 
I  will  supply  at  y«  quarters  end  when  I  pay  y*  rest 
to  make  out  15/.  I  have  sent  a  horse  and  a  ffootman 
to  wait  on  him  hither.  Mr.  Roberts  is  grown  a 
worthy  Christian  and  I  greatly  value  him.  if  y" 
have  a  mind  to  see  what  works  God  hath  done  in 
him,  y"  shall  finde  him  at  one  Mr.  Courtneys  Lodg- 
ing in  Milbanck  neer  Tuttle-Ficlds.  God  can  doo 
as  much  ffor  Mr.  Henry  y"  know<  I  pray  y"  hasten 
him  hyther. 

If  pleas  God  to  give  success  to  y**  endeavours  I 
shal  bee  glad.  I  wish  y*  Gentlem"  to  take  his  jour- 
ney on  Fryday,  and  rest  at  my  sister  Grayes  on 
Lord's  day  so  hee  nmy  bee  at  Emral  on  Munday 
night.  I  desire  a  good-journey,  ffrancis  Palmer 
(Juni.)  &  Tremcli.*)  notes  upon  y*  Bible  I  desire  y" 
to  seA'd  mee.  &  y«  Bible  in  Greek,  w*^**  y*"  learned 
ffriends,  Septuagint,,  translated  ffor  Ptolomy. 

1  Intending,  by  this  playful  compliment,  the  version  of  Francis 
JunitM  and  Immanuel  Tremcllius,  flrat  published  in  1575. 
'^Orfg'.MS.  ^ 

^  On  Jemrtng  Brougbton  I  took  the  road  towards  Bingor.    On  I  v.  \.  p.  297.    Sec  Lelaud,  tt/nrp'w,  v.  5.  pp.  32, 83. 

I  thank  y**  ffor  y'  respect  and  shal  ever  rest 

Y'  welwishing  Cosin 

Elizabeth  Puleston. 
If  y"  will  come  see  how  wee  thrive  y"  shal  bee 
welcome.    My  Roger  Puleston  love  to  y"  &  so  y« 

To  my  much-respected 
Kinsman  Mr.  Francis  Palmer 
a  Master  of  Arts 
at  Christ's  Church  in  Oxford, 
or  in  his  absence  to  one  Mr.  Henry 
Master  of  Art  &  of  y«  same 

House. '] 

In  the  latter  part  of  his  time  at  Oxford,  as  one 
grown  weary  of  that  which  he  used  to  say  he  found 
little  to  his  purpose  ;  he  employed  his  time  mostly 
in  searching  the  Scriptures,  and  collecting  useful 
Scripture  observations,  which  he  made  very  fa- 
miliar to  him,  and  with  which  he  was  thoroughly 
furnished  for  this  good  work.  He  got  a  Bible  inter- 
leaved, in  which  he  wrote  short  notes  upon  texts  of 
Scripture  as  they  occurred.  He  would  often  say, — I 
read  other  books,  that  I  may  be  the  better  able  to  un- 
derstand the  Scripture. 

It  was  a  stock  of  Scripture  knowledge  that  he  set 
up  with,  and  with  that  he  traded  to  good  advantage. 
Though  he  was  so  great  a  master  in  the  eloquence  of 
Cicero,  yet  he  preferred  far  before  it  that  of  Apollos, 
who  was  an  eloquent  man^  and  mighty  in  the  Scrips 
tures.  Acts  xviii.  24. 

He  bid  very  fair  at  that  time  for  University-pre- 
ferment, such  was  the  reputation  he  had  got  at  the 
late  act,  and  such  his  interest  in  Dr.  Owen  ;  but  the 
salvation  of  souls  was  that  which  his  heart  was  upon, 
to  whiph  he  postponed  all  his  other  interests. 

In  September,  1653,  ho  came  down  to  Emeral,' 
from  whence  a  messenger  was  sent  on  purpose  to 
Oxford  to  conduct  him  thither.  Long  after,  when  it 
had  pleased  God  to  settle  him  in  that  country,  and 
to  build  him  up  into  a  family,  he  would  often  reflect 
upon  his  coming  into  it  first ;  what  a  stranger  he  then 
was,  and  how  far  it  was  from  his  thoughts  ever  to 
have  made  his  home  in  those  parts ;  and,  passing 
over  the  brook  that  parts  between  Flintshire  and 
Shropshire,  would  sometimes  very  affectionately  use 
that  word  of  Jacob's — With  my  staff  I  passed  over 
this  Jordan,  and  now  I  am  become  two  bands. 

At  Emeral  he  prayed  in  the  family,  was  tutor  to 
the  young  gentlemen,  and  preached  once  a  day  at 
Worthenbury,  other  help  being  procured  for  the 
other  part  of  the  day,  according  to  his  request,  out 
of  a  fear,  being  so  young,  to  take  the  whole  work 

the  right  lies  Emral  Hall,  the  seat  of  the  Pulestons ;  a  family  set- 
tled here  in  the  time  of  Edward  L  but  which  took  its  name  from 
Pulesdon,  a  township  in  Shropshire.    Pennant's  Tours  in  Wales, 



ipon  him.  Bat  it  soon  happened,  that  one  Lord's 
dty  the  supply  that  was  expected  failed  ;  and  so  he 
was  necessitated,  rather  than  there  should  be  a 
facancy,  to  preach  twice,  in  which  he  found  the  pro- 
mise so  well  fulfilled,  A$  thy  day  is,  so  shall  thy 
strength  he ;  and.  To  him  that  hath  (i.  e.  that  hath, 
and  uscth  what  he  hath)  shall  be  yiven,  and  he  shall 
have  ahund&nee  ;  that,  to  tlic  great  satisfaction  of  his 
friends  there,  from  thenceforward  he  waved  looking 
out  for  other  help  than  what  came  from  above,  and 
would  sometimes  speak  of  this  as  an  instance,  that 
we  do  not  know  what  we  can  do,  till  we  have  tried. 
Here  he  applied  himself  to  a  plain  *"  and  practical 
way  of  preaching,  as  one  truly  concerned  for  the 
iCNils  of  those  he  spoke  to.  He  would  say  sometimes, 
—We  study  how  to  speak  that  you  may  understand 
■• ;  and,  I  never  think  I  can  speak  plain  enough 
when  I  am  speaking  about  souls  and  their  salvation. 
I  hare  heard  him  say,  he  thought  it  did  him  good, 
that  for  the  first  half  year  of  his  being  at  Worthen- 
buiy,  he  had  few  or  no  books  with  him,  which  en- 
figed  him  in  studying  sermons  to  a  closer  search  of 
tke  Scripture  and  his  own  heart.  What  success  his 
labours  had  in  that  parish,  which,  before  he  came  to 
h,  I  have  been  told,  was  accounted  one  of  the  most 
hMMe  and  profane  places  in  all  the  country,  may  be 
gathered  from  a  letter  of  the  lady  Puleston's  to  him, 
at  the  end  of  the  first  half  year  after  his  coming  to 
Emeral,  when  he  was  uncertain  of  his  continuance 
there,  and  inclinable  to  return  to  settle  at  Christ- 
church.    Take  the  letter  at  large. 

Dear  Mr.  Henry ; 

The  indisposition  that  my  sadness  hath 
brrd,  and  the  stay  of  Mrs.  V .  here  yesterday,  hinder- 
ed my  answering  your  last  expressions.  As  to  order- 
ing the  conversation,  and  persevering  to  the  practice 
of  those  good  intents,  taken  up  while  one  is  in  pur- 
nit  of  a  mercy,  you  and  I  will  confer,  as  God  g^vcs 
opportunity,  who  also  must  g^ve  the  will  and  the 
deed,  by  his  Spirit,  and  by  the  rule  of  his  word. 
As  to  begging  ^at  one  thing  for  you,  God  forbid, 
as  Samuel  said,  that  /  should  cease  to  pray^  &c. 
Tliis  I  am  sure,  that  having  wanted  hitherto  a  good 
■Jnister  of  the  word  among  us,  I  have  oft  by  prayer, 
and  some  tears,  above  five  years  besought  God  for 
such  a  one  as  yourself ;  which,  having  obtained,  I 
cannot  yet  despair,  seeing  he  hath  given  us  the  good 
SMans,  but  he  may  also  give  us  the  good  end.  And 
this  I  find,  that  your  audience  is  increased  three  for 

•  Let  yovr  pmctiing  l»e  plain.  Painted  glnss  is  most  curious ; 
pfaioglasMiiKMtpenpicuoiiSL  Be  a  good  crucifix  to  your  people. 
Preftck  a  cracifled  Saviour  In  a  crucified  style.  Paul  taught  so 
plainly,  ttait  the  Coriothians  fbougtit  him  a  dunce.  Let  your 
mstter  be  sobolaotia] ;  whoksome  food ;  God  and  Christ,  and  the 
tPNpel.  fuMk,  repentance,  regeneration.  Aim  purely  at  God's 
glory  and  tbe  sahntioa  of  souls.  Study,  as  if  there  were  no  Christ ; 
pleach,  as  ittken  had  been  no  study.  Preach  phiinly,  yet  with 
Mwelty  t  preacb  pMnerfoUy,  as  Wcah^—at  Pisnf.  In  iatenshn  of  / 

one  in  the  parish,  though  in  winter  more  than  for- 
merly in  summer ;  and  five  for  one  out  of  other 
places.  And  I  have  neither  heard  of  tlieir  being  in 
the  ale-house  on  our  Lord's  day,  nor  ball-playing 
that  day,  which,  before  you  came,  was  frequent,  ex- 
cept that  day  that  young  Ch.  preached.  I  think  I 
can  name  four  or  five  in  the  parish,  that  of  formal 
Christians  are  becoming  or  become  real.  But  you 
know  all  are  not  wrought  on  at  first,  by  tlic  word. 
Some  come  in  no  misfortune  like  other  men,  and 
this  is  the  cause  they  be  so  holdcn  with  pride,  &c. 
Hypocrites  also  have  converted  conversion  itself. 
Yet  God  may  have  reserved  those  that  have  not 
bowed  the  hnee  to  Baal,  &c.  and  may  call  them  at 
the  latter  part  of  the  day,  though  not  in  this  half 
year.  It  is  a  good  sign,  most  arc  loth  to  part  with 
you  ;  and  you  have  done  more  good  in  this  half 
year,  than  I  have  discerned  these  eighteen  years. 
But,  however,  whether  they  will  hear,  or  whether 
they  will  forbear,  you  have  delivered  your  own  soul. 
I  have  prayed,  and  do  pray,  seeing  God  hath  sent 
you,  that  you  may  be  for  his  glory,  and  not  for  our 

It  is  easy  to  imagine  what  an  encouragement  this 
was  to  him,  thus  at  his  first  setting  out  to  see  of  the 
travail  of  his  soul,  and  what  an  inducement  it  was 
to  him  not  to  leave  those  among  whom  God  had  thus 
owned  him.  However,  that  spring  he  returned  to 
Oxford.  The  Lady  Puleston  soon  after  came  to 
him  thither,  with  her  five  sous,  of  whom  she  placed 
the  two  eldest  under  his  charge  in  the  college.  In 
the  following  vacation  he  went  to  London  to  visit 
his  relations  there ;  and  there,  in  October  he  received 
a  letter  from  Judge  Puleston,  with  a  very  solemn 
and  afiectionate  request,  subscribed  by  the  parish- 
ioners of  Worthenbury,  earnestly  desiring  his  settle- 
ment among  them,  as  their  minister,  which  he  was 
persuaded  to  comply  with,  having  fixed  to  himself 
that  good  rule,-~In  the  turns  of  his  life,  to  follow 
Providence,  and  not  to  force  it.  So,  in  the  winter 
following  he  came  down  again,  and  settled  with 
them.  He  continued  in  his  student's  place  in  Christ- 
church  for  two  or  three  years,  attending  the  service 
of  it  once  a  year  ;  but  disposing  of  most  of  the  profit 
of  it  for  the  use  of  poor  scholars  there. 

The  tithe  of  Worthenbury  belonged  to  [the]  Emeral 
family,  paying  some  rent  to  the  Rector  of  Bangor. 
This  tithe  Judge  Puleston  was  willing  to  give,  clear 
of  that  charge,  to  the  minister  of  Worthenbury  for 

spirit,  not  extension  of  voice.  To  this  end  get  your  sermon  into* 
your  own  souls.  It  is  best,  from  the  heart,  to  the  heart  Preadi 
prudentially,— as  stewards,  to  give  each  their  portion.  Get  your 
sermons  memoriter.  How  can  you  expect  your  people  should 
remember,  and  repeat,  if  you  read!  Yet  use  caution.  Our  me. 
mories  are  not  of  brass,— they  are  cracked,  in  all,  by  the  ftdl.  Be- 
ware of  giving  occasion  to  say,— I  tna^  a\«y  %,X.\vou\it\Ti>2R!t  %k^«- 
Jioon ;  I  shall  hear  only  the  same  song.  ^t.  Vox\eT  ax  v&Qit^'Oi&- 
tlon.    Prom  a  MS.  in  the  hand-wnUnti  o«?.  Htws. 



ever.  But  such  was  the  peculiar  and  extraordinary 
kindness  he  had  for  Mr.  Henry,  upon  the  experience 
of  his  inerits,  that  he  chose  rather  by  deed  of  inden- 
ture, bearing  date  October  6,  1655,  between  himself 
and  Mr.  Henry, — ''In  consideration  of  his  being 
pleased  to  undertake  the  cure  of  souls,  and  to  preach 
and  teach,  and  perform  other  duties  of  divine  service 
in  the  parish  church  of  Worthenbury,  (so  the  deed 
runs,)  to  give,  grant,  and  confirm  for  himself  and  his 
heirs,  unto  the  said  Philip  Henry,  the  yearly  rent  of 
one  hundred  pounds,  charged  upon  all  his  mes- 
suages, lands,  and  tenements  in  the  several  counties 
of  Flint,  Denbigh,  and  Chester,  to  be  paid  quarterly, 
until  such  times  as  the  said  Philip  Henry  shall  be 
promoted  or  preferred  to  some  other  spiritual  or  ec- 
clesiastical living  or  preferment,  with  power  of  dis- 
tress in  case  of  non-payment.''  A  hundred  a  year 
was  more  than  Worthenbury  tithes  were  worth  at 
that  time ;  and  the  manner  of  the  gift  freed  the 
maintenance  from  much  of  that  loss  and  incum- 
brance which  commonly  attends  the  gathering  of  tithe. 
[About  this  period,  judging  from  the  hand-writing 
of  the  following  letter,  addressed  to  a  friend  at  Ox- 
ford, (no  doubt  Dr.  Owen,  who  was  then  Dean  of 
Christ-church,  and  Vice-Chancellor,")  he  received  a 
summons  to  that  city,  which  led  him  to  add  the  post- 
script. But  as  the  letter  furnishes  an  illustration  of 
Mr.  Henry's  character  as  a  young  minister,  the  whole 
may  be  here  fitly  introduced. 

Most  honoured  Sir ; 

Being  importuned  to  improve  my  interest 
for  the  supply  of  a  vacant  curacy  in  these  parts,  I 
make  bold  to  acquaint  you  with  the  state  of  it,  that, 
if  you  know  of  any,  either  in  your  own  college  or 
elsewhere,  that  is  willing  to  accept  of  it,  you  would 
please  to  be  instrumental  in  sending  him  hither. 

The  place  is  called  Holt ;  it  is  in  Denbighshire, 
but  I  think  a  man  may  throw  a  stone  out  of  it  into 
Cheshire ;  it  is  distant  from  Wrexham  about  three 
miles,  and  from  Chester  five ;  the  situation  of  it 
for  convenience  is  beyond  exception  ;  there  are  but 
few  such  hereabouts,  only  the  salary,  I  fear,  may 
appear  somewhat  too  small  to  come  so  far  for.  It  is 
as  yet,  upon  certainty,  but  £45  per  annum,  but  it  is 
probable  may  be  made,  ere  long,  £65,  paid  in 
money,  and  no  deductions  out  of  it  for  taxes;  for 
the  place  of  his  abode,  if  he  be  a  single  man,  the 
Major  of  the  town,  a  very  godly  person,  hath  pro- 
mised it  in  his  own  house,  till  such  time  care  be  taken 
to  provide  for  him  otherwise.  For  his  qualifications. 
Sir,  he  must,  in  a  judgment  of  charity,  be  one  that 
fears  God,  in  regard  he  comes,  not  to  a  place  that 
never  heard  of  Christ,  (as  many  such  there  be  in 

B  Le  Neve,  pp.  231, 4ri6.  fol.  1716. 
*»  P.  Henry.    Orig.  MS. 

P  Use  catechising.   Heretofore,  catechising  justled  out  preach- 
/i7^/  a0§r,  preaching  juMtJea  out  catecbiaing.    Let  the  ship  be 

Wales,)  but  to  a  knot  of  eminent,  discerning  Chris* 
tians,  scarce  the  like  anywhere  hereabouts,  among 
whom  there  are  divers  able,  indeed,  to  be  themselves 
teachers  of  others ;  so  that  if  he  himself  be  one  that 
hath  no  savour  of  the  things  of  God,  he  will  be  no 
way  acceptable  or  useful  there.  He  must,  moreover, 
be  either  fitted  already  for  the  administration  of  the 
ordinances,  or  in  a  capacity  of  being  suddenly  fitted ; 
if  he  make  haste  hither,  he  may  have  an  opportunity 
shortly  of  being  ordained  here  in  Shropshire. 

Sir,  if  God,  the  Lord  of  the  harvest,  shall  make 
use  of  you  in  his  providence,  as  an  instrument  of 
thrusting  forth  a  faithful  labourer  into  this  comer  of 
his  vineyard,  I  no  way  doubt  but  you  will  be  often 
mentioned  by  some  of  them  with  rejoicing  at  the 
throne  of  grace,  and  that  you,  yourself,  when  you 
shall  have  reaped  the  fruit  of  their  prayers,  will 
bless  God  for  putting  such  a  prize  into  your  hands. 

Sir,  craving  your  pardon  for  my  boldness  in 
troubling  you,  I  leave  the  matter  with  your  care» 
and  yourself,  and  all  your  relations  and  concern- 
ments, with  our  ever  good  God. 

Your  Servant  very  much  obliged, 

P.  H. 

Sir,  since  my  purpose  of  writing  to  you  about  the 
business  above  mentioned,  I  have  received  infor- 
mation from  Christ-church  of  a  summons  to  appear 
personally  there,  before  Michaelmas  Term :  where- 
upon my  request  to  you  is,  that  by  a  line  or  two  you 
would  please  to  acquaint  me,  whether  I  may  not  ob- 
tain to  be  dispensed  with.  1.  In  regard  I  was  so 
lately  there.  2.  In  regard  of  the  great  distance  I 
am  now  at  from  thence ;  above  fourscore  miles.  3. 
Of  the  unusual  unseasonableness  of  the  ways  and 
weather ;  and  4.  Which  is  most  of  all,  my  very  great 
indisposedness  in  point  of  health.  If  I  may  be  ex- 
cused, I  would  entreat  you.  Sir,  to  endeavour  it  for 
me ;  if  not,  that  you  would  please  to  send  me  word, 
—1.  Whether  it  will  not  ser\'e  if  I  come  sooner :  and 
2.  How  long  it  will  be  required  that  I  make  my  stay 
there.  Sir,  I  have  more  reason  to  beg  your  pardon 
for  this  latter  trouble  than  the  former.**] 

He  still  continued  for  some  years  in  the  Emeral 
family,  where  he  laid  out  himself  very  much  for  the 
spiritual  good  of  the  family,  even  of  the  meanest  of 
the  servants,  by  catechising,  p  repeating  the  sermons, 
and  personal  instruction,  and  he  had  very  much 
comfort  in  the  countenance  and  conversation  of  the 
judge  and  his  lady.  Yet  he  complains  sometimes 
in  his  diary  of  the  snares  and  temptations  that  he 
found  in  his  way  there,  especially  because  some  of 
the  branches  of  the  family,  who  did  not  patrizare, 

ballasted  with  Tundamental  truths.  Hearers  win  then  not  be  so 
easily  whirled  about  with  every  wind.  Luther  was  caJled— ^w- 
eipuliu  eattekitmi.  Mr.  Porter,  1659.  From  a  MS.  in  -P.  Henry's 



were  uneasy  at  his  being  there,  which  made  him 
willing  to  remove  to  a  house  of  his  own ;  which, 
when  Jndge  Pnleston  perceived,  in  the  year  1657, 
out  of  his  abundant  and  continued  kindness  to  him, 
lie  did,  at  bis  own  proper  cost  and  charges,  build 
kim  a  very  handsome  house  in  Worthenbury,  and 
settled  it  upon  him  by  a  lease,  bearing  date  March 
6, 1657,  for  threescore  years,  if  he  should  so  long 
continue  minister  at  Worthenbury,  and  not  accept 
of  better  preferment 

He  hath  noted  in  his  diary,  that  the  very  day  that 
tlie  workmen  began  the  building  of  that  house,  Mr. 
Mainwaring,  of  Malpas,  i  preached  the  lecture  at 
Bangor,  from  Psalm  cxxvii.  1.  Except  the  Lord 
hdld  ike  k4nue/  they  labour  in  vain  that  build  it. — 
There  never  was  truth,  saith  he,  more  seasonable  to 
any  than  this  was  to  me.  It  was  a  word  upon  the 
wheels.*  He  hath  recorded  it  as  his  great  care, 
that  his  affections  might  be  kept  loose  from  it,  and 
that  it  might  not  encroach  upon  God's  interest  in  his 
heaaU  When  it  was  finished,  he  thus  writes :— I  do 
from  my  heart  bless  God,  that  no  hurt  or  harm  befell 
any  of  the  workmen  in  the  building  of  it. 

Thus  was  his  maintenance  settled  at  Worthenbury. 
In  the  year  1659,  he  was,  by  a  writing  of  Judge 
Poleston's,  collated,  nominated,  and  presented,  to 
the  church  of  Worthenbury ;  and,  the  powers  that 
then  were  having  so  appointed,  he  had  an  appro- 
bation thereof  from  the  commissioners  for  approba- 
tion of  public  preachers. 

Some  little  opposition  was  made  to  his  settlement 
St  Worthenbury  by  Mr.  Fogg,  *  then  Rector  of  Ban- 
gor, because  he  conceived  it  an  intrenchmcnt  upon 
bis  right  to  Worthenbury,  and  thought  it  might  pre- 
judice his  recovering  of  it  by  course  of  law.  I  only 
mention  this  for  the  sake  of  the  note  he  hath  upon  it 
in  his  diary,  which  is  this :— I  do  earnestly  desire 
that  the  Judge  may  give  Mr.  Fogg  all  reasonable 
satisfaction,  that  there  may  be  no  appearance  of 
wrong  to  him,  or  any  other,  in  this  thing.  And  when 
Mr.  Fogg  insisted  upon  it,  that  he  would  have  Mr. 
Henry  g^ve  it  under  his  hand,  that  he  desired  the 
consent  of  the  said  Mr.  Fogg  to  be  minister  of  Wor- 
thenbury, he  yielded  to  do  it  for  peace  sake ;  and 
horn  thenceforward  there  was  an  intimate  and  entire 
friend^up  between  Mr.  Fogg  and  him. 

Being  thus  settled  at  Worthenburj',  his  next  care 

^  See  Dr.  Towu»on*8  Works,  v.  1.  p.  xis.  tit  njn-at  and  Ormerod's 
HiiL  orCbcahire,  v.  ii.  p.  328,  kc. 
w  Mr.  Henry  bas  the  roUowing  DOtes  on  this  passage  :— 
The  imut :  that  ia»  the  fiunily.  BrnUd ;  that  is,  constitute,  main. 
tstii,  presenre,  aogment.  ir  we  would  have  God  to  build  our 
hottsea,  we  nrast  be  carefal  to  build  Ood*s  house  by  caring  for  his 
wontaip.  ofdtnaoces,  ioteresta  Hag.  i.  9.  ii.  18.  2  Sam.  vii.— ;  to 
ahn  at  hit  glory  in  oar  buildings,  not  at  self,  as  Nebuchadnezzar, 
Dao.  !▼.  30 :— ^  boild  In  faith,  relying  upon  the  promises,  Heb. 
sis,  lOr-iB  the  fear  of  God,  Exod.  i.  21;  in  righteousness  and 
koocMy.  Prov.  x.  SS.  Hab. ii.  IS.— We  tnust  fetch  in  God  by  prayer, 
aadkeepfaiaithcrehyfimilydaties,  Josh.xxiy.  15.    Grig. 

was  touching  ordination  to  the  work  of  the  ministry, 
to  which  he  would  see  his  call  very  clear,  before  he 
solemnly  devoted  himself  to  it.  And  though  after- 
wards in  the  reflection,  especially  when  he  was 
silenced,  it  was  some  trouble  to  him,  that  he  had  so 
long  deferred  to  be  ordained,  (and  he  would  often, 
from  the  consideration  of  that,  press  those  who  in- 
tended the  ministry,  not  to  put  it  off,)  yet,  as  the 
times  then  were,  there  was  something  of  a  reason 
for  it. 

The  nearest  acting  class  of  presbytery,  was  in  the 
Hundred  of  Bradford  North,  in  Shropshire,  wherein 
Mr.  Porter,  of  Whitchurch,  was  the  leading  man,  of 
whom  Mr.  Baxter  "  gives  so  high  a  character  in  his 
Life,  part  3,  page  94,  and  who  was  one  of  those  whom 
he  recommended  to  the  Lord  Chancellor,  as  fit  to  be 
made  a  Bishop,  part  2,  page  283.  This  class  was 
constituted  by  ordinance  of  parliament,  in  April, 
1647 ;  the  members  of  it  then,  were  the  aforesaid 
Mr.  Porter,  Mr.  Boughy,  of  Hodnet,  Mr.  Houghton, 
of  Prees,  Mr.  Parsons, '  of  Wcm,  and  Mr.  John 
Bisby  ;»  and  afterwards  Mr.  Maiden, «  of  Newport, 
Mr.  Binney,  of  Ightfield,  and  Mr.  Steel,  of  Hanmery 
though  in  Flintshire,  were  taken  in  to  them,  and 
acted  with  them.  This  class  in  twelve  years'  time 
publicly  ordained  sixty-three  ministers.  Mr.  Henry 
was  very  desirous  to  have  been  ordained  at  Wor- 
thenbury, plebe  prasente^  which  he  thought  most 
agreeable  to  the  intention,  but  the  ministers  were 
not  willing  to  set  such  a  precedent.  However,  that 
was  one  thing  which  occasioned  the  delay,  so  that 
he  was  not  ordained  till  September  16,  1G57. 

The  way  and  manner  of  his  ordination  was  ac- 
cording to  the  known  directory  of  the  Assembly  of 
Divines,  and  the  common  usage  of  the  Presbyterians ; 
and  yet,  he  having  left  among  his  papers  a  pr.rticular 
account  of  that  solemnity,  and  some  of  the  workings 
of  his  soul  towards  God  in  it ;  I  hope  it  may  be  of 
some  use  both  for  instruction  and  quickening  to 
ministers,  and  for  the  information  of  such  as  are 
perhaps  wholly  strangers  to  such  a  thing,  to  give 
some  account  of  the  whole  transaction. 

He  made  addresses  to  the  presbyter>',  in  order  to 
his  ordination,  July  6,  tit  Precs,  when  he  submitted 
to  trial,  and  inquiry  was  made,  in  the  first  place, 
concerning  hLs  experience  of  the  work  of  grace  in 
his  heart ;  in  answer  tp  which  he  gave  a  reason  of 

•  "  A  word,  fitly  spoken,  is  lilce  apples  of  gold  in  pictures  of  sil- 
ver i"  Prov.  XXV.  IL  or.  as  the  Hebrew  hath  it,—"  A  word  spoken 
upon  Mt  whteU : "  that  is,  rightly  ordered,  placed,  and  circumstanced. 
Brooks's  Arke  for  all  God's  Noahs,  £p.  Ded.  p.  1.  duod.  1662.  See, 
also,  Jer.  xviii.  3. 

c  See  the  Noncon.  Mero.  v.  iii.  p.  480,  &c. 

v  See  Reliquia  Baxterians,  or,  Mr.  R.  Baxter's  Narrative  of  the 
most  Memorable  Passages  of  his  Life  and  Times.    Fol.  1696. 

V  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  iii.  p.  163. 

V  Minister  of  Edstaston,  in  Shropshire.  Wood's  Ath.  Oxon.  v. 
4.  p.  640.  «/  npra.  Walker  mentions  him  as  a  Prebend.  oC  ?\^ 
Minor,  aliai  Prees.    Suff.  of  the  C\eT%Y,PMl  W  v-  ^'^• 

X  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  \U.  p.  \4&; 



the  hope  that  was  in  him,  with  meehness  and  fear ; 
that  the  Spirit  of  grace  had  been  dealing  with  him 
when  he  was  young;  and,  he  hoped,  had  discovered 
to  him  his  need  of  Christ,  and  had  bowed  his  will  in 
some  measure  to  close  with  him  upon  his  own  terms, 
&c.  His  skill  in  the  original  languages  of  the  Scrip- 
ture was  then  tried  ;  and  he  read  and  construed  two 
verses  in  the  Hebrew  Bible,  and  two  in  the  Greek 
Testament.  He  was  then  examined  in  Log^c  and 
Natural  Philosophy ;  next  in  Divinity,  what  authors 
he  had  read,  and  what  knowledge  he  had,  touching 
the  mediation  of  Christ,  &c.  And  his  skill  in  the 
Scripture  was  tried,  by  propounding  to  him  a  diffi- 
cult text  to  give  his  sense  of;  a  case  of  conscience 
was  also  put  to  him  to  be  resolved,  an  inquiry  made 
into  his  acquaintance  with  church-history.  Lastly, 
a  question  was  given  him  to  provide  a  thesis  upon 
against  next  meeting,  which  was  this ;  Anproviden- 
tia  Divina  extendat  se  ad  omnia  ?  Aff,  On  this  ques- 
tion he  exhibited  his  thesis,  August  3,  and  defended 
it.  Sevcraf  of  the  ministers  opposed,  and  Mr.  Por- 
ter moderated.  He  then  produced  two  certificates, 
which  he  left  with  the  register  of  the  class,  one  from 
Oxford,  subscribed  by  Dr.  Wilkinson,^'  Dr.  Langley,' 
&c.  the  other  from  the  neighbouring  ministers,  Mr. 
Steel,  Mr.  Fogg,  &c.  both  testifying  of  his  conversa- 
tion, &c.  *'  The  Lord  forgive  me,''  saith  he,  in  his  diary, 
upon  this,  ''  that  it  hath  not  been  more  exemplary, 
as  it  ought,  for  piety  and  industry.  Amen,  Lord  in 
Christ."  The  day  for  ordination  was  appointed  to 
be  September  16,  at  Prees,*  of  which  notice  was 
given  at  Worthenbury  by  a  paper,  read  in  the  church, 
and  afterwards  affixed  to  the  church  door  the  Lord's 
day  before,  signifying  also,  "  That,  if  any  one  could 
produce  any  just  exceptions  against  the  doctrine  or 
life  of  the  said  Mr.  Henry,  or  any  sufficient  reason 
why  he  might  not  be  ordained,  they  should  certify 
the  same  to  the  classis,  or  the  scribe,  and  it  should 
be  heard  and  considered."  ^ 

On  the  day  of  ordination  there  was  a  very  g^at 
assembly  gadiered  together.  Mr.  Porter  began  the 
public  work  of  the  day  with  prayer,  then  Mr.  Par- 
sons preached  on  1  Timothy  i.  12.  /  thanh  Christ 
Jesus f  who  hath  enabled  me,  for  that  he  counted  me 
faithful,  putting  me  into  the  ministry.  Putting  men 
into  the  ministry  is  the  work  of  Jesus  Christ.  After 
sermon,  Mr.  Parsons,  according  to  the  usual  method, 
required  of  him  a  confession  of  his  faith,  which  he 
made  as  follows : 

The  ground  and  rule  of  my  faith 

s  Pet  i.  21.        towards  God,  is  the  Scriptures  of  the 

Old  and  New  Testament    I  believe 

they  were  written  by  holy  men,  inune- 

diately  inspired  by  the  Holy  Ghost; 

7  Nat  1602 ;  Ob.  June,  1675.    Wood's  Ath.  Oxon.  W  tupra,  ▼.  3. 
p.  1038. 
■  Ob.  Sept.  1679.    Wood's  Fasti,  nl  mtfra,  ▼.  4.  pp.  113. 147. 

2  Tim.  iii.  1& 
Heb.  XL  6. 

1  John  V.  7. 

John  i.  I& 

John  iv.  % 
John  Y.  26. 

John  i.  3. 

having  found  the  efficacy  of  them,  in 
some  measure,  upon  my  own  heart,  I 
believe  they  are  further  able  to  make 
me  wise  to  salvation. 

Concerning  God,  I  believe  that  he  is, 
and  that  he  is  the  Rewarder  of  those 
that  diligently  seek  him. 

The  Trinity  of  Persons  in  the  Unity 
of  the  Godhead,  I  receive  and  own  as 
a  truth,  I  admire  and  adore  as  a 
mystery;  though  no  man  hath  seen 
God  at  any  time,  yet  the  only-begotten 
Son,  which  is  in  the  bosom  of  the  Fa- 
ther, he  hath  declared  him ;  and  what 
he  hath  declared  concerning  him,  that 
I  believe.  I  believe  that  God  is  a  Spirit, 
for  the  Son  hath  said, ''  God  is  a  Spirit" 
I  believe  that  he  hath  life  in  himself, 
and  that  he  hath  given  to  the  Son  to 
have  life  in  himself.  I  believe  all 
things  were  made  by  him,  and  without 
him  was  not  any  thing  made  that  was 
made.  I  believe  by  his  providence  he 
preserves,  guides,  and  governs,  all  the 
creatures,  according  to  the  purpose  of 
his  own  will,  to  his  own  glory ;  for  the 
Father  worketh  hitherto,  and  the  Son 
also  worketh. 

I  believe  he  made  man  upright,  after 
his  own  image  and  likeness,which  image 
consisted  in  knowledge,  righteousness, 
and  true  holiness;  but  man,  by  sin, 
lost  it. 

I  believe  we  were  all  in  the  loins  of 
our  first  parents,  and  that  they  stood 
and  fell  as  public  persons,  and  upon 
that  account  justly,  without  any  colour 
of  wrong,  we  bear  our  share,  both  in 
the  guilt  of  their  disobedience,  and 
also  the  corruption  of  nature  following 
thereupon ;  so  that  we  came  into  the 
world  children  of  wrath,  and  heirs  of 
the  curse,  one,  as  well  as  another; 
enemies  to  God,  hating  him,  and  hated 
of  him :  averse  to  what  is  good,  and 
prone  to  all  manner  of  evil.  Though 
all  arc  bom  in  this  condition,  yet  there 
are  some  that  do  not  die  in  it. 

I  believe  there  is  a  Mediator,  and 
there  is  but  one  Mediator  between  God 
and  men,  the  Man  Christ  Jesus.  Those 
whom  the  Father  hath  from  everlasting 
pitched  his  love  upon,  and  g^ven  to 
Christ,  not  because  of  works  or  faith 
foreseen,  but  mereljir  of  his  free  g^ce ; 

•  A  small  village  in  the  Hundred  of  North  Bradford,  Salop, 
five  miles  from  Whitchurch,  and  about  four  from  Wem. 
b  Appendix,  No.  IV. 

John  V.  17. 

Eccles.  vii  29. 
Gen.  i.  26. 
Ck>los5.  iii.  10. 
Ephet.  iv.  24 

Psalm  n.  5. 

Ephes.  ii  a 
Zech.  xi.  a 

Rom.  vii.  U). 

Gen.  vi.  5. 

1  Tim.  il.  5. 

Ephea.  i.  4, 5. 




▼.  IL         for  those  I  believe  Christ  was  sent  forth 

QU.  It.  4.  into  the  world,  made  of  a  woman,  made 

JoboxviLW.      under  the  law;  for  their  sakes  he  sane- 

ndi.  it  8.  tified  himself,  and  became  obedient  to 

death,  even  the  death  of  the  cross; 

wherefore   God    also  highly  exalted 

EpiL  L  90»  2L     him ;  and  having  raised  him  from  the 

dead  on  the  third  day,  set  him  at  his 

Btb.  vii.  *s.       own  right  hand,  where  he  ever  lives  to 

Mm  rviL  9.       make  intercession  for  those  for  whom 

he  shed  his  blood.    All  these  elect  re- 

BoBLTiiLao.     deemed  ones,  I  believe,  are,  in  due 

1  Cor.  vL  iL        time,  sooner  or  later,  in  their  lives, 

effectnally  called,  washed,  sanctified, 

justified,  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus, 

and  by  the  Spirit  of  our  God. 

Bon.  V.  L  I  believe  the  righteousness  of  Christ 

alone,  apprehended  by  faith,  is  the 

matter  of  our  justification  before  God ; 

Pi  cxliiL  9.       and  that  no  flesh  can  stand  in  his  sight 

Jcr.  zziiLe.        upon  any  other  terms,  for  he  is  the 

ihtt.  iiL  n.        Lord  our  Righteousness,  and  in  him 

only  the  Father  is  well  pleased. 
Root  XV.  1&  I  believe  the  work  of  sanctification, 

managed  by  the  Spirit,  who  dwellcth 
in  us,  though,  in  respect  of  parts,  it  be 
Colo*.  hL  II.     complete,  for  the  whole  man  is  renew- 
ed ;  yet,  in  respect  of  degrees,  it  is  not 
1  Cor  xilL  9. 10.  fully  perfected  till  we  come  to  glory ; 
and  I  believe  all  that  are  justified  shall 
be  glorified ;  for  we  are  kept  by  the 
1  Pet  i.  &.  power  of  God,  through  faith,  unto  sal- 

Ep^M-  >^-  iL  I  believe  the  gathering  in,  and  build- 

ing up,  of  saints,  is  the  special  end 
why  pastors  and  teachers  are  appointed 
Halt  xxviii.  90.  in  the  church ;  and  that  Jesus  Christ, 
according  to  his  promise,  will  be  with 
them,  in  that  work,  to  the  end  of  the 
Saa.iv.lL  The  two  Sacraments  of  the  New 

Testament,  Baptism  and  the  Lord's 
Supper,  I  receive  and  own  as  signs 
ibtL  xxviii  19.  and  seals  of  the  covenant  of  g^ace ;  the 
toa.  Tt  7.         former  instituted  by  our  Lord  Jesus, 
Acts  u.  m         as  a  sign  and  seal  of  our  ingrafting 
Um.  xxvi.  10.    into  him,  due  of  right,  to  all  the  in- 
fants of  believing  parents,  and  but 
once  to  be  administered ;  the  other  in- 
stituted by  our  Lord  Jesus  in  the  night 

c  Tkit  coo^emon  Mr.  Orion  recommends  as  a  "  good  model.'* 

liis  Lettcn  to  Dissenting  Ministers,  v.  2.  p.  37.  • 
Tlie  History  of  Mr.  Henry*s  Ordination  can  scarcely  be  dismissed 
vitlwat  adv«tiiif  to  an  edition  of  his  Life,  of  recent  date,  and, 
proieasedly,  ''corrected  and  improved,"  by  Samuel  Taylor: 
printed  by  T.  Cordcux,  1818 ;  in  which  performance  a  considerable 
psrt  of  Ms  confcssioii  of  flutb  is  omitted,  or  misstated.  The  fbllow- 
ing  fipJaiMtion  of  the  liboty  thus  taken  is  indeed  given ;  *'  It  is 

Joitiec  to  acknowledge  that  Mr.  Heory  wbs. 

wherein  he  was  betrayed,  to  show  forth  *  Cof  **•  26. 
his  death,  and  to  seal   the  benefits 
purchased  thereby  to  his  church  and 
people,  and  to  be  often  repeated. 

When  the  body  returns  to  the  dust,   Eccles.  xii.  7. 
I  believe  the  soul  returns  to  God  that 
gave  it ;  and  that  immediately  it  re-  Matt.  xxy.  34, 
ceives  from  him  the  sentence,  accord-  41. 

ing  to  what  hath  been  done  in  the 
flesh,  either,  "  Come,  inherit  the  king- 
dom ;  "  or,  "  Depart,  accursed,  into 
everlasting  fire." 

I  believe,  besides    this,   a  day  of  AcUxvii.  3L 
general  judgment  in  the  end  of  the 
world,  wherein  we  must  all  appear  be- 
fore the  tribunal  of  Jesus  Christ ;  and 
that  our  bodies  being  raised,  by  an  *  Cor.  v.  lo. 
almighty  power,  from  the  dust,  shall 
be  united  to  the  same  souls  again, 
and  shall  partake  with  them,  in  the 
same  condition,  either  of  happiness  i  Cor.  xv.  42. 
or  misery,  to  all  eternity.    Those  that 
have  done  good,  shall  come  forth  unto 
the  resurrection  of  life,  and  those  that  Jobn  v.  90. 
have  done  evil  to  the  resurrection  of 
This  is  the  sum  and  substance  of  my 

faith,  into  which  I  was  baptized, 

and  in  which,  by  the  grace  of  God, 

I  will  live  and  die.' 

Mr.  Parsons  then  proposed  certain  questions  to 
him,  according  to  the  instructions  in  the  Directory, 
to  which  he  returned  answer,  as  followeth : 

Question  1.  What  are  your  ends  in  vndei'takxng 
the  work  and  calling  of  a  minister  f 

Answer.  As  far  as  upon  search  and  inquiry  I  can 
hitherto  find,  though  there  be  that  within  mc  that 
would  seek  great  things  for  myself,  (if  indeed  they 
were  to  be  found  in  this  calling,)  yet  with  my  mind 
I  seek  them  not.  But  the  improvement  of  the  talent 
which  I  have  received  in  the  service  of  the  gospel, 
for  the  glory  of  God,  and  the  salvation  of  souls,  I 
hope,  is  in  my  eye ;  if  there  be  any  thing  else,  I  own 
it  not,  I  allow  it  not.  While  so  many  seek  their  own, 
it  is  my  desire,  and  shall  be  my  endeavour,  to  seek 
the  things  of  Jesus  Christ. 

Question  2.  What  are  your  purposes,  as  to  cft'/t- 
yence  and  industry,  in  this  calling  y 

Answer.  I  do  purpose  and  resolve,  by  the  help  of 

in  theory,  a  Calvinist.  and  that  he  subscribed  the  doctrine  of 
election,  &c.  in  the  Calvinistic  sense.  The  editor,  however,  has 
left  out  that  part  of  the  confession,  believing  the  omission  will 
prove  no  injury  to  the  cause  of  vital  Christianity."  p.  3B. 

How  the  concluding  sentence  of  the  confession  could  still  ob- 
tain  a  place,  is  submitted  to  the  reader's  judgment  —  ThU  it  thttwm 
and  tubttanet  of  ny  faitk. 

In  attempts  of  this  de8cripl\oti,  Wvtie  \^  Vo  «s.:)  v\k«  \«u9L,^TciaKc\- 
fesC  want  of  candour,  %nd  edUom\tl^t\\l^. 



God,  to  g^YO  myself  '*  wholly"  to  these  things ;  to 
prayer,  reading,  meditation,  instant  preaching,  in 
season  and  out  of  season,  wherein  I  shall  very  gladly 
spend  and  be  spent,  if  by  any  means  I  may  both  save 
myself  and  them  that  hear  me.  And  when  at  any 
time  I  fail  herein,  I  desire  God,  by  his  Spirit,  and 
my  Christian  friends,  neighbours,  and  brethren,  by 
seasonable  reproof  and  admonition,  to  put  me  in 
mind  of  this  engagement  now  made,  in  the  presence 
of  this  great  congregation. 

Question  3.  Do  you  mean  to  be  zealous  and  faith- 
ful in  the  defence  of  truth  and  unity,  againtt  error 
and  schism  ? 

Answer.  I  believe  what  the  Spirit  hath  foretold, 
that,  in  the  last  days,  perilous  times  shall  come, 
wherein  men  will  not  endure  sound  doctrine,  but 
after  their  own  lusts  shall  heap  unto  themselves 
teachers.  It  is  my  resolution,  by  the  grace  of  Christ, 
to  watch  in  all  things ;  to  contend  earnestly  for  the 
faith,  to  hold  fast  the  form  of  sound  and  wholesome 
words,  even  ''  the  words  of  our  Lord  Jesus,  and  the 
doctrine  which  is  according  to  godliness ;"  in  meek- 
ness, as  I  am  able,  instructing  those  that  oppose 
themselves.  And  for  peace  and  unity,  if  my  heart 
deceive  me  not,  I  shall  rather  choose  to  hazard  the 
loss  of  any  thing  that  is  most  dear  to  me,  than  be  any 
way  knowingly  accessary  to  the  disturbance  of  these 
in  the  churches  of  Christ. 

Question  4.  What  is  your  persuasion  of  the  truth 
of  the  Reformed  Religion  ? 

Answer.  My  persuasion  is,  that  the  Bishop  of 
Rome  is  that  man  of  sin,  and  son  of  perdition,  whom 
the  Lord  Jesus  will  consume  with  the  spirit  of  his 
mouth,  and  whom  he  will  destroy  by  the  brightness 
of  his  coming.*^  And  the  separation  which  our  first 
Reformers  made,  I  do  heartily  rejoice  in,  and  bless 
God  for ;  for  had  we  still  continued  to  partake  with 
him  in  his  sins,  we  should,  in  the  end,  have  partaken 
with  him  also  in  his  plagues. 

Question  6.  What  do  you  intend  to  do  when  the 
Lord  shall  alter  your  condition,  and  bring  a  family 
under  your  charge  ? 

Answer.  When  the  Lord  shall  please,  in  his  Pro- 
vidence, to  bring  me  into  new  relations,  I  hope  he 
will  give  me  grace  to  fill  them  up  with  duty ;  it  is 
my  purpose  to  wait  upon  him,  and  to  keep  his  way, 
to  endeavour,  in  the  use  of  means,  that  all  that  are 
mine,  may  be  the  Lord's. 

Question  6.  Will  you,  in  humility  and  meehness, 
submit  to  admonition  and  discipline  ? 

Answer.  I  believe  it  to  be  a  duty  incumbent  upon 
all  that  profess  the  name  of  Christ,  to  watch  over 
one  another,  and  that  when  any  is  ''  overtaken  in  a 

d  1686.  Nov.  28.  I  was  indisposed,  yet  refiresbed  with  the  ex. 
position  or  Rev.  xi.  concerning  the  slaying  and  reviving  of  the 
two  witnesses ;  nay,  more  than  that,  my  father  told  us  in  dis- 
course, at  dinner,  he  believed  some  of  us  young  ones  might  live 
to  see  the  antichrist  fJEai ;  for  he  thinks  it  is  not  far  off   If  I  may 

fault,"  those  IHat  are  spiritual  are  to  set  him  in  joint* 
again  **  with  the  spirit  of  meekness.'^  It  shall  be 
my  endeavour,  in  the  strength  of  Jesus  Christ,  to 
walk  without  rebuke,  and  when,  at  any  time,  I  step 
aside,  (for  who  is  there  that  lives  and  sins  not,)  I 
shall  account  the  smitings  of  my  brethren  kindness, 
and  their  wounds  faithful. 

Question  7.  What,  if  troubles,  persecutions,  and 
discouragements,  arise,  will  you  hold  out  to  the  end 
notwithstanding  ? 

Answer.  Concerning  this  I  am  very  jealous  over 
my  own  heart ;  and  there  is  cause ;  I  find  a  great 
want  of  that  zeal  and  courage  for  God,  which  I  know 
is  required  in  a  minister  of  the  gospel ;  nevertheless, 
I  persuade  myself,  that  '*  no  temptation  shall  befall 
me,  but  such  as  is  common  to  man ;  and  that  God, 
who  is  faithful,  will  not  suffer  me  to  be  tempted 
above  that  which  I  am  able,  but  that  with  the  temp- 
tation he  will  also  make  a  way  to  escape,  that  I  may 
be  able  to  bear  it."  I  promise  faithfulness  to  the 
death,  but  I  rest  not  at  all  in  my  promise  to  God, 
but  in  his  to  me ;  *^  When  thou  goest  through  the 
fire,  and  through  the  water,  I  will  be  with  thee." 

Wlien  this  was  done,  Mr.  Parsons  prayed ;  and  in 
prayer  he  and  the  rest  of  the  Presbyters,  Mr.  Porter, 
Mr.  Houghton,  Mr.  Maiden,  and  Mr.  Steel,  laid 
their  hands  upon  him,  with  words  to  this  purpose, 
"  Whom  we  do  thus  in  thy  name  set  apart  to  the 
work  and  office  of  the  ministry."  After  him,  there 
were  five  more,'  after  the  like  previous  examina- 
tions and  trials,  professions  and  promises,  at  the 
same  time,  in  like  manner,  set  apart  to  the  ministry. 

Then  Mr.  Maiden,  of  Newport,  closed  with  an 
exhortation,  directed  to  the  newly  ordained  minis- 
ters, in  which,  saith  Mr.  Henry  in  his  diary,  this 
word  went  near  my  heart — As  the  nurse  puts  the 
meat  first  into  her  own  mouth,  and  chews  it,  and 
then  feeds  the  child  with  it,  so  should  ministers  do 
by  the  word,  preach  it  over  beforehand  to  their  own 
hearts ;  it  loses  none  of  the  viHue  thereby,  but  rather, 
probably,  gains.  As  that  milk  nourishcth  most 
which  comes  warm  from  the  breast,  so  that  sermon 
which  comes  warm  from  a  warm  heart.  Lord, 
quicken  me  to  do  thy  will  in  this  thing. 

The  classis  gave  him,  and  the  rest,  instruments  in 
parchment,  certifying  this,  which  it  may  satisfy  the 
curiosity  of  some  to  read  the  form  of. 

"  Whereas,  Mr.  Philip  Henry  of  Worthenbury, 
in  the  Co^pty  of  Flint,  Master  of  Arts,  hath  address- 
ed himself  unto  us,  authorized  by  an  ordinance  of 
both  Houses  of  Parliament,  of  the  29th  of  August, 

not  see  that  happy  day,  however,  X  believe  it  shall  be.  Mrs. 
Savage.    Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

•  Gal.  vi.  1.  Vid.  Pol.  Synop.  in  loe. 

t  Mr.  Jones,  of  Llanarmon ;  Mr.  Dickins,  of  Morton  Say ;  Mr. 
Bradley,  of  Ness ;  Mr.  Hall,  of  Newcastle ;  Mr.  Hanmer,  of  White- 



1648,  for  the  ordination  of  ministers,  tlesiring  to  be 
ordained  a  Presbyter,  for  that  he  is  chosen  and  ap- 
potntod  for  the  work  of  the  ministry  at  Worthenbury, 
in  the  county  of  Flinty  as  by  a  certificate  now  remain- 
ing with  US,  touching  that  his  election  and  appoint- 
ment, appeareth.  And  he  having  likewise  exhibited 
a  sufficient  testimonial  of  his  diligence  and  profici- 
ency in  his  studies,  and  unblamableness  of  his  life 
ind  conversation,  he  hath  been  examined  according 
to  the  rales  for  examination  in  the  said  ordinance 
expressed ;  and  thereupon  approved,  there  being  no 
just  exception  made,  nor  put  in,  against  his  ordina- 
tion and  admission.  These  may  therefore  testify  to  all 

[     whom  it  may  concern,  that  upon  the  16th  day  of  Sep- 

'  tember,  1657,  we  have  proceeded  solemnly  to  set  him 
apart  for  the  office  of  a  Presbyter,  and  work  of  the 
ministry  of  the  gospel,  by  laying  on  of  our  hands  with 
fasting  and  prayer.  By  virtue  whereof  we  do  declare 
kim  to  be  a  lawful  and  sufficiently  authorized  minister 
of  Jesos  Christ  And  having  good  evidence  of  his 
lawful  and  fair  calling,  not  only  to  the  work  of  the 
ministry,  but  to  the  exercise  thereof  at  the  chapel  of 
Worthenbury,  in  the  county  of  Flint,  we  do  hereby 
lend  him  thither,  and  actually  admit  him  to  the  said 
charge  to  perform  all  the  offices  and  duties  of  a 
faithfai  pastor  there ;  exhorting  the  people,  in  the 
name  of  Jesus  Christ,  willingly  to  receive  and  ac- 
knowledge him  as  the  minister  of  Christ,  and  to 
maintain  and  encourage  him  in  the  execution  of  his 

I  office,  that  he  may  be  able  to  give  up  such  an  ac- 
count to  Christ  of  their  obedience  to  his  ministry, 

j  as  may  be  to  his  joy,  and  their  everlasting  comfort 
In  witness  whereof,  we  the  Presbyters  of  the  Fourth 
Class,  in  the  County  of  Salop,  commonly  called 
Bradford-North  Class,  have  hereunto  set  our  hands, 

I     this  16th  day  of  September,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 

'     God,  1667. 

Thomas  Porter,  Moderator  for  the  time, 
Andrew  Parsons,  Minister  of  Wem. 
Aylmar  Haughton,  Minister  of  Frees, 
John  Maiden,  Minister  of  Newport, 
Richard  Steel,  Minister  of  Hanmer,*' ' 

I  hare  heard  it  said,  by  those  who  were  present  at 
this  solemnity,  that  Mr.  Henry  did  in  his  counte- 
nance, carriage,  and  expression,  discover  such  an 
extraordinary  seriousness  and  gravity,  and  such 
deep  impressions  made  upon  his  spirit,  as  greatly 
aiected  the  auditory,  and  even  struck  an  awe  upon 

well  QapeL  P.  Henry.  Diary.  Orig.  MS.  At  to  Mr.  Hall,  see  the 
Ncneoo.  Mem.  v.  1  p.  32a 

ff  Mr.  Orton,in  hit  edition  ofthe  Life,  p.  5L  has  here  introduced 
the  foUowtof  note. 

It  la  icflBBilcaMe.  that  Mr.  Steel  should  be  likewise  engaged  in 
the  ordiaadon  of  hia  son.  Mr.  Matthew  Henry,  almost  thirty  years 

sftcr  Ifais;  vis.  May  9,  1697.    It  was  the  honour  of  his  younger  I 
daya  to  be  a|>potat<d  by  the  elaaris  of  MiDisteis^  one  oftboee  who  ' 

Read  his  reflection  upon  it  in  his  diary.—"  Me- 
thoughts  I  saw  much  of  God  in  carrying  on  of  the 
work  of  this  day.  Oh,  how  good  is  the  Lord  !  he  is 
good,  and  doth  good  ;  the  remembrance  of  it  I  shall 
never  lose;  to  him  be  glory.  I  made  many  pro- 
mises of  diligence,  faithfulness,  &c.  but  I  lay  no 
stress  at  all  on  them,  but  on  God's  promise  to  me, 
that  he  will  be  with  his  ministers  always  to  the  end 
of  the  world.  Amen,  Lord,  so  be  it.  Make  good  thy 
word  unto  thy  servant,  wherein  thou  hast  caused  me 
to  put  my  trust"  And  in  another  place, — "  I  did  this 
day  receive  as  much  honour  and  work,  as  ever  I  shall 
be  able  to  know  what  to  do  with ;  Lord  Jesus,  pro- 
portion supplies  according."  Two  Scriptures  he  de- 
sired might  be  written  in  his  heart,  2  Corinthians 
vi.  4,  5,  &c.  and  2  Chronicles  xxix.  11. 

Two  years  after,  upon  occasion  of  his  being  present 
at  an  ordination  at  Whitchurch,  he  thus  writes  : — 
"  This  day  my  ordination  covenants  were  in  a  special 
manner  renewed,  as  to  diligence  in  reading,  prayer, 
meditation,  faithfulness  in  preaching,  admonition, 
catechizing,  sacraments,  zeal  against  error  and  pro- 
faneness,  care  to  preserve  and  promote  the  unity  and 
purity  of  the  church,  notwithstanding  opposition  and 
persecution,  though  to  death.  Lord,  thou  hast  filled 
my  hands  with  work,  fill  my  heart  with  wisdom  and 
grace,  that  I  may  discharge  my  duty  to  thy  glory, 
and  my  own  salvation,  and  the  salvation  of  those 
that  hear  me."    Amen. 

Let  us  now  see  how  he  applied  himself  to  his  work 
at  Worthenbury.  The  sphere  was  narrow,  too  nar- 
row for  such  a  burning  and  shining  light.  There 
were  but  forty-one  communicants  in  that  parish, 
when  he  first  set  up  the  ordinance  of  the  Lord's 
Supper ;  and  they  were  never  doubled.  Yet  he  had 
such  low  thoughts  of  himself,  that  he  not  only  never 
sought  for  a  larger  sphere,  but  would  never  hearken 
to  any  overtures  of  that  kind  made  to  him.  And 
withal,  he  had  such  high  thoughts  of  his  work,  and 
the  worth  of  souls,  that  he  laid  out  himself  with  as 
much  diligence  and  vigour  here,  as  if  he  had  the 
oversight  of  the  greatest  and  most  considerable  parish 
in  the  country. 

The  greatest  part  of  the  parish  were  poor  tenants 
and  labouring  husbandmen  ;  but  the  souls  of  such, 
he  used  to  say,  are  as  precious  as  the  souls  of  the 
rich,  and  to  be  looked  after  accordingly.  His  prayer 
for  them  was, — "  Lord,  despise  not  the  day  of  small 
things  in  this  place,  where  there  is  some  willingness, 
but  much  weakness.''  And  thus  he  writes  upon  the 
Judge's  settling  a  handsome  maintenance  upon  him, 

should  lay  hands  on  Mr.  Philip  Henry ;  and  it  must  be  the  comfort 
of  his  advanced  years,  that  he  had  the  opportunity  of  doing  the 
same  office  for  the  son.  This  circumstance  must  be  very  pleasing 
both  to  father  and  son ;  and  it  could  not  be  less  pleasing  to  Mr. 
Steel,  that  he  should  be  employed,  under  Christ,  in  sending  out 
two  such  ministers  into  the  ehurch ;  sucha  (a.V.\itT,«xi<&«a^%.v»^. 
See  Jong's  Life  of  Matlb.  Henry,  p. «.  at  n^xa. 



Lord,  thou  knowest  I  seek  not  theirs  but  them.'' 

Give  me  the  souls."' 

[An  edifying  instance  is  preserved  in  the  following 
letter.     It  has  no  date. 

My  dear  Friend ; 
I  am  glad  to  hear  by  your  father,  that  God  hath 
been,  of  late,  at  work  with  your  soul ;  and,  I  hope, 
it  will  prove  the  good  work,  which,  where  he  once 
begins,  he  will  be  sure  to  perform,  until  the  day  of 
Jesus  Christ  Now  I  send  these  few  lines  to  you 
from  my  affectionate  love,  and  from  the  true  desire 
which  I  have  of  your  spiritual  and  everlasting  wel- 
fare, to  be  your  remembrancer,  that  you  be  sure,  by 
all  means,  to  lay  a  good  foundation,  for  want  of 
which  multitudes  miscarry  and  come  to  nothing. 
Now  that  foundation  must  be  laid  in  sound  convic- 
tions of,  and  hearty  contrition  for,  sin ;  ^  you  must 
bethink  yourself  of  the  error  of  your  way,  in  how 
many  things  you  have  offended ;  and  who  can  tell, 
in  how  many  ?  You  must  lay  before  you  the  pure, 
and  holy,  and  spiritual  law  of  God ;  and  if  the 
conunandment  came  to  you  by  the  Spirit  of  God 
working  with  it,  as  it  came  to  Paul,  Romans  vii.  9. 
it  will  make  sin  to  revive ;  and  the  reviving  of  sin, 
in  that  manner,  will  be  the  death  of  all  your  vain 
hopes  and  carnal  confidences ;  you  will  then  change 
your  note,  and  from  the  Pharisee's,  God,  I  thank 
thee,  I  am  not  as  other  men  are ;  you  will  cry  out 
with  the  poor  Publican,  God,  be  merciful  to  me  a 
nnner  !  Oh,  the  numberless  numbers  of  vain  thoughts, 
idle  words,  unprofitable  communications,  that  have 
past  you  in  any  one  day,  the  best  of  your  days !  the 
multitudes  of  omissions  of  duty  to  God,  to  man  in 
general,  in  particular  relations!  the  multitudes  of 
conmiissions,  whereby  from  time  to  time  you  have 
transgressed  and  turned  aside,  in  the  several  ages 
and  stages  of  your  life,  through  which  you  have 
passed !  Though  you  are  but  young,  and,  therefore, 
free  from  much  of  that  guilt  which  others  lie  under, 
yet  conclude,  I  say  conclude,  you  have  enough  and 
enough  again,  if  God  should  enter  into  judgment 
with  you,  to  sink  you  into  the  bottomless  pit  of  hell ; 
and,  therefore,  you  must  enter  into  judgment  with 
yourself,  and  condemn  yourself,  and  if  you  do  it 
aright,  you  shall  not  be  judged  of  the  Lord,  nor 
condemned  with  the  world.  Be  free  and  full  in  your 
confessions,  and  after  all  you  must  close  with  David's, 
&c.  Psalm  xix.  12.  '*  Who  can  understand  his 
errors  ?  Cleanse  thou  me  from  secret  faults."  Let 
the  streams  lead  you  to  the  Fountain  ;  see  a  root,  a 
root  of  bitterness  in  your  nature,  bearing  gall  and 
wormwood  in  your  life  and  actions ;  and  be  sure  lay 

h  See2Cor.xii.  14. 

The  welfore  or  his  people  was  very  dear  to  him,  and  lay  near  his 
heart ;  h$  nmght  not  thtirs,  but  them ;  nor  was  his  care  so  much  to 
gather  in  tithes  as  soules.  The  Life  of  Dr.  Thomas  Taylor,  who 
died  A.  D.  1632,  prefixed  to  bis  Works,  foL  UU3. 

the  axe  to  th^  and  bewail  that,  and  see  an  absolute 
necessity  of  a  change ;  for  except  you  be  bom  again 
and  become  a  new  creature,  that  is,  except  a  contrary 
principle  of  grace  be  wrought  in  you  to  work  out  that 
naughty  principle  of  corruption  by  degrees,  you 
cannot  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God.    And  here 
all  the  creatures  in  heaven  and  earth  cannot  help 
you  ;  they  must  each  of  them  say,  it  is  not  hi  me,  it 
is  not  in  me ;  they  have  neither  a  righteousness  for 
you  wherein  to  stand  before  God  for  justification, 
nor  the  power  to  give  you  for  the  mortifying  of  one 
vicious  habit,  or  for  the  performing  of  any  one  act 
of  acceptable  obedience ;  but,  blessed  be  God,  help 
is  laid  for  us  upon  one  that  is  mighty,  able  to  save 
to  the  uttermost  those  that  come  unto  God  by  him, 
the  only  Mediator  between  God  and  Man,  the  Man 
Christ  Jesus ; '  and,  therefore,  by  him  you  must  go 
to  God.    I  say  must,  or  you  are  undone,  for  there 
is  no  other  name  given  under  heaven  by  which  we 
can  be  saved ;  you  must  in  the  sight  and  sense  of 
your  own  lost  and  undone  condition  in  yourself,  by 
reason  of  the  guilt  which  lies  upon  you,  resolve  to 
cast  yourself  upon  the  free  grace  of  the  gospel; 
making  this  your  only  plea  at  the  bar  of  his  offended 
justice,  I  have  sinned,  but  Christ  Jesus  hath  died, 
yea,  rather  is  risen  again,  and  in  him  mercy  is  pro- 
mised to  the  penitent,  and  therefore  to  me.    Do  not 
suffer  the  tempter,  nor  your  own  belief,  to  beat  you 
from  this  plea.    These  will  tell  you,  you  are  a  great 
sinner,  it  may  be  a  backslider  after  convictions,  and 
that  often,  and,  therefore,  it  is  to  no  purpose ;  bat 
do  not  hearken  to  them ;  say,  faithful  is  he  that  hath 
promised,  and  hold  fast  there ;  say,  the  worse  I  am, 
the  more  need  I  have  of  a  Saviour,  the  more  his 
mercy  will  be  magnified  in  saving  me;  remember 
David's  argument.  Psalm  xxv.  11.    And  when  you 
have  in  this  manner  by  faith  applied  Christ  crucified 
to  your  soul,  you  are  bound  to  believe  that  God  doth 
accept  of  you,  that  your  sins  are  pardoned,  and  that 
you  shall  not  come  into  condemnation.    And  then 
your  next  work  must  be  to  study  what  you  shall 
render,  to  love  him  that  hath  loved  you  first,  and  out 
of  love  to  him  to  forsake  all  sin,  and  to  buckle  to  all 
duty ;  to  read,  hear,  and  meditate,  in  the  word  of 
God,  that  you  may  know  what  the  will  of  God  is 
concerning  you,  and  what  you  ought  to  do ;  and  when 
you  know  it,  resolve  to  do  it.    You  will  say,  I  can- 
not.  I  know  you  cannot,  but  in  this  also  help  is  laid 
up  for  you  in  Jesus  Christ ;  if  you  come  to  him 
daily,  as  you  have  occasion,  in  the  sense  of  your  own 
impotency,  he  will  strengthen  you  with  all  might  by 
his  Spirit  in  the  inner  man ;   he  will  plant  g^ce, 
and  water  his  own  planting,  and  make  it  to  grow 

i  See  Gen.  xiv.2i. 

k  See  P.  Henry's  Eighteen  Sermons,  ut  npra^  p.  200.  where  sin 
is  considered  as  an  abomination ;  and  also,  it.  277.  where  the  poor 
in  spirit  are  proved  to  be  blessed. 

1  Appendix,  No.  V. 



and  bring  forth  fruit  I  can  do  all  tilings,  saith  Paul, 
tkrough  Christ  strengthening  me,  and  without  him 
we  can  do  nothing.  The  terms  of  that  blessed 
coTenant  that  we  are  under,  are,  that  we  endeavour 
to  do  as  well  as  we  can,  aimiug  at  perfection ;  and 
wherein  we  come  short,  that  we  may  be  humbled 
for  it,  but  not  discouraged,  as  if  there  were  no  hope 

for  we  are  m^t  under  the  law,  but  under  grace.  "* 

I  am  glad  to  hear  you  have  those  servants  of  the 
Lord  with  yon,  who  are  better  able  than  I  to  be  the 
directors  of  your  way  in  this  main  matter,  and  that 
God  hath  given  you  acquaintance  with  them,  and 
an  iaterest  in  their  love  and  prayers,  which  I  hope 
yon  do  prize  at  a  very  high  rate,  and  be  sure 
apoo  all  occasions  make  use  of  them,  and  be  guided 
by  them.  If  you  have  not  joined  in  the  fellowship 
of  the  holy  supper,  I  would  you  should  not  by  any 
neuis  delay  to  do  it.  It  is  not  privilege  only,  but 
duty,  commanded  duty,  and  if  you  love  the  Lord 
Jesus,  how  can  you  answer  for  your  neglect  so  long 
of  such  a  gracious  appointment  of  his,  when  you  have 
opportunity  for  it  ?  Behold,  he  calls  you.  It  is  one 
tUng  to  he  unworthy  to  come,  and  another  thing  to 
eome  unworthily.  He  that  is  not  fit  to-day,  will  be 
less  fit  to-morrow.  I  know  those  that  can  witness, 
tboogh  there  were  treaties  before  between  their  souls 
and  the  Ijord  Jesus,  in  order  to  that  blessed  match, 
yet  the  matter  was  never  consummated,  nor  the  knot 
fally  tied, "  till  they  came  to  that  ordinance :  it  is  a 
sealing  ordinance ;  God  is  there  sealing  to  us,  and 
we  sealing  to  him  in  a  precious  Mediator.  You 
cannot  imagine  the  benefits  of  it,  and,  therefore,  put 
not  off.  So,  conmiending  you  to  God,  and  to  the 
word  of  his  ipuce,  which  is  able  to  build  you  up, 
and  to  give  you  an  inheritance  amongst  them  that 
are  sanctified  in  Christ  Jesus,  I  rest, 

Tour  truly  affectionate  and  well-wishing  friend, 

Philip  Henry.**] 

■  Sam.  vi.  4.  My  loul  bath  oft  been  refreshed  with  that  sweet 
word,— ^  We  are  not  under  the  law,  but  under  grace  ;**— and,  I 
■ay  mj  concerning  it,— It  is  *'  all  my  salvation,  and  all  my  desire, 
•hliougli  be  tboold  not  make  my  house  to  grow.**  P.  Henry. 
Grig.  MS. 

A  believer,  nys  Mr.  Mead,  is  under  the  law  for  conduct,  but 
not  for  judgment ;  it  is  the  guide  of  his  path,  but  not  the  judge 
or  hb  state    The  good  oT  early  obedience,  p.  907.  duod.  1683. 

■  Sec  ante,  p.  14. 
•  Grig.  MS. 

F  Appendix:,  Na  VI. 

^  For  a  fall  account  of  the  conduct  of  such  intenriews,  and  a 
smiMry  of  their  advantages,  see  Clark's  lives  of  Eminent  Di- 
vines, ■/  sMprm.  PreC  pp.  4,  5. 

t  On  one  occasion  the  question  being  proposed.  What  means 
sre  we  to  one  that  we  may  get  knowledge,  particularly  that  which 
is  divine!  Mr.  Henry  gave  the  following  answer,  which  runiishes 
a  corroboiation  of  many  statements  in  the  volume,  and  will  be  a 
directory  to  others  who  are  seeking  instruction : 

Be  eooviaced  tiMU  knowledge  is  not  a  matter  of  indlOlfrence. 
See  Jdm  avit  3;  %  Tbess.  i.  7,  &  Hos.  iv.  o.  Isa.  xxvi.  11.  With, 
oat  knowledge  there  is  no  fhith;  ignorant  believing  is  but  pre- 
tvmptioo,  Isa.  liii.  li-  Labour  to  see  thy  want  of  knowledge, 
hov.  xxvi.  It,   1  Car.  rHi.  S.  Isa.  xxviii.  o.    It  is  certain  you  can 

He  was  in  laboars  more  abundant  to  win  souls ; 
besides  preaching  he  expounded  the  Scriptures  in 
order  ;P  catechised,  and  explained  the  catechism. 
At  first  he  took  into  the  number  of  his  catechumens 
some  that  were  adult,  who,  he  found,  wanted  instruc- 
tion ;  and  when  he  had  taken  what  pains  he  thought 
needful  with  them,  he  dismissed  them  from  further 
attendance,  with  commendation  of  their  proficiency, 
and  counsel,  '*  to  hold  fast  the  form  of  sound  words ;" 
to  be  watchful  against  the  sins  of  their  age,  and  to 
apply  themselves  to  the  ordinance  of  the  Lord's 
Supper,  and  make  ready  for  it ;  afterwards  he  cate- 
chised none  above  seventeen  or  eighteen  years  of  age. 

He  set  up  a  monthly  lecture  there  of  two  sermons, 
one  he  himself  preached,  and  the  other  his  friend 
Mr.  Ambrose  Lewis,  of  Wrexham,  for  some  years. 
He  also  kept  up  a  monthly  conference,**  in  private, 
from  house  to  house,  in  which  he  met  with  the  more 
knowing  and  judicious  of  the  parish ;  and  they  dis- 
coursed familiarly  together  of  the  things  of  God,  to 
their  mutual  edification,  according  to  the  example 
of  the  apostles,  who,  though  they  had  the  liberty  of 
public  places,  yet  taught  also  from  house  to  honse^ 
Acts  v.  42;  xx.  20.  That  which  induced  him  to  set 
and  keep  up  this  exercise  as  long  as  he  durst,  which 
was  till  August,  1600,  was,  that  by  this  means  he 
came  better  to  understand  the  state  of  his  flock,  and 
so  knew  the  better  how  to  preach  to  them,  and  pray 
for  them,  and  they  to  pray  one  for  another.  If  they 
were  in  doubt  about  any  thing  relating  to  their  souls, 
that  was  an  opportunity  of  getting  satisfaction.  It 
was  likewise  a  means  of  increasing  knowledge,'  and 
love,  and  other  graces ;  and  thus  it  abounded  to  a 
good  account.* 

He  was  very  industrious  in  visiting  the  sick,  in- 
structing them,  and  praying  with  them ;  and  in  this 
he  would  say,  he  aimed  at  the  good,  not  only  of 
those  that  were  sick,  but  also  of  their  friends  and 
relations  that  were  about  them. 

never  know  too  much.— Be  diligent  and  constant  in  the  use  of 
ordinances.  Public;— Hcbt  the  word  preached.  In  hearing,  be 
sure  observe  the  doctrine,  which,  for  the  most  part,  is  very  short ; 
and.  for  the  help  of  such  whose  memories  are  weak,  given  usually 
in  the  very  words  of  Scripture,  which  is  taken  for  the  text.  If  you 
can  carry  away  nothing  else,  fail  not  to  carry  away  that.  But 
should  I  be  speaking  to  you  an  hour  about  any  worldly  business, 
you  would  remember  a  great  deal  more  than  one  sentence. 
Turn  to  proof  afterwarda  /^-iva/*;— Read  the  scriptures,  or  get 
others  to  read  them  to  you,  in  your  Tamiliea  Read  those  that  are 
most  for  edification.  Regard  not  so  much  how  many  chapters  you 
read,  as  how  many  truths  you  can  make  up  to  yourselves  firom 
what  you  read.  Unless  where  continuance  of  story  requires,  let, 
ordinarily,  one  or  two  chapters  at  a  time  suffice ;  and  let  them 
be  read  once  and  again.  Also,  get  some  good  books,  catechisms, 
kc.  that  contain  the  principles  of  religion.  If  thou  canst  not  buy, 
borrow.— Keepknowing  company ;  and,  when  you  are  with  such, 
be  inquiring,— What  means  thisf-^not  out  of  curiosity,  but  for 
edification.  You,  who  have  knowlcflge,  be  willing  to  communi- 
cate. You  will  lose  nothing  by  it.  Pray  much ;  especially  before 
hearing,  reading,  kc.  See  James  i.  5.  Prov.  li.  3,  &c.  Use  some 
short  ejaculation.  Psalm  cxix.  is  full  of  such.  P.  Henry.  Orig. 
•  Appendix,  Na  VIL 



He  preached  funeral  sermons  for  all  that  were 
buried  there,  rich  and  poor,  old  or  young,  or  little 
children ;  for  he  looked  upon  it  as  an  opportunity  of 
doing  good.  He  called  it,--setting  in  the  plow  of 
the  word,  when  the  Providence  had  softened  and 
prepared  the  ground.  He  never  took  any  money  for 
that  or  any  other  ministerial  performance,  besides 
his  stated  salary,  for  which  he  thought  himself 
obliged  to  do  his  whole  duty  to  them  as  a  minister. 

When  he  first  set  up  the  ordinance  of  the  Lord's 
Supper  there,  he  did  it  with  very  great  solemnity. 
After  he  had  endeavoured  to  instruct  them  in  his 
public  preaching,  touching  the  nature  of  that  ordi- 
nance, he  discoursed  personally  with  all  that  gave 
up  their  names  to  the  Lord  in  it,  touching  their 
knowledge,  experience,  and  conversation,  obliged 
them  to  observe  the  law  of  Christ,  touching  bro- 
therly admonition  in  case  of  scandal;  and  gave 
notice  to  the  congregation  who  they  were  that  were 
admitted;  adding  this:  ''Concerning  these,  and 
myself,  I  have  two  things  to  say.  1.  As  to  what  is 
past,  wc  have  sinned.  If  we  should  say,  we  have 
not,  we  should  deceive  ourselves,  and  the  truth  were 
not  in  us  ;  and  yet  this  withal  we  can  say,  and  have 
said  it,  some  of  us  with  tears, — ^We  are  grieved  that 
we  have  sinned.  2.  For  time  to  come  we  are 
sesolved  by  God's  grace  to  walk  in  new  obedience ; 
and  yet  seeing  we  are  not  angels,  but  men  and  wo- 
men, compassed  about  with  infirmities  and  tempta- 
tions, it  is  possible  we  may  fall ;  but  if  we  do,  it  is 
our  declared  resolution  to  submit  to  admonition  and 
censure,  according  to  the  rule  of  the  gospel."  And 
all  along  he  took  care  so  to  manage  his  admissions 
to  that  ordinance,  as  that  the  weak  might  not  be 
discouraged,  and  yet  the  ordinance  might  not  be 
profaned.^  He  would  tell  those  whom  he  was  ne- 
cessitated to  debar  from  the  ordinance  for  ignorance, 
that  he  would  undertake,  if  they  were  but  truly 
willing,  they  might  in  a  week's  time,  by  the  blessing 
of  God  upon  their  diligent  use  of  means,  reading, 
prayer,  and  conference,  get  such  a  competent  mea- 
sure of  knowledge,  as  to  be  able  to  discern  the  Lord's 
body.  And  those  that  had  been  scandalous,  if  they 
would  but  come  in  and  declare  their  repentance,  and 
resolutions  of  new  obedience,  they  should  no  longer 
be  excluded. 

To  give  a  specimen  of  his  lively  administrations 
of  that  ordinance,  let  me  transcribe  the  notes  of  his 
exhortation  at  the  first  sacrament  that  ever  he  ad- 
ministered, November  27,  ISSO.*"  I  suppose  they 
are  but  the  hints  of  what  he  enlarged  more  upon, 
for  he  had  always  a  great  fluency  upon  such  occa- 

**  Dearly  beloved  in  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus 
Christ,  we  are  met  together  this  day  about  the  most 

«  Some  important  observations  on  this  subject,  in  connexion 
rr}th  tht  Test  Act,  occur  in  the  Hist,  of  Dissenters,  v.  4.  p.  181— 


solemn,  weighty  service  under  heaven ;  we  are  come 
to  a  feast,  where  the  feast-maker  is  God  the  Father, 
the  provision,  God  the'  Son,  whose  flesh  is  meat 
indeed,  and  whose  blood  is  drink  indeed ;  the  guests, 
a  company  of  poor  sinners,  unworthy  such  an 
honour ;  the  crumbs  under  the  table  were  too  good 
for  us,  and  yet  we  are  admitted  to  taste  of  the  pro- 
vision upon  the  table ;  and  that  which  makes  the 
feast  is  hearty  welcome.  God  the  Father  bids  you 
welcome ;  and  ten  tliousand  welcomes  this  day,  to 
the  flesh  and  blood  of  his  Son.  Think  you  hear  him 
saying  it  to  you,  O  believing  souls.  Cant.  v.  1.— 
JKotf,  O  friendM,  drink,  yea,  drink  abundantly,  O  ie- 
loved.  The  end  of  this  feast  is  to  keep  in  remem- 
brance the  death  of  Christ,  and  our  deliverance  by 
it,  and  thereby  to  convey  spiritual  nourishment  and 
refreshment  to  our  souls.  But  withal,  give  mc  leave 
to  ask  you  one  question,— What  appetite  have  yon 
to  this  feast?  Are  you  come  hungering  and  thirsting  ? 
Such  as  have  the  promise,  they  shall  be  filled.  He 
filleth  the  hungry  with  good  things,  hut  the  rich  are 
sent  empty  away  ;  a  honey-comb  to  a  full  soul  is  no 
honey-comb.  Canst  thou  say  as  Christ  said, — With 
desire  I  have  desired  to  eat  this  ?  In  this  ordinance 
here  is  Christ  and  all  his  benefits  exhibited  to  thee. 
Art  thou  weak  ?  here  is  bread  to  strengthen  thee. 
Art  thou  sad  ?  here  is  wine  to  comfort  thee.  What 
is  it  thou  standest  in  need  of  ?  a  pardon?  here  it  is, 
sealed  in  blood,  take  it  by  faith,  as  I  offer  it  to  you 
in  the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus  ;  though  thy  sins  have 
been  as  scarlet,  they  shall  be  as  wool,  if  thou  be  willing 
and  obedient.  It  may  be,  here  are  some  that  have 
been  drunkards,  swearers,  scoffers  at  godliness, 
sabbath-breakers,  and  what  not ; — and  God  hath  put 
it  into  your  hearts  to  humble  yourselves,  to  mourn 
for  and  turn  from  all  your  abominations.  Oh,  come 
hither,  here  is  forgiveness  for  thee.  What  else  is  it 
thou  wantest?  Oh,  saith  the  poor  soul,  I  would 
have  more  of  the  spirit  of  grace,  more  power  against 
sin,  especially  my  own  iniquity.  Why,  here  it  is  for 
thee :  '  from  the  fulness  that  is  in  Jesus  Christ, 
we  receive,  and  grace  for  grace.*  John  i.  16.  We 
may  say  as  David  did.  Psalm  cviii.  7,  8.  Ood  hath 
spoken  in  his  holiness,  and  then  Gilead  is  mine,  and 
Manasseh  is  mine.  So  God  hath  spoken  in  his  word 
sealed  in  his  sacrament,  and  then  Christ  is  mine, 
pardon  is  mine,  grace  is  mine,  comfort  mine,  glory 
mine ;  here  I  have  his  bond  to  show  for  it.  This  is 
to  those  among  you,  that  have  engaged  their  hearts 
to  approach  unto  God  this  day. 

<<  But  if  there  be  any  come  hither  with  a  false, 
unbelieving,  filthy,  hard  heart,  I  do  warn  you  seri- 
ously, and  with  authority,  in  the  name  of  Jesus 
Christ,  presume  not  to  come  any  nearer  to  this  sacred 
ordinance.*  You  that  live  in  tlie  practice  of  any  sin, 

«  b  it  not  probable,  this  was  1657!  Mr.  Henry's  ordination  was 
September  IS,  in  that  year. 
T  The  one  gnreat  cause  of  the  great  flourishing  of  religion  in  the 



or  the  omisjiion  of  any  daty  against  your  knowledge 
and  conscience ;  yon  that  haye  any  malice  or  grudge 
to  any  of  your  neighbours,  leave  your  gift  and  go 
yoor  ways ;  be  reconciled  to  God,  be  reconciled  to 
yoor  brother,  and  then  come  !  Better  shame 

thyself  for  coming  so  near,  than  damn  thyself  by 
coming  nearer.  I  testify  to  those,  who  say  they  shall 
IttTC  peace,  thongh  they  go  on  still  in  their  tres- 
ptsses,  that  there  is  poison  in  the  bread  ;  take  it  and 
eat  it  at  your  own  peril ;  there  is  poison  in  the  cup 
too,  you  drink  your  own  damnation.  I  wash  my 
kinds  from  the  guilt  of  your  blood.  Look  you  to  it, 
on  the  other  hand,  you  poor  penitent  souls  that  are 
lost  in  yourseWes,  here  is  a  Christ  to  save  you. 
Come,  O  cotne,  ye  that  are  weary  and  heavy  laden/^Sac, 

It  may  not  be  amiss  to  transcribe  also  some  hints 
of  preparation  for  the  administering  of  the  ordinance 
of  baptism,*  which  I  find  under  his  hand,  at  his  first 
letting  out  in  the  ministry,  as  follows : 

"^  It  is  a  real  manifestation  of  the  goodness  and 
lone  of  God  to  belieyers,  that  he  hath  not  only  taken 
them  into  corenant  with  himself,  but  their  seed  also; 
njing,  /  will  be  thy  God,  and  the  God  of  thy  seed. 
Though  to  be  bom  of  such,  does  not  necessarily 
entitle  infants  to  the  spiritual  mercies  of  the  cove- 
Bant,  for  grace  doth  not  run  in  the  blood.  We  see 
the  oontrary  many  times,  even  godly  parents  have 
wicked  children ;  Abraham  had  his  Ishmael,  and 
Isaac  his  Esau ;  yet,  questionless,  it  doth  entitle  them 
to  the  external  privileges  of  the  covenant.  The  lihe 
fywre  muto  Noah's  arh,  even  baptism  doth  also  now 
MM  MM.  Noah,  and  all  that  were  his,  entered  into 
the  arfc«  thongh  we  have  cause  to  doubt  whether  they 
all  entered  into  heaven.  While  our  Lord  Jesus  was 
here  upon  the  earth,  they  brought  little  children  to 
him,  and  he  laid  his  hands  on  them^  and  blessed  them  ; 
and  said,  moreover,  Suffer  little  children  to  come 
umio  tma,  and  forbid  them  not,  (there  are  many  at  this 
day,  that  forbid  little  children  to  come  to  Christ,)  he 
adds  the  reason,*-for  of  such  is  the  hingdom  of  hea- 
ven. Whether  it  be  meant  of  the  visible  church, 
often  so  called  in  the  gospel,  or  of  the  state  of  glory 
IB  another  world ;  either  way  it  affords  an  argument 
ior  proof  of  infant  baptism.  When  either  parent  is 
ia  eovenant  with  God,  their  children  also  are  in  co- 
venant vrith  him ;  and  being  in  covenant,  they  have 
an  nndoabted  right  and  title  to  this  ordinance  of 
fcaptSfi^  which  is  the  seal  of  the  covenant.  So  that 
in  the  administration  of  this  ordinance,  this  day,  ac- 
coiding  to  the  institution  of  Jesus  Christ,  we  look 
wfoa  yon  who  are  the  father  of  this  child,  as  a  per- 
in  eorenantwith  God.    How  far  you  have  dealt 

.certainly,  thestrictnefls  used  by  them  in  their 
of  memben  into  church  societies,  which  is  fully  de- 
seribcd  by  Origen,  against  Celsos;  who  tells  us,  they  did  inquire 
isto  their  lives  and  carriages,  to  discern  their  seriousness  in  the 
of  Ctsrifltiaafty  duriog  their  being  catechumens ;  who 

tfter  tellB  aa,  tbay  didieqnlre  true  repentance  and  reformation  of 
life,  thai  we  admit  them  to  the  pertieipatioo  of  our  mysteries 


unfaithfully  in  the  covenant,  is  known  to  God  and 
your  own  conscience ;  but  this  we  know,  the  vows 
of  God  are  upon  you  ;  and  let  every  one  that  nameth 
the  name  of  Christ  depart  from  iniquity.  But  before 
we  baptize  your  child,  I  am  to  acquaint  you,  in  a 
few  words^  what  we  expect  from  you. 

''  Q.  (1.)  Do  you  avouch  God  in  Jesus  Christ  this 

day  to  be  your  God  ? See  to  it  that  this  be 

done  in  truth,  and  with  a  perfect  heart.  You  may 
tell  us  you  do  so,  and  you  may  deceive  us,  but  God 
is  not  mocked.  Q.  (2.)  And  is  it  your  desire,  that 
your  children  also  may  be  received  into  covenant 
with  the  Lord,  and  that  the  Lord's  broad-seal  of  bap- 
tism may  be  set  to  it  ?  Q.  (3.)  And  do  you  promise 
in  the  presence  of  God,  and  of  this  congregation,  that 
you  will  do  your  endeavour  towards  the  training  of 
it  up  in  the  way  of  godliness,  that  as  it  is  by  you, 
through  mercy,  that  it  lives  the  life  of  nature,  so  it 
may  by  you  also,  through  the  same  mercy,  live  the 
life  of  grace  ?  Else  I  must  tell  you,  if  you  be  wanting 
herein,  there  will  be  a  sad  appearance  one  day,  when 
you  shall  meet  together  before  the  judgment-seat  of 
Christ,  and  this  solemn  engagement  of  yours  will 
be  brought  in  to  witness  against  you." 

These  were  but  the  first  instances  of  his  skil ful- 
ness in  dispensing  the  mysteries  of  the  kingdom  of 
God.  He  declined  the  private  administration  of  the 
Lord's  Supper  to  sick  persons,  as  judging  it  not 
consonant  to  the  rule  and  intention  of  the  ordinance. 
He  very  rarely,  if  ever,  baptized  in  private;  but 
would  have  children  brought  to  the  solemn  assembly 
upon  the  Lord's  day,  that  the  parent*s  engagement 
might  have  the  more  witnesses  to  it,  and  the  child 
the  more  prayers  put  up  for  it,  and  that  the  congre- 
gation might  be  edified.  And  yet  he  would  say, 
there  was  some  inconvenience  in  it  too,  unless  peo- 
ple would  agree  to  put  off  the  feasting  part  of  the 
Solemnity  to  some  other  time,  which  he  very  much 
persuaded  his  friends  to ;  and  observed,  that  Abra- 
ham made  a  great  feast  the  same  day  that  Isaac  was 
weaned,  (Genesis  xxi.  8.)  not  the  same  day  that  he 
was  circumcised. 

His  carriage  towards  the  people  of  his  parish  was 
very  exemplary ;  condescending  to  the  meanest,  and 
conversing  familiarly  with  them  :  bearing  with  the 
infirmities  of  the  weak,  and  becoming  all  things  to 
all  men. 

[Weak  Christians,  he  remarks,  have  infirmities  : 
but  infirmity  supposes  life,  and  all  who  are  alive  to 
God  have  an  inward  sense  of  sin,  and  their  own  lost 
condition,  by  reason  of  it,— they  heartily  close  with 
Christ  upon  gospel  terms  for  pardon  and  peace, — 

Irenlcum,  by  Edward  Stillingflect,  afterwards  Bishop  of  Worcester. 
4to.  1661.  pp.  134,  135. 

w  Mr.  Matthew  Henry  left  in  manuscript  a  Treatise  on  Baptism. 
It  was  abridged  and  published  by  the  Rev.  Thomas  Robins  in  1783. 
The  reader  will  ftnd  many  extracts  from  \1  \tv  "  kTvWv»AsJ^V^^«^ 
Examined,"  by  the  late  Dt.  EdwaTd  N^WWania.  ^o\.  V\.  t^-  ^.  *^ 
1789.   See  also  Orton'i  Letters  lo  D\aaftTvlVi!k%»xvNA«v^  •  >i!v.^.  «i 



and  have  unfeigned  desires  and  endeavours  to  walk 
in  the  way  of  God's  commandments.  But  such  are, 
oftentimes,  very  dull  of  apprehension  in  spiritual 
things,  Matthew  xv.  16.  Hebrews  v.  11,  12.  They 
are  often  peevish  and  froward,  inexpert,  unskilful  in 
duty,  and  apt  to  envy,  and  judge,  and  censure,  being 
unacquainted  with  the  extent  of  Christian  liberty  in 
indifferent  things.  They  arc  often  fainting  in  adver- 
sity, much  taken  with  earthly  things,  easily  disquieted 
and  cast  down,  and  frequently  questioning  the  love 
of  God.  We  must  not,  however,  despise  them, 
Romans  xiv.  3.  Zechariah  iv.  10.— not  in  heart, 
word,  or  carriage.  We  must  rather  deny  ourselves 
than  offend  them.  Romans  xiv.  21.  Romans  xv. 
1,  2.  1  Corinthians  viii.  9,  13.  We  must  support 
them,— bear  them  as  pillars,— bear  the  house  as  the 
shoulders  a  burthen,  as  the  wall  the  vine,  as  parents 
their  children,  as  the  oak  the  ivy.  And  this,  because 
they  are  brethren.  Are  they  not  of  tlie  same  body  ? 
Shall  the  hand  cut  off  the  little  finger  because  it  is 
not  as  large  as  the  thumb  ?  Do  men  throw  away 
their  com,  because  it  comes  into  the  bam  with  chaff? 
They  are  weak.  Bear  with  them  out  of  pity.  In  a 
family,  if  one  of  the  little  ones  be  sick,  all  the  larger 
children  are  ready  to  attend  it,  which  they  need  not 
do  if  it  were  well.  It  should  be  done,  likewise,  be- 
cause Jesus  Christ  does  so.  Bear  ye  one  another's 
burthens,  and  so  fulfil  the  law  of  Christ,  the  law  of  his 
conmiand,  and  the  law  of  his  example.  He  takes 
special  care  of  his  Iambs,  will  not  quench  the  smoking 
flax,  and  is  touched  with  the  feeling  of  our  infirmi- 
ties, Hebrews  iv.  16.  * 

To  retum,]  he  was  exceeding  tender  of  giving 
offence,  or  occasion  of  grief,  to  any  body,  minding 
himself  in  his  diary  upon  such  occasions;  that  the 
wisdom  that  is  from  above,  is  pure,  and  peaceable, 
and  gentle,  &c.  Yet  be  plainly  and  faitlifully 
reproved  what  he  saw  amiss  in  any,  and  would  not 
suffer  sin  upon  them ;  mourning  also  for  that  which 
he  could  not  mend.  There  were  some  untractable 
people  in  the  parish,  who  sometimes  caused  grief  to 
him,  and  exercised  his  boldness  and  zeal  in  reprov- 
ing. Once  hearing  of  a  merry  meeting  at  an  ale- 
house, on  a  Saturday  night,  he  went  himself  and 
broke  it  up,  and  scattered  them.  At  another  time, 
he  publicly  witnessed  against  a  frolic  of  some  vain 
people,  that  on  a  Saturday  night  came  to  the  church 
with  a  fiddler  before  them,  and  dressed  it  up  with 
flowers  and  garlands,  making  it,  as  he  told  them, 

«  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

y  This  statement  is  now  inapplicable  to  congregational  assem. 
blies.  Considering  the  aspect  of  the  times,  educational  predilec- 
tions, and  oflBcial  custom,  it  cannot  be  surprising  that  such  a  man 
as  Mr.  Henry  should  have  felt  sensibly  on  the  subject  The  sen. 
tJment  was,  indeed,  common,  and  for  similar  reasons,  to  the 
body  of  Presbyterian  Ministers.  The  experience,  however, 
which  resulted  from  the  Act  of  Uniformity  in  1062,  and  other 
subsequent  statutes,  evidently  lessened  their  objections,  and 
showed  that  the  difficulties  were  rather  ima^nary  than  real. 

more  like  a  play-house ;  and  was  this  their  prepara- 
tion for  the  Lord's  day,  and  the  duties  of  it?  &c. 
He  minded  them  of  Ecclesiastes  xi.  9.  Rejoice,  0 
young  man,  in  thy  youth,  but  know  thou . 

Many  out  of  the  neighbouring  parishes  attended 
upon  his  ministry,  and  some  came  from  far,  though 
sometimes  he  signified  his  dislike  of  their  so  doing, 
so  far  was  he  from  glorying  in  it.  But  they  who 
had  spiritual  senses  exercised  to  discern  things  that 
differ,  would  attend  upon  that  ministry  which  they 
found  to  be  most  edifying. 

He  was  about  eight  years,  from  first  to  last,  labour- 
ing in  the  word  and  doctrine  at  Worthenbury,  and 
his  labour  was  not  altogether  in  vain.  He  saw  in 
many  of  the  travail  of  his  own  soul  to  the  rejoicing 
of  his  heart,  but  with  this  particular  dispensation, 
which  I  have  heard  him  sometimes  speak  of,  that 
most  or  all  of  those  in  that  parish,  whom  he  was, 
through  grace,  instrumental  of  good  to,  died  be- 
fore he  left  the  parish,  or  quickly  after ;  so  that 
within  a  few  years  after  his  removal  thence,  thero 
were  very  few  of  the  visible  fruits  of  his  ministry 
there;  and  a  new  generation  sprang  up  there, 
who  knew  not  Joseph.  Yet  the  opportunity  he 
found  there  was  of  doing  the  more  good,  by  hav- 
ing those  that  were  his  charge  near  about  him,  made 
him  all  his  days  bear  his  testimony  to  parish  order, 
where  it  may  be  had  upon  good  terms,  as  much  more 
eligible,  and  more  likely  to  answer  the  end,  than 
the  congregational  way  of  gathering  churches  from 
places  far  distant,  which  could  not  ordinarily  meet 
to  worship  God  together.^  From  this  experience 
here,  though  he  would  say,  we  must  do  what  we  can, 
when  we  cannot  do  what  we  would,'  he  often  wished 
and  prayed  for  the  opening  of  a  door,  by  which  to 
retum  to  that  order  again. 

He  had  not  been  long  at  Worthenbury,  but  he 
began  to  be  taken  notice  of  by  the  neighbouring 
ministers,  as  likely  to  be  a  considerable  man. 
Though  his  extraordinary  modesty  and  humility, 
which  even  in  his  youth  he  was  remarkable  for, 
made  him  to  sit  down  with  silence  in  the  lowest 
room,  and  to  say,  as  Elihu,  Days  shall  speah ;  yet  his 
eminent  gifts  and  graces  could  not  long  be  hid;  the 
ointment  of  the  right  hand  will  betray  itself,  and  a 
person  of  his  merits  could  not  but  meet  with  those 
quickly,  who  said.  Friend,  go  up  higher ;  and  so 
that  Scripture  was  fulfilled,  Luke  xiv.  10.  He  was 
often  called  upon  to  preach  the  week-day  lectures, 

I  Ut  qnimus,  aiunt-;  quando,  tit  volumus.  non  licet  Terence. 
Audria,  Act.  IV.  Sc.  VI. 

In  a  valuable  little  Treatise,  *'  Of  the  Power  of  Godlinesse,**  by 
Thomas  White,  duod.  1658.  The  author  states,  that  one  great  im- 
pediment "  whereby  wee  are  hindered  in  the  wayes  of  God,*'— 
"  not  to  do  what  wee  can.  because  we  cannot  do  what  wee  would, 
or  should."  ib.  p.  139. 

So.  Mr.  Bereman,— "  If  you  cannot  do  the  good  you  would, 
then  do  the  good  you  can."  Farewell  Sermons,  p.  3M.  4to. 




which  were  set  up  plentifully,  and  diligently  attend- 
ed apon  in  those  parts,  and  his  labours  were  gene- 
rally Teiy  acceptable  and  successful.  ,  The  vox 
popMli  fastened  upon  him  the  epithet  of  Heavenly 
Henry,*  by  which  title  he  was  commonly  known  all 
the  country  over ;  and  his  advice  was  sought  for  by 
many  neighbouring  ministers  and  Christians,  for  he 
was  one  of  those  that  found  favour  and  good  under- 
standing in  the  sight  of  God  and  man.  He  was 
noted  at  his  first  setting  out,  (as  I  have  been  told  by 
one  who  was  then  intimately  acquainted  with  him, 
and  with  his  character  and  conversation,)  for  three 
thlogs :  1.  Great  piety  and  devotion,  and  a  mighty 
siTour  of  gCMlliness  in  all  his  converse.  2.  Great 
indastry  in  the  pursuit  of  useful  knowledge;  he 
was  particularly  observed  to  be  very  inquisitive 
when  he  was  among  the  aged  and  intelligent,  hear- 
ing them,  and  asking  them  questions ;  a  good  exam- 
ple to  young  men,  especially  youHg  ministers.  3. 
Great  self-denial,  self-diffidence,  and  sclf-abase- 
iient ;  this  eminent  humility  put  a  lustre  upon  all 
his  other  graces.  This  character  of  him  reminds 
me  of  a  passagpe  I  have  sometimes  heard  him  tell, 
as  a  check  to  the  forwardness  and  confidence  of 
young  men,  that  once  at  a  meeting  of  ministers,  a 
question  of  moment  was  started,  to  be  debated 
among  thepi ;  upon  the  first  proposal  of  it,  a  confi- 
dent young  man  shoots  his  bolf*  presently,  '^  Truly," 
nith  he, ''  I  hold  it  so  ;"  *'  You  hold.  Sir,"  saith  a 
grave  minister,  '*  it  becomes  you  to  hold  your  peace/* 

Besides  his  frequent  preaching  of  the  lectures 
about  him,  he  was  a  constant  and  diligent  attendant 
wpon  those  within  his  reach,  as  a  bearer ;  and  not 
only  wrote  the  sermons  he  heard,  but  afterwards  re- 
corded in  his  diary,  what,  in  each  sermon,  reached 
his  heart,  affected  him,  and  did  him  good ;  adding 
tome  proper,  pious  ejaculations,  which  were  the 
breathings  of  his  heart,  when  he  meditated  upon 
and  prayed  over  the  sermons. 

[lie  following  instances  will  illustrate  the  fore- 
going statement,  and  preserve,  at  the  same  time,  some 
pleasing  specimens  of  the  pulpit  excellences  of  va- 
rious of  Mr.  Henry's  friends  and  fellow-labourers. 

1657,  January  7.  I  heard  two  sermons  at  Bangor ; 
the  one  from  Acts  xvii.  31.  He  hath  appointed  a  day 
wherein  he  will  judge  the  world.  My  heart  was  very 
dead  in  hearing ;  the  Lord  in  mercy  forgive  it ;  but 
the  truth  made  up  to  myself  is  this, — I  would  fain  be 
certified, — Am  I  ready  for  that  day  ?  It  will  be  ter- 
rible to  sinners ;  it  will  be  comfortable  to  the  godly ; 
it  is  not  long  to  it.  Where  shall  I  then  appear  ?  O 
Lord,  let  me  be  found  in  Christ ! — At  his  right,  not 
at  his  left,  hand  ; — among  the  sheep,  not  among  the 

•  The  SQtIion  of  the  Biographie  Univenelle  Ancienne  et  Mo- 
<lcnie.  Took  Vingtieme,  oct  ISI7.  tit.  Henry  Bifathieu,  say,— that 
ItepnblabcdaLife  "de  M.  Philippe  Henry,  (pire  de  Tauteur,)  I'un 
<te  pveinicn  nonoonfonniites.  en  I60C,  et  appelft  par  ses  admire- 


goats !    I  have  been  a  wandering  sheep,  if  yet  a 
sheep.     Oh,  save  me  for  thy  mercies'  sake ! 

The  other  from  Acts  xxiv.  25.  Felix  trembled. 
Much  was  spoken  that  reached  my  heart  and  present 
condition,  as  if  the  Lord  had  sent  the  minister  to 
preach  purposely  to  me.  Blessed  be  God !  It  is  a 
dreadful  thing  to  sin  against  conviction  ;  and  that 
I  have  done  many  a  time.  Father,  forgive  me  !  A 
convinced  person  finds  a  great  deal  less  pleasure  in 
sin  than  others  do.  I  can  set  my  seal  to  that  truth, 
and  acknowledge  myself,  therefore,  so  much  the 
more  a  fool  to  transgress  without  a  cause.  Sure,  ray 
sin  is  the  greater.  Sins  against  conviction  border 
upon  the  sin  against  the  Holy  Ghost.  Oh,  how  near 
then  have  I  been  to  ruin !  There  hath  been  but  a 
step  between  me  and  death;  but  God  hath  had 

Saving  convictions  melt  the  heart,  set  the  soul  a 
pra3ring,  subdue  the  will  to  live  according  to  them. 
Mine,  this  day,  produced  the  two  former  efiects,  with 
hearty  unfeigned  resolutions  touching  the  latter. 
Lord,  undertake  for  rac ! 

I  was  told  that  I  must  not  stay  till  some  remark- 
able time  from  which  to  date  my  conversion  to  God, 
as  many  do,  but  I  must  make  this  day  remarkable 
by  doing  it  now.  After  dangerous  backsliding,  lo, 
I  come  to  Thee,  for  thou  art  the  Lord  my  God ! — My 
God  in  Christ! 

April  1.  I  heard  two  sermons  at  Bangor.  The 
one  from  Psalm  cxix.  37.  Quicken  thou  me  in  thy 
way.  In  the  prayer  before  sermon,  this  confession 
was  put  up,  which  my  heart  closed  with  ;  Lord^  we 
want  wisdom  to  carry  ourselves  as  we  ought  in  the 
worlds  by  reason  whereof  the  work  of  the  gospel  in  our 
hands  is  much  hindered  !  Oh,  my  God,  bestow  upon 
me  a  wise  and  an  understanding  heart.  The  doc- 
trine was, — that  God's  people  often  want  quickening 
in  God's  way.  I  am  sure  I  do.  Oh,  when  had  I 
cause  to  complain,  my  heart  is  dead  to  the  world, 
creatures,  pleasures,  sin?  But  to  duty,  praying, 
preaching,  when,  almost,  is  it  otherwise?  Lord,  tliou 
gavest  life  at  first ;  give  more  life ! 

May  6.  At  Thistleworth.  From  Matt.  vi.  10.  Thy 
will  be  done.  In  this  petition  we  pray  that  the  secret 
will  of  God,  which  is  always  wise,  may  be  done 
upon  us,  and  that  the  revealed  will  of  God,  which 
is  always  righteous,  may  be  done  by  us ;  the  will  of 
his  purpose,  and  the  will  of  his  command.  In  earth 
as  in  heaven — A  true  Christian  hath  perfection  in  his 
eye,  though  he  cannot  reach  it;  (Phil,  iii.)  that,  if 
possible,  he  might  attain  the  resurrection  of  the  dead. 
O  Lord,  when  shall  I  be  perfect ;  when  shall  that 
that  is  in  part  be  done  away  ? 

b  An  allusion,  probably,  to  the  old  proverb,  A  rath  man'$  boll  h 
toon  sAot.  "The  hypocrite  will  rashly  and  suddenly  thoot  the  Mt 
of  his  censure  against  any  that  comes  in  his  way."  Divine  Cha. 
racters,  by  Samuel  Crook,  B.  D.  p.  120.  fol.  1658.  See  Clark's  Lives 
annexed  to  the  Martyrologie,  p.  214.  «/  tvpra. 



May  10.  At  Thistleworth.  From  Matt  xii.  96. 
The  doctrine  was, — Idle  words  must  be  accounted 
for.  Words  that  are  unprofitable  bring  no  glory  to 
God,  no  real  good  to  ourselves  or  others,  are  very 
sinful, — because  they  are  an  abuse  of  our  best  mem- 
ber, our  tongue,  which  is  our  gloiy.  We  are  guilty 
of  very  many,  every  day,  in  every  company.  From 
hence  was  inferred  what  need  there  is  for  us  to 
reckon  with  ourselves  every  night  for  the  idle  words 
and  other  failings  of  the  day  before.  It  is  no  wis- 
dom to  defer.  If  we  reflect  not  quickly,  we  shall 
forget  My  heart  accuses  me  of  much  guilt  in  this 
respect.  I  have  formerly  been  very  talkative,  and 
in  multitude  of  words  there  wants  not  sin.  Lord, 
cleanse  my  soul  in  the  blood  of  Christ,  and  mortify 
that  corruption  for  me,  by  thy  Spirit,  every  day, 
more  and  more ! 

From  1  Pet.  iv.  18.  it  was  urged  that  it  is  no  easy 
matter  to  be  saved.  It  was  difficult  work  to  Jesus 
Christ  to  work  redemption  for  us.  It  is  difficult 
work  to  the  Spirit  to  work  grace  in  us,  and  to  carry 
it  on  against  corruptions,  temptations,  distractions. 
I  was  exhorted  to  inquire,  1.  Can  I  choose  to  under- 
go the  greatest  suffering  rather  than  commit  the  least 
sin  ?  2.  Can  I  embrace  Christ  with  his  cross  ?  3. 
Can  I  work  for  God  though  there  were  no  wages  ? 
4.  Can  I  swim  against  the  stream ;  be  good  in  bad 
times,  and  places  ? .  5.  Can  I  pull  out  right  eyes  for 
Christ,  and  cut  off  right  hands,  &c.  ?  I  can  do  all 
this,  and  much  more,  through  Christ's  strengthen- 
ing me. 

June  3.  At  Bangor,  from  Phil.  i.  27.  The  doc- 
trine was,— It  is  the  great  duty  of  Christians  to  have 
their  conversation  as  becomes  the  gospel ;  that  is, 
clothed  with  the  graces  of  the  gospel,  faith,  love» 
humility,  meekness,  self-denial,  patience;  and  in 
these  to  abound,  and  grow.  It  is  an  uncomely  sight 
to  see  an  old  professor  a  young  saint.  We  discre- 
dit our  keeping.  '  Lord,  water  me  every  moment ; 
keep  me  night  and  day,  that  I  may  tluive  to  thy 
praise,  having  my  conversation,  not  only  as  becomes 
the  gospel,  but,  which  is  more,  as  becomes  a  minis- 
ter of  the  gospel. 

June  10.  At  Ellesmere.  *  From  Matt.  v.  6.  The 
doctrine  was, — Hungry,  thirsty  souls  shall  be  filled, 
partly  here,  perfectly  hereafter,  with  grace,  comfort, 
glory.  Such  put  a  great  value  upon  Christ  Men 
will  part  with  any  thing  for  food ;  they  will  go  far 
for  it ;  take  pains  to  get  it.  Lord,  evermore  fill  my 
soul  with  thyself!    Creatures  will  not  satisfy. 

July  1.  At  Bangor.  From  Matt  xiii.  44.  The  ob- 
servation was, — Those  who  have  found  Christ  ought 
to  hide  him ;— not  from  others,  but  within  themselves 
in  the  safest,  inmost  room  of  their  hearts.  This  is  done 
by  faith,  love,  humility,  obedience,  entertainment. 

e  Ml.  Pomfiret  '*  would  exhort  people  Arom  the  pulpit,  that,  next 
to  the  blood  of  Christ,  they  would  prize  Um  and  thoughts.'*  Life, 
by  Thomas  Reynolds,  p.  79i  oct  17S2. 

There  is  all  the  reason  in  the  world  for  it ;  he  is 
treasure  worth  hiding ;  there  are  great  endeavours  to 
rob  us  of  him ;  if  once  lost,  he  is  not  easily  found 
again ;  till  he  can  be  found  again,  there  can  be  no 
true  peace.  Some  lodge  Christ,  as  they  do  beggars, 
in  their  out-houses,  by  making  a  visible  profession, 
but  sin  dwells  in  the  heart  The  Lord  grant  that  I 
be  not  one  of  those ! 

From  Eccles.  i.  2.  it  was  stated, — ^That  there  is  no- 
thing under  the  sun  but  what  is  full  of  the  vainest 
vanity  ..—unsatisfying,  unprofitable,  unsuitable,  un- 
certain, not  worthy  our  affections  when  we  have 
them,  nor  our  afflicting  ourselves  when  we  want 
them.  The  saints  have  always  thought  so ;  dying 
men  will  not  fail  to  tell  us  so.  Oh,  what  cause  have 
we  to  bless  God,  who  hath  revealed  this  unto  us,  to 
take  us  from  things  here  below,  which  otherwise  we 
might  have  ventured  our  souls  for,  and  so  have 
perished  for  ev^r!  I  bless  God,  it  is  as  if  a  friend 
had  stopt  me  from  giving  all  I  have  for  a  counterfeit 
pearl, — Oh,  do. not  venture  ;  it  is  but  counterfeit ! 

From  James  v.  9.  the  solemn  truth  was  enforced. 
Behold,  the  Judge  standeth  before  the  door  ;  that  is, 
very  near.  There  is  but  a  hair's  breadth  of  time 
between  us  and  our  account  This  we  ought  to  be- 
hold with  an  eye  of  faith,  thereby  to  bring  it  near  to 
us,  and  make  it  as  present.  We  must  not  think,  in 
the  mean  time,  that  forbearance  is  payment  Pa- 
tience doth  not  take  away  sin ;  only  the  pardoning 
grace  of  God  doth  that.  The  time  to  come  will  be 
as  swift  as  that  which  hath  been,  and  concerning 
which  we  usually  say.  It  was  but  the  other  day,  &c. 
though  it  may  be  it  was  thirty  or  forty  years  ago. 
This  should  quicken  us  to  ply  time.^  The  Lord 
write  this  truth  in  my  heart,  and  help  me  to  see  the 
Judge, — not  sitting,  but  standing,  before  the  door,  in 
a  moving  posture,  that  I  may  study,  and  preach, 
and  pray,  and  live,  accordingly.  Amen,  for  Christ's 

Oct.  5.  At  Welsh-Hampton,**  from  Col.  iii.  8. 
The  doctrine  was, — It  is  the  great  duty  of  all  Chris- 
tians to  put  off  anger.  It  unfits  for  duty.  A  little 
jogging  puts  a  clock  or  watch  out  of  frame,  so  a 
little  passion  the  heart.  A  man  cannot  wrestle  with 
God  and  virangle  with  his  neighbour  at  the  same 
time.  Short  sins  often  cost  us  long  and  sad  sorrows. 
An  angry  man  is  like  one  in  a  crowd  who  hath  a  sore 
boil,  every  one  thrusts  him,  and  troubles  him.  With 
the  froward  thou  wilt  show  thyself froward ; — a  dread- 
ful Scripture  to  a  peevish,  froward  man.  Those  who 
arc  too  merry  when  pleased,  are  commonly  too  angry 
when  crossed.  Blessed  Lord,  subdue  this  lust  in  my 
heart !  I  am  very  weak  there.  Turn  the  stream  of 
my  anger  against  self,  and  sin !  *] 

What  a  wonderful  degree  of  piety  and  humility 

A  A  parish  in  Salop,  about  three  miles  firom  Ellesmere. 
•  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 



doth  it  eridence,  for  one  of  so  great  acquaintance 
with  tfac  things  of  God  to  write, — ^Tbis  I  learnt  out 
of  fuch  a  sermon,  and  This  was  the  truth  I  made  up 
to  mjself  oat  of  such  a  sermon !  And,  indeed,  some- 
thing oat  of  eyery  sermon.  His  diligent  improve- 
ment of  the  word  preached  contributed,  more  than 
any  one  thing,  as  a  means  to  his  great  attainments 
in  knowledge  and  gprace.  He  would  say  sometimes, 
that  one  great  use  of  week-day  lectures  was,  that  it 
gate  ministers  an  opportunity  of  hearing  one  an- 
other preach,  by  which  they  are  likely  to  profit,  when 
they  hear  not  as  masters,  but  as  scholars ;  not  as 
censors,  bat  as  learners. 

His  great  friend  and  companion,  and  fellow- 
labourer  in  the  work  of  the  Lord,  was  the  worthy  Mr. 
Richard  Steel,'  Minister  of  Hanmer,'  one  of  the  next 
parishes  to  Worthenbury,  whose  praise  is  in  the 
churches  of  Christ,  for  his  excellent  and  useful  trea- 
tises, "The  Husbandman's  Calling,'"*  "An  Antidote 
aipdnst  Distractions,'^ '  and  several  others.  Ho  was 
Mr.  Henry's  alter  idem^  the  man  of  his  counsel ;  with 
him  he  joined  frequently  at  Hanmer  and  elsewhere 
in  Christian  conference,  and  in  days  of  humiliation 
and  prayer:  besides  their  meetings  with  other  minis- 
ters at  public  lectures ;  after  which  it  was  usual  for 
them  to  spend  some  time  among  themselves  in  set 
disputations  in  Latin.  This  was  the  work  that  in 
those  days  was  carried  on  among  ministers,  who 
made  it  ^eir  business,  as  iron  sharpens  iron,  to  pro- 
voke one  another  to  love  and  good  works.  What 
was  done  of  this  kind  in  Worcestershire,  Mr.  Baxter 
tells  us  in  his  Life.^ 

In  the  beginning  of  his  days  he  often  laboured 
under  bodily  distempers ;  it  was  feared  that  he  was 
io  a  consumption ;  and  some  blamed  him  for  taking 
so  much  pains  in  his  ministerial  work,  suggesting  to 
him.  Master,  spare  thyself.  One  of  his  friends  told 
idm,  he  lighted  up  all  his  pound  of  candles  together ;  * 
and  that  he  could  not  hold  out  long  at  that  rate ; 
and  wished  him  to  be  a  better  husband  of  his 
strength.  But  he  often  reflected  upon  it  with  com- 
fort afterwards,  that  he  was  not  influenced  by  such 
suggestions.— The  more  we  do,  the  more  we  may  do, 
so  he  would  sometimes  say,  in  the  service  of  God. 
When  his  work  was  sometimes  more  than  ordinary, 
and  bore  hard  upon  him,  he  thus  appealed  to  God ; — 
Thoa  knowest.  Lord,  how  well  contented  I  am  to 
spoid  and  to  be  spent  in  thy  service ;  and  if  the  out- 
ward man  decay,  O  let  the  inward  man  be  renew- 

r  Nat  MXh  Miy,  ie39 :  Ob.  I6tb  Nov.  1003.  See  Wilson's  Hist,  of 
Dtaentinf  Cborcbes^  v.  2.  p.  448. 

g  See  Leiand,  wt  tmptm,  r.  5.  pp.  30, 31. 


i  Svo.  1073. 

k  Beliq.  Baxter.  Ub.  L  Part  L  p.  90. «/ M}»ra. 

I  fai Sderfki's  Beports,  the  phrase  is  thas  used;  "  Et  si  terme 

KM  devteal  mn  par  vie  nemaioderal  aater  par  trie  remainder  al 

tune  par  vie,  te.    Bt  iaiot  al  90  Tun  apres  Tauter  que  ces  est 

btme  devise  al  ceuz  touts  nicnt  obstant  les  otgections  de  possibi- 

o  2 

ed !  Upon  the  returns  of  his  indisposition  he  ex- 
presseth  a  great  concern  how  to  get  spiritual  good 
by  it,— to  come  out  of  the  furnace,  and  leave 
some  dross  behind ;  for  it  is  a  great  loss  to  lose  an 
affliction.  He  mentions  it  as  that  which  he  hoped 
did  him  good,  that  he  was  ready  to  look  upon  every 
return  of  distemper  as  a  summons  to  the  grave ; 
thus  he  learned  to  die  daily. — I  find,  saith  he,  my 
earthly  tabernacle  tottering,  and  when  it  is  taken 
down  I  shall  have  a  building  in  heaven,  that  shall 
never  fail.  Blessed  be  God  the  Father,  and  my  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  and  the  good  Spirit  of  grace.  Even  so, 
Amen.  This  was  both  his  strength  and  his  song, 
under  his  bodily  infirmities. 

While  he  was  at  Worthenbury  he  constantly  laid 
by  the  tenth  of  his  income  for  the  poor,  which  he 
carefully  and  faithfully  disposed  of,  in  the  liberal 
things  which  he  devised,  especially  the  teaching  of 
poor  children.  And  he  would  recommend  it  as  a 
good  rule  to  lay  by  for  charity  in  some  proportion, 
according  as  the  circumstances  are,  and  then  it  will 
be  the  easier  to  lay  out  in  charity.  We  shall  be  the 
more  apt  to  seek  for  opportunities  of  doing  good, 
when  we  have  money  lying  by  us,  of  which  we  have 
said, — This  is  not  our  own,  but  the  poor's.  To  en- 
courage himself  and  others  to  works  of  charity,  he 
would  say, — He  is  no  fool  who  parts  with  that  which 
be  cannot  keep,  when  be  is  sure  to  be  recompensed 
with  that  which  he  cannot  lose.  And  yet  to  prove 
alms  to  be  righteousness,  and  to  exclude  all  boasting 
of  them,  he  often  expressed  himself  in  those  words 
of  David, — Of  thine  ovmy  Lord,  have  we  given  thee,"^ 

In  the  year  1658,  the  ministers  of  that  neighbour- 
hood began  to  enlarge  their  correspondence  with  the 
ministers  of  North  Wales ;  and  several  meetings 
they  had  at  Ruthin  and  other  places  that  year,  for 
the  settling  of  a  correspondence,  and  the  promoting 
of  unity  and  love,  and  good  understanding  among 
themselves,  by  entering  into  an  Association,  like 
those  some  years  before  of  Worcestershire"  and 
Cumberland,**  to  which,  as  their  pattern,  those  two 
having  been  published,  they  did  refer  themselves. 
They  appointed  particular  Associations ;  and,  not- 
withstanding the  diflerences  of  apprehension  that 
were  among  them,  (some  being  in  their  judgments 
episcopal,  others  congregational,  and  others  classi- 
cal,) they  agreed  to  lay  aside  the  thoughts  of  matters 
in  variance,  and  to  give  to  each  other  the  right  hand 
of  fellowship ;  that  with  one  shoulder,  and  with  one 

llties  sur  possibilities  si  touts  les  psons  fuer  m  esse  al  temps  del 
devise  quia  touts le»  eandfU  art  HghUd  atone*:"  p.  451.  fol.  1683. 

m  1  Chron.  xxix.  14.  Mr.  Falrclough  would  often  say,— that  we 
read  not  or  any  good  man  in  all  the  history  of  Scripture,  or  of  the 
primitive  tiroes,  that  was  covetous.  Clark's  Lives  or  Eminent 
Persons,  p.  18*2.  «/  tuftra. 

B  See  Christian  Concord ;  or,  The  Agreement  of  the  Associated 
Pastors  and  Churches  of  Worcestershire,  with  its  Explication  and 
Defence,  by  R.  Baxter,  4to.  1663 

Q  See  the  Agreement  of  the  Associated  BAinisters  and  Churches 



consent,  they  might  study,  each  in  their  places,  to 
promote  the  common  interests  of  Christ's  kingdom, 
and  common  salvation  of  precioos  souls.  He  ob- 
served that  this  year,  after  the  death  of  Oliver 
Cromwelljp  there  was  generally,  throughout  the 
nation,  a  great  change^  in  the  temper  of  God's  peo- 
ple, and  a  mighty  tendency  towards  peace  and  unity, 
as  if  they  were,  by  consent,  weary  of  their  long 
clashings ;  which,  in  his  diary,  he  expresseth  his 
great  rejoicing  in,  and  his  hopes  that  the  time  was 
at  hand,  when  Judah  should  no  longer  vex  Ephraim, 
nor  Ephraim  envy  Judah,  neither  should  they  learn 
war  any  more,'  And  though  these  hopes  were  soon 
disappointed  by  the  change  of  the  scene,  yet  he 
would  often  speak  of  the  experience  of  that  and  the 
following  year  in  those  parts,  as  a  specimen  of  what 
may  yet  be  expected,  and,  therefore,  in  faith  prayed 
for,  when  the  Spirit  shall  be  poured  out  upon  us  from 
on  high.  But,  alas !  Who  shall  live  when  God  doth 
this?  From  this  experience  he  likewise  gathered 
this  observation, — that  it  is  not  so  much  our  differ- 
ence of  opinion  that  doth  us  the  mischief;  (for  we 
may  as  soon  expect  all  the  clocks  in  the  town  to 
strike  together,  as  to  see  all  good  people  of  a  mind 
in  every  thing  on  this  side  heaven ;)  but  the  mis- 
management of  that  difference. 

In  the  Association  of  the  Ministers  it  was  referred 
to  Mr.  Henry  to  draw  up  that  part  of  their  agreement 
which  concerned  the  worship  of  God,  which  task  he 
performed  to  their  satisfaction.  His  preface  to  what 
he  drew  up  begins  thus :— "  Though  the  main  of  our 
desires  and  endeavours  be  after  unity  in  the  greater 
things  of  God  ;  yet  we  judge  uniformity  in  the  cir- 
cumstances of  worship,  a  thing  not  to  be  altogether 
neglected  by  us,  not  only  in  regard  of  that  influence, 
which  external  visible  order  hath  upon  the  beauty 
and  comeliness  of  the  churches  of  Christ ;  but  also 
as  it  hath  a  direct  tendency  to  the  strengthening  of 
our  hands  in  ministerial  services,  and  withal  to  the 
removing  of  those  prejudices  which  many  people 
have  conceived,  even  against  religion  and  worship 
itself.  We  bless  God,  from  our  very  souls,  for  that 
whereunto  we  have  already  attained ;  and  yet  we 
hope  some  further  thing  may  be  done,  in  reference 
to  our  closer  walking  by  the  same  rule,  and  mind- 
ing the  same  things.  The  word  of  God  is  the  rule 
which  we  desire  and  resolve  to  walk  by  in  the  admi- 
nistration of  ordinances;  and  for  those  things 
wherein  the  word  is  silent,  we  think  we  may,  and 
ought  to,  have  recourse  to  Christian  prudence,  and 
the  practice  of  the  reformed  churches,  agreeing  with 
the  general  rules  of  the  word :  and,  therefore,  we 

oT  the  Counties  of  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland,  with  some- 
thing  Tor  Explication  and  Exhortation  annexed,  4to.  I65A. 

P  Sept  3. 1658. 

^  Rellq.  Baxter.  Lib.  Part  I.  p.  100,  kc.  «/  npra. 

r  Isa.  xi.  13.  transposed ;  and  Isa.  ii.  4. 

•  One  of  the  doctors  who  visited  Huss,  nid  to  him,^'*  U  the 

have  had,  as  we  think  we  ought,  in  our  present 
agreement,  a  special  eye  to  the  Directory,"  &c. 

These  agreements  of  theirs  were  the  more  likely 
to  be  for  good,  for  that  here,  as  in  Worcestershire, 
when  they  were  in  agitation,  the  ministers  set  apart 
a  day  of  fasting  and  prayer  among  themselves,  to 
bewail  ministerial  neglects,  and  to  seek  to  God  for 
direction  and  success  in  their  ministerial  work. 
They  met  sometimes  for  this  purpose  at  Mr.  Henry's 
house  at  Worthenbury. 

One  passage  may  not  improperly  be  inserted  here, 
that  once  at  a  meeting  of  the  ministers,  being 
desired  to  subscribe  a  certificate  concerning  one 
whom  he  had  not  sufficient  acquaintance  with ;  he 
refused,  giving  this  reason, — that  he  preferred  the 
peace  of  his  conscience  before  the  friendship  of  all 
the  men  in  the  world.  * 

Sept.  29, 1668,  the  Lady  Pulcston  died.— She  was, 
saith  he,  the  best  friend  I  had  on  earth,  but  my 
Friend  in  heaven  is  still  where  he  was,  and  he  will 
never  leave  me  nor  forsake  me.  He  preached  her 
funeral  sermon  from  Isaiah  iii.  last  verse;  Cease 
from  man,  whose  breath  is  in  his  nostrils.  He  hath 
noted  this  expression  of  hers  not  long  before  she 
died :  *'  My  soul  leans  to  Jesus  Christ ;  lean  to 
me,  sweet  Saviour."  About  this  time  he  writes, — A 
dark  cloud  is  over  my  concernments  in  this  family, 
but  my  desire  is,  that,  whatever  becomes  of  me  and 
my  interest,  the  interest  of  Christ  may  still  be  kept 
on  foot  in  this  place.  Amen,  so  be  it.  But  he  adds 
soon  after,  that  saying  of  Athanasius,  which  he  was 
used  often  to  quote  and  take  comfort  from ;  Nnbecnla 
est  et  cito  pertransibit.  It  is  a  little  cloud,  and  will 
soon  blow  over. 

About  a  year  after,  Sept.  5, 1650,  Judge  Puleston 
died,  and  all  Mr.  Henry's  interest  in  the  Emeral  family 
was  buried  in  his  grave.  He  preached  the  Judge's 
funeral  sermon,  from  Nehemiah  xiii.  14.  Wipe  not 
out  my  good  deeds  that  I  have  done  for  the  house  of 
my  God,  and  for  the  offices  thereof  The  design  of 
which  sermon  was  not  to  applaud  his  deceased  friend. 
I  find  not  a  word  in  the  sermon  to  that  purpose. 
But  he  took  occasion  from  the  instance  of  so  great 
a  benefactor  to  the  ministry  as  the  Judge  was,  to 
show  that  deeds  done  for  the  house  of  God,  and  the 
offices  thereof,  are  good  deeds :  and  to  press  people, 
according  as  their  ability  and  opportunity  was,  to 
do  such  deeds. 

[Thus  he  enlarged,— They  arc  acts  of  piety. 
Such  acts  as  have  immediate  relation  to  God.  That 
which  is  g^ven  to  the  poor  members  of  Jesus  Christ 
to  feed  the  hungry,  clothe  the  naked,  is  charity.— 

Council  (of  Constance,  A.  D.  1414)  should  tell  you,  that  you  have 
but  one  eye,  though  you  have  really  two,  you  would  be  obliged 
to  agree  with  the  Council."  "  While  God  keeps  me  in  my  senses, 
replied  Hitss,  **  I  would  not  say  such  a  thing  against  my  consci. 
ence,  on  the  entreaty  or  command  or  the  whole  world."  BSilner's 
Church  Hist.  v.  4.  p.  S44. 



That  which  is  given  to,  or  done  for,  the  house  of  oar 
God,  is  piety. 

They  are  acts  of  justice.  Alms  in  Hebrew  are 
called  justice.  When  bestowed  upon  the  house  of 
God,  they  are  as  a  rent-penny  for  what  we  enjoy. 

They  have  a  tendency  to  the  good  of  souls.  The 
minister's  success  will  further  the  patron's  account. 
To  be  an  instrument  to  bring  and  keep  the  means 
of  grace  among  a  people,  is  indeed  a  good  deed. 

They  tend  very  much  to  the  credit  of  religion.  It 
is  often  cast  in  our  teeth  by  the  Papists,  What  good 
deeds  are  done  among  you  for  the  house  of  the  Lord 
since  the  Reformation  ?  Pater  nosier  built  churches, 
and  our  Father  pulls  them  down ;  whereas,  probably, 
most  of  their  good  deeds  were  mulcts  improved  for 

Wipe  them  not  ont.  This  implies  that  God  notes 
them  as  in  a  table-book ;  as  every  sin,  so  every  good 
deed.  Allusion  to  Esther  vi.  1.  And  it  is  in  order 
to  a  requital,  Malachi  i.  10. 

Indeed  the  work  itself  is  its  own  wages.  Church- 
work  is  honourable  work :  it  is  an  honour  to  be  per- 
mitted to  do  any  good  deed  for  the  house  of  God. 

Let  US  be  ashamed  of  our  barrenness  in  good 
deeds  for  the  house  of  our  God.  Especially  those 
tiiat  have  wherewithal;  estates,  opportunities.  How 
much  of  oar  rent  are  we  behind  with  God !  Wc  can 
be  liberal  and  bountiful  upon  other  occasions,  in 
housekeeping,  but  what  is  done  for  the  Lord's  house? 
Are  we  not  as  an  almanack,  on  one  side  full  of  red 
and  black  letters  and  figures,  on  the  other  side 
blank?    God  takes  it  very  unkindly,  Hagg^i  i.  4. 

Let  the  subject  stir  us  up  to  do  what  good  we  can 
for  the  house  of  our  God :  where  much  is  given, 
moch  will  be  required.  It  is  not  building  of  churches 
that  I  am  persuading  you  to,  but  to  do  something  to 
pfomote  religion.  Sit  down  and  consider, — Can  I 
do  nothing  for  the  house  of  my  God  ? 

And  what  you  do,  do  quickly,  Eccles.  ix.  10.  Do 
self-denyingly,  1  Chron.  xxix.  14.  Do  belicvingly, 
Heb.  xi.  6.     Sprinkle  it  with  faith. ' 

Another]  passage  I  find  in  that  sermon  which 
ought  to  be  recorded ;  that  it  had  been  for  several 
years  the  practice  of  a  worthy  gentleman  in  the 
neighbouring  county,  in  renewing  his  leases,  in- 
stead of  making  it  a  condition  that  his  tenants  should 
keep  a  hawk  or  a  dog  for  him,  to  oblige  them  that 
they  should  keep  a  Bible  in  their  houses  for  them- 
selves, and  should  bring  up  their  children  to  learn 
to  read,  and  to  be  catechized.  This,  saith  he,  would 
be  no  charge  to  you,  and  it  might  oblige  them  to 
that  which  otherwise  they  would  neglect. — Some 
vided,  saith  he,  in  his  diary,  that  I  had  chosen 

t  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

>  See  «  Tim.  it  15.    Gal.  i.  10. 

*  In  Uie  gift  of  the  Bishop  of  St.  Aaapb.    Ecton's  Thesaur.  by 
Dr.  WiDii.  p,  49L    That  See  was  then  vacant.    Le  Neve,  p.  22. 

•  See  ProT.  ntv.  St.    Gal  i.  lo.   Jer.  ilv.  5. 

some  other  subject  for  that  sermon,  but  I  approved 
myself  to  God,  and  if  I  please  men,  I  am  not  the 
servant  of  Christ. " 

What  personal  affronts  he  received  from  some  of 
the  branches  of  that  family  at  that  time,  need  not 
be  mentioned,  but  with  what  exemplary  patience 
he  bore  them,  ought  not  to  be  forgotten. 

In  March,  1658-9,  he  was  very  much  solicited  to 
leave  Worthenbury,  and  to  accept  of  the  Vicarage  of 
Wrexham,*  which  was  a  place  that  he  had  both  a 
great  interest  in,  and  a  great  kindness  for,  but  he 
could  not  see  his  call  clear  from  Worthenbury,  so 
he  declined  it.  The  same  year  he  had  an  offer  made 
him  of  a  considerable  living  near  London ;  but  he 
was  not  of  them  that  are  given  to  change,  nor  did 
he  consult  with  flesh  and  blood,  nor  seek  great 
things  to  himself.* 

That  year  he  had  some  disturbance  from  the 
Quakers,'  who  were  set  on  by  some  others  who 
wished  ill  to  his  ministry.  They  challenged  him  to 
dispute  with  them ;  and  that  which  he  was  to  prove 
against  them,  was,  that  the  God  he  worshipped  was 
not  an  idol ;  that  John  Baddely  (a  blacksmith  in 
Malpas,  and  the  ringleader  of  the  Quakers  in  that 
country)  was  not  infallible,  nor  without  sin ;  that 
baptism  with  water  and  the  Lord's  supper  are  gos- 
pel-ordinances ;  that  the  Scriptures  are  the  word  of 
God ;  and  that  Jesus  Christ  will  come  to  judge  the 
world  at  the  last  day.  But  he  never  had  any  public 
disputes  with  them,  nor  so  much  disturbance  from 
them  in  public  worship,  as  some  other  ministers  had 
elsewhere  about  that  time.  He  had  some  appre- 
hensions at  that  time,  that  God  would  make  the 
Quakers  a  scourge  to  this  nation ;  but  had  comfort 
in  this  assurance,  that  God  would  in  due  time  vin- 
dicate his  own  honour,  and  the  honour  of  his  ordi- 
nances, and  those  of  them  who  will  not  repent  to 
give  him  glory,  will  be  cast  into  the  fire. 

One  passage  I  cannot  omit,  because  it  discovers 
what  kind  of  spirit  the  Quakers  were  of.  A  de- 
bauched gentleman  being  in  his  revels  at  Malpas, 
drinking  and  swearing,  was,  after  a  sort,  reproved 
for  it  by  Baddely  the  Quaker,  who  was  in  his  ccm- 
pany.  "  Why,"  saith  the  gentleman,  "  I'll  ask  Ihec 
one  question,  Whether  is  it  better  for  me  to  follow 
drinking  and  swearing,  or  to  go  and  hear  Henry?" 
He  answered,  "  Of  the  two,  rather  follow  thy  drink- 
ing and  swearing." 

The  Cheshire  rising  this  year,  in  opposition  to 
the  irregular  powers  that  then  were  uppermost, 
under  Sir  George  Booth,  afterwards  Lord  Delamere, 
and  that  of  North  Wales  under  Sir  Thomas  Mid- 
dleton,^   could   not  affect  Worthenbury,  and  tho 

X  See  Reliq.  Baxter.  Lib.  I.  Part  I.  p.  77.  nt  tvpra,  and  Mather's 
Hist,  of  New  England,  Book  VII.  p.  21,  &c.  fol.  I70i.  It  would  be 
manirestly  unjust  to  class  with  their  Torerathers  the  socieUes  now 
so  designated. 

r  See  the  Declaration  of  Sir  Thomas  Middleton,  Seijeant-M^iur- 



country  tliereabouts.    Mr  Henrjr's  prayer  for  them 
in  his  Diary,  the  day  of  their  first  appearing,  is, — 
Lord,  own  them,  if  they  truly  own  thee !     He  notes, 
that  Lambert's'  forces  which  came  down  to  sup- 
press them,  did  in  that  neighbourhood  espouse  the 
Quakers'  cause,  and  offer  injury  to  some  ministers ; 
and,  therefore,  saith  he,  unless  God  intend  the  ruin 
of  the  nation  by  them,  they  cannot  prosper.  Nor  did 
they  long,  though  in  that  expedition  they  had  suc- 
cess.   In  their  return,  some  of  Lambert's  soldiers 
were  at  Worthenbuiy  Church,  hearing  Mr.  Henry, 
upon  a  Lord's  day ;  and  one  of  them  sat  with  his 
hat  on,  while  they  were  singing  psalms,  for  which 
he  publicly  admonished  him :  and  there  being  many 
Anabaptists  among  them,  he  hath  recorded  it  as  a 
good  providence,  that  those  questions  in  the  cate- 
chism, which  are  concerning  baptism,  came  in  course 
to  be  expounded  that  day.    The  first  rising  of  the 
Cheshire  forces  was  August  1,  1659,  and  the  19th 
following  they  were  worsted  and  scattered  by  Lam- 
bert's forces,  near  Northwich;  a  strange  spirit  of 
fear  being  upon  them,  which  quite  took  ofi*  their 
chariot-wheels.*    The    country    called   it  not  the 
Cheshire  Rising,  but  the   Cheshire  Race.    Some 
blamed  him  that  he  did  not  give  God  thanks  pub- 
licly for  the  defeat  of  Sir  George  Booth ;   to  whom 
he  answered,  with  his  usual  mildness,  that  his  ap- 
prehensions  concerning  that  aflfair  were  not  the 
same  with  theirs.    We  are  now,  saith  he,  much  in 
the  dark,  never  more.     He  preached  the  lecture  at 
Chester  soon  after,  just  at  the  time  when  Mr.  Cook, 
an  eminent  minister  in  Chester,  and  several  others, 
were  carried  prisoners  to  London,  for  their  agency 
in  the  late  attempt ;  and  the  city  was  threatened  to 
have  their  charter  taken  away,  &c.    The  text  in 
course  that  day,  (for  they  preached  over  the  latter 
part  of  that  epistle,  if  not  the  whole,  at  that  lecture,) 
happened  to  be  Hebrews  xiii.  14.     We  have  here 
no  continuing  city,  which  he  thought  a  word  upon  the 
wheels  at  that  time.    He  notes  in  his  Diary,  that 
when,  after  that,  the  army  ruled,  disturbed  the  Par- 
liament, and  carried  all  before  them  with  a  high 
band,  there  were  great  grounds  to  fear  sad  times 
approaching;    and  his   prayer  is,— Lord,  fit  thy 
people  for  the  fiery  trial. 

He  was  a  hearty  well-wisher**  to  the  return  of  the 
King,  the  spring  following,  April,  1660,  and  was 
much  affected  with  the  mercy  of  it. — While  others 
rejoice  carnally,  saith  he.  Lord,  help  thy  people  to 
rejoice  spiritually,  in  our  public  national  mercies. 

General  and  Vice- Admiral  for  the  Six  Counties  of  North  Wales, 
1645.  4to. 

I  John  Lambert,  one  of  the  Parliamentarian  Generals.  See 
Aikin's  General  Biography,  v.  6.  p.  100.  There  are  several  curious 
lettera  concerning  him  in  Lord  Clarendon's  State  Papera,  ▼.  a  pp. 
329.  &c. 

•  See  Exod.  xiv.  25. 

b  "  The  King  himself  told  the  Ministera  of  London,  on  the  day 
of  his  happy  return,  when  the  Rev.  Mr.  A.  Jackson  presented  him 

It  was  upon  that  occasion  that  Mr.  Baxter  preached 
his  sermon  of  right  rejoicing,'  on  Luke  x.  20.    B<it 
be  and  others  soon  saw  cause  to  rejoice  with  trem- 
bling, and  to  sing  both  of  mercy  and  judgment ;  for 
about  that  time  he  hath  this  melancholy  remark,-* 
Religion  loses  ground  exceedingly,  and  profaneness 
gets  it.     Help,  Lord !  However,  he  was  very  indus- 
trious to  quiet  the  minds  of  some  who  were  uneasy 
at  that  great  revolution ;  and  that  scripture  yielded 
him  much  satisfaction,  John  iii.  35.    The  Father 
loveth  the  Son,  and  hath  given  all  things  into  hi* 
hands.    If  Christ  be  not  only  the  Head  of  the  church, 
but  Head  over  all  things  to  the  church,  we  may  be 
assured,  that  all  things  shall  be  made  to  work  toge- 
ther for  good  to  it.'    The  text  also  which  the  Lord 
put  into  his  heart  to  preach  upon  on  the  day  of  pub- 
lic thanksgiving  for  the  King's  restoration,  was  very 
comfortable  to  him,  Proverbs  xxi.  1.   The  King's 
heart  is  in  the  hand  of  the  Lord.^    His  sense  of  that 
great  mercy  of  God  to  the  nation,  in  the  unbloody, 
peaceable,  and  legal  settlement  of  King  Charles  II. 
upon  the  throne,  was  the  same  with  that  of  multi- 
tudes besides,  both  ministers  and  others,  that  were 
of  the  quiet  in  the  land,  who  yet,  not  long  after, 
suffered  very  hard  things  under  him.  Soon  after  the 
return  of  the  King,  he  notes  how  industrious  some 
were  to  remove  him  from  Worthenbury,on  which  he 
writes  this  as  the  breathing  of  his  soul   towards 
God ;    Lord,  if  it  please  thee,  fasten  me  here  as  a 
nail  in  a  sure  place ;  if  otherwise,  I  will  take  nothing 
ill  which  thou  dost  with  me.    And  when  pressed  by 
his  friends  more  earnestly  than  before,  to  accept  of 
some  other  place, — Lord,  saith  he,  mine  eye  is  up 
unto  thee  ;  I  am  wholly  at  thy  disposal ;  make  my 
way  plain  before  my  face,  because  of  mine  ene- 
mies ;    my  resolution  is,  to  deny  myself  if  thou 
callest  me.    Here,   or  any  where,  it  is  no  great 
matter  where,  I  am.    Many  years  after  the  King's 
return,  he  dated  a  letter,  May  29.    T^  4/«W  ^^  ^ 


There  are  two  things  further  which  I  think  it  may 
be  of  use  to  give  some  account  of  in  the  close  of 
this  chapter.  1.  Of  the  course  of  his  ministry  at 
Worthenbury ;  and,  2.  of  the  state  of  his  soul,  and 
the  communion  he  had  with  God,  in  those  years. 

As  to  the  subjects  he  preached  upon,  he  did  not 
use  to  dwell  long  upon  a  text. — Better  one  sermon, 
upon  many  texts,  viz.  many  scriptures  opened  and 
applied,  than  many  sermons  upon  one  text.  To  that 
purpose  he  would  sometimes  speak.' 

with  a  Bible  in  their  behalf,  as  he  passed  through  St  Paul's 
Church'yard,  to  this  effect;— 7Xa/  Ae must aitribuU  Am  restawratwi, 
mnder  God,  to  their  praytrs  and  endtawmrg.'*  The  Coufonnists' 
Fourth  Plea  for  the  Nonconformists,  4to.  1683.  p.  69. 

e  Quarto,  1660. 

d  See  Eph.  v.  23.  Col.  i.  18.  Ephes.  i.  22.  Rom.  viii.  28. 

•  See  the  plan  of  the  Sermon  in  the  Evan.  Mag.  v.  xxvii.  p.  399. 

f  The  Synod  of  St  France,  A.  D.  1578,  witnesseth  against 
ministers  dwelling  long  upon  a  text,  and  wouldJiave  them  expound 



He  used  to  preach  in  a  fixed  method,  and  linked 
iussabjeclB  in  a  sort  of  chain. «  He  adapted  his 
mediod  and  style  to  the  capacity  of  his  hearers, 
fetching  his  similitudes  for  illustration  from  those 
things  whicb  were  familiar  to  them.  He  did  not 
shoot  the  arrow  of  the  word  over  their  heads  in  high 
notions,  or  the  flourishes  of  affected  rhetoric,  nor 
under  their  feet,  by  blunt  and  homely  expressions, 
as  many  do*^  under  pretence  of  plainness,  but  to 
their  hearts,  in  close  and  lively  applications.  His 
delivery  was  very  graceful  and  agreeable,  far  from 
being  either  noisy  and  precipitate  on  the  one  hand,  or 
doll  and  slow  on  the  other.  His  doctrine  did  drop 
as  the  dew,  and  distil  as  the  soaking  rain,  and  came 
with  a  charming,  pleasing  power,  such  as  many  will 
bear  witness  to,  that  have  wondered  at  the  gracious 
words  which  proceeded  out  of  his  mouth.* 

He  wrote  the  notes  of  his  sermons  pretty  large  for 
the  most  part,  and  always  very  legible.  But  even 
when  he  had  put  his  last  hand  to  them,  he  conmionly 
left  many  imperfect  hints,  which  gave  room  for  en- 
laigement  in  preaching,  wherein  he  had  a  great 
felicity.  And  he  would  often  advise  ministers  not 
to  tie  themselves  too  strictly  to  their  notes,  but, 
having  well  digested  the  matter  before,  to  allow 
themselTes  a  liberty  of  expression,  such  as  a  man's 
affections,  if  they  be  well  raised,  will  be  apt  to  fur- 
nish him  with.  But  for  this  no  certain  rule  can  be 
^ven,  tiiero  are  diversities  of  gifts,  and  each  to 
profit  withal. 

He  kept  his  sermon-notes  in  very  neat  and  exact 
order ;  sermons  in  course,  according  to  the  order  of 
the  subject ;  and  occasional  sermons  according  to  the 
scripture-order  of  the  texts  ;  so  that  he  could  readily 
torn  to  any  of  them.  And  yet,  though  afterwards  he 
was  removed  to  a  place  far  enough  distant  from 
any  of  that  auditory,  yet,  though  some  have  desired 
it.  he  seldom  preached  any  of  those  hundreds  of 
sermons  which  he  had  preached  at  Worthenbury ;  no 
not  when  he  preached  never  so  privately,  but  to  the 
hut  he  studied  new  sermons,  and  wrote  them  as 
elaborately  as  ever ;  for  he  thought  a  sermon  best 
preached  when  it  was  newly  meditated.  Nay,  if 
sometimes  he  had  occasion  to  preach  upon  the  same 
text,  yet  he  would  make  and  write  the  sermon  anew ; 
and  he  never  offered  that  to  God  which  cost  him 

and  treat  of  as  many  in  their  ministry  as  tliey  can,  fleeing  all 
OHtentation  and  long  digressions.  Quick's  Synodic.  ▼.  1.  p.  117. 
Life  of  P.  Henry  by  Ifotthew  Henry.  Orlg.  MS. 

r  Appendix,  No.  VIIL 

%  A  like  testimony  is  borne  of  another  contemporary.—'*  He 
did  not  soar  aloft  In  high  expressions,  shooting  over  his  hearers, 
but  did  condescend  to  the  capacities  of  the  meanest,  which  is  an 
excellence  in  any."  Works  of  Mr.  John  Murcot,  4to.  1657.  Ep. 
Ded.  by  Dr.  Samuel  Winter,  p.  3.  See  also  Clark's  Lives  annexed 
to  the  Martyrologie,  p.  176.  «/  nrpro. 

1  See  Dent  xzziL  3.  Luke  iv.32. 

k  Seethe  Lives  of  Dr.  Stannton.p.  3&  daod.  1073.  and  Dr.  Rob. 
Hsnis,  pu  86L  «/  mprm.  Also  the  Life  of  Demosthenes,  Plutarch, 
V.  &.  p.  imaf  Mfpm. 

When  he  went  to  Oxford,  and  preached  there 
before  the  University  in  Christ-church,  as  he  did 
several  times,  his  labours  were  not  only  very  accept- 
able, but  successful  too ;  particularly  one  sermon 
which  he  preached  there,  on  Proverbs  xiv.  9. 
FooU  make  a  mock  at  nn ;  for  which  sermon  a  young 
Master  of  Arts  came  to  his  chamber  afterwards  to 
return  him  thanks,  and  to  acknowledge  the  good 
impressions  which  divine  grace,  by  that  sermon, 
had  made  upon  his  soul,  which  he  hoped  ho  should 
never  forget. 

In  his  Diary  he  frequently  records  the  frame  of 
his  spirit  in  studying  and  preaching.  Sometimes 
blessing  God  for  signal  help  vouchsafed,  and  owning 
him  the  Lord  God  of  all  his  enlargements ;  at  other 
times,  complaining  of  great  deadncss  and  straitncss. 
— It  is  a  wonder,  saith  he,  that  I  can  speak  of 
eternal  things  with  so  little  sense  of  the  reality  of 
them.  Lord,  strengthen  that  which  remains,  which 
is  ready  to  die !  And  he  once  writes  thus,  upon  a 
studying  day, — I  forgot  explicitly,  and  expressly, 
when  I  began,  to  crave  help  from  God,'  and  the 
chariot-wheels  drove"*  accordingly.  Lord,  forgive 
my  omissions,  and  keep  me  in  the  way  of  duty. 

[In  June,  1657,  he  writeSf^-This  month  I  had  the 
remembrance  of  much  f;\x\\X  set  home  upon  my  con- 
science in  reference  to  the  sabbath  day.  vl  used  to 
lie  longer  in  bed  than  I  ought,  which  hath  been 
occasioned  by  sitting  up  over  late  the  night  before, 
and  that  by  neglecting  to  make  preparations  for 
preaching  sooner  in  the  week."  I  am  often  put  to 
it  to  hurry  over  truths.  So  that  two  sermons  were 
provided,  I  have  not  cared  how  poorly.  Lord,  I 
confess  it  to  thee  with  shame,  and  beg  thy  grace 
that  it  may  be  so  no  more.  °] 

As  to  the  state  of  his  soul  in  these  years,  it  should 
seem  by  his  Diary,  that  he  was  exercised  with  some 
doubts  and  fears  respecting  it. — I  think,  saith  he, 
never  did  any  poor  creature  pass  through  such  a 
mixture  of  hope  and  fear,  joy  and  sadness,  assur- 
ance and  doubting,  down  and  up,  as  I  have  done 
these  years  past  — .  The  notice  of  this  may  be  of 
use  to  poor  drooping  Christians,  that  they  may  know 
their  case  is  not  singular ;  and  that,  if  God  for  a 
small  moment  hide  his  face  from  them,  he  deals 
with  them  no  otherwise  than  as  he  uscth  sometimes 
to  deal  with  the  dearest  of  his  servants.    It  would 

1  He  that  prays  most  will  preach  best  Spiritual  beggars  are 
special  preachers.  Mr.  Porter ;  from  a  BfS.  in  P.  Henry's  hand, 

m  See  Exod.  xiv.  25. 

B  Mr.  Shephard,  of  New  England,  usually  had  his  sermons 
finished  upon  Friday  iiigbt.  '*  He  hath  sometimes  exprest  himself 
thus  in  pubhcke :  -Ood  will  curse  that  man's  labours  that  lumbers 
up  and  down  in  the  world  all  the  week,  and  then  upon  Saturday, 
in  the  altemoon,  goes  to  bis  study,  when,  as  God  knows,  that  time 
were  little  enough  to  pray  and  weep  in,  and  to  get  his  heart  in 
frame."  Address  to  the  Reader,  signed  William  Greenhill  and 
Samuel  Mather,  and  prefixed  to  Mr.  Shephard's  Subjection  to 
Christ  in  all  his  Ordinances  and  Appointments,  duod.  1652. 

o  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 



affect  one,  to  hear  one  that  lived  a  life  of  commu- 
nion with  God,  complaining  of  great  straitness  in 
prayer. — No  life  at  all  in  the  duty,  many  wander- 
ings ;  if  my  prayers  were  written  down,  and  my  Tain 
thoughts  interlined,  what  incoherent  nonsense  would 
there  be !  I  am  ashamed,  Lord,  I  am  ashamed !  Oh, 
pity,  and  pardon ! 

[I  find  in  nothing  more  of  the  deceitfulness  of  my 
heart  than  in  secret  worship.  Oh,  how  hardly  am  I 
brought  to  it,  and  how  little  sweetness  and  delight 
do  I  for  the  most  part  find  in  it !  I  blush,  and  am 
ashamed.  Lord,  pity,  and  pardon,  and  help ;  for, 
with  my  mindf  I  serve  the  law  of  God,  though,  with 
my  flesh,  the  law  of  sin. 

I  have  a  froward  peevish  spirit  unto  this  day,  im- 
patient of  contradiction.  Oh,  that  it  were  mortified, 
that  the  grace  of  meekness  might  abound  in  me 
more  and  more.p] 

To  hear  him  suspecting  the  workings  of  pride  of 
heart,  when  he  gave  an  account  to  a  friend,  who  in- 
quired of  him,  touching  the  success  of  his  ministry, 
and  that  he  should  record  this  concerning  himself, 
with  this  ejaculation  annexed,— The  Lord  pardon 
and  subdue!  It  was  a  sign  that  he  kept  a  very 
watchful  eye  upon  the  motions  of  his  own  heart. 

[At  another  time  he  writes  ; — ^Thcse  following  sins 
were  set  home  with  power  upon  my  conscience : 

1.  Omissions  innumerable.  I  fall  short  of  duty 
in  every  relation. 

2.  Much  frowardness  upon  every  occasion,  which 
fills  my  way  with  thorns  and  snares. 

3.  Pride ;  a  vein  of  it  runs  through  all  my  con- 

4.  Self-seeking.  Corrupt  ends  in  all  I  do.  Ap- 
plause of  men  oftentimes  regarded  more  than  the 
glory  of  God. 

5.  My  own  iniquity.  Many  bubblings  up  of  heart- 
corruption,  and  breakings  forth  too.  O  Lord,  shame 
l^ath  covered  my  face.  Pardon,  and  purge  for  Jesu's 
sake !  <)] 

To  hear  him  charging  it  upon  himself,  that  he  was 
present  at  such  a  duty  in  the  midst  of  many  distrac- 
tions, not  tasting  sweetness  in  it,  &c.  When  a  fire 
is  first  kindled,  saith  he,  there  is  a  deal  of  smoke 
and  smother,  that  afterwards  wear  away;  so,  in 
young  converts,  much  peevishness,  frowardness, 
darkness ;  so  it  hath  been  with  my  soul,  and  so  it  is 
yet  in  a  great  measure.  Lord,  pity,  and  do  not 
quench  the  smoking  flax ;  though  as  yet  it  doth  but 
smoke,  let  these  sparks  be  blown  up  into  a  flame ! 

Great  mercies,  but  poor  returns ;  signal  opportu- 
nities, but  small  improvements ;  such  are  his  com- 
plaints frequently  concerning  himself.  And  though 
few  or  none  excelled  him  in  profitable  discourse. 

P  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 
q  Palmer's  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  3. 
Henry'8  Diary, 
r  P.  Henry.    Diary,  Ori j  MS. 

p.  480.  itated  to  be  from  Mr. 

yet  in  that  he  often  bewails  his  barrenness  and  un- 
profitableness.—Little  good  done  or  gotten  such  a 
day,  for  want  of  a  heart ;  it  is  my  sin  and  shame.  O 
that  I  had  wings  lihe  a  dove!  [Lord,  cleanse  me 
from  my  omissions.  The  world  Uiinks  better  of  me 
than  I  do  of  myself,  God  knows.  At  another  time 
he  writes, — Nothing  troubles  me  so  much  as  that  I 
am  so  unprofitable  in  my  generation.  Lord,  give  me 
wisdom,  that  I  may  preach  in  all  my  discourses !  ^] 

Yet  when  he  wanted  a  faith  of  assurance,  he  liv^ 
by  a  faith  of  adherence.— Such  a  day,  saith  he,  a 
full  resignation  was  made  of  all  my  concernments 
into  the  hands  of  my  Heavenly  Father ;  let  him  deal 
with  me  as  seemeth  good  in  his  eyes.  I  am  learning 
and  labouring  to  live  by  faith.  Lord,  help  my  un- 
belief !•  Another  time  he  notes  that  many  per- 
plexing fears  being  upon  his  spirit,  they  were  all 
silenced  with  that  sweet  word,  which  was  seasonably 
brought  to  his  remembrance,— JVar  none  of  those 
things  which  thou  shalt  suffer, 

[There  is  no  living  by  a  dead  faith,  he  observes ; 
no,  nor  by  a  living  faith,  unless  lively.  Help,  Lord, 
thy  poor  servant,  that  my  faith  fail  not!  I  do  not 
know  that  I  ever  saw  my  way  clearer.  Then,  Why 
art  thou  cast  down,  O  my  soul?  *■ 

At  the  commencement  of  a  new  year  he  thus 
writes,  and  it  is  only  a  specimen  of  his  usual  devo- 
tion at  such  seasons  : — 

1671.  January  1.  Covenants  of  new  obedience 
solemnly  renewed  with  God,  and  sealed,  this  new 
year's  day,  in  the  blood  of  Jesus  Christ  Amen! 
Lord,  be  Surety  for  thy  servant  for  good  !  I  yield 
myself,  and  all  my  concerns,  to  be  at  thy  disposal ; 
and  I  am  heartily  glad  that  my  times  are  in  thy  hand, 
and  not  my  own.  Do  with  me,  and  mine,  this  year, 
as  seemeth  good  in  thine  eyes  !  So  be  it ! " 

Again,  he  says, — I  met  with  a  friendly,  season- 
able admonition.  Blessed  be  God !  My  heart  was 
then  somewhat  in  a  better  frame  than  ordinary  for 
the  receiving  of  it,  and  I  hope  it  hath  done  me  good. 
The  Lord  is  very  gracious,  in  that  he  follows  me 
thus  from  time  to  time. 

The  eyes  of  many  are  upon  me ;  some  for  one  end, 
some  for  another ;  some  for  good,  some  for  evil.  I 
had  need  to  be  watchful.  Lord,  hold  up  my  goings 
in  thy  path,  that  my  footsteps  slip  not !  Thou  tellest 
all  my  wanderings.  For  Jesu's  sake,  let  them  be 
forgotten ! '] 

He  very  frequently  kept  days  of  fasting  and 
humiliation  in  secret,  which  he  calls  his  days  of 
atonement.  Sometimes  he  observed  these  monthly, 
and  sometimes  only  upon  special  occasions ;  but  the 
memorandums  in  his  Diary,  not  only  while  he  was 
at  Worthenbury,  but  often  after,  show  what  sweet 

•  Appendix,  No.  IX. 

t  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS 

«  Ibid. 

V  Ibid. 



union  he  had  with  God  in  those  solemn  duties, 
no  eye  was  witness  to,  but  his  who  seeth  in 
and  will  reward  openly.  Remember,  O  my 
mch  a  day,  as  a  day  of  more  than  ordinary 
;ments  entered  into,  and  strong  resolutions 
up  of  closer  walking,  and  more  watchfulness ! 
Gody  undertake  for  me !  And  upon  another 
;e  days  of  secret  prayer  and  humiliation,  he 
—If  sowing  in  tears  be  so  sweet,  what  then 
e  harvest  be,  when  I  shall  reap  in  joy.  Bless 
rd,  O  my  soul,  who  forgiveth  all  thine  iniqui- 
ad  will,  in  due  time,  heal  all  thy  diseases. 
s  good  for  me  to  draw  near  to  God.  The 
r  and  the  nearer  the  better.  How  sweet  is 
I  indeed,  if  heaven  upon  earth  has  so  much 
less  in  it !  *] 



moved  from  Emeral,  to  the  house  in  Worthen- 
vhich  the  Judge  had  built  for  him,  in  Febru- 
S58-9 ;  and  then  had  one  of  his  sisters  with  him 
;p  his  house.  No  sooner  had  he  a  tent,  but 
lad  an  altar  in  it,  and  that  a  smoking  altar. 
he  set  up  repetition  on  sabbath  evenings,  and 
med  his  neighbours  to  it. 

Christian  friends  often,  and  sometimes  his 
len  in  the  ministry,  kept  days  of  fasting  and 
r  at  his  house.  He  used  to  tell  people  when 
ad  boilt  new  houses,  they  must  dedicate  them, 
ring  to  Deuteronomy  xx.  5.  and  Psalm  xxx. 
that  is,  they  must  invite  God  to  their  houses, 
evote  them  to  his  service, 
nridence  having  thus  brought  him  into  a  house 
own,  soon  after  provided  him  a  help-meet  for 
After  long  agitation,  and  some  discouragement 
pposition  from  the  father,  he  married  Kathe- 
iie  only  daughter  and  heir  of  Mr.  Daniel  Mat- 
,  of  Broad  Oak,  in  the  township  of  Iscoyd,* 
ntshire,  but  in  the  parish  of  Malpas,  which  is 
eshire,  and  about  two  miles  distant  from  Whit- 
h,  a  considerable  market-town  in  Shropshire, 
[atthews  ^  was  a  gentleman  of  a  very  competent 
;  such  an  one  as  King  James  the  First  used 
'was  the  happiest  lot  of  all  others,  which  set  a 
lelow  the  office  of  a  Justice  of  Peace,  and  above 
f  a  petty  Constable.  This  was  his  only  child : 
fair  and  honourable  overtures  had  been  made 
R-  disposal;  but  it  pleased  God  so  to  order 
s,  and  to  overrule  the  spirits  of  those  concerned, 
lie  was  reserved  to  be  a  blessing  to  this  good 

Henry.  Otary.  Orig.  MS. 

s  Oimefod'!  HiBt.  of  Cheshire,  v.  2.  p.  347. 

Kended,  at  iattae  tradition  of  the  family,  from  Matthew 

,  (froD  whOD  came  the  name  of  Matthew  ir5,;  a  noted  Com- 

man,  in  things  pertaining  both  to  life  and  godli- 

[The  following  anecdote  is  traditionary.  After 
Mr.  Philip  Henry,  who  came  to  Worthenbury  a 
stranger,  had  been  in  the  country  for  some  time,  his 
attachment  to  Miss  Matthews,  afterwards  his  wife, 
became  manifest ;  and  it  was  mutual.  Among  the 
other  objections  urged  by  her  friends  against  the 
connexion  was  this,— that,  although  Mr.  Henry  was 
a  gentleman,  and  a  scholar,  and  an  excellent 
preacher,  he  was  quite  a  stranger,  and  they  did  not 
even  know  where  he  came  from.  "  True,"  replied 
Miss  Matthews,  ''  but  I  know  where  he  is  going, 
and  I  should  like  to  go  with  him." 

The  opposition  of  Mr.  Matthews  to  the  marriage, 
and  the  imposition  of  inequitable  terms,  with  a  view 
to  breaking  off  the  acquaintance,  was,  for  a  consider- 
able time,  a  severe  trial,  to  the  faith  and  patience 
of  Mr.  Henry.  In  this  affair  the  influence  of  the 
holy  religion  he  professed  was  exceedingly  conspi- 
cuous. Nor  will  the  reader  disapprove  of  a  mo- 
mentary interruption  of  the  narrative  by  the  intro- 
duction of  the  following  letters. 

To  Mr.  Matthews. 


I  have  received,  by  my  friend,  your  answer  to 
what  I  proposed  in  my  last,  concerning  your  lands 
at  Brunnington,  with  which  I  am  satisfied.  I  under- 
stand from  him,  also,  that  for  your  other  lands, 
which  are  at  Broad-Oke,  your  demand  is  £800. 
which  sum  being,  as  I  am  informed,  according  to 
the  present  rate  of  lands,  near  their  full  value,  makes 
it,  in  effect,  no  portion,  but  a  purchase.  I  do  there- 
fore hope.  Sir,  it  is  but  your  demand,  and  that  room 
is  left  for  some  abatement,  so  far,  at  least,  that  there 
may  be  equality,  and,  withal,  that  provision  may  be 
made  for  my  just  security  in  case  your  daughter 
should  die  without  issue.  Concerning  both  which 
I  shall  desire  the  interposure  of  no  other  arbitrator 
than  your  own  self,  to  whom  I  would  refer  it.  I 
have  had  many  occasions  for  laying  out  of  monies 
this  last  year  in  furnishing  my  house  and  other 
ways;  nevertheless  I  have  £200,  or  thereabouts, 
which  I  am  willing  to  disburse  to  you  for  the  present, 
and  shall  give  you  sufficient  bond  for  more  to  be  paid 
within  reasonable  time,  on  the  considerations  before 
mentioned.  Or,  if  you  please  to  give  your  consent 
that  I  may  match  with  your  daughter,  I  shall  be  as 
willing  to  dispose  of  those  monies  elsewhere  to  her 
use,  and  you  may  do  with  your  own  as  you  think 
good.  I  assure  you,  Sir,  though  you  will  not  believe 
me,  the  Lord  knows,  I  eye  it  not,  having  learned, 

mander  in  the  wars  of  Prance,  under  Henry  V.  and  killed  upon 
London  bridge,  in  Henry  the  Sixth's  time,  iu  lV\e  %MVVi^«»a:^<^  ^V> 
Wat  Tyler's  RebeUion.   Lite  ot  P.  Httirj  \>^  ^^»>veaftv^  >\t?osi 
Orig.  MS. 



in  that  estate  whereiii  I  am,  to  be  content.  Sir,  I 
beseech  you,  have  some  respect  in  this  matter  to 
honest,  innocent  affections ;  thoug^h  not  to  mine,  who 
am  but  a  stranger;  yet,  however,  to  hers  who  is 
your  own  flesh ;  and  be  pleased  to  consider,  the  same 
God,  who  bids  your  child  obey  you,  bids  you  also, 
in  the  same  breath,  not  to  provoke  her,  lest  she  be 
discouraged.  I  should  much  rejoice  if  I  might  hear 
that  you  are  inclined,  yet,  at  last,  to  entertain  more 
charitable,  favourable  thoughts  concerning  me,  who 
do  really  desire  to  approve  myself. 

Your  servant  in  the  Lord, 
Worthenbury,  16,  1659.  Philip  Henry.  ^ 

To  Mr.  Matthews. 


It  hath  been  all  along  my  desire  and  care,  as  far 
as  I  have  known  myself,  to  walk  in  the  highway  in 
this  affair  concerning  your  daughter.  I  can  truly 
say  your  dislike  of  it,  hitherto,  hath  been  one  of 
the  greatest  afflictions  that  hath  befallen  me;  as, 
on  the  other  hand,  your  approbation  would  be  one 
of  my  greatest  outward  mercies.  And  I  do  bless 
the  Lord,  who  hath  been  pleased  thus  far  to  incline 
your  heart  towards  me,  hoping  he  will  finish  what 
he  hath  begun.  It  falls  out.  Sir,  that  I  am  engaged 
upon  the  service  of  my  calling  to-morrow  in  the 
work  of  the  Lord  ;  but,  upon  Wednesday  morning, 
at  nine  o'clock,  God  willing,  I  shall  not  fail  to  be 
at  your  tenant's  house,  if  your  occasions  will  permit 
your  presence  there,  at  that  time,  or  when  else  you 
shall  appoint.  This,  with  my  service  to  yourself, 
and  love  unfeigned  to  your  daughter,  is  all  at  pre- 
sent from  him  who  is,  and  desires  to  be  thought  to  be. 

Worthenbury,  Yours,  to  serve  you, 

Feb.  27, 1660.  Philip  Henry.* 

The  Articles*  preliminary  to  the  marriage  bear 
date  March  20,  1650,  and  stipulate  for  the  solem- 
nization '*  at  or  before  the  first  day  of  May  next 
ensuing.'^  Circumstances,  however,  arose  which 
seemed  to  render  procrastination  expedient,'  and  a 
fresh  difficulty  having  presented  itself  to  the  mind 
of  Mr.  Matthews,  it  is,  in  a  letter  dated  Worthen- 
bury, June  13, 1650,  thus  amiably  referred  to.  '^  Far 
be  it  from  me  to  blame  your  due  paternal  care ;  but 
truly,  Sir,  my  condition  being  such  as,  blessed  be 
God,  it  is,  and  my  desires  and  expectations  being 
proportioned  accordingly,  and  no  way  exceeding,  I 

e  Orig.  MS. 

d  Ibid. 

0  Original,  in  Mr.  Henry's  hand.wiiting.    Penes  me. 

f  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

R  Orig.  MS. 

h  See  Gibson's  Codex,  v.  1.  p.  424.  fol.  1761. 

am  apt  to  think  it  might  be  an  easy  matter  to  remove 
that  obstruction.  For  my  own  part  I  am  willing  tt 
refer  it  to  yourself.  You  may  deal  in  it  as  you  see 
cause,  and  I  shall  acquiesce  in  your  pleasure, — only 
favour  me  in  her  towards  whom  my  affections  are, 
which  is  the  g^eat  request  and  sole  ambition,  in 
this  present  address,  of.  Sir,  your  friend  and  servant 
in  the  Lord,  Philip  Henry.'''] 

His  purpose  of  marriage  was  published  **  in  the 
church  three  Lord's  days  before ;  a  laudable  prac- 
tice, which  he  greatly  approved,  and  persuaded 
others  to. 

The  day  before  his  marriage,  [which  took  place 
April  26,  1660,]  he  kept  as  a  day  of  secret  prayer 
and  fasting.' 

He  used  to  say,  those  who  would  have  comfort  in 
that  change  of  their  condition,  must  see  to  it,  that 
they  bring  none  of  the  guilt  of  the  sins  of  their 
single  state  with  them  into  the  married  state.  And, 
—the  presence  of  Christ  at  a  wedding  will  turn 
the  water  into  wine;  and  he  will  come  if  he  be 
invited  by  prayer. 

[The  first  letter  I  find  addressed  to  Mrs.  Henry 
after  their  marriage,  is  dated  London.  It  well  exhi- 
bits the  affection,  the  happiness,  and  the  piety  of  the 

London,  Oct  9,  1660. 

Dear  heart ; 

I  bless  God,  I  am  safe  and  well  at  London.  I 
came  from  Oxford  yesterday  morning  alone,  but  the 
Lord  was  with  me ;  it  was  a  long  journey,  but  I 
was  stirring  betimes.  I  was  nine  miles  on  my  way 
before  eight  o'clock,  and  came  an  hour  or  .two 
before  sun-set  to  Thistleworth.  Towards  the  end  of 
my  journey,  for  three  or  four  miles,  where  was  most 
danger,  it  pleased  God  I  had  company,  which  was 
a  g^eat  mercy.  I  met  many  soldiers  upon  the  way, 
going  homewards  upon  their  disbanding,  towards 
their  several  countries,  and  I  was  sometimes  afraid 
of  them.  They  were  by  two  and  three  in  a  company, 
but  the  Lord  preserved  me.  This  morning  I  came 
to  Chelsea,  where  I  saw  my  sisters,  in  health,  blessed 
be  God,  and  overjoyed  to  see  me ;  from  thence,  this 
afternoon,  to  London.  I  have  been  with  cousin 
Thomas  Hotchkis,  from  whom  I  received  a  letter  to 
Sir  Orlando  Bridgman''  from  Mr.  Eddow ;  and,  to* 
morrow  I  purpose,  God  willing,  to  wait  upon  his 
lordship,  expecting  a  charge  from  him,  in  the  first 
place,  about  conformity,  wherein  yet  I  shall  do  as  I 
sec  cause,  in  case  I  should  be  continued  at  Wor- 
thenbury.   The  ministers  here  are  generally  unan- 

i  Appendix,  No.  X. 

k  Sir  O.  Bridgman,  made  Lord  Keeper  in  1667.  See  Granger's 
Biog.  Hist,  or  England,  v.  3.  p.  361.  ed.  1779 ;  and  Bfr.  Chalroen'i 
Biog.  Diet  V.  6.  p.  609.  Mr.  Henry  styles  him,  «  His  lordship,** 
he  being  then  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer. 



imooSy  and  resolved.  Dr.  Sheldon  was  installed 
BUhop  of  London  to-day.  The  King  is  gone  into 
the  country  for  a  fortnight,  daring  the  trial  of  his 
father^s  jndges,  to  prevent  petitions.  I  sleep  to- 
night at  Mrs.  Kingston's,  who  desires  to  be  remem- 
bered to  you,  and  to  Mr.  Puleston,  and  his  wife. 
I  wrote  to  yon,  by  the  last  post,  from  Oxford. 
Commend  me  to  sister  Mary,  and  all  that  ask  of 
me.  Dear  heart,  make  mnch  of  thyself,  and  love 
me;  and  the  Lord  everlasting  be  thy  Snn  and 
Shield !  So  prayetfa. 

Thine,  in  all  affection, 

Philip  Henry.*] 

He  took  all  occasions  while  he  lived,  to  express 

his  thankfulness  to  God  for  the  greRt  comfort  he 

had  in  this  relation.     A  day  of  mercy,  so  he  writes 

OD  his  marriage  day,  never  to  be  forgotten.    God 

kad  given  him  one,  as  he  writes  afterwards,  every 

ray  his  helper,  in  whom  he  had  much  comfort,  and 

for  whom  he  thanked  God  with  all  his  heart    He 

vrites  in  his  Diary,  April  26,  1680,    This  day  we 

haTC  been  married  twenty  years,  in  which  time  we 

have  received  of  the  Lord  more  than  twenty  thousand 

mercies ;  to  God  be  glory.    Sometimes  he  writes, — 

We  have  been  so  long  married,  and  never  reconciled; 

that  is,  there  never  was  any  occasion  for  if    His 

usaal  prayer  for  his  friends  in  the  married  state, 

was  according  to  his  own  practice  in  that  state  ;— 

that  they  might  be  mutually  serviceable  to  each 

other's  faith  and  holiness,  and  jointly  serviceable  to 

God's  honour  and  glory. 

Her  father,  though  he  put  some  hardships  upon 
him  in  the  terms,  and  had  been  somewhat  averse  to 
the  match,  yet,  by  Mr.  Henry's  great  prudence,  and 
God's  good  providence,  was  influenced  to  give  a 
free  consent  to  it ;  and  he  himself,  with  his  own 
hand,  gave  her  in  marriage.  From  this,  as  from 
other  experiences,  Mr.  Henry  had  learned  to  say 
vith  assurance,— It  is  not  in  vain  to  wait  upon  God, 
and  to  keep  his  way.  Mr.  Matthews  settled  part  of 
his  estate  before  marriage  upon  them  and  theirs ; 
he  lived  about  seven  years  after;  and  when  he  died, 
the  remainder  of  it  came  to  them.  This  competent 
ettate,  which  the  divine  Providence  brought  into 
lis  hand,  was  not  only  a  comfortable  support  to  him 
vhen  he  was  turned  oat  of  his  living,  and  when 
Bttny  faithful  ministers  of  Christ  were  reduced  to 
great  poverty  and  straits ;  but  it  enabled  him  like- 
vise,  as  he  had  opportunity,  to  preach  the  gospel 
freely,  which  he  did  to  his  dying  day ;  and  not  only 


•  Pomponios  Atticus,  making  the  funeral  oration  at  ttie  deatli 
of  his  mother,  did  protest,  that,  liring  with  her  threescore  and 
KTeo  yttra,  he  wsa  never  reconciled  unto  her.  Sc  nunquam  cum 
natie  in  gntiam  ivdiiaae ;  because  there  never  happened  between 
than  the  leaat^  wbich  needed  reconciliation.  Cited  in  Fuller's 
Holy  State,  ^  IS.  fbl.  1683. 

■  Eialt  godUncfli  In  thy  fiunily.   That  thou  art  really,  which 

so,  but  to  give  for  the  relief  of  others  that  were  in 
want,  in  which  he  sowed  plentifully  to  a  veiy  large 
proportion  of  his  income:  and  often  blessed  God 
that  he  had  wherewithal,  remembering  the  words  of 
the  Lord,  how  he  said, — It  is  more  blessed  to  give 
than  to  receive. 

Such  was  his  house,  and  such  the  vine  which 
God  g^raciously  planted  by  the  side  of  his  house. 
By  her  God  gave  him  six  children,  all  born  within 
less  than  eight  years ;  the  two  eldest, — sons,  John 
and  Matthew;  the  other  four,— daughters,  Sarah, 
Katharine,  Eleanor,  and  Ann.  His  eldest  son  John 
died  of  the  measles  in  the  sixth  year  of  hb  age ;  and 
the  rest  were  in  mercy  continued  to  him. 

The  Lord  having  built  him  up  into  a  family,  he 
was  careful  and  faithful  in  making  good  his  solemn 
vow  at  his  ordination,  that  he  and  his  house  would 
serve  the  Lord,  He  would  often  say,— That  we  are 
really,  which  we  are  relatively.  **  It  is  not  so  much 
what  we  are  at  church,  as  what  we  are  in  our  fami- 
lies. Religion  in  the  power  of  it  will  be  family  re- 
ligion. In  this  his  practice  was  very  exemplary  ;  he 
was  one  that  walked  before  his  house  in  a  perfect 
way,  with  a  perfect  heart,  and  therein  behaved  him- 
self wisely.  His  constant  care  and  prudent  endea- 
vour, was  not  only  to  put  away  iniquity  far  from  his 
tabernacle,  but  that  where  he  dwelt  the  word  of 
Christ  might  dwell  richly.  If  he  might  have  no 
other  church,  yet  he  had  a  church  in  his  house,'* 

He  made  conscience  of  closet  worship,  and  did 
abound  in  it,  not  making  his  family  worship  to  ex- 
cose  for  that.  He  hath  this  affecting  note  in  his 
Diary,  upon  the  removing  of  his  closet  but  from  one 
room  in  the  house  to  another ;— This  day,  saith  he, 
my  new  closet  was  consecrated,  if  I  may  so  say,  with 
this  prayer, — ^That  all  the  prayers  that  ever  should  be 
made  in  it  according  to  the  will  of  God,  morning, 
evening,  and  at  noon-day,  ordinary  or  extraordinary, 
might  be  accepted  of  God,  and  obtain  a  gracious 
answer.  Amen  and  Amen,  It  was  the  caution  and 
advice  which  he  frequently  gave  to  his  children  and 
friends, — be  sure  you  look  to  your  secret  duty  ;  keep 
that  up  whatever  you  do.  The  soul  cannot  prosper 
in  the  neglect  of  it.  He  observed,  that  apostasy  ge- 
nerally begins  at  the  closet  door.  Secret  prayer  is 
first  neglected,  and  carelessly  performed,  then  fre- 
quently omitted,  and  after  a  while  wholly  cast  off ; 
and  then  farewell  God,  and  Christ,  and  all  religion.^ 

[In  reference  to  this  duty,  the  following  important 
observations  occur. 

Besides  the  deadness,  and  coldness,  the  distrac- 

— — . ■ 

thou  art  relatively.  Swinnock's  Heaven  and  Hell  Epitomised, 
&c.  4to.  1663.  £p.  to  the  Reader. 

o  1  Cor.  xvi.  19. 

p  Be  much  in  secret  fellowship  with  God  in  duty.  It  is  secret 
trading  that  enriches  a  Chnstian.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  See  the 
Life  of  Mr.  Tapper    Noncon.  Mem.  v.  1.  p.  359.  ■/  supra. 

Judge  yourselves  by  secret  acu ;  follow  yourselves  into  your 
closets  and  retiring  places^d  observe  your  diligence,  endevour, 



tions,  and  wanderings,  which  the  people  of  God 
often  find  cause  to  complain  of,  there  is,  also,  a  kind 
of  weariness  which  many  times  seizes  their  spirits. 
Something  from  within  calls  upon  them  to  have 
done, — 'enough  for  this  time, — you  may  conclude 
now,'— before  a  quarter,  or,  perhaps,  half  a  quarter, 
of  an  hour  be  fully  spent.  Against  this  we  have 
great  need  to  watch.  If  the  devil  cannot  keep  us 
from  God,  he  will  try  to  work  a  lothness  to  tarry 
with  him.  We  are  to  look  upon  it  as  a  cursed  mem- 
ber of  that  body  of  death  which  we  carry  about  with 
us  ;  one  of  the  Canaanites  left  behind,  to  be  a  thorn 
in  our  eyes,  and  a  goad  in  our  sides.  We  are  to  be 
really  and  deeply  sensible  of  it,  and  affected  with  it, 
and  to  mourn  under  it  as  our  burthen.  A  few  for- 
mal, customary  complaints  to  one  another,  that  so  it 
is  with  us,  will  not  serve.  We  should  be  humbled  in 
secret  before  the  Lord,  and  take  shame  to  ourselves. 
It  is  a  sign  we  are  very  unfit  for  heaven.  We  should 
consider  that  prayer  is  not  only  our  duty  but  our 
privilege.  We  should  get  our  hearts  filled  with  love 
to  God,  and  look  up  to  the  Spirit,  and  put  that  sweet 
promise  in  suit,  Isa.  xl.  29,  &c.  He  giveth  power  to 
thefainty  ^c.  We  should  go  on  against  the  tempta- 
tion. When  we  think  we  shall  be  heard  the  sooner 
for  long  praying,  we  are  like  the  heathen,  Matthew 
vi.  7.  When  we  use  long  praying  for  a  pretence, 
we  are  like  the  Pharisees,  Matthew  xxiii.  14.  Yet 
neither  instance  condemns  a  long  prayer  as  in  itself 
a  sin ;  see  Luke  vi.  12.  One  being  oppressed  with 
this  corruption,  and  drooping  under  it,  a  godly 
friend,  who  was  acquainted  with  his  condition, 
meeting  him  suddenly,  said,  *  I  will  tell  you  good 
news,  the  best  that  ever  you  heard.  As  soon  as  you 
are  in  heaven,  you  shall  serve  the  Lord  Jesus,  with- 
out being  weary,'  which  much  revived  him.** 

In  continuation  of  the  same  subject,  Mr.  Henry 
thus  writes  ;— The  spirit  deals  not  with  us  as  stocks 
and  stones,  but  as  rational  creatures,  Hosea  xi.  4. 
He  expects,  and  requires,  that  we  should  put  forth 
ourselves  to  the  utmost  towards  the  working  our 
hearts  into  a  fervent  frame,  and  where  we  are  weak, 
and  wanting,  he  comes  with  help.  Thus  much  seems 
to  be  implied  in  that  expression, — the  Spirit  helpeth 
oHr  infirmitiesy — particula  oip  ad  nos  lahorantes  re- 
fertur,  Beza,  It  is  an  allusion  to  a  man  who  has 
a  g^eat  burthen,  suppose  a  heavy  log  of  wood,  to 
carry,  and  he  cannot  manage  it  unless  some  one  will 
come,  and  lay  a  shoulder  under  one  end.'  But  if 
that  help  be  offered,  he  is  not  altogether  excused. 
He  must  lay  his  shoulder  under  the  other  end.  If 
we  find  our  hearts  dead,  and  dull,  and  indisposed 
to  prayer,  we  are  ready,  presently,  to  cast  the  blame 

and  spirit,  in  your  hidden  waye»,  and  secret  duties;  Tor  wliat 
you  are  in  them,  that  you  are  indeed.    The  Case  and  Cure  of  a 
Deserted  Soule,  by  Jos.  Symonds,  p.  65.  duod.  1641. 
q  p.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

r  See  Biabop  WjJkin'8  Disc,  concerning  the  Gill  of  Prayer,  p.  8. 
^t/od,  jam  ^ 

upon  the  Spirit, — All  our  life  is  from  him.  That  is 
true ;  but  he  conveys  life  in  the  use  of  the  means. 
And,  commonly,  the  fault,  that  we  do  not  receive 
more  life  and  quickening  from  him,  is  in  ourselves. 
We  are  wanting  in  stirring  up  our  affections,  in  la- 
bouring with  our  hearts,  by  meditation,  which  is  a 
special  means.  The  Spirit  meettth  him  that  rejoic- 
eth  and  worketh  righteousness.  Sometimes,  how- 
ever, a  cause  of  deadness  may  be  overmuch  confi- 
dence in  ourselves ;  when  we  set  about  duties  in  our 
own  strength,  and  have  no  eye  to  the  Spirit,  but  rely 
altogether  upon  self,  Philippians  iii.  3.  This  is  as 
bad  as  the  other.  The  true  mean  between  both  is 
this ; — so  to  labour  with  our  hearts  as  if  we  were  to 
expect  no  assistance  from  the  Spirit,  and  yet  so  to 
rely  upon  his  aid,  as  if  with  our  own  hearts  we  had 
laboured  nothing.* 

Again :  In  reply  to  the  inquiry,  When  we  are 
called  to  duty,  may  we  be  sure  it  is  always  from  the 
Spirit?  Is  it  not  possible  that  Satan  may  have  a 
hand  in  the  stirring  of  us  up  to  prayer  ?^  Mr.  Henry 
writes  as  follows : — 

It  is  possible  he  may.  The  devil  transforms  him- 
self into  an  angel  of  light.  This  is  one  of  his  extra- 
ordinary devices.  Where  he  moves  us  once  to 
prayer,  he  moves  ten  thousand  times  to  sin ;  where 
he  moves  once  to  perform  duty,  he  moves  ten  thou- 
sand times  to  neglect  it.  When  he  doth  so,  it  is 
always  with  a  design.  You  may  be  sure  it  is  neither 
out  of  love  to  us,  nor  out  of  love  to  prayer,  for  there 
is  no  duty  he  is  so  much  an  enemy  to.  His  object  is 
ever  some  advantage  against  us ;  and  usually  this ; 
^•he  observes  a  time  when  the  soul  is  most  dead,  and 
heavy,  and  unfit  for  prayer,  and  then  he  spurs  on  to 
it  with  as  much  eagerness  as  if  it  were  the  very  spirit 
of  grace.  Now  when  deadness  and  distraction  mark 
our  performance,  he  takes  occasion  to  trouble  and 
disquiet  us.  Thus  he  often  tires  out  young  converts. 
This  is  one  of  the  depths  of  Satany  which  believers 
ought  to  know  and  study,  that  they  may  be  armed 
against  it.  Besides,  in  general,  when  the  Spirit 
calls,  he  helps  and  enlarges ;  so  doth  not  Satan." 

Further,  he  remarks ; — If  we  find  ourselves  at  any 
time  indisposed  and  unfit  for  prayer,  is  it  not  best 
to  let  it  quite  alone  ?  "^  We  are  not  to  choose  rather 
to  omit  a  duty  than  not  to  perform  it  in  a  right  man- 
ner. It  is  incumbent  on  Christians,  ordinarily,  to 
set  apart  that  time  for  prayer,  both  by  themselves 
and  in  their  families,  wherein  they  are  most  likely 
to  be  at  liberty  from  diversions  and  distractions. 
And,  when  duty  is  required  of  us,  and  we  find  our- 
selves unfit  for  it,  we  are  to  take  pains  beforehand, 
with  our  own  hearts,  to  see  if  it  may  not  he  possible, 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig.  BIS. 

t  Ibid. 

tt  Ibid. 

V  When  thou  feelest  thyself  most  indisposed  to  prayer,  >ield  not 
to  it,  but  strive  and  endeavour  to  pray,  even  when  thou  thinkest 
thou  canst  not  pray.    Hilderaam's  Lect  on  Ps.  li.  p.  64.  foL  16^ 


in  the  use  of  means,  to  shake  it  off.  So  that  if,  after 
all  oor  pains  taken  with  ourselves,  we  yet  continue 
onfit,  we  are,  notwithstanding,  to  perform  the  doty, 
though  with  grief  of  heart  at  oor  onpreparedness 
for  it.- 

To  return.]  He  advised, — ^That  secret  duty  be  per- 
fomed  secretly  ;  which  was  the  admonition  he  gave 
sometimes  to  those  who  caused  their  voice  to  be  heard 
on  high  in  that  duty. 

[There  are  two  doors,  be  would  say,  to  be  shut 
when  we  go  to  prayer;  the  door  of  our  closet,  that 
we  may  be  secret ;  the  door  of  our  hearts,  that  we 
may  be  serious.  *] 

Besides  this,  he  and  his  wife  constantly  prayed 
t<^ether  morning  and  evening ;  and  never,  if  they 
were  together,  at  home  or  abroad,  was  it  intermitted : 
and  from  his  own  experience  of  the  benefit  of  this 
fnactice,  he  would  take  all  opportunities  to  recom- 
mend it  to  those  in  that  relation,  as  conducing  very 
reuch  to  the  comfort  of  it,  and  to  their  furtherance 
in  that  which,  he  would  often  say,  is  the  great  duty 
of  yoke- fellows  ;  and  that  is,  to  do  all  they  can  to 
belp  one  another  to  heaven.  He  would  say,  that 
lliis  duty  of  hnsbands  and  wives  prajring  together, 
is  intimated  in  that  of  the  apostle,  1  Peter  iii.  7. 
there  they  are  exhorted  to  live  as  heirs  together  of 
the  grmee  of  life,  that  their  prayers,  especially  their 
prayers  together,  be  not  hindered:  that  nothing  may 
be  done  to  hinder  them  from  praying  together,  nor 
to  hinder  them  in  it,  nor  to  spoil  the  success  of  those 
prayers.  This  sancti6es  the  relation,  and  fetcheth 
in  a  blessing  npon  it,  makes  the  comforts  of  it  the 
more  sweet,  and  the  cares  and  crosses  of  it  the  more 
easy,  and  is  an  excellent  means  of  preserving  and 
increasing  love  in  the  relation.  Many  to  whom  he 
hath  recommended  the  practice  of  this  duty,  have 
blessed  God  for  him,  and  for  his  advice  concerning 
it.  When  he  was  abroad,  and  lay  mth  any  of  his 
friends,  he  would  mind  them  of  his  rule,— That  they 
who  lie  together,  must  pray  together.  In  the  per- 
formance of  this  part  of  his  daily  worship  he  was 
usually  short,  bnt  often  much  affected. 

[He  reconmiended  it  to  others,  that  the  wife  should 
be  sometimes  called  npon  to  pray  with  the  husband, 
that  she  might  learn  to  perform  duty  in  the  family  in 
the  husband's  absence,  or  in  case  he  be  removed  by 
death,  which  he  hath  sometimes  pressed  upon  his 

w  P  Heniy.  Orig  MS. 

»  P.  Henry.  Orig.  BiS.  ••  Pray  alone.  Let  prayer  be  the  key  of 
the  morning,  and  the  lK>it  of  the  night."  P.  Henry.  See  Memoira 
of  lira  Savage,  3d  ed.  p.  8.  Bishop  Taylor  says,  that, "  w  ith  them 
that  are  not  stark  irreligious,  prayer  u  the  key  to  open  the  day, 
uid  the  bolt  to  shut  in  the  night "  Works,  y.  I.  p.  145.  oct.  ed.  tu 
n^B.  And  of  Bishop  Ridley  it  is  afflnned,  that  **  he  used  to  make 
his  religioos  addreaaes  unto  God,  both  as  a  key  to  open  the  door 
in  the  mflnnng  to  bis  daily  employments,  and  as  a  bolt,  to  shut 
uid  close  them  up  all  at  evening  again.'*  Puller's  Abel  Rediyivus, 
[».  195i  4ta  1S9SL 

7  Life.  Orig.  MS,  minora 

*  I^  A.  O  1G30.  Ob.  Nor.  38,  ldD4.  Ufe  by  Dr.  Birch,  oct  1753. 

friends,  who  have  had  much  comfort  in  taking  his 
counsel.  It  is  comfortable  if  the  moon  rises  when 
the  sun  sets. ' 

Besides  these,  he  made  conscience,  and  made  a 
business,  of  family  worship,  in  all  the  parts  of  it ; 
and  in  it  he  was  uniform,  steady,  and  constant,  from 
the  time  that  he  was  first  called  to  the  charge  of  a 
family  to  his  dying  day  ;  and,  according  to  his  own 
practice,  he  took  all  occasions  to  press  it  upon  others. 
His  doctrine  once,  from  Joshua  xxiv.  15.  was, — That 
family  worship  is   family  duty.     He  would  say, 
sometimes^  if  the  worship  of  God  be  not  in  the 
house,  write, — Lord,  have  mercy  upon  us,  on  the 
door;  for  there  is  a  plague,  a  curse,  in  it.    It  is  the 
judgment  of  Archbishop  Tillotson,'  in  that  excellent 
book,*  which  he  published  a  little  before  his  death, 
upon  this  subject, — That  constant  family  worship  is 
so  necessary  to  keep  alive  a  sense  of  God  and  re- 
ligion in  the  minds  of  men,  that  he  sees  not  how  any 
family  that  neglects  it  can  in  reason  be  esteemed  a 
family  of  Christians,  or  indeed  to  have  any  religion 
at  all.    How  earnestly  would  Mr.  Henry  reason  with 
people  sometimes  about  this  matter,  and  tell  them 
what  a  blessing  it  would  bring  upon  them  and  their 
houses,  and  all  that  they  had !    He  that  makes  his 
house  a  little  church,  shall  find  that  God  will  make 
it  a  little  sanctuary.     It  may  be  of  use  to  give  a  par- 
ticular account  of  his  practice  in  this  matter,  because 
it  was  very  exemplary.    As  to  the  time  of  it,  his  rule 
was,  commonly,  the  earlier  the  better,  both  morning 
and  evening ;  in  the  morning,  before  worldly  busi- 
ness crowded  in, — Early  will  I  seeh  thee.    He  that 
is  the  first,  should  have  the  first.     Nor  is  it  fit  that 
the  worship  of  God  should  stand  by  and  wait  while 
the  world's  turn  is  served.    And  early  in  the  even- 
ing, before  the  children  and  servants  began  to  be 
sleepy  ;  and  therefore,  if  it  might  be,  he  would  have 
prayer  at  night  before  supper,  that  the  body  might 
be  the  more  fit  to  serve  the  soul  in  that  service  of  God. 
And  indeed  he  did  industriously  contrive  all  the 
circumstances  of  his  family  worship,  so  as  to  make 
it  most  solemn,  and  most  likely  to  answer  the  end. 
He  always  made  it  the  business  of  every  day,  and 
not,  as  too  many  make  it,  a  bye-business.  This  being 
his  fixed  principle,  all  other  affairs  must  be  sure  to 
give  way  to  this."*    And  he  would  tell  those  who  ob- 
jected against  family-worship,  that  they  could  not 

An  interesting  occurrence  between  the  Archbishop,  when  Dean 
of  St.  Paul's,  and  his  father,  is  recorded  by  Dr.  Fa  wcett,  in  the  Life 
of  Oliver  Hey  wood.  p.  139.  A  similar  anecdote  is  also  related  of 
Sir  Thomas  More,  when  Lord  Chancellor.  Sec  his  Life  by  Cayley, 
V.  1.  p.  112. 

■  ArchbishopTiUotson's  Works,  v.  3.  p.  42-2.  oct.  1742. 

t  It  was  the  observation  of  an  excellent  man.  that,  when  he  did 
hasten  over  holy  duties,  out  of  an  over  eager  desire  to  follow  his 
worldly  business,  he  did  many  times  meet  with  a  crosR  in  his 
business ;  but,  when  he  did  take  his  ordinary  time.  God  did  make 
his  other  business  to  succeed  the  better,  or  else  his  mind  was 
brought  to  submit  to  the  will  of  God.  The  Life  of  Blr.  John  Rowe, 
duod.  1673.  p  41 



get  time  for  it ;  that,  if  they  would  but  put  on  Chris- 
tian resolution  at  first,  they  would  not  find  the  diffi- 
culty so  great  as  they  imagined  ;  but,  after  a  while, 
their  other  aflfairs  would  fall  in  easily  and  naturally 
with  this,  especially  where  there  is  that  wisdom 
which  is  profitable  to  direct.  Nay,  they  would  find 
it  to  be  a  g^eat  preserver  of  order  and  decency  in  a 
family,  and  it  would  be  like  a  hem  to  all  their  other 
business,  to  keep  it  from  ravelling.  He  was  ever 
careful  to  have  all  his  family  present  at  family- 
worship  ;  though  sometimes,  living  in  the  country, 
he  had  a  great  household ;  yet  he  would  have  not 
only  his  children  and  sojourners,  if  he  had  any,  and 
domestic  servants,  but  his  worknien  and  day-la- 
bourers, and  all  that  were  employed  for  him,  if  they 
were  within  call,  to  be  present,  to  join  with  him  in 
this  service ;  and,  as  it  was  an  act  of  his  charity 
many  times  to  set  them  to  work  for  him,  so  to  that 
he  added  this  act  of  piety,  to  set  them  to  work  for 
God.  And  usually,  when  he  paid  his  workmen  their 
wages,  he  gave  them  some  good  counsel  about  their 
souls.  Yet,  if  any  that  should  come  to  family  wor- 
ship, were  at  a  distance,  and  must  be  stayed  for 
long,  he  would  rather  want  them,  than  put  the  duty 
much  out  of  time ;  and  would  sometimes  say,  at 
night, — Better  one  away,  than  all  sleepy. 

The  performances  of  his  family  worship  '  were  the 
same  morning  and  evening.  He  observed  that, 
under  the  law,  the  morning  and  the  evening  lamb 
had  the  same  meat-ofiering  and  drink-offering, 
Exodus  xxix.  38—41.  He  always  began  with  a 
short,  but  very  solemn,  prayer,  imploring  the  divine 
presence  and  grace,  assistance  and  acceptance; 
particularly  begging  a  blessing  upon  the  word  to  be 
read,  in  reference  to  which  he  often  put  up  this  pe- 
tition,— That  the  same  Spirit  that  indited  the  Scrip- 
ture, would  enable  us  to  understand  the  Scripture, 
and  to  make  up  something  to  ourselves  out  of  it  that 
may  do  us  good.  And,  esteeming  the  word  of  God 
as  his  necessary  food,  he  would  sometimes  pray  in 
a  morning,  that  our  souls  might  have  a  good  meal 
out  of  it.  He  commonly  concluded  even  this  short 
prayer,  as  he  did  also  his  blessings  before  and  after 
meat,*^  with  a  doxology,  as  Paul,  upon  all  occasions, 
— ^To  him  be  glory,  &c.  which  is  properly  adoration, 
and  is  an  essential  part  of  prayer. 

He  next  sung  a  psalm,  and  commonly  he  sung 
David's  Psalms  in  order,  throughout;  sometimes 
using  the  old  translation,  but  generally  Mr.  Bar- 

e  See  Tong's  Lite  of  Matt  Henry,  nttvpra,  p.  124.  &c.  Mr.  Wesley, 
recommending  P  Henry's  Life,  pointed  out  his  mode  of  perform- 
ing family  worship  as  a  pattern.  Minutes  of  Conference,  v.  I.  p.  76. 

d  Bishop  Butler,  after  pressing  the  habitual  exercise  of  secret 
prayer,  observes,  that  "  A  duty  of  the  like  kind,  and  serving  to  the 
same  purpose,  is  the  particular  acknowledgment  of  God  when  we 
are  partaking  of  his  bounty  at  our  meals.  The  neglect  of  this  is  said 
to  have  been  scandalous  to  a  proverb  in  the  heathen  world ;  but 
it  is  without  shame  laid  aside  at  the  tables  of  the  highest  and  the 
lowest  rank  among  us."  Chaige  to  the  Clergy  of  Durham,  1751. 
Works,  V.  2.  p.  48.  See  the  Spectator,  No  456. 

ton's  :*  and  his  usual  way  was  to  sing  a  whole  psalm 
throughout,  though  perhaps  a  long  one,  and  to  sing 
quick,  yet  with  a  good  variety  of  proper  and  pleasant 
tunes ;  and,  that  he  might  do  so,  usually  the  psalm 
was  sung  without  reading  the  line  betwixt,  every 
one  in  the  family  having  a  book,  which  he  preferred 
much  before  the  common  way  of  singing,  where  it 
might  conveniently  be  done,  as  more  agreeable  to 
the  practice  of  the  primitive  church,  and  the  re- 
formed churches  abroad;    and  by  this  means  he 
thought  the  duty  more  likely  to  be  performed  in  the 
spirit,  and  with  the  understanding  ;  the  sense  being 
not  so  broken,  nor  the  affections  interrupted,  as  in 
reading  the  line  betwixt.    He  would  say,  that  a 
scripture  ground  for  singing  psalms  in   families, 
might  be  taken  from  Psalm  cxviii.  15 ; — The  voice  of 
rejoicing  and  of  salvation  is  in  the  tabernacles  of  the 
righteous ;  and  that  it  is  a  way  to  hold  forth  godli- 
ness, like  Rahab's  scarlet  thread,  Joshua  ii.  17.  to 
such  as  pass  by  our  windows. 

He  next  read  a  portion  of  Scripture,  taking  the 
Bible  in  order ;  he  would  sometimes  blame  those  who 
only  pray  in  their  families,  and  do  not  read  the 
Scripture.  In  prayer,  we  speak  to  God;  by  the 
word,  he  speaks  to  us ; — and  is  there  any  reason, 
saith  he,  that  we  should  speak  all?  In  the  taber- 
nacle the  priests  were  every  day  to  bum  incense, 
and  to  light  the  lamps ;  the  former,  figuring  the 
duty  of  prayer,  the  latter  the  duty  of  reading  the 
word.  Sometimes  he  would  say, — ^Those  do  well 
that  pray  morning  and  evening  in  their  families ; 
those  do  better  that  pray  and  read  the  Scriptures ; 
but  those  do  best  of  all  that  pray,  and  read,  and 
sing  psalms ;  and  Christians  should  covet  earnestly 
the  best  gifts. 

He  advised  the  reading  of  the  Scripture  in  order; 
for,  though  one  star  in  the  firmament  of  the  Scrip- 
ture differ  from  another  star  in  glory,  yet,  wherever 
God  hath  a  mouth  to  speak,  we  should  have  an  ear 
to  hear ;  and  the  diligent  searcher '  may  find  much 
excellent  matter  in  those  parts  of  Scripture,  which 
we  are  sometimes  tempted  to  think  might  have  been 
spared.  How  affectionately  would  he  sometimes 
bless  God  for  every  book,  and  chapter,  and  verse, 
and  line,  in  the  Bible ! 

[Every  word  of  God,  he  would  say,  is  good,  but 
especially  God,  the  Word,  How  sweet  is  it  to  a  lost, 
undone  sinner,  to  be  acquainted  with  a  Saviour!  >] 

What  he  read  in  his  family,  he  always  expounded ; 

e  See  Wood's  Ath.  Oxon.  «/  titpra,  vol.  3.  p.  303.  The  Psalms 
and  Hymns  were  first  printed  by  act  of  Parliament,  Oct  1645. 

f  Beloved,  if  you  doe  but  take  any  piece  of  this  word,  and  stay 
upon  it,  as  the  bee  doth  upon  the  flower,  and  will  not  oflTtill  you 
have  got  somewhat  out  of  it ;  if  you  be  still  digging  in  this  mine, 
this  would  make  you  rich  in  knowledge  \  and,  if  you  be  rich  in 
knowledge,  it  will  make  you  rich  in  grace  likewise.  The  New 
Covenant,  by  Dr.  Preston,  pp.  4M,  455. 4to.  1630. 

r  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



and  exhorted  all  ministers  to  do  so,  as  an  excellent 
means  of  increasing  their  acquaintance  with  the 
Scriptare.     His  expositions  were  not  so  mach  criti- 
cal as  plain,  and  practical,  and  nsefnl ;  and  such  as 
tended  to  edification,  and  to  answer  the  end  for 
which  the  Seriptares  were  written,  which  is  to  make 
us  wise  to  salvation.     And  herein  he  had  a  peculiar 
excellence,  performing  that  daily  exercise  with  so 
much  judgment,  and  at  the  same  time  with  such 
facility  and  clearness,  as  if  eyery  exposition  had 
been  premeditated ;  and  very  instructive  they  were, 
as  well  as  affecting  to  the  auditors.   His  observations 
were  many  times  very  pretty  and  surprising,  and 
such  as  one  shall  not  ordinarily  meet  with.    Com- 
monly, in  his  expositions,  he  reduced  the  matter  of 
the  chapter  or  psalm  read  to  some  heads ;  not  by  a 
logical  analysis,  which  often  minceth  it  too  small, 
and  confounds  the  sense  with  the  terms;  but  by 
SQch  a  distribution  as  the  matter  did  most  easily  and 
imforcedly  fall  into.     He  often  mentioned  that  say- 
ing of  Tertullian's,  "  I  adore  the  fulness  of  the 
Scriptures  i"  and  sometimes  that, — Scriptura  semper 
h§het  aliquid  reUgentihus,    When  sometimes  he  had 
hit  upon  some  useful  observation  that  was  new  to 
hira,  he  would  say  afterwards  to  those  about  him, — 
How  often  have  I  read  this  chapter,  and  never  before 
now  took  notice  of  such  a  thing  in  it  \^  He  put  his 
children,  while  they  were  with  him,  to  write  these 
expositions ;  and  when  they  were  gone  from  him, 
the  strangers  that  sojourned  with  him  did  the  same. 
What  collections  his  children  had,  though  but  broken 
and  very  imperfect  hints,  yet,  when  afterwards  they 
were  disposed  of  in  the  world,  were  of  good  use  to 
them  and  their  families.    Some  expositions  of  this 
nature,  that  is,  plain  and  practical,  and  helping  to 
raise  the  affections  and  g^ide  the  conversation  by 
the  word,  he  often  wished  were  published  by  some 
good  hand  for  the  benefit  of  families :  but  such  was 
his  great  modesty  and  self-diffidence,  though  few 
more  able  for  it,  that  he  would  never  be  persuaded 
to  attempt  any  thing  of  that  kind  himself.    As  an 
evidence  how  much  his  heart  was  upon  it,  to  have 
the  word  of  God  read  and  understood  in  families, 
take  this  .passage  out  of  his  last  will  and  testament ; 
—I  give  and  bequeath  to  each  of  my  four  daughters, 
Mr.  Poole's'  English  Annotations  upon  the  Bible,  in 
two  volumes,  of  the  last  and  best  edition  that  shall 

k  See  a  like  testimony  of  the  Hey.  Geo.  PhiUps.  Mathers  Hist 
of  New  England,  Book  III.  p.  83. 

i  The  author  of  the  Synopsis  Criticoram.  Nat  1034,  ob.  1679. 
or  that  elabonte  work  the  foUowing  notices  appear  in  Mr.  HenrjTs 

MO,  Dec.  la  I  sent  30*.  to  Mr.  T&lents.  with  Mr.  Down's  ac- 
(pilttancefor  the  SOt.  formerly  paid  upon  Mr.  Poole*s  propositions, 
ud  am  now  to  receive  the  lint  volnme,  and  the  second  hereafter, 
vbenteiriied.    Orig.  MS. 

1678,  Oct.  9L  I  have  received  the  Ave  Tolumes  of  Mr.  Poole*s 
Syoopsi*,  and  do  admowledge  myself  therewith  superabundantly 
mXuied,  retnming  beaity  thanks  to  him  for  his  worthy  pains,  and 
heuty  poise  to  Ood  for  his  giacious  aaiifltance,  without  which  it 

be  to  be  had  at  the  time  of  my  decease,  together 
with  Mr.  Barton's  last  and  best  translation  of  the 
Singing  Psalms,  one  to  each  of  them ;  requiring  and 
requesting  them  to  make  daily  use  of  the  same,  for 
the  instruction,  edification,  and  comfort  of  them- 
selves and  their  families. 

But  it  is  time  we  proceed  to  the  method  of  his 
family  worship. 

The  chapter  or  psalm  being  read  and  expounded, 
he  required  from  his  children  some  account  of  what 
they  could  remember  of  it;  and  sometimes  would 
discourse  with  them  plainly  and  familiarly  about  it, 
that  he  might  lead  them  into  an  acquaintance  with  it ; 
and,  if  it  might  be,  impress  something  of  it  upon 
their  hearts. 

He  then  prayed,  and  always  kneeling,  which  he 
looked  upon  as  the  fittest  and  most  proper  gesture 
for  prayer ;  and  he  took  care  that  his  family  should 
address  themselves  to  the  duty,  with  the  outward 
expressions  of  reverence  and  composedness.  He 
usually  fetched  his  matter  and  expressions  in  prayer, 
from  the  chapter  that  was  read,  and  the  psalm  that 
was  sung,  which  was  often  very  affecting,  and  helped 
much  to  stir  up  and  excite  praying  graces.^  He 
sometimes  observed  in  those  Psalms,  where  reference 
is  had  to  the  Scripture  stories,  as  Psalm  Ixxxiii.  and 
many  others,  that  those  who  are  well  acquainted 
with  the  Scriptures,  would  not  need  to  make  use  of 
the  help  of  prescribed  forms,  which  are  very  neces- 
sary for  those  that  cannot  do  the  duty  without  them, 
but  unbecoming  those  that  can ;  as  a  go-cart  is 
needful  to  a  child,  or  crutches  to  one  that  is  lame,* 
but  neither  of  them  agreeable  to  one  that  needs 
them  not.  It  was  the  comparison  he  commonly 
used  in  this  matter. 

[In  recommending  the  use  of  free  prayer,  he  would 
sometimes  say, — Consider,  whether  it  be  possible  to 
draw  up  a  form  that  shall  reach  to  all  a  man's  par- 
ticular occasions ;  that  shall  serve  in  adversity,  as 
well  as  prosperity ;  when  sick,  as  when  in  health. 
We  are  to  pray  always,  in  every  thing.  The  Lord's 
Prayer  is  the  most  complete,  and  perfect,  and  com- 
prehensive, that  can  be,  yet  we  never  find  either 
Christ  himself,  or  his  apostles,  making  use  of  it,  but 
still  varying,  according  to  their  present  occasion. 
True,  all  petitions  may  be  reduced  to  it ;  see  John 
xvii.  and  Acts  iv.    But,  what  folly  were  it,  if  a  man 

could  not  have  been  brought  to  pass.  P.  H.  Orig.  MS.  See  Mr. 
Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet  v.  25.  p.  154,  &c.  There  the  particulars 
relatire  to  the  publication  of  the  Synopsis  are  preserved. 

k  See  a  like  statement  as  to  Blr.  Wheatley.  Fuller's  Abel 
Redivivus,  p.  504.  irf  ntfra. 

1  A  Christian,  in  the  want  of  gifts,  may  lawfully  use  a  set  forme 
of  prayer,  as  a  man  that  hath  a  weake  backe,  or  a  lame  legge, 
may  lean  upon  a  enteh.    Perkins's  Works,  v.  3.  p.  07.  fol.  1617. 

A  prescribed  forme,  eyther  conned  by  heart,  or  read  out  of  a 
booke,  is  very  helpefhll;  as  a  entek,  for  one  that  is  lame  in  his 
limbes.  Yet  let  me  give  this  caution,— that  wee  doe  not  alwaies 
tye  ourself  es  to  a  forme  of  word&  An  Expos,  on  the  Parable  of 
the  Prodigal  Son,  by  Nehemiah  Rogere,  pp.  105, 166.  4to.  1633. 



should  get  a  petition  drawn  up,  and  then  resolve, 
whatever  be  his  straits,  to  deliver  only  that  petition. 
— Consider,  whether  you  do  not  find  forms  deadening 
things.  If  a  preacher  should  preach  the  same  ser- 
mon over,  in  the  same  congregation,  twenty  times, 
or  oftener,  in  a  year,  would  it  not  quite  weary  and 
tire  out  his  hearers  ?  Were  it  not  the  ready  way  to 
preach  them  all  asleep  ?  It  is  one  considerable  pre- 
judice that  is  in  the  hearts  of  some  against  praying 
by  the  Spirit,*"  that  many  times  the  same  thing  is 
repeated.  Supposing  it  to  be  so,  yet,  whether  is 
worse, — always  to  repeat  the  same  prayer,  or,  now 
and  then,  to  repeat  one  and  the  same  expression  in 
prayer? — Consider,  whether  forms  do  not  pervert  the 
very  nature  of  prayer.  In  prayer  there  should  be, 
first,  desires,  and  then  words  to  express  those  desires. 
But  in  forms,  first,  words  are  prescribed,  and  then 
desires  are  to  be  stirred  up  to  answer  to  those  words. 

It  may  be  objected ;— '  I  am  not  learned,  as  others 
are ;  neither  have  I  such  parts  as  others  have ; 
therefore,  it  is  best  for  me  to  pray  out  of  a  book.' 
This  is  grounded  upon  a  mistake  ;  it  is  not  learning 
and  parts,  but  grace,  that  doth  it ;— it  is  the  Spirit  of 
grace  and  supplication ;  not  of  learning  and  suppli- 
cation. I  deny  not,  but  where  grace  and  natural 
abilities  are  together  in  the  same  person,  there,  ordi- 
narily, a  man  is  the  more  powerful  in  prayer;  I 
mean,  in  affecting  others  who  join ;  and  yet,  another, 
who  wants  those  abilities,  and  is  truly  godly,  may 
pray  as  acceptably,  and  speed  as  well  in  prayer,  as  he. 

But  it  is  said,—'  I  distrust  myself,  I  dare  not  go 
to  God  with  a  prayer  of  my  own  inditing ;  it  is,  there- 
fore, best  for  me  to  borrow  one  that  may  have  some 
method  and  elegance  in  it.'  This  also  is  grounded 
upon  a  mistake.  God  regards  not  elegancy  in 
prayer."  He  cares  not  how  little  there  is  of  the  head 
in  the  duty,  so  there  be  a  great  deal  of  the  heart. 
We  must  be  well  acquainted  with  that  boldness  of 
access  which  we  have  to  God,  upon  all  occasions, 
by  Jesus  Christ,  else  we  shall  never  do  any  thing 
this  way.  Hebrews  iv.  14—16.  We  must  approach 
God  in  prayer  as  children  to  a  father.  Ignorance 
of  this  causes  formality  and  ceremony.  Is  not  a 
tender-hearted  father  far  more  delighted  with  the 
lispings  and  stanmiering^  of  his  littie  child,  when  it 
first  begins  to  speak,  than  with  the  neatest,  finest 
speech  that  he  can  hear  from  another  ?  And  what  is 
the  reason  ?  Why,  it  is  his  child.  Take  a  noble- 
man's child,  and  what  doth  he  do  when  he  wants 
clothes,  or  other  necessaries?    Go  to  a  scrivener 

m  They,  says  Bishop  Hopkins,  who  use  prescribed  and  set  forms 
of  prayer,  pray  by  the  Spirit^  when  their  petitions  are  accompanied 
with  fervent  affections,  stirred  in  them  by  the  Holy  Ghost 
Works,  vol.  I.  p.  257.  oct.  ed. 

tt  Though  it  be  the  duty  of  every  person  to  labour  for  fit  words 
of  prayer,  yet  God  doth  not  hear  prayer  for  the  elegancy  of  phrase, 
but  for  the  heavenliness,  and  spiritualness,  and  brokenness  of 
heart  of  him  that  prayes.  The  Christian  compleatly  Aimed,  by 
Mr.  Ralph  Robinson,  p.  172.  duod.  I(U6. 

and  get  a  petition  drawn,  to  present  it  to  his  father ! 
No ;  he  comes  with  boldness, — *  Father,  I  want 
clothes;  will  you  please  to  give  me  them?'  Whereas, 
another  must  observe  ceremonies,  and  circumstances, 
or  else  have  no  hopes  of  success.*] 

In  family  prayer  he  was  usually  most  full  in  giving 
thanks  for  family  mercies,  confessing  family  sins, 
and  begging  family  blessings.  Very  particular  he 
would  sometimes  be  in  prayer  for  his  family  ;  if  any 
were  absent,  they  were  sure  to  have  an  express  peti- 
tion put  up  for  them.  He  used  to  observe,  concern- 
ing Job  i.  6.  that  he  offered  burnt-offerings  for  his 
children,  according  to  the  number  of  them  ally  an  offier- 
ing  for  each  child  ;  and  so  would  he  sometimes  in 
praying  for  his  children,  put  up  a  petition  for  efich 
child.  He  always  observed,  at  the  annual  return 
of  the  birth-day  of  each  of  his  children,  to  bless  God 
for  his  mercy  to  him  and  his  wife  in  that  child ;  the 
giving  of  it,  the  continuance  of  it,  the  comfort  they 
had  in  it,  &c.  with  some  special  request  to  God  for 
that  child.  Every  servant  and  sojourner,  at  their 
coming  into  his  family,  and  their  going  out,  besides 
the  daily  remembrances  of  them,  had  a  particular 
petition  put  up  for  them,  according  as  their  circum- 
stances were.  The  strangers,  that  were  at  any  time 
within  his  gates,  he  was  wont  particularly  to  recom- 
mend to  God  in  prayer,  with  much  affection  and 
Christian  concern  for  them  and  their  concernments. 
He  was  daily  mindful  of  those  that  desired  his  pray- 
ers P  for  them,  and  would  say,  sometimes, — It  is  a 
great  comfort  that  God  knows  who  we  mean  in 
prayer,  though  we  do  not  name  them.  Particularly 
providences  concerning  the  country,  as  to  health  or 
sickness,  good  or  bad  weather,  or  the  like,  he  com- 
monly took  notice  of  in  prayer,  as  there  was  occa- 
sion ;  and  would  often  beg  of  God  to  fit  us  for  the 
next  providence,  whatever  it  might  be.  Nor  did  he 
ever  forget  to  pray  for  the  peace  of  Jerusalem, 

[He  maintained,  that  supplication  must  be  made 
for  all  saints ;  for  those  you  do  not  know,  as  well  as 
for  those  you  do  ;  for  those  that  differ  from  you,  as 
well  as  for  those  with  whom  you  agree ;  for  those  who 
are  in  prosperity,  as  well  as  in  adversity.  For  aU 
saints,  because  all  are  alike  related  to*  Jesus  Christ; 
because  all  are  alike  related  to  you,  as  fellow-mem- 
bers ;  and  it  will  be  an  evidence  you  love  them,  as 
brethren,  when  you  love  them  all,  and  pray  for  them 
all.  When  you  have  nearest  communion  with  God. 
then  remember  me,  said  Bernard  <i  to  a  friend ;  then 
speak,  say  I,  for  the  church.'] 

o  p.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  See  Dr.  Owen's  Work*,  vol.  4.  p.  I,  &c. 
oct.  1823.    Treatise  on  the  Work  of  the  Holy  Spirit  in  Prayer. 

P  Not  to  care  for  the  prayers  of  others  is  pride  -.  not  to  put  up 
prayers  for  others  is  uncharitableness.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

q  See  Flavel's  Seaman's  Farewell.  Works,  vol.  6.  p.  395.  oct. 
1770 ;  and  Milner's  Church  Hist.  v.  3.  p.  330,  &c.  v/  supra.  Bernard 
died,  A.  D.  1153.  aet.  about  63. 

r  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



He  always  concluded  family  prayer,  both  morning 
and  evening,  with  a  solemn  benediction,  after  the 
doxology ; — The  blessing  of  God  Almighty,  the  Fa- 
ther, the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Ghost,  be  with  us,  &c. 
Thos  did  he  daily  bless  his  household. 

Immediately  after  the  prayer  was  ended,  his  chil- 
dren together,  with  bended  knee,  asked  blessing  of 
him  and  their  mother ;  that  is,  desired  of  them  to 
pray  to  God  to  bless  them:  which  blessing*  was 
given  with  great  solemnity  and  affection ;  and  if  any 
of  them  were  absent,  they  were  remembered, — The 
Lord  bless  yon  and  your  brother,  or, — ^you  and  your 
niter,  that  is  absent 

This  was  his  daily  worship,  which  he  never  alter- 
ed, unless,  as  is  after  mentioned,  nor  ever  omitted 
any  pait  of,  though  he  went  from  home  never  so 
early,  or  retamed  never  so  late,  or  had  never  so  much 
buaness  for  his  servants  to  do.  He  would  say,  that 
sonetiiiies  he  saw  cause  to  shorten  them ;  but  he 
woold  never  omit  any  of  them ;  for,  if  an  excuse  be 
OBee  admitted  for  an  omission,  it  will  be  often  re- 
tondng.  He  was  not  willing,  unless  the  necessity 
veie  urgent,  that  any  should  go  from  his  house  in  a 
■oming  before  family  worship ;  but,  upon  such  an 
occasion,  would  mind  his  friends,  that, — prayer  and 
provender  never  hinder  a  journey.' 

He  managed  his  daily  family  worship  so  as  to 
make  it  a  pleasure,  and  not  a  task,  to  his  children 
and  servants ;  for  he  was  seldom  long,  and  never 
tcdioos  in  the  service;  the  variety  of  tlic  duties 
made  it  the  more  pleasant ;  so  that  none  who  joined 
vith  him  had  ever  any  reason  to  say.  Behold,  what 
•  w€0rin€s$  it  it !  Such  an  excellent  faculty  he  had 
of  iradering  religion  the  most  ^weet  and  amiable 
employment  in  the  world ;  and  so  careful  was  he, 
like  Jacoby  to  drive  as  the  children  could  go,  not  put- 
ting new  wine  into  old  bottles.  If  some  good  people, 
that  mean  well,  would  do  likewise,  it  might  prevent 
flttny  of  those  prejudices  which  young  persons  arc 
apt  to  conceive  against  religion,  when  the  services  of 
it  are  made  a  toil  and  a  terror  to  them. 

On  Thursday  evenings,  instead  of  reading,  he 
his  children  and  servants  in  the  Assem- 

•  Sec  the  Ecd.  Biog.  v.  5.  p.  166.  n.  Also  the  Supplement  to  the 
Koniag  Exerdae,  p.  170. 4to.  1674. 

t  It  ii  a  true  pro? erb,~Prayer  and  provender  hinder  no  man. 
The  Svppl  to  the  Mom.  Exerc.  W  ntpra.  p.  287. 

•  Mr.  AlTEUKier  Chalmers  snggesto  that  Collins  may  be  a  mis. 
ipdliaf  fkv  ColUnges.  Dr.  ColUnges  was  a  voluminous  writer; 
■e  tlir  Noneon.  Mem.  v.  3L  p.  9.  No  Catechism,  however,  appears 
is  the  list*  of  his  Works ;  and  every  effort  to  obtain  further  infor- 
MttoB  on  the  sutrfect  has  been  inefl^ctual.  It  may  be  observed, 
tktt  it  Is  **  midtt  *#  writUH  by  Dr.  CollixM." 

The  aoppoaicioii,  as  to  Dr.  Colllnges  being  the  author,  is  the 
more  Ukely,  inamucb  as  he  was  usually  styled  Collins,  or  rather 
ColliDg&  Tim,  on  liis  Portrait,  by  White,  4to.  1678,  we  read,— 
Veim  Eflfics  Jofasnnit  CtQingt^  Si  T.  P.  Anno  Dom.  1678.  »ta- 

*  AppeDdiz,  No.  Xf.  . 

>  1M».  Sab.  Apr.  30th.   I  have  long  since  beea  taught  the  mtb-  ' 

bly's  Catechism,  with  the  Proofs ;  or,  sometimes,  in 
a  little  Catechism,  concerning  the  matter  of  prayer, 
published  in  the  year  1674,  and  said  to  be  written 
by  Dr.  Collins,"  which  they  learned  for  their  help  in 
the  gift  of  prayer,  and  he  explained  it  to  them.  Or 
else  they  read,  and  he  examined  them,  in  some  other 
useful  book,  as  Mr.  Poole's  Dialogues  against  the 
Papists,""  the  Assembly's  Confession  of  Faith  with 
the  Scriptures,  or  the  like. 

On  Saturday  evenings,  his  children  and  servants 
gave  him  an  account  what  they  could  remember  of 
the  chapters  that  had  been  expounded  all  the  week 
before,  in  order,  each  a  several  part,  helping  one 
another's  memories  for  the  recollecting  of  it.  This 
he  called, — gathering  up  the  fragments  which  re- 
mained, that  nothing  might  be  lost.  He  would  say  to 
them  sometimes,  as  Christ  to  his  disciples,— ffave 
ye  understood  all  these  things  ?  If  not,  he  took  that 
occasion  to  explain  them  more  fully.  This  exercise, 
which  he  constantly  kept  up  all  along,  was  both  de- 
lightful and  profitable,  and,  being  managed  by  him 
with  so  much  prudence  and  sweetness,  helped  to 
instil  into  those  about  him  betimes  the  knowledge 
and  love  of  the  Holy  Scriptures. 

When  he  had  sojourners  in  his  family,  who  were 
able  to  bear  a  part  in  such  a  service,  he  had  com- 
monly in  the  winter  time,  set  weekly  conferences, 
on  questions  proposed,  for  their  mutual  edification 
and  comfort  in  the  fear  of  God ;  the  substance  of 
what  was  said,  be  himself  took,  and  kept  an  account 
of,  ill  writing." 

But  the  Lord's  day  *  he  called  and  counted  the 
queen  of  days,  the  pearl  of  the  week,^  and  observed 
it  accordingly.  The  Fourth  Commandment  inti- 
mates a  special  regard  to  be  had  to  the  sabbath  in 
families ;  TAou,  and  thy  son,  and  thy  daughter,  fyc. 
it  is  the  sabbath  of  the  Lord  in  all  your  dwellings. 
In  this,  therefore,  he  was  very  exact,  and  abounded 
in  the  work  of  the  Lord  in  his  family  on  that  day. 
Whatever  were  the  circumstances  of  his  public  op- 
portunities, which  varied,  as  we  shall  find  after- 
wards, his  family  religion  on  that  day  was  the  same. 
Extraordinary  sacrifices  must  never  supersede  the 

liath  is  a  sign ;  •  the  institution  a  sign  of  God's  love  to  us;  the 
sanctification,  a  sign  of  our  love  to  him.    Mrs.  Savage.  Diary, 

Orig.  MS. 

The  opinion  of  Sir  Edward  Turner,  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Commons,  at  the  Prorogation,  July  27,  1663.  is  worth  preserving : 
— "  He  that  remembers  not  to  keep  the  Christian  Sabbath,  at  the 
beginning  of  the  week,  will  be  in  danger  to  forget,  before  the  end 
of  the  week,  that  he  is  a  Christian."    P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

A  statement,  like  the  one  last  mentioned,  is  the  more  observ. 
able,  because  early  associations  were  then  generally  of  another 
cast,  and  repugnant  alike  to  good  taste  and  devotional  feeling. 
See  Alleine's  Vindicias  Pietatis,  p.  129.  duod.  1663. 

7  The  Jews  were  wont  to  call  it  the  guftn  of  daft.  One  of  ours, 
now  translated  into  his  glorious  rest,  honours  it  thus,  calling  it,— 
The  map  of  heaven,  the  golden  spot  of  the  week,  the  market  day  of 
the  soul,  the  qneen  of  dayt,  &c.    Mr.  Geo.  S«\T\Ttf«X  V«iV\%^iwA 

•  Sm  Bxod.  bdO.  1),  VI '  Vwt'^L.  n.  V%,  t«. 



continual  humt-offering  amd  hii  meat-offering^  Namb. 
xxviii.  16.  His  common  salutation  of  his  family  or 
friends,  on  the  Lord's  day  in  the  morning,  was  that 
of  the  primitive  Christians  ;— TA*  Lord  it  risen ;  he 
is  risen  indeed;  making  it  his  chief  business  on  that 
day  to  celebrate  the  memory  of  Christ's  resurrection ; 
and  he  would  say,  sometimes,— Every  Lord's  day  is 
a  true  Christian's  Easter  day.  ;He  took  care  to  have 
his  family  ready  early  on  that  day,  and  was  larger 
in  exposition  and  prayer  on  sabbath  mornings  than 
on  other  days.  He  would  often  remember,  that, 
under  the  law,  the  daily  sacrifice  was  doubled  on 
sabbath  days ;  two  lambs  in  the  morning,  and  two 
in  the  evening.  He  had  always  a  particular  subject 
for  his  expositions  on  sabbath  mornings ;  the  har- 
mony of  the  evangelists  several  times  over,  the  Scrip- 
ture prayers,  Old-Testament  prophecies  of  Christ  ;— 
Christ,  the  true  Treasure,  so  he  entitled  that  subject, 
sought  and  found  in  the  field  of  the  Old  Testament. 
He  constantly  sung  a  psalm  after  dinner,  and  an- 
other after  supper,  on  the  Lord's  days.  And  in  the 
evening  of  the  day  his  children  and  servants  were 
catechized  and  examined  in  the  sense  and  meaning 
of  the  answers  in  the  Catechism ;  that  they  might 
itot  say  it,  as  he  used  to  tell  them,  like  a  parrot,— 
by  rote.  Then  the  day's  sermons  were  repeated, 
commonly  by  one  of  his  children,  when  they  were 
grown  up,  and  while  they  were  with  him;  and 
the  family  gave  an  account  of  what  they  could 
remember  of  the  word  of  the  day,  which  he  en- 
deavoured to  fasten  upon  them,  as  a  nail  in  a  sure 
place.  In  his  prayers  on  the  evening  of  the  sab- 
bath, he  was  often  more  than  ordinarily  enlarg- 
ed ;  as  one  that  found  not  only  God's  service  per- 
fect freedom,  but  his  work  its  own  wages,  and  a  great 
reward,  not  only  after  keeping,  but,  as  he  used  to 
observe,  from  Psalm  xix.  11.  in  keeping,  God*s  com- 
mandments, A  present  reward  of  obedience  an 
obedience.  In  that  prayer  he  was  usually  very  par- 
ticular, in  praying  for  his  family,  and  all  that  be- 
longed to  it.  It  was  a  prayer  he  often  put  up,— 
That  we  might  have  grace  to  carry  it  as  a  minister, 
and  a  minister's  wife,  and  a  minister's  children,  and 
a  minister's  servants,  should  carry  it,  that  the  minis- 
try might  in  nothing  be  blamed.  He  would  some- 
times be  a  particular  intercessor  for  the  towns  and 
parishes  adjacent.  How  have  I  heard  him,  when  he 
hath  been  in  the  mount  with  God,  in  a  sabbath-even- 
ing prayer,  wrestle  with  the  Lord  for  Chester,  and 
Shrewsbury,  and  Nantwich,  and  Wrexham,  and 
Whitchurch,  &c.  those  nests  of  souls,  wherein  there 
are  so  many,  that  cannot  discern  between  their  right 
hand  and  their  left  in  spiritual  things,  &c.  He  closed 
his  sabbath  work  in  his  family  with  singing  Psalm 
oxxxiv.  and,  after  it,  a  solemn  blessing  of  his  family. 

Wish  to  the  Lord's  Day.   Supplement  to  the  Morotag  Everciae  at 
Cripplegate,  p.  141,  ut  $wprs.   Senn.  6. 

[He  frequently  observed  days  of  humiliation  in 
his  family.  Some  of  those  occasions  are  noted  in 
his  Diary.    The  following  are  instances : 

1661.  July  10.  A  day  of  family  humiliation.  The 
Lord  was  sweetly  seen  in  the  midst  of  us,  and  I  trust 
it  was  a  day  of  atonement.  Sin  pardoned,  requests 
made,  covenants  renewed,  in  Jesus  Christ. 

October  10.  We  kept  a  day  of  private  prayer,  and 
humiliation,  in  the  family,  and  the  Lord  was  with 
us.  This  confession  much  aflfected  me,  that  things 
are  not  so  among  us  as  they  should  be  among  those 
who  are  the  relations  of  a  minister  of  Jesus  Christ. 
Lord,  pardon,  and  grant  for  time  to  come  it  may  be 
better ! »] 

Thus  was  he  prophet  and  priest  in  his  own  house ; 
and  he  was  king  there  too,  ruling  in  the  fear  of  God, 
and  not  suffering  sin  upon  any  under  his  roof. 

He  had  many  years  ago  a  man  servant,  that  was 
once  overtaken  in  drink  abroad ;  for  which,  the  next 
morning,  at  family  worship,  he  solemnly  reproved 
him,  admonished  him,  and  prayed  for  him,  with  a 
spirit  of  meekness,  and  soon  after  parted  with  him. 
But  there  were  many  that  were  his  servants,  who, 
by  the  blessing  of  God  upon  his  endeavours,  got  those 
good  impressions  upon  their  souls  which  they  retained 
ever  after ;  and  blessed  God,  with  all  their  hearts, 
that  ever  they  came  under  his  roof.  Few  went  from 
his  service  till  they  were  married,  and  went  to  fami- 
lies of  their  own ;  and  some,  after  they  had  been 
married,  and  had  buried  their  yoke-fellows,  returned 
to  his  service  again,  saying,— 3fa«ter,  it  is  good  to 
be  here. 

He  brought  up  his  children  in  the  fear  of  God,  with 
a  g^at  deal  of  care  and  tenderness,  and  did,  by  his 
practice,  as  well  as  upon  all  occasions  in  discourses, 
condemn  the  indiscretion  of  those  parents  who  are 
partial  in  their  aflfections  to  their  children,  making 
a  difi*erence  between  them,  which  he  observed  did 
often  prove  of  ill  consequence  in  families ;  and  lay 
a  foundation  of  envy,  contempt,  and  discord,  which 
turns  to  their  shame  and  ruin.  His  carriage  towards 
his  children  was  with  great  mildness  and  gentleness, 
as  one  who  desired  rather  to  be  loved  than  feared 
by  them.  He  was  as  careful  not  to  provoke  them  to 
wrathf  nor  to  discourage  them,  as  he  was  to  bring 
them  up  in  the  nurture  and  admonition  of  the  Lord. 
He  ruled  indeed,  and  kept  up  his  authority,  but  it 
was  with  wisdom  and  love,  and  not  with  a  high  hand. 
He  allowed  his  children  a  great  degree  of  freedom 
with  him,  which  gave  him  the  opportunity  of  rea- 
soning them,  not  frightening  them,  into  that  which 
is  good.  He  did  much  towards  the  instruction  of 
his  children  in  the  way  of  familiar  discourse,  ac- 
cording to  that  excellent  directoiy  for  religious  edu- 
cation, Deuteronomy  vi.  7. — Thou  shalt  whet  these 

■  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 






dingi  (so  the  word  is,  which,  he  said,  noted  frequent 
repetition  of  the  same  things)  ufiofi  thy  children,  and 
ikmlt  talk  of  them  when  thou  nttest  in  thy  house,  ^c. 
wkich  made  them  loye  home,  and  delight  in  his  com- 
pany, and  greatly  endecued  religion  to  them. 

[He  woald  ohserve,  sometimes,  that  there  are  five 
good  lessons,  which  they  are  hlessed  who  learn  in 
the  days  of  their  youth. 

1.  To  remember  their  Creator.  Not  only  remem- 
ber that  yon  haye  a  Creator,  but  remember  him  to 
lore  him,  and  fear  him,  and  serve  him. 

2.  To  come  to  Jesus  Christ.  Every  man  that  hath 
heardj  mnd  hath  learned  of  the  Father,  cometh  unto 
me.  Behold,  he  calls  yon ;  he  encourages  you  to 
come  to  him.    He  vnll  in  no  wise  cast  you  out, 

3.  To  bear  the  yoke  in  youth.  The  yoke  is  that 
which  young  ones  cannot  endure.  But  it  is  good  for 
them  to  bear  it.*  The  yoke  of  the  cross.  If  God  lay 
aflictlon  on  you  when  young,  do  not  murmur,  but  bear 
that  cross.  It  is  good  to  be  trained  up  in  the  school 
of  affliction.  The  yoke  of  Christ.  Tahe  my  yohe.  It 
is  an  easy  yoke ;  his  commandments  are  not  grievous. 

4.  Tofiee  youthful  lusts.  Those  who  are  taught 
of  God  haTC  learned  this.  See  that  you  do  not  love 
your  pleasures  more  than  the  sanctifying  of  the  sab- 
bath. This  man  is  not  of  God,  because  he  heepeth  not 
the  sahhatk  day. 

5u  To  cleanse  their  way.  How?  By  tahing  heed 
thereto  according  to  thy  word.  Love  your  Bibles. 
Meditate  in  them  day  and  night.  And,  if  you  do 
thus,  you  are  taught  of  God.**] 

He  did  not  burthen  his  children's  memories  by  im- 
posing upon  them  the  getting  of  chapters  and  psalms 
without  book ;  but  endeavoured  to  make  the  whole 
word  of  God  familiar  to  them,  especially  the  scrip- 
tare  stories,  and  to  bring  them  to  understand  it  and 
love  it,  and  then  they  would  easily  remember  it.  He 
■sed  to  observe,  from  Psalm  cxix.03. — /  will  never 
fsrget  thy  jtrecepts,for  with  them  thou  hast  quichened 
me  ^— that  we  are  then  likely  to  remember  the  word 
of  God  when  it  doth  us  good.' 

He  tanght  all  his  children  to  write  himself,  and  set 
them  betimes  to  write  sermons,  and  other  things  that 
mif^t  be  of  use  to  them.  He  taught  his  eldest 
dangfater  the  Hebrew  tongue  when  she  was  about  six 
or  seven  yean  old,  by  an  English  Hebrew  Grammar, 
whidi  he  made  on  purpose  for  her ;  and  she  went  so 
fitf  in  it,  as  to  be  able  readily  to  read  and  construe 
a  Hebrew  Psalm. 

He  drew  op  a  short  form  of  the  baptismal  cove- 
it  for  the  use  of  his  children.    It  was  this ; — 

OHt  bavc  not  been  imired  to  the  yoke  of  obedience 
wtil  never  endnre  the  yoke  of  suffering.  P.  Henry.  Com.  Place 
Book.  Or%.  MS. 

b  P.  Henry.   Fhm  a  MS.  in  the  hand-writing  of  Bfn.  Savage. 

•  *«T1ioie  that  have  received  comfort,  life,  and  quickening,  by 
the  word  of  God,  find  themadves  obliged  to  remember  it  for 
ever  **    Dr.  Maaton.  UTorfca,  vol.  i.  p.  J07.    Fol.  1681. 

4  To  dnoac  Cbriit,  ^Ot  freely  and  ^eHberateJy,  upon  advice  and  I 

*      M  2 

I  take  God  the  Father  to  be  my  chiefest  good 

and  highest  end. 
I  take  God  the  Son  to  be  my  Prince  and  Saviour.^ 
I  take  God  the  Holy  Ghost  to  be  my  Sanctifier, 

Teacher,  Guide,  and  Comforter. 
I  take  the  word  of  God  to  be  my  rule  in  all  my 

And  the  people  of  God  to  be  my  people  in  all 

I  do  likewise  devote  and  dedicate  unto  the  Lord, 

my  whole  self,  all  I  am,  all  I  have,  and  all  I 

can  do. 
And  this  I  do  deliberately,  sincerely,  freely,  and 

for  ever. 

This  he  taught  his  children ;  and  they  each  of 
them  solemnly  repeated  it  every  Lord's  day  in  the 
evening,  after  they  were  catechised,  he  putting  his 
Amen  to  it,  and  sometimes  adding, — So  say,  and  so 
do,  and  you  are  made  for  ever. 

He  also  took  pains  with  them  to  lead  them  into 
the  understanding  of  it,  and  to  persuade  them  to  a 
free  and  cheerful  consent  to  it.  And,  when  they 
g^w  up,  he  made  them  all  write  it  over  severally 
with  their  own  hands,  and  very  solemnly  set  their 
names  to  it,  which  he  told  them  he  would  keep  by 
him,  and  it  should  be  produced  as  a  testimony 
against  them,  in  case  they  should  afterwards  depart 
from  God,  and  turn  from  following  after  him. 

He  was  careful  to  bring  his  children  betimes 
(when  they  were  about  sixteen  years  of  age)  to  the 
ordinance  of  the  Lord's  supper,  to  take  the  cove- 
nant of  God  upon  themselves,  and  to  make  their  de- 
dication to  God  their  own  act  and  deed ;  and  a  g^eat 
deal  of  pains  he  took  with  them,  to  prepare  them 
for  that  great  ordinance,  and  so  to  translate  them 
into  the  state  of  adult  church-membership.  And  he 
would  often  blame  parents,  who  would  think  them- 
selves undone  if  they  had  not  their  children  baptized, 
and  yet  took  no  care  when  they  grew  up  and  made 
a  profession  of  the  Christian  religion,  to  persuade 
them  to  the  Lord's  supper.— It  is  true,  he  would  say, 
buds  and  blossoms  are  not  fruit,  but  they  give  hopes 
of  fruit ;  and  parents  may,  and  should,  take  hold  of 
the  good  beginnings  of  grace  which  they  see  in  their 
children,  by  those  to  bind  them  so  much  the  closer 
to,  and  lead  them  so  much  the  faster  in,  the  way  that 
is  called  holy.  By  this  solemn  engagement,  the  door, 
which  stood  half  open  before,  and  invited  the  thief, 
is  shut  and  bolted  against  temptation.  And,  to  those 
who  pleaded  that  they  were  not  fit,  he  would  say, — 

consultation  with  ounelvea,  being  thoroughly  convinced  of  hit 
excelleney,  and  our  own  need  or  him,  to  accept  him  at  our  only 
Portion,  our  Lord  and  Saviour,  renouncing  every  tiling  elae,  be 
what  it  will,  that  may  stand  in  competition  with  him.  P.  Henry. 
Orig  MS. 

c  It  it  our  principle,  that  we  mu«l  moiVLe  tkt  word  tK«  tuU  oj  aU  mt 
aeliwt.   Borroughs'B  Motea^s  CV^oice,  p.  ttX.  4\.q.  VonK^. 



That  the  further  they  went  into  the  world,  the  less 
fit  they  would  be.  Qui  non  est  hodie  eras  minus 
aphis  erit.  Not  that  phildren  should  be  compelled 
to  it,  nor  those  that  are  wilfully  ignorant,  untoward, 
and  perverse,  admitted  to  it,  but  those  children  that 
are  hopeful  and  well  inclined  to  the  things  of  God, 
and  appear  to  be  concerned  in  other  duties  of  re- 
ligion, when  they  be(pn  to  put  away  childish  things, 
should  be  incited,  and  encouraged,  and  persuaded 
to  this,  that  the  matter  may  be  brought  to  an  issue, 
— Nay,  bui  we  will  serve  the  Lord ;  fast  bind,  fast 
find.  Abundant  thanksgivings  have  been  rendered 
to  God  by  many  of  his  friends  for  his  advice  and 
assistance  herein. 

In  dealing  with  his  children  about  their  spiritual 
state,  he  took  hold  of  them  very  much  by  the  handle 
of  their  infant  baptism,  and  frequently  inculcated 
that  upon  them,  that  they  were  bom  in  God's  house, 
and  were  betimes  dedicated  and  given  up  to  him, 
and,  therefore,  were  obliged  to  be  his  servants. 
Psalm  cxvi.  16.  /  am  thy  sei'vanty  because  the  son 
of  thine  handmaid.  This  he  was  wont  to  illustrate 
to  them  by  the  comparison  of  taking  a  lease  of  a  fair 
estate  for  a  child  in  the  cradle,  and  putting  his  life 
into  it.  The  child  then  knows  nothing  of  the  matter, 
nor  is  he  capable  of  consenting ;  however,  then  he 
is  maintained  out  of  it,  and  hath  an  interest  in  it ; 
and  when  he  grows  up,  and  becomes  able  to  choose, 
and  refuse,  for  himself,  if  he  go  to  his  landlord,  and 
claim  the  benefit  of  the  lease,  and  promise  to  pay 
the  rent,  and  do  the  services,  well  and  good,  he  hath 
the  benefit  of  it,  if  otherwise  it  is  at  his  peril.  Now, 
children,  he  would  say,  our  great  Landlord  was 
willing  that  our  lives  should  be  put  into  the  lease  of 
heaven  and  happiness,  and  it  was  done  accordingly, 
by  your  baptism,  which  is  the  seal  of  the  righteous- 
ness that  is  by  faith ;  and  by  that  it  was  assured  to 
you,  that  if  you  would  pay  the  rent  and  do  the  ser- 
vice, that  is,  live  a  life  of  faith  and  repentance,  and 
sincere  obedience,  you  shall  never  be  turned  off  the 
tenement ;  but  if  now  you  dislike  the  terms,  and  re- 
fuse to  pay  tills  rent,  (this  chief  rent,  so  he  would 
call  it,  for  it  is  no  rack,)  you  forfeit  the  lease.  How- 
ever, you  cannot  but  say,  that  you  had  a  kindness 
done  you,  to  have  your  lives  put  into  it.  Thus  did 
he  frequently  deal  with  his  children,  and  even  tra- 
vail in  birth  again  to  see  Christ  formed  in  them,  and 
from  this  topic  he  generally  argued ;  and  he  would 
often  say, — If  infant  baptism  were  more  improved, 
it  would  be  less  disputed. 

He  not  only  taught  his  children  betimes  to  pray, 
(which  he  did  especially  by  his  own  pattern,  his 
method  and  expressions  in  prayer  being  very  easy 
and  plain,)  but  when  they  were  young  he  put  them 

f  See  Tong'sLifc  of  Matt  Henry,  p.  18,  uinpra. 
g  Boreatton,  near  Baschurcli,  in  Shropshire.    See  Letters  to  a 
Vouagr  Cle/iB^ymaD,  v.  i.  ^.  145,  146. 

upon  it,  to  pray  together,  and  appointed  them  on 
Saturdays  in  the  afternoon '  to  spend  some  time  to- 
gelher, — none  but  they,  and  such  of  their  age  as 
might  occasionally  be  with  them,— in  reading  good 
books,  especially  those  for  children,  and  in  singing 
and  praying ;  and  would  sometimes  tell  them  for 
their  encouragement,  that  the  God  with  whom  we 
have  to  do,  understands  broken  language.  And,  if 
we  do  as  well  as  we  can  in  the  sincerity  of  our 
hearts,  we  shall  not  only  be  accepted,  but  taught  to 
do  better.     To  him  that  hath  shall  6;  given. 

He  sometimes  set  his  children,  in  their  own  read- 
ing of  the  Scriptures,  to  gather  out  such  passages  as 
they  took  most  notice  of,  and  thought  most  con- 
siderable, and  write  them  down.  Though  this  per- 
formance was  very  small,  yet  the  endeavour  was 
of  good  use.  He  also  directed  them  to  insert  in 
a  paper  book,  which  each  of  them  had  for  the  pur- 
pose, remarkable  sayings  and  stories,  which  they 
met  with  in  reading  such  other  good  books  as  he 
put  into  their  hands. 

He  took  a  pleasure  in  relating  to  them  the  remark- 
able providences  of  God,  both  in  his  own  time,  and 
lit  the  days  of  old,  which,  he  said,  parents  were  taught 
to  do  by  that  appointment.  Exodus  xii.  26,  27.— 
Yotw  children  shall  ash  you  in  time  to  come.  What 
mean  you  by  this  service,  and  you  shall  tell  them  so 
and  so. 

What  his  pious  care  was  concerning  his  children, 
and  with  what  a  godly  jealousy  he  was  jealous  over 
them,  take  in  one  instance.  When  they  had  been 
for  a  week  or  a  fortnight  kindly  entertained  at 

B ,«  as  they  were  often,  he  thus  writes  in  his 

Diary  upon  their  return  home ; — ^My  care  and  fear  is, 
lest  converse  with  such  so  far  above  them,  though  of 
the  best,  should  have  influence  upon  them  to  lift 
them  up,  when  I  had  rather  they  should  be  kept 
low.  For,  as  he  did  not  himself,  so  he  was  very  so- 
licitous to  teach  his  children,  not  to  mind  high  things; 
not  to  desire  them,  not  to  expect  them  in  this  world.** 

We  shall  conclude  this  chapter  vnth  another  pas- 
sage out  of  his  Diary : — 

April  12,  1681.  This  day  fourteen  years  the  Lord 
took  my  first-bom  son  from  me,  the  beginning  of 
my  strength  with  a  stroloe.  In  the  remembrance 
whereof  my  heart  melted  this  evening.  I  begged 
pardon  for  the  Jonah  that  raised  the  storm.  I  blessed 
the  Lord,  that  hath  spared  the  rest.  I  begged  mer- 
cy,.~mercy  for  every  one  of  them ;  and  absolntely 
and  unreservedly  devoted  and  dedicated  them,  my- 
selfv  my  whole  self,  estate,  interest,  life,  to  the  will 
and  service  of  that  God  from  whom  I  received 
all.  Fathei,  hallowed  be  thy  name.  Thy  hingdom 
come,  Sfc, 

h  Appendix,  No.  XII. 





Having  thus  laid  together  the  instances  of  his 
imiiy  religion,  we  must  now  return  to  the  history 
'  erents  that  were  concerning  him,  and  are  ohliged 

•  look  back  to  the  first  year  after  his  marriage, 
hich  was  the  year  that  king  Charles  the  Second 
une  in ;  a  year  of  great  changes  and  struggles  in 
16  land,  which  Mr.  Baxter,  in  his  Life,*  gives  a 
ill,  and  clear,  and  impartial  idea  of ;  by  which  it 
ay  easily  be  guessed  how  it  went  with  Mr.  Henry 
I  his  low  and  narrow  sphere,  whose  sentiments  in 
lose  things  were  very  much  the  same  with  Mr. 

Many  of  his  best  friends  in  Worthenbury  parish 
ere  lately  removed  by  death;  Emeral  family  con- 
ary  to  what  it  had  been ;  and  the  same  spirit, 
hich  that  year  reyived  all  the  nation  over,  was 
orking  violently  in  that  country,  viz,  a  spirit  of 
"eat  enmity  to  such  men  as  Mr.  Henry  was. 
''orthenbury,  npon  the  King's  coming  in,  returned 
to  its  former  relation  to  Bangor,  and  was  looked 
loa  as  a  chapelry  dependent  upon  that.  Mr. 
chert  Fogg  had,  for  many  years,  held  the  seques- 
red  Rectory  of  Bangor,  which  now  Dr.  Henry 
ridgman,^  (son  to  John,  Bishop  of  Chester,*^  and 
other  to  the  Lord  Keeper  Bridgman,**)  returned  to 
e  possession  of.  By  which  Mr.  Henry  was  soon 
tprehensive  that  his  interest  at  Worthenbury  was 
laken ;  but  thus  he  writes.: — The  will  of  the  Lord 
;  done.  Lord,  if  my  work  be  done  here,  provide 
me  other  for  this  people,  that  may  be  more 
ilful,  and  more  successful,  and  cut  out  work  for 
e  elsewhere;  however,  I  will  take  nothing  ill 
bich  God  doth  with  me. 

He  laboured  what  be  could  to  make  Dr.  Bridg- 
an  his  friend,*  who  gave  him  good  words,  and  was 
:ry  civil  to  him,  and  assured  him  that  he  would 
;ver  remove  him  till  the  law  did.  But  he  must 
ok  upon  himself  as  the  Doctor's  Curate,  and 
spending  upon  his  vvjjl,  which  kept  him  in  con- 
lual  expectations  of  a  removal ;  however,  he  con- 
sued  in  his  liberty  there  above  a  year,  though  in 
ly  fickle  and  precarious  circumstances. 
The  grand  question  now  on  foot  was,  whether  to 
•nform,  or  no.  He  used  all  means  possible  to 
tisfy  himself  concerning  it,  by  reading  and  dis- 

t  See  Reljq.  Baxter.  Lib.  L  Part.  IL  p.  229,  &,c.  vt supra. 

*  Ob.  15th  May.  1682.    Wood's  Ath.  Ozon.  ut  npra.  v.  4.  p.  86a 
He  died  at  Morton,  near  Oswestry,  in  Shropshire,  and  was 

ried  at  Kinneriey .  He  wa<  the  author  of  the  "  Leger/*  now  depo- 
ed  in  the  Episcopal  Retristry.  Ormerod'sHist.  of  Cheshire,  v.  i. 
C   See  alao  Prioce's  Worthies  of  Devon,  p.  133. 4 to  ed.  1810. 

See  pi  4%.  Mir. 
Appendix,  No.  XnL 

course,  particularly  at  Oxford,  with  Dr.  Fell,  after- 
wards  Bishop  of  Oxford,  but  in  vain ;  his  dissatis- 
faction remained; — however,  saith  he,  I  dare  not 
judge  those  that  do  conform ;  for,  who  am  I,  that  I 
should  judge  my  brother? 

[Addressing  Dr.  Bridgman  about  this  period,  his 
views  are  thus  expressed : — 

I  think  I  am  none  of  those  who  are  in  the  ex- 
tremes ;  nevertheless,  my  resolution  is,  if  those 
things  be  indispensably  imposed  which  I  cannot 
practise  without  sinning  against  my  conscience,  I 
shall  choose  rather  to  lose  all,  yet  not  violating,  by 
my  good  will,  the  public  peace  of  the  church.  And 
herein,  I  presume,  you  will  not  blame  me.  But,  if 
moderation  be  used,  wherein  it  will  be  your  honour 
to  be  instrumental,  if  my  poor  talent  may  contribute 
any  thing  to  the  glory  of  God,  and  the  salvation  of 
souls,  I  trust  I  shall  never  be  found  guilty  of  wil- 
fully burying  it,  lest  I  fall  under  the  woe,  if  I  preach 
not  the  gospel.  God,  of  his  infmite  mercy,  direct  you, 
and  all  who  are  called  to  consult  in  the  affairs  of 
religion,  that  you  may  do  nothing  against  the  truth 
and  peace,  but /or  it,  which  is  the  hearty  prayer  of, 


Your  servant  in  the  gospel, 

P.  Henry.'] 

He  hath  noted,  that  being  at  Chester,  in  discourse 
with  the  Dean  and  Chancellor  and  others,  about 
this  time,  the  great  argument  they  used  with  him  to 
persuade  him  to  conform  was,  that  else  he  would 
lose  his  preferment ;  and  what,  said  they,  you  are  a 
young  man,  and  are  you  wiser  than  the  King  and 
Bishops? 8  But  this  is  his  reflection  upon  it  after- 
wards ; — God  grant  that  I  may  never  be  left  to  con- 
sult with  flesh  and  blood  in  such  matters ! 

In  September,  1660,  Mr.  Fogg,  and  Mr.  Steel,  and 
Mr.  Henry,  were  presented  at  Flint  Assizes,  for  not 
reading  the  Common  Prayer,  though  as  yet  it  was 
not  enjoined,  but  there  were  some  busy  people  that 
would  outrun  the  law.  They  entered  their  appear- 
ance, and  it  fell ;  for,  soon  after  the  King's  Decla- 
ration,** touching  Ecclesiastical  Affairs,  came  out, 
which  promised  liberty,  and  gave  hopes  of  settle- 
ment ;  but  the  spring  assizes  afterwards,  Mr.  Steel 
and  Mr.  Henry  were  presented  again.  On  this  he 
writes,— Be  merciful  to  me,  O  God,  for  man  would 
swallow  me  up !  The  Lord  show  me  what  he  would 
have  me  to  do,  for  I  am  afraid  of  nothing  but  sin.* 

It  appears  by  the  hints  of  his  Diary,  that  he  had 

f  Orig  MS. 

K  See  Dr.  Ames's  Fresh  Suit.  4to.  16J3.  Prefoce,  p.  10. 

h  See  it  in  Tracts  selected  from  Lord  Somers's  Collections.  4to. 
17M.  p.  349,  &c. 

i  When  Chrysostom  had  offended  the  Empress  Eudoxla,  and  she 
thereupon  sent  him  a  threatening  message,  he  answered,— Go,  telt 
her,  Ntt  nisipeccatum  tinuo ;  1  fear  nothing  but  sin.  The  Marrow  ot 
EccL  Hist  by  Samuel  Clark*  p.  145.  ut  supra. 



melancholy  apprehensions  at  this  time  about  pub- 
lic affairs,  seeing  and  hearing  of  so  many  faithful 
ministers  disturbed,  silenced,  and  insnared ;  the 
ways  of  Sion  mourning,  and  the  quiet  in  the  land 
treated  as  the  troublers  of  it ;  his  soul  wept  in  secret 
for  it.  [What  to  think,  I  know  not,  concerning  the 
affairs  of  the  nation  ;  a  cloud  rises ;  but.  Lord,  mine 
eyes  are  unto  thee!'']  And  yet  he  joined  in  the 
annual  commemoration  of  the  King's  Restoration, 
and  preached,  on  Mark  xii.  17.  Render  to  Casar  the 
things  that  are  Casar*s  ;  considering,  saith  he,  that 
this  was  his  right ;  also,  the  sad  posture  of  the  civil 
government,  through  usurpers,  and  the  manner  of 
his  coming  in  without  bloodshed.  This  he  would  all 
his  days  speak  of  as  a  national  mercy,  but  what  he 
rejoiced  in  with  a  great  deal  of  trembling  for  the 
ark  of  God ;  and  he  would  sometimes  say,—- That, 
during  those  years  between  forty  and  sixty,  though 
on  civil  accounts  there  were  g^eat  disorders,  and  the 
foundations  were  out  of  course,  yet,  in  the  lAatters  of 
God's  worship,  things  went  well ;  there  was  free- 
dom,' and  reformation,  and  a  face  of  godliness  was 
upon  the  nation,  though  there  were  those  that  made 
but  a  mask  of  it  Ordinances  were  administered  in 
power  and  purity ;  and,  though  there  was  much 
amiss,  yet  religion,  at  least  in  the  profession  of  it, 
did  prevail.  This,  saith  he,  we  know  very  well,  let 
men  say  what  they  will  of  those  times. 

In  November,  1600,  he  took  the  oath  of  allegiance 
at  Orton,*"  before  Sir  Thomas  Hanmer,"  and  two 
other  Justices,  of  which  he  hath  left  a  memorandum 
in  his  Diary,  with  this  added  ; — God  so  help  me,  as 
I  purpose  in  my  heart,  to  do  accordingly.  Nor  could 
any  more  conscientiously  observe  that  oath  of  God 
than  he  did,  nor  more  sincerely  promote  the  ends 
of  it. 

That  year,  according  to  an  agp'eement  with  some 
of  his  brethren  in  the  ministry,  who  hoped  thereby 
to  oblige  some  people,  he  preached  upon  Christmas 
day.  The  sabbath  before,  it  happened,  that  the 
twenty-third  chapter  of  Leviticus,  which  treats  en- 
tirely of  the  Jewish  feasts,  called  there  the  feasts  of 
the  Lord,  came  in  course  to  be  expounded,  which 
gave  him  occasion  to  distinguish  of  feasts  into  divine 
and  ecclesiastical ;  the  divine  feasts  that  the  Jews 
had  were  those  there  appointed ;  their  ecclesiastical 
feasts  were  those  of  Purim°  and  of  Dedication,  p 
And,  in  the  application  of  it,  he  said, — He  knew  no 
divine  feast  we  have  under  the  gospel  but  the  Lord's 

k  p.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

1  Let  it  not  be  ima^nned  that  this  superior  religious  rreedom  was 
a  privilege  at  all  peculiar  to  the  Commonwealth,  or  to  the  Protec- 
torshipi  for,  the  most  perfect  religious  emancipation  may  be 
equally  guaranteed  and  enjoyed  under  a  King,  Lords,  and  Com- 
mons, as  under  any  other  form  of  government  in  the  world.  Brook's 
Hist,  of  Rel.  Lib.  v.  i.  p.  53G. 

m  Overlon.  Orton  is  a  corruption.  See  Camden's  Brit  Gougb's 

eelv.2.  p.  IS3. 
a  SeePenn&nrs  Touts  in  Wales,  r.  I.  p.  'J92, 

day,  intended  for  the  commemoration  of  the  whole 
mercy  of  our  redemption.  And  the  most  that  could 
be  said  for  Christmas  was,  that  it  is  an  ecclesiastical 
feast;  and  it  is  questionable  with  some,  whether 
church  or  state,  though  they  might  make  a  good 
day,  Esther  ix.  19.  could  make  a  holy  day.  Never- 
theless, forasmuch  as  we  find  our  Lord  Jesus,  John 
X.  22.  so  far  complying  with  the  church  feast  of 
dedication,  as  to  take  occasion  from  the  people's 
coming  together,  to  preach  to  them,  he  purposed  to 
preach  upon  Christmas  day,  knowing  it  to  be  his 
duty,  in  season  and  out  of  season.  He  preached  on 
1  John  iii.  8. — For  this  purpose  was  the  Son  of  God 
manifested,  that  he  might  destroy  the  works  of  the 
devil.  And  he  minded  his  people,  that  it  is  double 
dishonour  to  Jesus  Christ,  to  practise  the  works  of 
the  devil  then,  when  we  keep  a  feast  in  memory  of 
his  manifestation. 

His  annuity  from  Emeral  was  now  withheld,  be- 
cause he  did  not  read  the  Common  Prayer,  though, 
as  yet,  there  was  no  law  for  reading  of  it :  hereby 
he  was  disabled  to  do  what  he  had  been  wont  for  the 
help  and  relief  of  others  ;  and  this  he  has  recorded 
as  that  which  troubled  him  most  under  that  disap- 
pointment. But  he  blessed  God,— That  he  had  a 
heart  to  do  good,  even  when  his  hand  was  empty. 

When  the  Emeral  family  was  unkind  to  him,  he 
reckoned  it  a  great  mercy,  which  he  gave  God  thanks 
for,  (who  makes  every  creature  to  be  that  to  us  that 
it  is,)  that  Mr.  Broughton  and  his  family,  which  is 
of  considerable  figure  in  the  parish,i  continued  their 
kindness  and  respects  to  him,  and  their  countenance 
of  his  ministry,  which  he  makes  a  grateful  mention 
of  more  than  once  in  his  Diary. 

Many  attempts  were  made  in  the  year  1661  to 
disturb  and  insnare  him,  and  it  was  still  expected 
that  he  would  have  been  hindered.— Methinks,  saith 
he,  sabbaths  were  never  so  sweet  as  they  arc,  now 
we  are  kept  at  such  uncertainties ;  now,  a  day  in  thy 
courts  is  better  than  a  thousand ;  such  a  day  as  this, 
saith  he  of  a  sacrament-day  that  year,  better  than 
ten  thousand.  Oh,  that  we  might  yet  see  many  such 

[Some  extracts  from  his  Diary,  at  this  period, 
clearly  evince  the  elevated  piety  and  holy  meekness 
of  the  writer,  and  should  excite  gratitude  for  present 
privileges,  civil  and  religious. 

1661.  January,  24,  25.  A  time  of  trouble  in  the 
nation.  Many  good  men  imprisoned  and  restrained : 

o  The  Feast  of  Lots,  in  commemoration  of  the  provideRtial 
deliverance  ofthe  Jews  from  the  cruel*  machinations  of  Haman. 
See  Home's  Introd.  to  the  Critical  Study  and  Knowledge  of  the 
Holy  Scriptures,  v.  3.  p.  314.  4th  ed. 

p  A  grateful  memorial  of  the  cleansing  of  the  second  teiUple  ana 
altar,  after  they  had  been  proOined  by  AnUochus  Epiptianes. 
Home's  Introd.  v.  3.  p.  315.  it/  wfta.        <- 

%  John  Broughton  d  welleth  y  n  Wortbembre  Paroche,  at  Brough- 
ton.   Leland,  vt—pra,  p.  31. 



fome  withy  some  withoat,  cause.  I  am  yet  in  peace, 
blessed  be  Ood,  bat  expect  saffering^.  Lord,  pre- 
pare me  for  it,  and  grant  that  I  may  never  suffer  as 
an  eril-doer,  but  as  a  Christian ! 

31.  Thin^  are  low  with  me  in  the  world;  but 
three-pence '  left.  My  hope  is  yet  in  the  Lord,  that 
in  doe  time  he  will  supply  me.    Amen, 

April  3.  Hanmer  exercise.*  Mr.  Porter  and  Mr. 
Steel  taught.  I  was  design^ed  to  it,  but  it  was  much 
better  as  it  w^m.  Sir  Thomas  Hanmer  signified  his 
disiike  of  it,  ^which  made  it  doubtful  whether  we 
should  haTe  any  more,  but  at  parting  I  never  saw 
mcb  a  face  of  sadness  as  was  upon  those  who  were 
present.  Sure,  God  hears  the  sighs,  and  sees  the 
tears,  of  his  poor  people. 

Jane  16.  Common-Prayer  Book  tendered  again ; 
why,  I  know^  not.  Lord,  they  devise  devices  against 
me,  but  in  thee  do  I  put  my  trust.  Father,  forgive 
thm  !  My  hands  are  yet  clean  from  the  pollutions  of 
the  times.  Lord,  keep  them,  and  let  no  iniquity  pre- 
uiltigainst  me. 

23.  Strong  reports  I  should  not  be  suffered  to 
preach  to-day  ;  but  I  did ;  and  no  disturbance. 
Blessed  be  God,  who  hath  my  enemies  in  a  chain. 

July  4.  News  from  London  of  speedy  severity 
intended  against  nonconformists.  The  Lord  can 
yet,  if  he  vrill,  break  the  snare.  If  not,  welcome  the 
will  of  God. 

7.  In  despite  of  enemies,  the  Lord  hath  granted 
the  liberty  of  one  sabbath  more.    To  him  be  praise. 

8.  I  received  a  letter  from  Dr.  Bridgman,  wherein 
he  informed  me,  if  I  did  not  speedily  conform,  his 
power  would  no  longer  protect  me ;  to  which  I  wrote 
a  dilatory  answer,  hoping,  yet,  my  God  may  find  out 
some  way  to  break  the  snare.  However,  I  had  rather 
lose  all,  and  save  my  conscience,  than  contra, 

9.  I  advised  with  friends ;  R.  B.  told  me,  though 
he  desired  my  stay  above  any  outward  thing  in  the 
world,  yet  he  could  wish  rather  I  would  be  gone, 
tiian  conform.  I  was  with  Mr.  Steel,  with  whom  I 
spent  two  or  three  hours  in  discourse  about  it,  and 
returned  home  strengthened. 

24.  Great  expectation  of  a  severe  act  about  im- 
posing the  Common-Prayer  and  ceremonies.  It 
passed  both  Houses  of  Parliament,  but  is  not  signed 
by  the  King.    Lord,  bis  heart  is  in  thy  hand ;  if  it  be 

r  See  the  life  of  Thomas  Perkins.  Palmer's  Noncon.  Mem.  y. 

•  l0  the  year  1576  Archbishop  Griodal "  encouraged  a  practice 
vliicii  was  taken  ap  in  divers  places  of  the  nation :  the  manner 
whereof  was.  that  the  ministers  of  such  a  division,  at  a  set  time, 
met  together  in  some  church ;  and  there,  each  in  their  order,  ex- 
piafned,  according  to  their  abihty,  some  particular  portion  of 
gripliire  allotted  them  before,  fcc.  At  these  anemblies  there  were 
great  conflmres  of  people  to  hear  and  learn."  These  were  com. 
oonlj  called  SxtrctM*^  or  Prophesyings.  However,  the  Queen 
(Eltiabeth)  **  liked  not  of  them,"  nor  would  she  have  them  con. 
tlDoed.  **  The  Arcbbiibop  being  at  court,  she  required  him  to 
abridge  the  Domber  of  preachers,  and  to  put  down  the  religious 
exeioaea.*'  **  This  did  not  a  Uttie  afflict  the  grave  man."  '*  He 
thought  the  Queen  nvKle  some  infringement  upon  his  office,  nor 

thy  will,  turn  it ;  if  otherwise,  fit  thy  people  to  safier, 
and  cut  short  the  work  in  righteousness ! 

August  11.  One  sabbath's  liberty  more.  Oh,  how 
good  is  the  Lord !  Many  hearers  from  Wrexham  are 
forced  to  wander  for  bread.  Lord,  pity  them,  and 
provide  for  them ! 

22.  Mr.  Steel  came  to  see  us.  We  are  in  doubt 
what  to  do  in  point  of  conformity.  Lord,  say  unto 
us,  This,  or  that,  is  the  way,  and  we  will  walk  in  it ! 

25.  Common-Prayer  tendered.  God  knows  how 
loth  I  am  to  go  off  my  station ;  but  I  must  not  sin 
against  my  conscience. 

27.  I  went  to  Wrexham,  and  thence  to  Ash,*  where 
I  stayed  all  night,  and  was  much  made  of.  Offence 
taken  at  Mr.  Hanmer  saying  more  than  needed  about 
conformity.    He  shall  be  Lot's  wife"  to  me. 

September  1.  The  Lord  hath  been  good  this  day, 
in  giving  liberty  for  public  ordinances ;  on  which 
score  wc  are  indebted  to  him  for  ever ;  we  of  this 
place,  above  many  other  places. 

8.  This  morning  I  verily  thought  I  should  have 
been  hindered  from  preaching,  but  was  not.  The 
Lord  heard  prayers.  Dr.  Bridgman  sent  me  a  Pro- 
hibition from  the  Chancellor  to  peruse,  upon  com- 
plaint from  Sir  Thomas  Hanmer.  It  was  not  pub- 
lished. Mr.  Taylor "^  hindered  at  Holt.  Mr.  Adams 
at  Penley.  Lord,  think  of  thy  vineyard !  They  took 
the  cushion  from  me,  but  the  pulpit  was  left.  Bless- 
ed be  God. 

29.  Liberty  yet  continued ;  an  order  was  brought 
to  me  to  be  published,  prohibiting  strangers  from 
coming  hither  to  church,  but  I  published  it  not. 
Lord,  provide  for  poor  congregations,  that  are  as 
sheep  without  a  shepherd ! 

October  17.  I  was  cited  to  appear  at  the  Bishop's 
Court,  as  upon  this  day,  but  went  not.  My  fault  was, 
-^hindering  the  publishing  of  the  Dean's  Order  as  to 
strangers.  If  I  had  hindered  it,  it  had  been  a  email 
fault ;  but  I  did  not ;  I  only  refused  to  publish  it 

19.  Day  of  preparation  for  the  sacrament.  I 
preached  from  2  Chronicles  xxx.  18,  &c.  The  good 
Lord  pardon!  Full  of  fears  lest  we  be  hindered, 
and  lest  something  fall  between  the  cup  and  the  lip, 
for  our  adversaries  bite  the  lip  at  us. 

20.  Through  the  good  hand  of  our  God  upon  us, 

could  he  in  conscience  comply  with  her  commands.'*  He,  there, 
fore,  wrote  to  Her  Ms^jesty,  and  the  whole  of  his  "  excellent  and 
memorable  letter**  is  preserved  in  the  Appendix  to  his  Life  and 
Acts,  by  Strype,  Book  U.  No.  DL  Her  M^esty,  however,  was 
immovable,  and  sent  her  own  commandmentr  May,  1577,  to  the 
'*  Bishops  throughout  England  for  suppressing  *'  these  Exercises, 
they  t)eing  an  *'  oflSence  '*  to  her  quiet  subjects,  who  desired  "  to 
live  and  to  serve  God  according  to  the  uniform  orders  established 
in  the  church.'*  Nor  was  this  all  i  the  venerable  Archbishop  was 
both  confined  and  sequestered.  Life, «/  «vpr<i,  B.  II.  ch.  viii.  ix. 
See  also.  Dr.  M'Crie's  Life  of  Knox,  v.  a.  p.  285.  4th  ed. 

t  Near  Frees. 

tt  A  saying  of  Bishop  Latimer's.  See  his  Sermons,  p.  83.  «/ 

T  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  3.  p.  478. 



we  have  this  day  enjoyed  one  sweet  sacrament  more. 
They  did  us  ail  the  hinderance  they  could,  but,  not- 
withstanding, afterwards,  we  proceeded.* 

He  was  advised  by  Mr.  Ratcliff  *  of  Chester,  and 
others  of  his  friends,  to  enter  an  action  against  Mr. 
P.  for  his  annuity,  and  did  so ; — but,  concerning  the 
success  of  it,  saith  he,  I  am  not  over  solicitous ;  for, 
though  it  be  my  due,  (Luke  x.  7.)  yet  it  was  not  that 
which  I  preached  for;  and,  God  knows,  I  would 
much  rather  preach  for  nothing,  than  not  at  all; 
and  besides,  I  know  assuredly,  if  I  should  be  cast, 
God  would  make  it  up  to  me  some  other  way.  After 
some  proceedings  he  not  only  moved,  but  solicited, 
Mr.  P.  to  refer  it ; — having  learned,  saith  he,  that  it 
is  no  disparagement,  but  an  honour,  for  the  party 
wronged  to  be  first  in  seeking  reconciliation.    The 

Lord,  if  it  be  his  will,  incline  his  heart  to  peace.  I 
have  now,  saith  he,  two  great  concerns  upon  the 
wheel,  one  in  reference  to  my  maintenance  for  time 
past ;  the  other,  as  to  my  continuance  for  the  future ; 
the  Lord  be  my  friend  in  both ;  but,  of  the  two, 
rather  in  the  latter.  But,  saith  he,  many  of  greater 
gifts  and  graces  than  I  are  laid  aside  already,  and 
when  my  turn  comes,  I  know  not ;  the  will  of  God 
be  done.    He  can  do  his  work  without  us. 

[The  process  by  which  he  arrived  at  the  con- 
clusion^stated,  is  apparent  from  the  following  docu- 
ment. As  an  instance  of  cautious  deliberation 
and  foresight,  it  is  worth  preserving.  It  exhibits  a 
fine  specimen  of  a  well-disciplined  mind,  and  is  a 
practical  illustration  of  self-cultivation  and  Chris- 
tian prudence : — 

Why  Ithould  not  jriVU  to  a  Compotition  with 
Mr.  P. 

1.  Because  I  have  so  much  pro- 
bability to  recover,  by  law,  that 
which  is  my  due  for  the  time  past : 
and  not  only  so,  but  also  for  time 
to  come,  whilst  I  continue  unpre- 
ferred ;  which,  as  the  case  stands, 
may  be  long  enough.  I  have  Mr. 
Ratclifi^s  and  Sir  Orl.  Bridg^an's 
opinion  upon  my  deed. 

2.  Now  is  a  bad  time  to  treat 
with  Mr.  P.  for  composition',  be- 
cause those  about  him,  come  what 
will,  care  not  for  parting  with  any 

3.  Lest  it  should  hinder  my  return 
hither  again,  if  the  door  should  yet 
be  open;  and  who  knows  but  it 


1.  Law  is  chargeable  and  trou- 
blesome, and  the  issue  tedious,  and 

2.  Besides,  the  times  favour  me 
not;  judges  and  juries  may  be 

3. 1  have  a  potent  adversary  in 
respect  of  purse  and  greatness. 

4.  If  I  should  have  a  trial  this 
next  Assize,  which  yet  is  doubtful, 
and  should  have  a  verdict,  which 
yet  is  more  doubtful,  he,  being 
plaintifi*,  may,  for  ought  I  know, 
remove  it :  and  so,  from  time  to 
time,  to  the  Court  of  Exchequer, 
which,  of  all  other,  is  most  charge- 
able and  tedious. 

5.  My  present  occasions  for 
money  to  discharge  my  debt  to  my 
father.  Considering,  withal,  be- 
sides the  misery  of  debt,  how  hard 
it  is  to  procure  it ;  as,  upon  trial,  I 
have  found. 

6.  He  being  taken  off,  I  may  be 
in  the  less  danger  of  confinements, 
and  other  troubles,  upon  public  ac- 

fF/tf  Mr.    P.   thoyld  fMd  to   a    Composilion 
with  wu. 

1.  In  point  of  equity:  thelabourer 
being  worthy  of  his  hire ;  espe- 
cially, considering  the  labourer's 
wages  detained  cries  loud  in  hea- 
ven, and  brings  a  curse. 

2.  In  point  of  advantage.  If  I 
should  recover,  as  there  is  hope  I 
may,  it  will  be  bad  for  him,  espe- 
cially having  parted  with  the  tithes 
which  he  might  have  kept. 

3.  In  point  of  honour.  I  came 
hither  upon  the  invitation  of  his 
family ;  left  my  place  in  the  Uni- 
versity, where,  he  knows,  I  had 
encouragement  to  have  stayed. 
Also  the  relation  wherein  I  stood 
to  him  as  Tutor.  Also,  his  pro- 
mise. If  there  was  any  occasion 
of  his  anger  given,  it  was  when  he 
was  a  child,  and  under  my  tuition, 
and  it  was  my  duty  to  complain ; 
though,  he  knows,  how  sparing  I 
was  that  way.  And  for  persuad- 
ing his  father  to  disinherit  him,  he 
hath  acknowledged  he  did  believe 
it  was  not  so ;  and  I  know  it  was 

The  issue  of  this  afi'air  was,  that,  there  having 
been  some  disputes  between  Mr.  P.  and  Dr.  Bridg- 
man,  about  the  tithe  of  Worthenbury,  wherein  Mr. 
P.  had  clearly  the  better  claim  to  make,  yea,  by  the 
mediation  of  Sir  Thomas  Hanmer,  they  came  to  this 
agreement,  September  11,  1661,  that  Dr.  Bridgman 
and  his  successors,  Parsons  of  Bangor,  should  have 
and  receive  all  the  tithe  corn  and  hay  of  Worthen- 
bury, without  the  disturbance  of  the  said  Mr.  P.  or 

w  p.  Henry.    Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

X  Probably  of  the  same  family  as  the  husband  of  Mrs.  Ratdiff, 

his  heirs,  except  the  tithe  hay  of  Emeral  demesne, 
upon  condition  that  Dr.  Bridgman  should,  before 
the  first  of  November  following,  avoid  and  discharge 
the  present  minister  or  curate,  Philip  Henry,  from 
the  chapel  of  Worthenbury,  and  not  hereafter,  at  any 
time,  re-admit  the  said  minister,  Philip  Henry,  to 
officiate  in  the  said  cure.  This  is  the  substance  of 
the  Articles  agreed  upon  between  them,  pursuant 
to  which  Dr.  Bridgman  soon  after  dismissed  Mr. 

whose  life  is  recorded  in  the  Memoirs  of  Eminently  Pious  WomeD, 
V.  I.  p.  280.  ed.  1815.  7  P-  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



Henry ;"  and,  by  a  writing  under  his  hand,  which 
was  published  in  the  church  of  Worthenbury,  by 
one  of  Mr.  Puleston's  servants,  October  the  27th 
following,  notice  was  given  to  the  parish  of  that 
dismission.  That  day,  he  preached  his  farewell* 
sermon  on  Philippians  i.  27. — Only  let  your  conver- 
futiam  be  ns  becomes  the  gospel  of  Christ.  In  which, 
as  he  saith  in  his  Diary,  his  desire  and  design  was 
rather  to  profit  than  to  affect, —It  matters  not  what 
becomes  of  me^^— whether  I  come  unto  you^  or  else  he 
ehsent^ — but  let  your  conversation  be  as  becomes  the 
gotpel.  His  parting  prayer  for  them  was, — The  Lordy 
ike  God  of  the  spirits  of  all  fleshy  set  a  man  over  the 
ttmyreyation.  Thus  he  ceased  to  preach  to  his  people 
there,  but  he  ceased  not  to  love  them,  and  pray  for 
tbem ;  and  could  not  but  think  there  remained  some 
donnant  relation  betwixt  him  and  them.'' 

As  to  the  arrears  of  his  annuity  with  Mr.  P.  when 
he  was  displaced,  after  some  time  Mr.  P.  was  will- 
JDg  to  give  him  £100,  which  was  a  good  deal  less 
tlian  what  was  due,  upon  condition  that  he  would 
surrender  his  deed  of  annuity,  and  his  lease  of  the 
hoQsc,  which  he,  for  peace  sake,  was  willing  to  do ; 
tnd  so  he  lost  all  the  benefit  of  Judge  Puleston's 
^reat  kindness  to  him.  This  was  not  completed  till 
September,  1662,  until  which  time  he  continued  in 
the  house  at  Worthenbury,  but  never  preached  so 
mach  as  once  in  the  church,  though  there  were  va- 
cancies several  times. 

Mr.  Richard  Hilton  was  immediately  put  into  the 
curacy  of  Worthenbury,  by  Dr.  Bridgman.  Mr. 
Henry  went  to  hear  him  while  he  was  at  Worthen- 
bury, and  joined  in  all  the  parts  of  the  public  worship, 
pardcularly  attending  upon  the  sacrament  of  bap- 
tism;— not  daring,  saith  he,  to  turn  my  back  upon 
God's  ordinance,  while  the  essentials  of  it  are  retained, 
though  corrupted,  circumstantially,  in  the  adminis- 
tration of  it,  which,  God  amend !  Once,  being  allowed 
the  liberty  of  his  gesture,  he  joined  in  the  Lord's  sup- 
per. He  kept  up  his  correspondence  with  Mr.  Hilton, 
and,  as  he  saith  in  his  Diary,  endeavoured  to  possess 
him  with  right  thoughts  of  his  work,  and  advised 
him  the  best  he  could  in  the  soul  affairs  of  that  people ; 
—which,  saith  he,  he  seemed  to  take  well.  I  am  sure 
I  meant  it  so ;  and  the  Lord  make  him  faithful ! 

Inunediately  after  he  was  removed  and  silenced 

<  16111,  October  24.  Dr.  Bridgman  came  to  Worthenbury.  and 
before  a  rabble  there,  again  repeated  and  read  over  my  dischaiige. 
Tbe  drcvDxiatances  whereof,  place,  manner,  witnesses,  somewhat 
cneved  me.  He  called  it  peeYishneas.  I  justify  not  myself!  Lord, 
by  not  my  ain  to  my  charge,  nor  his  sin  to  bis !  P.  Henry.  Diary, 
I  »  See  a  Complete  Collection  of  Farewell  Sermons  by  many 
I  Emioent  DtTines  who  were  ejected  by  tbe  Act  of  Uniformity,  4to. 

^  M61,  Jamary  5.  In  the  afternoon  I  went  to  Captain  Heneage, 
wh«re  wai  Mr.  Tallenta,  Mr.  Lawrence,  Mr.  Parsons,  Mr.  Steel ; 
ve  discooned  aU  oight,  especially  upon  this  query. -Whether 
<Kur  relation  do  yet  remain  to  our  people!  In  tbe  close,  we  were, 
^ided  la  our  opinloiis  about  it   P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

at  Worthenbury,  he  was  solicited  to  preach  at  Ban- 
gor, and  Dr.  Bridgman  was  willing  to  permit  it, 
occasionally ;  and  intimated  to  his  curate  there,  that 
he  should  never  hinder  it ;  but  Mr.  Henry  declined 
it.  Though  his  silence  was  his  great  grief,  yet,  such 
was  his  tenderness,  that  he  was  not  willing  so  far  to 
discourage  Mr.  Hilton  at  Worthenbury,  nor  to  draw 
so  many  of  the  people  from  him,  as  would  certainly 
have  followed  him  to  Bangor. — But,  saith  he,  I  can- 
not get  my  heart  into  such  a  spiritual  frame  on  sab- 
bath days  now,  as  formerly ;  which  is  both  my  sin 
and  my  affliction.  Lord,  quicken  me  with  quicken- 
ing grace ! 

When  the  King  came  in  first,  and  showed  so  good 
a  temper,  as  many  thought,  some  of  his  friends  were 
very  earnest  with  him  to  revive  his  acquaintance 
and  interest  at  court,  which  it  was  thought  he 
might  easily  do.  It  was  reported  in  the  country, 
that  the  Duke  of  York '  had  inquired  after  him  ; 
but  he  heeded  not  the* report,  nor  would  he  be  per- 
suaded to  make  any  addresses  that  way For,  saith 

he,  my  friends  do  not  know,  so  well  as  I,  the  strength 
of  temptation,  and  my  own  inability  to  deal  with  it. 
Qui  bene  latuit,  bene  vixit.  Lord,  lead  me  not  into 
temptation ! 

He  was  greatly  afiected  with  the  temptations  and 
afflictions  of  many  faithful  ministers  of  Christ  at 
this  time,  by  the  pressing  of  conformity ;  and  kept 
many  private  days  of  fasting  and  prayer  in  his  own 
house  at  Worthenbury,  seeking  to  turn  away  the 
wrath  of  God  from  the  land.  He  greatly  pitied 
some,  who,  by  the  urgency  of  friends,  and  the  fear 
of  want,  were  over-persuaded  to  put  a  force  upon 
themselves  in  their  conformity. — The  Lord  keep  me, 
saith  he,  in  the  critical  time ! 

He  preached  sometimes  occasionally  in  divers 
neighbouring  places,  till  Bartholomew  day,*'  1662 ; 
— ^the  day,  saith  he,  which  our  sins  have  made  one 
of  the  saddest  days  to  England,  sinoe  the  death  of 
Edward  the  Sixth  ;•  but,  even  this  for  good,  though 
we  know  not  how,  nor  which  way.  He  was  invited 
to  preach  at  Bangor  on  the  black '  Bartholomew 
day,  and  prepared  a  sermon  on  John  vii.  37. — In  the 
last  dayy  that  great  day  of  the  feasts  Sfc.  but  was  pre- 
vented from  preaching  it ;  and  was  loth  to  strive 
against  so  strong  a  stream. 

c  Afterwards  King  James  the  Second.  See  Dr.  D'Oyley's  Life 
of  Archbishop  Sancroft,  v.  I.  p.  163.  ice.  . 

d  August  24.  It  was  a  day  famous  for  two  remarkable  events 
happening  upon  it,  and  both  fatal.  The  one.  that  day  three-score 
years  before,  fktal  to  the  Church  of  France  in  the  maa<tacre  of 
many  thousands  of  Protestants  at  Paris.  The  other,  fiital  to  the 
Dissenting  Ministers  of  England,  near  upon  two  thousand,  (where* 
of  myself  an  unworthy  one.)  who  were  put  to  silence  on  that  day. 
and  forbidden  to  preach  the  gospel  under  severe  penalties,  because 
tbey  would  not,  they  durst  not,  sin  against  God.  P.  Henry. 
Orig.  MS. 

«  July  6.  1553. 

f  My  dear  father  used  to  call  it "  the  Black  Bartholomew."  BArs. 
Savage.  Diary,  Orig.  MS.  See  the  Farewell  Sermons,  p. supra. 



Ab  to  his  nonconfonnity,  which  some  of  his  worst 
enemies  have  said  was  his  only  fault,  it  may  not  be 
amiss  here  to  give  some  acconnt  of  it. 

1.  His  reasons  for  his  nonconformity  were  yery 
considerable.  It  was  no  rash  act,  but  deliberate, 
and  well  weighed  in  the  balances  of  the  sanctuary. 
He  could  by  no  means  submit  to  be  re-ordained ;  so 
well  satisfied  was  he  in  his  call  to  the  ministry,  and 
his  solemn  ordination  to  it,  by  the  laying  on  of  the 
hands  of  the  presbytery,  which  God  had  graciously 
owned  him  in,  that  he  durst  not  do  that  which  looked 
like  a  renunciation  of  it,  as  null  and  sinful,  and 
would  be  at  least  a  tacit  invalidating  and  condemn- 
ing of  all  his  administrations.  Nor  could  he  truly 
say,  that  he  thought  himself  moved  by  the  Holy  Ghost 
to  tahe  upon  him  the  office  of  a  deacon.  He  was  the 
more  confirmed  in  this  objection,  because  the  then 
Bishop  of  Chester,  l>r.  Hall,>  in  whose  diocese  he 
was,  besides  all  that  was  required  by  law,  exacted 
from  those  that  came  to  him  to  be  re-ordained,  a 
subscription  to  this  form ; — Ego  A.  B.  prtetensas 
meoi  ordinationU  literas,  a  quibusdam  presbyteris 
olim  obtentoi  jam  penitus  renuneiOf  et  dimitto  pro 
vanis  ;**  humiliter  supplicans  guatenui  Rev,  in 
Christo  Pater  et  Dominut  Dominus  Georgius  per- 
missione  divinA  Cestr,  Epitc,  me  ad  sacrum  Diacon- 
atiis  ordinem  juxta  morem  et  ritus  Ecclesits  Angli" 
tamt  dignaretur  admittere.  This,  of  re-ordination, 
was  the  first  and  great  bar  to  his  conformity,  and 
which  he  mostly  insisted  on.  He  would  sometimes 
say,— that,  for  a  presbyter  to  be  ordained  a  deacon, 
is  at  best  suscipere  gradum  Simeonis. 

Besides  this,  he  was  not  at  all  satisfied  to  give  his 
unfeigned  ''assent  and  consent  to  all  and  every 
thing  contained  in  the  book  of  Common  Prayer," 
he,  for  he  thought  that  thereby  he  should  receive  the 
book  itself,  and  every  part  thereof,  rubrics  and  all, 
both  as  true  and  good ;  whereas  there  were  several 
things  which  he  could  not  think  to  be  so.  The  ex- 
ceptions which  the  ministers  made  against  tlie 
Liturgy,  at  the  Savoy  Conference,  he  thought  very 
considerable ;  and  could  by  no  means  submit  to, 
much  less  approve  of,  the  impositions  of  the  ceremo' 
niesJ  He  often  said,  that,  when  Christ  came  to  free 
us  from  the  yoke  of  one  ceremonial  law,  he  did  not 
leave  it  in  the  power  of  any  man,  or  company  of 
men,  in  the  world,  to  lay  another  upon  our  necks. 

Kneeling  at  the  Lord's  supper  he  was  much  dis- 
satisfied about ;  and  it  was  for  many  years  his  great 
grief,  and  which,  in  his  Diary,  he  doth  often  most 

c  Dr.  George  Hall,  son  of  the  venerable  Bishop  of  Norwich,  was 
bom  in  1613 ;  ob.  1C68.    Mr.  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet  v.  17.  p.  57. 

h  Mr.  Cook,  of  Chester,  told  the  Bishop,  that  though  his  ordina. 
tion  by  presbyters  was  not  legal  yet  it  was  evangelical.  P.  Henry. 
Diary,  Orig.  WS. 

i  We  see  the  primitive  Christians  did  not  make  so  much  of  any 
uniformity  in  rites  and  ceremonies;  nay,  I  scarce  think  any 
churches  in  the  prlmiUve  times  can  be  produced  that  did  exactly, 
in  ail  things,  observe  the  ame  customs »  which  might,  espc- 

patheticaliy  lament ;  that,  by  it,  he  was  debarred 
from  partaking  of  that  ordinance  in  the  solemn 
assembly.    For,  to  submit  to  that  imposition,  he 
thought,  whatever  it  was  to  others,  whom  he  was 
far  from  judging,  would  be  sin  to  him. 
[Take  his  own  statement  of  the  case,  as  follows : 
The  reasons  why  I  do  not  communicate  in  the 
public  administration  of  the  Lord's  supper,  are  ;»- 
1. 1  am  not  satisfied  to  kneel  in  the  act  of  receiving. 
(1.)  Because  it  hath  no  warrant  (not  in  the 
least)  from  Scripture,  neither  by  precept  nor 
precedent ;  whereas,  sitting  hath  :  at  least  by 
precedent ;  clearly,  in  the  practice  of  Christ 
himself,  and  the  apostles ;  and,  probably,  in 
the  practice  of  the  first  churches ;  for  it  seems 
the  AgapsB,  or  love  feasts,  were  used  together 
with  the  Eucharist.     See  1  Corinthians  xi, 
(2.)  Because  it  doth  no  way  suit  with  the  nature 
of  the  ordinance,  which  is  a  supper ;  an  ordi- 
nance wherein  the  blessed  Jesus  calls  us  to 
the  nearest  familiarity  and  fellowship  with 
himself, — to  eat  with  him ;  and  therefore  to 
sit,  not  to  kneel,  with  him,  at  his  table. 
(3.)  Because  it  hath  been  grossly  abused,  even 
to  idolatry,  by  the  papists,  in  worshipping  the 
consecrated  host,  which,  in  all  probability, 
brought  it  first  into  the  church ;  and,  more- 
over, grives  them    advantage  to    argue,  as 
Bellarmin  ^  expressly   states,   ''  We  do  no 
more  in  kneeling  before  an  image  than  the 
Protestants  do  in  kneeling  at  the  sacrament ; 
— ergoy  if  we  are  idolaters,  so  are  they." 
(4.)  Because,  having  made  trial  myself  of  both 
gestures, — kneeling  heretofore,  and  sitting  of 
late, — I  dare  not  sin  against  my  conscience, 
which  tells  me,  I  ought  not  to  quit  the  liberty 
wherewith  Christ  hath  made  me  free. 
I  know  that  which  is  said,  for  it  is  the  command 
of  my  superiors ;  to  which  I  oppose  the  com- 
mand of  my  Supreme,  saying, — Be  not,  ye 
servants  of  men ;  and,  Call  no  man  master  ;— 
which  I  then  do,  when  I  give  a  blind  obedi- 
ence to  their  injunctions,  for  the  authority- 
sake  of  the  enjoiners,  rendering  me  no  rt^ason 
why,  or  wherefore,  but  only,^iStc  «o/o,  sie 
jubeo}    And  to  do  this  in  the  things  of  God's 
worship,  I  conceive  to  be  sinful.  • 
2.  If  I  were  satisfied  to  kneel,  yet  I  should  not  at  the 
rails,""  which  are  used  in  our  parish  church  of  Mal- 
pas,  because  it  is  an  innovation  warranted  by  no  law, 

dally,  be  an  aigument  of  moderation  in  all  as  to  these  things. 
Bidiop  Stillingfleet's  Irenicum,  «<  wfro,  pp.  66,  67. 

k  Robert  Bellarmin,  an  Italian  Jesuit,  and  a  celebrated  contro. 
▼ersial  writer,  was  born  in  1M2.  Ob.  16*21.  Mr.  Chalmen!*s  Biog. 
Diet.  V.  4.  p.  383.  to:. 

1  See  these  words  singularly  associated  in  the  Life  of  Lord  Chief 
Justice  Dyer,  prefixed  to  Mr.  Vaillant's  edition  of  his  Reports,  oct 

■  In  the  British  Mmeum,  fol.  4275,  Plut.  IIL  E.  BiU.  Birch.  Is 



divine  nor  hnman,  civil  nor  canonical.  And, 
tlio,  it  smells  rank  of  popish  snperstition,  yea,  of 
Indaism  itself.  By  Jesos  Christ  the  vail  is  rent, 
and  all  sach  like  walls  of  partition  are  broken  down. 

3.  Though,  before  God,  I  am  the  chiefest  of  sin- 
■eis,  and  dare  not  say  to  any,  Stmnd  off^  for  I  am 
hUier  tkmn  thou ;  yet,  since  the  Scripture  enjoins  me 
with  such  and  such  not  to  eat,  and  saith  withal,  that 
«  Uiile  iemten  leavetu  the  whole  /Kmp,— while  so  many 
lie  adnutted  grossly  profane,  yea,  none  indeed  ex- 
ehided  that  will  receive,  I  am  afraid,  as,  on  the  one 
hand,  of  defiling  myself;  so,  on  the  other  hand,  of 
haideoing  them,  by  eating  and  drinking  into  the 
tame  body  with  them.**] 

He  never  took  the  covenant,  nor  ever  expressed 
any  fondness  for  it ;  and  yet  he  could  not  thinh,  and 
tterefore  durst  not  deelare,  that,  however  unlaw- 
filly  imposed,  it  was  in  itself  an  unlawful  oath, 
•ad  Hutt  no  person  that  took  it  was  under  the  obli- 
gitioti  df  it :  for,  sometimes,  quod  fieri  non 
fettmm  valet.  In  short,  it  cannot  be  wondered  at, 
dnt  he  was  a  nonconformist,  when  the  terms  of 
conformity  were  so  industriously  contrived  to  keep 
out  of  the  church  such  men  as  he ;  which  is  mani- 
Ibled  by  the  fall  account  which  Mr.  Baxter  hath 
left  to  posterity,  of  that  affair  ;<>  and  it  is  a  passage 
worth  noticing  here,  which  Dr.  Bates,  in  his  funeral 
mrnon  on  Mr.  Baxter,  relates  ;p  that  when  the 
Lord  Chamberlain  Manchester  told  the  King,  while 
^  Act  of  Uniformity  was  under  debate,  that  he  was 
afraid  that  the  terms  were  so  hard,  that  many  of  the 
■inisters  would  not  comply  with  them.  Bishop 
Sheldon,^  being  present,  replied,  "  I  am  afraid 
ttey  will.''  And  it  is  well  known  how  many  of  the 
mat  sober,  pious,  and  laborious  ministers,  in  all 
parts  of  the  nation,  conformists  as  well  as  noncon- 
formists, did  dislike  those  impositions. 

He  thought  it  a  mercy,  since  it  must  be  so,  that 
the  case  of  nonconformity  was  made  so  clear  as  it 
vas,  abundantly  to  satisfy  him  in  his  silence  and 
lofefingB.  I  have  heard  that  Mr.  Anthony  Burges, ' 
who  hesitated  before,  when  he  read  the  Act,  blessed 
God  that  the  matter  was  put  out  of  doubt.  And 
yet,  to  make  sure  work,  the  printing  and  publishing 
sf  the  new  Book  of  Common  Prayer  was  so  defer- 

prmitid  a  MS.  coofalniog  **  Some  animadveriioiis  on  a  Letter 
of  the  Bev-  Dr.  U.  Fowler,  [of  Whitchurch,]  to  Mr.  VCatea,  oPDan- 
Ibid  lun,  near  Whitchurch  J  concerning  kneeling  at  the  rayles 
la  leccivifig  the  Lofd*i  Supper.**  Mr.  Yates  was  the  Doctor's 
fklikwicr,  and  had  applied  for  a  dispensation  to  receive  the 
Loftfs  aupficr  withoot  kneeling  at  the  altar.  Dr.  Fowler's  Letter 
is  copied  ia  the  margin ;  and  the  animadversions  are  ably  written. 
It  ta  registered  as  a  MS.  of  Mr.  Henry's,— but  it  seems  doubtful 
whether  it  be  hb  hand-writing.  Indeed,  the  editor  does  not  think 
its  tatcrnal  evidence  would  justify  its  introduction  as  his  compo- 


Thia  opf  nkm  turns  out  to  be  correct  The  MS.  is  good  old  Mr. 
Steele'a  la  a  letter  fVom  Matthew  Henry  to  Ralph  Thoresby, 
Esq.  of  Lceda»  dated  Oct  10,  itfOS,  and  in  Mr.  Upcott's  possession, 
he  mys.  Meeting  among  my  father^s  papers  with  a  sheet  of  his 
(Hr.  Slede*!)  in  aatircr  to  Dr.*  'eQw\etB  ugameot$  for  setUag  f 

red,  that  few  of  the  ministers,  except  those  in  London, 
could  possibly  get  a  sight  of  it,  much  less  duly 
consider  of  it,*  before  the  time  prefixed ;  which  Mr 
Steel  took  notice  of  in  his  Farewell  Sermon  at 
Hanmcr,  August  17,  1662,— that  he  was  silenced 
and  turned  out  for  not  declaring  his  unfeigned 
assent  and  consent  to  a  book  which  he  never  saw^  nor 
eould  see. 

One  thing  which  he  comforted  himself  with  in  his 
nonconformity  was,  that  as  to  matters  of  doubtful 
disputation  touching  church  government,  ceremo- 
nies, and  the  like,  he  was  ica#i£7orfi,  either  on  one 
side  or  the  other,  and  so  was  free  from  those  snares 
and  bands  in  which  so  many  find  themselves  tied  up 
from  what  they  would  do,  and  entangled  that  they 
know  not  what  to  do.  He  was  one  of  those  that 
feared  an  oath,  Ecclesiastes  x.  2.  and  would  often 
say, — Oaths  are  edged  tools,  and  not  to  be  played 
with.  One  passage  I  find  in  his  papers,  which  con- 
firmed him  in  this  satisfaction ;  it  is  a  letter  from 
no  less  a  clergyman  than  Dr.  F.*  of  Whitchurch  to 
one  of  his  parishioners;"  who  desired  him  to  give 
way  that  his  child  might  be  baptized  by  another 
without  the  cross  and  godfathers,  if  he  would  not  do 
it  so  himself;  both  which  he  refused :  it  was  in  the 
year  1672-3.  '^  For  my  part,  said  the  Doctor,  I 
freely  profess  my  thoughts,  that  the  strict  urging  of 
indifferent  ceremonies  hath  done  more  harm  than 
good  ;  and,  possibly,  had  all  men  been  left  to  their 
liberty  therein,  there  might  have  been  much  more 
unity,  and  not  much  less  uniformity.  But  what 
power  have  I  to  dispense  with  myself,  being  now 
under  the  obligation  of  a  law  and  an  oath  V*  And 
he  concludes,  "  I  am  much  grieved  at  the  unhappy 
condition  of  myself,  and  other  ministers,  who  must 
either  lose  their  parishioners'  love,  rf  they  do  not 
comply  with  them,  or  else  break  their  solemn  obli- 
gations to  please  them." 

This,  he  would  say,  was  the  mischief  of  imposi- 
tions, which  ever  were,  and  ever  will  be,  bones  of 
contention.  When  he  was  at  Worthenbury,  though 
in  the  Lord's  supper  he  used  the  gesture  of  sitting 
himself,  yet  he  administered  it  without  scruple  to 
some  who  chose  rather  to  kneel ;  *  and  he  thought 
that  ministers'  hands  should  not,  in  such  things,  be 

up  rails  about  the  conununion  table,  written  with  his  own  hand,  I 
send  it  you  enclosed.      J.  B.  W.  Oct  5, 1837. 

a  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

o  See  Reliq.  Baxter.  Lib.  1.  Part  11. 

P  Dr.  Bates's  Works,  ▼.  4.  p.  330. 

q  Afterwards  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  Nat  A.  D.  .1506,  ob. 
Nov.  9, 1677.    Mr.  Chalmers'  Biog.  Diet  v.  27.  p.  442. 

r  See  Noncon.  Mem.  ▼.  3.  p.  350. 

■  A  curious  anecdote  illustrative  of  this  statement  is  recorded 
by  Dr.  Calamy  in  his  Defence  of  Moderate  Nonconformity,  v.  2. 
Part  H.  p.  357. 

t  Dr.  Matthew  Fowler  was  Rector  of  Whitchurch,  and  died 
there  in  1683,  ast.  06.  Wood's  Fasti,  ut  npra.  Ath.  Oxon.  ▼.  4  p.  55. 

«  A  Mr.  Morgan.  P.  Henry.  Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

▼  See  the  Ufe  of  Mn.  Jane  RalcWflte,  \>)  0;ift  Uiet .  ^o\ak\A^  > v- 
143;  &c.  dttod.  1040 1  and  aal«,  p.  M. 



tied  up ;  but  that  he  ought,  in  bis  place,  though  he 
suffered  for  it,  to  witness  against  the  making  of 
those  things  the  indispensable  terms  of  communion, 
which  Jesus  Christ  hath  not  made  to  be  so.  Where 
the  Spirit  of  the  Lord,  and  the  spirit  of  the  gospel, 
iSf  there  is  liberty. 

Such  as  these  were  the  reasons  of  his  nonconfor- 
mity, which,  as  long  as  he  lived,  he  was  more  and 
more  confirmed  in. 

2.  His  moderation  in  his  nonconformity  was  very 
exemplary  and  eminent,  and  had  a  great  influence 
upon  many,  to  keep  them  from  running  into  an  un- 
charitable and  schismatical  separation ;  which,  upon 
all  occasions,  he  bore  his  testimony  against,  and  was 
very  industrious  to  stem  the  tide  of.  In  church  go- 
vernment, that  which  he  desired  and  wished  for,  was 
Archbishop  Usher's  reduction  of  episcopacy.*  He 
thought  it  lawful  to  join  in  the  Common  Prayer  in 
public  assemblies,  and  practised  accordingly,  and 
endeavoured  to  satisfy  others  concerning  it  The 
spirit  he  was  of  was  such  as  made  him  much  afraid 
of  extremes,  and  solicitous  for  nothing  more  than 
to  maintain  and  keep  Christian  love  and  charity 
among  professors.  Wc  shall  meet  with  several 
instances  of  this  in  the  progress  of  his  story,  and 
therefore  wave  it  here.  I  have  been  told  of  an  aged 
minister"  of  his  acquaintance,  who,  being  asked 
upon  his  death-bed, — What  his  thoughts  were  of 
his  nonconformity,  replied,  he  was  well  satisfied  in 
it/  and  should  not  have  conformed  so  far  as  he  did, 
viz.  to  join  in  the  Liturgy,  if  it  had  not  been  for  Mr. 
Henry.   Thus  was  his  moderation  hnotcn  unto  all  men. 

[It  were  a  desirable  thing,  he  would  sometimes 
say,  that  all  who  fear  God  in  the  land,  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood, were  at  peace  among  themselves ;  for,  as 
for  peace  with  wicked  men,  it  will  never  be  while 
the  world  stands ;  the  seed  of  the  serpent,  of  the 
bond-woman,  will  hate,  will  persecute,  the  seed  of  the 
woman,  the  free- woman.  Fire  and  water  will  as 
soon  be  reconciled  as  these  two  seeds.  But  how 
happy  were  it  if  all  good  people  were  at  peace ;  if  all 
their  enmities  were  at  an  end !  The  Saviour  left 
this  blessing  as  a  legacy,  John  xiv. ;  pressed  it, 
John  XV. ;  prayed  for  it,  John  xvii."] 

But  to  proceed  in  his  story.  At  Michaelmas,  1662, 
he  quite  left  Worthenbury,  and  came  with  his  family 
to  Broad  Oak,  just  nine  years  from  his  first  coming 
into  the  country.  Being  cast  by  Divine  Providence 
into  this  new  place  and  state  of  life,  his  care  and 
prayer  was, — that  he  might  have  grace  and  wisdom 
to  manage  it  to  the  glory  of  God,  which,  saith  he,  is 

V  See  Buck's  Theol.  Diet.  vol.  i.  Tit.  Episcopacy.  Atid  Reliq. 
Baxter.  Lib.  1.  Part  II.  p.  238. 

X  Mr.  Robert  Fojjg,  sen.  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  3.  p.  481. 

7  See  the  Sel.  Noncon.  Rem.  pp.  48,  49,  aiO. 

1  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

a  A  very  small  and  antique  building ;  it  is  yet  standing.  See 
Ormerod'B  History  of  Cheshire,  v.  2.  p.  347. 

b  See  ttBiit  p.  32. 

my  chief  end.  Within  three  weeks  after  his  coming 
hither,  his  second  son  was  bom,  which  we  mention 
for  the  sake  of  the  remark  he  has  upon  it — ^We  have 
no  reason,  saith  he,  to  call  him  Benoni,  I  wish  we 
had  none  to  call  him  Ichabod.  And,  on  the  day  of 
his  family-thanksgiving  for  that  mercy,  he  writes, — 
We  have  reason  to  rejoice  with  trembling,  for  it  goes 
ill  with  the  church  and  people  of  God,  and  reason 
to  fear  worse  because  of  our  own  sins,  and  our  ene- 
mies' wrath. 

At  the  latter  end  of  this  year  he  hath  in  his  Diaiy 
this  note : —  It  is  observed  of  many  who  have  con- 
formed of  late,  and  fallen  from  what  they  formerly 
professed,  that,  since  their  so  doing,  from  unblam- 
able, orderly,  pious  men,  they  are  become  exceeding 
dissolute  and  profane,  and  instanceth  in  some. 
What  need  have  we  every  day  to  pray, — Lord,  lead 
us  not  into  temptation  ! 

For  several  years  after  he  came  to  live  at  Broad 
Oak,  he  went  constantly  on  Lord's  days  to  public 
worship,  with  his  family,  at  Whitewell  chapel,* 
which  is  hard  by,  if  there  were  any  supply  there,  as 
sometimes  there  was  from  Malpas ;  and  if  none,  then 
to  Tylstock,  where  Mr.  Zachary  Thomas  continued 
for  about  half  a  year,  and  the  place  was  a  little 
sanctuary  ;  and,  when  that  string  failed,  usually  to 
Whitchurch ;  and  did  not  preach  for  a  great  while, 
unless  occasionally,  when  he  visited  his  friends,  or 
to  his  own  family,  on  Lord's  days,  when  the  weather 
hindered  them  from  going  abroad.  He  comforted 
himself,  that  sometimes  in  going  to  public  worship, 
he  had  an  opportunity  of  instructing  and  exhorting 
those  that  were  in  company  with  him,  by  the  way, 
according  as  he  saw  they  had  need ;  and  in  this  his 
lips  fed  many  y  and  his  tongue  was  as  choice  silver; 
and  he  acted  according  to  that  rule  which  he  often 
laid  down  to  himself  and  others, — That,  when  we 
cannot  do  what  we  would,  we  must  do  what  we  can,** 
and  the  Lord  will  accept  us  in  it.  He  made  the 
best  of  the  sermons  he  heard  in  public.^^It  is  a 
mercy,  saith  he,  we  have  bread,  though  it  be  not  as 
it  hath  been,  of  the  finest  of  the  wheat.  Those  are 
froward  children  who  throw  away  the  meat  they 
have,  if  it  be  wholesome,  because  they  have  not  what 
they  would  have.  When  he  met  with  preaching 
that  was  weak,  his  note  is,->That  is  a  poor  sermon 
indeed,  out  of  which  no  good  lesson  maybe  learned. 
He  had  often  occasion  to  remember  that  verse  of 
Mr.  Herbert's  :— 

The  worst  speaks  something  good ;  if  all  want  sense, 
God  takes  the  text,  and  preacheth  patience,** 

c  Mr.  Rovre  sometimes  said,—"  When  I  meet  with  a  sermon  that 
doth  not  like  me,  I  first  look  into  myself  to  see  if  there  were  nothing 
amiss  there,  and,  if  there  were  no  fault  there.  I  would  then  scan 
it  over  again.  We  many  times  blame  the  minister  when  the  ftiult 
is  our  own ;  we  have  not  prayed  for  him  as  we  should  have  done.'* 
Life.  pp.  56,  57,  ui  npra. 

d  The  Temple,  Sacred  Poems,  and  Private  Ejaculations,  by  Mr. 
George  Herbert,  late  Oraiour  of  the  University,  of  Cambridge, 



NaT,  and  once  he  saith,  he  could  not  avoid  thinking 
of  Eli's  sons,  who  made  the  sacrifices,  of  the  Lord  to 
ie  abhorred.  Yet  he  went,  to  bear  his  testimony 
topablie  ordinances. — For  still,  saith  he,  the  Lord 
kteth  the  gates  of  Zion  more  than  all  the  dwellings  of 
Jtcob ;  and  so  do  I.  Sach,  then,  were  his  senti- 
ments of  things,  expecting  that  God  would  yet  open 
a  door  of  return  to  former  public  liberty,  which  he 
mach  desired  and  prayed  for ;  and  in  hopes  of  that, 
was  backward  to  fall  into  the  stated  exercise  of  his 
miiiistr>'  otherwise,  as  were  all  the  sober  noncon- 
fomiists  generally  in  those  parts,  but  it  was  his  grief 
and  burthen  that  he  had  not  an  opportunity  of  doing 
more  for  God.  He  had  scarce  one  talent  of  oppor- 
tunity, bat  that  one  he  was  very  diligent  and  faithful 
in  the  improyement  of.  When  he  visited  his  friends, 
bow  did  he  lay  out  himself  to  do  them  good !  Being 
aiked  once,  where  he  made  a  visit,  to  expound  and 
pray,  which  his  friends  returned  him  thanks  for,  he 
thus  ¥rrites  upon  it ;  —They  cannot  thank  me  so  much 
for  my  pains,  but  I  thank  them  more,  and  my  Lord 
God  especially,  for  the  opportunity.  Read  his  con- 
flict vrith  himself  at  this  time ; — I  own  myself  a 
minister  of  Christ,  yet  do  nothing  as  a  minister. 
What  will  excuse  me  ?  Is  it  enough  for  me  to  say. 
Behold^  I  stand  in  the  market-place,  and  no  man  hath 
hired  me  ?  And  he  comforts  himself  with  this  ap- 
peal ; — Lord,  thou  knowest  what  will  I  have  to  thy 
work,  public  or  private,  if  I  had  a  call  and  oppor- 
tunity. And  shall  this  willing  mind  be  accepted  ? 
Surely  this  is  a  melancholy  consideration,  and  lays 
a  great  deal  of  blame  somewhere,  that  such  a  man  as 
Mr.  Henry,  so  well  qualified  with  gifts  and  graces 
for  ministerial  work,  and  in  the  prime  of  his  time 
for  usefulness  ;  so  sound  and  orthodox,  so  humble 
and  modest,  so  quiet  and  peaceable,*  so  pious  and 
blameless  ;  should  be  so  industriously  thrust  out  of 
the  vineyard,  as  a  useless  and  unprofitable  servant, 
and  laid  aside  as  a  despised  broken  vessel,  and  a  vessel 
in  which  there  was  no  pleasure.  This  is  a  lamentation, 
and  shall  beybr  a  lamentation  ;  especially,  since  it 
was  not  his  case  alone,  but  the  lot  of  so  many  hun- 
dreds of  the  same  character. 

In  these  circumstances  of  silence  and  restraint, 
be  took  comfort  himself,  and  administered  comfort 
to  others,  from  that  scripture,  Isaiah  xvi.  4.  Let  my 
vut'Casts  dwell  with  thee,  Moab,  God's  people  may 
be  an  out-cast  people,  cast  out  of  men's  love,  their 
synagogues,  their  country ;  but  God  will  own  his 
people  when  men  cast  them  out ;  they  are  out-casts, 
bat  they  are  his,  and  somewhere  or  other  he  will 

provide  a  dwelling  for  them. 

—  -* — 

p.  U.  ed.  1650.  Mr.  Herbert  was  born  April  3. 1593.  and  died  in  I«35. 
lives,  bj  bask  Walton.  Dr.  Zoach's  ed.  v.  2.  p.  1.  oct 

•  Hr.  Wesley,  after  noticiiiff  the  disputatious  temper  of  some  as 
to  opinions  and  eatemala.  proceeds ;— "  But  I  do  not  include  that 
venerable  nan,  Mr.  Philip  Henry,  nor  any  that  were  of  his  spirit, 
in  this  muaber.  I  know  tbey  abhorred  contending  about  exter- 
nls.   Ndtber  did  they  separate  themselves  from  the  church. 

[On  the  return  of  his  birth-day,  his  Diary  contains 
the  following  affecting  record.— 1063,  August  34. 
This  day  thirty-two  years  I  was  born;  this  day 
twelve-month  I  died  ;— that  fatal  day  to  the  godly, 
painful,  faithful  ministers  of  England,  among  whom 
I  am  not  worthy  to  be  numbered.  We  mourned 
and  prayed  before  the  Lord  at  W.  B/s  house,  if  so 
be  there  may  be  hope,  Zechariah  vii.  3.  compare 
Jeremiah  i.  3.  The  Jews,  in  their  captivity,  fasted 
in  the  fifth  month,  because  in  the  fifth  month  Jeru- 
salem was  carried  away  captive ;  and,  in  the  seventh 
month,  Zechariah  vii.  5.  because  in  the  seventh 
month  Gedaliah  was  slain,  Jeremiah  xli.  1.^] 

There  were  many  worthy  able  ministers  thereabout 
turned  out,  both  from  work  and  subsistence,  that 
had  not  such  comfortable  support  for  the  life  that  now 
is,  as  Mr.  Henry  had,  for  whom  he  was  most  affec- 
tionately concerned,  and  to  whom  he  showed  kind- 
ness. There  were  computed,  within  a  few  miles 
round  him,  so  many  ministers  turned  out  to  the  wide 
world,  stripped  of  all  their  maintenance,  and  ex- 
posed to  continual  hardships,  as  with  their  wives 
and  children,  having  most  of  them  numerous  fami- 
lies, made  up  above  a  hundred,  that  lived  upon  Pro- 
vidence ;  and,  though  oft  reduced  to  wants  and 
straits,  yet  were  not  forsaken,  but  were  enabled  to 
rejoice  in  the  Lord,  and  to  joy  in  the  God  of  their 
salvation,  notwithstanding :  to  whom  the  promise 
was  fulfilled.  Psalm  xxxvii.  3. — So  shalt  thou  dwell 
in  the  land,  and  verily  thou  shalt  be  fed.  The  world 
was  told  long  since,  by  the  **  Conformist's  Plea,"' 
that  the  worthy  Mr.  Lawrence,''  Mr.  Henry's  inti- 
mate friend,  when  he  was  turned  out  of  Baschurch,* 
and,  if  he  would  have  consulted  with  flesh  and  blood, 
having,  as  was  said  of  one  of  the  martyrs,  eleven 
good  arguments  against  suffering,  viz,  a  wife  and 
ten  children,  was  asked  how  he  meant  to  maintain 
them  all,  and  cheerfully  replied, — They  must  all 
live  on  the  sixth  of  Matthew,  Take  no  thought  for 
your  life,  SrC'  and  he  often  sung,  with  his  family, 
Psalm  xxxvii.  16.  And  Mr.  Henry  hath  noted 
concerning  him  in  his  Diary,  some  time  after  he 
was  turned  out, — That  he  bore  witness  to  the  love 
and  care  of  our  Heavenly  Father,  providing  for  him, 
and  his  present  condition,  beyond  expectation. 

One  observation  Mr.  Henry  made  not  long  before 
he  died,  when  he  had  been  young  and  now  was  old, 
That,  though  many  of  the  ejected  ministers  were 
brought  very  low,  had  many  children,  were  greatly 
harassed  by  persecution,  and  their  friends  generally 
poor  and  unable  to  support  them ;  yet,  in  all  his  ac- 
quaintance, he  never  knew,  nor  could  remember  to 

They  continued  therein  till  they  were  driven  out,  whether  they 
would  or  not."  Further  Appeal  to  Men  of  Reason  and  Religion. 
Works,  vol  xii.  pp.  274,  275. 

f  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

r  4to.  1682.  See  Granger's  Hist.  v.  3.  p.  336.  ul  tvpra. 

h  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  3.  p  129. 

i  A  parish  in  the  hund.  of  PIrohill,  Salop,  8  miles  from  Shrewsbury. 


haye  heard  of,  any  nonconformist  minister  in  prison 
for  debt. 

[It  is  obyious,  he  writes,  to  observe  at  four  seve- 
ral times,  and  upon  four  several  occasions,  ministers 
have  been  silenced  and  turned  out  of  their  places ; 
and  yet  still,  after  a  time,  more  or  less  restored 

i.  In  Queen  Mary's  days, — ^because  they  would 
not  close  with  popery  at  the  return  of  it.  But  that 
interdict  lasted  under  five  years,  being  taken  off 
upon  Queen  Elizabeth's  coming  to  the  throne. 

2.  In  Queen  Elizabeth's,  King  James's,  and  King 
Charles's  days, — because  they  could  not  conform  to 
the  hierarchy  and  ceremonies;  and  this  interdict 
lasted  long,  even  till  the  Long  Parliament,  A.  D. 
1640 ;  but  it  was  then  taken  off. 

3.  Under  the  Long  Parliament  many  ministers 
were  sequestered  and  silenced  for  malignancy,  and 
not  covenanting. 

4.  Many  others,  after  the  King's  death,  for  not 
engaging  to  be  true  to  the  Commonwealth,  as  then 
established;  both  which  restraints,  though  much 
remitted  before,  yet  quite  ceased  at  the  coming  in 
of  the  King,  A.  1>.  1660. 

And  now  more  ministers  are  silenced,  and  with 
more  severity  than  ever,  by  the  Act  of  August  2i, 
And  who  among  us  can  tell  for  how  long  ?  This 
only  I  know, — He  who  katk  delivered,  doth  deliver. 
Script.  March  31,  1663. 

The  Lord  is  my  protection,  I  shall  not  fall.  What 
need  I  fear  ? 

The  Lord  is  mif  portion,  I  thall  not  want.  What 
need  I  care  7*^] 

In  October,  1663,  Mr.  Steel,  and  Mr.  Henry,  and 
some  other  of  their  friends,'  were  taken  up  and 
brought  prisoners  to  Hanmer,™  under  pretence  of 
some  plot  said  to  be  on  foot  against  the  government : 
and  there  they  were  kept  under  confinement  some 
days,  on  which  he  writes ; — It  is  sweet  being  in  any 
condition  with  a  clear  conscience.  The  sting  of 
death  is  sin,  and  so  of  imprisonment  also.  It  is  the 
first  time,  saith  he,  I  was  ever  a  prisoner,  but  per- 
haps may  not  be  the  last.  We  felt  no  hardship,  but 
we  know  not  what  we  may.  They  were,  after  some 
days,  examined  by  the  Deputy  Lieutenants,  charged 
with  they  knew  not  what^  and  so  dismissed,  finding 
verbal  security  to  be  forthcoming  upon  twenty-four 
hours'  notice,  whenever  they  should  be  called  for. 
Mr.  Henry  returned  to  his  tabernacle  with  thanks- 
givings to  God,  and  a  hearty  prayer  for  his  enemies, 
that  God  would  forgive  them.    The  very  next  day 

1c  P.  Henry.  Grig.  MS. 

1  Luke  Lloyd,  Esq.  was  one  of  the  number.  P.  Henry.  Diary, 
Orig.  MS. 

m  Mr.  Steel  being  removed  from  Hanmer  by  Uie  Bartholomew 
Act,  Mr.  Hilton  was  pot  in  there,  and  left  Worthenbniy,  which 
continued  long  aOer  without  any  stated  supply.   Life.  Orig.  MS. 
1  SirEvmn  Lloyd,  Governor  of  Cbeeter,  is  the  person  referred 

after  they  were  released,  a  great  man  in  the  coun- 
try, at  whose  instigation  they  were  brought  into  that 
trouble,  died,  as  was  said,  of  a  drunken  surfeit.*^ 
So  that  a  man  shall  say,--  Verily  there  is  a  God  that 
judgeth  in  the  earth. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  year  1666,  when  the  Act  for 
a  Royal  Aid,  to  His  Majesty,  of  two  millions  and  a 
half,  came  out,  the  Commissioners  for  Flintshire  were 
pleased  to  nominate  Mr.  Henry  sub-collector  of  the 
said  tax  for  the  township  of  Iscoyd,  and  Mr.  Steel  for 
the  township  of  Hanmer.  They  intended  thereby  to 
put  an  affront  and  disparagement  upon  their  ministry, 
and  to  show  that  they  looked  upon  them  but  as  lay- 
men.**     His  note  upon  it  is,— It  is  not  a  sin  which 
they  put  us  upon,  but  it  is  a  cross,  and  a  cross  in 
our  way,  and,  therefore,  to  be  taken  up  and  borne 
with  patience.    When  I  had  better  work  to  do,  I 
was  wanting  in  my  duty  about  it,  and  now  this  is 
put  upon  me;  the  Lord  is  righteous.    He  procured 
the  gathering  of  it  by  others,  only  took  account  of 
it,  and  saw  it  duly  done ;  and  deserved,  as  he  said 
he  hoped  he  should,  that  inscription  mentioned  in 
Suetonius,  ladkCtQ  rtKuvtiaavn, — To  the  memory  of  an 
honest  publican.' 

In  September,  the  same  year,  he  was  again,  by 
warrant  from  the  Deputy  Lieutenant,  fetched  pri- 
soner to  Hanmer,  as  was  also  Mr.  Steel  and  others. 
He  was  examined  about  private  meetings.  Some 
such,  but  private  indeed,  he  owned  he  had  been 
present  at  of  late,  in  Shropshire,  but  the  occasion 
was  extraordinary ;  the  plague  was  at  that  time 
raging  in  London,  and  he,  and  several  of  his  friends, 
having  near  relations  there,  thought  it  time  to  seek 
the  Lord  for  them,  and  this  was  imputed  to  him  as 
his  crime.  He  was  likewise  charged  with  adminis- 
tering the  Lord's  supper,  which  he  denied,  having 
never  administered  it  since  he  was  disabled  by  the 
Act  of  Uniformity.  After  some  days'  confinement, 
seeing  they  could  prove  nothing  upon  him,  he  was 
discharged  upon  recognizance  of  £20,  with  two 
sureties,  to  be  forthcoming  upon  notice,  and  to  live 
peaceably, '^Bniy  saith  he,  our  restraint  was  not 
strict,  for  we  had  liberty  of  prayer  and  conference 
together,  to  our  mutual  edification.  Thus  out  of  the 
eater  came  forth  meat,  and  out  of  the  strong  sweet- 
ness; and  we  found  honey  in  the  carcase  of  the  lion, 

[In  reference  to  his  own  improvement,  his  Diary, 
about  this  period,  contains  the  following  interesting 
record.— Covenants  renewed  in  these  particulars. 
By  the  Lord's  help,  I  purpose  to  be  more  substantial 
in  secret  worship ;  more  sparing  of  precious  time ; 

to.  His  death  occurred,  Oct  15,  1663.  P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig. 

o  Hit  excellent  son  notes,  on  one  occasion,— Fell  in  company 
with  Mr.  D — ;  he  told  me  he  looked  upon  me  as  a  deceived  lay. 
man.  God  give  me  grace  to  make  this  good  use  of  the  censure- 
to  be  so  much  the  more  diligent  to  approve  myself  a  yood  miniUn 
•fJn%$  CkrUt.  Matthew  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS.  March  10,  I70SA 

P  Sabinus.   See  Matt.  Henry's  Expos.  Mar.  ii.  13—18. 



more  constmnt  in  reading  the  Scriptures  alone,  and 
meditating  in  them ;  more  carefal  to  improve  all 
oppoitonitiea  of  doing  good  to  souLs :  not  only  tak- 
ing but  seeking  them ;  less  fearful  about  ey^its  when 
in  a  way  of  duty.    In  all  which  I  have  lately  missed 
it,  but  the  Lord  hath  pardoned  me  in  Christ  Jesns.<>] 
It  was  but  a  little  before  this,  that  Mr.  Steel,  set- 
ting out  for  London,  was,  by  a  warrant  from  the 
justices,  nnder  colour  of  the  report  of  a  plot,  stopped 
and  searched,  and,  finding  nothing  to  accuse  him 
of,  they  seised  his  almanack,'  in  which  he  kept  his 
Diaiy  for  that  year ;  and,  it  not  being  written  very 
legibly,  they  made  what  malicious  readings  and 
comments  they  pleased  upon  it,  to  his  great  wrong 
and  leproach  ;  though,  to  all  sober  and  sensible 
people,  it  discoTered  him  to  be  a  man  that  kept  a 
striet  watch  over  bis  own  heart,  and  was  a  g^reat 
hnsband  of  his  time,  and  many  said  they  got  good 
by  h,  and  should  love  him  the  better  for  it.    Psalm 
xxxrii.  5,  6.      This  event  made  Mr.  Henry  some- 
wbt  more  caotious  and  sparing  in  the  records  of 
his  Diary,  irhen  be  saw  how  evil  men  dig  up  mischief. 
At  Lady    I>ay,    1666,  the   Five-mile  Act  eom- 
meneed,  by  -which  all  nonconformist  ministers  were 
forbidden,  upon  pain  of  six  months  imprisonment, 
to  oome  or  be  -within  five  miles  of  any  corporation,  or 
of  any  place  where  they  had  been  ministers,  unless 
tbey  would  take  an  oath ;  of  which  Mr.  Baxter  saith, 
it  was  credibly  reported,  that  the  Earl  of  South- 
ampton, then   Lord  High  Treasurer  of  England, 
said.  No  honest  man  could  take  it.    Mr.  Baxter,  in 
bis  life,  hath  set  down  at  large  his  reasons  against 
takmg  this  Oxford  oath,  as  it  was  called,  part  ii.  p. 
398,  &c.  part.  iii.  p.  4,  &c.    Mr.  Henry  set  his  down 
in  short.     It  was  an  oath,  not  at  any  time  to  endea- 
four  any  alteration  of  the  government,  in  the  church 
or  state.     He  had  already  taken  an  oath  of  alle- 
giance to  the  King,   and  he  looked  upon  this  to 
amount  to  an  oath   of  allegiance  to  the  bishops, 
which  he  was  not  free  to  take.    Thus  he  writes, 
Maich  22, 1066-6: 

This  day  methoughts  it  was  made  more  clear  to 
me  than  ever,  by  the  hand  of  God  upon  me,  and  I 
note  It  down,  that  I  may  remember  it;  (1.)  That 
the  government  of  the  church  of  Christ  ought  to  be 
managed  by  the  ministers  of  Christ.  It  appears, 
Hebrews  xiii.  7.  that  they  are  to  rule  us,  that  speak 
to  OS  the  word  of  God.  (2.)  That  nnder  prelacy," 
miaisters  have  not  the  management  of  church-go- 

1  P.  Heoiy.  Orig.  MS. 

'  GoUmith's  was  uaed  by  Mr.  Henry.  He  had  it  interleaved 
lor  the  purpoae  ofa  Diary.  In  blank  leaves,  at  the  beginning  and 
tht  end,  be  often  made  extracts  from  books,  or  recorded  remarka 
which  occurred  in  con  venation,  &c 

•  Dr.  Wordawoitb  baa  the  following  annotation  connected  with 
the  abof«  aentanoe ;— This  reasoning  seems  hardly  worth  the 
aottar  dowaaad  icmembering.  Do  not  prelates  speak  to  us  the 
wcRd  of  Gad  1  (are  not  tbey.  too,  ministers  of  Christ  t)  and  are  they 
not  enfitlcd,  tlwrcfivr*  <if  the  citation  from  the  apoatlc  be  valid  J 

vemment,  not  in  the  least,  being  only  the  publishers 
of  the  prelates'  decrees,  as  in  exconununication,  and 
absolution ;  which  decrees  sometimes  are  g^ven  forth 
by  lay-ehancellors.  (3.)  That,  therefore,  prelacy  is 
an  usurpation  in  the  church  of  God,  upon  the  crown 
and  dignity  of  Jesus  Christ,  and  upon  the  gospel- 
rights  of  his  servants  the  ministers.  And  therefore, 
(4.)  I  ought  not  to  subscribe  to  it,  nor  to  swear  not 
to  endeavour,  in  all  lawful  ways,  the  alteration  of  it, 
viz.  by  praying  and  persuading,  where  there  is 
opportunity.  But,  (5.)  That  I  may  safely  venture 
to  suffer  in  the  refusal  of  such  an  oath,  committing 
my  soul,  life,  estate,  liberty,  all,  to  him  who  judgeth 

And  on  March  25,  the  day  when  that  act  took 
place,  he  thus  writes  :  A  sad  day  among  poor 
ministers  up  and  down  this  nation ;  who,  by  this  act 
of  restraint,  are  forced  to  remove  from  among  their 
friends,  acquaintance,  and  relations,  and  to  sojourn 
among  strangers,  as  it  were  in  Meteeh  and  in  tk§ 
tents  of  Kedar,  But  there  is  a  God  who  tells  their 
wenderingsj  and  will  put  their  tearsy  and  the  tears  of 
their  wives  and  children,  into  his  bottle.  Arc  they 
not  in  his  book  ?  The  Lord  be  a  little  sanctuary  to 
them,  and  a  place  of  refuge  from* the  storm,  and  from 
the  tempest,  and  pity  those  places  from  which  they 
are  ejected,  and  come  and  dwell  where  they  may 

He  wished  their  removes  might  not  be  figurative 
of  evil  to  these  nations,  as  Ezekiel's  were,  Ezekie! 
xii.  1,  2,  3.  This  severe  dispensation  forced  Mr. 
Steel  and  his  family  from  Hanmer,  and  so  he  lost 
the  comfort  of  his  neighbourhood ;  but  withal  it 
drove  Mr.  Lawrenoe  from  Baschurch  to  Whitchurch 
parish,  where  he  continued  till  he  was  driven  thence 

Mr.  Henry's  house  at  Broad  Oak  was  but  four 
reputed  miles  from  the  utmost  limits  of  Worthenbuiy 
parish,  but  he  got  it  measured,  and  accounting  1700 
yards  to  a  mile,  according  to  the  Statute,  35  Eliz. 
cap.  6,  it  was  found  to  be  just  five  miles  and  three- 
score yards,  which  one  would  think  might  have  been 
his  security.  But  there  were  those  near  him  who 
were  ready  to  stretch  such  laws  to  the  utmost  rigour, 
under  pretence  of  construing  them  in  favour  of  the 
King,  and,  therefore,  would  have  it  to  be  understood 
of  reputed  miles.  This  obliged  him  for  some  time 
to  leave  his  family,  and  to  sojourn  among  his  friends, 
to  whom  he  endeavoured,  wherever  he  came,  to 

to  rule  over  us  t"  Eccl.  Biog.  v.  6.  p.  238.  Mr.  Henry's  language 
is,  however,  evidently  to  be  construed  in  connexion  with  the 
existing  state  of  tbintts,  and  in  contrast  with  those  early  days  of 
episcopacy,  to  which  reference  is  thus  made  in  the  Homilies  f 
"  Tliey  were  then  preaching  bishops,  and  more  often  seen  in  pul. 
pits  than  princes*  palaces;  more  often  occupied  in  his  legacy, 
who  said,— >l»!9  jrr  inta  th»  wkoU  Mwrld,  and  yreaeJk  th*  gotpel  to  aU  awa, 
than  in  embaamges  and  aflhtrs  of  princes  in  this  world."  The 
Homilies  appointed  to  be  read  in  Churches  in  the  time  of  Queen 
Elizabeth,  p.  214. 4ta  1706. 



impart  some  spiritual  gift.  At  last  he  ventured 
home,  presuming,  among  other  things,  that  the  war- 
rant hy  which  he  was  made  collector  of  the  Royal 
Aid,  while  that  continued,  would  secure  him,  ac- 
cording to  a  proviso  in  the  last  clause  of  the  act, 
which,  when  the  gentlemen  perceived,  they  dis- 
charged him  from  that  office,  before  he  had  served 
out  the  time. 

[In  a  document  consisting  of  reasons  on  the  sub- 
ject, he  thus  concludes  in  favour  of  measured,  rather 
than  reputed,  miles. 

1.  Because  measured  miles  are  certain  ;  reputed 
miles  uncertain ;  one  reputing  more,  another  less. 

2.  Because  otherwise  some  would  be  punished 
beyond  others ;  viz.  those  who  live  where  reputed 
miles  are  of  extraordinary  length. 

3.  Because  in  penal  laws  the  interpretation  should 
be  such  as  most  favours  the  offender. 

4.  Upon  other  statutes  the  decision  of  controver- 
sies hath  been  by  measuring  ;  ergo  in  this. 

6.  He  who  swears  against  the  delinquent  must 
swear,  not  that  it  is  reputed,  but  that  it  is  five  miles. 
It  is  not  always  from  one  great  town  to  another  that 
the  question  is  like  to  be,  but  from  a  particular 
house, — as  suppose  Broad  Oak,  to  an  obscure  boun- 
dary,—suppose  the  Sam. 

6.  The  Scripture  speaks  of  measured  miles  in  a 
law-case,  Deuteronomy  xxi.  2.^] 

He  was  much  affected  with  it,  that  the  burning  of 
London  happened  so  soon  after  the  nonconformists 
were  banished  out  of  it.  He  thought  it  was  in  mercy 
to  them,  that  they  were  removed  before  that  deso- 
lating judgment  came,  but  that  it  spoke  aloud  to  our 
governors, — Let  my  people  go  that  they  may  serve 
me ;  and  if  ye  will  not,  behold  this  and  thus  will  I  do 
unto  you.  This  was  the  Lord's  voice  crying  in  tlie 

In  the  beginning  of  the  year  1667,  he  removed 
with  his  family  to  Whitchurch,"  and  dwelt  there 
above  a  year,  except  that  for  one  quarter  of  a  year, 
about  harvest,  he  returned  again  to  Broad  Oak. 
His  remove  to  Whitchurch  was  partly  to  quiet  his 
adversaries,  who  were  ready  to  quarrel  with  him 
upon  the  Five-mile  act,  and  partly  for  the  benefit  of 
the  school  there  for  his  children. 

t  p.  Henry.  Grig.  BIS. 

« In  some  memoranda  respecting  his  eldest  son,  Bfr.  Henry  writes; 
—In  January.  1667,  we  removed  to  Whitcharch,  partly  to  satisTy 
the  law,  partly  to  have  convenient  schooling  for  him  and  his  bro- 
ther, in  regard  Mr.  Catheral  was  appointed  by  Sir  Orlando  Bridg- 
man  to  teach  in  Wigland,  in  a  hoose  newly  built  by  him  for  that 
purpose,  which  was  too  for  oflT  us.  I  entered  him  at  the  Free 
School,  being  yet  in  coats,  which  had  never  been  known  there 
before.    Orig.  MS. 

r  He  was  bom  at  Worthenbury,  May  3, 1661.  His  complexion 
was  observed  to  be  sweet  and  ruddy,  his  countenance  compleat, 
bis  eyes  lively.  He  was  baptized.  May  12,  by  Mr.  George  Main- 
waring,  late  of  Malpas.  He  preached  in  the  morning,  firom  Zech. 
xii.  1.  I  preached  in  the  afternoon,  flrom  Ps.  li.  5.  On  the  14th  of 
May,  neighbours  dined  with  us,  and  rejoiced  in  Ood's  goodness. 

There,  In  April  following,  he  buried  his  eldest 
son,""  not  quite  six  years  old,  a  child  of  extraordinary 
pregnancy  and  forwardness  in  learning,  and  of  a 
very  towardly  disposition.  His  character  of  this 
child  is, 

Prater  que  atatem  nil  puerile  fuit, 

[He  was  remarkable  for  four  things. 

1.  Forwardness  in  learning,  having  all  the  three 
requisites, — apprehension,  j  udgment,  memory  ,—«ven 
beyond  his  age,  and  also  a  great  love  to  it ;  never 
seeking,  at  any  time,  to  stay  from  school. 

2.  Tenderness  of  disposition.  He  was  apt  to  melt 
into  tears  at  the  least  show  of  displeasure,  though 
but  in  a  frown. 

3.  Patience  under  correction ;  which  he  had  not 
often,  because  he  did  not  deserve  it ;  and,  when  he 
did,  his  penitence  prevented  it,  if  not  altogether,  yet 
in  the  severity  of  it. 

4.  Love  to  his  brother  and  sisters.  When  Mat- 
thew sickened  first,  with  the  measles,  (of  which  John 
died,)  he  went  to  bed  with  him  of  his  own  accord, 
sooner  than  ordinary,  and  wept  over  him. 

He  was  of  a  strong,  healthy  constitution,  not 
smaying*  for  cold  in  school  like  other  children.  He 
was  full  of  action,  stirring,  always  doing  something, 
and  what  he  did,  he  did  with  all  his  might'] 

This  child,  before  he  was  seized  with  the  sickness 
whereof  he  died,  was  much  afiected  with  some  verses 
which  he  met  with  in  Mr.  White's  Power  of  Godli- 
ness,^  said  to  be  found  in  the  pocket  of  a  hopeful 
young  man,  who  died  before  he  was  twenty-four 
years  old.     Of  his  own  accord  he  got  them  without 
book,  and  would  be  often  rehearsing  them:    they 
were  these ; — 
Not  twice  twelve  years  (he  might  say. 
Not  half  twelve  years)  full  told,  a  wearied  breath 
I  have  exchanged  for  a  happy  death. 
Short  was  my  life ;  the  longer  is  my  rest ; 
God  takes  them  soonest  whom  he  loveth  best 
He  that  is  bom  to^ay  and  dies  to-morrow, 
Loses  some  hours  of  joy,  but  months  of  sorrow ; 
Other  diseases  often  come  to  grieve  us. 
Death  strikes  but  once,  and  that  stroke  doth 
relieve  us. 

The  same  night  my  dear  wife  began  to  be  ill  of  an  ague.  There 
are  no  comforts  but  what  are  mixed  and  chequered  till  we  come 
to  heaven.  Tis  the  evening  commends  the  day ;  therefore,  we 
should  serve  the  Lord  with  fear,  and  rejoice  with  trembling.  In 
the  beginning  of  1665,  he  went  to  school  to  Mr.  Samuel  Catheral, 
at  Whitewell  chapel,  and  by  the  end  of  that  year,  had  learned  to 
read  English.  In  the  beginning  of  1666,  he  began  his  accidence, 
which  he  despatched  in  that  year,  with  some  of  his  grammar  also. 
P.  Henry.   Orig.  MS. 

V  Probably  a  contraction  of  diaoaying. 

X  p.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

7  See  onte,  p.  32.  The  copy  which  belonged  to  BIr.  Henry,  con- 
taining his  hand-writing,  and  a  few  words  ill  written,  supposed  to 
be  his  son  Jcfhn's,  is  in  the  editor's  possession.  See  an  account 
of  Mr.  White,  in  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  i.  p.  106.  ut  npra. 



Tins  was  a  greal  affliction  to  the  tender  parents. 
Xr.  Hemy  writes  upon  it  in  the  reflection, 

€hnequid  anuu  eupias  non  placuisse  nimis 

Many  years  after,  he  said,  he  thought  he  did 
ipply  to  himself  at  that  time,  but  too  sensibly,  that 
soiptare.  Lamentations,  iii.  1. — I  am  the  man  that 
katk  iten  ajfiietion.  And  he  would  say  to  his  friends 
■poD  such  occasions, — '*  Losers  think  they  may  have 
leave  to  speak,'  but  they  must  have  a  care  what 
tfMy  lay,  lest  speaking  amiss  to  God's  dishonour, 
tfMy  make  work  for  repentance,  and  shed  tears  that 
Bast  be  wept  over  ag^ain,"*  He  observed  concern- 
ing this  child,  that  he  had  always  been  very  patient 
nder  rebokes.  The  remembrance  of  which^  saith  he, 
teadieth  me  now  how  to  cany  it  under  the  rebukes 
of  my  hcayenly  Father.  His  prayer  under  this  pro- 
vidaice  wasy— Show  me,  Lord,  show  me  wherefore 
ikon  cootendest  with  me ;  have  I  over-boasted,  over- 
bred,  orer-priced  ?  A  Lord's  day  intervening  be- 
tween Hie  death  and  burial  of  the  child, — I  attended, 
saith  he,  on  public  ordinances,  though  sad  in  spirit, 
ai  Job,  who,  after  all  the  evil  tidings  that  were 
kouglit  him,  whereof  death  of  children  was  the  last 
and  heaviest,  yet  fell  down  and  worshipped.  And 
he  would  often  say  upon  such  occasions,  that  weep- 
iag  most  not  hinder  sowing.  Upon  the  interment'' 
of  tike  child,  he  writes,— My  dear  child,  now  mine 
BO  longer,  was  laid  in  the  cold  earth,  not  lost,  but 
loon  to  be  raised  again  a  glorious  body,  and  I  shall 
go  to  him,  but  he  shall  not  return  to  me.  A  few 
days  alter,  his  dear  friend,  Mr.  Lawrence,  then  living 
in  Wbitchnrch  parish,  buried  a  daughter,  that  was 
grown  up  and  very  hopeful,  and  g^ve  good  evidence 
of  a  work  of  g^ce  wrought  upon  her  soul.  How 
willing,  aaith  he,  may  parents  be  to  part  with  such 
when  the  Lord  calls ;  they  are  not  amini  but  pra- 
■ifW.  And  he  hath  this  further  remark,— The  Lord 
hath  made  his  poor  servants,  that  have  been  often 
companions  in  his  work,  now  companions  in  tribu- 
iaticm,  the  very  same  tribulation ;  me  for  my  sin, 
him  for  his  trial.* 

While  he  lived  at  Whitchurch,  he  attended  con- 
stantly upon  the  public  ministry,  and  there,  as  ever, 
he  waa  careful  to  come  to  the  beginning  of  the  ser- 
vice, which  he  attended  upon  with  reverence  and 
devotion;  standing  all  the  time,  even  while  the 
dttpCers  were  read. 

[He  saidy—He  that  gives  to  God  his  soul,  and 
scfwcs  him  with  the  inner  man,  will  think  no  out- 
ward expression  of  reverence  too  much.  He  will 
give  his  body  too.',  Mr.  Hemy  had  high  thoughts  of 

Too  mort  give  losers 

to  ipeak.         Ben  Jonaon,  v.  6.  p.  106.  oct  101& 

•  See  Biibop  Poreiidgc't  Private  Thoughts,  Article  IV. 

k  He  died  April  It.  Monday,  AprillS,  be  was  boiied,  toward  the 
upper  end  of  the  siiddle  aisle  in  Whitchurch  church.  ICr.  Samuel 
EdwardiWidt  srhonhnaster,  preached  his  ftmeial  sermon.  Text, 
MaifciiiLaa   P.  Btmy.  Oilg. MS. 

the  body  as  well  as  the  soul.  He  would  say,  it  is  the 
workmanship  of  God,  therefore  not  to  be  misused, — 
it  is  the  house  of  the  soul, — it  is  the  servant  to  the  soul, 
made  use  of  in  honouring  God,— it  is  the  purchase  of 
Christ,  united  to  him,  1  Corinthians  vi.  1^. — ^it  is  the 
temple  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  1  Corinthians  vi.  19.— 
it  is  intended  for  glorious  things  in  the  resurrection, 
Philippians  iii.  21.  Job  xix.  26.  1  Corinthians  xv.<] 

In  the  evening  of  the  Lord's  day,  he  spent  some 
time  in  instructing  his  family,  to  which  a  few  of  his 
friends  and  neighbours  in  the  town  would  some- 
times come  in ;  and  it  was  a  little  gleam  of  oppor- 
tunity, but  very  short,  for,  as  he  notes ; — He  was 
offended  at  it,  who  should  rather  have  rejoiced,  if, 
by  any  means,  the  work  might  be  carried  on  in  his 
people's  souls. 

He  observes  in  his  Diary  tnis  year,  how  zealous 
people  had  generally  been  for  the  observation  of 
Lent,  a  while  ago,  and  how  cold  they  are  towards  it 
now.  The  same  he  notes  of  processions  in  Ascen- 
sion-week ;  for,  saith  he,  what  hath  no  good  foun- 
dation, will  not  hold  up  long ;  but  in  that  which  is 
duty,  and  of  God,  it  is  good  to  be  zealously  affected 

In  this  year,  I  think,  was  the  first  time  that  he 
administered  the  Lord's  supper,  very  privately  to  be 
sure,  after  he  was  silenced  by  the  Act  of  Unifor- 
mity ;  and  he  did  not  do  it  without  mature  delibera- 
tion. A  fear  of  separation  kept  him  from  it  so  long; 
what  induced  him  to  it  at  last,  I  find  thus  under  his 
own  hand.  I  am  a  minister  of  Christ,  and  as  such 
I  am  obliged,  virtute  officii^  by  all  means  to  endea- 
vour the  good  of  souls.  Now  here  is  a  company  of 
serious  Christians,  whose  lot  is  cast  to  live  in  a 
parish,  where  there  is  one  set  over  them,  who  preach- 
eth  the  truth ;  and  they  come  to  hear  him,  and  join 
with  him  in  other  parts  of  worship ;  only,  as  to  the 
Lord's  supper,  they  scruple  the  lawfulness  of  the 
gesture  of  kneeling ;  and  he  tells  them,  his  hands 
are  tied,  and  he  cannot  administer  it  unto  them  any 
other  way ;  wherefore  they  come  to  me,  and  tell  me, 
they  earnestly  long  for  that  ordinance ;  and  there  is 
a  competent  number  of  them,  and  opportunity  to 
partake ;  and  how  dare  I  deny  this  request  of  theirs, 
without  betraying  my  ministerial  trust,  and  incur- 
ring the  g^ilt  of  a  grievous  omission  ? 

In  February,  1667-8.'  Mr.  Lawrence  and  he  were 
invited  by  some  of  their  friends  to  Betley,  in  Staf-. 
fordshire,  and  (there  being  some  little  public  con- 
nivance at  that  time)  with  the  consent  of  all  con- 
cerned, they  adventured  to  preach  in  the  church, 
one  in  the  morning,  and  the  other  in  the  afternoon, 

e  When  others  are  aiBicted,  we  are  to  conclude  it  is  for  trial,— 
when  ouFselves,  for  sin.  Calamy.  P.  Henry's  Com.  Place  Book. 
Orig.  MS. 

i  P.  Henry.  See  Mem.  of  Mn.  Savage,  p.  217.  •i  mipTa. 

•  lb.  Orig.  BdS. 

f  AppeAdis,No.XlV. 



of  the  Lord's  day,  very  peaceably  and  profitably. 
This  action  of  theirs  was  presently  after  reported  in 
the  House  of  Commons,  by  a  Member  of  Parlia- 
ment,' with  these  additions, — ^That  they  tore  the 
Common  Prayer  Book,  trampled  the  surplice  under 
their  feet,  pulled  down  the  ministers  of  the  place  out 
of  the  pulpit,  &c.  Reports  which  there  was  not  the 
least  colour  for.  But  that,  with  some  other  such 
like  false  stories,  produced  an  address  of  the  House 
of  Commons  to  the  King,  to  issue  out  a  proclamation 
for  the  putting  of  the  laws  in  execution  against 
papists  and  nonconformists,  which  was  issued  out 
accordingly ;  though  the  King,  at  the  opening  of 
that  Session  a  little  before,  had  declared  his  desire, 
that  some  course  might  be  taken,  to  compose  the 
minds  of  his  Protestant  subjects,  in  matters  of  re- 
ligion ;  which  had  raised  the  expectations  of  some, 
that  there  would  be  speedy  enlargement ;  but  Mr. 
Henry  had  noted  upon  it,^We  cannot  expect  too 
little  from  man,**  nor  too  much  from  God. 

And  here  it  may  be  very  pertinent  to  observe, 
how  industrious  Mr.  Henry  was  at  this  time,  when 
he  and  his  friends  suffered  such  hard  things  from 
the  government,  to  preserve  and  promote  a  good  af- 
fection to  the  government  notwithstanding.  It  was 
commonly  charged  at  that  time  upon  the  noncon- 
formists in  general,  especially  from  the  pulpits,'  that 
they  were  all  a  factious  and  turbulent  people,  as 
was  said  of  old,— Ezra  iv.  16.— hurtful  to  kings 
and  provinces;  that  their  meetings  were  for  the 
sowing  of  sedition  and  discontents,  and  the  like; 
and  there  is  some  reason  to  think,  that  one  thing  in- 
tended by  the  hardships  put  upon  them,  was  to 
drive  them  to  this :  there  is  a  way  of  making  a  wise 
man  mad.  But  how  peaceably  they  carried  them- 
selves, is  manifest  to  God,  and  in  the  consciences  of 
many.  For  an  instance  of  it,  it  will  not  be  amiss 
to  give  some  account  of  a  sermon,  which  Mr.  Henry 
preached  in  some  very  private  meetings,  such  as  were 
called  seditious  conventicles,  in  the  year  1669,  when 
it  was  a  day  of  treading  down,  and  of  perplexity ; 
it  was  on  that  text.  Psalm  xxxv.  20.  Against  them 
that  are  quiet  in  the  land.  Whence  (not  to  curry 
favour  with  rulers,  for  whatever  the  sermon  was,  the 
very  preaching  of  it,  had  it  been  known,  must  have 
been  severely  punished,  but  purely  out  of  conscience 
towards  God)  he  taught  his  friends  this  doctrine, — 
That  it  is  the  character  of  the  people  of  God,  that 
they  are  a  quiet  people  in  the  land.  *'  This  quiet- 
ness he  described  to  be  an  orderly,  peaceable  sub- 

r  Miyor-^neral  Egrerton.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

b  I  remember  one  saying  or  General  Lambert's,  *'Tbat  the  best 
of  men  are  but  men  at  the  best.**  Letters  written  by  Eminent  Per. 
sons,  and  Lives  of  Eminent  Men,  by  John  Aubrey,  Esq.  voL  ii.  part 
I,  p.  199. 

i  The  cleiigytnan  at  White  well  Chapel  sometimes  was  one  of  the 
accusers  above  alluded  to.  On  one  of  those  occasions,  Mr.  Henry 
thus  writes ;— *'  Mr.  Green  at  chapel  to-day  aeemed  to  say  some- 
thiag  with  reflection :  Mark  thm  that  eatue  diviiiotu,  mvins  tktir 

jection  to  governors  and  government  in  the  Lord. 
We  must  maintain  a  reverent  esteem  of  them,  and 
of  their  authority,  in  opposition  to  despising  do- 
minion, 2  Peter  ii.  10.  We  must  be  meek,  under 
severe  commands,  and  burdensome  impositions,  not 
murmining  and  complaining,  as  the  Israelites 
against  Moses  and  Aaron;  but  take  them  up  as 
our  cross  in  our  way,  and  bear  them  as  we  do  foul 
weather.  We  must  not  speah  evil  of  dignities^  Jude 
8.  nor  revile  the  gods,  Exodus  xxii.  28.  .  Paul 
checked  himself  for  this,  Acts  xxiii.  5.  dvc  ffiuVy  I  did 
not  consider  it ;  if  I  had,  I  would  not  have  said  so. 
We  must  not  traduce  their  government,  as  Absalom 
did  David's,  2  Samuel  xv.  3.  Great  care  is  to  be 
taken  how  we  speak  of  the  faults  of  any,  especially 
of  rulers,  Ecclesiastes  x.  20. — ^The  people  of  God  do 
make  the  word  of  God  their  rule,  and  by  that  they 
are  taught,  (1.)  That  magistracy  is  God's  ordi^ 
nance,  and  magistrates  God's  ministers ;  that  by  him 
kings  reign,  and  the  powers  that  be  are  ordained  of 
him.  (2.)  That  they,  as  well  as  others,  are  to  have 
their  dues;  honour,  and  fear,  and  tribute.  (3.)  That 
their  lawful  commands  are  to  be  obeyed,  and  that 
readily  and  cheerfully,  Titus  iii.  1.  (4.)  That  the 
penalties  inflicted  for  not  obeying  unlawful  com- 
mands, are  patiently  to  be  undergone.  This  is  the 
rule,  and  as  many  as  walk  according  to  this  rule. 
Peace  shall  he  upon  them,  and  there  can  be  no  dan- 
ger of  their  unpeaceableness.  They  are  taught  to 
pray  for  kings  and  all  in  authority,  1  Timothy  ii.  1, 
2.  and  God  forbid  we  should  do  otherwise ;  yea, 
though  they  persecute,  Jeremiah  xxix.  7.  Peace- 
able prayers  bespeak  a  peaceable  people,  Psalm  cix. 
4.  If  some  professing  religion  have  been  unquiet, 
their  unquietness  hath  given  the  lie  to  their  profes- 
sion, Jude  8,  11,  12.  Quietness  is  our  badgei 
Colossians  iii.  12.  It  will  be  our  strength,  Isaiah 
XXX.  7,  15,  our  rejoicing  in  the  day  of  evil,  Jere- 
miah xviii.  18.  It  is  pleasing  to  God,  I  Timothy  iL 
2,  3.  It  may  work  upon  others,  1  Peter  ii.  12, 13, 
The  means  he  prescribed  for  the  keeping  of  us  quiet, 
were  to  get  our  hearts  filled  with  the  knowledge  and 
belief  of  these  two  things :  1.  That  the  kingdom  of 
Christ  is  not  of  this  world,  John  xviii.  36.  Many  have 
thought  otherwise,  and  it  made  them  unquiet.  2. 
That  the  wrath  of  man  worheth  not  the  righteousness 
of  God,  James  i.  20.  He  needs  not  our  sin  to  bring 
to  pass  his  own  counsel.  We  must  mortify  unquiet- 
ness in  the  onuses  of  it,  James  iv.  1.  We  must  al- 
ways remember  the  oath  of  God,  Ecclesiastes  viii.  2. 

•»»  bdlf.  Lord,  I  can  only  appeal  to  thee,  and  ny,  if  I  seelL 
myself  in  what  I  do,  or  my  own  things,  and  not  the  good  of  souls* 
and  the  advancement  of  thy  glory ;  if  I  do  it  in  any  respect  to  di- 
vide, then  fill  my  face  with  shame,  and  let  my  enemies  have  power 
over  me.  But  if  otherwise,— Lord,  take  my  part,  and  plead 
my  cause,  and  clear  my  integrity,  for  thy  mercy  sake."  Diaiy, 
Orig.  MS. 

See  an  appeal  somewhat  similar  by  the  venerable  martyr  Bishop 
Hooper.  Fuller's  Ch.  Hist.  b.  vii.  p.  401  fol.  M55.  . 



The  oath  of  alle^ance  is  an  oath  of  quietness. 
And  we  must  beware  of  the  company  and  converse 
of  those  that  are  unquiet.  Proverbs  xxii.  24,  25. 
Tboug^h  deceitful  matters  be  devised,  yet  we  must 
bd  quiet  still ;  nay,  be  so  much  the  more  quiet." 

I  have  been  thus  large  in  gathering  these  hints 
oat  of  that  sermon,  (which  he  took  all  occasions  in 
odier  sermons  to  inculcate,  as  all  his  brethren  like- 
wise did,)  that  if  possible  it  may  be  a  conviction  to 
the  present  generation  ;  or,  however,  may  be  a  wit- 
ness in  time  to  come,  that  the  nonconformist  minis- 
ters were  not  enemies  to  Caesar,  nor  troublers  of 
the  land ;  nor  their  meetings  any  way  tending  to 
the  disturbance  of  the  public  peace,  but  purely  de- 
signed to  help  to  repair  the  decays  of  Christian 

All  that  knew  Mr.  Henry,  knew  very  well  that  his 
practice  all  his  days  was  consonant  to  these  his 
settled  principles. 

In  May,  1668,'^  he  returned  again  with  his  family 
ram  Whitchurch  to  Broad  Oak,  which,  through  the 
;ood  hand  of  his  God  upon  him,  continued  his  set- 
led  home,  without  any  remove  from  it,  till  he  was 
amoved  to  his  long  home  above  twenty-eight  years 
ifter.  The  edge  of  the  Five-mile  Act  began  now  a 
ittle  to  abate,  at  least  in  that  country ;  and  he  was 
iesirous  to  be  more  useful  to  the  neighbours,  among 
whom  God  hath  given  him  an  estate,  than  he  could 
t>e  at  a  distance  from  them,  by  relieving  the  poor, 
employing  the  labourers,  especially  instructing  the 
ignorant,  and  helping  as  many  as  be  could  to  heaven. 
Be  made  that  scripture  his  standing  rule,  and  wrote 
it  in  the  banning  of  his  book  of  accounts,  Pro- 
ferbs  iii.  9,  10.  Honour  the  Lord  with  thy  substance, 
kc.  And  having  set  apart  a  day  of  secret  prayer 
ind  humiliation,  to  beg  of  God  a  wise  and  an  un- 
derstanding heart,  and  to  drop  a  tear,  as  he  ex- 
presseth  it,  over  the  sins  of  his  predecessors,  for- 
merly in  that  estate,  he  laid  out  himself  very  much 
IB  dioing  good.  He  was  very  serviceable  upon 
all  accounts  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  though  it 
to(^  up  a. great  deal  of  his  time,  and  hindered  him 
from  his  beloved  studies,  yet  it  might  be  said  of 
him,  as  the  Bishop  of  Salisbury  saith  of  Archbishop 
liltotsoo,  in  his  sermon  at  his  funeral,  that  he 
ehose  rather  to  live  to  the  good  of  others  than 
to  himself ;  and  thought,  tbat  to  do  an  a^pt  of  cha- 
rity, or  even  of  tenderness  and  kindness,  was  of 
Bore  value,  both  in  itself,  and  in  the  sight  of  God, 

k  Mftj  3L  This  week  I  removed  again  with  my  (kmily  from 
Vbitdmrcfa  to  Broad  Oke,  Zvv  Ocm. 

The  reaaoDS  indadng  me  thereunto  were  these ; 

L  The  ccuii^  of  thoae  things  which  brought  us  thence  t  which 
rere.1  To  avoid  the  penalty  of  the  taw,  now  rebated.  2.  For 
loodscbooUnf  for  my  ions,  now  not  to  be  had,  by  the  removal  of 
fr.  Edwards  to  Newport ;  and  besides,  the  Lord  hath  taken  my 
'Jdcstsoo  tohimsetr,  twbiaiA  etaud,  loBUur  tftctut. 

1L  That  1  nifht  be  of  mcnre  me  thefe  where  God  hath  given  me 
ui  ettate,  than  I  can  be  at  this  distance,  by  relieving  the  poor 
'kcRabovli^  and  hy  helpfug  as  many  as  I  can  to  heaven.    Now, 

p  9 

than  to  pursue  the  pompous  parts  of  learning,  how 
much  soever  his  own  genius  might  lead  him  to  it.' 

He  was  very  useful  in  the  common  concernments 
of  the  township  and  country,  in  which  he  was  a 
very  prudent  counsellor ;  it  was,  indeed,  a  narrow 
sphere  of  activity,  hut,  such  as  it  was,  to  him, — as 
to  Job,  chapter  xxix.  21,  22.— 3feit  gave  ear  and 
waited,  and  kept  silence  at  his  counsel;  after  his 
words  they  spake  not  again  ;  and  many  of  the  neigh- 
bours who  respected  him  not  as  a  minister,  yet  loved 
and  honoured    him  as  a  knowing,  prudent,   and 
humble  neighbour.     In  the  concernments  of  private 
families,  he  was  very  far  from  busying  himself,  and 
further  from  seeking  himself;  but  he  was  very  much 
busied,  advising  many  about  their  affairs,  and  the 
disposal  of  themselves  and  their  children,  arbitrat- 
ing and  composing  differences  among  relations  and 
neighbours,  in  which  he  had  an  excellent  faculty, 
and  often  good  success,  inheriting  the  blessing 
entailed  upon  the  peace-makers.    References  have 
sometimes  been  made  to  him  by  rule  of  court,  at 
the  assizes,  with  consent  of  parties.    He  was  very 
affable  and  easy  of  access,  and  admirably  patient  in 
hearing  every   one's  complaint,  which   he  would 
answer  with  so  much  prudence  and  mildness,  and 
give  such  apt  adviccf,  that  many  a  time  to  consult 
with  him,  was  to  ask  counsel  at  Abel,  and  so  to  end 
the  matter.*^    He  observed,  in  almost  all  quarrels 
that  happened,  that  there  was  a  fault  on  both  sides ; 
and  that  generally  they  were  most  in  the  fault,  that 
were  most  forward  and  clamorous  in  their  com- 
plaints.    One  making  her  moan  to  him  of  a  bad 
husband  she  had,  that  in  this  and  the  other  instance 
was  unkind ;  and  Sir,  saith  she,  after  a  long  com- 
plaint which  he  patiently  heard,  what  would  you 
have  me  to  do  now  ?    Why  truly,  saith  he,  I  would 
have  you  to  go  home,  and  be  a  better  wife  to  him,  and 
then  you  will  find  that  he  will  be  a  better  husband  to 
you.    Labouring  to  persuade  one  to  forgive  an  in- 
jury that  was  done  him ;  he  urged  this,  Are  you  not 
a  Christian  ?°  and  followed  that  argument  so  close 
that  at  last  he  prevailed. 

He  was  very  industrious,  and  oft  successful,  in 
persuading  people  to  recede  from  their  right  for 
peace  sake  ;  and  he  would  for  that  purpose  tell  tnem 
Luther's  story  of  the  two  goats,  that  met  upon  a 
narrow  bridge  over  a  deep  water ;  they  could  not 
go  back,  they  durst  not  fight ;  after  a  short  parley, 
one  of  them  lay  down,  and  let  the  other  go  over  him. 

Lord,  glorify  thyself  in  and  by  thy  poor  servant,  and  prevent 
trouble  here,  or.make  me  able  to  bear  it.  P.  Henry's  Diary. 
Orig.  MS. 

1  pp.  24, 25.  4tO.  1694. 

m  See  2  Sam.  xx.  18. 

n  In  allusion,  probably,  to  the  martyrs,  particularlyt  •*  that 
blessed  woman,"  Blandina,  who, "  fighting  the  worthy  battell,  be. 
came  stronger  and  stronger,  and  as  often  as  she  spake  these 
words,— /«!  a  CkrUtian,  neither  have  Wee  committed  any  evill, 
—it  was  to  her  a  marvellous  comfort  and  .boldening  to  abide 
the  torments."    Fox's  Acts  and  Monuments,  v.  I.  p.  60.  foL  1641. 



and  no  hann  was  done.*  He  would  likewise  relate 
sometimes  a  remarkable  story,  worthy  to  be  here 
inserted,  concerning  a  good  friend  of  his,  Mr.  T.  Y.p 
of  Whitchurch,  who  in  his  youth  was  greatly  wrong- 
ed by  an  unjust  uncle  of  his.  Being  an  orphan, 
his  portion,  which  was  £200,  was  put  into  the 
hands  of  that  uncle ;  who,  when  he  grew  up,  shuf- 
fled with  him,  and  would  give  him  but  £40,  instead 
of  his  £200,  and  he  had  no  way  of  recovering  his 
right  but  by  law ;  but  before  he  would  engage  in 
that,  he  was  willing  to  advise  with  his  minister,  who 
was  the  famous  Dr.  Twiss,'»  of  Newbury;  the  coun- 
sel he  gave  him,  all  things  considered,  was,  for 
peace  sake,  and  for  the  preventing  of  sin,  and 
snares,  and  trouble,  to  take  the  £40,  rather  than 
contend ;  and  Thomas,  saitfa  the  Doctor,  if  thou  dost 
so,  assure  thyself,  that  God  will  make  it  up  to  thee 
and  thine  some  other  way,  and  they  that  defraud 
thee  will  be  the  losers  by  it  at  last  He  did  so,  and  it 
pleased  God  so  to  bless  that  little  which  he  began  the 
world  with,  that  when  he  died  in  a  good  old  age,  he 
left  his  son  possessed  of  some  hundreds  a  year ;  and 
he  that  wronged  him  fell  into  decay. 

Many  very  pious,  worthy  families  in  the  country 
would  say  of  Mr.  Henry,  tiiat  they  had  no  friend 
like-minded,  who  did  naturally  care  for  their  state, 
and  so  affectionately  sympathize  with  them,  and  in 
whom  their  hearts  could  safely  trust 

[The  interest  of  families  lay  near  his  heart,  and, 
sometimes,  he  would  ask  the  affectionate  question. 
Are  there  no  families  to  be  wept  over?  Yes.  When 
there  are  none  in  a  family,  as  far  as  we  can  judge, 
spiritually  alive.  As  in  Eg^pt,  there  was  not  a 
house  in  which  there  was  not  one  dead,  so  there  are 
many  families  in  which  not  one  is  alive*  We  weep 
over  the  body  from  which  the  soul  is  departed,  and 
why  not  over  the  soul  from  which  God  is  departed  ? 
There  are  families  too  in  which  God  is  not  wor- 
shipped. And  are  not  those  to  be  wept  over?  There 
are  families  where  worldliness  prevails,  where  all 
are  for  the  wealth  of  the  world,  and  where  there  is  no 
care  for  the  soul.  There  are  families  where  divisions 
reig^,  two  are  against  three,  and  three  against  two ; 
and  there  the  house  is  on  fire ;  the  house  is  falling. 

o  The  moral  is  easy.  Be  content  thy  person  be  trod  upon  for 
peace  sake.  Thy  ptnw^  1  say,  not  thy  enuciimcf.  P.  Henry. 
Orig.  MS. 

p  Yates. 

q  Dr.  Twiss,  Prolocutor  of  the  Assembly  of  Divines,  in  1643. 
He  died  the  90th  of  July,  1646.  SBt.  71.  He  was  oflTered  a  preben. 
dary  at  Winchester,  which  he  declined,  because  he  foresaw  it 
would  excite  a  quarrel  between  two  neighbouring  clergymen. 
Clark's  Lives  of  Eminent  Persons,  p.  13.  «f  npra. 

r  P.  Henry.  From  a  MS.  in  Mr.  Matt  Henry's  hand. writing. 

•  This  was  the  practice  of  Dr.  Hammond.  See  his  Life,  by  Dr. 
Pell,  p.  160.  kf  ntfra.  It  is  said  of  a  renowned  nobleman,  that  he 
would  often  give  to  labouring  men  .**  good  summes  of  money, 
making  them  believe  bee  did  but  lend  it  them ;  and  causfaigsome 
about  him  to  passe  their  words  for  the  repayment,  when  hee  never 
meant  to  receire  it  again  t  but  did  that,  as  himself  was  wont  to 
r^/y  u^  inpoUde,  to  make  them  continae  their  iaboor,  and  to  be 

There  are  families  where  God's  hand  hath  been  by  | 
correction,  and  they  have  been  sensible  of  it ;  but  ^ 
the  correction  being  removed,  they  are  as  bad  or  , 
worse  than  ever.    These  are  to  be  wept  over.^J  t 

He  was  very  charitable  to  the  poor,  and  was  full 
of  alms'-deeds,  which  he  did,  (as  was  said  of  Tabitha,  . 
Acts  ix.  36.)  not  which  he  said  he  would  do,  or 
which  he  put  others  on  to  do,  but  which  he  did  kirn- 
selfy  dispersing  abroad  and  giving  to  the  poor,  seek- 
ing and  rejoicing  in  opportunities  of  that  kind.  And 
whenever  he  gave  an  alms  for  the  body,  he  usually 
gave  with  it  a  spiritual  alms,  some  good  word  of 
counsel,  reproof,  instruction,  or  comfort,  as  there 
was  occasion,  and  in  accommodating  these  to  the 
persons  he  spoke  to,  he  had  a  very  great  dexterity. 

He  was  very  forward  to  lend"  money  freely  to 
any  of  his  poor  neighbours  that  had  occasion,  and 
would  sometimes  say,  that  in  many  cases  there  was 
more  charity  in  lending  than  in  giving,  because  it 
obliged  the  borrower  both  to  honesty  and  industiy. 
When  one  of  his  neighbours,  to  whom  he  had  lent 
three  pounds,  failed,  so  that  he  was  never  likely  to 
see  a  farthing  of  it,  he  writes  thus  upon  it ; — not- 
withstanding this,  yet  still  I  judge  it  my  duty  to 
lend,  Miy^v  dwfXwUifav,  nothing  despairing ;  so  Dr. 
Hanmiond  reads  it,  Luke  vi.  36.  Though  what  is 
lent  in  charity  be  not  repaid,  yet  it  is  not  lost 
When  those  that  had  borrowed  money  of  him  paid 
him  again,  he  usually  gave  them  back  some  part,  to 
encourage  honesty.  He  judged  the  taking  of  mode- 
rate interest  for  money  lawful,'  where  the  borrower 
was  in  a  way  of  gaining  by  it.  But  he  would  advise 
his  friends  that  had  money  rather  to  dispose  of  it 
otherwise  if  they  could. 

It  must  not  be  forgotten,  how  punctual  and  exact 
he  was  in  all  his  accounts  with  tenants,  workmen, 
&c.  being  always  careful  to  keep  such  things  in  black 
and  white,  as  he  used  to  say,  which  is  the  surest  way 
to  prevent  mistakes,  and  a  man's  wronging  either 
himself  or  his  neighbour ;  such  was  his  prudence, 
and  such  his  patience  and  peaceableness,  that  all 
the  time  he  was  at  Broad  Oak,  he  never  sued  any, 
nor  ever  was  sued,  but  was  instrumental  \o  prevent 
many  a  vexatious  law-suit  among  his  neighbours. 

good  husbands."    A  Sermon  preached  at  the  Funeral  of  WiUiarn 
Lord  Russel.  by  William  Walker.  D.  D.  p.  4a  4to.  1614. 

t  Bfr.  Henry  has  thus  recorded  the  opinion  of  Mr.  Baxter  on  this 
subject  It  is  transcribed  from  his  coinmon.phice  book.  *'  If 
usury  be  condemned,  'tis  either  by  law  of  nature  or  some  positive 
law.  If  the  former,  then  either  as  an  act  of  impiety,  ipjustice,  or 
unmercifuhiess.  That  which  can  be  proved  to  have  any  of  these 
I  am  resolved  against,  but  there  is  some  usury  which  I  am  not 
able  to  see  any  of  these  in,  nay,  I  think  I  could  so  lend  on  usury 
in  some  cases,  as  might  be  as  great  an  act  of  bounty  or  mercy  as 
to  give  near  half  the  money.  If  it  be  forbidden  by  a  positive  law, 
then  either  of  Moses,  or  of  Christ.  Not  of  Moses,  for  the  Mosaic 
law  is  abrogated,  though  much  of  the  matter  of  it  be  still  in  force, 
—as  the  law  of  nature,  and  of  Christ  Not  of  Christ ;  for  where 
hath  Christ  any  such  posiUve  law !  On  these  grounds  I  fptak 
against  all  uigust  tnd  unmerciful  usury,  but  I  dare  go  no  flntber, 
and  yet  I  will  justify  none,— there  is  a  paper  of  Dr.  Sanderson's 



He  used  to  say ,-— There  are  four  rules  to  be  duly  ob- 
lerred  in  going  to  law ;  (1.)  We  must  not  go  to  law 
for  trifles,  as  he  did  who  said,  he  would  rather  si>end 
a  hundred  pounds  in  law,  than  lose  a  penny-worth 
of  his  right,  Matthew  v.  30,  40,  41.  (2.)  We  must 
not  be  rash  and  hasty  in  it,  but  tiy  all  other  means 
possible  to  compose  difierences ;  wherein  he  that 
yields  most,  as  Abraham  did  to  Lot,  is  the  better 
nan ;  and  there  is  nothing  lost  by  it  in  the  end,  1 
Corinthians  vi.  1,  2.  (3.)  We  must  see  that  it  be 
without  malice,  or  desire  of  revenge.  If  the  undoing 
of  oar  brother  be  the  end  of  our  going  to  law,  as  it 
is  with  many,  it  is  certainly  evil,  and  it  speeds  ac- 
cordingly. (4.)  It  must  be  with  a  disposition  to 
peace,  whenever  it  may  be  had,  and  an  ear  open  to 
all  overtures  of  that  kind.  The  two  mottos  proper 
for  the  great  guns  are  applicable  to  this,  ratio  ultima 
regumf  and  sic  qumrimus  pacem, 

[He  was  an  enemy  to  austerity  of  deportment,  and 
much  enjoyed  the  pleasures  of  social  intercourse. 
''  Pest-houses,"  he  would  say, ''  always  stand  alone^ 
and  yet  are  full  of  infectious  diseases.  Solitariness 
is  no  infallible  argument  of  sanctity."**  It  was  against 
the  evil*  of  society  his  watchfulness  was  directed, 
and  these  he  uniformly  endeavoured  to  counteract. 
Hence  four  rules  he  sometimes  g^ve  to  be  observed  in 
our  converse  with  men.  Have  conmiunion  with  few. 
Be  familiar  with  one.  Deal  justly  with  all.  Speak 
evil  of  none. 

He  was  noted  for  an  extraordinary  neat  husband 
about  his  house  and  ground,  which  he  would  often 
say  he  could  not  endure  to  see  like  the  field  of  the 
slothful^  and  the  rineyard  of  the  man  void  of  under- 
ttanding.  And  it  was  strange,  how  easily  one  that 
had  been  bred  up  utterly  a  stranger  to  such  things, 
yet  when  God  so  ordered  his  lot,  acquainted  himself 
with,  and  acconmiodated  himself  to,  the  affairs  of 
the  country,  making  it  the  diversion  of  his  vacant 
hours  to  over-see  his  gardens  and  fields ;  when  he 
better  understood  that  known  Epode  of  Horace, 
Beatus  ille  qui  procul  negotiisy'  than  he  did  when  in 
his  youth  he  made  an  ingenious  translation  of  it. 
His  care  of  this  kind  was  an  act  of  charity  to  poor 
labourers  whom  he  employed ;  and  it  was  a  good 
example  to  his  neighbours,  as  well  as  for  the  com- 
fort of  his  family.  His  converse  likewise  with  these 
things  was  excellently  improved  for  spiritual  pur- 
poses, by  occasional  meditations,  hints  of  which  there 

tetf  moderate  and  clear  in  it"  Mr.  Baxter.  MS.  letter  to  Mr. 

•  Com.  PI.  Book.  Orig.  MS.  "  It  is  a  acandall  that  is  cast  upon 
reiigion,  and  the  profeflBOTS  of  it,  that  they  are  unneighbourly  and 
aaiociable.  God  himaelf  loves  society,  he  loves  holy  meetings, 
be  lovct  the  communion  of  saints,  the  household  of  foith,  and  his 
delSgikt  is  to  be  with  the  sons  of  men,  and  well  approves  that  the 
soosermentfKMild  be  one  with  another,  yet  so  that  he  may  not 
be  exdndtd.**  Bzpoa.  on  Luke  zi.  5-U.  by  Nehemiah  Rogers, 

«£podtIL   VitiaRosUcsLandea. 

«  P.Uenry.  Diary,  Oiif.  MS. 

are  often  in  his  Diary,  as  those  that  conversed  with 
him  had  many  in  discourse.  Instances  of  this  were 
easy,  but  endless,  to  give. 

[The  following  may  suffice  :— 

1661,  March  20.  The  garden  finished  in  time  of 
an  eclipse.— Lord,  lift  up  upon  me  the  light  of  thy 
countenance,  and  let  nothing  cloud  it  towards  my 

Hawthorn  sets  planted  to  hedge  in  the  orchard* 
Lord,  be  thou  a  wall  of  fire  roimd  about  thy  church, 
and  let  not  the  wild  boar  out  of  the  forest  devour  thy 
tender  plants  I 

A  tree  cut  up  by  the  roots  may  have  the  leaves 
green  upon  it  a  great  while.  So  a  people,  or  person, 
devoted  by  God  to  ruin,  may  yet  retain  many  of 
their  outward  comforts  for  a  time,  but  they  are 
withering.  Saul,  though  rejected,  obtained  many 

As  far  as  the  boughs  of  a  tree  spread,  so  far  spread 
the  roots.  As  much  corruption  in  our  actions,  so 
much  in  our  hearts.* 

He  used  to  say,  that  therefore  many  of  the  scrip- 
ture parables  and  similitudes  are  taken  from  the 
common  actions  of  this  life,  that  when  our  hands  are 
employed  about  them,  our  hearts  may  the  more 
easily  pass  through  them  to  divine  and  heavenly 
things.  I  have  heard  him  often  blame  those,  whose 
irregular  zeal  in  the  profession  of  religion  makes 
them  to  neglect  their  worldly  business,  and  let  the 
house  drop  through ;  the  affairs  of  which  the  good 
man  will  order  with  discretion ;  and  he  would  tell 
sometimes  of  a  religious  woman,  whose  fault  it  was, 
how  she  was  convinced  of  it  by  means  of  an  intelli- 
gent, godly  neighbour ;  who,  coming  into  the  house^ 
and  finding  the  good  woman,  far  in  the  day,  in  her 
closet,  and  the  house  sadly  neglected,  children  not 
tended,  servants  not  minded. — What,  saith  he,  is 
there  no  fear  of  God  in  Uiis  house  ?  Which  much 
startled  and  affected  the  good  woman,  that  over- 
heard him.  He  would  often  say, — Every  thing  is 
beautiful  in  its  season ;  and  that  it  is  tlie  wisdom  of 
the  pnident,  so  to  order  the  duties  of  their  general 
callings  as  Christians,  ^d  those  of  their  particular 
callings  in  the  world,  as  that  they  may  not  clash  or 
interfere,^  I  have  heard  it  observed  from  Ecclesiastes 
vii.  16. — That  there  may  be  over-doing  in  well-doing.* 

[He  maintained,  however, — That  a  Christian  ought 
not  to  engage  himself  further  in  worldly  business 

X  Com.  PI.  Book.  Orig.  MS. 

y  One  of  the  fathers,*  speaking  of  the  practice  of  Christians  in 
the  primitive  times,  saith,—"  At  supper,  we  eat  and  drink  as  those 
that  must  pray  before  they  go  to  bed.  So  should  we  follow  our 
callings  all  day  as  those  who  must  pray  before  they  go  to  bed.*' 
Lay  not  out  the  strength  of  your  spirits  upon  earthly  things,  but 
keep  it  for  fellowship  with  God.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  BAS. 

I  It  is  said  of  the  "  pious  and  profoundly-learned  **  Joseph  Mede. 
that  the  apophthegm,— Over-doing  always  undoes,— was  "  often 
in  his  nrauth."    Appendix  to  his  Life,  preflzed  to  his  Works*  p^ 
xlli.  foL  1679. 

•  TaitoUiWi  wd  Mt  ri«v«l%W*rks,Tol.Tf.p:  991. 



than  80  as  still  to  keep  himself  fit  for  prayer.  And 
sometimes  would  exclaim, — After  the  heart  hath 
been  let  loose  a  little  in  the  world,  oh,  what  a  hard 
matter  is  it  to  find  it  again !  *] 

I  cannot  omit  one  little  passage  in  his  Diary,  be- 
cause it  may  be  instructive.  When  he  was  once 
desired  to  be  bound  for  one  that  had,  upon  a  particu- 
lar occasion,  been  bound  for  him,  he  writes, — Solo- 
mon saith,  He  that  hateth  suretyship  is  sure  ;  but  he 
saith  also,  He  that  hath  friends,  must  show  himself 
friendly.  But  he  always  cautioned  those  that  be- 
came sureties,  not  to  be  bound  for  any  more  than 
they  knew  themselves  able  to  pay,  nor  for  more  than 
they  would  be  willing  to  pay,  if  the  principal  fail. 

His  house  at  Broad  Oak  was  by  the  road  side, 
which,  though  it  had  its  inconveniences,  yet,  he 
would  say,  pleased  him  well,  because  it  gave  his 
friends  an  opportunity  of  calling  on  him  the  oftener.'* 

[He  was  a  lover  of  good  men,  and  such  always 
met  a  cordial  welcome  under  his  roof;  so  that  he 
would  pleasantly  say  sometimes,  when  he  had  his 
Christian  friends  about  him,— He  had  room  for  twelve 
of  them  in  his  beds,  a  hundred  of  them  in  his  barn, 
and  a  thousand  of  them  in  his  heart.*^ 

Nor  was  he  unmindful  of  others ;  for  he  spoke  of 
it  with  pleasure,  that  the  situation  of  his  house  also**] 
gave  him  an  opportunity  of  being  kind  to  strangers, 
and  such  as  were  any  way  distressed  on  the  road,  to 
whom  he  was  upon  all  occasions  cheerfully  ready, 
fully  answering  the  apostle's  character  of  a  bishop, 
that  he  must  be  of  good  behaviour,— K<Kr;jioCf  decent, 
aflable,  and  obliging, — and  ^iven  to  hospitality; 
1  Timothy  iii.  2.  like  Abraham,  sitting  at  his  tent- 
door,  in  quest  of  opportunities  to  do  good.  If  he 
met  with  any  poor  near  his  house,  and  gave  them 
alms  in  money,  yet  he  would  bid  them  go  to  his  door 
besides,  for  relief  there.  He  was  very  tender  and 
compassionate  towards  poor  strangers  and  travellers, 
though  his  charity  and  candour  were  often  imposed 
upon  by  cheats  and  pretenders,  whom  he  was  not 
apt  to  be  suspicious  of ;  but  would  say,  in  the  most 
favourable  sense,— TAou  knowest  not  the  heart  of  a 
stranger.  If  any  asked  his  charity,  whose  representa- 
tion of  their  case  he  did  not  like,  or  who  he  thought 
did  amiss  to  take  that  course,  he  would  first  give 
them  an  alms,  and  then  mildly  reprove  them ;  and 
labour  to  convince  them  that  they  were  out  of  the 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

b  1697.a  Friday,  January  la 

One  of  my  dear  father's  remarks  was  this,— That,  though  it  be 
comfortable  to  have  friends  to  visit,  and  comfort  in  them ;  yet  it 
is  more  to  have  a  comfortable  home ;  such  a  rest  as  this  world 
affords.  Blessed  be  God  for  the  remaining  rest.  Mrs.  Savage's 
Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

The  learned  Henry  Jessy  could  not  **  bix>ok  fruitless  visits,  and 
wrote  his  mind  concerning  it  over  his  studie  door  accordingly  i"— 

DirtdUnu  to  aU  FisHon,  » 

No  fruitless  visits.    No,  nor  speech. 
For  time  is  precious:  hinder  none. 

way  of  duty,  and  that  they  could  not  expect  that 
God  should  bless  them  in  it ;  and  would  not  chide 
them,  but  reason  with  them.  And  he  would  say,»- 
If  he  should  tell  them  of  their  faults,  and  not  give 
them  an  alms,  the  reproof  would  look  only  like  an 
excuse  to  deny  his  charity,  and  would  be  rejected 

In  a  word,  his  greatest  care  about  the  things  of 
this  world  was,  how  to  do  good  with  what  he  had, 
and  to  devise  liberal  things ;  desiring  to  make  no 
other  accession  to  his  estate,  but  only  that  blessing 
which  attends  beneficence.  He  did  firmly  believe, 
and  it  should  seem  few  do,  that  what  is  given  to  the 
poor,  is  lent  to  the  Lord,  who  will  pay  it  again  in 
kind  or  kindness ;  and  that  religion  and  piety  are 
undoubtedly  the  best  friends  to  outward  prosperity, 
and  he  found  it  so ;  for  it  pleased  God  abundantly 
to  bless  his  habitation,  and  to  make  a  hedge  ahoui 
him,  and  about  his  house,  and  about  all  that  he  had 
round  about.*  And  though  he  did  not  delight  him- 
self in  the  abundance  of  wealth ;  yet,  which  is  far 
better,  he  delighted  himself  in  the  abundance  of 
peace ;  Psalm  xxxvii.  11.  All  that  he  had,  and  did, 
observably  prospered,  so  that  the  country  oftentimes 
took  notice  of  it; ..and  called  bis  family  a  family 
which  the  Lord  had  blessed. 

His  comforts  of  this  kind  were,  as  he  used  to  pray 
they  might  be, — Oil  to  the  wheels  of  his  obedience  / 
and,  in  the  use  of  these  things,  he  served  the  Lord 
his  God  with  joy  fulness  and  gladness  of  heart,  yet 
still  mindful  of,  and  grieved  for,  the  affliction  of 
Joseph.  He  would  say  sometimes,  when  he  was  in 
the  midst  of  the  comforts  of  this  life,  as  that  good 
man ; — All  this,  and  heaven  too !  Surely,  then,  we 
serve  a  good  Master.  Thus  did  the  Lord  bless  him, 
and  make  him  a  blessing ;  and  this  abundant  grace, 
through  the  thanhsgiving  of  many,  redounded  to  the 
glory  of  God. 

Having  given  this  general  account  of  his  circum- 
stances at  Broad  Oak,  we  shall  now  go  on  with  his 
story,  especially  as  to  the  exercise  of  his  ministry 
there,  and  thereabouts ;  for  that  was  his  Th  Ipyov, 
the  thing  in  which  he  was,  and  to  which  he  wholly 
gave  himself,  taking  other  things  'Qc  xaptpya.  After 
this  settlement  at  Broad  Oak,  whenever  there  was 
preaching  at  Whitewell  Chapel,  as  usually  there  wa^ 
two  Lord's  days  in  the  month,  he  constantly  attended 

Let  words  be  few,— good.  Then  cease. 
Despatch :— prepare  for  death,  i  \^*^  i  gone. 
Life  duod.  1671,  p.  102. 

e  So  Mr.  Vavasor  Powel,  who  "  was  very  free  in  the  entertain, 
ment  of  strangers,  and  all  saints,'*  would  say.—'*  He  had  room  for 
twelve  in  his  beds,  a  hundred  in  his  bams,  and  a  thousand  in  his 
heart."    Life  and  Death  of  Mr.  Powel,  p.  111.  duod.  1671. 

d  Life.  Orig.  MS.  ut  npra. 

•  See  P.  Henry's  Sermons,  utntpra.    Sermon  I.  p.  33. 

t  If  love  be  the  weight  and  the  oil  that  makes  the  wheels  run. 
thine  obedience  is  such  as  it  ought  to  be.  Dyke's  Worthy  Com> 
municant,  •/  ntpro,  p.  341.  See  jmiA  p.  79. 



hen  with  his  family,  was  usually  with  the  first,  and 
tTerently  joined  in  the  public  servite ;   he  dili- 
rently  wrote  the  sermons;   always  stayed  if  the 
ffdinance  of  baptism  was  administered,  but  not  if 
bere  were  a  wedding,  for  he  thoug^ht  that  a  solem- 
lity  not  proper  for  the  Lord's  day.    He  often  dined 
he  minister  that  preached ;  after  dinner  he  sung  a 
)5alm,  repeated  the  morning  sermon,  and  prayed ; 
tnd  then  attended  in  like  manner  in  the  afternoon, 
in  the  evening  he  preached  to  his  own  family ;  and, 
)erfaaps,  two  or  three  of  his  neighbours  would  drop 
n  to  him.     On  those  Lord's  days,  when  there  was 
)o  preaching  at  the  chapel,  he  spent  the  whole  day 
It  borne ;  and  many  an  excellent  sermon  he  preached, 
rben  there  were  present  only  four  besides  his  own 
amily,  and  perhaps  not  so  many,  according  to  the 
imitation  -of  the  Conventicle  Act.^   In  these  narrow 
vivate  circumstances  he  preached  over  the  former 
•art  of  the  Assembly's  Catechism,  from  divers  texts; 
e  also  preached  over  Psalm  cxvi.  besides  many 
articular  occasional  subjects. 
What  a  grief  of  heart  it  was  to  him,  to  be  thus 
at  under  a  bushel,  and  confined  to  such  a  narrow 
phere  of  asefnlness,  read  in  his  own  words,  which 
shall  transcribe  out  of  an  elegy  he  made,  to  give 
ent  to  his  thoughts,  upon  the  death  of  his  worthy 
riend,  Mr.  George  Mainwaring,  some  time  Minister 
f  Malpas,  who  was  silenced  by  the  Act  of  Uni- 
omity,  and  died,  March  14,  1609-70 ;  wherein  he 
bus  bewails,  feelingly  enough,  the  like  restraints 
nd  confinements  of  his  friend : — 

His  later  years  he  sadly  spent. 
Wrapt  up  in  silence  and  restraint. 
A  burden  such  as  none  do  know, 
But  they  that  do  it  undergo. 
To  have  a  fire,  shut  up  and  pent 
Within  the  bowels,  and  no  vent ; 
To  have  gorg'd  breasts,  and,  by  a  law. 
Those  that  fain  would,  forbidden  to  draw. 
But  his  dumb  sabbaths  here,  did  prove 
Loud  crying  sabbaths  in  heav'n  above. 
His  tears,  when  he  might  sow  no  more. 
Watering  what  he  had  sown  before. 

Soon  after  Mr.  Henrjr's  settlement  at  Broad  Oak, 
e  took  a  young  scholar  into  the  house  with  him ; 

f  In  reference  to  the  termination  oT  the  Conventicle  Act,  IG 
harles  IL  c.  4  he  writes  :— 16A9,  March  1.  This  day,  as  is  sup. 
Dsed,  determines  th«.Act  against  Conventicles,  the  Parhament 
tmg  prorogued  by  proclamation,  from  this  day  to  October  19, 
hicb  prorogation  makes  a  session,  and  the  Act  was  to  continue 
T  three  years,  and  to  the  end  of  the  next  session  after,  which  is 

And,  blesKd  be  God,  who  liath  let  me  live  to  see  il  die  {  for, 
loogb  bat  few  in  these  parts  have  suffered  much  by  it,  yet  some 
ire,  and  to  others  it  bath  been  as  a  bridle  of  restraint,  hindering 
em  in  the  free  exercise  of  their  duty,  which  is,  as  they  have 
xaaioo,  tosnemble  themselves  together  for  mutual  edification, 
hereby  God  bath  bad  great  dishonour,  and  poor  souls  no  small 
» in  heaven's  way* 

partly  to  teach  his  son,  and  partly  to  be  a  companion 
to  himself,  to  converse  with  him,  and  to  receive  help 
and  instruction  from  him  ;  and,  for  many  years,  he 
was  seldom  without  one  or  other  such  ;  who  before 
their  going  to  the  University,  or  in  the  intervals  of 
their  attendance  there,  would  be  in  his  family,  sit- 
ting under  his  shadow.  One  of  the  first  he  had  with 
him,  in  the  year  1668,  and  after,  was  Mr.  William 
Turner,  born  in  the  neighbourhood  ;  afterwards  of 
Edmund  Hall,  in  Oxford,  now  Vicar  of  Walburton 
in  Sussex,  to  whom  the  world  is  beholden  for  that 
elaborate  '*  History  of  all  Religions,"  which  he  pub* 
lished  in  the  year  1695,  and  from  whom  is  earnestly 
expected  the  performance  of  that  nob^  and  useful 
project  for  the  "  Record  of  Providences."  •»  Betwixt 
Mr.  Henry  and  him  there  was  a  most  entire  and 
affectionate  friendship  ;  and,  notwithstanding  that 
distance  of  place,  a  constant  and  endearing  corres- 
pondence kept  up  as  long  as  Mr.  Henry  lived. 

It  was  observed,  that  several  young  men  who  had 
sojourned  with  him,  and  were  very  hopeful,  and 
likely  to  be  serviceable  to  their  generations,  died 
soon  after  their  removal  from  him ;  I  could  instance 
in  six  or  seven,  as  if  God  had  sent  them  to  him  to 
be  prepared  for  another  world,  before  they  were 
called  for  out  of  this ;  yet  never  any  died  while  they 
were  with  him. 

He  had  so  great  a  kindness  for  the  University, 
and  valued  so  much  the  mighty  advantages  of  im- 
provement there,  that  he  advised  all  his  friends  who 
designed  their  children  for  scholars,  to  send  them 
thither,  for  many  years  after  the  change,  though  he 
always  counted  upon  their  conformity.  But  long 
experience  altered  his  mind  herein,  and  he  chose 
rather  to  keep  his  own  son  at  home  with  him,  and 
to  give  him  what  help  he  could  there,  in  his  educa- 
tion, than  venture  him  into  the  snares  and  temp- 
tations of  the  University. 

It  was  also  soon  after  this  settlement  of  his  at 
Broad  Oak,  that  he  contracted  an  intimate  friend- 
ship with  that  learned,  and  pious,  and  judicious 
gentleman,  Mr.  Hunt  of  Boreatton,  the  son  of  Colo- 
nel Hunt,  of  Salop,  and  with  his  excellent  lady 
Frances,  daughter  of  the  Right  Honourable  the 
Lord  Paget.*  The  acquaintance  then  begun  be- 
tween Mr.  Henry  and  that  worthy  family,  continued 
to  his  dying  day,  about  thirty  years.    One  Lord's 

It  seems  the  Lord  hath  inclined  the  King's  heart  to  this,  which 
is  in  his  hand,  and  he  tumeth  it  whithersoever  he  pleaseth.  To 
him  be  glory ! 

I  am  somewhat  fearful  lest  any  ill  use  should  be  made  of  this  in- 
dulgence by  intemperate  spirits,  especially  now  at  first ;  which, 
God  prevent,  for  his  own  name,  mercy,  and  gospel  sake.  P. 
Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS.  Another  Conventicle  Act  soon  after 
passed ;  the  22nd  Charles  n.  c.  I. 

h  Afterwards  published  in  folio,  1607. 

i  Ambassador  for  many  years  at  Vienna,  afterwards  at  Constan- 
tinople. He  and  Lady  I^et  sojourned  for  some  years  with  his 
brother-in-law  Mr.  Hunt  of  Boreatton.  He  came  oft  to  Broad  Oke 
to  visit  Mr.  Henry.  Life.  Orig.  MS.  m/  npra.  See  the  Life  and 
Errors  of  John  Dunton,  v.  1.  p.  347.  ut  supra. 



day  in  tf  quarter  he  oommonly  spent  with  them,  be- 
sides other  interviews.  And  it  was  a  constant  re- 
joicing to  him  to  see  religion  and  the  power  of  god- 
liness uppermost,  in  such  a  family  as  tiiat,  when  not 
many  mighty,  not  many  noble,  are  called  ;  and  the 
branches  of  it  branehei  of  righteovuneUy  the  planting 
of  the  Lord.  Divers  of  the  honourable  relations  of 
tiiat  family  contracted  a  very  g^eat  respect  for  him, 
particularly  the  present  Lord  Paget,  now  his  Ma- 
jesty's Ambassador  at  the  Ottoman  Court,  and  Sir 
Henry  Ashurst,  whom  we  shall  have  occasion  after- 
wards to  make  mention  of. 

[Mr.  Henry  also  stood  high  in  the  esteem  of 
Thomas  CAbet,  Esq.''  of  Stanwardine,'  George 
GljTve,  Esq.  of  Walford,  and  Mr.  Harris,  of  Pres- 
cot  These  gentlemen  were  always  glad  to  receive 
him  into  their  houses,  and  to  attend  upon  his  minis- 
try whenever  they  had  an  opportunity.  They  lived 
in  the  same  parish,™  and  though  they  generally  fre- 
quented the  place  of  public  worship,  where  they  had 
a  sober,  judicious,  and  peaceable  minister,  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Hudson,  yet  they  had  often  sermons  preached 
in  their  own  houses  by  the  nonconformists,  who 
lived  near  them,  sometimes  on  week-days,  sometimes 
on  the  Lord's  day,  out  of  the  time  of  public  worship  ; 
and  I  have  often  seen  some  of  Mr.  Hudson's  family, 
his  wife  and  children,  present  on  such  occasions."] 

In  the  time  of  trouble  and  distress  by  the  Conven- 
ticle Act,  in  1670,  he  kept  private,  and  stirred  little 
abroad,  as  loth  to  offend  those  that  were  in  power, 
and  judging  it  prudence  to  gather  in  his  sails  when 
the  storm  was  violent.  He  then  observed,  as  that 
which  he  was  troubled  at, — ^That  there  was  a  gp^eat 
deal  of  precious  time  lost  among  professors,  when 
they  came  together,  in  discoursing  on  their  adven- 
tures to  meet,  and  their  escapes,  which  he  feared 
tended  more  to  set  up  self,  than  to  give  glory  to  God. 
Also  in  telling  how  they  got  together,  and  such  a  one 
preached,  but  little  inquiring  what  spiritual  benefit 
and  advantage  was  reaped  by  it ;  and  that  we  are 

k  See  two  sermons  preached  at  Cockahatt  Chapel,  Salop,  by 
William  Gearing,  entitled."  Wisdom JusUfled  of  her  Children,** 
and  dedicated  to  Robert  Corbet  and  Thomas  Corbet,  of  Stanwar- 
dine, Esqis.  and  to  the  fertuous  Gentlewomen,  their  Wives.*' 
duod.  166& 

1 1871.  July  12.   With  my  wife,  at  Stanwardine. 

1  accompanied  them  in  killing  a  buck  in  their  own  park;  ftur 
from  being  taken  with  any  great  delight  or  pleasure  in  the 
sport  They  sent  part  of  him  to  Broad  Oak.  P.  Henry.  Diary, 
Orig.  MS. 

m  Baschorch. 

B  Tong's  life  of  Blatt  Henry,  pp.  96, 37.  «#  npre. 

o  The  following  minutes  are  now  curious:— 

1671.  August  14.    Lodged  this  night  at  Wolverhampton. 

15.  To  Bromicham:  thence  to  Coventry. 

16.  To  Daventry :  thence  to  Stony  Stratford.    Ebenezer. 

17.  To  Bamett. 

la  To  London.  The  ways  fair,  and  the  weather  tevonrable 
beyond  expectation.  Spent  by  the  way,  self  and  hone,  20#.  P. 
Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  BIS. 

p  See  CoUins's  Peerage,  v.  2.  p.  606^  and  Reliq.  Baxter,  part.  fii. 
p.  96. 

apt  to  make  the  eireumttaneet  of  our  religious  ser- 
vices more  Ihe  matter  of  our  discourse  than  the 
tubttanee  of  them. 

[At  the  latter  end  of  the  year  1671,  he  ventured 
to  London;  and  the  following  extracts  from  his 
Diary,  on  that  occasion,  will  not  be  uninteresting. 

1671,  August  13.  Preached  on  Jacob's  vow, 
Genesis  xxviii.  20,  &c.  with  personal  application, 
saying,— 7/*  God  will  be  with  me  in  this  way  thai  I 
ffo,  then  the  Lord  shall  be  my  God. 

14.  I  set  forward  °  towards  London. 

19.  To  Kensington. 

22.  Back  to  London  again. 

24.  Solemn  fast  in  remembrance  of  the  sad  day 
of  ministers'  ejection,  kept  at  the  Countess  of  Exe- 
ter's, P  with  some  measure  of  holy  meltings  and  en- 
largements. Dr.  Jacomb,*!  Mr.  Steel,'  Mr.  Mayo,* 
Mr.  Bull,'  Mr.  Poole,"  prayed  and  preached  alter* 
natim.    Texts,  Psalm  li.  4 ;  xxxix.  9. 

27.  Preached  at  Mr.  Doolittel's  meeting  place.* 
Text,  Matthew  xxv.  29.-7(9  him  that  hath,  &c. 

30.  Preached  at  Mr.  Steel's.^  Text,  1  Corin- 
thians X.  12.  in  much  distraction. 

September  1.    This  evening  I  was  ill. 

2.  Attempted  to  keep  the  annual  fast,  this  day, 
in  remembrance  of  the  dreadful  fire  of  London,  A. 
D.  1666 ;  but  strength  failed :  to  will  was  present, 
to  do  was  not.  Thanks  is  also  to  be  g^ven  for  the 
strange  and  wonderful  rebuilding  of  it  in  so  short  a 
time ;  which,  but  that  my  eyes  saw,  I  could  hardly 
have  believed.  I  had  the  sentence  of  death  within 
myself,  and  was,  in  some  measure,  willing  to  it,  at 
that  time,  and  in  that  place,  though  a  stranger,' 
had  God  seen  good  ;  but  a  reprieve  came. 

3.  I  should  have  preached  and  communicated 
with  Dr.  Annesley,^  but  prevented.  Multa  eadent 
inter.  Time  was  when  I  might,  and  did  not ;  now 
I  would,  and  might  not. 

7.  To  Islington,  where  was  buried  Mr.  Burghess,' 
a  nonconformist  minister  of  the  west  country :  there 

^  Dr.  Thomas  Jacomb  was  bora  in  1632,  and  died  27  Mar.  1687. 
See  Wilson's  Hist  of  Dissenting  churches,  ▼.  3.  p.  13,  fcc. 

r  See  amttt  P-  35. 

«  The  Rev.  Richard  Mayo,  an  eminent  nonconformist,  was  bora 
about  1631 ;  he  died  Sept.  8, 1606.    See  Wilson's  Hist  ▼.  3.  p.  9. 

t  Rev.  Daniel  Bull.  See  Palmer's  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  3.  p.  458, 
fcc.  W  n^rm, 

n  See  aitUt  p.  47. 

▼  Whether  then  in  MonkwelUstreet,  or  not,  seena  rather  an. 
certain.  Query,— Was  not  Monkwell-street  Meeting-house  in  the 
possession  of  the  Lord  Mayor  in  1671 1  See  Wilson's  Hist  ▼.  3.  pp. 
193, 194.  Mr.  Doolittle  was  born  at  Kidderminster,  A.  D.  1030, 

w  His  congregation  met  at  Armourer's  Hall,  Coleoan^street 
Wilson's  Hist  v.  '2.  p.  4&L 

X  See  Lire  oT  Archbishop  Leighton.  Works,  v.  I.  p.  xli.  oct.tSSO. 

7  Dr.  Samuel  Annesley  was  bom  A.  D.  1690,  and  died  Dec.  31, 
1696.    See  Wilson's  Hist.  y.  1.  pp.  365-370. 

t  It  is  probable  that  the  rererence  is  to  the  Rev.  John  Burgesi. 
M.  A.  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  S.  p.  3. «/  mpra :  also,  an  extract 
from  a  letter  written  by  Mr.  Henry  to  his  wire  relating  to  the 
funeral  of  Mr.  Burgess,  fn  the  Univ.  Thaol.  Biag.  voL  &  p.  184. 



were  {Kretent  one  hundred  or  aixscore  ministers ;  and 
I  bless  God  that  for  one  dead  there  were  so  many 
lifing.  Bat  it  grieyed  me  to  see  them  diyided ; 
part  stayed  the  office  for  the  dead,  part  going  oat. 
Here  I  saw  Mr.  Senior/  Mr.  Bull,  Mr.  Rowles,  for- 
mer acquaintances. 

10.  A  sabhatb  spent  with  Mr.  Doolittel.  Text, 
John  yiii.  36.  persnading  sinners  to  be  willing  to  be 
made  free. 

11.  I  saw  Dean  Hodges,**  persuading  to  conform, 
but  I  dare  not  on  such  terms. 

18.  I  reached  home. 

29.  Day  of  family  thanksgiving.  The  Lord 
accept  in  Christ  Jesus.^ 

The  Tisit,  and  particularly  the  indisposition  which 
has  been  stated,  gave  rise  to  a  letter  which,  viewed 
as  an  illustration  of  character,  is  too  interesting  to 
be  entirely  omitted.  '*  For  Mr.  Philip  Henry,  to 
be  left  with  Mr.  Enock  Darack,  at  the  sine  of  the 
Trumpet,  within  Aldersg^te,  London,' 


My  dear  Husband ; 

I  received  your  last  yesterday,  and  am 
grieved  to  hear  of  your  being  ill.  The  children  and 
family  are  well,  blessed  be  God,  and  myself  as  well 
as  I  can  be  whilst  in  fear  that  you  are  ill.  I  have 
given  up  all  my  interest  in  you  to  my  heavenly 
Father,  and  am  labouring  to  be  ready  for  evil 
tidings,  which,  if  it  be,  God  knows  how  I  shall  bear 
it  I  shall  expect,  between  hope  and  fear,  till  to- 
monow  night,  and,  whatever  the  issue  may  be, 
labour  to  justify  God.  Yet  I  hope  to  hear  of  your 
coming,  and  when  it  will  be,  in  your  next.  My 
dear  heart,  the  Lord  be  with  you,  and  send  us  a 
happy  meeting ;  so  prayeth  your 

Faithful  and  loving  Wife, 
September  6,  IG71.  Katherine  Henry.'] 

We  shall  close  this  chapter  with  two  remarks  out 
of  his  Diary,  in  the  year  1671,  which  will  show  what 
manner  of  spirit  he  was  of,  and  what  were  his  senti- 
ments of  things  at  that  time.  One  is  this,— AH  ac- 
knowledge that  there  is  at  this  day  a  number  of 
sober,  peaceable  men,  both  ministers  and  others, 
among  Dissenters ;  but  who  either  saith  Or  doth  any 
thing  to  oblige  them  ?  Who  desireth  or  endeavoureth 
to  open  the  door  to  let  in  such  ?  Nay  ;  do  they  not 
rather  provoke  them  to  run  into  the  same  extrava- 
gances with  others,  by  making  no  difference,  but 

•  The  Rer.  Hkmiibs  Senior,  B.  D.  was  Fellow  and  Lecturer  or 
Trinity  Cburcti,  Cambridge.  He  was  a  Westminster  Scholar. 
NoneoD.  Mem.  ▼.  I.  p.  ^S.  ntnfra. 

b  Dean  of  Hereford,  and  fother  of  Dr.  Natb.  Hodges.  He  had 
tbe  Hving  of  Kensington,  and  was  buried  there  Aug.  37, 1672. 
LfRNM's  EnF.  of  London,  ▼.  3.  p.  193L  Dr.  N.  Hodges  was  one  of 
Mr.  Henry's  contemporaHes  at  Westminster  and  Oxford.  See  Mr. 
Cbafanenrs  Biog.  Diet.  toL  is.  p.  24. 

•  P.  Henry.  Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

«  Tbe  giaodiOB  of  tbe  Tenerable  John  Dod,  (see  j»m/.  p.  80») 

laying  load  on  them  as  if  they  were  as  bad  as  the 
worst?  It  is  true  that  about  this  time  the  Lord 
Keeper  Bridgman,  and  Bishop  Wilkins,*  and  the 
Lord  Chief  Justice  Hale,'  were  making  some  over- 
tures towards  an  accommodation  with  them ;  but  it 
is  as  true,  that  those  overtures  did  but  the  more  ex- 
asperate their  adversaries,  who  were  ready  to  account 
such  moderate  men  the  worst  enemies  the  Church 
of  England  had,  and  the  event  was,  greater  acts  of 

Another  is  this,~If  all  that  hath  been  said  and 
written  to  prove  that  prelacy  is  anti-christian,  and 
that  it  is  unlawful  to  join  in  the  Common  Prayer, 
had  been  effectual  to  persuade  bishops  to  study  and 
do  the  duty  of  church  rulers,  in  preaching,  and  feed- 
ing the  flock,  according  to  the  word^  and  to  persuader 
people  to  be  serious,  inward,  and  spiritual  in  the  use 
of  forms,  it  had  been  much  better  with  the  church  of 
God  in  England,  than  it  now  is.  Consonant  to  the 
spirit  of  this  remark,  was  that  which  he  took  all 
occasions  to  mention  as  his  settled  principle.— In 
those  things  wherein  all  the  people  of  God  are 
agreed,  I  will  spend  my  zeal;  and  wherein  they 
differ  I  will  endeavour  to  walk  according  to  the 
light  that  God  hath  given  me,  and  charitably  believe 
that  others  do  so  too. 


HIS   UBBBTT    BT   THB    INDULOKNCB    IN   THB    TBAft  1673,    AKD 

Notwithstanding  the  severe  act  against  conven- 
ticles in  the  year  1670,  yet  the  nonconformists  in 
London  ventured  to  set  up  meetings  in  1671,  and 
were  connived  at ;  *  but  in  the  country  (here  was 
little  liberty  taken,  till  the  King's  declaration  of 
March  15,  1671-2,  gave  countenance  and  encou- 
ragement to  it.  What  were  the  secret  springs  which 
produced  that  declaration,''  time  discovered ;  how- 
ever, it  was  to  the  poor  dissenters  as  life  from  the 
dead,  and  gave  them  some  reviving  in  their  bondage ; 
God  graciously  ordering  it  so,  that  the  spirit  he  had 
made  might  not  fail  before  him.  But  so  precarious 
a  liberty  was  it,  that  it  should  never  be  said,  those 
people  were  hard  to  be  pleased,  who  were  so  well 
pleased  with  that,  and  thanked  God,  who  put  such 
a  thing  into  the  King's  heart.  The  tenor  of  that 
declaration  was  this, — In  consideration  of  the  ineffi- 

was  bom  in  1fil4 ;  ob.  19  Nov.  isrx  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet  ▼.  32. 
p.  74.  &c.    And  see  the  Biog.  Brit.  v.  L  p.  637. 

f  Sir  Matthew  was  bom  Nov.  1.  iaO0,  and  died  05  Dcc:i676.  Sec 
his  Life  and  Works,  2  vols.  oct.  1R05. 

a  1671.  Nov.  0.  Five  London  ministers  with  the  King;  Dr. 
Annesley,  Mr.  Watson,  Mr.  Whitaker,  and  the  two  VincenU}  to 
whom  he  said,-  He  was  sensible  of  their  straits,  and  would  endea. 
vour  their  enlargements.  Amen.  He  said,>Ashe  would  not  wlll- 
ing>'y  be  persecuted  himself  Tor  his  own  religion,  so  neither  did  he 
like  to  penecute  others  for  theirs.    P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

b  See  it  at  length  in  Nears  Hist.  v.  4.  p.  461,  fcc. «/  wfta. 



cacy  of  rigoar,  tried  for  divers  years,  and  to  invite 
strangers  into  Uie  kingdom,  ratifying  the  Establish- 
ment in  the  Church  of  England,  it  suspends  penal 
laws  against  all  nonconformists  and  recusants,  pro- 
miscth  to  license  separate  places  for  meetings,  limit- 
ing papists  only  to  private  houses. 

On  this  Mr.  Henry  writes  ;  It  is  a  thing  diversely 
resented,  as  men's  interests  lead  them ;  the  con- 
formists displeased,  the  presbyterians  glad,  the  in- 
dependents *"  very  glad,  the  papists  triumph.  The 
danger  is,  saith  he,  lest  the  allowing  of  separate 
places  help  to  overthrow  our  parish-order,  which 
God  hath  owned,  and  to  beget  divisions  and  animo- 
sities among  us,  which  no  honest  heart  but  would 
rather  should  be  healed.  We  are  put  hereby,  saith 
he,  into  a  trilemma,  either  to  turn  independents  in 
practice,  or  to  strike  in  with  the  conformists,  or  to 
sit  down  in  former  silence  and  sufferings,  (and  silence 
he  accounted  one  of  the  greatest  sufferings,)  till  the 
Lord  shall  open  a  more  effectual  door.  That  which, 
he  saith,  he  then  heartily  wished  for,  was,— That 
those  who  were  in  place,  would  admit  the  sober 
nonconformists  to  preach  sometimes  occasionally  in 
their  pulpits;  by  which  means  he  thought  preju- 
dices would  in  time  wear  off"  on  both  sides,  and  they 
might  mutually  strengthen  each  other's  hands  against 
the  common  enemy, — the  papists  ;«*  who  he  foresaw 
would  fish  best  in  troubled  waters.  This  he  would 
choose  much  rather  than  to  keep  a  separate  meeting. 
But  it  could  not  be  had.  No,  not  so  much  as  leave 
to  preach  in  Whitewell  chapel  when  it  was  vacant, 
as  it  often  was,  though  it  were  three  long  miles  from 
the  parish  church.  He  found  that  some  people,  the 
more  they  are  courted,  the  more  coy  they  are ;  how- 
ever, the  overtures  he  made  to  this  purpose,  and  the 
slow  steps  he  took  towards  the  setting  up  of  a  dis- 
tinct congregation,  yielded  him  satisfaction  after- 
wards in  the  reflection,  when  he  could  say, — we 
would  have  been  united,  and  they  would  not. 

It  was  several  weeks  after  the  declaration  came 
out,  that  he  received  a  licence  to  preach,  as  Paul 
did/  in  his  own  house,  and  elsewhere,  no  man  for- 
bidding him.  This  was  procured  for  him  by  some 
of  his  friends  in  London,  without  his  privity,  and 
came  to  him  altogether  unexpected. 

[On  the  King's  declaration,  his  papers  contain 
the  following  observations : — 

All  or  most  of  the  conformists  have  said  they 
could  not  deny  us  ministers,  but  not  ministers  of 
the  Church  of  England,  without  episcopal  ordina- 

By  a  minister  of  the  Church  of  England  can  be 

e  In  two  things  the  independents  are  to  be  commended,— they 
keep  up  discipline  among  them ;  they  love  and  correspond  one 
with  another.    P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

d  In  the  debates  on  the  Bill  for  unitiog  His  Majesty's  Protestant 

Subjects,  Dec.  21,  1690,  it  was  remarked,  by  a  Member  of  the 

lioi/Be  of  Commons,  that  the  Oxford  Act,  and  other  laws  against 

£f/saeatcn,  were  much  promiited  by  Sir  ThonoB  Clifford,  Sir  Solo- 

meant  no  other  than  a  minister  of  Christ  authorized 
to  preach  in  the  Church  of  England. 

All  the  power'  to  be  owned  in  bishops, is  derived 
to  them  from  the  King ;  and,  in  those  things  where- 
in the  King  hath  power  in  church  matters,  in  those 
things  we  may  obey  the  bishops,  as  his  delegates  and 

In  King  James's  time,  when  four  Scotch  presby- 
ters were  to  be  consecrated  bishops  at  Lambeth,  it 
was  moved  that  they  might  first  be  ordained  pres- 
byters again ;  but  it  was  overruled,  being  without 

In  OUT  case,  the  King  immediately,  without 
bishops,  which  is  the  better,  gives  us  liberty,  being 
already  ministers  of  Christ,  to  preach  in  his  do- 
minions where  he  appoints. 

The  law  calls  the  King  patron-general  of  Eng- 
land. His  appointing  me  to  preach,  supposes  I  must 
have  hearers,  and  tliose,  of  necessity,  out  of  some 
parish  or  other.  What  we  do  is  to  serve  the  present 
necessity,  and  not  of  choice. 

There  are  many  among  us  debarred  by  imposi- 
tion from  communicating  with  freedom  in  public  in 
the  Lord's  supper ;  the  King  takes  pity  upon  them^ 
authorizes  one  or  another  to  give  it  in  a  way  wherein 
they  are  satisfied.     And  why  not  ?  >  ] 

The  use  he  made  of  it  was,  that  at  his  own  house, 
what  he  did  before  to  his  own  family,  and  in  private, 
the  doors  being  shut  for  fear,  he  now  did  more  pub- 
licly ;  threw  his  doors  open,  and  welcomed  his  neigh- 
bours to  him,  to  partake  of  his  spiritual  things.  Only 
one  sermon  in  the  evening  of  the  Lord's  day,  when 
there  was  preaching  at  Whitewell  chapel,  where  he 
still  continued  his  attendance  with  his  family  and 
friends  as  usual ;  but  when  there  was  not,  he  spent 
the  whole  day,  at  public  time,  in  the  services  of  the 
day,  exposition  of  the  Scriptures  read,  and  preach- 
ing, with  prayer  and  praise.  This  he  did  gratis^ 
receiving  nothing  for  his  labours,  either  at  home  or 
abroad,  but  the  satisfaction  of  doing  good  to  souls, 
which  was  his  meat  and  drink,  with  the  trouble  and 
charge  of  giving  entertainment  to  many  of  his  friends, 
which  he  did  with  much  cheerfulness ;  and  he  would 
say,  he  sometimes  thought  that  the  bread  did  even 
multiply  in  the  breaking ;  and  he  found  that  God 
did  abundantly  bless  his  provision  with  that  bless- 
ing, which,  as  he  used  to  say,  will  make  a  little  to 
go  a  gfreat  way.  He  was  wont  to  observe,  for  the 
encouragement  of  such  as  had  meetings  in  their 
houses,  which  sometimes  drew  upon  them  inconve- 
niences,— That  the  ark  is  a  guest  that  always  pays 
well  for  its  entertainment.  And  he  noted,  that  when 

mon  Swale,  and  Sir  Roger  Strickland,  who  since  all  appeared  to 
be  Papists.  ColL  of  the  Parliamentary  Debates,  from  166&  ▼.  L 
p.  484.  oct.  1741. 

e  See  Acts  xxi.  40. 

f  See  Hooker's  Eccl.  Pol  ^tnfm,  B.  VII.  pp.  II,  \%  dec. 

%  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



Cfariit  hmd  bonoiped  Peter's  boat  to  preach  a  sermon 
oat  of  it,  he  presently  repaid  him  for  the  loan,  with 
a  $remi  draught  ofjuhes,  Luke  y.  3,  4. 

Many  thoughts  of  heart  he  had  concerning  this  use 
he  made  of  the  liberty,  not  knowing  what  would  be  in 
the  end  hereof;  but  after  serious  consideration,  and 
Biany  prayers,  he  saw  his  way  very  plain  before  him, 
and  addressed  himself  with  all  diligence  to  the  im- 
proTcment  of  this  gale  of  opportunity.^  Some  had 
dismal  apprehensions  of  the  issue  of  it ;  and  that 
tliere  would  be  an  after-reckoning.  But,  saith  he, 
let  us  mind  our  duty,  and  let  God  alone  to  order 
events,  which  arc  his  work,  not  ours. 

It  was  a  word  upon  the  wheels,  which  he  preached 
at  that  time  for  his  own  encouragement,  and  the  en- 
couragement of  his  friends,  from  that  scripture, 
Ecclesiastes  xi.  4.  He  that  observet  the  wind  thall 
not  taw  J  mnd  he  that  regardeth  the  clouds  shall  not 
reap.  Those  that  are  minded  either  to  do  good,  or 
^  good,  most  not  be  frighted  with  seeming  difficul- 
ties and  discouragements.  Our  work  is  to  sow  and 
reap,  to  do  good  and  get  good  ;  and  let  us  mind  that, 
and  let  who  will  mind  the  winds  and  clouds.  A  lion 
in  the  way^  a  lion  in  the  streets ;'  a  very  unlikely 
place,  he  would  say,  for  lions  to  be  in ;  and  yet  that 
senres  the  slugged  for  an  excuse. 

[In  one  of  his  Diaries,  in  reference  to  this  subject, 
he  thus  writes: — I  had  occasion  to  discover  ano- 
ther of  the  sins  which  do  so  easily  beset  me,  and 
that  is  fearfalness.  I  am  often  afraid  where  no  fear 
is.  Dr.  Hammond  observes, — In  evil  times  it  fares 
best  with  them  that  are  most  careful  about  duty,  and 
least  about  safety. 

To  be  afraid  where  no  fear  is,  is  sometimes  the 
sin  of  God's  people,  and  oftentimes  the  punishment 
of  wicked  men.  Proverbs  xxviii.  l.*' 

Thus  diligently  did  he  watch  against  evil,  and 
excite  himself  to  activity  in  his  Master's  service.] 

While  this  liberty  lasted,  he  was  in  labours  more 
abundant;  many  lectures  ho  preached  abroad  in 
Shropshire,  Cheshire,  and  Denbighshire,'  laying  out 
himself  exceedingly  for  the  good  of  souls,  spending 
and  being  spent  in  the  work  of  the  Lord.  And  of 
that  neighbourhood  and  of  that  time  it  was  said,  that 
this  and  that  man  was  bom  again,  then  and  there ; 
and  many  there  were  who  asked  the  way  to  Sion, 
with  their  face  thitherwards,  and  were  (not  prose- 
lyted to  a  party,  but)  savingly  brought  homo  to  Jesus 

h  Opportuoity  is  the  flower  and  crram  ortime.  All  opportunity 
b  time,  bat  all  time  is  not  opportunity.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

See  tbc  *'  Gale  of  Opportunity ;"  a  Sermon,  preached  at  Lidbury 
North,  at  the  Funeral  or  the  Worehipful  Humphrey  Walcut.  or 
Walcot,  Esq.  June  S.  1650;  by  Thomas  Froysell,  Minister  of  the 
Gospel  at  Clan,  in  Shropshire,  duod.  1658. 

i  See  the  outlines  of  a  Sermon  by  Mr.  P.  Henry  on  this  passage, 
in  the  Evan.  Mag.  v.  zxii.  p.  512. 

k  Ong^MS. 

I  Particularly  Wrexham.  In  1672  he  has  recorded  a  circum- 
stance, which,  while  locally  interesting,  is  illustrative  or  his  own 
character,  and  (kaught  with  ioatruction  :~I  said  to  Mn.  Figes,  in 

Christ.  I  mean  this ;  such  as  had  been  vain,  and 
worldly,  and  careless,  and  mindless  of  God  and 
another  world,  became  sober,  and  serious,  and 
concerned  about  their  souls,  and  a  future  state. 
This  was  the  conversion  of  souls,  aimed  at,  and 
laboured  after,  and  through  grace  not  altogether  in 

Whatever  lectures  were  set  up  in  the  country 
round,  it  was  still  desired  that  Mr.  Henry  would 
begin  them,  (which  was  thought  no  small  encourage* 
ment  to  those  who  were  to  carry  them  on,)  and  very 
happy  he  was,  both  in  the  choice  and  management 
of  his  subjects  at  such  opportunities,  seeking  to  find 
out  acceptable  words.  Take  one  specimen  of  his 
address,  when  he  began  a  lecture  with  a  sermon  on 
Hebrews  xii.  15.  I  assure  you,  saith  he;  and  God 
is  my  witness,  I  am  not  come  to  preach,  either  sedi- 
tion against  the  peace  of  the  state,  or  schism  against 
the  peace  of  the  church,  by  persuading  you  to  this 
or  that  opinion  or  party ;  but  as  a  minister  of  Christ, 
that  hath  received  mercy  from  the  Lord,  to  desire  to 
be  faithful,  my  errand  is  to  exhort  you  to  all  possible 
seriousness  in  the  great  business  of  your  eternal 
salvation,  according  to  my  text,  which  if  the  Lord 
will  make  as  profitable  to  you,  as  it  is  material  and 
of  weight  in  itself,  neither  you  nor  I  shall  have  cause 
to  repent  our  coming  hither,  and  our  being  here  to- 
day ;  looking  diligently,  lest  any  of  you  fail  of  the 
g^ace  of  God.  If  it  were  the  last  sermon  I  were  to 
preach,  I  did  not  know  how  to  take  my  aim  better 
to  do  you  good." 

In  doing  of  this  work,  he  often  said,  that  he  looked 
upon  himself  but  as  an  assistant  to  the  parish 
ministers,  in  promoting  the  common  interests  of 
Christ's  kingdom,  and  the  common  salvation  of  pre- 
cious souls,  by  the  explication  and  application  of 
those  great  truths,  wherein  we  are  all  agreed.  And 
he  would  compare  the  case  to  that  in  Hezekiah's 
time,  when  the  Levites  helped  the  priests  to  kill  the 
sacrifice,  which  was  something  of  an  irregularity, 
but  the  exigence  of  affairs  called  for  it ;  the  priests 
being  too  few,  and  some  of  them  not  so  careful  as 
they  should  have  been  to  sanctify  themselves ;  (see 
2  Chronicles  xxix.  34.)  and  wherever  he  preached, 
he  usually  prayed  for  the  parish  minister,  and  for 
a  blessing  upon  his  ministry.  He  hath  often  said 
how  well  pleased  he  was,  when,  after  be  had  preached 
a  lecture  at  Oswestry,  he  went  to  visit  the  minister 

my  own  house,  speaking  of  the  odbnce  taken  at  the  meeting-place 
in  Wrexham  being  a  bam,  that,— wheat  in  a  bam  is  better  than 
chaflTin  a  church.  Her  brother.  Stephen  Morhal,  hearing  it,  told 
some,  who  told  others,  and  it  reached  Dr.  Fowler,  who,  a  sabbath 
or  two  after,  look  notice  of  it  in  the  pulpit,  and  said,—"  There 
are  some  who,  in  the  abundance  of  their  humility,  have  said, 
lately,  that  there  is  nothing  but  chaflT  in  churches;  whereas  chaff 
is  rather  to  be  looked  for  in  bams,"— or,  to  that  purpose.  Where- 
by, I  sec  how  words,  innocently  spoken,  may  be  perverted ;  but 
I,  as  a  deaf  man,  heard  not ;  for,  1  said,  Lotd,  tbou\^«U«^.  V  .>\^T£rs . 
Diary,  Orig.  MS. 
m  Appendix,  No.  XV. 



of  the  place,  Mr.  Edwards^'*  a  worthy  good  man, 
and  told  him,  he  had  been  sowing  a  handful  of  seed 
among  his  people,  and  had  this  answer,^That's  well, 
the  Lord  prosper  your  seed  and  mine  too,  there  is 
need  enough  of  us  both.  And  another  worthy  con- 
formist that  came  privately  to  hear  him,  but  was  re- 
primanded for  it  by  his  superiors,  told  him  after- 
wards with  tears,  that  his  heart  was  with  him. 

His  heart  was  wonderfuUy  enlarged  in  his  work 
at  this  time,'  the  fields  were  white  unto  the  harvest; 
and  he  was  busy,  and  God  did  remarkably  own  him, 
setting  many  seals  to  his  ministry,  which  much  con- 
firmed him  in  what  he  did.  He  hath  this  observable 
passage  in  his  Diary,  about  this  time,  which  he 
recorded  for  his  after  benefit,  and  the  example  of  it 
may  be  instructive. — Remember  that  if  trouble  should 
come  hereafter,  for  what  we  do  now  in  the  use  of 
present  liberty,  I  neither  shrink  from  it,  nor  sink 
under  it ;  for  I  do  therein  approve  myself  to  God, 
and  to  my  own  conscience,  in  truth  and  uprightness ; 
and  the  Lord  whom  I  serve,  can  and  will  certainly 
both  bear  me  out,  and  bring  me  off"  with  comfort  in 
the  end.  I  say.  Remember,  and  forget  it  not,  this 
24th  day  of  March,  1672-3. 

It  was  at  the  beginning  of  this  liberty,  that  the 
society  at  Broad  Oak  did  commence;  made  up, 
besides  their  neighbourhood,  of  some  out  of  Whit- 
church, and  Whitchurch  parish,  that  had  been  Mr. 
Porter's  people,  some  out  of  Hanmer  parish,  that 
had  been  Mr.  Steel's,  and  some  out  of  the  parishes 
of  Wem,  Prees,  and  Ellesmere.  Persons  generally 
of  very  moderate  and  sober  principles,  quiet  and 
peaceable  lives,  and  hearty  well-wishers  to  the  king 
and  government ;  and  not  rigid  or  schismatical  in 
their  separation,  but  willing  to  attend,  though  some- 
times with  difficulty  and  hazard,  upon  those  admi- 
nistrations which  they  found  most  lively  and  edify- 
ing, and  most  helpful  to  them,  in  the  great  business 
of  working  out  their  salvation.  To  this  society  he 
would  never  call  himself  a  pastor,  nor  was  he  willing 
that  they  should  call  him  so ;  but  a  helper,  and  a 
minister  of  Christ  for  their  good.  He  would  say, — 
That  he  looked  upon  his  family  only  as  his  charge, 
and  his  preaching  to  others  was  but  accidental, 
whom  if  they  came,  he  could  no  more  turn  away, 
than  he  could  a  poor  hungry  man,  that  should  come 
to  his  door  for  an  alms.  And  being  a  minister  of 
Jesus  Christ,  he  thought  himself  bound  to  preach 
the  gospel,  as  he  had  opportunity. 

[His  epistolary  communications,  as  well  as  his 
public  preaching,  bore  upon  this  object,  as  is  mani- 

B  Ejected  from  ChrisUeton,  in  Cheshire.  He  afterward*  con< 
formed.    See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  ▼.  1.  p.  346.  «/  tupra. 

o  There  dwelled  in  his  parish  a  tanner,  a  very  godly  man,  and 
one  that  had  much  comroanion  with  my  father.  This  man,  as  he 
was  very  busie  tawing  or  a  hide  with  all  his  might,  (not  so  much 
as  turning  aside  his  head  any  way.)  my  father,  coming  by  acci- 
dentally, came  behind  him,  and  merrily  gave  him  a  little  clap  upon 
the  back;  be  started;  and,  looking  behind  bim  suddenly,  blushed. 

fest  from  the  following  letter ;  which  also  corrobo- 
rates the  testimony  borne  of  him  as  to  the  poor. 
The  souls  of  such,  he  would  say,  are  as  precious  as 
the  souls  of  the  rich. 

To  John  Beard  and  Jane  Comberbach, 

Loving  Friends ; 

Though  the  superscription  be  only  to  one  of  you, 
yet  the  letter  is  intended  to  you  both.  God  having 
in  his  providence  cast  your  lot  to  be  fellow-servants 
in  th^  same  family.  I  hope  you  are,  according  to 
your  opportunities,  mutually  helpful  to  each  other 
in  your  way  to  heaven ;  it  is  a  narrow  way,  and  an 
up-hill  way,  but  it  is  the  way  to  life,  and  few  find 
it,  and  fewer  walk  in  it ;  if  God  hath  given  you  to 
be  of  those  few,  he  hath  done  that  for  you  which 
should  for  ever  engage  your  hearts  to  him,  and  for 
which  you  have  gn*eat  cause  to  be  thankful,  and  to 
say  with  Judas,  not  Iscariot,  John  xiv.  22.  Lord, 
how  is  it ! — I  doubt  not  but  your  hands  are  full  of 
the  employments  of  your  particular  calling,  and  it 
ought  to  be  80,°  in  obedience  to  the  will  of  God 
appointing  you  to  it,  and  that  the  tempter  may  find 
you  busy ;  but  it  is  a  good  question  you  should  be 
often  putting  to  yourselves, — Where  is  the  mind 
now  ?  They  only  are  too  busy  that  lose  God  in  their 
business,  if  you  abide  with  him,  and  walk  with  him, 
and  live  to  him,  doing  what  you  do  in  his  name  and 
fear,  and  as  in  his  sight,  not  with  eye-terviee  m  . 
men-pleaters,  but  in  singleness  of  heart  as  to  the  Lord^ 
you  may  be  assured  you  are,  in  Jesus  Christ, 
accepted  of  him,  and  shall  as  certainly  receive  the 
reward  of  the  inheritance,  as  any  other  in  the  world; 
wherefore  Encourage  yourselves  and  one  another 
with  these  words.  Let  the  things  of  the  other  world 
be  real  things  in  your  account  and  esteem;  see 
heaven  and  hell  before  you,  and  believe  every 
thought,  word,  and  work,  nowy  is  so  much  seed  sown 
that,  according  as  it  is,  will  be  sure  to  come  up 
again,  either  in  corruption,  or  in  life  etefnal.  I 
know  not  how  it  is  with  you  at  present,  as  to  your 
liberties  for  worship,  but  you  had  a  day  of  it ;  and, 
were  you  diligent?  Have  you  provided  meat  in 
summer  ?  Did  you  gather  food  in  harvest  ?  If  aye, 
bless  God  ;  if  no,  reflect  with  grief  and  shame,  and 
make  peace,  and  tip  yet,  and  be  doing  ;^  it  is  no  = 
small  measure  of  guilt  that  rises  from  our  neglect  < 
of  opportunities  when  God  puts  them  as  a  price  ( 
into  our  hand.  I  am  glad  to  hear  that  you,  Jane,  - 
have  been  in  fellowship  at  the  table  of  the  Lord ;   ; 

— "  Sir,"  saith  he,  '*  I  am  ashamed  you  should  find  me  thus.**  To 
whom  my  father  said  again,—"  Let  Christ,  when  he  comes,  find 
me  so  doing!"  "  What,"  says  the  man,  '•  doing  thus?"— ••  Yei," 
saith  my  father  to  him.  "  faithful  in  the  duties  of  my  calling.** 
The  Tomb-stone,  or.  a  broken  and  imperfect  Monument,  of  thst 
worthy  Man,  the  Rev.  John  Carter,  p.  15.  duod.  163a 

p  See  I  Chron.  xxii.  v.  16.    A  valuable  note  upon  the  phnae 
occurs  in  Mr.  Dibdin's  Akles  Altborp.  v.  1.  p.  ix. 



remember  the  tows  of  God  that  are  upon  you,  and 
also  the  coYenant  of  God  there  sealed  with  you,  the 
former  for  yonr  establishment,  the  latter  for  your 
eooafort.  And  I  hope  that  you,  John,  either  have 
already  or  will  speedily  apply  yourself  to  it,  con- 
sidering it  is  not  privilege  only, — if  so,  it  were  ano- 
ther matter,— but  duty,  and  while  you  live  without 
it,  having  opportunity  for  it,  let  the  pretence  be 
that  it  will, — awe  and  reverence  towards  it,  sense 
»f  your  own  unworthiness,  or  whatever  else,— you 
fve  in  a  sin  of  omission,  and  that  of  a  known  duty, 
I  gieat  doty,  a  sweet  duty,  made  so  by  the  command 
•f  a  dear  and  dying  Redeemer,  saying,— />o  this, 
md, — do  it  in  remembrance  of  me.  We  commend 
lor  love  to  you  both.  God  everlasting  be  your  Sun 
ind  Shield,  Father  and  Friend,  Part  and  Portion. 

Amen ! 

So  prays. 
Broad  Oak,  Flint,        Yours,  in  true  affection, 
March  24,  1074-5.  Philip  Henry. 

For  John  Beard, 

At  Mr.  Bray's  House, 

In  Worcester .'»] 

Usually  once  a  month  he  administered  the  ordi- 
nance of  the  Lord's  supper.  Some  of  his  oppor- 
tunities of  that  kind  he  sets  a  particular  remark 
upon,  as  sweet  sealing  days,  on  which  he  found  it 
good  to  draw  near  to  God. 

When,  about  the  year's  end,  there  was  a  general 
expectation  of  the  cancelling  of  the  indulgence,  he 
hath  this  note  upon  a  precious  sabbath  and  sacra- 
ment day,  as  he  calls  it ;— '^  Perhaps  this  may  be  the 
last ;  Fmtker,  thy  will  he  done ;  it  is  good  for  us  to 
k  at  such  uncertainties ;  for  now  we  receive  our 
liberty  from  our  Father  fresh  every  day,  which  is 
l)est  and  sweetest  of  all." 

[In  the  spring  and  summer  of  1673,  he  preached 
orer  at  Broad  Oak,  the  parable  of  the  Prodigal  Son, 
in  about  forty  sermons,  in  which  it  pleased  the  Lord 
vonderfully  to  assist  and  succeed  him.  Many  who 
sot  good  to  their  souls  by  those  sermons,  earnestly 
desired  the  publishing  of  them,  and  he  was  almost 
persuaded ;  but  his  modesty  proved  invincible,  and 
it  was  never  done. 

He  preached  over  the  several  articles  of  the  new 
eovenant,  Hebrews  viii.  10,  &c.  in  the  year  1674. 

When  an  end  was  put  to  that  gleam  of  liberty, 
which  had  continned  about  three  years,  he  viras 
pleaching  upon  the  parable  of  the  barren  fig-tree, 
Luke  xiii.  6,  &c.  These  three  years  do  I  come  seeh- 
ing  fruii,  and  observed  how  the  word  of  God  was 
foUUIed,— though  not  out  down,  yet  cut  short,— >in 

Ufe.0rig.lf5.  mi 

However,  after  a  year  or  two,  there  was  such  a 
general  connivance  of  authority,  that  the  meetings 
grew  again  as  full  as  ever,  especially  at  Broad  Oak ; 
the  neighbouring  magistrates  of  Flintshire  being 
very  civil,  and  not  willing  to  give  trouble  to  one 
who  was  so  very  peaceable  and  obliging, — for  which 
he  would  often  give  thanks  to  God,  who  hath  the 
hearts  of  all  men  in  his  hands.^] 

On  the  3rd  of  March,  1676-7,  being  Saturday  night, 
the  town  of  Wem,  in  Shropshire,  about  six  miles 
from  him,  was  burnt  down,*  the  church,  market 
house,  and  about  one  hundred  and  twenty-six  dwell- 
ing houses,  and  one  man,  in  little  more  than  an 
bourns  time,  the  wind  being  exceeding  violent ;  at 
which  time  Mr.  Henry  was  very  helpful  to  his 
friends  there,  both  for  their  support  under,  and  their 
improvement  of,  this  sad  providence.    It  was  but 
about  half  a  year  before,  that  a  threatening  fire  had 
broke  out  in  that  town,  but  did  little  hurt;  some 
serious  people  there  presently  after  celebrated  a 
thanksgiving  for  their  deliverance,  in  which  Mr. 
Henry  imparted  to  them  a  spiritual  g^ft,  October  3, 
1676,  from  Zechariah  iii.  2.  Is  not  this  a  brand  plueh- 
ed  out  of  the  fire  ?    In  the  close  of  that  sermon, 
pressing  them,  from  the  consideration  of  that  re- 
markable deliverance,  to  personal  reformation  and 
amendment  of  life  ;  that  those  who  had  been  proud, 
covetous,   passionate,  liars,   swearers,  drunkards, 
sabbath-breakers,  would  be  so  no  more ;  and  urging 
Ezra  ix.  13,  14.  he  added, — If  this  providence  have 
not  this  effect  upon  you,  you  may  in  reason  expect 
another  fire ;  for  when  God  judgeth,  he  will  over- 
come ;  and  minded  them  of  Leviticus  xxvi.  where 
it  is  so  often  threatened  against  those  who  walk  con- 
trary to  God,  that  he  would  punish  them  yet  seven 
times  more.    The  remembrance  of  this  could  not  but 
be  affecting,  when,  in  so  short  a  time  after,  the  whole 
town  was  laid  in  ruins.    The  first  time  he  went 
thither  after  that  calamity,  a  neighbouring  justice, 
having  notice  of  it,  sent  to  forbid  him  to  preach,  to 
his  own  grief,  as  well  as  to  the  grief  of  many 
others,  who  came  expecting.    But,  saith  he  in  his 
Diary,  there  was  a  visible  sermon  before  us,  the 
ruins  preaching,  that  sin  is  an  evil  thing,  and  God 
a  terrible  God.    However,  a  few  days  after  he  got 
an  opportunity  of  preaching  to  them  a  word  in 
season,  which  some  will  not  forget,  from  Hosea  vi. 
l.-^Come,  and  let  us  return  unto  the  Lord,  for  he 
hath  torn  ■      ■    .    And,  at  the  return  of  the  year, 
when  the  town  was  in  the  re-building,  he  gave  them 
another  very  suitable  sermon,  from  Proverbs  iii. 
33.  The  curse  of  the  Lordis  in  the  house  of  the  wiched, 
but  he  hlesseth  the  habitation  of  the  just.    Though  it 
be  rising  again,  saith  he  in  his  Diary,  out  of  its 
ashes,  yet  the  burning  of  it  should  not  be  forgotten, 

•  ^ee  tbe  History  of  Wem,  by  the  Rev.  S.  Garbet,  A.  M.  p.  283, 
I  fcc.  Oct  ISia 



especially  not  the  sin  that  kindled  it.  He  often 
prayed  for  them,  that  the  fire  might  be  a  refining  fire. 

In  the  years  1677,  1678,  and  1679,  in  the  course 
of  his  ministry  at  Broad  Oak,  he  preached  over  the 
Ten  Commandments,  and  largely  opened  from  other 
texts  of  Scripture,  the  duties  required,  and  sins 
forbidden,  in  each  commandment.  For  though 
none  delighted  more  than  he  in  preaching  Christ 
and  gospel-grace ;  yet  he  knew  that  Christ  came 
not  to  destroy  the  law  and  the  prophets,  but  to 
fulfil ;  and  that  though,  through  grace,  we  are 
not  under  the  law  as  a  covenant,  yet  we  are  under 
it  as  a  rule;  under  the  law  to  Christ.  He  was 
very  large  and  particular  in  pressing  second-table 
duties,  as  essential  to  Christianity.  We  have  known 
those,  saith  he,  that  have  called  preaching  on 
such  subjects,  good  moral  preaching  ;  but  let  them 
call  it  as  they  will,  I  am  sure  it  is  necessary,  and 
as  much  now  as  ever.  How  earnestly  would  he 
press  upon  the  people  the  necessity  of  righteousness 
and  honesty  in  their  whole  conversation.  A  good 
Christian,  he  used  to  say,  will  be  a  good  husband,  a 
good  father,  and  a  good  master,  and  a  good  subject, 
and  a  good  neighbour,  and  so  in  other  relations. 
How  often  would  he  urge  to  this  purpose,  that  it  is 
the  will  and  command  of  the  great  God,  the  charac- 
ter of  all  the  citizens  of  Sion,  the  beauty  and  orna- 
ment of  our  Christian  profession  ;  and  the  surest 
way  to  thrive  and  prosper  in  the  world.  Honesty  is 
the  best  policy.  He  would  say,  that  these  are  things 
in  which  the  children  of  this  world  are  competent 
judges.  They  that  know  not  what  belongs  to  faith, 
and  repentance  and  prayer,  yet  know  what  belongs 
to  the  making  of  an  honest  bargain ;  they  are  also 
parties  concerned,  and  oftentimes  are  themselves 
careful  in  these  things ;  and,  therefore,  those  who 
profess  religion,  should  walk  very  circumspectly, 
that  the  name  of  God  and  his  doctrine  be  not  blas- 
phemed, nor  religion  wounded  through  their  sides. 

[How  sensible  he  was  of  the  dislike  frequently 
felt  to  practical  preaching,  as  well  as  of  the  import- 
ance of  such  preaching,  appears  in  the  following 
extract  Having  explained,  in  a  course  of  sermons, 
the  Redeemer's  sayings,  as  recorded  in  the  fifth, 
sixth,  and  seventh  chapters  of  Matthew's  Gospel, 
he  pressed,  in  his  last  discourse,  the  importance,  the 
necessity,  oi  doing  y  as  well  as  hearing,  from  the  divine 
assurance, — that  a  stormy  day  is  coming  shortly, 
when  hearers  only  will  be  found  fools,  and  suffer 
loss ;  whereas  hearers  and  doers  will  be  owned  for 
wise  people,  and  will  have  the  comfort  of  it.  What 
ado,  he  remarks,   some  one  will  object,  is  here 

t  Sincerity  is  all  in  all.  It  is  all  in  all  our  prayers ;  all  in  all  oar 
tears;  all  in  all  our  services.  It  is  all  to  Go<l,~that  which  God 
accounts  all.  Sincerity  is  gospel  perfection.  The  Dead  Saint 
speaking  to  Saints  and  Sinners  living,  by  Samuel  Bolton,  D.  D.  p. 
298.  fol.  1657. 

«  P.  Henrj.  Orig.  MS.  * 

•-  l/e  that  backbites  with  bis  toague  wovnds  four  At  once ;  he 

about  doing ;  doing !  If  I  had  preached,  he  pro- 
ceeds, these  sermons,  I  know  where,  I  ,had  cer- 
tainly been  called  a  legal  preacher,  if  not  a  papist, 
a  Jesuit,  a  preacher  of  works  ;  and  some  would  have 
said,  we  will  never  hear  him  again.  If  to  preach 
on  these  things  be  legal  preaching,  then  our  Lord 
himself  was  a  legal  preacher,  for  you  see  they  were 
hit  sayings  all  along  that  I  took  for  my  text  to  each 
sermon.  Such  a  preacher  as  he  was,  may  I  be,  in 
my  poor  measure.  I  cannot  write  after  a  better 
copy.  I  cannot  tread  in  better  steps.  His  sayings 
must  be  done,  as  well  as  heard,  that  we  may  answer 
his  end  in  saying  them,  which  was  to  promote  holi- 
ness,— that  we  may  approve  ourselves  his  true  kin- 
dred,~that  God  may  be  gIorified,-^that  our  profes- 
sion may  be  beautified, — and  that  our  building  may 
stand.  But  they  must  be  done  aright.  The  tree 
must  be  good.  All  must  be  done  by  faith,  and  in 
the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus.  Hebrews  xi.  6.  Colos- 
sians  iii.  17. — ^with  evenness  and  constancy, — with 
humility  and  8elf-denial,-~in  charity, — and  with 
perseverance,  and  continuance. 

Do  all  you  do  as  those  who  are  under  a  covenant 
of  grace,  which,  though  it  requires  perfect,  yet  ac- 
cepts of  sincere,  obedience.^  While  the  hand  is 
doing,  let  the  eye  be  looking  at  Jesus  Christ,  both 
for  assistance  and  acceptance.  This  is  the  life  of 
faith.  Be  resolved  in  duty.  Look  often  at  the  re- 
compence  of  reward.  ■ 

Thus  he  preached,  and  his  constant  practice  was 
a  comment  upon  it.  One  thing  I  remember,  he  was 
more  than  ordinarily  enlarged  in  the  pressing  of, 
which  was, — ^uponthe  ninth  commandment, — to  speak 
evil  of  no  man,  from  Titus  iii.  2.  If  we  can  say  no 
good  of  persons,  we  must  say  nothing  of  them.  He 
gave  it  as  a  rule. — Never  to  speak  of  any  one's  faults 
to  others,  till  we  have  first  spoken  of  them  to  the 
offender  himself.  He  was  himself  an  eminent  ex<- 
ample  of  this  rule.  Some  that  have  conversed  much 
with  him,  have  said.  That  they  never  heard  him 
speak  evil  of  any  body  ;  nor  could  he  bear  to  hear 
any  spoken  evil  of,  but  often  drove  away  a  back- 
biting tongue  with  an  angry  countenance.''  He 
was  known  to  be  as  faithful  a  patron  of  offenders 
before  others,  as  he  was  a  faithful  reprover  of  them 
to  themselves. 

Whenever  he  preached  of  moral  duties,  he  would 
always  have  something  of  Christ  in  his  sermon ; 
either  his  life,  as  the  great  pattern  of  the  duty,  or 
his  love,  as  the  great  motive  to  it ;  or  his  merit,  as 
making  atonement  for  the  neglect  of  it. 

[Thus,  in  pressing  moral  duties,  he  observed  that, 

wounds  the  good  name  of  his  neighbour,  which  is  dearer  to  him 
than  the  apple  or  his  eye ;  he  wounds  the  name  of  God,  religion 
suffers,  when  tliose  who  profess  it  thus  backbite  each  other ;  he 
wounds  his  own  soul,  brings  the  guilt  of  a  great  sin  upon  his  own 
soul,  which  he  must  certainly  answer  for ;  he  wounds  love  in  him 
that  hears  it,  so  that  the  esteem  of  his  brother  is  lessened.^ P. 
Henry.  Mrs.  Savage^sBIS. 



.To  an  acceptable  act  of  obedience,  it  is  necessary 
lat  the  principle  be  right,  which  is  a  habit  of  true 
race  in  the  heart.  There  must  also  be  a  knowledge 
r,  and  respect  to,  the  will  of  God,  as  well  as  free- 
9m,  cheerfulness,  and  delight  in  doing  it,  in  oppo- 
tion  to  forced  obedience.  We  are  not  to  be  haled 
)  duty  as  a  bear  to  a  stake ;  but  we  are  to  do  it 
>lnntarily  and  pleasantly.  There  must  also  be 
ith  *  in  Jesus  Christ,  both  for  strength  to  do,  and 
r  acceptance  when  we  have  done.  And,  withal, 
single  eye  to  God's  glory.* 
With  a  view  to  chronological  arrangement,  the 
irrative  may  be  here  interrupted  by  the  introduo- 
»n  of  the  following  epistle. 

I  have  lately  met,  remarks  Mr.  Henry's  biographer, 
ith  a  letter  of  his  to  a  couple  related  to  him,  who, 
I  a  Tery  short  time,  had  buried  all  their  children 
!*  the  small-pox  to  their  great  grief ;  it  was  in  the 
^ar  1679.  What  comfort  and  counsels  he  adminis- 
led  to  them,  may  be  of  use  to  others  in  their  afflic- 
ons,  and,  therefore,  I  shall  .transcribe  the  whole 
tter,  though  it  be  long. 

Dear  Cousins ; 

This  is  to  you  both,  whom  God  hath  made  one  in 
le  conjugal  relation,  and  who  are  also  one  in  the 
resent  aflliction  ;  only  to  signify  to  you  that  we  do 
eartily  sympathize  with  you  in  it.  The  trial  is,  in- 
eed,  sharp,  and  there  will  be  need  of  all  the  wisdom 
nd  grace  you  have,  and  of  all  the  help  of  friends 
9n  can  get,  both  to  bear,  and  to  improve,  it  aright. 
on  must  bear  it  with  silence  and  submission.  Surety 
is  meet  to  be  taid  unto  God,  I  have  borne  chastise- 
eui.  He  is  Sovereign  Lord  of  all,  and  may  do  with 
s,  and  ours,  as  pleaseth  him.  It  is  not  for  the  clay  to 
aannel  with  the  potter.  It  was  a  mercy  you  had  chil- 
ren,  and  comfort  with  them  so  long ;  it  is  a  mercy 
tal  yet  you  have  one  another,'  and  your  children  are 
(rt  lost,  but  gone  before,  a  little  before,  whither  you 
Minelves  are  hastening  after.  And  if  a  storm  be 
ming,  (as  God  grant  it  be  not,)  it  is  best  with 
lem  that  first  put  into  the  harbour.  Your  children 
re  taken  away  from  the  evil  to  come,  and  you  must 
It  moum  as  they  that  have  no  hope.  Sensible  you 
innot  but  be,  but  dejected  and  sullen  you  must 
It  be ;  that  will  but  put  more  bitterness  into  the 
ip/  and  make  way  for  another,  perhaps  a  sharper, 
loke.  You  must  not  think,  and  I  hope  yon  do  not, 
lat  there  cannot  be  a  sharper  stroke  ;  for  God  hath 
lany  arrows  in  his  quiver ;  he  can  heat  the  furnace 

w  Look,  what  oyle  is  to  the  wheels,  what  weights  are  to  the 
odt,  wtiat  wiDp  are  to  the  bird,  what  saSls  are  to  the  ship,— 
at/mtk  U  to  an  religious  duties  and  services.  HeaTen  on  Earth, 
r  Tbomas  Brooks,  duod.  16&7.  p.  342. 
«  P.  Henry.  Orig.  lf& 

f  V  God  should  have  riven  the  tree  asunder,  I  meane,  severed 
m  one  IhMi  another,  it  must  have  been  taken  thankAiUy ;  but, 
och  more,  when  be  leaveth  the  tree,  and  taketh  but  the  fhiit 
tyacs's  Ctviillaii  Lettert,  ut  iwpra,  p.  137. 

seven  times  hotter,  and  again,  and  ag^in,  seven 
times  hotter,  till  he  hath  consumed  us ;  and  if  he 
should  do  so,  yet  still  we  must  say,  he  hath  punished 
us  less  than  our  iniquities  have  deserved.  For  exam- 
ples of  patience  in  the  like  kind,  we  have  twoeminent 
ones  in  the  book  of  God,  those  are  Job  and  Aaron ;  of 
the  latter  it  is  said,  Leviticus  x.  3.  He  held  his  peace  ; 
and  that  which  quieted  him,  was  what  his  brother 
Moses  said  to  him,— TAt^  is  that  which  the  Lord  hath 
said,  I  will  be  sanctified ;  and  if  God  be  sanctified, 
Aaron  is  satisfied ;  if  God  have  glory  from  it,  Aaron 
hath  nothing  to  say  against  it.  Of  the  former  it  is 
said.  Job  i.  20,  he  fell  down,  but  it  was  to  worship ; 
and  we  are  told  how  he  expressed  himself,  The  Lord 
gave,  Sfc.  He  acknowledgeth  God  in  all :  and,  in- 
deed, after  all,  this  is  it  (my  dear  cousins)  that  you 
must  satisfy  yourselves  with  under  the  sad  provi- 
dence, that  the  Lord  hath  done  it,  and  the  same  will 
that  ordered  the  thing  itself'  ordered  all  the  circum- 
stances of  it ;  and  who  are  we  that  we  should  dis- 
pute with  our  Maker?  Let  the  potsherds  strive  with 
the  potsherds  of  the  earth,  but  let  not  the  thing  form" 
ed  say  to  him  that  formed  it, — Why  hast  thou  made 
me  thus  ?  And  as  for  the  improvement  of  this  afilic^ 
tion,  (which,  I  hope,  both  of  you  earnestly  desire, 
for  it  is  a  great  loss  to  lose  such  a  providence,  and 
not  to  be  made  better  by  it,)  I  conceive  there  are 
four  lessons  which  it  should  teach  you ;  and  they 
are  good  lessons,  and  should  be  well  learned,  for  the 
advantage  of  them  is  unspeakable.  1.  It  should  for 
ever  imbitter  sin  to  you ;  you  know  what  she  said  to 
the  prophet,  1  Kings  xvii.  18.  Art  thou  come  to  call 
my  sins  to  remembrance,  and  to  slay  my  son  ?  It  is 
sin,  sin  that  is  the  old  kill-friend,  the  Jonah  that  hath 
raised  this  storm,  the  Achan  that  hath  troubled  your 
house ;  then  how  should  you  grow  in  your  hatred  of 
it,  and  endeavours  against  it,  that  you  may  be  the 
death  of  that  which  hath  been  the  death  of  your  dear 
children  ?  I  say  the  death  of  it,  for  nothing  less  will 
satisfy  the  true  penitent,  than  the  death  of  such  a 
malefactor.  2.  It  should  be  a  spur  *  to  you,  to  put 
you  on  in  heaven's  way ;  it  may  be  you  were  growing 
amiss  in  duty,  beginning  to  slack  your  former  pace 
in  religion,  and  your  heavenly  Father  saw  it,  and 
was  grieved  at  it,  and  sent  this  sad  providence  to  be 
your  monitor,  to  tell  you,  you  should  remember 
whence  you  are  fallen,  and  do  your  first  works,  and 
be  more  humble,  and  holy,  and  heavenly,  self-deny- 
ing, and  watchful,  abounding  always  in  the  work  of 
the  Lord.    Oh,  blessed  are  they  that  come  out  of 

I  The  will  of  God's  purpose  is  the  rule  or  all  his  actions;  the 
will  of  his  precept  is  the  rule  of  all  our  acUons.  P.  Henry. 

a  Therefore,  sickness,  weepings,  sorrow,  mourning,  and,  in  con. 
elusion,  all  adveisities,  be  unto  us  as  ipmrM ;  with  the  which,  we 
being  dull  horses,  or,  rather,  very  asses,  are  forced  not  to  remain 
long  in  this  transitory  way.    A  Meditation  toucbitk%  K^'^txAX^^ 
made  by  Lady  Mary's  Gtace,  \54a.  S\iypt*%  lSj«ift\.  >^wBuN .  "i.  ^. 
552.  oct  ed.  1822. 



sucb  a  faraace  thus  refined ;  they  will  say  hereafter, 
it  was  a  happy  day  for  them  that  ever  they  were  put 
in.  3.  You  must  learn  by  it,  as  long^  as  you  live,  io 
keep  your  affections  in  due  bounds  towards  creature- 
comforts.  How  hard  is  it  to  love,  and  not  to  over 
love ;  to  delight  in  children,  or  yoke-fellows,  and 
not  over  delight;  now  God  is  a  jealous  God,  and 
will  not  give  his  glory  to  any  other ;  and  our  access 
this  way  doth  often  provoke  him  to  remove  that 
mercy  from  us,  which  we  do  thus  make  an  idol  of ; 
and  our  duty  is  to  labour,  when  he  doth  so,  to  get  that 
matter  amended,  and  to  rejoice  in  all  our  enjoyments 
with  trembling,  and  as  if  we  rejoiced  not.  4.  It 
should  be  a  means  of  drawing  your  hearts  and 
thoughts  more  upwards  and  homewards ;  1  mean  your 
everlasting  home.  You  should  be  looking  oftener  now 
than  before  into  the  other  world.  /  shall  go  to  him, 
saith  David,  when  his  little  son  was  gone  before.  It 
is  yet  but  a  little  while  ere  all  the  things  of  time 
shall  be  swallowed  up  in  eternity.  And  the  matter 
is  not  gpreat  whether  we  or  ours  die  first,  while  we 
are  all  dying ;  in  the  midst  of  life  we  are  in  death  :— 
What  manner  of  persons  then  ought  we  to  be  !^  Now 
our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  himself,  and  God,  even  our 
Father,  be  your  support  under,  and  do  you  good  by, 
this  dispensation,  and  give  yon  a  name  better  than 
that  of  sons  and  daughters.  We  are  daily  mindful 
of  you  at  the  throne  of  g^race,  in  our  poor  measure, 
and  dearly  recommended  to  you,  &c.^ 

In  answer  to  the  inquiry,— How  are  we  to  glorify 
God  in  our  afflictions  ?  he  replied,  Own  and  ac- 
knowledge sin  to  be  tlie  cause,  and  give  glory  to 
God.  Own  him  as  the  author  of  your  sufferings ; 
acknowledge  the  mercies  left,  with  all  thankfulness. 
See  what  has  been  amiss,  and  when  you  have  found 
it,  turn  again  unto  the  Lord.^  Glorify  him  by 
patience,  and  quietness,  and  cheerful  submission 
unto  his  will— Ply  the  throne  of  grace.  Believe, 
and  wait  for  a  good  issue.  Hold  fast  your  in- 

On  another  occasion  it  being  asked,— When  are 
we  inordinately  dejected  and  disquieted  under 
afflicting  providences?  he  answered, — ^When  we 
grieve  beyond  the  nature  of  the  thing  for  which  we 
grieve.    When  we  are  wearied  and  faint  in  our 

b  2  Peter  iii.  IL  It  it  a  word  of  admiration.— What  manDer  of 
holiDeas  should  we  \ue,— looking /or  Mdkasttmiig  mttto  tho  eoming  of 
iki  dag  of  th§  Lord  ;  that  is,  despatching  and  doing  all  for  our  lives 
against  that  day.  Our  lives  should,  as  it  were,  be  in  a  hurry  after 
the  day  of  judgment,  as  those  that  are  to  remove  at  quarter  day, 
they  hasten  to  do  all  against  the  time.  Dr.  Goodwin.  Works,  v.  5. 
30.  fol.  1704. 

e  Transposed  firom  p.  177.  Life.  3d.  edit 

«  Get  repentance  by  an  affliction,  and  then  you  may  look  on 
It  as  traffic,  and  not  as  a  trouble,  like  a  merchant's  voyage,  which 
hath  pain  in  the  way,  but  treasure  in  the  end.  No  afflictions  can 
hurt  him  that  is  penitent  Bishop  Reynolds  on  Hosea.  Works, 
p.  732.  ut  njna. 

*  P.  Henry,  from  Mr&  Savage's  MS. 

minds.  When  we  grieve  as  those  that  have  no  hope. 
When  we  are  unfitted  for  the  duties  of  our  calling. 
When  we  are  hindered  from  worshipping  and  rejoic- 
ing in  God.  When  our  grief  exceeds  bounds, — in 
continuing  too  long.  1  Samuel  xvi.  1.^ 

In  the  year  1680  he  preached  over  the  doctrines 
of  faith  and  repentance  from  several  texts  of  Scrip- 
ture. He  used  to  say,  that  he  had  been  told  con- 
cerning the  famous  Mr.  Dod,^  that  some  called  him 
in  scorn,  faith  and  repentance ;  because  he  insisted 
so  much  upon  those  two,**  in  all  his  preaching. 
But,  saith  he,  if  this  be  to  be  vile,  I  will  be  yet 
more  vile ;  for  faith  and  repentance  are  all  in  all  in 

[Illustrating  the  nature  of  faith,  he  would  observe 
that, — ^We  must  take  hold  of  Christ,  as  a  man  that 
is  sinking  in  deep  waters  takes  hold  of  a  bough,  or 
cord,  or  plank.  We  must  see  him  to  be  the  only 
way,  and  rest  on  him  accordingly.  We  must  see 
ourselves  pursued  by  the  justice  of  God,  and  sec 
him  to  be  the  only  altar.  As  the  guilty  malefactor 
took  hold  of  the  city  of  refuge.  As  a  besieged  gar- 
rison takes  hold  of  terms  when  offered.  As  a  man 
takes  hold  of  an  arm  that  is  going  to  strike  him, 
so  must  we  resort  to  and  accept  of  Christ.  Plainly 
thus ;  there  are  three  things  in  believing, — The  sight 
and  sense  of  our  sin  and  misery,~Assent  to  the 
testimony  given  in  the  word  concerning  Christ,  be- 
lieving that  though  I  am  a  great  sinner,  yet  he  is  a 
great  Saviour,~Application  of  him  to  ourselves, 
consenting  to  take  him  to  be  ours,  and  we  to  be 
his,— -to  be  ruled  by  him,  and  saved  by  him.*] 

Concerning  repentance  he  hath  sometimes  said, 

If  I  were  to  die  in  the  pulpit,  I  would  desire  to  die 
preaching  repentance ;  as  if  I  die  out  of  the  pulpit,  I 
would  desire  to  die  practising  repentance :  And  he 
had  often  this  saying  concerning  repentance.  He  that 
repents  every  day,  for  the  sins  of  every  day,*  when 
he  comes  to  die,  will  have  the  sins  but  of  one  day  to 
repent  of.*  Even  reckonings  make  long  friends. 
[Speaking  of  Luke  xxii.  62.  concerning  Peter,  he 
would  say, — Peter's  sin  is  recorded  for  our  admo- 
nition, his  repentance  for  our  imitation.*"] 

[On  this  Christian  duty  he  further  remarks.  It  is 
not  required  to  make  us  precious  to  Christ,  but  to 
make  Christ  precious  to  us,  and  when  it  does  that, 

ff  Nat.  1540.  Ob.  1645.  et.  96.  Ctaric*s  LiTes,  annexed  to  his 
Martyrologie.  p.  166,  kc.  ut  ntpra. 

h  Mr.  Hieron,  noticing  his  own  preaching,  thus  expressed  him- 
self. *'  I  have  but  two  things  to  teach ;  faith  towards  Ood,  and  a 
holy  life.  In  one  of  these  two  I  must  still  insist."  Woits.  p. 
333.  foL  16M. 

i  From  Mrs.  Savage's  MS. 

k  The  dailiness  of  sin  must  be  bewailed  with  the  dailinea  of 
sorrow.  Bishop  Taylor.  Cited  in  his  Life  prefixed  to  Bishop 
Heber's  edition  of  his  Works  p.  clvii. «/  $uprm. 

1  Sayth  Seint  Augustine,  penance  of  good  and  humble  folk 
si  the  penance  of  every  day.  Chaucer's  Canterbury  Tales^ 
by  T.  Tyrwhitt,  Esq.  vol.  a.  p.  383.  4to.  179&  The  Personcs 

n  Diary,  Orlg.  MS. 



then  are  we  hnmbled  to  divine  acceptation,  though 
not  to  divine  satisfaction.  Sorrow  is  sin's  echo,  but 
as  the  echo  answers  the  voice  best  where  there  are 
broken  walls  and  ruined  buildings  to  return  it,  so 
does  sorrow  when  reverberated  by  a  broken  ruined 
heart.  That  eye  weeps  most  which  looks  oftenest 
on  the  Sun  of  Righteousness."  Thongh  we  cannot 
wash  in  innocency,  yet  we  must  wash  in  penitency.^ 
The  ingredients  of  true  repentance  are, — hearty 
sorrow,  particular  confession,  faith  in  Christ,  and 
general  amendment^  When  we  set  our  sins  before 
our  faces  in  repentance  and  confession,  God  casts 
them  behind  his  back  in  pardon  and  remission ;  but 
if  we  carelessly  cast  them  behind  our  back,  God 
justly  sets  them  before  his  face.^i] 

That  year  also,  and  the  year  1681,  he  preached 
over  the  duties  of  hearing  the  word  and  prayer ;  of 
the  former,  from  the  parable  of  the  four  sorts  of 
gronnd ;  of  the  latter,  from  Luke  xi.  1,  &c.  when  he 
preached  over  the  Lord's  Prayer  in  aboTC  thirty 
excellent  and  elaborate  discourses.  He  looked 
«pon  the  Lord's  Prayer  to  be  not  only  a  directory  or 
pattern'  for  prayer,  but,  according  to  the  advice  of 
the  Assembly  of  Divines,  proper  to  be  used  as  a 
form  f  and,  accordingly,  he  often  used  it  both  in 
public  and  in  his  family.  And  as  he  thought  it 
was  an  error  on  the  one  hand  to  lay  so  much  stress 
upon  it  as  some  do,  who  think  no  solemn  prayer 
accepted,  nor  any  solemn  ordinance  or  administra- 
tion of  worship  complete,  without  it,  and  so  repeat  it 
five  or  six  times,  and  perhaps  oftener,  at  one  meeting ; 
so  he  thought  it  an  error  on  the  other  hand  not  to  use 
it  at  all ;  since  it  is  a  prayer,  a  compendious,  com- 
prehensive prayer,  and  may  be  of  use  to  us,  at  least 
as  other'^ripture  prayers ;  but  he  thought  it  a  much 
greater  error  to  be  angry  at  those  who  do  use  it,  to 
judge  and  censure  them,  and  for  no  other  reason  to 
conceive  prejudices  against  them  and  their  ministry. 
A  great  strait,  saith  he^  poor  ministers  are  in,  when 
some  will  not  hear  them,  if  they  do  not  use  the 
Lord's  Prayer,  and  others  will  not  hear  them  if  they 
do.'  What  is  to  be  done  in  this  case?  We  must 
walk  according  to  the  light  we  have,  and  approve 
ourselves  to  God,  either  in  using  or  not  using  it, 
and  wait  for  the  day  when  God  will  end  the  matter ; 
which  I  hope  he  will  do  in  his  own  due  time. 

He  vras  in  the  close  of  his  exposition  of  the 
Lord's  Prayer,  when  a  dark  cloud  was  brought  upon 

B  P.  Henry.  Com.  PI.  Book.  Orig.  MS. 

•  P.  Henty.  Mem.  of  Mrs.  Savage,  uinpra.  p.  317. 

P  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

^  P.  Henry.  Life  of  Lieut  IlUdge.  by  Matt.  Henry.  Misc.  Works, 
vid.  p0$L 

T  See  '*  A  Guide  to  goe  to  God,  or  an  explanation  of  the  perfect 
Pattemc  of  Prayer,  the  Lord's  Prayer,"  by  [Dr.]  W.  Gouge.  4to. 

■  See  the  Larger  Catechism  argued  upon  by  the  Assembly  of 

Divines.  4to.  187.    And  their  Directory  Tor  public  worship,  ed. 

1793.  p.  539. 

t  See  Letters  to  and  from  Dr.  Doddridge,  published  by  Mr.  Sted-  I 


his  assemblies,  and  he  was  necessitated  to  contract 
his  sails. 

[In  the  year  1G80,  his  son  and  biographer,  Mr. 
Matthew  Henry,  having  nearly  completed  his 
eighteenth  year,  was  conducted  to  London,  together 
with  his  relation  and  friend,  Mr.  Robert  Bosier,  and 
placed  under  the  care  of  that  '*  holy,  faithful 
minister,  Mr.  Thomas  Doolittle,  who  then  lived  at 
Islington.''"  This  event  gave  rise  to  the  following 
letters : 

From  the  Rev,  Philip  Henry,  to  Mr,  Matthew  Henry, 

My  Dear  Child ; 

Your  letter  to  me  I  received,  and  your  mother 
also  hers.  In  the  former,  an  account  of  your  being 
busy,  at  which  we  were  glad  ;  in  the  latter,  of  your 
being  not  well,  and  that  troubles  us ;  but  we  are  in 
hope,  that  this  night's  post  will  bring  us  better 
tidings.  However,  we  desire  to  acquiesce  in  the 
will  of  God,  in  whose  hand  our  timet  are,  and  at 
whose  disposal  are  all  our  ways ;  who  doth  always 
that  which  is  just  and  righteous,  always  that  which 
is  best  to  those  who  love  him.  I  am  at  Boreatton, 
where  I  expected  your  mother  this  morning,  as  we 
appointed,  but,  instead  of  coming  herself,  she  sends 
Roger  with  your  two  letters,  and  her  desire  to  me  to 
answer  them  from  hence  by  way  of  Shrewsbury. 
They  are  all  well,  blessed  be  God,  both  there  and 
here.  My  Lord  Paget  intended  to  have  gone  from 
hence  to-morrow,  which  hastened  me  hither  a  week 
sooner  than  I  expected,  and  caused  a  failure  at  home 
yesterday,  no  chapel-day  ;  but  his  stay,  now,  is  till 
next  week.  I  am  comforted,  that  you  acknowledge 
God  in  your  distemper,  and  are  prepared  to  receive, 
with  patience,  what  he  appoints.  The  two  last  sub- 
jects we  were  upon  when  you  left  Broad  Oak, — faith 
and  repentance,— I  hope  were  made  profitable  to 
you.  He  that  truly  repents  of  sin,  and  truly  believes 
in  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  nothing  can  come  amiss  to 
him  ;  things  present  are  his,  things  to  come  are  his ; 
life,  death  ;  this  world,  and  the  other  world.  Though 
you  are  at  a  distance  from  us,  you  are  near  to  him, 
who,  according  to  his  promise,  is  a  present  help,  to 
those  that  fear  him,  in  every  time  of  need.  Our  poor 
prayers  for  you,  you  may  be  sure,  are  not,  shall  not, 
be  wanting,— that,  if  the  Lord  please,  you  may  have 
health  to  ply  the  work  you  came  about,  that  you 

man.  pp,  14. 15.  and  Dr.  Doddridge's  Exposition  on  Luke  xi.  1, 13. 

«  Life  of  Matt  Henry,  p.  2S.  «/  npra.  Itmay  be  thought,  indeedt 
that  he  who  taught  his  daughter  Hebrew  at  seven  years  of  age,  had 
little  occasion  to  send  his  son  from  under  the  paternal  roof,  in 
order  to  prepare  him  for  the  church;  but  Philip  Henry  was  •  pub- 
lic spirited  man,  and  he  found  that  bis  (Vequent  labours  in  the 
ministry  were  incompatible  with  the  constant  attentions  whicn 
education  indispensably  requires.  Hist  of  Dissenters,  v.  2.  p.  291. 
A  list  of  Mr.  Doolittle's  pupiht  may  be  seen  inDT.TQM\TSiLVcC%>\\LV 
torical  View.p.  584. 



may  serve  the  will  of  God  in  your  generation ;  if 
otherwise,  that  you  may  be  satisfied  in  what  he  doth ; 
and  so  we,  by  his  grace,  shall  endeavour  to  be  also. 
Commend  us  to  Mr.  Doolittel,  and  his  wife,  whose 
tender  love  to  you,  and  care  concerning  you,  we 
shall  always  acknowledge  with  all  thankfulness; 
also  to  Cousin  Robert,""  who,  I  know,  will  help  to 
bear  your  burthen.  The  Lord  Almighty  bless  yon, 
my  dear  child,  and  cause  his  face  to  shine  upon  you, 
and  send  us  good  news  in  your  next  concerning  you. 
Amen.    This,  from 

Your  loving  father, 
Aug.  16, 1680.  P.  H.' 

From  the  Rev,  Philip  Henry ,  to  Mr,  Robert  Rosier, 

August  28, 1680. 
Dear  Cousin ; 

I  received  yours,  of  August  24  ;  the  former  part 
whereof,  which  was  concerning  yourself,  gave  cause 
for  a  great  deal  of  joy  and  thankfulness  to  our  good 
God,  that  you  are  so  well  pleased  in  your  present 
circumstances  of  improvement ;  and,  I  hope,  will 
be  so  more  and  more.  I  like  it  well,  that  you  are 
put  upon  the  exercise  of  your  gifts,  which  is  the 
ready  way  to  increase,  and  add  to  them  ;  for,  to  him 
that  hath,  shall  be  given,  and  he  shall  have  more  abun- 
dantly ;  and,  I  doubt  not,  but,  if  you  set  about  it, 
in  the  strength  of  the  divine  grace,  and  not  in  your 
own  strength,  you  will  find  that  grace  both  ready  to 
you,  and  suflRcient  for  you.  Your  Concordance  I 
forbear  to  send  till  I  hear  from  you  again.  Notes 
upon  the  Galatians,  &c.  I  have  none  yet,  else  you 
should  have  them.  Strive  not  to  be  large,  but  con- 
cise, and  close,  and  substantial,  wherein,  here,  yon 
wanted  an  example.  I  pray,  be  careful,  in  a  special 
manner,  about  secret  communion ;  for,  you  know, 
as  that  is  kept  up,  or  falls,  accordingly  the  soul  pros- 
pers. Do  not  over-tire  yourself  with  study,  especi- 
ally by  candle ;  fair  and  softly  goes  far.  Though 
you  do  well  to  bewail  your  loss  of  precious  time, 
yet,  blessed  be  God  for  what  you  have  redeemed ; 
and,  though  it  is  true,  as  things  are  with  you,  now  is 
your  time,  if  ever,  to  be  busy ;  yet  health  and  strength 
must  be  considered,  and  nothing  done  to  over-drive. 

The  latter  part  of  your  letter,  which  was  concern- 
ing Matthew,  gave  us  some  trouble,  yet  I  thank 
you  that  you  were  so  large  and  particular  in  it. 
We  have  freely  yielded  him  up,  and  our  interest  in 
liim,  as  well  as  we  can,  to  our  Heavenly  Father; 
and  his  will  be  done  !  I  have  written  to  him,  as  you 
will  see, — if  he  be  willing  and  able,  and  there  be 
cause,  with  advice  of  friends, — to  hasten  home ;  and, 
if  he  must  so  leave  you,  it  will  be  an  instance, — ^that 
man  purposes,  but  God  disposes. 

Present  my  dear  love  and  respects  to  Mr.  Doolit- 

Bobert  Boater 

Oriff.  MS. 

tel,  and  to  his  wife,  to  whom  I  am  much  obliged  for 
their  kindness,  which  I  shall  ever  acknowledge, 
whatever  the  event  be.  Fail  not  to  write  as  there 
may  be  occasion.  Here  is  room  only  to  tell  you,  that 
we  are  all  remembered  to  you ;  and,  particularly, 
that  I  am, 

Your  true  friend, 

P.  H. 

This  was  intended  for  the  superscription,  but 
the  paper  being  thin,  I  chose  to  enclose  it.  My 
two  last  sabbaths'  absence  hence,  so  quickly  after 
the  former  three,  at  London,  though  I  designed  it 
not,  hath  caused  reports,  as  if  we  had  quite  done, 
but  I  hope  it  is  not  so.  To-morrow,  God  willing,  we 
shall  set  the  plough  in  again,  begging  of  God,  that 
late  intermissions  may  quicken  desires,  and  make 
the  word  so  much  the  sweeter.  Concerning  Matthew 
I  know  not  what  to  say  more  than  I  have  said.  The 
Lord  prepare  and  fit  us  for  evil  tidings !  I  will  not 
say,  our  life  is  bound  up  in  the  life  of  the  lad,  but 
much  of  the  comfort  of  our  life  is ;  and  yet.  Father, 
thy  will  be  done  !  Our  cisterns  may,  and  will,  dry 
up,  first  or  last,  but  our  Fountain  remains  for  ever."] 



TEARS  18S0  AND  1687. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  year  1681,  in  April  and  May, 
the  country  was  greatly  afflicted  and  threatened  by 
an  extreme  drought ;  there  was  no  rain  for  several 
weeks,  the  grass  failed.  Com,  that  was  sown,  lan- 
guished ;  and  much  that  was  intended  to  be  sown, 
could  not.  The  like  had  not  been  known  for  many 
years.  It  was  generally  apprehended  that  a  dearth 
would  ensue,  especially  in  that  country,  which  is  for 
the  most  part  dry.  And  now  it  was  time  to  seeh  the 
Lord ;  and,  according  to  hts  own  appointment,  to 
ash  of  him  rain  in  the  season  thereof.  Several  serious 
thinking  people  being  together  at  the  funeral  of  that 
worthy  minister  of  Jesus  Christ,  Mr.  Maiden,  it  was 
there  said,  how  requisite  it  was  that  there  should  be 
some  time  set  apart  on  purpose  for  fasting  and 
prayer,  in  a  solemn  assembly,  upon  this  occasion. 
Thomas  MilUngton,  of  Weston,  in  Hodnet  Parish, 
in  Shropshire,  desired  it  might  be  at  his  house  ;  and 
Tuesday,  June  14,  was  Uie  day  pitched  upon. 
The  connivance  of  authority  was  presumed  upon, 
because  no  disturbance  of  meetings  was  heard  of 
at  London,  or  any  where  else.  Mr.  Henry  was  de- 
sired to  come  and  give  his  assistance  at  that  day\s 
work.  He  asked  upon  what  terms  they  stood  with 
their  neighbouring  justices,  and  it  was  answered, — 
"  Well  enough."  The  drought  continuing  in  extre- 
mity, some  that  had  not  used  to  come  to  such  meet- 

X  Orig.  MS. 



ings,  yet  came  thither,  upon  the  apprehensions  they 
had  of  the  threatening  judgment  which  the  country 
was  under.  Mr.  Edward  Bury,*  of  Bolas,  well 
known  by  several  useful  books  he  hath  published, 
prayed  ;  Mr.  Henry  prayed,  and  preached  on  Psalm 
Ixvi.  18. — If  I  regard  iniqmty  in  my  heart,  the 
Lord  will  not  hear  me;  whence  his  doctrine  was, 
•That  iniquity,  regarded  in  the  heart,  will  cer- 
tainly spoil  the  success  of  prayer.  When  he  was 
in  the  midst  of  his  sermon,  closely  appljdng  this 
truth,  SirT.  V.»»  of  Hodnet,  and  Mr.  M.«  of  Ightfield, 
two  justices  of  the  peace  for  Shropshire,  with  seve- 
ral others  of  their  retinue,  came  suddenly  upon  them ; 
disturbed  them,  set  guards  upon  the  house  door,  and 
came  in  themselves,  severely  rallied  all  they  knew, 
reflected  upon  the  late  Honourable  House  of  Com- 
mons, and  the  vote  they  passed  concerning  the  pre- 
sent nnseasonableness  of  putting  the  laws  in  execu- 
tion against  Protestant  Dissenters,  as  if,  in  so  voting, 
they  had  acted  beyond  their  sphere,  as  they  did  who 
took  away  the  life  of  King  Charles  the  First  They 
diverted  themselves  with  very  abusive  and  unbe- 
coming talk;  swearing,  and  cursing,  and  reviling 
bitterly.  Being  told  the  occasion  of  the  meeting  was 
to  seek  to  turn  away  the  anger  of  God  from  us  in 
the  present  drought,  it  was  answered; — "Such 
meetings  as  these  were  the  cause  of  God's  anger.'' 
While  they  were  thus  entertaining  themselves,  their 
clerks  took  the  names  of  those  that  were  present,  in 
all,  about  one  hundred  and  fifty,  and  so  dismissed 
them  for  the  present.  Mr.  Henry  hath  noted,  in  the 
account  he  kept  of  this  event,  that  the  justices  came 
to  this  good  work  from  the  ale-house  upon  Frees 
Heath,  about  two  miles  off :  to  which,  and  the  bowl- 
ing-green adjoining,  they,  with  other  justices,  gen- 
tlemen, and  clergymen,  of  the  neighbourhood,  had 
long  before  obliged  themselves  to  come  every  Tues- 
day, during  the  sunmier  time,  under  the  penalty  of 
twelve-pence  a  time  if  they  were  absent ;  and  there 
to  spend  the  day  in  drinking  and  bowling ;  which  is 
thought  to  be  as  direct  a  violation  of  the  law  of  the 
land ;  viz,  the  Statute  of  ddd  Henry  YIII.  cap.  9. 
"  for  debarring  unlawful  games,''  which  was  never 
fet  repealed,  as  the  meeting  was  of  the  Statute 
vf  22d  Car.  II. ;  and,  as  much  more  to  the  dis- 
boDOur  of  God,  and  the  scandal  of  the  Christian 
l»fofession,  as  cursing,  and  swearing,  and  drunken- 
ness, are  worse  thah  praying,  and  singing  psalms, 
ind  bearing  the  word  of  God.''  It  is  supposed  the 
iostiees  knew  of  the  meeting  before,  and  might  have 

•  1700.  Friday.  May  U).  This  week,  old  Mr.  Bury,  of  Bolas,  in 
>lvofiriiire,  was  tniried,  an  aged  nonconrormist,  some  time  a  fellow- 
iaboorcr  and  sufTerer  with  my  dear  father,  now  gone  to  his  reward ; 
—few  left  of  the  old  generation.  Lord,  pour  out  of  thy  Spirit  on 
aur  fom  and  our  daughters !  Mrs.  Savage's  Diary.  Orig.  MS.  Mr. 
Bury  was  bom  A.  D.  1616.  He  died  May  5, 1700.  Noncon.  Mem. 
V  3.p  141, 4cc. 

k  Sir  Thomas  Vernon.    Orig.  MS.  P.  Henry. 

c  Charles  MUnwariDg,  Esq.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

o  2 


prevented  it  by  the  least  intimation ;  but  they  were 
willing  to  take  the  opportunity  of  making  sport  to 
themselves,  and  trouble  to  their  neighbours.  After 
the  feat  done,  they  returned  back  to  the  ale-house, 
and  made  themselves  and  their  companions  merry 
with  calling  over  the  names  they  had  taken,  making 
their  reflections  as  they  saw  cause,  and  recounting 
the  particulars  of  the  exploit.  There  was  one  of  the 
company,  whose  wife  happened  to  be  present  at  the 
meeting,  and  her  name  taken  among  the  rest ;  with 
which  upbraiding  him,  he  answered,  that  she  had 
been  better  employed  than  he  was,  and  if  Mr.  Henry 
might  be  admitted  to  preach  in  a  church,  he  would 
go  a  great  many  miles  to  hear  him.  For  which 
words  he  was  forthwith  expelled  their  company,  and 
never  more  to  show  his  face  again  at  that  bowling- 
green  ;  to  which  he  replied, — ^if  they  had  so  ordered 
long  ago,  it  had  been  a  great  deal  the  better  for  him 
and  his  family.  Two  days  after  they  met  again  at 
Hodnet,  where,  upon  the  oath  of  two  witnesses,  who, 
as  was  supposed,  were  sent  on  purpose  to  inform, 
they  signed  and  sealed  two  records  of  conviction. 
By  one  record,  they  convicted  the  master  of  the 
house,  and  fined  him  £20,  and  £5  more  as  constable 
of  the  town  that  year ;  and,  with  him,  all  the  persons 
present,  whose  names  they  had  taken,  and  fined 
them  6s»  a  piece,  and  issued  out  warrants  according- 
ly. By  another  record,  they  convicted  the  two  mi- 
nisters, Mr.  Bury  and  Mr.  Henry.  The  Act  makes 
it  only  punishable  to  preach,  or  teach,  in  any  such 
conventicle;  and  yet  they  fined  Mr.  Bury  £20, 
though  he  only  prayed,  and  did  not  speak  one  word 
in  the  way  either  of  preaching  or  teaching,  not  so 
much  as, — "  Let  us  pray ;"  however,  they  said, 
'^  Praying  was  teaching  ;*'«  and,  right  or  wrong,  he 
must  be  fined  ;  though  his  great  piety,  peaceable- 
ness,  and  usefulness,  besides  his  deep  poverty,  one 
would  think,  might  have  pleaded  for  him,  against 
so  palpable  a  piece  of  injustice.  They  took  £7  oil' 
from  him,  and  laid  it  upon  others,  as  they  saw  cause ; 
and,  for  the  remaining  £13,  he  being  utterly  unable 
to  pay  it,  they  took  from  him,  by  distress,  the  bed 
which  he  lay  upon,  with  blanket  and  rug;  also, 
another  feather-bed,  nineteen  pair  of  sheets,  most 
of  them  new ;  of  which  he  could  not  prevail  to  have 
so  much  as  one  pair  returned  for  him  to  lie  in ;  also, 
books,  to  the  value  of  £5,  besides  brass  and  pewter. 
And,  though  he  was  at  this  time  perfectly  innocent 
of  that  heinous  crime  of  preaching  and  teaching, 
with  which  he  was  charged,  (for  so  the  record  runs 

i  See  Baxter's  Eng.  Noncon.  p.  183. 4to.  1090. 

•  In  the  case  of  Robert  Collins,  A.  M.  it  was  'contended,  that 
'* presbyteriao  preaching  and  praying  was  all  one;  for  they,  in 
their  prayers,  would  undertake  to  teach  Almighty  God."  Tlie 
counsel  for  the  prosecutor  prayed  the  bench  to  call  for  a  diction- 
ary, and  said,  *'  There  they  would  find,  that  prgedicare  and  orare 
were  the  same."  See  the  Noncon.  Mem.  \ .  %,  v"*^-  ^^  wv^a.  ^^va^ 
V  3.  p.  151. 



again  and  again,  concerning  Mr.  Henry  and  Mr. 

Bury, Quod  ad  tunc  et  ibidem  precaverunt,  pre- 

dieaverunt  et  docuerunt,)  yet  he  had  no  way  to 
right  himself,  but  by  appealing  to  the  justices  them- 
selves in  quarter  sessions,  who  would  be  sure  to 
affirm  their  own  decree,  as  the  justices  in  Montgo- 
meryshire had  done  not  long  before  in  a  like  case, 
especially  when  it  was  to  recover  to  themselves 
treble  costs.  So  the  good  man  sat  down  with  his 
loss,  and  took  joyfully  the  spoiling  of  his  goods  ; 
knowing  in  himself,  that  he  had,  tit  heaven^  a  better 
and  a  more  enduring  substance. 

But  Mr.  Henry  being  the  g^atest  criminal,'  and 
having  done  the  most  mischief,  must  needs  be  ani- 
madverted  upon    accordingly;    and,   therefore  he 
was  fined  £40 ;  the  pretence  of  which  was  this :  In 
the  year  1679,  October  16,  Mr.  Kynaston,  of  Oatly, 
a  justice  of  peace  in  Shropshire,  meeting  him  and 
some  others  coming,  as  he  supposed,  from  a  con- 
venticle, he  was  pleased  to  record  their  conviction, 
upon  the  notorious  evidence  and  circumstances  of 
the  fact.    The  record  was  filed  at  Salop  the  next 
sessions  after,  but  no  notice  was  ever  sent  of  it, 
either  to  Mr.  Henry,  or  the  justices  of  Flintshire; 
nor  any  prosecution  upon  it,  against  any  of  the 
parties  charged ;  (the  reason  of  which,  Mr.  Henry, 
in  a  narrative  B  he  wrote  of  this  affair,  supposeth  to 
be  not  only  the  then  favourable  posture  of  public 
affiairs  towards  dissenters,  but  also  the  particular 
prudence  and  lenity  of  Mr.  Kynaston;)   so  that, 
having  never  smarted  for  this,  he  could  not  be  sup- 
posed to  be  deterred  from  the  like  offence  ;  nor,  if 
he  were  wronged  in  that  first  conviction,  had  he  ever 
any  opportunity  of  making  his  appeal.    However, 
the  justices  being  resolved  he  should  have  summum 
juSf  thought  that  first  record  sufficient  to  give  deno- 
mination to  a  second  offence,  and  so  he  came  to  be 
fined   double.    This  conviction,  according  to  the 
direction  of  the  Act,  they  certified  to  the  next  ad- 
joining justices  of  Flintshire,  who  had  all  along 
carried  themselves  with  great  temper  and  modera- 
tion towards  Mr.  Henry,  and  had  never  given  him 
any    disturbance ;    though,  if  they  had   been  so 
minded,  they  had  not  wanted  opportunities;  but 
they  were  now  neccjisitated  to  execute  the  sentences 
of  the  Shropshire  justices.    It  was  much  pressed 
upon  him  to  pay  the  fine,  which  might  prevent  his 
own  loss  and  the  justices'  trouble.    But  he  was  not 
willing  to  do  it,  partly,  because  he  would  g^ve  no 

f  See  an  Account  of  the  Rev.  John  Baily.  Mather's  History  of 
New  England,  book  iii.  p.  333 ;  and  Middleton*8  Biog.  Evang.  v. 
4.  p.  103.  oct.  1786. 

r  This  MS.  Is  entitled,  *•  An  Account  of  the  Proceedings 
against  the  Rct.  Philip  Henry,  and  others,  for  Preaching  and 
Praying  in  the  House  of  Mr.  Thomas  MiUington,  of  Weston,  in  the 
I'arish  of  Hodnet.  in  the  County  of  Salop,  in  the  reign  of  Charles 
II.  in  the  year  I68L**  It  is  in  the  hand-writing  of  Mr.  Henry,  and 
ifomemed  by  Mr.  Witton. 
-ft  TA/s  refusal  is  thought  and  termed  contempt,  stubbornness. 

encouragement  to  such  prosecutions,  nor  volunta- 
rily reward  the  informers  for  that  which  he  thought 
they  should  rather  be  punished  for;  and  partly 
because  he  thought  himself  vrronged  in  the  doubling 
of  the  fine.**  Whereupon  his  goods  were  distrained 
upon,  and  carried  away ;  in  the  doing  of  which 
many  passages  occurred  which  might  be  worth  the 
noting,  but,  that  the  repetition  of  them  would 
perhaps  grate,  and  give  offence  to  some,  lict  it 
therefore  suffice,  waving  the  circumstances,  to 
remember  only  that  their  warrant,  not  giving  them 
authority  to  break  open  doors,  nor  their  watchful- 
ness getting  them  an  opportunity  to  enter  the  house, 
they  carried  away  about  thirty-three  cart-loads  of 
goods  without  doors,  com  cut  upon  the  ground,  hay, 
coals,  &c.  This  made  a  great  noise  in  the  country, 
and  raised  the  indignation  of  many  against  the 
decrees  which  prescribed  this  grievousness ;  while 
Mr.  Henry  bore  it  with  his  usual  evenness  and 
serenity  of  mind,  not  at  all  moved  or  disturbed  by 
it.  He  did  not  boast  of  his  sufferings,  or  make  any 
great  matter  of  them ;  but  would  often  say, — Alas, 
this  is  nothing  to  what  others  suffer,  nor  to  what  we 
ourselves  may  suffer  before  we  die!  And  yet  he 
rejoiced,  and  blessed  God  tliat  it  was  not  for  debt, 
or  for  evil  doing,  that  his  goods  were  carried  away. 
— And,  saith  he,  while  it  is  for  well  doing  that  we 
suffer,  they  cannot  harm  us.  Thus  he  vnites  in  his 
Diary  upon  it  ;~How  oft  have  we  said  that  changes 
are  at  the  door ;  but,  blessed  be  God,  there  is  no 
sting  in  this !  He  frequently  expressed  the  assur- 
ance he  had,  that,  whatever  damage  he  sustained, 
— God  is  able  to  make  it  up  again.  And,  as  he  used 
to  say, — Though  we  may  be  losers/or  Christ,  yet  we 
shall  not  be  losers  by  him  in  the  end.  He  had  often 
said,  that  his  preaching  was  likely  to  do  the  most 
good,  when  it  was  sealed  to  by  suffering ;  and,  if 
this  be  the  time,  saith  he,  welcome  the  will  of  God ; 
even  this  also  shall  turn  to  the  furtherance  of  the 
gospel  of  Christ  Bene  agere  et  male  pati  vere 
Christianum  est} 

Soon  after  this,  was  the  assizes  for  Flintshire, 
held  at  Mold,  where  Sir  George  Jeffries,^  after- 
wards Lord  Chancellor,  then  Chief  Justice  of  Ches- 
ter, sat  Judge.  He  did  not,  in  private  conversation, 
seem  to  applaud  what  was  done  in  this  matter,  so  as 
was  expected ;  whether  out  of  a  private  pique  against 
some  that  had  been  active  in  it,  or  for  what  other 
reason  is  not  known ;  but  it  was  said,  he  pleasantly 

and  what  not.  But  let  Ood  and  |he  world  judge.  It  Is  supposed 
the  easier  they  come  by  the  fines,  the  likelier  they  will  be  to  come 
again.  Besides,  as  yet,  the  general  practice  of  good  people 
throughout  the  nation  is  to  refuse  payment,  and  to  suffer  distress, 
though  it  be  found,  for  the  most  part,  to  inflame  the  reclconing. 
P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

i  Appendix,  No.  XVI.  See  1  Pet  il.  30. 

k  See  Granger's  Biog.  Hist.  v.  3.  p.  368,  and  the  Life  of  Lord 
North,  4to.  1742.  p.  209,  &c. 



asked  some  of  tlie  gentlemen,  by  what  new  law  they 
pressed  carts,  as  they  passed  upon  their  occasions 
along  the  road,  to  carry  away  goods  distrained  for 
a  cooTentiele  ?  It  was  also  said,  that  he  spoke  with 
lome  respect  of  Mr.  Henry ;  saying,  he  Jcnew  him, 
and  his  character,  well,  and  that  he  was  a  great  friend 
of  his  mother's,  (Mrs.  Jeffries  of  Acton,  near  Wrex- 
kam,  a  very  pious,  good  woman,)  and  that  some- 
times, at  his  mother's  request,  Mr.  Henry  had  ex- 
amined him  in  his  learning,  when  he  was  a  school- 
boy, and  had  commended  his  proficiency.  And  it 
was  much  wondered  at  hy  many,  that,  of  all  the 
times  Sir  George  Jeffries  went  that  circuit,  though 
it  is  well  enough  known  what  was  his  temper,  and 
what  the  temper  of  that  time,  yet  he  never  sought 
aoy  occasion  ag^nst  Mr.  Henry,  nor  took  the  occa- 
sions  that  were  offered,  nor  countenanced  any  trou- 
ble intended  him,  though  he  was  the  only  noncon- 
fonnist  in  Flintshire.  One  passage  I  remember,  not 
improper  to  be  mentioned  ;  there  had  been  an  agree- 
ment among  some  ministers,  (I  think  it  began  in  the 
West  of  England,  where  Mr.  Allen  *  was,)  to  spend 
some  time,  either  in  secret,  or  in  their  families,  or 
both,  between  six  and  eight  o'clock  every  Monday 
morning.  In  prayer  for  the  church  of  God,  and  for 
the  land  and  nation,  more  fully  and  particularly 
than  at  other  times,  and  to  make  that  their  special 
errand  at  the  throne  of  grace ;  and  to  engage  as 
many  of  their  praying  friends  as  ever  they  could 
to  the  observance  of  it.  This  had  been  communi- 
cated to  Mr.  Henry,  by  some  of  his  friends  at 
London,  and  he  punctually  observed  it  in  his  own 
practice,  I  believe,  for  many  years.  He  alsd  men- 
tioned  it  to  some  of  his  acquaintance,  who  did  in 
Gke  manner  observe  it.  It  happened  that  one  in 
Denbighshire,*"  to  whom  he  had  communicated  it, 
was  so  well  pleased  with  it,  that  he  wrote  a  letter  of 
it  to  a  friend  of  his  at  a  distance ;  which  letter  hap- 
pened to  fall  into  hands  that  perverted  it,  and  made 
information  upon  it,  against  the  writer  and  receiver 
of  the  letter,  who  were  bound  over  to  the  Assizes, 
and  great  suspicions  Sir  George  Jeffries  had,  that 
it  was  a  branch  of  the  presbyterian  plot,"  and  rallied 
the  parties  accused  severely. 

It  appeared,  either  by  the  letter,  or  by  the  con- 
fesnon  of  the  parties,  that  they  received  the  project 
firom  Mr.  Henry,  which,  it  was  greatly  feared,  would 
bring  him  into  trouble ;  but  Sir  George,  to  the  ad- 
miration of  many,  let  it  fall,°  and  never  inquired 
farther  into  it.  It  seems,  there  are  some  men,  whose 

I  The  Rev.  Joseph  AUeine.  Nat.  1633 ;  ob.  Nov.  1688.  See  his 
Life  and  Lettets,  duod.  1671 ;  lately  reprinted. 

■  Mr.  AmtmM  Lewid.  BfS.   See  mif ,  p.  29. 

A  See  Baxter  Reliq:  part  Ui.  p.  I8ff,  &c.  Various  curious  pam- 
phlets were  originated  by  the  accusation ;  particulariy  the  Horrid 
bio  of  Maa^atcMiHr,  the  Second  Part,  4to.  I68i  :  and  *'  No  Pro- 
testant Plot.  inThfve  Parts,'*  4to.  1681, 1688. 

•  At  the  same  time,  be  (the  judge)  caused  Blr.  Ambrose  Lewis, 
us  old  school-BBBflter  at  Wrexham,  in  Denbighshire,  a  worthy 

ways  90  please  the  Lord,  that  he  makes  even  their 
enemies  to  he  at  peace  with  them ;  and  there  is  no- 
thing lost  hy  trusting  in  God. 

Mr.  Henry,  at  the  next  assizes  after  he  was  dis- 
trained upon,  was  presented  by  one  of  the  high  con- 
stables,— 1.  For  keeping  a  conventicle  at  his  house  ; 
and,  2.  For  saying,— That  the  law  for  suppressing 
conventicles  ought  not  to  be  obeyed,  and  that  there 
was  never  a  tittle  of  the  word  of  God  in  it.  As  to 
this  latter  presentment,  it  was  altogether  false.  He 
had,  indeed,  in  discourse  with  the  high  constable, 
when  he  insisted  so  much  upon  the  law,  which  re- 
quired him  to  be  so  rigorous  in  the  prosecution,  ob- 
jected,—That  all  human  laws  were  not  to  be  obeyed, 
merely  because  they  were  laws.  But,  as  to  any 
such  reflections  upon  the  law  he  suffered  by,  he  was 
far  from  it,  and  had  prudence  enough  to  keep 
silence  at  that  time ;  for  it  was  an  evil  time  when  so 
many  were  made  offenders  for  a  word.  But  these 
presentments  met  with  so  little  countenance  from 
Judge  Jeffries,  that  Mr.  Henry  only  entered  his  ap- 
pearance in  the  prothonotary's  office,  and  they  were 
no  more  heard  of;  wherein  he  acknowledged  the 
hand  of  God,  who  tumeth  the  hearts  of  the  children 
of  men  as  tfie  Hvulets  of  water. 

As  to  what  was  taken  fiom  him  by  the  distress, 
they  who  took  it  made  what  markets  they  pleased  of 
it,  payed  those  they  employed,  and,  what  the  remain- 
der was,  is  not  known  for  certain  ;  but,  it  was  said, 
that  the  following  summer  about  £27  was  paid  to  Sir 
T.  v.,  of  which,  and  Uie  rest  that  was  levied  in  other 
places,  which  amounted  to  a  considerable  sum,  it  was 
credibly  reported,  and  I  have  not  heard  it  contradict- 
ed, that  neither  the  king  nor  the  poor  had  their  share, 
which,  by  the  Act,  is  to  be  two-thirds,  nor  the  in- 
formers all  theirs  neither;  but,  people  said,  the 
gentlemen  had  occasion  for  it  all.  But,  as  they  that 
had  it  were  never  the  richer  for  it,  so  he  that  lost  it 
would  often  say,— That  he  found  that  God  did  so 
abundantly  bless  the  remainder  to  him,  that  he  was 
never  the  poorer ;  which  he  would  mention  for  the 
encouragement  of  his  friends,  not  to  balk  duty,  as  he 
used  to  express  it,  for  fear  of  suffering. 

In  the  same  year,  1681,  happened  a  public  dis- 
course at  Oswestry,  between  the  th  en  Bishop  of  St. 
Asaph,  Dr.  William  Lloyd,P  now  Bishop  of  Coven- 
try and  Lichfield,  and  some  nonconformist  minis- 
ters, of  which  Mr.  Henry  was  one.  The  story,  in 
short,  is  this: — That  learned  bishop,  at  his  first 
coming  to  the  diocese  of  St.  Asaph,  in  his  zeal  for 

good  man,  Mr.  Henry's  great  friend,  to  be  presented,  and  rallied 
against  him  particularly,  with  great  keenness  in  his  charge  to  tlie 
grand  jury.  Tor  keeping  conventicles,  as  he  called  it,  in  the  school ; 
•♦•by  which  means,"  salth  he,  "  your  children  get  the  twang  of 
fanaticism  in  their  noses  when  they  are  you!>g.  and  they  will 
never  leave  it."  Life.  Orig.  MS.  ut  npra. 

p  Nat.  A.  D.  1687;  Ob.  30th  August,  1717.  Mr.  Cha1mera*s  Biog. 
Diet.  V.  20.  p.  347,  &c. 



the  established  church,  set  himself  with  vi^ur  to 
reduce  dissenters  to  it;  and,  that  he  might  do  it 
with  the  cords  of  a  man,  he  resolved,  before  he  took 
any  other  methods,  to  reason  the  matter  with  them, 
and  to  endeavour  their  conviction  by  discourse^  in 
which  he  had  a  very  great  felicity,  both  by  his 
learning  and  temper.  If  there  were  any  that  de- 
clined discoursing  with  him,  he  improved  that 
against  them  very  much ;  urging,  as  he  wTOte  after- 
wards to  Mr.  Henry, — "  That  no  man  can  pretend 
conscience  for  not  coming  when  he  is  required,  to 
give  an  account  of  his  religion,  to  them  that  have 
authority  to  demand  it,  by  the  laws  under  which  he 
lives,  and  to  hear  from  their  mouths  what  can  be 
said  for  the  established  religion.  These  are  things 
from  which  conscience  is  so  far  from  exempting, 
that  the  great  rule  of  conscience  requires  it,  as  an 
indispensable  duty,  that  we  should  be  always  ready 
toffive  an  account  of  the  hope  that  is  in  us ;  and  that  we 
should  hear  them  that  are  in  Moses's  chair f^  &c. ;  and, 
therefore,  those  who  refused  thi^-,  he  would  consider 
as  men  governed,  not  by  conscience,  but  obstinacy." 

t-He  publicly  discoursed  with  the  quakers  at 
lanfyllin,  in  Montgomeryshire;  their  champion 
was  Dr.  Lloyd,  a  physician.  One  of  the  most  con- 
siderable nonconformist  ministers  in  his  diocese 
was  Mr.  James  Owen,  of  Oswestry,'  then  very 
young,  but  well  known  since  by  his  learned  book, 
which  he  calls, "  A  Plea  for  Scripture  Ordination ;" 
proving  ordination  by  presbyters,  without  diocesan 
bishops,  to  be  valid,  (published  in  the  year  1694,) 
a  point  of  controversy  which  he  was  then  obliged, 
in  his  own  defence,  to  search  into.  Several  dis- 
courses the  bishop  had  with  him  in  private ;  at  last, 
his  lordship  was  pleased  to  appoint  him  to  give 
him  the  meeting  in  the  town-hall  at  Oswestry,  on 
Tuesday,  September  27,  1681,  there  to  give  account, 
"  by  what  right  he  exercised  the  ministry,  not 
having  episcopal  ordination."  He  directed  him 
also  to  procure  what  other  ministers  he  could  to 
assist  him,  for  he  would  be  glad  to  hear  what  any 
of  them  had  to  say  for  themselves.  The  notice  was 
very  short,  not  above  four  or  &ye  days.  Some, 
whose  assistance  was  desired,  apprehended  it  might 
do  more  hurt  than  good,  and  might  be  prejudicial 
to  their  own  liberty,  and  therefore  declined  it.  It 
was  not  agreeable  to  Mr.  Henry's  mild  and  modest 
temper,  to  appear  in  such  circumstances;  but  he 
was  loth  to  desert  his  friend,  Mr.  Owen,  and  so, 
with  much  importunity,  he  was  prevailed  with  to 
come  to  Oswestry,  at  the  time  appointed ;  and  there 
came  no  other  but  he  and  Mr.  Jonathan  Roberts,  of 
Denbighshire,  in  the  diocese  of  Bangor,  a  plain 

q  See  Matt,  xxili.  3. 

r  Afterwards  of  Shrewsbury ;  where  he  died,  April  8, 1706,  et 
5*2.  See  his  Life,  ul  npra ;  and  Memoirs  or  Mrs.  Savage.  Ap- 
pendix, No.  IV. 

*  Aat.  Oct.  1641;  Ob.  7th  June,  )7J1.  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet.  v.  12, 
p-  Jif2,  Ac.   There  is  a  curious  statement  respecting  him  in  the 

man,  of  ^great  integrity,  and  a  very  good  scholar. 
The  bishop  came,  according  to  appointment,  and 
brought  with  him,  for  his  assistant,  the  famous  Mr. 
Henry  Dodwell.*  Mr.  Henry,  who  was  utterly  a 
stranger  to  the  bishop,  pressed  hard  to  have  had  the 
discourse  in  private,  before  a  select  number,  but  it 
would  not  be  granted.     He  also  desired  his  lordship 
that  it  might  not  be  expected  from  him,  being  of 
another  diocese,  to  concern  himself  in  the  discourse, 
but  only  a  hearer.     "  Nay,  Mr.  Henry,"  said  the 
bishop,  "  it  is  not  the  concern  of  my  diocese  alone, 
but  it  is  the  common  cause  of  religion,  and,  there- 
fore, I  expect  you  should  interest  yourself  in  it  more 
than  as  a  hearer."    His  lordship  was  pleased  to 
promise,  that  nothing  that  should  be  said  by  way  of 
argim[)ent,  should  be  any  way  turned  to  the  preju- 
dice of  the  disputants,  nor  advantage  taken  of  it 
to  give  them  trouble.    There  were  present  divers 
of  the  clergy  and  gentry  of  the  country,  with  the 
magistrates  of  the  town,  and  a  great  number  of 
people,  which,  if  it  could  have  been  avoided,  was 
not  easy  to  Mr.  Henry,  who  never  loved  any  thing 
that  made  a  noise ;  herein  like  his  Master,^  who  did 
not  strive,  nor  cry.    The  discourse  began  about  two 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  and  continued  till  between 
seven  and  eight  at  night ;  much  was  said,  pro  and 
con,  touching  the  identity  of  bishops  and  presbyters, 
the  bishoping  and  unbishoping   of  Timothy  and 
Titus,"  the  validity  of  presbyterian  ordination,  &c. 
It  was  managed  with  a  great  deal  of  liberty,  and  not 
under  the  strict  laws  of  disputation,  which  made  it 
hard  to  give  any  tolerable  account  of  the  particulars 
of  it.    The  arguments  on  both  sides  may  better  be 
fetched  from  the  books  written  on  the  subject  than 
from  such  a  discourse.    The  bishop  managed  his 
part  of  the  conference  with  a  great  deal  of  gravity, 
calmness,  and  evenness  of  spirit,  and  therein  gave 
an  excellent  pattern  to  all  that  are  in  such  stations. 
Mr.  Henry's  remark  upon  this  business,  in  his  Diary, 
is  this ;— That,  whereas,  many  reports  went  abroad 
far  and  near,  concerning  it,  every  one  passing  their 
judgment  upon  the  result  of  it,  as  they  stood  affect- 
ed ;  for  my  own  part,  saith  he,  upon  reflection,  I 
find  I  have  great  reason  to  be  ashamed  of  my  mani- 
fold infirmities  and  imperfections  ;  and  yet,  do  bless 
God,  tliat,  seeing  I  could  manage  it  no  better,  to  do 
the  truth  more  service,  there  was  not  more  said  and 
done  to  its  disservice.    To  God  be  glory.    But  there 
were  others,  who  said,  that  Mr.  Henry  was  an  in- 
strument of  glorifying  God,  and  serving  the  church, 
in  that  affair,  almost  as  much  as  in  any  thing  that 
ever  he  did,  except  the  preaching  of  the  gospel. 
And  some,  who  were  adversaries  to  the  cause  he 

Preface  to  Dr.  S.  Clarke's  Discourses,  vol  i.  p.  xvi.  oct.  1730,  by 
Benjamin,  Lord  Bishop  of  Salisbury. 

t  •'  1  will  always  call  Jesus  my  Master."  Geo.  Herbert.  Lives 
by  Walton,  v.  a.  p.  75.  ut  npra. 

u  See  a  curious  volume  bearing  this  title,  4to.  1636. 



pleaded,  though  they  were  not  convinced  by  his 
aifaments,  yet,  by  his  great  meekness  and  humility, 
and  that  truly  Christian  spirit,  which  appeared  so 
endently  in  the  whole  management,  were  brought 
to  have  a  better  opinion  of  him,  and  the  way  in  which 
he  walked. 

The  conference '  broke  off  a  little  abruptly.  The 
bishop  and  Mr.  Henry  being  somewhat  close  at  an 
acgoment,  in  the  recapitulation  of  what  had  been 
disooorsed  of,  Mr.  Jonathan  Roberts  whispered  to 
Mr.  Henry, — "  Pray,  let  my  lord  have  the  last  word  ;'* 
which  a  justice  of  peace  upon  the  bench  over-hear- 
ing, presenUy  replied  ;^^'  Yon  say,  *  My  lord  shall 
have  the  last  word  ;'  but  he  shall  not ;  for  I  will — 
We  thank  God,  we  have  the  sword  of  power  in  our 
hands ;  and,  by  the  grace  of  God,  we  will  keep  it ; 
and  it  shall  not  rust ;  and  I  hope  every  lawful  magis- 
trate will  do  as  I  do.  And,  look  to  yourselves,  gen- 
tlemen, by  the  grace  of  God,  I  will  root  you  out  of 
the  country."  To  which  a  forward  man  in  the  crowd, 
said, — *'  Amen  !  Throw  them  down  stairs.''  This 
the  bishop  heard  with  silence,  but  the  mayor  of  the 
town  took  order  for  their  safety. 

Two  days  after  this  discourse,  the  bishop  wrote  a 
very  obliging  letter  to  Mr.  Henry,  to  signify  to  him 
how  very  much  he  was  pleased  with  the  good  temper 
and  spirit  that  he  found  in  him  at  Oswestry,  and 
that  he  looked  upon  him  as  one  that  intended  well, 
bat  laboured  under  prejudices ;  and  to  desire  further 
acquaintance  and  conversation  with  him ;  par- 
ticularly that  he  would  come  to  him,  straightway, 
to  Wrexham. 

[The  letter  was  as  follows  ;— 

«  Sir ; 

*^  I  was  much  pleased  with  the  good  temper  I 
found  in  you  at  the  conference  at  Oswestry,  and 
sorry  to  find  so  little  of  it  in  those  to  whom  you  had 
joined  yourself;  therefore,  though  I  would  have  be- 
stowed a  day  or  two  more  with  them,  in  that  service, 
if  I  bad  known  what  answer  I  should  have  received 
from  Mr.  Evans,  of  Wrexham,  and  Mr.  John  Trevors, 
I  do  not  think  it  worth  while  to  seek  for  an  answer 
from  men  that  contend,  not  for  truth,  but  only  for 
victory.  But,  for  you,  Sir,  in  whom  I  saw  better 
appearances,  I  would  go  a  good  way  to  have  an  in- 
tercourse with  you,  could  I  be  sure  of  finding  you  at 
home  ;  and,  since  I  cannot  be  sure  of  that,  I  send 
this  bearer  to  desire  you  would  meet  me  at  Wrexham, 
where  I  intend,  God  willing,  to  be  on  Friday  mor- 
ning, and  to  stay  all  day  ;  and  allow  me  as  much  of 

V  Appendix,  No.  XVII. 

V  Prom  an  antbentic  copy. 
X  **  Envy,  hatred,  and  malice,  and  all  uncharitableneaB,"  are  the 

ingredients  of  tcbisni.  See  the  Enquiry  into  the  nature  or  schism, 
foti.  Who  will  not  Join  hrartily  in  the  response,— From  all  .these, 
"  Gooa  Lord,  deliver  us !" 

See  the  Ttects  of  the  ever-memorable  Hales,  of  Eton,  p.  ia4.  . 
d«od.  ITS ;  and  Bishop  Taylor's  Liberty  of  Prophesying,  sect.  xxii.  I 

your  company  as  you  can.  Give  me  leave  to  tell 
yon,  though  I  think  you  put  a  wrong  interpretation 
upon  2  Timothy  iv.  17.  it  is  probable,  that,  in  thus 
thinkings  I  may  follow  a  prejudice  of  my  own;  and 
I  know  no  reason  to  suspect  this  in  myself,  but  on 
account  of  human  infirmity ;  but,  I  make  bold  to 
say,  with  St.  Austin,  *  I  cannot  be  a  heretic'  I 
trust  God  will  keep  me  from  being  obstinate  in  any 
error ;  for  I  know,  and  desire  to  follow,  none  but 
him.  If  you  are  of  the  same  disposition,  there  may 
be  a  good  effect  of  this  meeting.  Howsoever,  there 
can  be  no  bad  of  it,  as  far  as  I  am  able  to  judge. 
God  direct  us  in  the  way  of  peace  and  holiness ! 
"  Your  humble  servant, 

**  In  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 

W.St.  Asaph."* 
"  September  29,  1680." 

About  three  months  after  he  sent  for  him  again 
to  Chester ;  in  both  which  inter>iews  a  great  deal 
of  discourse,  with  much  freedom,  passed  between 
them  in  private,  in  which  they  seemed  to  vie  in  no- 
thing more  than  candour  and  obligingness,  showing 
to  each  other  all  meekness.  I  remember  the  bishop 
was  pleased  to  show  him  his  plan  for  the  govern- 
ment of  his  diocese,  and  tlie  method  he  intended  to 
take  in  church-censures,  which  Mr.  Henry  very  well 
approved  of;  but  pleasantly  told  his  lordship,  he 
hoped  he  would  take  care  that  Juvenal's  verso 
should  not  be  again  verified.  (Sat.  2.) 

Dat  veniam  corviSf  vexat  censura  columbas. 

Which  the  bishop  smiled  at,  and  told  him  he  would 
take  care  it  should  not.  His  lordship,  observing 
his  true  catholic  charity  and  moderation,  told  him 
he  did  not  look  upon  him  as  <rxt(T/iariKO£,  a  schismatic  ;* 
but  only  as  trapacfwdywyos,  a  separatist ;  and,  that 
if  he  were  in  his  diocese,  he  did  not  question  but 
that  he  should  find  out  some  way  to  make  him  useful. 
But  all  his  reasonings  could  not  satisfy  Mr.  Henry\t 
conscience  of  the  lawfulness  of  being  re-ordained 
and  conforming.  The  bishop,  for  some  years  after, 
when  he  came  that  way,  towards  London,  either 
called  on  Mr.  Henry,  at  his  house,  or  sent  for  him  to 
him  at  Whitchurch,  and  still  with  all  outward  ex- 
pressions of  friendship. 

[With  his  characteristic  benevolence,  Mr.  Henry 
took  occasion  to  avail  himself  of  the  favour ^  of  the 
worthy  prelate,  on  behalf  of  his  oppressed  brethren, 
as  appears  by  the  following  interesting  letter:  — 

Works,  vt  tupra,  vol.  8.  p.  230.  Likewise,  Howe's  Works,  vol  8. 
p.  Ixvi. 

y  The  Rev.  Richard  Stretton  used  to  say,  that  he  kept  up  his 
acquaintance  with  persons  of  estate  and  figure  as  long  as  he  could 
improve  it  Tor  the  doing  or  good  ;  and,  when  it  would  no  longer 
be  made  to  serve  that  purpose,  he  let  it  dio^.   ^xwkKwX'icwvvvjxN. 
fur  Mr.  Stretton,  poiT. 



For  the  Right  Reverend 

William,  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph. 
My  Lord ; 
The  experience  which  I  have  had  of  your  very 
great  candour,  together  with  the  particular  leave 
you  were  pleased  to  give  me  of  applying  myself  to 
you,  as  there  might  be  occasion  of  this  nature,  are 
my  encouragement  to  trouble  your  lordship  with 
these  few  lines.  I  understand  there  are  several 
protestant  dissenters  of  your  diocese,  that,  being 
excommunicate,  are  in  danger  of  being  cast  into 
prison,  by  writs  remaining  in  the  sheriff's  hands  for 
that  purpose,  concerning  whom,  when  I  was  with 
you  at  Chester,  you  were  pleased  to  say, — "  It  was 
not  for  their  mere  nonconformity,  but  for  withhold- 
ing their  church  dues ;"  and,  having  made  inquiry 
about  it,  I  do  find,  that  there  are  but  few  of  them 
chargeable  with  that  neglect,  and,  of  those  few, 
there  is  one  William  David,  of  Myvod,  on  whose 
behalf  the  minister  of  the  place  hath  written  the 
enclosed,  whereby  it  will  appear,  0iat  his  default 
therein  was  not  wilful  and  usual,  but  merely  acci- 
dental ;  which,  when  your  lordship  sees,  I  hope  it 
will  prevail  to  obtain  from  you  his  discharge.  And, 
for  the  rest,  who  suffer  for  not  conforming,  I  have 
personal  acquaintance  with  divers  of  them,  both 
about  Wrexham,  and  in  Montgomeryshire;  parti- 
cularly with  Mr.  Walter  Griffiths,  and  Richard 
Gardner,  and  Evan  Roberts;  and  have  reason  to 
believe  concerning  them,  that  they  are  religious, 
sober,  peaceable  men,  though  under  dissatisfactions 
in  the  things  imposed ;  and,  being  such,  I  would 
entreat  your  lordship,  that  your  lenity  may  be  ex- 
tended towards  them,  and  the  rather,  considering, 
that  the  casting  them  into  the  jail  is  like  to  be  the 
ruin  of  themselves,  and  of  their  families,  as  to  this 
world,  which  I  am  confident  can  be  no  way  pleasing 
to  you  in  the  reflection.  Besides,  the  process  against 
them,  if  I  be  not  misinformed,  is  upon  presentments 
made  in  your  predecessor's  days  long  since ;  and  if, 
in  other  cases,  the  action  dies  with  the  person,*  it 
were  but  reasonable  it  should  in  this  also.  Would 
your  lordship  please  to  forbear  but  for  a  while  this 
highest  act  of  severity  towards  them,  it  may  be, 
upon  further  conference  with  them,  and  knowledge 
of  them,  you  will  find  them  other  persons  than  they 
are  represented  to  you  to  be.  I  humbly  beg  your 
lordship's  pardon  for  my  boldness  with  you  herein ; 
and  subscribe  myself, 

My  Lord, 
Your  servant,  much  obliged, 
March  26,  1682.  Philip  Henry.*] 

t  Actio  personalis  mon'tur  cum  persona. — A  maxim  in  law. 

a  Orig.  MS.  This  letter,  a  little  altered,  was  printed  in  the  Pro- 
testant Dissenters*  Bflagazine,  v.  2.  p.  4S6. 

b  Except  to  Boreatton.    Lire.  Orig.  MS. «/  supra. 

e  Life.  Orig.  MS.  ui  supra.  See  Blather's  History  of  New  Eng. 
land,  tM>ok  iv.  p.  152. 

d  In  allusion,  no  doubt,  to  the  prophetic  vision  as  to  the  state 

The  trouble  which  Mr.  Henry  was  in,  about  the 
meeting  at  Weston,  obliged  him  for  a  while  to  keep 
his  sabbaths  at  home  somewhat  private ;  but,  in  the 
year  1682,  he  took  a  greater  liberty,  and  many  flock- 
ed to  him  on  Lord's  days,  through  the  kind  con- 
nivance of  the  neighbouring  magistrates ;  but,  in 
the  year  1683,  when  the  meetings  were  generally 
suppressed  throughout  the  kingdom,  he  was  again 
necessitated  to  contract  his  sails,  and  confine  his 
labours  more  to  his  own  family,  and  his  friends  that 
visited  him.  He  continued  his  attendance  at  White- 
well  chapel  as  usual ;  and,  when  he  was  abridged 
of  his  liberty,  he  often  blessed  God  for  his  quietness. 
Once,  when  one  of  the  curates  preached  a  bitter 
sermon  against  dissenters,  on  a  Lord's  day  morning, 
some  wondered  that  Mr.  Henry  would  go  again  in 
the  afternoon,  for  the  second  part.— But,  saith  he,  if 
he  do  not  know  his  duty,  I  know  mine;  and,  I  bless 
God,  I  can  find  honey  in  a  carcass. 

In  this  time  of  treading  down,  and  of  perplexity, 
he  stirred  little  abroad,**  being  forced,  as  he  used  to 
express  it,— To  throw  the  plough  under  the  hedge ; 
but  he  preached  constantly  at  home  without  disturb- 

[During  this  period  he  preached  over  the  Old- 
Testament  types  of  Christ,  real  and  personal :  twelve 
of  each ;  and  the  principal  passages  in  the  history 
of  Christ's  last  sufferings ;  also.  Psalm  Ixxiii.  and 
part  of  Psalm  Ixxvii.  besides  many  other  occasional 

He  often  comforted  himself  with  this  ; — ^When  we 
cannot  do  what  we  would,  if  we  do  what  we  can, 
God  will  accept  us ;  when  we  cannot  keep  open 
shop,  we  must  drive  a  secret  trade.  And  he  would 
say,— There  is  a  mean,  if  we  could  hit  it,  between 
fool-hardiness  and  faint-heartedness.  While  he 
had  some  opportunity  of  being  useful  at  home,  he 
was  afraid  lest  he  should  prejudice  that  by  venturing 
abroad.  One  of  his  friends,  in  London,  earnestly 
soliciting  him  to  make  a  visit  thither  in  this  time  of 
restraint  in  the  country,  he  thus  wrote  to  him ;— I 
should  be  glad  once  more  to  kiss  my  native  soil, 
though  it  were  but  with  a  kiss  of  valediction ;  but 
my  indisposedness  to  travel,  and  the  small  prospect 
there  is  of  doing  good  to  countervail  the  pains,  are 
my  prevailing  arguments  against  it.  I  am  here,  it 
is  true,  buried  alive,  but  I  am  quiet  in  my  grave,** 
and  have  no  mind  to  be  a  walking  ghost.*  We  re- 
joice, and  desire  to  be  thankful,  that  God  hath 
given  us  a  home,  and  continued  it  to  us,  when  so 
many,  better  than  we,  have  not  where  to  lay  their 
head,  having  no  certain  dwelling-place.    (It  was  at 

of  the  Jews,  Ezek.  xzxvii.  12,  13.  See  also  Milton's  Poetical 
Works,  ui  supra,  v.  5.  pp.  352, 353.  and  the  notes.  Samson  Ago- 
nistes,  100,  kc. 

•  **  When  spirits  walk,  and  ghosts  hreak  up  their  graves." 

Shakspeare.  Hen.  VI.  2d  part,  act  L  sc.  4. 
"  Like  a  ghost,  walk  silent  among  men." 

Ben  Jonson.  Works,  v.  8.  p.  41L  «<  suprt. 



the  time  of  the  dispersion  of  the  French  protestants.) 
Why  they  exiles,  and  not  we?  They  strangers  in  a 
strange  land,  and  not  we  ?  We  must  not  say,  We  will 
die  m  our  nests ;  lest  God  say,  Nay :  nor,  We  will 
wMJUiply  our  days  as  that  bird,  the  phoenix ;  (referring 
to  Job  xxix.  18.)  lest  God  say.  This  night  thy  soul 
skull  be  required  of  thee.  Oar  times,  and  all  oar 
ways,  are  at  his  disposal,  absolutely  and  universally ; 
and  it  is  very  well  they  are  so. 

At  the  time  of  the  Duke  of  Monmouth's  descent,' 
and  the  insurrection  in  the  west,  in  the  year  1685, 
Mr.  Henry,  as  many  others,  (pursuant  to  a  general 
order  of  the  lord-lieutenant,  for  securing  all  sus- 
pected persons,  and  particularly  all  nonconformist 
ministers,)  was  taken  up  by  a  warrant  from  the 
deputy-lieutenants,  and  sent  under  a  guard  to 
Chester  Castle,  where  he  was  about  three  weeks  a 
close  prisoner.  He  was  lodged  with  some  gentle- 
men and  ministers  that  were  fetched  thither  out  of 
Lancashire,  who  were  all  strangers  to  him,  but  he 
bad  great  comfort  in  the  acquaintance  and  society  of 
many  of  them. 

[Thence  he  addressed  to  Mrs.  Henry  the  follow- 
ing letter  ;— 

July  8,  1685. 
Dear  heart ; 

I  continue  very  well  at  present,— thanks  be  to 
God  ! — and  feel  nothing  yet  of  the  inconyeniences 
of  a  prison.  We  are  better  accommodated,  as  I 
acquainted  you  in  my  last,  than  we  could  have  ex- 
pected, though  we  must  pay  for  it.  Just  now,  six 
ministers,  nonconformists,  are  brought  in  hither  from 
Lancashire,  more  than  before ;  so  far  are  we  from 
enlargement  But  our  times  are  in  God's  hand, 
who  hath  sent  us  hither,  I  am  confident,  for  good, 
though  how,  or  which  way,  or  wherein,  I  know  not ; 
but  He  is  faithful  who  hath  promised.  My  chamber- 
fellows  and  I  differ  something  in  our  apprehensions 
of  things  past,  which  will  not  be  helped ;  but,  for 
the  unseen  things  that  are  to  come,  that  are  eternal, 
we  are  all  one.  Our  afternoons,  till  late,  are  filled 
with  visitants,  who  love  us,  and  wish  us  well,  and 
are  kind  to  us :  but  we  cannot  do  with  them  what 
we  would.  I  have  not  yet  opened  the  little  bottle  I 
brought  with  me,  not  wanting  it,  and  being  more 
afraid  of  what  might  heat  me,  in  regard  we  have  no 
drink  but  strong,  (unless  very  seldom,)  which  may 
torn  to  feverish  distempers,  wanting  exercise.  I 
bave  not  trodden  on  the  ground  since  Saturday, 
which,  using  myself  to  in  the  mornings,  I  thought 
the  want  of  might  be  prejudicial ;  but  hitherto,  it 
is  not.  I  have  not  tasted  butter  yet  with  bread, 
finee  I  came  from  home.  This  dinner  we  had  beans 

t  See  the  Hiftory  of  Taunton,  pp.  135—170. 

t  Grig.  MS. 

k  *'The  mercies  of  God  are  inflnite ;  who  doth,  not  only  by  his 
void,  but  alio  by  tiis  justice,  make  us  fit  for  his  kingdom.   Little 

and  bacon,  salmon,  &c.  I  am  careful  what  I  eat; 
not  fishes  and  fleshes.  Mrs.  Wenlock  was  to  see 
me  yesterday,  and  brought  me  a  bottle  of  wine.  I 
bestow  all  of  that  kind  in  common  with  my  compan- 
ions, strangers  here.  Let  me  hear  from  you,  how 
you  do,  and  the  children,  &c.  'as  oft  as  you  can. 
Love  to  Matthew.  Our  guards  change  every  hour, 
which  makes  it  so  very  hard  to  come  to  us.  I  would 
gladly  see  him ;  but  when,  or  how,  I  know  not.  I 
think  there  is  little  danger  of  any  harm  to  him  here, 
if  there  be  none  at  home  at  his  return.  Love  to 
Sarah  and  Eleanor,  and  to  all  the  rest.  Do  what 
you  can  to  get  to  heaven  yourselves,  and  to  help  one 
another  thither.  Prepare  for  further  sufferings,  to 
which  it  may  be  these  things  are  but  the  preamble ; 
but  all  is  well  that  ends  everlastingly  well.  Thanks 
for  all  your  love  and  faithfulness  to  me,  and  patience 
with  me;  the  Lord  will  reward  it.  One  of  my 
fellow-prisoners  last  night  received  a  letter  from  his 
wife,  subscribed, — '*  So  I  rest,  dear  husband,  in  all 
duty  and  obedience,  your  obedient  wife.^' — Such  is 
Lancashire  kindness ;  but  deeds  exceed  words. 

I  am,  in  short,  most  entirely,  and  most  affection- 
ately, thine  ;  p  jj  g-. 

He  often  spake  of  this  imprisonment,  not  as  a 
matter  of  complaint,  but  of  thanksgiving,^  and 
blessed  God  he  was  in  nothing  uneasy  all  the  while. 
In  a  sermon  to  his  family,  the  day  after  he  came 
home,  he  largely  and  affectionately  recounted  the 
mercies  of  that  providence ;  as  for  instance ;— That 
his  imprisonment  was  for  no  cause :  it  is  guilt  that 
makes  a  prison.  That  it  was  his  security  in  a  dan- 
gerous time.  That  he  had  good  company  in  his 
sufferings,  who  prayed  together,  and  read  the  Scrip- 
tures together,  and  discoursed  to  their  mutual  edi- 
fication. That  he  had  health  there ;  not  sich ;  and 
in  prison ;  that  he  was  visited  and  prayed  for  by  his 
friends.  That  he  was  very  cheerful  and  easy  in  his 
spirit,  many  a  time  asleep  and  quiet,  when  his 
adversaries  were  disturbed  and  unquiet.  That  his 
enlargement  was  speedy  and  unsought  for,  and  that 
it  gave  occasion  to  the  magistrates  who  committed 
him,  to  give  it  under  their  hands,  that  they  had 
nothing  in  particular  to  lay  to  his  charge;  and, 
especially,  that  it  was  without  a  snare,  which  was 
the  thing  he  feared  more  than  any  thing  else. 

It  was  a  surprise  to  some  that  visited  him  in  his 
imprisonment,  and  were  big  with  the  expectations 
of  the  Duke  of  Monmouth's  success,  to  hear  him 
say ; — I  would  not  have  you  to  flatter  yourselves 
with  such  hopes,  for  God  will  not  do  his  work  for 
us  in  these  nations  by  that  man ;  but  our  deliver- 
ance and  salvation  will  arise  some  other  way. 

do  our  enemies  know  what  good,  by  these  things,  they  do  unto 
us,  and  what  wreck  they  bring  to  their  own  kingdom,  while  they 
set  forth  the  wickedness  thereof."  Life  of  BIrs.  Katharine  Brei- 
tergh.    4to.  197C,  p.  4.    BU  Lett. 



It  must  not  be  forgotten  how  ready  be  was,  nay, 
how  studious  and  industrious,  to  serve  and  oblige 
such  as  bad  been  any  way  instruments  of  trouble  to 
him,  as  far  as  it  lay  in  his  power,  and  he  had  any 
opportunity  to  do  it ;  so  well  had  he  learned  that 
g^at  lesson  of  forgiving  and  loving  enemies :  of 
this  it  were  easy  to  give  instances. 

When  a  gentleman,  who  had  sometimes  been  an 
instrument  of  trouble  to  him,  had  occasion  to  make 
use  of  his  help  to  give  him  some  light  into  a  cause 
he  had  to  be  tried,  Mr.  Henry  was  very  ready  to 
serve  him  in  it ;  and  though  he  might  have  declined 
it,  and  it  was  somewhat  against  his  own  interest  too, 
yet  he  appeared  a  witness  for  him,  which  so  won 
upon  the  gentleman,  that  he  was  afterwards  more 
friendly  to  him.  Mentioning  in  his  Diary  the  death 
of  another  gentleman  in  Shropshire,  he  notes, — ^That 
he  was  one  that  had  been  his  professed  enemy ;  but, 
saith  he,  God  knows  I  have  often  prayed  for  him. 

Some  have  wondered  to  see  how  courteously  and 
friendly  he  would  speak  to  such  as  had  been  any 
way  injurious  to  him,  when  he  met  with  them,  being 
as  industrious  to  discover  his  forgiving  of  wrongs, 
as  some  are  to  discover  their  resentments  of  them : 
[thus  exemplifying  the  sentiment  he  pressed  on 
others;— When  any  have  provoked  you,  you  say, 
you  will  be  even  with  them  ;  there  is  a  way  not  only 
to  be  even  with  them,  but  above  them,  and  that  is, 
— ^to  forgive  them.'] 

It  was  said  of  Archbishop  Cranmer,*'  that  the  way 
to  make  him  one's  friend,  was  to  do  him  an  unkind- 
ness;  and  I  am  sure  it  might  be  said  of  Mr.  Henry, 
that,  doing  him  an  unkindness  would  not  make  him 
one's  enemy.  This  minds  me  of  an  exemplary  pas- 
sage concerning  his  worthy  friend  Mr.  Edward 
Lawrence.  Once  going,  with  some  of  his  sons,  by 
the  house  of  a  gentleman  that  had  been  injurious 
to  him,  he  gave  a  charge  to  his  sons  to  this  purpose, 
— That  they  should  never  think  or  speak  amiss  of 
that  gentleman  for  the  sake  of  any  thing  he  had  done 
against  him  ;  but,  whenever  they  went  by  his  house 
should  lift  up  their  hearts  in  prayer  to  God  for  him, 
and  his  family.  And,  who  is  he  that  will  harm 
those  who  are  thus  followers  of  him  that  is  good^  in 
his  goodness  ?  It  is  almost  the  only  temporal  pro- 
mise in  the  New  Testament,  which  is  made  to  the 

i  P.  Henry.  Com.  PI.  Book.  Orig.  MS.  0%itrcome  nil  with  good. 
That  is  a  noble  victory  indeed.  This  is  the  way  not  to  be  even 
with  him  that  wrongs  us,  but  to  be  above  him.  Poole's  Annota- 
tions on  Romans  xii.  *21.  fol.  1688. 

k  Nat.  July  2,  1498.  He  suffered  martyrdom  at  Oxford  in  the 
sixty-seventh  year  of  bis  age.  See  bis  Life  by  the  Rev.  J.  Strype, 
M.  A.  fol.  1694. 

1  See  Gen.  xvi.  16. 

in  Dean  of  Norwich.  He  was  a  pupil  of  Dr.  Busby's,  and  died 
Ist  Nov.  1724.  8Bt.  77.    Aikin's  Gen.  Biog.  v.  8.  p.  340. 

B  We  should  keep  a  pair  of  scales  between  our  heart  and  our 
mouth,  to  weigh  what  is  suggested.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

o  Life.  Orig.  BIS.  ni  iupra.  It  is  said  of  Mr.  Eliot,  that  when  he 
heard  any  ministers  complain,  that  such  and  such  in  their  flocks 

meek,  Matthew  v.  5. — that  they  shall  inherit  the 
earth;  the  meaning  whereof.  Dr.  Hammond,  in  his 
Practical  Catechism,  takes  to  be  especially  this ; 
that,  in  the  ordinary  dispensations  of  God's  provi- 
dence, the  most  mild  and  quiet  people  are  most  free 
from  disturbance.  Those  only  have  every  man's  hand 
against  them,  that  have  theirs  against  every  man.' 

[He  often  mentioned  the  memorandum  which  Dr. 
Prideaux'"  gave  in  the  war-time  to  a  gentleman 
who  had  been  his  pupil,  containing  three  good 
lessons,  in  three  Hebrew  names  twice  put  together, 
(lessons  which  he  had  well  learned,)  Mishmah, 
DumahjMassa;  Genesis  xxv.  14.  1  Chronicles  i. 
30.  which  signify,  Hear,  Keep  silence.  Bear.  The 
apostle  has  them  together,  James  i.  19. — Be  swift  to 
hear,  slow  to  speah,^  slow  to  wrath/* 

Being  asked, — ^What  are  the  common  vices  of  the 
tongue,  of  which  Christians  ought  more  especially  to 
beware  ? — he  replied ; — Vain,  flattering,  and  proud 
speeches ;  also,  much  speaking ;  an  open  mouth  is 
a  sign  of  an  empty  heart ;  as  a  chest  open  is  a  sign 
nothing  is  in  it ;  when  money  or  jewels  are  within 
it,  it  is  kept  locked.  Filthy  speaking  ;  we  ought  to 
sprinkle  gracious  discourses  among  our  other  dis- 
courses about  worldly  things ;  else,  not  wholesome 
food.  False  and  profane  speaking;  beware  of 
making  use  of  scripture  expressions  without  due 
reverence.  Make  not  sport  of  the  sins  of  others. 
Abusive  speeches ;  our  tongues  must  not  be  scourges, 
nor  razors,  nor  swords.P 

In  advising  as  to  the  government  of  the  tongue, 
he  pressed  commencement  with  the  heart.*! — Re- 
solve, he  added,  to  Take  heed;  but  resolve  in  the 
strength  of  Christ.  Be  not  hasty  in  speech.  Commit 
the  guidance  of  your  tongue  to  God  in  prayer.  He 
is  the  Maker  of  the  tongue.'] 

We  shall  next  introduce  some  of  Mr.  Henry's 
letters  to  a  person  of  quality  in  London.  The  be- 
ginning of  his  correspondence  with  that  gentleman, 
(which  continued  to  his  death,  and  was  kept  up 
monthly  for  a  great  while,)  was  in  the  year  1686 ; 
and  the  following  letter  broke  the  ice : — 

Honoured  Sir ; 
Hoping  you  are,  by  this  time,  as  you  intended, 
returned  to  London,  to  your  home  and  habitation 

were  too  difficult  for  them,  the  strain  of  his  answer  still  was,— 
Brother,  compass  them  !  Learn  the  meaning  of  those  three  little 
words.  Bear,  Forbear,  Forgive.  Life,  by  Cotton  Mather,  p.  36. 
duod.  1C8I. 

P  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

q  The  heart  is  the  scribe  that  indites  matter ;  the  tongue  is  the 
pen  that  writes  it  down.  Ps.  xlv.  1.  The  heart  is  as  be  that  rides 
upon  a  horse ;  the  tongue  is  as  the  horse  that  is  ridden.  James  iii. 
3.  The  heart  is  the  pilot  in  the  ship ;  the  tongue  is  the  ship. 
James  iii.  4.  The  heart  is  the  fountain ;  words  are  as  the  streams. 
Matt.  xii.  34.  The  heart  is  the  treasury ;  words  are  as  stufT 
brought  out  of  it  Matt.  xii.  35.  The  heart  is  the  root;  words 
are  the  fruit.  Prov.  xv.  4.   P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

r  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



there,  I  make  bold,  according  to  my  promise,  to 
filiate  you  in  a  few  lines.  In  the  first  place,  to  be 
foor  remembrancer  of  the  tows  of  God  which  are 
opon  yon,  upon  the  account  of  the  many  mercies  of 
joar  journey,  both  in  your  going  out,  and  in  your 
eoming  in.  Was  not  every  step  you  took  hedged 
about  with  special  providence  ?  Had  not  the  angeU 
charge  over  you?  Did  they  not  pitch  their  tents 
where  you  pitched  yours?  Did  not  goodness  and 
mercy  fblUna  you, — and  should  it  not  then  be  had  in 
thankful  remembrance  ?  Where  mercy  goes  before, 
shoald  not  duty  follow  after  ?  If  you  have  Mr. 
Angler's  Life,  you  will  find  there,  pages  88,  89,  a 
collection  out  of  his  Diary,  of  ten  heads  of  mercies, 
acknowledged  in  a  journey,*  to  heighten  God's 
praises,  and  to  quicken  his  own  and  others'  hearts 
therein,  and  they  are  certainly  very  affecting.  Next, 
Sir,  I  am  to  acquaint  you,  that  I  have  faithfully  dis- 
posed of  the  money  you  left  with  me  at  parting,  to 
eight  poor  praying  widows  in  this  neighbourhood, 
as  yoa  appointed.  And  this,  among  all  the  rest  of 
your  alms'^deeds,  is  had  in  memorial  before  God ; — 
it  is  fruit  that  will  abound  in  your  account ;— bread, 
sent  a  voyage  upon  the  waters,  which  you  and  yours 
will  Jind  again  after  many  days ;  for,  he  is  faithful 
that  kmik  promised.  The  apostle's  prayer  shall  be 
mine,  2  Corinthians  ix.  10. — Now  he  that  minister- 
etk  seed  to  the  sower,  both  minister  bread  for  your 
food,  and  multiply  your  seed  sown,  and  increase  the 
fruits  of  your  righteousness.     A  men} 

[Who  shoots  an  arrow,  and  looks  not  after  it ;" 
or  knocks  at  a  door,  and  stays  not  for  an  answer?' 
/  will  direct  my  prayer  to  Thee,  says  holy  David, 
Pialm  V.  3,  as  an  archer  his  arrow  to  the  mark,  and 
vili  look  up,  to  see  what  becomes  of  it.  And,  again. 
Psalm  Ixxxv.  8.  /  will  hearken  what  God  the  Lord 
viilsuy.  And  so,  another  prophet,  having  been  at 
prayer,  says,  Habakkuk  ii.  1.  /  will  get  me  to  my 
waick'tower.  Sometimes  our  heavenly  Father  with- 
holds mercies,  to  quicken  prayer ;  grants  them,  to 
awaken  our  thankful  acknowledgments ;  or,  if  de- 
nied, to  excite  penitent  reflections,  searching  and 

•  **  I.  Dir^ioM  la  M#  right  vajf ;  want  of  this  cauaeth  wander, 
inf ,  latxnir,  and  wnow.  Ps.  cvii.  7. 

"  i  Preservation  of  man  and  beast,  of  life  and  health,  fh>m 
f»\h.  barm,  from  enemies,  robbers,  murderers :  some  have  died  in 
Uie  way,  as  Rachel ;  others  fallen  sick  by  the  way,  as  1  Sam. 
XXX.  13.  It  is  a  mercy  when  God  supports  in  travel,  to  endure 
heat  and  cold ;  for  a  bone  to  die,  or  be  lame,  in  the  way,  is  a  great 
affliction ;  so.  daily  supply  of  new  strength  is  mercy. 

**  X  Comfort  in  the  way  and  weather,  when  both  are  good,  and 
company  is  suitable  and  comfortable. 

"  4.  Convenient  places  for  rest,  and  good  refreshment  for  noon 
and  nigbt 

**  &  Seasonable  provision  of  necessary  food,  and  cheerful  en- 

**  6  Temporary  ease  from  the  borthen  of  domestic  affkirs,  both 
care  and  labow,  the  mind  and  body  t>oth  are  eased ;  others  take 
the  tmrtben  upon  them  for  a  time. 

**  7.  Variety  of  object!  to  delight  the  sense,  fkir  buildings,  fruitful 
flelds.  pletMot  meadows. 

trying,—why,  and  wherefore:  for,  it  is  never  so, 
but  there  is  some  cause.  Thus  the  soul  and  God 
converse,  and  correspond.  We  send  to  him  for  some 
mercy  wanted.  He  replies  in  his  providence,  either 
giving,  delaying,  or  denying.  We,  in  suitable  re- 
turns, as  there  is  occasion ;  and,  if  so,  he  is  never 
wanting  to  rejoin,  either  in  kind,  or  kindness,  as  he 
sees  best. 

With  my  due  and  true  respects,  I  take  leave,  and 

Sir,  Yours,  ever  obliged, 
to  honour  and  serve  you,  in  our  dear  Lord, 
Novembers,  1686.  Philip  Henry.* 

For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 
at  his  house  in  St.  John-street, 

December  15,  1686. 

I  received  yours  soon  after  the  date  of  it ;  and, 
according  to  your  order  therein,  I  have  distributed 
other  20s,  to  the  same  eight  poor  praying  widows  in 
this  neighbourhood,  to  whom  I  gave  the  former.  1 
did  also  oblige  them  to  continue  their  supplications 
at  the  throne  of  grace  on  the  same  particular  ac- 
count, which  you  at  first  desired ;  and,  I  believe, 
they  have  done  and  do  it  accordingly ;  and,  you 
may  be  sure,  it  shall  not  be  in  vain,  because  Truth 
itself  hath  said  it  shall  not  Isaiah  xlv.  19.  It  is 
true  of  prayer  what  is  said  of  winter,  that  it  rots  not 
in  the  skies."  Though  the  answer  be  not  always  in 
the  thing  asked,  yet  it  is  in  something  else  as  good, 
or  better.  Abraham's  prayer  for  Ishmael  was  heard  in 
Isaac.  Sometimes  God  answers  us,  by  strengthening 
us  with  strength  in  our  souls.  Psalm  cxxxviii.  3. 
He  answered  his  Son  so,  Luke  xxii.  42,  43.  If  the 
prayer  be  for  the  removal  of  a  present  burthen,  and 
it  be  not  removed,  yet,  if  we  are  enabled  with  faith 
and  patience  to  undergo  it,  the  prayer  is  answered. 
If,  for  the  bestowing  of  a  desired  mercy,  as  that  of 
Moses,  that  he  might  go  over  into  the  promised  land ; 
if  he  say,  as  he  did  to  him.  Let  it  suffice  thee  ;  that 
is,  if  he  give  a  contented  frame  of  heart  in  the  want 

"  8.  Change  of  air ;  pleasantness  and  healthfulness  there,  by 
refreshing  gales  in  the  beat  of  the  day. 

"  9.  The  socieiy  of  friends  whom  we  visit,  and  the  mutual  com. 
fort  that  ariseth  from  their  meeting.  af\er  a  time  of  absence,  and 
from  their  friendly  and  hearty  converse. 

"  10.  Opportunity  of  understanding  more  fully  how  God  bath 
answered  our  prayers  for  them ;  opportunity  of  soul-help,  of  doing 
and  receiving  good  by  joint  prayer,  and  by  conference,  by  declar. 
ing  experience^  by  stirring  up  one  another  to  what  is  good."  Life 
of  the  Rev.  John  Angier,  pp.  08,  8».  duod.  1685. 

t  Transposed  fh)m  the  3rd  edit.  pp.  176,  177. 

tt  See  Ps.  V.  3. 

▼  See  Gumall's  Christian  in  Ck)mplete  Armour,  part  iii.  pp.  603, 
604,  4tO.  166^ 

V  From  an  authentic  copy. 

X  Beware  of  extremities ;  and,  till  the  Lord  hath  truly  brought 
downe  tky  winter  out  of  the  tkjf,  know  it  will  ntver  rot  tkere^  it  must  be  the 
mercifuUcalme  of  grace  which  must  bring  a  settled  state  upon  thy 
soule.  Naaman's  Disease  and  Cure,  by  Dan.  Rogers,  p.  264.  fol.  1642- 



of  it,  the  prayer  is  answered ;  a*  was  also  that  of 
Panl's,  when  he  prayed  that  the^om  in  the  flesh 
might  pass  from  him  ; — My  grace,  said  he,  is  tuffi- 
cient  for  thee.  We  have  great  need  of  heavenly 
wisdom,  (the  Lord  give  it !)  both  to  discern  and  to 
improve  answers  to  prayer ;  if  we  have  them  not  in 
kind,  if  we  have  in  kindness,  we  should  be  no  less 
thankful.  I  shall  be  glad  to  hear,  if  God  see  good, 
that  your  child  recovers ;  but,  if  not,  if  he  sanctify 
the  affliction  to  him  and  you,  that  is,  further  you  in 
sanctification,  do  your  souls  good  by  it,  bear  you  up 
under  it  in  a  quiet,  patient,  submissive  frame,  you 
will  say,  at  last, — li  was  well.  So,  also,  as  to  the 
fitting  you  with  a  convenient  seat  for  your  family ; 
it  were  very  desirable,  if  he  please,  that  you  should 
be  sped  in  it ;  but,  if  his  pleasure  be  rather  to  keep 
you  longer  in  your  present  circumstances,  and  then, 
withal,  to  give  you  a  heart  to  improve  the  same,  and 
to  take  occasion,  from  the  uncertainties  and  unset- 
tlements  of  this  world,  to  be  so  much  the  more  dili- 
gent in  making  sure,  what  will  be  made  sure,  a 
building  in  heaven,  not  made  with  hands,  you  will 
be  no  loser  thereby,  but  a  gainer. 

My  thoughts  of  justifying  faith  and  sincere  re- 
pentance, are,  1.  That  they  are  choice  gifts  of  God, 
Ephesians  ii.  8.  Acts  xi.  18.  If  he  give  not  to  us  to 
believe  and  to  repent,  we  can  neither  believe  nor 
repent ;  and  therefore,  in  the  want  of  them,  we  are  to 
ask  them :  and,  if  we  ask,  he  will  give.  2.  That 
they  are  the  fruits  of  electing  love.  Those  that  were, 
from  all  eternity,  given  to  Christ,—- to  all  those,  and 
to  none  but  those,  it  is  in  time  given  to  believe,  and 
repent.  Acts  xiii.  48.  John  vi.  37 ;  xii.  39,  40.  If 
it  be  said,  *'  Why  doth  he  then  find  fault?"  I  should 
answer, — ^The  decree  is  secret,  which  is  concerning 
us,  but  that  is  revealed  which  is  our  duty ;  and  to 
that  we  must  attend.  3.  That  they  are  necessary 
conditions  of  pardon.  There  may  perhaps  be  such 
a  notion  framed  of  a  condition,  as  will  by  no  means 
be  applicable  to  them,  but  sano  sensu,  they  are  so 
required,  that,  if  we  have  them  not,  our  sin  remains 
upon  us.  Luke  xiii.  3 — 5.  John  iii.  36.  If  we  have 
them,  it  is  most  certainly  done  away  ;  1  John  i.  9. 
John  iii.  16.  not  for  their  sake,  but  for  Christ's  sahe, 
4.  That  they  are  inseparable  companions;  where 
one  is,  there  is  the  other  also.  He  that  says,  '*  I  be- 
lieve," and  doth  not  repent,  presumes ;  he  that  says, 
'*  I  repent,"  and  doth  not  believe,  despairs.  Faith  in 
Christ  doth  not  justify /rom  sin,  where  there  is  not 
godly  sorrow /or  sin;^  neither  can  sorrow  for  sin 

f  The  motivts  to  repentance  are,— the  shortness  or  life,  and  un- 
certainty or  the  space  for  repentance,  Rev.  ii.  21.— the  misery  and 
danger  of  impenitency,  Luke  xiii.  3,  5.— the  commands  of  God, 
ActH  xvii.  30. 3L— the  goodness  of  Ood,  Rom.  ii.  4.— his  readiness 
to  forgive  us  upon  our  repentance,  Ps.  Ixxxvi.  5— the  gospel's 
gracious  invitations  of  Jesus  Christ,  Matt.  iii.  2. -there  is  no  other 
way  to  pardon  and  reconciliation.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

I  She  was  the  fifth  daughter  of  William,  Lord  Paget,  by  the  Lady 
Frances,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry.  Earl  of  Holland.  See  a  Sermon 
preached  on  the  Death  of  the  Lady  Diana  Ashurst,  who  died  Aug 

obtain  pardon  of  it,  where  there  is  not  faith  in  Jesus 
Christ,  because  his  blood,  alone,  cleanseth  from  all 
sin.  If  your  meaning  were,  what  the  nature  of  them 
is,  and  how  they  may  be  known,  I  have  not  left 
myself  room  in  this  paper  to  tell  you.  The  Lord,  by 
his  grace,  work  them  in  us,  and  increase  them  more 
and  more ! 

Please  to  give  my  most  humble  service  to  your 
good  lady,"  and  to  your  virtuous  daughter.  I 
hope  she  doth  not  forget  her  baptismal  covenant 
The  Lord  fill  you  with  comfort  in  each  other,  and 
in  all  your  children,  but  especially,  and  above  all, 
in  himself,  who  is  the  Spring-head  and  Foun- 

With  my  due  respects  to  your  good  self,  Sir,  I  rest. 
Yours,  much  obliged,  to  honour  and  serve  you, 

P.  H. 
For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 
At  his  house  in  St.  John-street, 



[The  correspondence,  already  introduced,  was  early 
continued  in  the  year  1687,  by  the  following  excellent 
letters : — 


Our  last  to  each  other,  as  it  seems,  were  of  the 
same  date,  and  met  upon  the  road.  You  begin  with 
a  good  subject ;— to  have  my  thoughts  of  faith  and  | 
repentance.  They  are  the  two  hinges,  upon  which 
the  door  of  our  salvation  turns ;  except  we  repent,  and 
believe  the  gospel,  we  cannot  possibly  be  accepted, 
and  saved.  Paul  tells  the  elders  of  Ephesus,  Acts 
XX.  20.  that  he  had  kept  back  nothing  that  was  pro- 
fitable  unto  them ;  and  then  adds,  verse  2\.—t€ttify- 
ing  repentance  towards  God,  and  faith  towards  our 
Lord  Jesus  Christ, — as  if  those  included  all  that  is 
profitable.*  But  why  repentance  towards  God?  Be- 
cause he  is  the  party  wronged  and  injured  .by  sin; 
and,  therefore,  to  him  it  is  fit  the  penitent  acknow- 
ledgment should  be  made.  And,  also,  because  if 
it  be  not  towards  God,  it  is  worth  nothing.  If  we 
sorrow  not  with  an  eye  to  him ;  Ezekiei  vi.  9. — They 
shall  remember  me,  and  loathe  themselves.  If  our 
confessions  be  not  before  him,  as  the  prodigal's, — 

24, 1707,  by  Richard  Bfayo,  Minister  of  St  Thomas's  Hospital  in 
Southwark,  4to.  170R,  p.  17. 

a  Orig.  MS. 

a  In  managing  the  great  business  of  repentance,  set  God  be. 
fore  thee  in  his  holiness,  Christ  in  his  love,  and  thy  sins  in  their 
fllthiness.  Dwell  awhile  upon  the  sight:  compare  one  with 
another.  Compare  thy  sins  with  the  pure  law.  P.  Henry.  Origt 

Guilt  in  the  soul  is  like  a  mote  in  the  eye ;  not  at  ease  till  wept 
out.    P.  Henry.  Palmer's  Noncon  Mem.  v.  a  p.  480. 



Father,  I  ktive  sinned,  frc<  (not  as  Judas  who  tolil 
the  chief-priests  what  he  had  done,  but  did  not  tell 
6od«)  and,  if  our  forsaking  of  sin,  which  is  a  neces- 
sary infpredient  of  saving  repentance,  be  not  for 
God's  sake,  and  from  a  tme  respect  to  his  will  and 
glory, — it  is  not  the  sorrow,  the  confession,  the  for- 
saking, that  accompanies  salvation.  We  are,  not- 
withstanding it,  but  as  sounding  brags  and  tinkling 
tymbaU.  And,  therefore,  this  is  the  main  matter  in 
repenting.  Is  what  I  do  in  it,  done  as  towards  God? 
Is  he  in  the  beginning,  in  the  middle,  at  the  end  of 
i(? — When  ye  fasted  and  mourned,  saith  he,  those 
seventy  years,  did  ye  at  a II fast  unto  me,  even  to  me? 
Zcchariah  vii.  5.  That  there  should  be  fasting  and 
mourning  for  seventy  years  together,  and  not  a  jot 
of  it  to  God,  how  sad  was  this !  There  is  repentance 
in  hfll,  but  it  is  not  repentance  towards  God,  and, 
therefore,  it  avails  nothing.  If  the  sight  and  sense 
we  have  of  sin  drive  us  from  God,  and  we  pine 
away  in  our  iniquities,  how  should  we  then  live? 
Bat,  if  it  bring  us  to  God,  lay  us  low,  even  at  his 
feet,  with  shame  and  blushing,  then  it  is  right.^  I 
say,  with  shame  and  blushing,  as  Ezra,  Ezra  ix.  6. 
^O  my  God,  I  am  ashamed,  and  blush  to  lift  up  my 
i  face  to  thee,  my  God.  It  is  that  inward  blushing  of 
I  soul  that  is  the  colour  of  repentance.  /  abhor  my- 
telf,  saith  Job,  and  repent,  Self-abhorrency  is 
;  always  the  companion  of  true  repentance,  and  it 
,  flows  from  a  sight  of  God,  in  his  purity  and  glory. 
Mine  eye  seeth  thee,  therefore  I  abhor  myself  There 
is  the  shame  of  a  thief,  when  he  is  taken,  Jeremiah 
ii.  26.  the  ground  whereof  is  the  shameful  punish- 
ment he  is  to  undergo ;  and  there  is  the  ingenuous 
shame  of  a  child  towards  a  father,  when  he  hath 
offended  him,  and  cannot  lift  up  his  face  with  that 
boldness  as  before,  which  is  quite  another  thing. 
Such  was  David's  repentance,  when  he  cries  for 
washing,  purging,  cleansing ;  like  one  fallen  in  the 
dirt:  and,  when  he  prays, — Open  thou  my  lips; 
Psaim  11.  like  one  tongue-tied  through  guilt.  I  be- 
lieve there  is  no  tme  penitent  but  what  can  witness 
this  there,  where  no  eye  hath  seen,  but  his  that  sees 
eveiy  where,  and  that  daily,  more  or  less,  as  there 
is  occasion.  And  that  is  another  evidence  of  true 
lepentance,  that  it  is  constant  and  continual ;  not 
like  a  land-flood,  but  like  the  flowings  of  a  spring ; 
sot  a  single,  but  an  abiding,  habit. 

With  most  affectionate  respects,  and  humble  ser- 
vice, to  your  whole  good  self ;   beseeching  the  Lord 

b  The  UfredUmti  of  true  repentance  are,  inward,  hearty  sorrow, 
Zecb.  lil.  10.  hatred  of  sin,  and  of  self  because  of  sin,  Job  xlii. 
&  spprefaension  of  the  mercy  of  Ood  in  Christ,  Matt.  iii.  2.  par- 
tieabr  confeasioD,  with  shame  and  blushing,  1  John  i.  7.  a  special 
eye  to  original  ain.  Pa.  li.  &.  reformation  of  life,  Prov.  xxviii.  la 
Heh.  n.  I.  reatitution  io  case  of  wrong  to  man,  Luke  xi3L  a  P. 

Henry.  Orif.  MS. 
«  Vhim  a  copy  by  the  late  Rev.  S.  Lucas,  of  Shrewsbury,  from 

the  Oris.  MS. 
4  There  are  variooa  signs  of  uprightness  of  heart.   See  Prov. 

to  remember  both  you  and  yours  with  the  favour 
which  he  bears  unto  his  people,  that  you  may  see  the 
good  of  his  cfufsen,  and  rejoice  in  the  gladness  of  his 
nation;  I  rest. 

Yours,  obliged,  to  honour  and  serve  you, 
January  14,  1686-7.  P.  H. 

To  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 

At  his  house  in  St.  John-street, 



I  had  yours  from  Hampton  this  week,  and  rejoice 
to  hear  of  your  good  health,  which  God  continue  I 
I  shall  do  as  you  direct  in  the  distribution  of  20s. 
at  present  to  the  eight  widows,  and  shall  acquaint 
them  with  your  concern  in  the  young  man  you  men- 
tion. God,  if  it  be  his  will,  prevent  your  fears 
about  it!  Uncertainty  is  written  upon  all  things 
here  below,  but  there  is  an  unchangeable  happiness 
laid  up  for  us  in  the  other  world,  and  that  may  be 
made  sure.  Your  acknowledging  God  in  it,  as  in 
all  your  affairs,  I  cannot  but  rejoice  in,  as  an  evi- 
dence of  the  uprightness  of  your  heart*'  towards 
him.  It  is  the  life  and  soul  of  all  religion.  It  is, 
indeed,  to  walk  with  God :  and  includes  as  much 
as  any  other  scripture  command  in  so  few  words ; 
— In  all  thy  ways  acknowledge  him.  In  every  thing 
thou  dost,  have  an  eye  to  him ;  make  his  word  and 
will  thy  rule ;  his  glory  thy  end ;  fetch  strength 
from  Aim ;  expect  success  from  him ;  and,  in  all 
events  that  happen,  which  are  our  ways  too,  whe- 
ther they  be  for  us,  or  against  us,  he  is  to  be  acknow- 
ledged ;  that  is,  adored ;  if  prosperous,  with  thank- 
fulness; if  otherwise,  with  submission;  as  Job; — 
The  Lord  hath  given,  and  the  Lord  hath  tahen,  and 
blessed  be  the  name  of  the  Lord  I  This  is  to  set  the 
Lord  always  before  us :  to  have  our  eyes  ever  towards 
him.  Where  this  is  not,  we  are,  so  far,  without  God 
in  the  world. 

As  to  what  you  desire  concerning  your  son,  I  am 
heartily  willing  to  my  poor  power,  to  serve  you  in 
his  education  here,  for  a  while,  but  I  am  afraid,  by 
reason  of  your  undeserved  over- valuing  thoughts  of 
me,  (wherein  you  would  abate  if  you  knew  me 
better,)  lest  you  promise  yourself  that,  from  it, 
which  will  not  be.  Should  the  liberty  talked  of 
prove  an  open  door,  concerning  which  we  are  yet 

ziv.  3.  an  upright  man  fears  the  Lord.  See  Prov.  xvi.  17.  he 
depans  from  evil.  See  Ps.  xix  13.  he  is  kept  back  fh>m  presump- 
tuous sins.  See  Ps.  xviii.  23.  he  is  kept  from  his  own  iniquity, 
and  performs  all  duties,  Luke  i.  6,  7.  See  Prov.  x  9.  he  walketh 
surely.  See  Matt  xix.  21.  be  is  willing  to  part  with  any  thing  for 
Christ.  He  is  as  good  in  secret  as  before  others ;  he  keeps  a 
single  eye  at  God's  glory,  2  Cor.  i.  12.  To  get  an  upright  heart, 
walk  as  always  In  God's  sight,  I  Cbron.  xxviii.  9.  Gen.  xvii.  I. 
It  will  be  a  comfort  when  you  lie  upon  your  death-bed.  Isa. 
xxxviii.  3.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



in  the  dark  here,  and,  I  perceiVe,  so  are  they  also 
that  are  nearer  you,  I  think,  if  others  enter,  (salv. 
come)  I  shall  be  loth  to  stay  behind  ;  it  will  be  a 
hindcrance  to  that  attendance  to  hb  teaching,  which 
should  be,  especially  if  he  be  not  yet  past  the  school 
measures.  And,  another  thing  is,  that  he  will  be 
alone,  which  will  make  the  wheels  go  heavy.  I 
have  refused  several  of  late,  and  at  present  do  not 
know  of  any  undisposed  of,  that  will  be  meet  for 
him.  It  were  desirable  it  should  be  one  who  is 
rather  a  step  before  than  behind  him.  These  are 
the  things,  at  present,  that  offer  themselves  to  my 
thoughts  concerning  it,  and,  from  mine,  they  come 
to  you,  if  my  son  have  not  already  hinted  them  to 
you.  I  suppose  it  will  not  be  long  ere  he  will  be 
looking  homewards ;  and,  if  so,  with  his  help,  it 
will  be  the  better  done.  Please  to  weigh  it  yet 
further  with  yourself,  and  the  Lord  direct  and 
determine  your  will  by  his  will,  and  that  shall  be 
my  will  in  the  matter. 

Sir,  I  most  heartily  thank  both  you  and  your  good 
lady,  (to  whom  I  give  my  humble  service,)  for  your 
very  great  kindness  and  respect  to  my  son;*  he 
intimates  the  deep  sense  he  hath  of  it,  and  I  join 
with  him  in  the  thankful  acknowledgment. 

I  shall  be  glad  to  hear,  in  your  next,  how  it  is 
with  your  younger  son,  and  also  the  young  man  you 
mention.  The  Lord,  I  trust,  will  be  gracious.  To 
his  mercy,  grace,  and  peace,  I  recommend  you  and 
yours ;  and  beg  again,  that  I,  and  mine,  may  be 
remembered  of  you,  who  am. 

Sir,  Yours,  much  obliged, 
to  honour,  love,  and  serve  you, 
March  26,  1687.  P.  H. 

For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 

At  his  house  in  St.  John-Street, 


It  was  in  the  latter  end  of  the  year  1685,  when  the 
stream  ran  so  very  strong  against  the  dissenters,  that 
Mr.  Henry,  being  in  discourse  with  a  very  great  man 
of  the  church  of  England,'  mentioned  King  Charles's 
indulgence  in  1672,  as  that  which  gave  rise  to  his 
stated  preaching  in  a  separate  assembly ;  and  added, 
if  the  present  King  James  should,  in  like  manner, 
g^ve  me  leave,  I  would  do  the  same  again.  To 
which  that  great  man  replied, — *'  Never  expect  any 
such  thing  from  him ;  for,  take  my  word  for  it,  he 
hates  you  nonconformists  in  his  heart.''— Truly,  said 
Mr.  Henry,  I  believe  it,  and  I  think  he  doth  not 

c  Matthew  Henry,  then  in  London. 

f  Orig.  MS. 

fr  Most  likely  Dr.  Lloyd.  Bishop  of  St  Asaph.    See  ante,  p.  85. 

k  Dr.  William  Sancroft,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury. 

Dr.  William  Lloyd.  Bishop  of  St  Asaph. 

Dr.  Francis  Turner,  Bishop  of  Ely. 

Dr.  John  Lake,  Bishop  of  Chichester. 

Dr.  Thomas  Kenn,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 

love  you  of  the  Church  of  England  neither.  It  was 
then  little  thought  that  the  same  right  reverend  per- 
son who  said  so  to  him,  should  have  the  honour,  a& 
he  had  soon  after,  to  be  one  of  the  seven  bishops  ^ 
committed  to  the  Tower  by  King  James  ;  as  it  was 
also  far  from  any  one's  expectation,  that  the  same 
King  James  should  so  quickly  give  liberty  to  the 
nonconformists.  But  we  live  in  a  world,  wherein 
we  are  to  think  nothing  strange,  nor  be  surprised  at 
any  turn  of  the  wheel  of  nature,  as  it  is  called. 
James  iii.  6. 

The  measures  then  taken  by  King  James's  court 
and  council  were  soon  laid  open,  not  only  to  view, 
but  to  contempt,  being  in  a  short  time,  by  the  over- 
ruling providence  of  God,  broken  and  defeated. 
However,  the  indulgence  granted  to  dissenters  in 
April,  1687,  must  needs  be  a  reviving  to  those,  who, 
for  so  many  years,  had  lain  buried  in  silence  and  re- 
straint ;  nor  can  any,  who  will  allow  themselves  the 
liberty  of  supposing  the  case  their  own,  wonder  that 
they  should  rejoice  in  it,  though  the  design  of  it 
being  manifest,  they  could  not  choose  but  rejoice 
with  trembling,  Mr.  Henry's  sentiments  of  it  were, 
—Whatever  men's  ends  are  in  it,  I  believe  God's 
end  in  it  is  to  do  us  good. 

There  were  many  that  said,  surely  the  dissenters 
will  not  embrace  the  liberty  which  is  intended  only 
for  a  snare  to  them.  Mr.  Henry  read  and  considered 
the  letter  of  advice'  to  the  dissenters  at  that  junc- 
ture ;  but  concluded, — Duty  is  ourSy  und  events  are 
GotTs.  He  remembered  the  experience  he  had  had 
of  the  like  in  King  Charles's  time,  and  that  did  good, 
and  no  hurt.  And  why  might  not  this  do  so  too  ? 
All  power  is  for  edification,  not  for  destruction.^ 
Did  Jeremiah  sit  still  in  the  court  of  the  prison, 
because  he  had  his  discharge  from  the  King  of 
Babylon?  Nay,  did  not  Paul,  when  he  was  per- 
secuted by  his  countrymen  for  preaching  the  gospel, 
appeal  to  Caesar ;  and  find  more  kindness  at  Rome 
than  he  did  at  Jerusalem  ?  In  short,  the  principle 
of  his  conversation  in  the  world  being  not  fleshly  wis- 
dom^  or  policy,  but  the  grace  of  God^  and  particu- 
larly the  grace  of  simplicity  and  godly  sincerity,  he 
was  willing  to  make  the  best  of  that  which  was,  and 
to  hope  the  best  of  the  design  and  issue  of  it. 
Doubtless  it  was  intended  to  introduce  popery ;  but 
it  is  certain,  that  nothing  could  arm  people  against 
popery  more  effectually  than  the  plain  and  powerful 
preaching  of  the  gospel ;  and  thus,  they  who  grant- 
ed that  liberty,  were  out-shot  in  their  own  bow, 
which  manifestly  appeared  in  the  event  and  issue. 

Dr.  Thomas  White,  Bishop  of  Peterborough. 
Sir  Jonathan  Trelawny,  Bishop  of  Bristol. 
The  Speech,  prepared  to  have  been  spoken  by  the  Bishop  of 
St.  Asaph,  on  his  trial,  is  preserved  in  Gutch's  Ck>llect.  Cur.  v.  I. 
p.  369. 

i  Written  by  the  Marquis  orHalirax.  See  Neal,  ut  supra,  v.  5.  pp 
k  See2Cor.  xiii.  10. 



they  did  good  service  to  the  Protestant  re- 
mong  scholars,  who  wrote  so  many  learned 
gainst  popery '  at  that  time,  for  which  we 
them  our  best  thanks ;  so  they  did  no  less 
among  the  common  people,  who  are  the 
1  and  body  of  the  nation,  that  preached 
r  good  sermons  to  arm  their  hearers  against 
rong  delusioHy  which  Mr.  Henry,  as  the 
the  nonconformists  generally  did,  took  all 
OS  to  do.  How  often  would  he  commend  his 
,  as  Dr.  Holland,"  Divinity  Professor  in 
,  was  wont  to  do,  to  the  love  of  God,  and  the 
>f  popery." 

les  his  preaching  professedly  to  discover  the 
nd  corruptions  of  the  church  of  Rome,  (which 
Id  have  taken  occasion  to  do  more  fully,  had 
those  he  preached  to  in  any  immediate  dan- 
he  infection,)  there  could  not  be  a  more  ef- 
antidote  against  popery,  than  the  instructing 
ifirming  of  people  in  the  truth,  as  it  u  in  Je- 
d  advancing  the  knowledge  of,  and  a  value 
leration  for,  the  Holy  Scriptures  ;  to  which, 
ich  Mr.  Henry  in  his  place  did  contribute, 
knew  him  will  bear  record.  He  used  to  ob- 
lat  the  fall  of  Babylon  followed  upon  the  free 
:n  preaching  of  the  everlasting  ffospel,  Reve- 
JUT.  6, 7.  He  apprehended  this  liberty  likely 
very  short  continuance,  and  to  end  in  trou- 
id,  because  he  could  not  see  how  his  not 
f  it  would  help  to  prevent  the  trouble,  but 
lee  that  his  vigorous  improvement  of  it  would 
prepare  for  the  trouble,  he  set  himself  with 
;ence  to  make  the  best  use  he  could  of  this 
both  at  home  and  abroad,  on  sabbath  days, 
;k  days,  to  his  power ;  yea,  and  beyond  his 

as  at  this  juncture  that  Mr.  Henry  had  the 
»s  of  recognizing,  in  his  son,  an  ordained 
r  of  the  gospel.  The  occasion  gave  rise  to 
)wing  letter : — 

May  14,  1687. 
1  Matthew ; 

ice  in  what  you  heard,  and  saw,  and  felt,  of 
Monday  last,  and  hope  it  hath  left  upon  you 

^lland.  *'  when  be  went  any  journey,  calling  the  fellows 

ege  together,  used  to  say  to  xhem.^Qmmtndo  vo$  dUec- 

t  odu  fopatu*  et  tmpertiUfonis.**    Clarke's  Man*.  EccL  Hist. 


\T.  la    We  heard  of  the  strengthening  of  the  popish  in. 

ery  are  to  have  places  for  their  worship  in  many  great 

uticularly  that  which  was  ray  dear  father's  chamber  at 

trcb,  must  now,  as  they  say,  be  a  mass-house.     Mrs. 

)iary.    Orig.  MS. 

At  Ludlow,  in  Shropshire.    Ob.  mh  March.  UU-12. 

h.  OxoD.  V.  2.  p.  111. «/  npra.    Brooks's  Lives  of  the  Pu- 

,  2.  p.  21X  «/  npra. 

Common  Prayer  Book  of  King  Edward  the  Sixth,  the 

I  thus ; — **  From  the  tiranny  of  the  Bishope  of  Rome, 

deteitable  enormities,  good  Lord,  deliver  us !  4to.  1547. 

a  truly  indelible  character,  and  such  impressions  as 
no  time,  nor  any  thing  else,  shall  be  able  to  wear 
out.  Remember ;  assisted  by  thy  strength,  O  God, 
I  will !  As  to  the  manner  and  circumstances  of  your 
return,  we  cannot  order  them  here,  but  must  leave 
it  to  yourself  to  do  as  you  shall  see  cause,  beseech- 
ing the  Lord,  in  every  thing,  to  make  your  way  plain 
before  you ;  but,  as  to  the  thing  itself,  we  rejoice  in 
hopes  it  will  not  be  long  now  ere  we  shall  see  you 
here,  (though  multa  cadunt  intery)  and,  I  must  not 
say,  be  filled  with  your  company,  for  this  is  not  the 
world  that  we  must  be  together  in.  Your  dear  mo- 
ther hath  no  great  joy  in  the  thoughts  of  your  closing 
with  them  at  Chester  upon  the  terms  proposed ;  her 
reasons  are  weighty,  and,  in  other  things,  have  many 
times  swayed  with  me  against  my  own,  and  it  hath 
done  well.  What  they  are  in  this  matter,  you  shall 
hear  immediately  from  herself.  As  to  your  North- 
ampton affair  we  are  no  little  concerned  about  it, 
making  mention  of  it  in  every  prayer,  to  our  hea- 
venly Father,  who,  we  have  learned,  besides  a  com- 
mon providence,  [hath  a  special  hand  in  such  pro- 
posals. Proverbs  xix.  14.  And  we  say,  if  you,  of 
all  the  other,  should  miss,  it  would  be  a  grief  of 
mind.  Genesis  xxvi.  35. 

The  clergy  in  Cheshire  and  Shropshire  are  ham- 
mering an  address  of  thanks,  but  divers  of  them 
will  not  strike.  They  begin  to  feel  now  for  their 
oaths'  sake. 

Our  love  and  blessing  is  all  here  is  room  for. 
'Eppburo  !  "Epfmao  \  twice ;  within,  without^ 

Mr.  Matthew  Henry  having,  shortly  after  the  pre- 
ceding letter  was  written,  settled  at  Chester,?  the 
following  was  addressed  to  him  by  his  father,  on 
another,  and  interesting  subject: — 

July,  1687. 
Son  Matthew ; 

I  am  very  much  concerned  that  two  si!ch  g^eat 
affairs  are,  at  this  time,  met  together  upon  your 
hand, — ^that  of  the  next  sabbath,  and  that  of  the 
week  after.  You  know  which  of  the  two  should  fill 
you  most,  and  I  hope  it  will  accordingly ;  and,  if  it 
do,  you  may  the  more  comfortably  expect  a  blessing 

e  p.  Henry.  Orig.  BiS. 

P      Urbs  Legionuro,  its  primeval  name. 

Where  many  a  Roman  toil'd  ;  where  many  a  brow 
Has  grac'd  a  mitre ;  'twas  a  kingdom  once, 
And  now  a  County  Palatine ;  all  that's  rare 
In  army,  navy,  church,  and  state,  dwells  here 
In  miniature.    But,  most  of  all  revered 
For  that  great  name,  a  valiant  Philip's  son, 
J^/Mer  tAan  ht  of  Maeedon :  for  grace 
Jdakes  heroes,  such  as  Plutarch  never  knew. 
As  Homer  never  sung ;  to  courts  unknown. 
While  Matthew  Henry  in  his  "  Comment "  lives, 
Chester  can  never  die. 

See  the  Select  Remains  of  the  late  Rev.  Ebenezer  White  of 
Chester,  p.  152.  duod.  1812. 



upon  the  other ;  for,  ever  since  I  knew  any  thing  in 
those  matters,  I  have  found  it  tnie,  that,  when  I  have 
been  most  careful  in  doing  God's  work,  God  hath 
been  most  faithful  in  doing  mine.*'  I  have  not 
sealed,  but  subscribed,  a  draught  of  articles  with 
Mr.  Hardware/  We  were  together  yesterday  at 
each  place ;  and,  upon  Tiew,  found  every  thing,  not 
worse,  but  rather  better,  than  represented.  As  to  a 
time  and  place  of  sealing,  I  would  meet  half  way 
on  Monday,  but  Wednesday  being  the  first  day 
appointed  at  Hanmer,  I  must  needs  attend  that.  If 
you  would  not  think  it  too  long  to  defer  till  the  week 
after,  that  is,  to  the  19th  instant,  I  should  hope,  by 
that  time,  (your  next  sabbath  work,  and  your  War- 
rington journey,  and  our  engagements  here,  being 
all  over,)  there  would  be  much  more  of  clearness 
and  freeness,  without  hurry,  as  to  each  circum- 
stance ;  but  I  must  not  move  it,  however,  not  insist 
upon  it,  lest  the  heart  be  made  sick  ;*  therefore  do 
as  you  see  cause,  only  in  every  thing  take  God 
along  with  you,'  and  do  all  in  the  name  of  the  Lord 

Give  my  kind  respects  to ,  your  good 

friend,  whom  I  hope  to  call  by  another  name 
shortly.  The  Lord  bless  you  both,  and  first  fit  you 
for,  and  then  give  you  to,  each  other,  in  much 
mercy!  Amen.^ 

To  resume  the  narrative.]  The  great  .subject  of 
debate  at  this  time  in  the  nation,  was,  concerning 
the  repeal  of  penal  laws  and  tests.  Mr.  Henry's 
thoughts  were,  as  to  the  penal  laws,  that,  if  those 
against  the  dissenters  were  all  repealed,  he  would 
rejoice  in  it,  and  be  very  thankful  both  to  God  and 
man  ;  for  he  would  sometimes  say,  without  reflection 
upon  any,  he  could  not  but  look  upon  them  as  a 
national  sin ;  and,  as  for  those  against  the  papists, 
if  our  law-givers  see  cause  to  repeal  them  in  a 
regular  way  ;  I  will  endeavour,  saith  he,  to  make 
the  best  of  it,  and  to  say,— The  will  of  the  Lord  be 

When  King  James  came  his  progress  into  that 
country,  in  August,  1687,*  to  court  the  compliments 
of  the  people,  Mr.  Henry  joined  with  several  others, 
in  and  about  Whitchurch,  Nantwich,  and  Wem,  in 
an  address  to  him,  which  was  presented  when  he  lay 

q  God  saith  to  us,  as  a  king  laici  to  a  nobleman  who  desired  to 
leave  the  court  that  be  might  provide  for  some  that  relied  upon 
him :  "  Do  my  work,"  mid  the  king, "  and  I  will  do  thine."  Ca- 
naan's Flowings.  by  Ralph  Venning,  duod.  1658,  p.  351. 

r  Miss  Hardware,  of  Moldsworth,  was  Mr.  Matthew  Henry's 
first  wife.    See  his  Life  by  Tong,  v/  iwpra,  p.  101,  ice. 

•  See  Prov.  xili,  12. 

t  Mr.  Matthew  Henry  vras  married  July  19.  See  Tong's  Life  of 
Mr.  M.  Henry,  chap.  iii.  ut  supra. 

n  P.  Henry.  Orlg.  MS.  Addressed  to  Mr.  Matthew  Henry  at 

▼  In  the  former  editions  of  the  Life,  the  royal  visit  is  stated  to 
have  been  in  September.  This  no  doubt  was  a  mistake.  The 
last  visit  made  to  Uie  ancient  town  of  Shrewsbury,  by  its  sove- 
reign, was  on  the  25th  of  Auput,  [1687.]    The  King,  James  the 

at  Whitchurch ;  the  purport  of  which  was,  not  to 
sacrifice  their  lives  and  fortunes  to  him  and  to  his 
interest,  but  only  to  return  him  thanks  for  the  liberty   , 
they  had,  with   a  promise  to  demean  themselves 
quietly  in  the  use  of  it. 

Some  time  after,  commissioners  were  sent  abroad  ; 
into  the  country,  to  inquire  after  the  trouble  the 
dissenters  had  sustained  by  the  penal  laws ;  and  how 
the  money  that  was  levied  upon  them  was  disposed 
of,  little  of  it  being  found  paid  into  the  Exchequer ; 
they  sent  to  Mr.  Henry,  to  have  an  account  from  him 
of  his  sufferings ;  he  returned  answer,  by  letter,  that 
he  had  indeed  been  fined  some  years  before,  for  a 
conventicle,  and  distrained  upon,  and  his  goods 
carried  away ;  which  all  the  country  knew,  and  to 
which  he  referred  himself.  But,  being  required  to 
give  a  particular  account  of  it  upon  oath,  though  he 
said  he  could  be  glad  to  see  such  instruments  of 
trouble  legally  removed,  yet  he  declined  giving  any 
further  information  concerning  it ;  having,  as  he 
wrote  to  the  commissioners,  long  since,  from  his 
heart,  forgiven  all  the  agents,  instruments,  and  occa- 
sions of  it ;  and  having  purposed  never  to  say  any 
thing  more  of  it. 

It  was  on  Tuesday,  June  14,  1681,  that  he  was 
disturbed  at  Weston  in  Shropshire,  when  he  was 
preaching  on  Psalm  Ixvi.  18.  and  on  Tuesday,  June 
14,  1687,  that  day  six  years,  he  preached  there  again 
without  disturbance,  finishing  what  he  was  then  pre- 
vented from  delivering,  concerning  prayer,  and  going 

on  to  verse  19,  20 Buf,  verily,  God  hath  heard 

me,  blessed  be  God,  concerning  the  duty  of  thanks- 
giving. This  seventh  year  of  their  silence  and  re- 
straint, proved,  through  God's  wonderful  good  pro- 
vidence, the  year  of  release. 

[Some  admirable  letters  to  Mr.  Ashurst  will  carry 
the  year  to  its  close,  and  cannot  fail  to  impress  the 
reader  with  the  writer's  accomplishments  as  a  Chris- 
tian, a  divine,  and  a  gentleman. 


September  2,  1687. 

My  sabbath  subject  was.  Acts  xi.  21. — The  hand 
of  the  Lord  was  unth  them :  and  a  great  number  be- 
lieved, and  turned  unto  the  Lord,  In  this  I  shall 
acquaint  you,  the  subject  being  the  same,  with  the 

Second,  passed  a  day  there,  and  kept  his  court  at  the  council 
house ;  and,  during  his  stay,  the  conduits  ran  with  wine.  ScMne 
Account  of  the  Ancient  and  Present  State  of  Shrewsbury,  pp.  53, 

In  unison  with  the  above  statement  is  the  following  extract  from 
the  Diary  of  Mrs.  Savage  :— 

"1687.  Friday,  August  26,  the  king  came  into  Whitchurch. 
James  the  Second,  in  bis  progress  to  Chester ;  great  flocking  to  see 
him.  Lord,  order  all  consultations  and  actions  for  glory  to  thy 

"  Tuesday.  1  went  to  Whitchurch  to  see  His  Majesty  in  his  re- 
turn from  Chester ;  saw  him  only  in  his  coach ;  desired  heartily 
to  pray  that  be  were  as  good  as  he  is  great."  Mrs.  Savage.  Diary. 



Ikeads  of  what  was  then  spoken,  after  my  plain, 
eoantiy  manner.  The  preachers  here  were  such  as 
kid  been  scattered  by  persecution  after  the  death  of 
Stephen,  Acts  viii.  which  scattering  was  intended 
by  the  devil,  and  wicked  men,  for  hurt  to  the  church ; 
bat  God  turned  it  for  good,  as  he  often  does,  and 
we  ourselyes  have  had  experience  of  it.  It  was  like 
flie  scattering  of  seed,  or  salt,  whereby  more  were 
seasoned.  It  seems,  then,  that  the  hand  of  the  Lord 
may  be  with  us,  when  the  hand  of  man  is  ag^nst 
us.  Preachers  disowned  and  persecuted  by  worldly 
powers,  may  be  owned  and  blessed  in  their  labours, 
by  the  Crod  of  Heaven.  The  place  was  Antioch, 
where  these  converts  were,  the  first  that  took  the 
honoarable  and  sweet  name  of  Christians.  At  An- 
tioch, not  at  Rome.  If  Christians  should  own  one 
ptoce  more  than  another,  as  the  mother  church  of  all 
churches,  inethinks  it  should  be  that,  rather,  where 
they  first  had  their  name.  The  preaching  was  Jesus. 
They  preached  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  then  the  hand  of 
the  Lord  was  with  them.  We  are  then  most  likely 
to  have  the  hand  of  the  Lord  with  us,  in  our  preach- 
ing, when  we  preach  Jesus.*  Not  when  we  preach 
ourselves  ;  but  when  we  preach  Jesus,  and  ourselves 
yemr  servants  for  Jesus'  sake.  By  the  hand  of  the 
Lord  with  them,  is  meant,  the  Lord  himself,  accord- 
ing to  his  promise,  Matthew  xxvii.  20.  Lo!  I  am 
with  ffou.  He  assisted  them  in  their  preaching; 
made  way  for  the  word  into  the  hearts  of  those  that 
heard  it ;  gave  it  the  setting  on  there :  and  this  is 
always  all  in  all.  If  the  hand  of  the  Lord  be  not 
with  the  preachers,  there  will  be  no  believing,  no 
taming,  among  the  people ;  for  faith  is  the  gift  of 
God  :-— Unto  you  it  is  given  to  believe  ; — Turn  thou 
«e,  and  I  shall  be  turned,  A  great  number  believed. 
Sometimes  God  is  pleased  to  enlarge  his  hand,  in 
the  conversion  of  many,  by  the  ministry  of  the  word ; 
not  a  fish  or  two,  but  whole  shoals,  caught  in  the  net 
of  the  gospel.  Oh,  that  it  might  be  so  at  this  day  ! 
Your  love  to  souls,  I  know,  will  say,  Amen  ! 

To  believe,  has  three  things  in  it; — 1.  Assent  to 
vhat  is  spoken,  as  true,  either  from  the  evidence  of 
the  tiling  itself,  or  upon  the  account  of  the  veracity 
of  him  that  speaketh  it  2.  Application  of  it  to  my- 
lelf ;  I  must  look  upon  myself  as  concerned  in  it, 
tod  say,  '*  Thb  belongs  tome.''  3.  Answerable  affec- 
tions and  actions,  according  as  the  thing  is  that  is 
spoken.  Without  this,  my  believing  is  nothing.  Noah 
believed,  and  feared,  Hebrews  xi.  The  devils  believe, 
and  trtwUfle,  James  ii.  If  one  tell  me  the  house  is 
falling,  and  I  believe  it,  I  shall  fear,  and  run  out  of 
it ;  or,  that  there  is  a  pot  of  gold  hid  in  such  a  place, 
and  I  may  have  it  for  digging  for  it,  if  I  believe,  I 

V  See  Somon,  nuth  in  Christ  inferred,  &c.  pott. 

s  To  believe  in  Jetut  Christ  for  salvation  is  to  come  to  him. 
Matt  zi.  i8.  John  vi.  37 ;  v.  40.  By  unbelief,  we  depart  flromhim. 
Heb.  iii  13.  It  is  to  lean  upon  him.  Cant  viii.  5.  forsaking  all 
other  leaoiQf -stocks  whitever.  It  is  to  look  upon  liim.  JohniiJ. 


shall  dig.  Now,  there  are,  among  many  others,  four 
great  truths  revealed  in  the  word  of  God,  the  belief 
whereof,  such  a  belief  as  hath  in  it  the  three  things 
before  mentioned,  doth  always  accompany  conver- 
sion and  salvation. — 

1.  That  a  sinful  condition  is  a  miserable  condi- 
tion. That  it  is  so,  is  certainly  true ;  thou  art  wretch- 
ed and  miserable,  under  the  curse  of  God,  liable  to 
all  miseries.  But  do  we  believe  it ;  that  is,  assent 
to  it ;  and  that  with  application  ?  I  am  the  man ; 
sinful,  and  therefore  miserable.  And  are  we  there- 
upon afraid,  brought  under  a  spirit  of  bondage? 
And  doth  that  fear  set  upon  serious  inquiries,  *'  What 
shall  we  do  to  get  out  of  it  ?'*  If  so,  so  far  is  well. 

2.  That  Jesus  Christ  is  ordained  of  God  to  be 
Prince  and  Saviour ;  that  he  is  able  and  willing  to 
save,  to  save  even  to  the  uttermost.  Do  we  assent  to 
this,  iiAs  faithful  saying?  And  do  we  apply  it?  "  He 
is  able  and  willing  to  save  me.''  And  are  we  suit- 
ably affected  thereunto?  And  do  we  act  accordingly  ? 
Come  to  him,  close  with  him,  accept  of  him,  as  he 
is  offered  to  us  in  the  gospel.*  If  so,  we  are  be- 
lievers ;  and,  if  believers,  then  the  sons  of  God,  justi- 
fied by  that  faith,  at  peace  with  God,  and  heirs  of 
heaven.  And  to  that  also  we  must  assent,  with 
application,  and  be  affected,  and  act  accordingly ; 
rejoicing  always  with  joy  unspeakable,  and  abounding 
always  in  the  work  of  the  Lord. 

3.  The  absolute  necessity  of  an  holy  heart,  and 
an  holy  life.  That  we  must  be  new  creatures,  or  we 
cannot  enter  the  New  Jerusalem ;  bo9m  again,  or  we 
cannot  see  the  kingdom  of  God,  That  we  must  deny 
all  ungodliness  and  worldly  lusts,  and  live  soberly, 
righteously,  and  godly,  in  this  world,  if  ever  we  mean 
to  be  happy  in  another  world.  Do  we  believe  this ; 
that  is,  assent  to  it?  Is  it  not  plain  in  the  word  of 
God,  written  there  as  with  a  sun-beam,  so  that  he 
who  runs  may  read?  But  do  we  apply  it?  I  must  be 
regenerated ;  if  I  be  not,  I  shall  not  be  saved.  My 
civility  and  moral  honesty,  my  profession  and  out- 
ward form  of  godliness,  will  not  serve  my  turn ; — I 
must  put  off  the  old  man,  and  put  on  the  new.  And 
doth  there  follow  suitable  affection  and  action  ?  Do 
I  love  the  word  as  a  regenerating  word  ?  Do  I  pray 
for  and  receive  the  Spirit,  as  a  regenerating  Spirit  ? 
Do  I  set  myself,  in  the  use  of  all  God's  appointed 
means,  to  the  great  work  of  crucifying  the  flesh,  with 
all  the  affections  and  lusts, — walking  in  all  the  com- 
mandments of  the  Lord  blameless  ?  This  is  believing. 

4.  The  certainty  and  reality  of  future  rewards 
and  punishments.  That  there  is  another  life  after 
this,  and  that  it  is  to  be  a  life  of  retribution ;  that, 
as  sure  as  there  is  an  earth  which  we  tread  upon,  so 

14, 15.  L«ok  unto  mi,  and  ht  y#  taved.  It  is  to  receive,  and  accept  of 
him,  as  he  is  offered  in  the  promise,  to  be  Lord  and  King,  as  well 
as  Priest  and  Saviour;  giving  ourselves  to  him  unreservedly. 
2  Cor.  viii.  5.  Hos.  iiL  3 :  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



sure  there  is  an  hell  under  it,  a  place  of  eternal  tor- 
ments ;  so  sure  as  there  is  an  outward  heaven,  which 
our  eyes  see,  so  sure  there  is  another  heaven  beyond 
it,  a  fixed  state  of  everlasting  blessedness.  Are 
these  things  so  ?  Certainly  they  are ;  for  the  mouth 
of  the  Lord  hath  spoken  it.  No  room  is  left  for  doubt- 
ing. But  will  one  of  these  be  our  place  shortly  ? 
Certainly  it  will.  I  must ;  I ;  even  I,  be,  ere  long, 
either  in  hell  miserable,  or  in  heaven  happy.  Oh, 
then,  how  should  I  be  affected  ?  How  should  I  act  ? 
Should  I  not  fear  that  place  of  torment,  and  fly  from 
it?  Make  sure  that  place  of  happiness,  and  rejoice 
always  in  the  hope  of  it ;  having  my  conversation 
there ;  ^  laying  up  treasure  there  ?  This  is  believing. 
The  same  may  be  said  in  reference  to  every  other 
truth  of  God;  precept,  promise,  threatenings.  There 
are  quarter-believers,  and  half-believers ;  but  the 
te^o/e-believer  is  he  that  assents,  applies,  is  affected, 
and  acts  according  to  what  he  says  he  believes. 

Now  the  good  Lord  work  this  belief  in  all  our 
hearts,  fulfilling  in  us  all  the  good  pleasure  of  his 
goodness  and  this  work  of  faith  with  power,*     Amen, 


Your  continued  kind  acceptance  is  still  my  encou- 
ragement to  perform  this  monthly  service  to  you, 
wishing  I  could  do  it  better  to  your  soul's  advantage 
and  edification.  The  grace  of  faith  is,  indeed,  the 
g^ce  of  all  graces.  1 .  The  grace  that  God  hath  most 
honoured  in  making  it, — whether  the  condition  or 
the  instrument,— I  am  sure,  the  means  of  our  justi- 
fication, reconciliation,  acceptation,  salvation.  Of 
all  graces,  faith  doth  most  abase  the  creature,  and 
lift  up  God ;  it  is  a  self-emptying  and  a  God-ad- 
vancing grace;  and  therefore,  of  all  graces,  God 
doth  most  advance  and  lift  up  faith ;  for  so  is  the 
word  that  he  hath  spoken.  Those  that  honour  me,  I 

7  I  find  ray  heart  inclined  to  things  below,  and  am  sensible,  in 
some  measure,  what  a  dishonour  it  is  to  God,  and  what  a  wrong 
to  myseir,  and  fain  I  would  that  it  might  be  otherwise. 

Get  to  know  the  nature  of  earthly  things,  common  things,  such 
as  a  man  may  abound  in,  and  perish  everlastingly.  They  are 
empty  things,  that  will  not  satisfy-,  vexing  things,  vtxatiott  of 
spirit.  Labour  for  a  serious,  practical  knowledge  of  this.  Beg  of 
God  to  give  you  a  sight  of  their  vanity  and  emptiness.  Look 
into  the  word.  Prov.  xxiii.  5.  Isa.  Iv.  2.  Matt.  vi.  24.  John  vi.  27. 
I  Tim.  vi.  0,  10.  Ecclesiastes.  Observe  and  improve  your  own 
crosses  and  disappointments,  and  the  crosses  and  disappointments 
of  others.  The  voice  of  these  dispensations  is,— Cease  from  the 
world,  the  men  of  the  world,  the  things  of  the  world.  Consult 
with  dying  men,  and  see  what  account  they  will  give  you  of 
earthly  things. 

Actuate  this  knowledge  by  meditation,  and  do  it  often.  There 
is  no  duty  more  profltable.— none  more  neglected. 

Study  the  nature  and  necessities  of  thy  soul.  Thou  hast  a  soul 
that  is  greatly  in  want,  a  poor,  though  precious,  soul ;  it  wants 
pardon  of  sin,  wants  peace  with  God,  wants  his  image,  wants  his 
grace,  wants  his  Spirit.  And  can  the  world  furnish  these!  No. 
Mic.  vi.  6,  7. 

Look  beyond  this  to  another  world.  Will  these  things  avail 
there !  No.  Tis  not  getting  more,  but  making  use  of  what  we 
have,  that  will  then  avail.    Luke  xvi.  9.  2  Cor.  iv.  18. 

Cast  thy  care  upon  the  Lord ;  if  thou  art  a  believer,  he  careth 
for  thee.  I  Pet.  v.  7. 

will  honour.  2.  The  grace  that  of  all  graces  we  do 
live  by;  for  the  just  shall  live  by  faith,  Habakkuk 
ii.  4.  than  which,  I  think,  there  is  scarce  any  one 
passage  in  the  Old  Testament  more  often  quoted  in 
the  New ;  and  good  reason,  for  it  is  the  marrow  of 
the  gospel.  We  live  by  faith,  1.  Spiritually,  as  to 
justification,  sanctification,  consolation;  in  which 
three  stands  our  spiritual  life.  We  are  justified  by 
faith)  Romans  v.  1.  Acts  xiii.  39.  justified  from  the 
guilt  of  sin,  the  curse  of  the  law,  and  the  damnation 
of  hell.  In  the  want  of  which  justification,  we  are 
but  dead  men,  that  is,  under  a  sentence  of  death ; 
so  that  in  that  sense,  by  faith  we  live ;  we  live  by 
it  as  we  are  made  just  by  it ;  the  just,  by  faith,  shall 
live.  We  are  sanctified  by  faith,  Acts  xxvi.  18.  as, 
by  it  we  receive  the  spirit  of  sanctification,  who  finds 
us  dead  in  trespasses  and  sins,  as  to  our  spiritual 
state,  and  then  breathes  into  us  the  breath  of  spi- 
ritual life,  whereby  we  become  living  souls,  alive  to 
God  through  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord.  We  are  com- 
forted by  faith,  Romans  xv.  13.  and  that  comfort  is 
our  life,  1  Thessalonians  iii.  8.  Now  we  live,  that 
IS,  now  we  are  comforted,  if  ye  stand  fast  in  the 
Lord:  non  est  vivere  sed  valere  vita.  Faith  comforts 
as  it  applies  the  promises,  which  promises  are  our 
breasts  of  consolation,  at  which  the  believing  soul 
sucks  and  is  satisfied.  And  there  are  two  of  them, 
one  concerning  the  things  of  the  life  that  now  is,  the 
other  concerning  the  things  of  that  which  is  to  come ; 
for  godliness  haih  both,  and  hath  need  of  both,  in  order 
to  comfort,  upon  one  occasion  or  other,  every  day. 
They  are  also  called  well-springs  of  salvation,  and, 
as  such,  faith  is  the  bucket  by  which  we  draw  water 
from  those  wells.  If  the  well  be  deep,  as  good  no 
well  as  no  bucket ;  so,  as  good  no  promise  as  no 
faith.  2.  As  we  live  spiritually  *  by  faith  in  all  these 
three  great  concernments  of  our  spiritual  life,  so  we 

Be  acquainted  with  the  reality  and  excellency  of  heavenly 
things.  Heb.  xi.  1.  John  iv.  10.  Earthly-minded  men  are  like 
moles,  they  live  in  the  earth,  and  so  are  blind  as  to  spiritual 
things;  they  see  no  beauty  in  holiness,  no  comelinesi  in  Jesus 

Learn  to  spiritualize  earthly  things.  It  is  our  sin  and  misery 
that  earthly  thoughts  mix  themselves  when  we  are  employed  in 
spiritual  duties ;  it  were  our  profit  and  advantage  if  heavenly 
thoughts  might  as  often  mix  themselves,  and  t>e  as  welcome,  when 
we  are  employed  in  worldly  affkirs. 

Choose  as  much  as  may  be  to  be  in  heavenly  company.  Com- 
pany is  of  a  transforming  nature.  Prov.  xxii.  24, 35.  1  John  i.  2,  a 
Be  often  discoursing  of  things  above. 

Labour  to  tread  in  the  steps  of  those  who  have  gone  before  us 
in  heaven's  way.    Phil.  iii.  17,  &c.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

I  Evan.  Mag.  v.  3.  p.  376. 

a  Spiritual  life  is  an  inward  principle  in  the  soul  of  a  believer, 
arising  from  his  union  with  Jesus  Christ.  The  following  are  signs 
of  such  a  life:— The  knowledge  of  God  and  Christ,  John  xvii.  3. 
—Growth  in  grace  and  knowledge,  John  xv.  2.— Fftith  in  JesM 
Christ,  John  vi.  47.^Heavenly  mindedness,  CoL  iii.  1.  2.  Rom. 
vi.  11.— Spiritual  sense ;  of  sin,  the  first  risings  of  it  Rom.  vii.  24. 
the  sins  of  others,  2  Pet.  ii.  7, 8.  of  the  withdrawings  of  God's 
presence,  Ps.  xxii.  1.  of  the  afflictions  of  God's  people,  Jer.  ix.  I. 
Neh.  i.  4,  &c.  1  John  iii.  14.— Speech;  to  God  in  prayer.  Gal.  iv.6. 
Acts  ix.  II.  Zech.  xii.  10.  for  God.— Appetite,  1  Pet.  ii.  2.— Care  for 
self-preservation,  Job  ii.  4.  comp.  I  Pet.  ii.  7.— Desires  to  com- 



live  oar  life  in  the  flesh  by  the  faith  of  the  Son  of 
God,  Galatians  ii.  20.^    He  means  his  life  of  con- 
rersation  in  the  world ;  for,  that  is  the  life  that  he 
liyed  then  in  the  flesh.     We  walk  hy  faith,  not  by 
tight, — not  as  glorified  saints  do  in  heaven  by  imme- 
diate vision, — nor  by  carnal  sight,  as  the  men  of  the 
world,  who  look  only  at  the  thinys  that  are  teen  with 
bodily  eyes, — ^but  by  faith.    So  that  faith  is  a  prin- 
ciple of  living  quite  different  from  the  one  and  from 
the  other.    It  is  far  short  of  living  by  heavenly  vision, 
bat  it  is  infinitely  above  and  beyond  the  life  of  carnal 
reason,  which  men,  as  men,  live.     In  the  ordinary 
tetums  and  off  air t  of  life,  I.  It  is  by  faith  and  no 
otherwise,  that  we  set  the  Lord  alwayt  before  u$,  and 
•ee  him  that  is  invisible.    And  what  influence  that 
hath  upon  the  conversation,  to  make  it  what  it  should 
be,  they  can  best  tell  that  have  tried.    2.  It  b  by 
fidth,  and  no  otherwise,  that  we  close  with  the  word 
of  €k>d  as  our  rule  and  square,  by  which  we  regulate 
and  order  our  conversation.    The  commandments 
are  to  be  believed.  Psalm  cxix.  66.  as  well  as  the 
promises.     3.  It  is  by  faith  that  we  fetch  strength 
from  the  Lord  Jesus,  for  the  doing  of  what  we  have 
to  do  every  day  in  every  thing,  for  without  him  we 
can  do  nothing,     4.  It  is  by  faith,  that  we  look  at  the 
reeomprnce  of  reward,  which  makes  us  lively  and 
cheerful  in  our  obedience,  both  active  and  passive ; 
forasmuch  at  we  hnow  our  labour  thall  not  be  in  vain 
ta  the  Lord.     And  then  for  life  eternal,  as  we  look 
at  it  by  faith,  so  by  faith  it  is  that  we  have  title  to 
it ;  he  that  believes  shall  be  saved.  Whosoever  believes 
ihall  not  perith,  but  have  ev^lasting  life.    We  are  all 
the  children  of  God  by  faith  in  Jesus  Chritt.     And  if 
children  then  heirs,  heirs  of  God,  and  joint  heirs  with 
Chritt,  of  an  inheritance  incorruptible,  undefiled,  and 
that  fadeth  not  away.^    If  all  this  be  true  of  faith, 
and  not  the  one  half  hath  been  told  you,  then  there 
is  good  reason  why  it  should  be  called /TreciotM/aith. 
It  closes  with  a  precious  Christ,  and  to  them  only 
that  believe  is  he  precious.    It  embraces  precious 
promises,  and  it  saves  precious  souls.    Is  Christ  our 

■  c = , 

manicate,  1  John  i.  h  3,  3.— Art  thou  alive  1  live  at  a  higher  rate 
tban others,  I  Cor.  iii.  a— Art  thou  dead?  make  haste  to  Christ, 
^  V- 14.— He  complains.  Ye  will  not  come  to  me  that  ye  might 
tevelife,  John  v,  40.  For  encouragement  to  come  to  Christ,  he 
raised  three  to  life  In  the  gospel, -one  in  the  chamber,  secret 
anners,— another  in  the  street,  open  8inners,~a  third  buried,  dead 
four  days,  aged  sinners.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

b  See  a  sermon  by  P.  Henry,  on  these  words.    Eighteen  Ser- 
motts,  9t  smpra.  p.  144. 

c  There  are  evideneet  oX  saving  (kith.  Faith,  however,  is  the  best 
evidence  of  itself,  1  John  v.  10.  as  we  know  that  the  sun  shines  by 
its  own  light  The  following  are  evidences.— A  new  nature,  Acts 
xxvL  18.~  Heart  parity.  Acts  xv.  9.  at  least  begun  and  laboured 
after.— A  low  esteem  of  earthly  things,  Phil.  iii.  8.  a  high  esteem 
of  Christ,  1  Pet.  Ii.  7.— Joy  in  tribulaUon,  Acu  xYi.25,  &c.  Rom.  v. 
L  1  I  Pet  I.  7.  Hab.  iii.  17, 18.-Reliance  upon  God  for  things 
of  this  life,  as  well  as  of  heaven.— How  came  we  by  our  faith ! 
Did  it  come  by  hearing!  Rom.  x.  17.— Did  it  begin  in  doubting  t 
What  fruit  doth  it  bear!  James  ii.  14,  &c.  Oal.  v.  6.— Self-denial, 
Luke  Tii.  6,  7, 9.— Fear  of  offending.— A  true  believer  reckons  it 
the  hardest  thins  in  the  world  to  believe.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

H  2 

all  in  all?  So,  in  a  sense,  is  faith  our  all  in  all. 
Oh,  faith,  (but  that  also  must  be  taken  with  a  grain 
of  salt,)  thine  is  the  kingdom,  and  the  power,  and  the 
glory ;  not  thine  to  rest  with  thee,  but  thine  to  hand 
to  him,  whose  it  is.     Amen. 

Your  son  shall  be  truly  welcome  here  at  the  time 
you  mention,  and  I  shall  think  it  long  till  it  come. 
As  to  the  late  access  made  to  your  estate,  much  good 
may  it  do  you,  that  is,  much  good  may  you  do  with 
it,  which  is  the  true  good  of  an  estate.  Lady  War- 
wick ^^  would  not  thank  him  that  would  give  her 
£1000  a  year,  and  tie  her  up  from  doing  good  with 
it.  I  rejoice  in  the  large  heart  which  God  hath 
given  you  with  your  large  estate,  without  which 
heart,  the  estate  would  be  your  snare.  As  to  your 
purposed  kindness  to  me,  yuu  will  call  me  unkind 
if  I  refuse  it;  but  as  to  the  quantity,  let  it  be  as 
little  as  you  please,  for  it  cannot  be  too  little  where 
so  little  is  deserved,  as  is  by 

September  28,  1687. 

Your  Servant. 

My  most  humble  service  is  to  your  worthy  lady, 
and  to  your  son  and  daughter  with  you,  whom  God 

For  Henry  Ashurst  Esq. 
At  his  house  in  St.  John  Street, 


October  28,  1687. 

Yet  further  concerning  the  grace  of  faith.  Be- 
sides that  it  is  that  by  which  we  live,— as  of  Christ 
it  is  said,  who  is  our  /i/e,— so  we  may  say  of  faith, 
in  a  different  sense,  it  is  our  life.  As  Paul  says,  to 
me  to  live  is  Chritt ;  so  we  may  say,  to  us  to  live  is 
to  believe.  I  say,  besides  this,  there  are  four  great 
things  said  in  Scripture  concerning  faith,  which 
deserve  a  particular  consideration.  1.  It  purifies 
the  heart ;  ^  purifying  their  heartt  by  faith.  Faith 
is  a  heart-purifying  grace,  elsewhere  called,  purging 
the  contcience  from  dead  workt,  Hebrews  ix.  14. 
It  is  done  by  the  blood  of  Chritt,  who,  through  the 

d  See  a  sermon  at  the  Tunerall  of  the  Countesse  of  Warwick. 
By  Anthony  Walker,  D.  D.  duod.  1680.  Also  Memoirs  of  Emi- 
nently  Pious  Women,  v.  1.  p.  109.  oct.  1815.    She  died  A.  D.  1678. 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS.  Part  of  this  letter  was  printed  in  the 
Evan.  Mag.  v.  a  p.  36& 

f  Means  are  to  be  used  to  get  and  keep  a  pure  heart.  We  must 
l»e  sensible  of  our  impurity,  Prov.  xxx.  la.— Pray  for  a  clean  heart, 
Ps.  Ii. :  it  is  promised,  Ezek.  zxxvi.  i5.  26.— Be  frequent  in  self- 
examination.— Beware  of  other  men's  sins,  i  Tim.  v.  22.— Abstain 
from  all  appearance  of  evil,  1  Thess.  v.  22, 231— Act  faith.  This  is 
a  heart-purifying  grace,  Acts  xv.  9.  it  interests  us  in  the  blood  of 
Christ,  and  that  cleanses,  1  John  i.  7.  Zech.  xit.  1.  by  it  we  receive 
the  Spirit ;  by  it  we  apply  the  promises,  2  Pet.  i.  3,  4.  Attend 
upon  the  ordinances,  John  xv.  3.  xvii.  n.  Titus,  iii.  5.— Improve 
your  baptism,  it  is  a  cleansing  ordinance.— AflBictions,  when 
sanctified,  are  means  of  cleansing.— WatchfVilness,  Ps.  cxix.  |9. 
We  must  take  heed  where  we  tread.  We  are  in  the  light,  and 
must  walk  as  children  of  the  light ;  carefully ;  cleanly.  P.  Henry 
Orig.  MS. 



Eternal  Spirit,  offered  himself  without  spot  to  God, 
meritoriously,  and,  by  faith,  instrumental ly.  Christ's 
blood  is  the  water  of  purification,  the  true  and  only 
water,  and  faith  is  as  the  bunch  of  hyssop,  dipped 
in  it,  and  so  purging  the  conscience,  that  is,  paci- 
fying it  in  reference  to  the  guilt  contracted,  quiet- 
ing the  mind  as  to  the  pardon  and  forgiveness  of  it 
before  God,  which  nothing  else  can  do.  AH  the 
legal  purifyings  prescribed  by  the  law  of  Moses, 
availed  nothing  as  to  this ;  it  is  done  by  faith  only, 
and,  therefore,  the  Gentiles,  which  is  the  scope  of 
that  place,  ought  not  to  be  obliged  by  circumcision 
to  those  ceremonial  observances,  seeing  there  was 
another  nearer  and  better  way  to  that  blessed  end, 
and  that  was,  by  believing.  We  may  also,  by  puri- 
fying the  heart,  understand  the  work  of  sanctifica- 
tion,  wherein  faith  is  greatly  instrumental;  but  1 
conceive  the  other  the  design  of  the  place.  2.  It 
works  by  lovCy  Galatians  v.  6.  It  is  a  working 
grace ;  if  it  be  idle,  and  work  not,  it  is  not  genuine 
faith.  And  how  works  it?  By  love.  Love  in  the 
full  extent  and  latitude  of  it ;  the  love  of  God,  and 
the  love  of  our  neighbour,  which  two  are  the  fulfil- 
ling  of  the  law ;  so  that  to  work  by  love,  is  to  work 
by  universal  obedience,  which  obedience  b  worth 
nothing  further  thdn  love  hath  a  hand  in  it,  and 
love  stirs  not  further  than  faith  acts  it.  He  that 
believes  the  love  of  Christ  for  poor  sinners,  in  dying 
for  them,  with  particular  application  to  himself,  < 
cannot  but  find  his  heart  constrained  thereby,  more 
or  less,  according  as  the  belief  is,  to  love  him  ag^n, 
and  out  of  love  to  him  to  keep  his  conmiandments. 
Do  we  find  love  cold?  It  is  because  faith  is  weak. 
Do  we  love  little  ?  Our  belief  is  little.  Therefore, 
when  a  hard  duty  was  enjoined,  which  is  that  of 
loving  and  forgiving  enemies, — Lord,  say  the  dis- 
ciples, increase  our  faith ;  intimating,  without  more 
faith,  it  would  not  be  possible.  The  more  strongly 
and  stedfastly  we  believe  that  Christ  loved  us  when 
we  were  enemies  to  him,  the  more  frequently  and 
freely,  readily  and  cheerfully,  we  shall  forgive  our 
brother,  who  is  become  an  enemy  unto  us.  3.  It 
overcomes  the  world,  1  John  v.  4.  This  is  the  vic- 
tory, thai  overcometh  the  world,  even  our  faith  ;•* 
where,  by  world,  is  meant,  especially,  its  smiles  and 
frowns;  they  are  both  as  nothing  to  us,  have  no 
power  or  pre  valency  with  us,  so  as  to  draw  or  drive 
us  from  our  Christian  course,  as  long  as  we  keep 
faith  alive  and  active,— either  upon  the  past  great 
things  that  our  great  Redeemer  hath  done  and  suf- 
fered for  us ;  or  upon  the  future  invisible  realities 
of  the  other  world,  that  crown  and  kingdom  which 
he  hath  set  before  us,  and  made  over  to  us.  4.  It 
quQnches  all  the  fiery  darts  of  the  wicked,  Ephe- 

r  See  Memoirs  of  the  Life  of  the  Rev.  James  Her?ey,  by  the 
Rev.  J.  Brown,  p.  57.  kc.  3d  ed.  1888. . 

k  See  the  substance  of  a  sermon  by  VLtr  P.  Henry,  on  these 
words,  in  the  Evan.  Mag.  v.  xxnl  p.  314. 

sians  vi.  16.  that  is,  the  devil  and  all  his  instru^ 
ments ;  all  the  temptations  o<r  which  kind  soever, 
wherewith,  at  any  time,  they  may  assault  us,  they 
are  quenched  by  faith,  lose  their  hurtful  keenness, 
and  wound  us  not.  But  then  that  faith  must  be  not 
in  habit  only,  but  in  act  and  exercise  ;  as  a  shield, 
not  hanging  up,  but  in  the  hand.  Oh  that  to  us, 
then,  it  might  be  given  always  to  believe!  How  much 
better  would  it  be  with  us,  on  this  four-fold  account, 
had  we  more  faith  ! 

As  to  the  truth  of  the  matter  whereof  you  desire 
an  account,  it  was  this ;  what  reports  are  concerning 
it  I  know  not.  When  I  had  read  the  address,  the 
words  which  the  King  spoke'  were  to  this  pur- 
pose.— Gentlemen,  I  perceive  you  have  been  your- 
selves sufferers  for  your  consciences,  and,  therefore, 
I  cannot  but  look  upon  you  as  men  of  conscience, 
and  take  it  for  granted,  you  will  be  ready  to  do 
what  is  fit  to  be  done  for  the  ease  both  of  yourselves 
and  others  in  that  case,  when  there  is  a  Parliament 
For  my  part,  I  shall  be  ready  to  do  what  lies  in  me, 
and  I  hope,  so  will  you.  You  desire  me  to  con- 
tinue  your  liberty,  and  I  promise  you  I  will  as  long 
as  I  live,  and  could  be  well  contented,  it  might  be 
as  secure  to  you  by  law,  as  your  Magna  Charta  is. 

Q,  What  persuasion  are  you  of  ?  Are  you  for  the 
congregational  way  ? 

A.  No,  Sir,  we  are  not  for  the  congregational 

Q.  What  then  are  you  for? 

A.  We  are  for  a  moderate  presbytery. 

Q,  Are  you  all  so  hereabouts  ? 

A.  There  are  few  dissenters,  if  any,  hereabouts, 
that  differ  from  us  in  that  matter. 

This  was  all  that  was  spoken,  as  far  as  I  can 
remember ;  after  which,  he  gave  each  of  us  (in  all 
eight,  whereof  two  were  ministers)  his  hand  to  kiss, 
and  so  went  his  way. 

Sir,  I  received  your  extraordinary  kind  token, 
and  return  you  my  most  humble,  hearty  thanks  for 
it.  It  hath  no  fault  but  that  it  is  too  good.  Last 
week,  another  of  your  praying  widows .  went  to 
rest,  a  very  choice  flower  in  our  small  garden.'^ 
Most  humble  service  to  your  whole  self,  &c. 

P.  H.' 
For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 
At  his  house  in  St.  John-street, 


The  nature,  excellency,  and  usefulness  of  the 
grace  of  faith,  is  the  subject  concerning  which  I  do 
yet  owe  you  a  further  account  of  my  poor  thoughts. 
And,  oh !  that  I,  while  I  am  writing,  and  you  also, 

i  See  mitt  p.  96. 

k  See  Sol.  Song.  iv.  12 ;  v.  1.  Ps.  xcii.  13. 

1  Orig.  MS. 




wbile   yon    are  reading,  might  each  of  us  find, 
Uuoagh  the  powerful  working  of  the  Spirit  in  us, 
an  increase  of  that  grace,  that  precious  grace,  tLat 
we  may  b^  strong  in  believing,  giving  glory  to  God, 
and  that  our  consolations  may  be  strong  also ;  for 
as  the  faith  is  weak  or  strong,  so  the  comfort  is. 
Faith  is  the  eye  of  the  soul,  by  which  we  look  unto 
Ckiistv  as  the  poor  stung  Israelites  did  to  the  brazen 
Bopent,  lifted  up  upon  the  pole,  and  thereby  receive 
a  cure  from  him  ;  but,  as  Paul  saithin  another  case, 
1  Corinthians  xii.  14.  the  body  is  not  one  member 
but  many,  so  faith  is  not  one  member  but  many. 
If  the  whole  body  were  an  eye,  where  were  the 
hearing?  Terse  17.    So  if  faith  were  our  eye  only, 
and  nothing  else,  what  should  wc  do  for  other  in- 
struments of  spiritual  life  and  motion?    Behold, 
therefore,  how  faith,  besides  being  our  eye,  is  our 
FOOT,  by  which  we  come  to  Christ;  an  expression 
often  used  in  Scripture,  e,  g,  Matthew  xi.  28.  Come 
onto  me,  that  is,  believe  in  me.    John  vi.  37.  Him 
tUi  c&metk  vnto  me,  that  is,  that  beiieveth  in  me,  / 
will  in  no  wise  cast  out.    By  unbelief  we  depart 
from  the  living  God,  Hebrews  iii.  12.  By  faith  we 
eooie  to  him  by  Christ,  ib,  vii.  25.  And  without  him 
there  is  no  coming,  for  he  is  the  way,  the  true,  and 
liring,  and  only  way  ;  all  that  are  out  of  him  are 
oot  of  the  way.    It  is  our  hand  also,  by  which  we 
receive  him,  John  i.  12.  To  as  many  as  received  him, 
tot  kern  gave  he  power  to  become  the  sons  of  God ,  even 
to  them  that  believe  on  his  name  ;  where  believing 
is  the  same  with  receiving.    In  the   gospel,  God 
offers  him  to  us,    freely  and  g^ciously,  to  be  our 
Prince  and  Saviour,  to  be  the  Lard  our  righteous- 
issj  to  redeem  us  from  iniquity,  and  to  purify  us 
to  himself.    When  we  do  heartily,  by  faith,  close 
vith  that  offer,  and  accept  of  him  to  be  ours,  he 
becomes  ours  :  we  have  union  with  him,  relation  to 
him,  and  benefit  by  him.     But  then,  there  is  another 
act  of  faith  put  forth  at  the  same  time  by  another 
hand,  which  is   the  giving  act,  whereby  we  give 
ouselves  to  him  to  be  his,  to  love  him,  and  serve 
him,  and  live  to  him.    O  Lord,  saith  David,  /  am 
Hkff  servmnt,  truly  I  am  thy  servant.  Psalm  cxvi.  16. 
Tkey  gawe  their  ownselves  unto  the  Lord,  2  Corin- 
thians viii.  5.    Without  this  our  receiving  is  not 
Hgfat.     There  is  a  faith  that  is  one-handed,  receives, 
bat  gives  not ;  this  will  not  save.    They  that  come 
to  Christ  for  rest,  and  receive  Christ,  must  take  his 
yoke  upon   them,   and  learn  of  him.""    It  is  the 
HouTH  of  the  soul,  by  which  we  feed  upon  him,  and 
kre  nourished  by  him.    John  vi.  Except  ye  eat  his 
fUsk,  mnd  drinh  his  blood,  that  is,  believe  in  him,  as 
it  is  there  explained,  ye  cannot  be  saved.    And  this 
of  aU  the  rest  doth  in  the  most  lively  manner  re- 
present to  us  what  it  is  to  believe.    To  believe,  is 

■i  Sec  the  WorU  oTBisbop  Cowper,  foL  1429.  p.eoi. 
•  Sec  Phil.  L  sa 

when  a  poor  soul,  being  made  sensible  of  its  lost  and 
undone  condition  by  sin,  doth  earnestly  desire,  as 
they  do  that  are  hungry,  and  thirsty,  after  a  Saviour. 
Oh  for  a  righteousness,  wherein  to  appear  before 
God !  Oh  for  a  pardon  for  what  is  past !  Oh  for 
grace  and  strength  to  do  so  no  more!  And  hearing, 
by  the  report  of  the   gospel,  and  believing  that 
report,  that  all  this,  and  a  great  deal  more,  is  to  be 
had  in  Christ;  the  next  request  is, — Oh  for  that 
Christ !  Oh,  that  that  Christ  might  be  mine !  Why, 
he  is  thine,  man,  if  thou  wilt  accept  of  him !  Accept 
of  him !  Lord,  I  accept  of  him.    Then  feed  upon 
him.  His  flesh  is  meat  indeed,  his  blood  is  drink  in- 
deed.   Oh,  taste  and  see  that  he  is  gracious.    How 
sweet  are  his  promises !  What  inward  refreshment 
doth  the  soul  find  by  his  suffering  and  dying  to  re- 
deem, and  save !  How  is  it  thereby  strengthened, 
as  by  bread,  and  made  glad,  as  by  wine !  We  must 
and  do  each  of  us  eat  for  ourselves,  and  drink  for 
ourselves.    My  eating  will  not  refresh  another,  nor 
strengthen  another ;  neither  will  my  believing.    The 
just  shall  live  by  his  faith,  his  own  faith.    Other 
creatures  die  to  make  food  for  our  bodies,  and  to 
maintain  natural  life  ;  but  then  we  must  take  them, 
and  eat  them,  and  digest  them,  and  having  done  so, 
they  turn  into  nourishment  to  us,  and  so  become 
ours,  that  they  and  we  cannot  be  parted  again.    It 
is  so  in  believing.  Christ  died  to  make  food  for  our 
souls  ;  and  not  thereby  to  maintain  only,  but  to  give 
spiritual  life,  which  other  food  doth  not  to  the  body. 
But  then  we  must  take  him,  and  eat  him,  and  digest 
him,  that  is,  make  a  particular  application  of  him 
to  ourselves,  and,  having  done  so,  nothing  shall, 
nothing  can,  separate  us  from  him.    Oh  that  unto 
us  itmight  be  more  and  more  given,  thus  to  believe !" 
Sir,  I  thank  you  most  heartily,  as  for  your  last 
great  kindness,  (had  it  been  coarser  it  would  have 
been  fitter  for  me,)  so  for  your  aflTectionate  inquiry 
after  my  poor  children.     I  bless  God,  they  are  all 
yet,  both  married  and  unmarried,  oujr  comfort  and 
joy.    Bless  God  with  me  that  it  is  so,  and  pray  that 
it  may  be  more  and  more  so,  especially  that  my  son 
may  be  still  owned  and  blessed  in  his  great  work  ! 
My  most  humble  service  to  your  good  lady,  and 
dear  children,  with  you.     The  Mediator's  blessing 
be  upon  them.     Upon  the  8th  instant,  there  was  a 
public  ordination  in  the  meeting-house  at  Warring- 
ton in  your  Lancashire;   the  ordainers  six,  the 
ordained  six,  with  solemn  fasting  and  prayer,  where 
much  of  God  was  seen. 

November  25,  1687. 

For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 
At  his  house  in  St.  John-street, 

o  p.  Henry.  Orig.  BUS.  See  the  Evan.  Blag.  ?.  8.  y.  <iaA. 



This  once  more  concerning  the  grace  of  faith.  As 
it  is  tliat  by  which  we  live,  so  it  is  that  by  which 
also  we  must  die,  if  we  will  die  well.  There  is  no 
dying  well  without  it.  Hebrews  xi.  13.  These  all 
died  in  faith ;  meaning  Abel,  Enoch,  Noah,  Abra- 
ham, Isaac,  Jacob,  Sarah,  spoken  of  before,  who 
all  died  well,  who  all  died  believing.  To  die  well, 
is  to  die  safely,  comfortably,  profitably. 

1.  Safely.  He  dies  safely,  whose  spiritual  state 
and  condition  is  good ;  who  is  a  new  creatvre ;  bom 
again ;  reconciled  to  God ;  whose  sins  are  forgiven ; 
whose  person  is  justified.  Death  hath  no  hurt  in  it 
to  such  an  one :  it  shall  be  well  with  him  for  ever. 
Now,  without  believing,  there  is  none  of  all  this. 
It  is  faith  that  justifies  ;  it  is  faith  that  sanctifies. 
There  is  no  adoption,  no  reconciliation,  no  accepta- 
tion, and,  consequently,  no  salvation,  without  it. 
He  that  helieveth  not,  is  condemned  already ;  the  law 
condemns  him,  though  the  sentence  be  not  yet 
actually  passed  upon  him. 

2.  Comfortably.  These  two  may  be,  and  often 
are,  parted.  How  many  die  safely  who  do  not  die 
comfortably ;  whose  sun  sets  under  a  cloud.  And 
whence  is  it?  They  are  of  little  faith,  and,  therefore, 
they  doubt;  and,  therefore,  they  are  not  comforted ; 
they  are  not  filled  with  joy  and  peace,  for  want  of 
believing.  Such  kind  of  dying  brings  an  evil 
report,  like  that  of  the  evil  spies,  upon  the  good 
ways  of  the  Lord ;  causes  them  to  be  ill  thought  of, 
and  ill  spoken  of.  If  religion  will  not  bear  us  out, 
and  bear  us  up,  at  the  last  cast,  in  a  dying  hour,  what 
is  it  good  for  ?  There  are  degrees  of  this  comfort  in 
dying.  All  that  have  it,  have  it  not  alike ;  some  have 
more,  some  less.  There  is  such  a  thing  as  dying  trium- 
phantly, which  is  putting  into  harbour  with  full- 
spread  sails  ;P  when  an  abundant  entrance  is  admi- 
nistered unto  us  into  the  everlasting  kingdom.  And 
it  is  according  as  the  faith  is. 

There  are  six  things,  the  firm  belief  whereof  will 
exceedingly  promote  our  comfort  in  dying : — 

1 .  That,  at  what  time  soever,  and  in  what  way 
soever,  death  comes,  it  comes  by  the  will  and  ap- 
pointment of  our  heavenly  Father.  He  cuts  no  com 
of  his  down  till  it  is  fully  ripe,  Job  v.  26.  Reve- 
lations xi.  7. 

2.  That  death  hath  no  sting  in  it  to  them  that  are 
in  Christ  Jesus  ;  and  therefore,  though  it  may  hiss 
at  us,  we  need  not  fear  it.  -The  brazen  serpent  had 
the  form  of  a  serpent,  which  is  affrighting,  but  it 
hurt  none;  it  healed  the  believing  looker  on  it. 

P  See  "  InviBible  Realities  demonstrated  in  tbe  Holy  Life  and 
Triumphant  Death  of  Mr.  John  Janeway,  Fellow  of  King's  Col- 
lege, Cambridge."  duod.  16da  A  new  edition  was  published  in 
1815,  with  a  Preface  by  the  Rev.  R.  HalL 

q  Let  him  be  afraid  to  die  that  is  afraid  of  going  to  heaven.  Mr. 
Henry.  Palmer's  Nonoon.  Mem.  v.  3.  p.  490. 

r  See  a  Sennon  at  tbe  Funeral  of  Lady  Anne  Waller,  by  Ed- 
mund  Calamy,  B.  D.  4ta  1662. 

How  doth  Paul  exult  over  death  and  the  grave ! 
1  Corinthians  xv.  56. 

3.  That,  to  them  that  fear  the  Lord,  immediately 
beyond  death  is  heaven,i  Luke  xvi.  25.  now,  now, 
he  is  comforted;  Philippians  i.  23.  No  sooner 
dissolved,  but  presently  with  Christ.  Where  this 
is  believed,  witli  application,  there  cannot  but  be 
comfort.'  Were  the  soul  to  be  no  more,  or  to  sleep 
till  the  last  day,  or  to  go,  for  nobody  knows  how 
long,  to  a  popish  purgatory,  what  comfort  could  we 
have  in  dying?  But,  if  the  last  moment  on  earth  be 
the  first  moment  in  heaven,  how  sweet  is  that ! 

4.  That  the  body  will  certainly  rise  again  a  glo- 
rious body ; — it  is  sown  in  weakness,  and  dishonour, 
and  corruption ;  it  shall  be  raised  in  power,  and 
glory,  incorruptible  ; — even  this  body.  Yours,  and 
mine,  now  crazed  and  sickly,  hereafter  shall  be  like 
the  glorified  body  of  Jesus  Christ,  or  like  the  tun 
shining  in  its  brightness, 

5.  That  God  will  certainly  take  care  of  poor  dis- 
consolate relations  left  behind,  Psalm  xxvii.  10. 
Jeremiah  xlix.  11.  *'  He  that  feeds  the  young 
ravens  will  not  suffer  the  young  Herons  to  starve," 
as  godly  Mr.  Heron  said  to  his  wife  on  his  death- 
bed.* This  helped  to  make  Jacob's  death  comfort- 
able to  him,  Genesis  xlviii.  21.  Joseph's,  Genesis 

6.  That  God  will  certainly  accomplish  and  fulfil, 
in  due  time,  all  the  great  things  that  he  hath  pur- 
posed and  promised  concerning  his  church  and 
people  in  the  latter  days ;  as,  that  Babylon  shall 
fall ;  the  Jews  and  Gentiles  be  brought  in ;  the 
gospel  kingdom  more  and  more  advanced ;  divi- 
sions healed.  Oh !  how  have  some  rejoiced,  and 
even  triumphed,  in  a  dying  hour,  in  the  firm  belief 
of  these  things !  As  Abraham  rejoiced  to  see  Christ's 
day,  now  past,  and  died  in  the  faith  of  it,  so  may 
we  as  to  another  day  of  his,  which  is  yet  to  come, 
before  and  besides  the  last  day. 

3.  To  die  profitably  is  a  step  beyond  dying  com- 
fortably ;  I  mean,  to  die  so  as  to  do  good  to  those 
that  are  about  us  in  dying.  To  die  so  as  to  convince 
them  of  sin,  and  convert  them  from  it ;  which  is  to 
die  like  Samson,  who  slew  more  Philistines  at  his 
death,  than  in  all  his  life  before.'  We  die  profit- 
ably when  our  natural  death  is  a  means  of  spiritual 
life  to  any.  Now  this  will  not,  cannot  be,  but  in  the 
way  of  believing.  He  that  doubts,  droops,  de- 
sponds, calls  all  in  question,  and  dies  so,  rather 
frightens  from,  than  allures  to,  the  love  of  religion 
and  godliness.    What  need  have  we  then  to  pray, 

•  ••  He  that,  feeds  the  young  ravens  will  not  starve  the  young 
Herons."  The  Morning  Exercise  at  Cripplegate,  4to.  1661.  p.  437. 
Sermon  18.  • 

See  Turner's  Remarkable  Providences,  ch."  xxvii.  p.  128,  fol 
1697.  where  the  same  fact,  differently  expressed,  is  cited  from 
**  Dr.  Fuller  in  his  Meditations." 

t  See  Judges  xvi.  30. 



and  pray  again,— JLorrf,  increase  our  fait  hj — ^that  we 
may  not  only  have  wherewithal  to  live,  while  we 
live,  but  wherewithal  to  die  also,  when  we  die ! 

Thus  I  have  written  you.  Sir,  a  funeral  letter,  God 
knows  whose,  perhaps  my  own.  It  is  certainly  good 
to  be  always  ready,  seeing  we  know  neither  day  nor 

Sir,  I  sent  on  Friday  for  your  worthy,  hopeful  son, 
who  came  hither  safe  and  well  on  Saturday.  I  see 
him  veiy  much  upon  improvement  in  learning,  and 
rejoice  that  God  hath  guided  you,  both  now,  and 
formerly,  to  put  him  into  circumstances  conducent 
thereunto.  His  profiting  is  much  beyond  his  equals 
in  age  ;  and  I  hope  he  doth  also,  which  is  the  main 
matter,  seriously  set  his  face  heavenwards,  and 
means  to  make  religion  his  business.  God  keep  it 
always  tn  the  imagination  of  the  thoughts  of  his  heart, 
und  establish  his  waif  before  him  ! 

My  most  affectionate  respects  and  service  are  to 
your  good  lady,  son,  and  daughter.  God  Almighty 
spare  you  to  them,  and  them  to  you,  to  your  mutual 
I    comfort  and  joy  !    Amen, 

December  20,  1687. 

For  Henry  Ashurst,  Esq. 

In  St.  John-street,  London." 

To  resume  the  narrative :] — 

In  May,  1688,  a  new  commission  of  the  peace 
eame  down  for  the  county  of  Flint,  in  which,  by 
whose  interest  or  procurement  was  not  known^  Mr. 
'  Henry  was  nominated  a  justice  of  peace  for  that 
county.  It  was  no  small  surprise  to  him  to  receive 
a  letter  from  the  clerk  of  the  peace,  directed  to  Philip 
Henry,  Esq.  acquainting  him  with  it,  and  appoint- 
ing him  when  and  whither  to  come  to  be  sworn.  To 
which  he  returned  answer,  that  he  was  very  sensible 
of  his  unworthiness  of  the  honour,  and  his  unfitness 
'  for  the  office  which  he  was  nominated  to,  and,  there- 
fore, desired  to  be  excused,  and  he  was  so,  and  did 
what  he  could,  that  it  might  not  be  spoken  of  in  the 
country.  There  were  some,  who,  upon  this  occasion, 
unhappily  remembered,  that,  a  few  years  before,  a 
reverend  clergyman  in  Shropshire  told  Mr.  Henry  to 
his  face,  that  he  had  done  more  mischief  in  the  coun- 
try than  any  man  that  ever  came  into  it ;''  and  that 
he  himself  hoped  shortly  to  be  in  the  commission  of 
the  peace,  and  then  he  would  rid  the  country  of  him. 
But,  alas,  he  was  quite  disappointed !  Thus  honour 
is  like  the  shadow,  which  flies  from  those  that  pursue 
it,  and  follows  those  that  flee  from  it. 

For  two  years  after  this  liberty  began,  Mr.  Henry 
still  continued  his  attendance,  as  usual,  at  White- 
well  chapel,  whenever  there  was  preaching  there  ; 
and  he  preached  at  his  own  house  only  when  there 
was  no  supply  there,  and  in  the  evening  of  those 

«  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

V  The  AposUe  Paul  was  called  a  pestilent  rellow,  Acts  xxiv  !» ; 

days  when  there  was.  For  doing  thus  he  was  greatly 
clamoured  against  by  some  of  the  rig^d  separatists, 
and  called  a  dissembler,  and  one  that  halted  between 
two,  and  the  like.  Thus,  as  he  notes  in  his  Diary, 
one  side  told  him,  he  was  the  author  of  all  the  mis- 
chief in  the  country,  in  drawing  people  from  the 
church;  and  the  other  side  told  him,  he  was  the 
author  of  all  the  mischief,  in  drawing  people  to  the 
church. — And,  which  of  these,  saith  he,  shall  I  seek 
to  please  ?  Lord,  neither,  but  thyself  alone,  and  my 
own  conscience ;  and,  while  I  can  do  that,  I  have 

In  a  sermon  at  White  well  chapel,  one  Lord's  day 
in  the  afternoon,  where  he  and  his  family,  and  many 
of  his  congregation,  were  attending,  much  was  said, 
with  some  keen  reflections,  to  prove  the  dissenters 
schismatics,  and  in  a  damnable  state.  When  he 
came  immediately  after  to  preach  at  his  own  house, 
before  he  began  his  sermon,  he  expressed  himself  to 
this  purpose; — Perhaps  some  of  you  may  expect 
now  that  I  should  say  something  in  answer  to  what 
we  have  heard,  by  which  we  have  been  so  severely 
charged  ;  but  truly  I  have  something  else  to  do  ;— 
and  so,  without  any  further  notice  taken  of  it,  went 
on  to  preach  Jesus  Christ,  and  him  crucified. 

It  was  not  without  some  fear  and  trembling,  that 
Mr.  Henry  received  the  tidings  of  the  Prince  of 
Orange's  landing,  in  November,  1688,  as  being 
somewhat  in  the  dark  concerning  the  clearness  of 
his  call,  and  dreading  what  might  be  the  conse- 
quence of  it.  He  used  to  say ; — *'  Give  peace  in 
our  time,  O  Lord," — was  a  prayer  that  he  would 
heartily  set  his  Amen  to.  But,  when  secret  things 
were  brought  to  light,  and  a  regular  course  was  taken 
to  fill  the  vacant  throne  with  such  a  king,  and  such 
a  queen,  none  rejoiced  in  it  more  heartily  than  he 
did.  He  celebrated  the  National  Thanksgiving  for 
that  great  deliverance,  with  an  excellent  sermon  on 
that  text,  Romans  viii.  31. — What  shall  we  then  say 
to  these  things  f  If  God  be  for  t»,  who  can  be  against 

[Referring  to  this  change  of  affairs,  as  it  affected 
associating  for  Christian  worship,  he  thus  endea- 
voured to  raise  the  minds  of  his  flock  above  the  con- 
sideration of  mere  second  causes. —Christ  is,  said 
he,  a  shield  to  particular  congregations  and  assem- 
blies, professing  faith  in,  and  obedience  to,  him ; 
especially,  walking  worthy  of  their  profession,  to 
protect  and  defend  them  against  the  wrath  and  vio- 
lence of  those  who  hate  them.  Are  not  we  ourselves 
an  instance,  among  many  others,  in  like  circum- 
stances ?  Had  we  been  here  to-day,  if  the  blessed 
Jesus  had  not  been  a  Shield  to  us  ?  Whose  hand 
but  his  hath  been  our  covering  ?  It  is  true,  we  have 
a  good  law,  and  a  good  king  and  queen,*  but  had 
they  been  for  us  if  the  Lord  Jesus  had  been  against 

and  see  Archbishop  Lelghton's  Works,  v.  2.  p.  275,  &c.  ■/  npra^ 
w  William  and  Biary. 



lis  ?  No,  no ;— he  hath  been  for  us,  therefore  they. 
The  shields  of  the  earth  belong  unto  God,  He  who 
hath  undertaiken  the  protection  of  the  whole  taber- 
nacle, hath  undertaken  the  protection  of  every  apart- 
ment in  it.  He  who  hath  undertaken  the  care  of 
the  whole  vineyard,  hath  undertaken  the  care  of 
every  bed  in  it.  He  who  hath  undertaken  to  look 
after  the  whole  flock,  hath  undertaken  to  look  after 
every  sheep  in  it  He  who  hath  the  command  of 
the  whole  army,  hath  the  command  of  every  troop  in 
it.  Therefore,  to  him  let  us  give  the  glory.  There- 
fore, on  him  let  us  still  wait.''] 

Soon  after  that  happy  settlement,  there  were  over- 
tures made  towards  a  comprehension  of  the  mode- 
rate dissenters  nith  the  church  of  England  ;  which 
Mr.  Henry  most  earnestly  desired,  and  wished  for, 
if  it  could  be  had  upon  any  terms  less  than  sinning 
against  his  conscience ;  for  never  was  any  more 
averse  to  that  which  looked  like  a  separation  than 
he  was,  if  he  could  possibly  have  helped  it,  salva 
conscientiA,  His  prayers  were  constant,  and  his  en- 
deavours, as  he  had  opportunity,  that  there  might  be 
some  healing  methods  found  out  and  agreed  upon.^ 

But  it  was  well  known  what  was  the  vox  cleri  at 
that  time,  viz, — That,  forasmuch  as  the  oaths,  sub- 
scriptions, and  ceremonies,  were  imposed  only  to 
keep  out  such  men,  they  would  never  consent  to 
their  removal,  for  the  letting  them  in  again.  Noln- 
mus  leges  Anglia  mutariy*  was  a  saying  perverted 
to  this  purpose.  And  the  fixed  principle  was, — 
Better  a  schism  without  the  church,  than  a  faction 
within  it,  &c.  This  was  at  that  time  published  and 
owned,  as  the  sense  of  the  clergy  in  convocation. 
Which  temper  and  resolve,  so  contrary  to  that  which 
might  have  been  expected  upon  that  happy  and  glo- 
rious revolution,  did  a  little  alter  his  sentiments  in 
that  matter ;  and  he  saw  himself  perfectly  driven 
from  them.  Despairing,  therefore,  to  see  an  accom- 
modation, he  set  himself  the  more  vigorously  to  im- 
improve  the  present  liberty.  In  June,  1660,  the 
Act  of  Indulgence  *  passed,  which  not  only  tolerated, 
but  allowed,  the  dissenters  meetings,  and  took  them 
under  the  protection  of  the  government. 

[In  allusion  to  the  gratifying  event,  he  writes  :*' — 

The  condition  of  many  ministers  and  people 
among  ourselves,  of  many  in  France,  hath  been,  in 
outward  appearance,  a  dead  condition.  The  words 
of  the  Act'  are,  that  they  shall  be  as  if  naturally 
dead :  but,  blessed  be  God,  there  hath  been  a  resur- 
rection in  some  measure,  a  coming  out  of  the  grave 

X  p.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 
y  Appendix.  No.  XVlll. 

*  See  Letten  from  a  late  eminent  Prelate  to  one  of  his  Fneods, 
p.  l^").  4to. 

•  Usually  styled  the  Toleration  Act,  and  entitled,—'*  An  Act 
for  exempting  their  M^esty*8  Protestant  Subjects,  dissenting  from 
the  Church  of  England,  from  the  Penalties  of  certain  Lairs."  1st 
William  and  Mary,st.  1.  c.  I8:  confirmed  by  loth  Anne,  c.  2 ;  t9th 
Geo.  lU.  c.  44  i  and  ft2d  Geo.  IlL  c.  I5&.    See  the  Hist  of  Rel. 

again,  of  which,  whoever  was  the  instrument,  the 
Lord  Jesus  himself  hath  been  the  principal  Agent. 
He  is  the  Resurrection  to  us.  When  a  company  of 
nonconformists  went  to  court  to  congratulate  the 
king  and  queen,  and  to  thank  them  for  the  present 
liberty,  being  clothed  alike  in  long  black  cloaks, 
such  as  ministers  usually  wear  in  London,  a  scoffer 
said ; — "  Whither  are  all  these  going  ; — to  a  burial  V 
"  No,  Sir,"  said  one  of  them, "  to  a  resurrection."*] 

Soon  after,  though  he  never  in  the  least  changed 
his  judgment  as  to  the  lawfulness  of  joining  in  the 
Common  Prayer,  but  was  still  ready  to  do  it  occa- 
sionally ;  yet  the  ministers  that  preached  at  White- 
well  chapel,  being  often  uncertain  in  their  coming, 
which  kept  his  meeting  at  Broad  Oak  at  like  uncer« 
tainties,  to  the  frequent  disappointment  of  many  of 
his  hearers  that  came  from  far  ;  he  was  at  last  pre- 
vailed with  to  preach  at  public  time  every  Lord's 
day,  which  he  continued  to  do  while  he  lived,  much 
to  his  own  satisfaction,  and  the  satisfaction  of  his 
friends.  An  eminent  minister  in  Lancashire,  who 
did  in  like  manner  alter  his  practice  about  that  time, 
gave  this  for  a  reason ; — '*  That  he  had  been  for 
twenty-seven  years  striving  to  please  a  generation  of 
men,  who,  after  all,  would  not  be  pleased;  and 
therefore  he  would  no  longer  endeavour  it  as  he 
had  done.*' 

It  may  be  of  use  to  give  some  account  how  he 
managed  his  ministerial  work  in  the  latter  part  of 
his  time,  wherein  he  had  as  signal  tokens  of  the  pre- 
sence of  God  with  him  as  ever ;  enabling  him  still 
to  bring  forth  fruit  in  old  age  j  and  to  renew  his  youth 
lihe  the  eagles.  Though  what  he  did,  he  still  did 
gratis,  and  would  do  so,  yet  he  was  not  willing  to 
have  any  constant  assistant,  nor  had  he  any ;  so 
much  was  he  in  his  element,  when  he  was  about  his 
Master's  work.     It  was  his  meat  and  drink  to  do  it. 

1 .  As  to  his  constant  sabbath  work,  he  was  uni- 
form and  abundant  in  it.  He  began  his  morning 
family  worship,  on  Lord's  days,  at  eight  o'clock, 
when  he  read  and  expounded  pretty  largely,  sung  a 
psalm,  and  prayed  ;  and  many  strove  to  come  time 
enough  to  join  with  him  in  that  service.  He  began, 
in  public,  just  at  nine  o'clock,  winter  and  summer. 
His  meeting-place  was  an  out-building  of  his  own, 
near  adjoining  to  his  house,  fitted  up  very  decently 
and  conveniently  for  the  purpose.  He  began  with 
prayer?  then  he  sung  Psalm  ex.  without  reading 
the  line ;  next,  he  read  and  expounded  a  chapter  in 
the  Old  Testament  in  the  morning,  and  in  the  New 

Lib.  ▼.  2.  pp.  172, 213,  394.  Also,  Lord  Mansfield's  Speech  in  the 
House  of  Lords.  Letters  to  the  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  Blackstone  by 
P.  Fumeaux,  D.  D.  p.  257.  oct.  1771. 

b  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

c  The  Act  of  Unifonnity. 

d  A  similar  anecdote,  and.  probably,  originating  in  this,  is  i«lat. 
ed  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Bradbury,  in  the  reign  of  King  George  the 
First.  See  Wilson's  History  of  Dissenting  churches,  v.  a  p.  514. 
History  of  Dinenters,  v.  3.  p.  lia 



Testament  in  the  afternoon.  He  looked  upon  the 
public  reading  of  the  Scriptures  in  religious  assem- 
blies to  be  an  ordinance  of  God,  and  that  it  tended 
Tery  much  to  the  edification  of  people  by  that  ordi- 
nance, to  have  what  is  read  expounded  to  them. 
The  bare  reading  of  the  word  he  used  to  compare 
to  the  throwing  of  a  net  into  the  water ;  but,  the  ex- 
pounding of  it  is  like  the  spreading  out  of  that  net, 
which  makes  it  the  more  likely  to  catch  fish ;  *  espe- 
eially  as  he  managed  it,  with  practical,  profitable 
observations.  Some  that  have  heard  him  read  a 
chapter  with  this  thought, — How  will  he  make  such 
I  chapter  as  this  useful  to  us?— have  been  surprised 
nrith  snch  pertinent,  useful  instructions,  as  they 
have  owned  to  be  as  much  for  their  edification  as 
any  sermon.  And,  commonly,  when  he  had  ex- 
pounded a  chapter,  he  would  desire  them,  when  they 
came  home,  to  read  it  over,  and  recollect  some  of 
those  things  that  had  been  spoken  to  them  out  of  it. 

In  his  expounding  of  the  Old  Testament,  he  in- 
dustriously sought  for  something  in  it  concerning 
Christ,  who  is  the  true  treasure,  hid  in  the  field,  the 
true  manna  hid  in  the  dew  of  the  Old  Testament 
Take  one  instance :  The  last  sabbath  that  ever  he 
spent  with  his  children  ai  Chester,  in  the  public 
rooming  worship,  he  read  and  expounded  the  last 
chapter  of  the  Book  of  Job.  After  he  had  gone 
through  the  chapter,  and  observed  what  he  thought 
fit  out  of  it,  he  expressed  himself  to  this  purpose.— 
When  I  have  read  a  chapter  in  the  Old  Testament, 
I  used  to  inquire  what  there  is  in  it  that  points  at 
Christ,  or  is  any  way  applicable  to  Christ  Here  is 
in  this  chapter  a  great  deal  of  Job,  but  is  there  no- 
thing of  Christ  here?  Yes.  You  have  heard  of  the 
patience  of  Job,  and  have  in  him  seen  the  end  of  the 
Lord.  This  in  Job  is  applicable  to  Christ,  that 
after  he  had  patiently  gone  through  his  sufferings, 
he  was  appointed  an  intercessor  for  his  unkind 
friends.  Verse  8.  Go  to  my  servant  Job,  and  my 
servant  Job  shall  pray  for  you,  for  him  will  I  accept. 
If  any  one  hath  an  errand  to  God,  let  him  go  to 
Jesus  Christ,  and  put  it  into  his  hand,  for  there  is 
no  acceptance  to  be  hoped  for  with  God,  but  by  him, 
who  is  his  beloved  Son ;  not  only  with  whom  he  is 
well  pleased,  but  in  whom,  viz.  with  us  in  him,  he 
hath  made  us  accepted  in  the  beloved. 

[On  another  occasion,  having  gone  through  a 
course  of  lectures  on  the  real  types'  (as  distinguish- 
ed from  personal ')  of  Christ,  he  thus  concluded  the 
repetition  sermon,  in  which  he  had  briefly  recapitu- 
lated the  twelve  topics;— Thus  I  have  endeavour- 
ed to  break  these  shells  that  you  may  come  at  the 

«  See  Matt  iv.  18, 19.  John  xxi.  7.  &c. 

t  Haying  Mrs  Savafre's  liIS.  copy  of  these  excellent  discourses 
before  me,  it  seems  desirable  to  preserve  here  the  order  in  which 
they  were  delivered,  and  the  texts. 

The  Lamb,  from  John  i.  30.— Rock,  1  Cor.  x.  4.~Ark.  1  Pet 
iii.  18—31.— Sam,  Gen.  zxii.  13  — Bfanna/john  vi.  48— 51.— The 
brazen  serpent,  John  ili.  14, 15.— Jacob's  ladder.  Gen.  xxvlii.  13. 

kernel.  What  have  we  need  of,  that  is  not  to  be 
hkd  in  CAmf,— the  marrow  in  all  these  bones?  In 
him  we  have  an  ark  against  a  deluge,  a  ram  to  be 
slain  for  us,  a  ladder  to  get  to  heaven  by,  a  lamb  to 
take  away  our  sins,  manna  to  feed  us,  water  out  of 
the  rock  to  refresh  us,  a  brazen  serpent  to  heal  us, 
purification-blood  to  cleanse  us,  a  scape-goat  to 
carry  our  sins  into  a  land  of  forgetfulness,  a  city  of 
refuge  to  fly  to,  a  temple  to  pray  to,  an  altar  to 
sanctify  all  our  gifts.  Lo,  Christ  is  all  this,  and 
infinitely  more,  therefore  we  need  to  look  for  no 
other.**       , 

After  the  exposition  of  the  chapter,  he  sung  a 
psalm,  and  commonly  chose  a  psalm  suitable  to  the 
chapter  he  had  expounded  ;  and  would  briefly  tell 
his  hearers  how  they  might  sing  that  psalm  with 
understanding,  and  what  affections  of  soul  should 
be  working  towards  God,  in  the  singing  of  it ;  his 
hints  of  that  kind  were  of  great  use,  and  contributed 
much  to  the  right  performance  of  that  service ;  he 
often  said, — The  more  singing  of  psalms  there  is  in 
our  families  and  congregations  on  sabbath  days,  the 
more  like  they  are  to  heaven,  and  the  more  there 
is  in  them  of  the  everlasting  sabbath.  He  would  say 
sometimes,  he  loved  to  sing  whole  psalms,  rather 
than  pieces. 

After  the  sermon  in  the  morning,  he  sung  the  117th 
psalm,  without  reading  the  line. 

He  intermitted  at  noon  about  an  hour  and  a  half, 
and  on  sacrament  days  not  near  so  long,  in  which 
time  he  took  some  little  refreshment  in  his  study^ 
making  no  solemn  dinner ;  yet  many  of  his  friends 
did  partake  of  his  carnal,  as  well  as  of  his  spiritual, 
things,  as  those  did  that  followed  Christ,  of  whom 
he  was  careful  they  should  not  faint  by  the  way. 
The  morning  sermon  was  repeated,  by  a  ready  writer, 
to  those  that  stayed  in  the  meeting  place,  as  many 
did  ;  and  when  that  was  done,  he  begun  the  after- 
noon's exerpise ;  in  which  he  not  only  read  and  ex- 
pounded a  chapter,  but  catechised  the  children,  and 
expounded  the  catechism  briefly  before  sermon. 
Thus  did  he  go  from  strength  to  strength,  and  from 
duty  to  duty,  on  sabbath  days;  running  the  way 
of  God's  commandments  with  an  enlarged  heart. 
And  the  variety  and  vivacity  of  his  public  services 
made  them  exceeding  pleasant  to  all  that  joined  with 
him,  who  never  had  cause  to  complain  of  his  being 
tedious.  He  used  to  say, — Every  minute  of  sabbath 
time  is  precious,  and  none  of  it  to  be  lost ;  and  that 
he  scarce  thought  the  Lord's  day  well  spent,  if  he 
were  not  weary  in  body  at  night ;  wearied  with  his 
work,  but  not  weary  of  it,  as  he  used  to  distinguish. 

— Tlie  red  heifer,  Heb.  ix.  13, 14.— The  scape-goat,  Lev.  xvi.  8— 
10,  21.— Cities  of  refuge,  Josh.  xx.  I— 3.— Temple,  John  il.  19— 2L— 
An  altar,  Hebrews  xiii.  ID.    See  ante,  p.  88. 

ff  The  personal  types  discussed  by  Mr.  Henry,  were,— Adam, 
Melchisedec,  Isaac,  Joseph,  Moses,  Aaron,  Samson,  Joshua,  David, 
Solomon.  Jonah,  Cjrrus.    Mrs.  Tybton's  MS. 

b  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



He  would  say  ^metimes  to  those  about  him,  when 
he  had  gone  through  the  duties  of  a  sabbath, — Well, 
if  this  be  not  the  way  to  heaven,  I  do  not  know 
what  is.  In  pressing  people  to  number  their  days, 
he  would  especially  exhort  them  to  number  their 
sabbath  days,  how  many  they  have  been,  and  how 
ill  they  have  been  spent ;  how  few  it  is  like  they  may 
be,  that  they  may  be  spent  better ;  and  to  help  in  the 
account,  he  would  say,  that  for  every  twenty  years 
of  our  lives,  we  enjoy  above  a  thousand  sabbaths, 
which  must  all  be  accounted  for  in  the  day  of  rec- 

As  to  his  constant  preaching,  it  was  very  substan- 
tial and  elaborate,  and  greatly  to  edification.  He 
used  to  say,  he  could  not  starch  in  his  preaching ; 
that  is,  he  would  not ;  as  knowing  where  the  lan- 
guage and  expression  is  stiff,  and  forced,  and  fine, 
as  they  call  it,  it  doth  not  reach  the  greatest  part  of 
the  hearers.  When  he  grew  old,  he  would  say,  sure 
he  might  now  take  a  greater  liberty  to  talk,  as  he 
called  it,  in  the  pulpit,  that  is,  to  speak  familiarly 
to  people ;  yet  to  the  last  he  abated  not  in  his  pre- 
parations for  the  pulpit,  nor  ever  delivered  any  thing 
raw  and  undigested  ;  much  less  any  thing  unbecom- 
ing the  gravity  and  seriousness  of  the  work.  If  his 
preaching  was  talking,  it  was  talking  to  the  pur- 
pose. His  sermons  were  not  common-place,  but 
even  when  his  subjects  were  the  most  plain  and  trite, 
yet  his  management  of  them  was  usually  peculiar, 
and  surprising.  In  those  years,  as  formerly,  he  kept 
for  the  most  part  in  a  method  for  subjects,  and  was 
very  seldom  above  one  sabbath  upon  a  text  And 
his  constant  practice  was,  as  it  had  been  before,  when 
he  concluded  a  subject  that  he  had  been  a  good 
while  upon,  he  spent  one  sabbath  in  a  brief  rehearsal 
of  the  marrow  and  substance  of  the  many  sermons 
he  preached  upon  it ;  which  he  called  the  clenching 
of  the  nail,  that  it  might  be  as  a  nailin  a  sure  place. 
So  very  industrious  was  he,  and  no  less  ingenious,  in 
his  endeavours,  that  his  hearers  might  be  able,  after 
his  decease,  to  have  these  things  always  in  remem- 
brance, 2  Peter  i.  15.  and  it  is  hoped,  that,  by  the 
blessing  of  God,  the  effect  did  not  altogether  disap- 

i  Thus  in  a  discourse  on  Rom.  ▼.  12.  J7y  on*  man  gin  entered  into 
the  world ;  after  showing  that  sin  consists  in  the  want  of  original 
righteousness,  and  in  the  corruption  of  the  whole  nature,  he  re. 
marked  that  a  natural  state  is,— 

An  estate  of  distance  from  God,  Eph.  ii.  13.  Luke  xr.  13.  Gen. 
iii.  &  Eph.  iv.  1& 

Desperate  enmity  against  God,  Rom.  viii.  7.  Rom.  i.  30. 

Universal  disorder  in  the  whole  man.  That  which  should  obey, 
rules :  the  will  rules  the  understanding ;  the  afl'ections  the  Judg. 
ment ;  the  body  the  soul :  alluding  to  Eccles.  x.  6,  7. 

A  dark  state,  Eph.  v.  8.  Eph.  It.  18.  Nay,  not  only  void  of  light, 
but  hating  it,  resisting  it,  not  receiving  niiitoal  things,  1  Cor. 
ii.  14. 

A  defiled  state,  Ps.  xiv.  3.  Eiek.  xvi  6.  Ps.  Ii.  5, 7. 

A  diseased  state,  Isaiah  i.  6. 

Dead  to  every  thing  that  is  good,  Eph.  ii.  L  No  will,  desire,  or 
inclination  to  do  the  will  of  God,  no  more  than  a  dead  man  hath 
to  any  natural  action  of  life. 

point  his  expectation.    In  the  latter  times  of  his 
ministry  he  would  often  contrive  the  heads  of  his 
sermons  to  begin  with  the  same  letter,  or  rather  two 
and  two  of  a  letter ;'  but  he  did  not  at  ail  seem  to 
affect  or  force  it ;  only  if  it  fell  in  naturally  and 
easily,  he  thought  it  a  good  help  to  memory,  and  of 
use,  especially  to  the  younger  sort    And  he  would 
say,  the  chief  reason  why  he  did  it  was,  because  it 
is  frequently  observed  in  the  Scripture,  particularly 
the  Book  of  Psalms.  And  though  it  be  not  a  fashion- 
able ornament  of  discourse,  if  it  be  a  scripture  orna- 
ment, that  is  sufficient  to  recommend  it,  at  least  to 
justify  it  against  the  imputation  of  childishness.  Mr. 
Porter,  of  Whitchurch,  very  much  used  it ;  so  did 
Mr.  Maiden.    But  the  excellency  of  his  sermons  lay 
chiefly  in  the  enlargements,  which  were  always  very 
solid,  grave,  and  judicious  ;  but  in  expressing  and 
marshalling  his  heads,  he  often  condescended  below 
his  own  judgment,  to  help  his  hearers'  memories. 
Some  of  his  subjects,  whence  had  finished  them,  be 
made  some  short  memorandums  of  in  verse,*^  a  dis- 
tich or  two  of  each  sabbath's  work,  and  gave  them 
out  in  writing,  among  the  young  ones  of  his  congre- 
gation, many  of  whom  wrote  them,  and  learned  them, 
and  profited  by  them.' 

It  might  be  of  use,  especially  to  those  who  had 
the  happiness  of  sitting  under  his  ministry,  to  give 
some  account  of  the  method  of  his  sabbath  subjects, 
during  the  last  eight  or  nine  years  of  his  ministry ; 
and  it  was  designed,  till  it  was  found  it  would  swell 
this  narrative  into  too  great  a  bulk.*" 

2.  As  to  the  administration  of  the  sacraments, 
those  mysteries  of  God,  which  ministers  are  the 
stewards  of. 

As  to  the  sacrament  of  baptism,  he  had  never, 
that  I  know  of,  baptized  any  children  except  his 
own,  from  the  time  he  was  turned  out  in  1662,  till 
his  last  liberty  came,  though  often  desired  to  do  it ; 
such  was  the  tender  regard  he  had  to  the  establish- 
ed church ;  but  now  he  revived  the  administration 
of  that  ordinance .  in  his  congregation.  The  occa- 
sion was  this :  One  of  the  parish  ministers,  preach- 
ing at  White  well  chapel, — Mr.  Henry  and  his  family, 

Disposed  to  all  manner  of  evil,  Hos.  xi.  7.  bent,  as  the  bowl  to 
follow  the  bias. 

Disabled  for  ever  to  help  himself  out  of  this  condition,  Ezek. 
xvi.  1, 2, 3,kc.  Rom.  v.  6.  without  strength ;  nay, refusing  help  when 
offered ;  alluding  to  Luke  xiii.  11.    P.  Henry.  Orlg.  MS. 

k  A  godly  minister  in  Wales,  perceiving  his  people  to  be  igno- 
rant, and  also  much  addicted  to  singing,  at  last  took  this  course; 
—he  turned  the  subject  of  his  sabbath  sermon  into  a  song,  and 
gave  it  to  his  parishioners ;  and  it  did  good.  Much  of  God's  mind 
is  revealed  in  Scripture  by  songs.  P.  Henry.  From  Matthew 
Henry's  MS. 

The  allusion  is  supposed  to  be  to  the  Rev.  Rees  Prichard,  author 
of  the  Welshman's  Candle.  See  a  version  of  part  o^*  this  useful 
poem,  entitled,  The  Vicar  of  Llandovery,  a  Light  ft-om  the  Welsh- 
man's Candle,  "  by  John  Bulmer."  duod.  18*21.  Preface,  pp.  x. 
xvi.  &c.    Mr.  Prichard  died  in  1644,  et.  60. 

1  Appendix,  No.  XIIC 

m  Appendix,  No.  XX. 



and  many  of  his  friends,  being  present, — was  earn- 
estly cautioning  people  not  to  go  to  conventicles, 
and  used  this  as  an  argument  against  it, — *'  That 
they  were  baptized  into  the  Church  of  England." 
Mr.  Henr3r's  catholic  charity  could  not  well  digest 
this  monopolizing  of  the  great  ordinance  of  baptism, 
and  thought  it  time  to  bear  his  testimony  against 
such  narrow  principles,  which  he  ever  expressed  his 
dislike  of  in  all  parties  and  persuasions.    Accord- 
ingly he  took  the  next  opportunity  that  offered  itself, 
publicly  to  baptize  a  child,  and  desired  the  congre- 
gation to   bear  witness,— That  he  did  not  baptize 
that  child  into  the  church  of  England,  nor  into  the 
church  of  Scotland,  nor  into  the  church  of  the  Dis- 
senters, nor  into  the  church  at  Broad  Oak,  but  into 
the  visible  catholic  church  of  Jesus  Christ.     After 
this  he  baptized  very  many,  and  always  publicly, 
though,  being  in  the  country,  they  were  commonly 
carried  a  good  way.    The  public  administration  of 
baptism,   he  not  only  judged  most  agreeable  to 
the  nature  and  end  of  the  ordinance,  but  found  to 
be  very  proOtable  and  edifying  to  the  congregation ; 
for  he  always  took  that  occasion,  not  only  to  explain 
the  nature  of  the  ordinance,  but  affectionately  and 
pathetically  to  excite  people  duly  to  improve  their 
baptism.  He  usually  received  the  child  immediately 
oot  of  the  hands  of  the  parent  that  presented  it,  and 
returned  it  into  the  same  hands  again,  with  this,  or 
the  like  charge  ; — Take  this  child,  and  bring  it  up  for 
God.     He  used  to  say,  that  one  advantage  of  public 
baptism  was,  that  there  were  many  to  join  in  prayer 
for  the  child,  in  which  therefore,  and  in  blessing 
God  for  it,  he  was  usually  very  large  and  particular. 
After  he  had  baptized  the  child,  before  he  gave  it 
back  to  the  parent,  he  commonly  used  these  words ; 
-.We  receive  this  child  into  the  congregation  of 
Christ's  church,  having  washed  it  with  water,  in  the 
name  of  the  Father,  and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy 
Ghost,  in  token,  that,  hereafter,   it  shall  not  be 
ashamed  to  confess  Christ  crucified,  and  manfully 
to  fight,  &c. 

He  baptized  many  adult  persons,  that,  through  the 
error  of  their  parents,  were  not  baptized  in  infancy, 
and  some  in  public. 

The  solemn  ordinance  of  the  Lord's  supper  he 
constantly  celebrated  in  his  congregation  once  a 
month,  and  always  to  a  very  considerable  number 
of  communicants.  He  did  not  usually  observe  pub- 
lic days  of  preparation  for  that  ordinance,  other 
than  as  they  fell  in  course  in  the  weekly  lectures ; 
nor  did   he  ever  appropriate  any  particular  sub- 

■  The  peculiar  work  of  deacons,  according  to  the  primitive  in- 
ititation,  was  the  serving  tables,  and  making  a  prudent  and  Taith- 
'al  distribution  of  the  stock  of  the  society,  Acts  vi.  2.  Dr.  Lard- 
lers  Works,  vol.  ii.  p.  ix.  oct.  1788.  Watts's  Works,  v.  4.  p.  146. 
xrt.  isia  Some  of  them,  perhaps  all,  were  occasionally  preach- 
trs ;  but  this  was  no  part  of  their  office  astieacons.  Mr.  Newton. 
Review  of  Ecclesiastical  History.    Works,  v.  3.  p.  fi7  oct.  1808. 

•  1687a  Sab.  Mar.  11, 1  spent  still  at  dear  Broad  Oak;  many  I 

ject  of  his  preaching  to. sacrament  days,  having 
a  great  felicity  in  adapting  any  profitable  subject 
to  such  an  occasion :  and  he  would  say ; — ^What 
did  the  primitive  Christians  do,  when  they  cele- 
brated the  Lord's  supper  every  Lord's  day?  His 
administration  of  this  ordinance  was  very  solemn 
and  affecting.  He  had  been  wont  to  go  about  in 
the  congregation,  and  to  deliver  the  elements  with 
his  own  hand ;  but,  in  his  latter  time,  he  deliver- 
ed them  only  to  those  near  him,  and  so  they  were 
handed  from  one  to  another,  with  the  assistance 
of  one  who  supplied  the  office  of  a  deacon,"  as  hav- 
ing also  the  custody  and  disposal  of  the  money 
gathered  for  the  use  of  the  poor ;  Mr.  Henry  taking, 
and  carefully  keeping,  a  particular  account  of  it 

Such  as  desired  to  be  admitted  to  the  Lord's  sup- 
per, he  first  discoursed  with  concerning  their  spirit- 
ual state,  and  how  the  case  stood  between  God  and 
their  souls ;  not  only  to  examine  them,  but  to  in- 
struct and  teach  them,  and  to  encourage  them,  as  he 
saw  occasion  ;  gently  leading  those  whom  he  dis- 
cerned to  be  serious,  though  weak  and  timorous.  He 
usually  discoursed  with  them  more  than  once,  as 
finding  precept  upon  precept,  and  line  upon  line,  ne- 
cessary ;  but  he  did  it  with  so  much  mildness,  and 
humility,  and  tenderness,  and  endeavour  to  make 
the  best  of  every  body,  as  did  greatly  affect  and 
win  upon  many.  He  was  herein  like  our  great 
Master,  who  can  have  compassion  on  the  ignorant^ 
and  doth  not  despise  the  day  of  small  things. 

But  his  admission  of  young  people  out  of  the  rank 
of  catechumens  into  that  of  communicants,  had  a 
peculiar  solemnity  in  it  Such  as  he  catechised, 
when  they  grew  up  to  some  years  of  discretion,  if 
he  observed  them  to  be  intelligent  and  serious,  and 
to  set  their  faces  heavenwards,  he  marked  them  out 
to  be  admitted  to  the  Lord's  supper,  and,  when  he 
had  a  competent  number  of  such,  twelve  or  fifteen, 
perhaps,  or  more,  he  ordered  each  of  them  to  come 
to  him  severally,  and  discoursed  with  them  of  the 
things  belonging  to  their  everlasting  peace ;  put  it 
to  their  choice,  whom  they  would  iAtx\e ;  and  en- 
deavoured to  affect  them  with  those  things  with 
which,  by  their  catechisms,  they  had  been  made  ac- 
quainted ;  drawing  them  with  the  cords  of  a  man, 
and  the  bands  of  love,  into  the  way  which  is  called  holy. 
For  several  Lord's  days  he  catechised  them,  par- 
ticularly in  public,  touching  the  Lord's  supper,*'  and 
the  duty  of  preparation  for  it,  and  their  baptismal 
covenant,  which  in  that  ordinance  they  were  to  take 
upon  themselves,  and  to  make  their  own  act  and 

sweet  lessons  taught  us.  The  subject,— that  a  bold  spirit  is  an  ex- 
cellent spirit;  but  I  was  most  affected  with  the  catechising,  which 
was  not  then  of  the  children,  but  the  young  persons  who  are 
shortly  to  be  admitted  to  the  Lord's  supper.  After  many  serious 
exhortations  and  questions,  all  the  company,  as  well  as  dear 
father,  were  much  aflfected,  when  tears  would  scarce  let  him  say 
any  more  than,— God  bless  you!  Mrs.  Savage.  Diary,  Orig. 



deed.  Often  telling  tbem  upon  such  occasions,  that 
they  were  not  to  oblige  themselves  to  any  more  than 
what  they  were  already  obliged  to  by  their  baptism, 
only  to  bind  themselves  faster  to  it.  Then  he  ap- 
pointed a  day  in  the  week  before  the  ordinance ; 
when,  in  a  solemn  assembly  on  purpose,  he  prayed 
for  them,  and  preached  a  sermon  p  to  them,  proper 
to  their  age  and  circumstances ;  and  so  the  follow- 
ing sabbath  they  were  all  received  together  to  the 
Lord's  supper.  This  he  looked  upon  as  the  right 
confirmation,  or  transition  into  the  state  of  adult 
church-membership.  The  more  solemn  our  cove- 
nanting with  God  is,  the  more  deep  and  the  more 
durable  the  impressions  are  likely  to  be.  He  hath 
recorded  it  in  his  Diary,  upon  one  of  these  occasions, 
as  his  heart's  desire  and  prayer  for  those  who  were 
thus  admitted  ;~^That  it  might  be  as  the  day  of 
their  espousals  to  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  that  they 
might  each  of  them  have  a  wedding-garment 

3.  The  discipline  he  observed  in  his  congregation 
was,  not  such  as  he  could  have  vdshed  for,  but  the 
best  he  could  get,  considering  what  a  scattered  flock 
he  had,  which  was  his  trouble  ;  but  it  could  not  be 
helped.  He  would  sometimes  apply  to  the  circum- 
stances he  was  in,  that  of  Moses,  Deuteronomy  xii. 
8, 9.  However,  I  see  not  but  the  end  was  effectually 
attained  by  the  methods  he  took,  though  there 
wanted  the  formality  of  officers  and  church-meet- 
ings for  the  purpose.  If  he  heard  of  any  that  walked 
disorderly,  he  sent  for  them,  and  reproved  them 
gently,  or  sharply,  as  he  saw  the  case  required.  If 
the  sin  had  scandal  in  it,  he  suspended  them  from 
the  ordinance  of  the  Lord's  supper  till  they  gave 
some  tokens  of  their  repentance  and  reformation. 
And  where  the  offence  was  public  and  gross,  his 
judgment  was,  that  some  public  satisfaction  should 
be  made  to  the  congregation  before  re-admission. 
But,  whatever  offence  did  happen,  or  breaches  of 
the  Christian  peace,  Mr.  Henry's  peculiar  excel- 
lence lay  in  restoring  with  the  spirit  of  meekness  i^ 
which  with  his  great  prudence,  and  love,  and  con- 
descension, did  so  much  command  the  respect  of 
his  people,  and  win  upon  them,  that  there  was  a 
universal  satisfaction  in  all  his  management ;  and 
it  may  be  truly  said  of  him,  as  it  was  of  David,  2 
Samuel  iii.  36,  that  whatsoever  he  did  pleased  all 
the  people.    And  it  is  an  instance  and  evidence, 

p  Once  he  preached  on  that  occasion,  on  1  Cor.  xiii.  U;  at  ano- 
ther time  on  2  Chron.  xzx.  &  another,  on  1  Chron.  xxix.  IL  Lire. 
Orig.  MS.  ut  ntpra. 

4  Meekness  is  a  grace  of  the  Spirit,  Gal.  v.  2*2,  23.  and  is  of 
general  use  to  us  in  every  thing  we  do,  both  towards  God  and 
man,  James  iii.  13.  Meelcness  in  the  understanding  is  seen  in 
receiving  the  truths  of  God.  James  i.  21.  Meekness  in  the  will 
is  seen  in  yielding  to  his  commands.  Matt  xi.  29.  The  proper 
work  of  meekness  is  to  compose,  and  cool,  and  quiet  the  spirit. 
It  regulates  anger  in  its  cause,  measure,  and  continuance,  Eph. 
It.  26.  We  must  answer  with  meekness,  I  Pet  iii.  15.  We  roust 
instruct  with  meekness,  2  Tim.  ii.  25.  We  must  restore  with 
meekness.  Gal.  vi.  L    We  must  bear  reproaches  with  meekness, 

that  those  ministers  who  will  rule  by  love  and  meek- 
ness, need  no  laws  or  canons  to  rule  by,  other  than 
those  of  the  Holy  Scripture. — How  forcible  are  right 
words!  Job  vi.  25. 

4.  He  was  very  strict  and  very  serious  in  observ- 
ing the  public  fasts  appointed  by  authority,  and 
called  them  a  delight    He  had  seldom  any  one  to 
assist  him  in  carrying  on  the  duties  of  those  days, 
but  performed  the  service  of  them  himself  alone. 
He  began  at  nine  of  the  clock,  or  quickly  after,  and 
never  stirred  out  of  the  pulpit  till  about  four  in  the 
afternoon,  spending  all  that  time  in  praying,  and 
expounding,  and  singing,  and  preaching,  to  the  ad- 
miration of  all  that  heard  him,  who  were  generally 
more  on  such  days  than  usual.    And  he  was  some- 
times observed  to  bd  more  warm  and  lively  towards 
the  latter  end  of  the  duties  of  a  fast  day  than  at  the 
beginning ;  as  if  the  spirit  were  most  willing  and 
enlarged  when  the  flesh  was  most  weak.    In  all  his 
performances  on  public  fast  days,  he  did,  hoc  agere, 
attend  to  that  which  was  the  proper  work  of  the  day ; 
every  thing  is  beautiful  in  its  season.    His  prayers 
and  pleadings  with  God  on  those  days,  were  especi- 
ally for  national  mercies,  and  the  pardon  of  national 
sins.  How  excellently  did  he  order  the  cause  before 
God,  and  fill  his  mouth  with  arguments  in  his  large 
and  particular  intercessions  for  the  land,  for  the  king, 
the  government,  the  army,  the  navy,  the  church,  the 
French  Protestants,  &c.    He  was  another  Jacob,  a 
wrestler,  an  Israel,  a  prince  with  God.^    Before  a 
fast  day,  he  would  be  more  than  ordinarily  inquisi- 
tive concerning  the  state  of  public  affairs,  as  Nehe- 
miah  was,  Nehemiah  i.  2.  that  he  might  know  the 
better  how  to  order  his  prayers  and  preaching ;  for, 
on  such  a  day,  he  hath  sometimes  said, — As  good 
say  nothing,  as  nothing  to  the  purpose.     He  made 
it  his  business  on  fast-days,  to  show  people  their 
transgressions,  especially  the  house  of  Jacob  their 
sins. — It  is  most  proper,  said  he,  to  preach  of  Christ 
on  Lord's  days,  to  preach  of  sin  on  fast  days,  and  to 
preach  duty  on  both.     He  went  over  the  third  chap- 
ter of  the  Revelations,  in  the  fast  sermons  of  two 
years.    Another  year  he  preached  over  the  particu- 
lars of  that  charge,*  Zephaniah  iii.  2.     Hypocrisy 
in  hearers,  and  flattery  in  preachers,  as  he  would 
sometimes  say,  is  bad  at  any  time,  but  it  is  especially 
abominable  upon  a  day  of  humiliation. 

Numb.  xii.  2,  3.  2  Sam.  xvi  7,  8.  We  must  bear  reproofs  with 
meekness.  Meekness  towards  God  stands  opposed  to  murmuring 
and  repining  at  his  dealings  with  us.  The  language  will  be,— /r 
it  tk*  LvrJt  Ut  kirn  do  what  $eemeth  him  good.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

r  16P7.8  Sab.  Sept.  4.  I  oft  think  of  a  petition  of  dear  praying 
ftther,  now  with  God.  thus;— Let  O  Lord,  the  blessing  of  the 
ordinances  reach  these  whose  hearts  are  with  us  here, 
though  their  persons  \x  not.  God  grant  I  may  tread  in  his  steps, 
and  be  truly  of  the  seed  of  this  praying  Jacob,  who  was  so  mighty 
in  tliat  duty.    Mrs.  Savage's  Diary.  Orig.  MS. 

•  See  P.  Henry's  Seipaons,  oct  t8I9.  pp.  226,  242, 269.  Also,  a 
Sermon  on  the  Fifth  of  November,  by  P.  Henry.  Evan.  Mag.  vol. 
xxviii.  p.  456. 



5.  He  preached  a  greiR  many  lectures  in  the  coun- 
try about,  some  stated,  some  occasional,  in  suppljring 
of  which  he  was  very  indefatigable.  He  hath  some- 
times preached  a  lecture,  ridden  eight  or  nine  miles, 
and  preached  another,  and  the  next  day  two  more. 
To  quicken  himself  to  diligence  he  would  often  say, 
—Our  opportunities  arc  passing  away,  and  we  must 
work  while  it  is  day,  for  the  night  cometh.  Once, 
having  very  wet  and  foul  weather  to  go  through  to 
preach  a  lecture,  he  said,  he  comforted  himself  with 
two  scriptures ;  one  was,  2  Timothy  ii.  3. — Endure 
Urdness,  as  a  good  soldier  of  Jesus  Christ ;  the  other, 
because  he  exposed  and  hazarded  his  health,  for 
which  some  blamed  him,  was,  2  Samuel  vi.  21. — It 
was  before  the  Lord.  He  took  all  occasions  in  his 
lectures  abroad,  to  possess  the  minds  of  people  with 
sober  and  moderate  principles,  and  to  stir  them  up 
to  the  serious  regard  of  those  things  wherein  we  are 
all  agreed.— .We  are  not  met  here  together,  said  he, 
once  in  an  exhortation,  with  which  he  often  began 
at  bis  lecture,  because  we  think  ourselves  better  than 
others,  but  because  we  desire  to  be  better  than  we 

He  was  very  happy  in  the  choice  of  his  subjects 
for  his  week-day  lecture.  At  one,  which  was  stated, 
he  preached  against  errors  ^  in  general,  from  James 
i.  16. — Do  not  err,  my  beloved  brethren ; — ^particu- 
larly, from  divers  other  scriptures  he  showed,  that 
we  must  not  err  concerning  God,  and  Christ,  and 
the  Spirit ;  concerning  sin  and  repentance^  faith 
and  good  works ;  concerning  God's  ordinances ; 
concerning  grace  and  peace,  and  afflictions  and 
prosperity,  and  the  things  of  the  life  to  come." 

[At  another  lecture,  he  considered  what  the  peo- 
ple of  God  are  compared  to  in  Scripture.  They  are 
ike  salt  of  the  earth ;  the  light  of  the  world ;  God's 
witnesses  ;  the  planting  of  the  Lord  ;  his  husbandry ; 
his  building. '''\ 

At  the  monthly  lectures  at  his  own  house,  he  chose 
to  preach  upon  the  four  last  things,  death  and  judg- 
ment, heaven  and  hell,  in  many  particulars,  but 
commonly  a  new  text  for  every  sermon.  When  he 
had,  in  many  sermons,  finished  the  first  of  the  four, 
one  that  used  to  hear  him  sometimes,  inquiring  of 
his  progress  in  his  subjects,  asked  him  if  he  had 
done  with  death,  meaning  that  subject  concerning 
death ;  to  which  he  pleasantly  replied  ; — No,  I  have 
not  done  with  him  yet.  I  must  have  another  turn 
with  him,  and  he  will  give  me  a  fall ;  but  I  hope  to 
have  the  victory  at  last.    He  would  sometimes  re- 

t  Appendix,  No.  XXL 

■  As  a  preservative  against  error,  get  truth  of  grace,  and  grow 
in  it,  %  Pet.  ifi.  17, 18.  Heb.  ziii.  0.  Matt.  xxiv.  34.  Be  filled  with 
knowledge,  especially  in  fundamentals,  Biatt.  xiii.  29.  Ps.  cxix. 
104,  te.  Get  an  humble  heart,  Ps.  cxxxi.  1,  S.  Ps.  zxy.  9.  Receive 
the  truth  in  the  love  of  it,  STheas.  ii.  le,  11.  John  vii.  17.  Be  much 
in  secret  prayer ;  prey  for  the  Spirit,  who  is  given  to  lead  into 
truth,  John  xvf .  la  Maintain  communion  with  the  saints ;  come 
not  near  seducers,  2  Cor.  vi.  17.  Prov.  iv.  14,  15.  2  John  10.  Jer. 

move  the  lectures  in  the  coimtry  from  one  place  to 
another,  for  the  benefit  of  those  that  could  not  travel. 
Once  having  adjourned  a  lecture  to  a  new  place,  he 
began  it  with  a  sermon  on  Acts  xvii.  6 — These  men 
that  have  turned  the  woi'ld  upside  down,  are  come 
hither  also ;  in  which  he  showed  how  false  the  charge 
is  as  they  meant  it ;  for  religion  doth  not  disturb  the 
peace  of  families,  or  societies,  doth  not  cause  any 
disorder  or  unquietness,  &c.  And  yet,  that  in  an- 
other sense  there  is  a  great  truth  in  it, — that,  when 
the  gospel  comes  in  power  to  any  soul,  it  turns  the 
world  upside  down  in  that  soul ;  such  is  the  change 
it  makes  there. 

All  this  he  did  gratis,  and  without  being  burthen- 
some  to  any ;  nay,  he  was  best  pleased,  when,  at 
the  places  where  he  preached,  nothing  was  got  for 
his  entertainment,  but  he  came  home,  though  some 
miles,  fasting;  as  in  other  places  it  was  a  trouble 
to  him  to  see  his  friends  careful  about  much  serv- 
ing, though  it  was  out  of  their  respect  to  him. 

Lastly.  As  he  was  an  excellent  preacher  himself, 
so  he  was  an  exemplary  hearer  of  the  word,  when 
others  preached,  though  every  way  his  inferiors ;  so 
reverent,  serious,  and  attentive  was  he  in  hearing, 
and  so  observant  of  what  was  spoken.  I  have  heard 
him  tell,  that  he  knew  one,  and  I  suppose  it  was  as 
Paul  knew  a  man  in  Christ,  who  could  truly  say, 
to  the  glory  of  God,  that  for  forty  years  he  had 
never  slept  at  a  sermon. 

[He  would  sometimes  remark; — ^Those  who  are 

ordinarily  drowsy  in  hearing  the  word  of  God,  and 

allow  themselves  in  it,  are  next  door  to  some  great 

affliction,  or  great  temptation,  or  on  the  declining 

He  was  diligent  also  to  improve  what  he  heard 
afterwards  by  meditation,  repetition,  prayer,  and 
discourse ;  and  he  was  a  very  great  encourager  of 
young  ministers  that  were  humble  and  serious, 
though  their  abilities  and  performances  were  but 
mean.  He  hath  noted  in  his  Diary,  as  that  which 
affected  him,  this  sajring  of  a  godly  man,  a  hearer 
of  his ;— *<  I  find  it  easier  to  go  six  miles  to  hear  a 
sermon,  than  to  spend  one  quarter  of  an  hour  in  me- 
ditating and  praying  over  it  in  secret,  as  I  should, 
when  I  come  home." 

As  to  the  circumstances  of  his  family  in  these  last 
nine  years  of  his  life,  they  were  somewhat  different 
from  what  they  had  been ;  but  the  same  candley  of 
God,  which  had  shined  upon  his  tabernacle,  con- 
tinued still  to  do  so.    In  the  years  1687  and  1688, 

xziii.  16.  Keep  up  due  esteem  of  ministers  whom  God  hath  set 
over  you,  Heb.  xiii.  7, 17.  1  Thess.  v.  12, 18.  Jer.  vi.  W,  17.  Eph.  iv. 
II,  &c.  Mai.  ii.  2,7.  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

▼  Life.  Orig.  MS.  s/Mpro. 

w  From  an  authentic  MS.  believed  to  be  in  the  hand-writing  of 
his  daughter.  Mrs.  Tylston. 

z  Appendix,  No  XXII. 

y  See  Job  xxix.  3. 



he  married  all  his  five  children  ;  the  three  eldest  in 
four  months'  time,  in  the  year  1687 ;  and  the  other 
two  in  a  year  and  a  half  after ;  so  many  swarms,  as 
he  used  to  call  them,  out  of  his  hive ;'  and  all,  not 
only  with  his  full  consent,  but  to  his  abundant  com- 
fort and  satisfaction.  He  would  say,  he  thought  it 
the  duty  of  parents  to  study  to  oblige  their  children 
in  that  affair.  And  though  never  could  children  be 
more  easy  and  at  rest  in  a  father's  house  than  his 
were,  yet  he  would  sometimes  say  concerning  them, 
as  Naomi  to  Ruth,  Ruth  iii.  1. — Shall  I  not  seek  rest 
for  thee  f  Two  advices  he  used  to  give,  both  to  his 
children  and  others,  in  their  choice  of  that  relation. 
One  was : — Keep  within  the  bounds  of  profession, 
such  as  one  may  charitably  hope  is  from  a  good 
principle.  The  other  was; — Look  at  suitableness 
in  age,  quality,  education,  temper,  &c.  He  used 
to  observe,  from  Genesis  ii.  18. — I  will  make  him  a 
help  meet  for  him, — ^that  where  there  is  not  meet- 
ness,  there  will  not  be  much  help.  And  he  would 
commonly  say  to  his  children,  with  reference  to  that 
choice ;— Please  God,  and  please  yourselves,  and 
you  shall  never  displease  me ;  and  greatly  blamed 
those  parents,  who  conclude  matches  for  their  chil- 
dren, and  do  not  ask  counsel  at  their  mouth. 

[When  the  proposal  made  to  his  youngest  daugh- 
ter was  communicated  to  him,  his  sentiments  were 
expressed  in  the  following  letter : — 

My  dear  Daughter ; 

Your  present  affair  we  can  truly  say  was  no  less 
a  surprise  to  us,  than  it  was  to  you ;  but  we  have 
learned,  both  from  our  fixed  belief  of  God's  uni- 
versal providence  in  every  thing,  and  his  particular 
special  providence  towards  those  that  fear  him,  and 
also  from  our  last  year's  experience,  once  and  again, 
of  his  doing  that  for  us  which  we  looked  not  for ; — 
to  cease  our  wonder,*  and  to  apply  ourselves,  as  we 
ought  to  do,  to  our  duty.  We  would  have  you  do 
so  likewise ;  saying,  as  Paul,  which  was  the  first 
word  that  grace  spoke  in  him,— Xoref,  what  wilt  thou 
have  me  to  do  ^  Your  way  is,  in  the  first  place,  to 
acknowledge  God,  not  only  in  the  thing  itself,  but 
in  all  the  motions  and  events  of  it ;  and  if  you  do 
so,  he  will  direct  you ;  that  is,  guide,  and  bless, 
and  succeed  your  steps.  You  are,  next,  to  admit 
the  person -into  your  converse,  as  in  another  case, 
1  Timothy  v.  2.  with  all  purity ;  that  is,  at  no  unfit- 
ting time,  in  no  unfitting  place,  manner,  or  other 
circumstance ;  as  it  will  not  be  desired,  so  neither 

t  Probably  in  allusion  to  Shakspeare  :— 

*'  All's  well  that  end's  well."     -  Act  I,  sc.  2. 

I  after  him,  do  after  him  wish  too. 

Since  I  nor  wax,  nor  honey,  can  bring  home, 

1  quickly  were  dissolved  from  «y  AiW. 

To  give  some  labourer  room. 
•  See  the  Sure  Guide  to  Heaven,  by  Joseph  Alleine,  pp.  235, 
345.  ed.  1704  duod. 
b  See  asae,  p.  10. 
c  See  the  Investigator,  v.  7.  p.  70.    Also  the  works  of  the  Rev. 

ought  it  to  be  granted.  Y\>ur  end,  herein,  is  to  be 
the  same  with  his ;  your  next  end  that  you  may  be 
acquainted  with  each  other's  temper  and  disposition. 
Especially  that  you  may  feel  the  pulse  of  each 
other's  soul,  how  it  beats  towards  God,  and  his 
works  and  ways.  As  the  agreement  is  in  that,  ac- 
cordingly will  be  much  of  the  sweetness  and  comfort 
of  the  condition. 

As  to  the  calling,  estate,  and  other  things  of  that 
kind,  I  am  glad  you  know,  and  am  more  glad  you 
have  espoused,  Mr.  AUeyn's  six  principles,*  which 
are  the  same  in  practice,  and  are  of  as  great  use  and 
influence,  as  Mr.  Perkins's  Six  Principles^  in  Doc- 
trine ;  and,  therefore,  hold  to  them.  If  height  and 
fulness  in  the  world  were  the  things  that  would 
make  us  happy,  those  who  have  them  would  be 
the  happy  people ;  but  it  is  not  so.  It  shall  be  my 
endeavour,  as  far  as  I  can,  to  inform  myself  how 
things  are  in  those  matters,  that  there  may  be  no 
mistake  on  either  side,  and  then  to  do  as  there 
shall  be  cause.  You  will  remember  one  thing, 
which  you  have  often  heard  from  me  in  others'  cases, 
though  never  in  your  own,  and  that  is, — To  keep 
yourself  free  from  all  engagements,  by  promise,  till 
the  time  come  when  it  shall  be  thought  proper,  by 
mutual  consent,  that  I  contract  you,^  which  will  be 
time  enough  for  you  to  do  that.  To  how  many  hath 
the  not  observing  this  rule  been  a  snare !  We  are 
truly  thoughtful  for  you,  you  may  well  believe,  but 
must  not  be  too  thoughtful.  Unto  God  we  must, 
and  do,  commit  our  way  in  it,  and  so  must  you  yours, 
— casting  all  our  care  upon  him,  for  he  careth  for  us. 
We  have,  hitherto,  found  his  contrivances  best,  not 
ours.  I  am  glad  you  have  so  worthy  a  friend  as 
Mrs.  M.  K.  to  unbosom  yourself  to,  and  to  help  to 
advise  you,  and  pray  for  you.  I  told  your  brother 
when  I  thought  it  would  be  convenient  you  should 
come  home.  If  he  has  not  opportunity  of  sending 
you  then,  we  shall,  soon  after,  God  willing,  send  for 
you.  Our  love  and  blessing  is  to  him,  and  our 
daughter,  and  to  your  dear  self,  having  confidence  in 
you  in  all  things,  (2  Corinthians  vii.  16. — but  it  is 
through  the  Lord,  as  it  is  limited,  Galatians  v.  10.) 
that  you  will  act  as  I  have  counselled  you. 

Committing  you  to  his  protection  and  guidance, 
I  rest.  Your  loving  father, 

Feb.  17,  1687-8.  Philip  Henry.«»] 

He  never  aimed  at  gpreat  things*  in  the  world  for 
his  children,  but  sought  for  them,  in  the  first  place, 

It  Greenham,  p.  174.  fol.  1805.  where  there  is  a  Treatise  of  a  Con- 
tract before  Marriage. 

d  Orig.  MS. 

•  Having  in  view,  very  likely,  the  pithy  couplet  of  his  admired 
poet,  George  Herbert  :— 

'*  For  gold  and  grace  did  never  yet  agree ; 
Religion  always  sides  with  povenie.** 

The  Temple,  &c.  «/  gvpra^  191.  Also,  Clark's  Lives  annexed  to 
theMartyrologie,  p.  152.  «/  iwprs. 



the  kingdom  of  God,  and  the  righteousnest  thereof. 
He  uaed  to  mention,  sometimes,  the  saying  of  a  pious 
gentlewoman,  that  had  many  daughters ; — "  The 
eare  of  most  people  is  how  to  get  good  husbands  for 
their  daughters ;  but  my  care  is  to  fit  my  daughters 
to  be  good  wives,  and  then  let  God  provide  for  them." 
In  this,  as  in  other  things,  Mr.  Henry  steered  by 
that  principle, — ^That  a  tnan*s  life  consisteth  not  in 
tke  ahmndance  of  the  things  that  he  possesseth.  And 
it  pleased  God  so  to  order  it,  that  all  his  children 
were  disposed  of,  into  circumstances  very  agreeable 
and  comfortable,  both  for  life  and  godliness.  He 
was  greatly  affected  with  the  goodness  of  God  to 
him  herein,  without  any  forecast  or  contrivance  of 
his  own.— The  country,  saith  he,  in  his  Diary,  takes 
notice  of  it,  and  what  then  shall  I  render?  Surely, 
this  is  a  token  for  good. 

[Speaking  of  the  arrangements  of  outvrard  com- 
forts, and  the  eagerness  of  the  affections  towards 
them,  he  would  remark,  that, — God  hath  three  hands, 
wherewith  he  distributes  earthly  things :  A  hand  of 
common  providence ;  with  this  he  feeds  the  ravens, 
when  they  cry.  A  hand  of  special  love ;  vnth  this 
be  feeds  his  children,  who  commit  their  way  to  him, 
and  put  their  trust  in  him.  A  hand  of  anger  and 
wrath ;  with  this  he  gives  to  those  who  are  impatient: 
they  must  and  will  be  rich  ;  they  must  and  will  have 
this  or  that.'  In  gifts  from  men  we  look  more  at  the 
mind  of  the  giver  than  the  value  of  the  gift.  So 
should  we  in  gifts  from  God.  Have  /  his  love  with 
what  I  have  ?  Then  I  am  well  enough.  If  other- 
wise, it  is  but  a  sad  portion ;  as  a  golden  suit  with 
the  plague  in  it.<] 

All  his  four  daughters  were  married  at  Whitewell 
chapel,  and  he  preached  a  wedding-sermon**  for 
each  of  them  in  his  own  family  after.' 

He  would  often  tell  his  friends,  that  those  who 
desire,  in  the  married  condition,  to  live  in  the  favour 
of  God,  must  enter  upon  that  condition  in  the  fear 
of  God.  For  it  is  an  ill  omen  to  stumble  at  the 
threshold ;  and  an  error  in  the  first  concoction  is 
seldom  amended  in  the  second. 

While  he  lived  he  had  much  comfort  in  all  his 
children,  and  their  yoke-fellows,  and  somewhat  the 
more,  that,  by  the  Divine  Providence,  four  of  the 
^we  families  which  branched  out  of  his,  were  settled 
in  Chester. 

His  youngest  daughter*^  was  married  April  26, 
1688,  the  same  day  of  the  year,  as  he  observes  in  his 
Diary,  and  the  same  day  of  the  week,  and  in  the 

f  UpoD  those  men  who  escape  the  curse  of  Adam,  Genesis  iii. 
10.— /a  tJkt  twtat  of  dijf  fact  ikait  thorn  eat  brtad,'--God  commonly 
loSicts  the  serpent's  curse ;  verse  14.—  Upo»  thy  holly  thalt  tkom  go, 
imat  ohalt  tkoa  oat.  Those  usually  that  have  most  dote  most  upon 
vrhat  they  have,  Krovclling  in  the  earth,  &c.  We  must  use  riches 
Bs  thorns;  make  a  hedge,  and  stop  gaps  with  them;  but  by  no 
means  make  a  bed  oT  them,  as  that  fool,  Luke  xii.  19.  P.  Henry. 
Com.  PI.  Book,Orig.  MS. 

ff  P.  Heury.  Orig.  MS. 

same  place,  that  he  was  married  to  his  dear  wife, 
twenty-eight  years  before ;  upon  which,  this  is  his 
remark ; — I  cannot  desire  for  them,  that  they  should 
receive  more  from  God  than  we  have  received,  in 
that  relation  and  condition ;  but  I  would  desire,  and 
do  desire,  that  they  may  do  more  for  God  in  it  than 
we  have  done. 

His  usual  compliment  to  his  new-married  friends, 
was ; — Others  wish  you  all  happiness,  I  wish  you  all 
holiness,  and  then  there  is  no  doubt  but  you  will 
have  all  happiness. 

When  the  marriage  of  the  last  of  his  daughters 
was  about  to  be  concluded  on,  he  thus  writes ; — But 
f«  Joseph  gone,  and  Simeon  gone,  and  must  Benjamin 
go  also  ?  We  will  not  say,  that  all  these  things  are 
against  us,  but  for  us.  If  we  must  be  thus,  in  this 
merciful  way,  bereaved  of  our  children,  let  us  be 
bereaved ;  and  God  turn  it  for  good  to  them,  as  we 
know  he  ^ill,  if  they  love  and  fear  his  name.  And 
when,  some  time  after  she  was  married,  he  parted 
with  her  to  the  house  of  her  husband,  he  thus  writes ; 
— We  have  sent  her  away,  not  as  Laban  said  he 
would  have  sent  his  daughters  away,  with  mirth, 
and  with  songs,  with  tabret,  and  with  harp,  but  Mith 
prayers,  and  tears,  and  hearty  good  wishes. — And 
now,  saith  he,  in  his  Diary,  we  are  alone  again,  as 
we  were  in  our  beginning.  God  bo  better  to  us  than 
twenty  children.  Upon  the  same  occasion  he  thus 
writes  to  a  dear  relation ;— We  are  now  left  as  we 
were,  one  and  one,  and  yet  but  one  one ;  the  Lord,  I 
trust,  that  has  brought  us  thus  far,  will  enable  us  to 
finish  well ;'  and  then  all  will  be  well,  and  not  till 

That  which  he  often  mentioned,  as  the  matter  of 
his  great  comfort  that  it  was  so,  and  his  desire  that 
it  might  continue  so,  was  the  love  and  unity  that  was 
among  his  children;  and  that,  as  he  vmtes,  the 
transplanting  of  them  into  new  relations,  had  not 
lessened  that  love,  but  rather  increased  it ;  for  this 
he  often  gave  thanks  to  the  God  of  love ;  noting, 
from  Job  i.  4 ; — That  the  children's  love  to  one  an- 
other is  the  parents'  comfort  and  joy.  In  his  last 
will  and  testament,  this  is  the  prayer  which  he  puts 
up  for  his  children, — That  the  Lord  would  build 
them  up  in  holiness,  and  continue  them  still  in  bro- 
therly lovC;  as  a  bundle  of  arrows  which  cannot  be 

When  his  children  were  removed  from  him,  he 
was  a  daily  intercessor  at  the  throne  of  grace 
for  them,  and  their  families.    Still  the  bumt-offer- 

h  For  a  singular  Collection  of  Wedding  Sermons,  see  the  Anec- 
dotes of  Literature  and  Scarce  Books,  by  the  Rev.  W.  Beloe,  v. 
3.  pp.  100—109,  oct.  1%08 ;— ••  Every  one  of  which,  IVom  some  cause 
or  other,  the  whin»sicality  of  the  title,  the  phraseology,  or  the 
matter,  is  an  object  of  curiosity."    lb.  p.  100. 

i  Appendix,  No.  XXIII. 

k  See  mtto. 

1  Sec  Acts  XX.  24. 



ings  were  offered  according  to  the  number  of  them  all. 
He  used  to  say ; — Surely,  the  children  of  so  many 
prayers  will  not  miscarry.  Their  particular  circum- 
stances of  affliction  and  danger  were  sure  to  be  men- 
tioned by  him  with  suitable  petitions.  The  greatest 
affliction  he  saw  in  his  family,  was  the  death  of  his 
dear  daughter-in-law,  Catharine,*"  the  only  daughter 
of  Samuel  Hardware,  Esq. ;  who,  about  a  year  and 
a  half  after  she  was  transplanted  into  his  family,  to 
which  she  was  the  greatest  comfort  and  ornament 
imaginable,  died  of  the  small-pox  in  child-bed,  upon 
the  Thanksgiving-day  for  King  William's  coming 
in.  She  died  but  a  few  weeks  after  Mr.  Henry  had 
married  the  last  of  his  daughters  ;  upon  which 
marriage  she  had  said ; — "  Now  we  have  a  full  lease, 
God  only  knows  which  life  will  drop  first.''  She 
comforted  herself  in  the  extremity  of  her  illness 
with  this  word ;— '^  Well,  when  I  come  to  heaven,  I 
shall  see  that  I  could  not  have  been  without  this 
affliction."  She  had  been  for  some  time  before 
under  some  fears  as  to  her  spiritual  state,  but  the 
clouds  were,  through  grace,  dispelled,  and  she 
finished  her  course  with  joy,  and  a  cheerful  expect- 
ation of  the  glory  to  be  revealed.  When  she  lay  ill, 
Mr.  Henry,  being  in  fear  not  only  for  her  that  was 
ill,  but  for  the  rest  of  his  children  in  Chester,  who 
had  none  of  them  past  the  pikes  °  of  that  perilous 
distemper,  wrote  thus  to  his  son,  on  the  evening  of 
the  Lord's  day.— I  have  just  done  the  public  work 
of  this  day,  wherein,  before  many  scores  of  witnesses, 
many  of  whom,  I  dare  say,  are  no  little  concerned  for 
you,  I  have  absolutely,  freely,  and  unreservedly, 
given  you  all  up  to  the  good-will  and  pleasure  of 
our  heavenly  Father,  waiting  what  he  will  do  with 
us,  for  good  I  am  sure  we  have  received,  and  shall 
we  not  receive  evil  also  ?  He  preached  at  Chester, 
upon  occasion  of  that  sad  breach  in  his  family, 
on  Job  X.  3. — Shew  me  wherefore  thou  contendest 
with  me.  , 

When  two  of  his  children  lay  ill,  and  in  perilous 
circumstances,  after  he  had  been  wrestling  with 
God  in  prayer  for  them,  he  wrote  thus  in  his  0f  ary ; 
— If  the  Lord  will  be  pleased  to  grant  me  my  request 
this  time  concerning  my  children,  I  will  not  say  as 
the  beggars  at  our  door  used  to  do ;-— I'll  never  ask 
any  thing  of  him  again ;  but,  on  the  contrary,  he 
shall  hear  oftener  from  me  than  ever ;  and  I  will 

m  See  Tong*s  Lire  of  the  Rev.  Matthew  Henry,  105.  &c.  utswpra. 
Her  epitaph  U  preserved  in  the  History  of  Che^re,  «/  tvpra,  vol. 
1.  p.  S6S;  and  a  pedigree  of  the  Hardware  family,  A.  vol.  3.  p.  tsi. 

Mr.  Matthew  Henry  bewailed  his  loss  in  some  pathetic  lines 
which  were  first  printed  in  the  Evan.  Mag.  v.  3.  p.  351 ;  and,  a  little 
altered,  v.  29.  p.  163. 

B  Mr.  Paul  Bayne,  in  his  Christian  Letters, «/  npra,  p.  346.  urges 
for  consolation,  that  it  is,—*'  promised  we  shall  paue  the  pik*»,  and 
bring  forth,  though  with  sorrowes.**  In  another  of  his  works  he 
says;— "  We  see  that  who  will  keepe  life  and  power  in  his  course, 
endeavouring  a  good  conscience  in  all  things,  they  must  fouttht 
pikn  of  evill  tongues  which  are  shaken  against  them.**  The  Triall 
of  a  Christian's  Estate,  p.  37.  duod.  1637.    See  also  Bishop  Saun. 

love  God  the  better,  and  love  prayer  the  better,  as 
long  as  I  live.  He  uted  to  say, — ^Tradesmen  take  it  ill 
if  those  that  are  in  their  books  go  to  another  shop. 
While  we  are  so  much  indebted  to  God  for  past  mer- 
cies, we  are  bound  to  attend  him  for  further  mercies. 

As  he  was  an  intercessor  for  his  children  at  the 
throne  of  grace,  so  he  was  upon  all  occasions  a  re- 
membrancer to  them,  both  by  word  and  letter,  to 
quicken  them  to  that  which  is  good.  How  often 
did  he  inculcate  this  upon  them  ?  Love  one  another, 
and  the  God  of  love  and  peace  will  be  with  you.  Do 
all  you  can,  while  you  are  together,  to  help  one  an- 
other to  heaven,  that  you  may  be  together  there,  for 
ever,  and  with  the  Lord.  When  the  families  of  his 
children  were  in  health  and  peace,  the  candle  of 
God  shining  upon  their  tabernacles,  he  wrote  thus 
to  them ; — It  was  one  of  Job's  comforts  in  his  pros- 
perity, that  his  children  loved  one  another,  and 
feasted  together.  The  same  is  ours  in  you,  which, 
God  continue.  But  you  will  not  be  offended,  if  we 
pray  that  you  may  none  of  you  curse  God  in  your 
hearts.  Kemember  the  wheel  is  always  in  motion, 
and  the  spoke  that  is  uppermost  will  be  under,**  and 
therefore  mix  tremblings  always  with  your  joy. 

He  much  rejoiced  in  the  visits  of  his  children, 
and  made  that,  as  other  things,  which  were  the  mat- 
ter of  his  rejoicing,  the  matter  of  his  thanksgiving. 
His  usual  saying,  at  parting,  was ;— This  is  not  the 
world  we  are  to  be  together  in,  and  it  is  well  it  is 
not ;  but  there  is  such  a  world  before  us.  And  his 
usual  prayer  was,— That  our  next  meeting  might  be 
either  in  heaven,  or  further  on  in  our  way  towards  it 

He  had,  in  eight  years'  time,  twenty-four  grand- 
children bom  ;  some  by  each  of  his  children ;  con- 
cerning whom  he  would  often  bless  God,  that  they 
were  all  the  sealed  ones  of  the  God  of  heaven,  and 
enrolled  among  his  lambs.  On  the  birth  of  his  se- 
cond grand-child,  at  a  troublesome  time  as  to  pub- 
lic affairs,  he  thus  writes  ;— I  have  now  seen  my  cAt7- 
dren*s  children ;  let  me  also  see  peace  upon  Israel ; 
and  then  I  will  say,— Xorcf,  now  lettest  thou  thy  ser- 
vant depart.  Some  were  much  affected  with  it, 
when  he  baptized  two  of  his  gprand-children  together 
at  Chester,  publicly,  and  preached  on  Genesis  xzziii. 
5. — Tltey  are  the  children  which  God  hath  graciously 
given  thy  servant.  He  observed  in  what  a  savoury, 
pious,  gracious  manner  Jacob  speaks.    He  had 

derBon*s  Thirty-four  Sermons,  p.  34.  fol.  1674 1  and  an  Expositioa 
of  the  Ten  Commandments,  by  John  Dod  and  Robert  Cleaver,  p. 
16.  4to.  1632. 

An  Old  Biographer  says  ;~There  are  no  preachers  so  experi- 
mental, spiritual,  powerf\il,  courageous,  awakening,  convincing, 
converting, compassionate,  comforting,  as  those  who  have  passed 
tknmgh  tkt  pikn.  Life  of  lilr.  John  Murcot,  p.  5.  prefixed  to  his 
Works,  ut  nipra. 

o  Heavenly  honour  and  glory,  like  a  pole,  or  axle-tree,  is  fixed 
and  immoveable;  but  earthly  is  like  a  wheel  that  turns  over  and 
over,  and  runs  round ;  that  part  which  is  now  above,  or  aloft,  will 
by  and  by  be  below,  and  at  bottom.  Precepts  for  Christian  Prac- 
tice, by  Edward  Reyner.  p.  184.  duod.  1668.  edit.  13th. 



spoken  good  sense  if  he  had  only  said  ;  they  are  my 
children ;  bat  then  he  had  not  spoken  like  Jacob, 
like  one  that  had  so  lately  seen  the  face  of  God. 
Though  onr  speech  be  not  always  of  grace,  yet  it 
most  be  always  with  grace ;  grace  poured  into  the 
fips.  There  is  a  kind  of  language,  the  air  of  which 
speaks  it  the  lan^vAge  of  Canaan,  Christians  should 
speak  like  Christians. 

It  was  not  long  after  his  children  were  married 
from  him,  but  his  house  was  filled  again  with  the 
children  of  several  of  his  friends,  whom  he  was,  by 
much  importunity,  persuaded  to  take  to  table  with 
him.'  All  that  knew  him,  thought  it  a  thousand 
pities  that  such  a  master  of  a  family  should  have 
but  a  small  family,  and  should  not  have  many  to  sit 
down  under  his  shadow.^  He  was  first  almost  ne- 
cessitated to  it,  by  the  death  of  his  dear  friend  and 
kinsman,  Mr.  Benyon,  of  Ash,  who  left  his  children 
to  his  care.  Some  he  took  gratis,  or  for  small  con- 
sideration ;  and  when,  by  reason  of  the  advances  of 
age,  he  could  not  go  about  so  much  as  he  had  done, 
doing  good,  he  laid  out  himself  to  do  the  more  at 
home.  He  kept  a  teacher  to  attend  their  school- 
learning  ;  and  they  had  the  benefit  not  only  of  his 
inspection  in  that,  but,  which  was  much  more,  his 
family  worship,  sabbath  instructions,  catechising, 
and  daily  converse,  in  which  his  tongue  was  as  choice 
silver^  and  his  lips  fed  many.  Nothing  but  the  hopes 
of  doing  some  good  to  the  rising  generation  could 
have  prevailed  virith  him,  to  take  this  trouble  upon  him. 
He  would  often  say  ; — We  have  a  busy  house,  but 
there  is  a  rest  remaining.  We  must  be  doing  some- 
thing in  the  world  while  we  are  in  it ;  but  this  fashion 
will  not  last  long,  methinks  I  see  it  passing  away. 

Sometimes  he  had  such  with  him  as  had  gone 
through  their  course  of  university-learning,  at  pri- 
vate academies,  and  desired  to  spend  some  time  in 
his  family,  before  their  entrance  upon  the  ministry, 
Aat  they  might  have  the  benefit,  not  only  of  his 
public  and  family  instructions,  but  of  his  learned 
and  pious  converse,'  in  which,  as  he  was  thoroughly 
furnished  for  every  good  word  and  work,  so  he  was 
very  free  and  communicative.  The  great  thing 
which  he  used  to  press  upon  those  who  intended  the 
ministry,  was  to  study  the  Scriptures,  and  make  them 
familiar.  Bonus  textuarius  est  bontis  theologusj  was 
a  maxim  he  often  minded  them  of.  For  this  purpose 
he  recommended  to  them  the  study  of  the  Hebrew, 
that  they  might  be  able  to  search  the  Scriptures  in 

F  It  would  be  interesting  to  see  a  list  of  his  "Tablera,"  as  his 
papos  desiirnate  them,  but  an  effort  to  furnish  one  has  proved  in- 
elfectuaL  Dr.  Latbanu  in  a  "  Sermon  preached  at  Uttoxeter,  Biay 
a6w  1745,  on  occasion  of  the  Death  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Daniel  BSadock," 
says ;—*« His  first  years  were  spent  in  old  Mr.  Philip  Henry's  fiu 
mily.  vbere  be  was  early  formed  to  piety  as  well  as  instructed  in 
good  literatiire.**    p.  27.  oct  1745. 

^  See  SoL  Song.  cb.  ii.  v.  a 

r  Mr.  WUaoB,  ofWarwick.  an  eminent  young  minister,  (See  Tong's 
life  ofMatthew  Henry,  pp.  48.  271 )  before  he  undertook  a  public 
chaige  doifed  to  spend  some  time  in  the  family  of  the  excellent 

the  original.  He  also  advised  tlicm  to  the  use  of  an 
interleaved  Bible,  wherein  to  iusertsuch  expositions 
and  observations  as  occur  occasionally  in  sermons 
or  other  books :  which  he  would  say,  are  more  happy 
and  considerable  sometimes,  than  those  that  are 
found  in  the  professed  conunentators.  When  some 
young  men  desired  the  happiness  of  coming  into  his 
family,  he  would  tell  them ; — You  come  to  roe,  as 
Naaman  did  to  Elisha,  expecting  that  I  should  do 
this  and  the  other  for  you,  and,  alas,  I  can  but  say 
as  he  did.  Go,  wash  in  Jordan,  Go,  study  the  Scrip- 
tures. I  profess  to  teach  no  other  learning  but 

[Sometimes  he  would  say ; — Prefer  having  eyes  to 
read  the  Scriptures,  and  be  blind  to  every  thing  else, 
rather  than  to  read  every  thing  else,  and  neglect  the 
Bible.*  Christ  is  the  lesson  there  taught,  and  it  is  a 
lesson  which  it  will  do  us  abundant  good  to  learn. 
It  is  unspeakably  satisfying  to  the  understanding. 
It  is  both  sweet  and  comfortable,  refreshing  and 
joyous.  It  is  strangely  renewing  and  changing 
within,  as  to  the  inner  man,  by  making  the  tree  good, 
bowing  the  will,  and  raising  the  affections  ;  and  as 
strangely  reforming  and  mending  without,  in  the 
life  and  conversation.^] 

It  was  but  a  little  before  he  died,  that,  in  reading 
Isaiah  1.  he  observed,  from  verse  4. — The  Lord  hath 
given  me  the  tongue  of  the  learned,  ^'c. — That  the  true 
learning  of  a  gospel  minister  consists,-,.not  in  being 
able  to  talk  Latin  fluently,  and  to  dispute  in  philo- 
sophy,— but  in  being  able  to  speah  a  word  in  season 
to  weary  souls.  He  that  knows  how  to  do  that  well, 
is  a  learned  minister. 

[He  still  employed  his  edifying  talent  in  letter- 
writing,  to  the  no  small  gratification  of  his  friends. 
In  these  communications  he  usually  wrote  with  the 
warmth  of  holy  affection  and  zeal ;  occasionally  in- 
dulging in  a  playfulness  of  expression,  which  served 
to  show  how  far  he  was  from  being  gloomy,  or  mo- 
rose.   The  following  may  be  taken  as  examples : — 

July  5, 1(J92. 
Dear  Sir ; 

The  change  of  your  hand  for  so  much  the  better, 
made  me  altogether  uncertain  to  whom  I  owed  the 
kindness  of  the  printed  paper,  till  your  father  in- 
formed my  ignorance,  which  is  now  quite  removed 
by  your  second  letter.  The  tidings  whereof,  though 
it  be  not  like  that  of  the  former,  as  to  the  account  it 

Philip  Henry;  and  said  to  a  near  relation  of  his,— He  desired  to 
learn  Mr.  Henry's  way  of  preaching,  and  praying,  and  living ;  and, 
says  he.  "  If  God  will  give  me  his  Spirit,  I  shall  be  a  happy  per- 
son." This  desire  or  his  was  pleasing  to  God ;  he  had  tlie  oppor- 
tunity, and  most  disceniible  advantage  by  it.  A  Funeral  Sermon 
for  the  Rev.  Mr.  Samuel  Slater,  p.  26.  4to.  1704.  By  the  Rev.  W. 

t  See  Hildersam's  Lecture  upon  the  4th  of  John,  fol.  IU29.  Ad- 
dress, "  To  the  godly  reader,  whether  minister  or  private  Chris- 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



gives  of  public  affairs,  yet  as  to  this  were  very  ac- 
ceptable, that  it  assures  me  of  the  continuance  of 
your  personal  respect  to,  and  remembrance  of,  un- 
worthy me ;  and  also  gives  me  good  ground  of  hope, 
that  you  are  confirmed  more  and  more  in  your  choice 
of  tlie  good  ways  of  the  Lord,  the  good  old  ways  of 
religion  and  godliness,  as  the  ways  you  resolve  to 
walk  in,  though  but  few  of  your  rank  and  circum- 
stances, yea,  very  few,  do  so.    And  what  then?    Is 
it  not  better  to  go  to  heaven  with  a  remnant,  than  to 
hell  with  a  multitude  ?    Are  diamonds  and  rubies 
ever  the  less  precious,  because  they  are  short  in 
number  of  tlie  pebble  stones  ?   I  am  glad  to  think 
there  is  one  the  more  for  you ;  and  I  hope.  He  that 
hath  begun  the  good  work,  the  same  will  perform  it 
unto  the  dag  of  Jesus  Christ,    What  you  write  of 
the  paralyzing  atheism  of  the  town,  I  am  afraid  is 
too  true ;  but  what  do  you  think  of  such  a  thing  as 
a-christism  ^    I  am  sure  Ephesians  ii.  12.  mentions 
both.    How  many  are  there  that  own  a  God,  and 
worship  him,  that  have  no  regard  to  Christ  Jesus  in 
doing  so,— as  if  we  could  come  to  him,  and  have  to 
do  with  him,  and  receive  from  him,  without  a  Medi- 
ator !    How  is  he  then  the  wag  ?    Hath  he  not  said, 
— No  man  cometh  to  the  Father  hut  hg  me  f  Is  he  the 
way  to  those  that  do  not  walk  in  him,  or  an  Advocate 
to  those  that  do  not  employ  him  ?  The  blessed  Paul 
could  say.    To  me  to  live  it  Christ ;  and  if  we  can- 
not, in  some  measure,  say  so  too,  to  us  to  die  will  not 
be  gain.    Dear  Sir,  give  me  leave,  with  all  the  affec- 
tionate earnestness  I  can  use,  to  recommend  him  to 
your  study  and  acquaintance ;  and  to  entreat  you  to 
abound  therein  more  and  more ;  learn  him,  and  love 
him,  and  live  him,  and,  my  soul  for  yours,  all  will 
be  well.    Learn  him,  for  he  is  a  good  Lesson  ;  love 
him,  for  he  is  a  good  Friend  ;  and  live  him,  for  he  is 
a  good  Pattern.     Count  upon  it  you  can  have  no  sin 
pardoned  without  him :  no  strength  to  do  your  duty 
without  him ;  no  acceptation,  when  it  is  done,  with- 
out him ;  no  communion  with  God  here,  without 
him  ;  and  no  heaven  hereafter,  without  him.     And 
is  there  not  good  reason,  then,  why  you  should  make 
him  your  All  in  all,  and  use  him  accordingly? 

I  have  been  for  some  weeks,  of  late,  a  poor  pri- 
soner, under  pain  in  an  ill-affected  limb,  which  still 
continues ;  but,  I  thank  God,  with  less  violence.  I 
am  in  hopes  of  creeping  to  the  pulpit  again,  from 
which,  for  three  sabbaths,  I  have  been  excluded ;  if 
so,  it  shall  be  to  preach  Christ  Jesus  the  Lord,  the 
Prince  of  our  peace,  and  the  Captain  of  our  salvation  ; 
to  whose  acquaintance  I  again  recommend  yOQ ;  and 


Dear  Sir, 

Your  truly  loving  friend,  to  serve  you, 

My  wife  is,  with  all  due  re-  \  Philip  Henry. 

spects,  remembered  to  you.  f 

a  Origr.  MS.  Mr.HuntwasorBoreaUon,  in  Shropshire,  and  after, 
wards  a  magistrate  for  the  county.    See  antt,  p.  52. 

For  Thomas  Hunt,  Esq. 
In  White  Hart  Yard, 
In  Fleet-street,  London." 

Dear  Sir,  Cousin,  and  Brother ; 

You  have  authorized  me  more  than  ever  to  call 
you  so,  since  yon  have  superscribed  your  letter  to 
Mr.  Philip  Tallents,  at  Broad  Oke.  It  was  no  mis- 
take ;  for  my  name  is  Philip,  and  I  am  Talients's  ; 
obliged  his,  adopted  his.  As  to  Mr.  Hal,  I  have 
not  yet  a  conveniency  for  him,  there  having  been  no 
vacancy  made  as  yet,  as  I  expected.  If  he  will 
please  to  come  guestvrise  for  a  night  or  two,  he  shall 
be  welcome.  It  may  be,  the  sight  of  our  mean  cir- 
cumstances, when  he  sees  them,  will  give  him  enough 
to  prevent  inquiring  further ;  for  they  are  really  poor 
and  mean. 

We  do  both  of  us  most  affectionately  salute  you 
both  in  our  dear  Lord.  He  that  told  us  you  talked 
of  letting  us  see  you  here  together,  when  the  days 
and  ways  would  permit,  did  make  us  really  glad. 
Many  thanks  to  you  for  your  kind  entertainment  of 
my  last  Mercury.  The  Lord  Almighty  be  your  Sun 
and  Shield!    Amen,    This  from. 

Dear  Cousin  and  Brother, 
Yours  to  serve  you, 
Jan.  12,1602-3.  Philip  Henry. 

For  tlie  Rev.  Mr.  Tallents, 
At  Salop. 


I  send  you  these  few  lines  to  be  your  remembrancer 
when  you  do  not  see  me.  You  are  now  come  out 
of  the  age  of  childhood ;  and,  though  when  you 
were  a  child,  you  thought  and  spake  as  a  child,  and 
understood  as  a  child,  it  will  be  time  for  you  now  to 
put  awag  childish  things.  You  must  begin  to  bethink 
yourself  for  what  you  are  come  into  this  world ;  not 
to  eat,  and  drink,  and  play,  but  to  glorify  God,  and 
save  your  soul.  You  are,  bg  nature,  a  child  of  wratky 
even  as  other's  ;  your  understanding  dark  ;  your 
mind  carnal,  and  that  carnal  mind  no  better  than 
downright  enmitg  against  God, — prone  to  all  manner 
of  evil,  and  backward  to  all  manner  of  good.  Do 
not  you  find  it  so,  every  day,  in  every  thing  ?  Must 
there  not,  then,  be  a  change  ?  Must  you  not  be  re- 
newed in  the  spirit  of  your  mind,  bom  again,  passed 
from  death  to  life  ?  You  must,  if  you  will  be  saved, 
for  none  but  new  creatures  are  fit  for  the  New  Jeru- 

And  is  the  good  work  wrought  in  you  ?  When  ? 
Where?  How  was  it?  How  long  is  it  since  you 
closed  with  Christ  upon  gospel  terms,  taking  him  to 
be  yours,— giving  yourself  to  him  to  be  his.  I  do 
not  mean  in  word  and  tongue  only  ; — I  have  often 
heard  you  so  do  it,  but  tn  deed  and  truth ;  in  secret, 

'    T  Orif .  MS. 



^od  and  yoar  own  soul,  where  no  eye  hath 
no  ear  hath  heard ;  from  a  due  sight  and 
four  lost  condition  without  him;  as  one 
ry  of  the  heavy  yoke  of  sin  and  Satan, — 
bed  no  longer  to  draw  in  it,  laying  your 
er  Christ's  sweet  and  easy  yoke.  If  you 
done  this,  do  it  before  you  sleep ;  do  it 
u  proceed  any  further.  Once  well  done, 
done  fw  ever.  Can  you  give  any  good 
the  contrary,  why  you  should  not?  either 
iiing  itself,  or  as  to  the  speedy  doing  of  it? 
begin  too  soon  to  be  Christ's  ?  Is  any  time 
the  present  time  ?  Until  this  be  done,  you 
i  of  the  devil,  and  heir  of  the  curse  and 
ition.  The  guilt  of  all  your  past  sins  is 
r  score.  God  is  your  enemy.  But  assure 
as  soon  as  it  is  done  aright,  and  as  it  ought 
e,  in  the  very  moment  in  which  you  repent 
ve  the  gospel,  and  receive  Christ  Jesus  the 
>e  your  Prince  and  Saviour,  you  arc  immc- 
ade  a  child  of  God,  and  an  heir  of  heaven ; 
last  sins  are  forgiven ;  your  peace  is  made ; 
omises  in  the  Bible  are  yours,  both  con- 
tiis  life  and  the  other.  No  evil  thing  shall 
1 ;  no  good  thing  shall  be  wanting  to  you. 
lot  that  a  blessed  dondition?  Will  it  not 
e  for  ever,  that  you  might  so  easily  have 
rd,  and  would  not?  And  why  would  you 
hecauMe  you  would  not?  They  t&at  hate 
cath,  says  wisdom.  Do  you  love  death,-— 
^th  ?  I  hope  you  do  not. 
ame-sake,  Mary,  made  a  wise  choice,  and 
t  be  yours.  When  she  had  an  opportunity 
all  other  matters  aside,  and  sat  down  at 
eet,  and  heard  his  word.  So  do  you  love 
e,  take  your  alone  meals  out  of  it  every 
ides  what  you  have  in  common  with  the 
Be  sure  you  read  and  hear  with  applica- 
t  the  word  of  Christ  dwell  richly  in  you, 
»usiness  of  prajring ;  though  you  cannot  do 
would,'  do  it  as  you  can  ; — to  him  that  hath 
iven.  Remember,  it  is  to  a  Father,  and  let  it 
name  of  Christ,  and  it  shall  not  be  in  vain, 
r  'place  and  calling  be  diligent,  humble, 
y.  Take  heed  of  vain  companions,  either 
omen,  lest  you  be  insnarcd  by  them.  Let 
s  be  modest,  and  according  to  your  place, 
ng  every  fine  thing  that  you  see  others  have, 
ing  to  be  like  them.  Learn  Peter's  good 
be  clothed  with  humility ;  and,  to  put  on 

ny  knawledge,  and  do  speik  my  conscience,  that  sa 
s  wtit  and  drink  is  to  the  presenratioun  of  lyfe  cor- 
\o  neceflarie  as  the  helt  and  brjrghtnes  of  the  sone  is 
oyng  of  the  hcrbisand  to  expell  darknes;  sa  neces- 

to  lyfe  everlasting,  and  to  the  illuminaution  and 
nule,  the  perpetuall  meditation,  exercis,  and  use  of 

word.  Let  na  day  slip  over  without  sum  comfort 
le  mouth  oi  God  ^  open  your  earis.  and  he  will  speik 
g  thiD^l*  ^o  y^^  ^^^'^'  Knox's  Letter  of  Instructions 
itants  of  ScoUand.   Life,  by  Dr  M'Crie,  vol  L  p.  416. 

f  2 

the  ornament  of  a  meeh  and  quiet  spirit,  which  is^  in 
the  sight  of  God,  of  great  price. 

I  have  not  room  to  enlarge ;  if  you  receive  it,  and 
heed  it,  it  is  enough ;  if  not,  it  is  too  much. 

The  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  he  with  you.     Amen, 

P.  H. 

August  1,  leoa.y 

Bear  Brother ; 

I  received  yours  by  Mr.  Travers  ;•  and,  though  I 
am  so  near  you,  and  though  it  be  so  much  in  my 
desires  to  see  you  both,  yet,  being  at  present  not  in 
a  capacity  to  do  it,  through  my  great  indisposedncss 
to  travel,  further  than  needs  must,  (especially  winter 
travel,  unless  about  my  Master's  immediate  work,) 
yet,  having  so  fair  an  opportunity,  a  line  is  better 
than  nothing,  if  it  be  only  to  wish  you  both  a  holy, 
^^^PPy*  ^^^  yc^r*  &Dd  to  present  you  with  a  new- 
year's  gift, — which  is,  a  half-moon,  the  body  of  the 
sun,  and  the  fourth  part  of  a  star ;  which,  when  you 
have  put  together,  you  will  find  me^  as  always. 

Dear  sir, 

Tour  coRdial  brother, 
.  Friend,  Cousin,  Servant, 

Jan.  1, 1693-4.  P.  H. 

the   laoth   day  of 

my  dying  year.' 

For  the  Rev.  Mr.  Fran.  Tallents,  at  Salop  : 
This,  with  my  hearty  love  and  respects.** 

Mar.  20,  1603-4. 
DD  SS. ;« 

It  is  as  long  since  we  heard  from  you,  as  it  is  since 
you  heard  from  us ;  and  we  thought  it  long.  As 
yours  to  us  brings  no  evil  tidings  from  the  wood,° 
so  neither  doth  this  to  you  from  the  oak.  Your 
mother  continues  to  mend,  through  God's  goodness, 
and  bids  me  tell  you  she  is  better,— God  be  praised, 
— to  day,  than  she  was  yesterday,  and  yesterday 
than  the  day  before.  She  is  come  down  stairs,  and 
that  is,  to  her,  like  launching  into  a  sea  again ;  for 
we  have  at  present  a  troublesome  house  of  it.  Oh, 
that  you  and  we  may  be  better  after  late  corrections ! 
For,  though  no  affliction,  for  the  present,  seemeth  to 
be  joyous,  but  grievous,  nevertheless,  afterwards,-^ 
afterwards,  it  yieldeth  the  peaceable  fruits  of  right- 

z  See  a  Sermon  by  P.  Henry,  on  GaL  v.  17.— So  that  jr#  cmmtt 
do  the  things  that  ye  w<ndd,—\ik  the  Cong.  Mag.  y.  7.  p.  230. 

7  The  above  letter  was  *'  written  by  my  honoured  fother,  Bfr. 
Henry,  to  a  young  woman  newly  gone  fVom  her  parents  to  senrice 
in  Chester ;  Mary  Web,  now  Mrs.  Frail "    Mn.  Savage.  Orig.  MS- 

I  See  Tong's  Life  of  Matthew  Henry,  p.  S&O, «/  supra. 

•  See  j»o«/.  p.  216. 

b  Orig.  MS. 

e  Dear  Daughter,  Sarah  Savage. 

d  Wrenbury  Wood,  Mrs  Savage's  residence. 



This  is  the  210th  day  of  my  commonly  dying 
year.     Lord,  teach  me  to  number  aright.     Amen  ! 

Our  love  and  blessing  are  to  you  both,  and  to  all 
The  God  of  love  and  peace  be  with  you, 
This,  from 

Your  loving  Father, 
For  Mrs.  Savage.  P.  H.« 

Bor.  May  14. 

264,  d.  I(i04. 
Dear  and  Honoured  Brother ; 

I  should  have  answered  your  last  sooner,  but 
wanted  opportunity  of  sending  it.  I  rejoice  in  the 
continuance  of  your  mercies,  that  your  bow  doth  yet 
abide  in  ttrengthy  and  that  my  dear  sister  also  is 
spared  to  you  in  her  usefulness.  The  Lord's  most 
holy  name  be  blessed  and  praised  for  it !  It  seems  you 
have  your  mixtures  for  exercise.  God  will  have 
you  yet  to  shine  brighter ;  the  dish-clouts  that  he 
makes  use  of,  must  help  to  do  it ;  theirs  the  shame, 
yours  the  honour.  Qui  volens  detrahit  famas  f ucr, 
nolens  volens  addit  mercedi  husJ  It  is  a  sign  we 
gallop  in  our  way,'  when  the  dogs  follow  us  bark- 
ing. Slack  not  your  pace,  though  they  do  so.  There 
will  as  certainly  be  a  resurrection  of  names,**  as  of 
bodies,  and  both  with  advantage.  Both  as  the  sun 
at  noon  day.  I  know  not  when  I  shall  be  so  happy 
as  to  see  you  at  Salop,  though  I  much  desire  it  I 
am  like  a  traveller's  horse  that  knows  its  stages, 
which,  if  he  exceed,  he  tires,  and  is  the  worse  for  it. 
Hither,  once  a  quarter,  is  my  non  plus  ultra,  I  have 
not  been  at  Chester,  though  I  have  many  loadstones 
there,  above  these  thirteen  months. 

Once  a  week,  and  sometimes  twice,  I  keep  my 
circuit  of  two  miles,  or  four  miles,  each  Wednesday, 
by  which  time  I  am  recovered  from  my  sabbath 
weariness ;  and,  by  the  time  I  am  recovered  from 
that,  the  sabbath  work  returns  again ;  so  that  I  am 
never  not  weary.  But  why  do  I  tell  you  this?— 
That  I  may  boast  what  a  labourer  I  am  ?  I  am  a 
loiterer,  a  trifler,  a  slug.  Magnis  conatibtis  nihil  ago. 
It  is  that  you  may  know  wherein  to  help  me  with 
your  prayers.  Beg  for  me,  that  I  may  be  found 
faithful,  and  that,  while  I  preach  to  others,  I  myself 
may  not  be  a  cast-away,  I  have  some  hope,  through 
grace,  that  I  shall  not ;  but  the  heart  is  deceitful, 
the  devil  is  busy,  and  God  is  just  and  holy.  Only 
this  I  trust  to,  ^Christ  hath  died,  yeA,  rather,  is 
risen  again. 

e  Orig.  MS. 

f  Augustine :  with  mtm  altered  to  tua. 

g  Mr.  .William  Fenner,  of  Essex*  that  eminent  servant  of  Jesus 
Christ,  was  so  taken  with  the  active  spirit  of  Mr.  Wilson,  that  he 
said.—"  I  am  even  ashamed  of  myself  to  see  bow  Bilr.  Wilson 
gallopeth  towards  heaven,  and  I  do  but  creep  on  at  a  snail's 
pace."    Clark's  Live^  p.  34.  fol.  1683. 

h  "  There  shall  be  a  resurrection,  not  only  of  bodies,  but  of 
credits."  The  Bruised  Reed  and  Smoaking  Flax,  by  Dr.  Sibbs, 
p.  113.  duod.  1808. 9th  ed. 

Dear  love,  and  service  to  you  both.    The  Lord 
himself  be  your  everlasting  portion.    Amen. 
This,  from 

Your  affectionate  obliged  Brother, 
Friend,  Servant  in  our  dear  Lord, 

For  Mr.  Francis  Tallents,  P.  fl.' 

At  Salop. 


Aug.  13,  355  d.  1694. 
Dear  Cousin  and  Brother ; 

I  came  from  home  on  Saturday,  not  without  some 
hopeful  thoughts  of  seeing  you  two,  and  dear  Mr. 
Bryan,''  in  his  present  illness,  this  day;  but  the 
weather  and  ways  are  grown  suddenly  such,  that 
really.  Sir,  I  dare  not  venture,  for  my  strength  will 
not  bear  it ;  and  I  dare  not  tempt  God.  I  am  there- 
fore hastening  back  to  my  nest,  where  the  young 
ones  are  at  present  such,  and  so  many,  that  the  poor 
hen,  though  she  can  do  as  much  as  another,  yet, 
alone,  cannot  manage  them  without  me.  *If  we  do 
any  good,  it  is  well ;  the  Lord  accept  of  it  in  Christ ; 
but,  I  am  sure,  it  is  not  without  a  great  deal  of  care 
and  cumber  to  ourselves  in  our  declining  age.  It 
was  a  special  providence  to  gratify  dear  Cos. 
Benyon,  that  at  first  brought  us  into  it ;  and  I  wait 
upon  the  same  providence,  in  what  way  the  Lord 
pleases,  for  there  are  many  ways,  to  let  us  fairly  out 
again,  that  we  may  not  break  prison.  I  pray  this, 
once  more,  accept  of  this  true  excuse  ;  and  give  my 
dear  love  and  respects  to  good  Mr.  Bryan,  and  tell 
him,  my  heart  is  with  him,  and  my  daily  prayers 
are  to  God  for  him.  If  there  be  more  work  to  be 
done,  well ;  he  shall  recover  to  do  it ;  if  not,  better, 
(for  him  better,  whatever  for  others,)  there  is  a  rest 
remaining.    We  serve  a  good  Master. 

Dearest  love  to  you  both.  The  Eternal  God  be 
your  refuge ;  and  underneath  you  be  his  everlasting 
arms,  living,  dying.     Amen ! 

For  the  worthy  Mr.  Tallents, 
At  Salop. 




In  the  time  of  his  health,  he  made  death  very  fami- 
liar to  himself,  by  frequent  and  pleasing  thoughts 

1  Orig.  MS. 

k  Tlie  Rev.  John  Bryan,  M.  A.  He  was  Minister  of  St  Chad's 
Church,  in  Shretrsbury,  till  Aug.  24.  1662.  He  died  Aug.  31. 

"  1609,  Sept.  2.  I  heard  of  the  death  of  good  Mr.  Bryan,  of  Salop: 
an  aged  nonconfonnittt,  and  a  bold,  zealous  preacher  of  the  truth ; 
gone  to  receive  his  fTell  done."  Mrs.  Savage's  Diary.  Oiig.  MS. 
A  portrait,  in  oil,  of  Mr.  Bryan,  is  in  the  editor's  possession.  See 
Palmer's  Noncon.  Mem.  v.  13.  p.  15. 

»  P  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 



and  meditations  of  it ;  and  endeavoured  to  make  it 
so  to  his  friends,  by  speaking  often  of  it.  His  letters 
and  discoarses  had  still  something  or  other  which 
spoke  his  constant  expectations  of  death.  Thus  did 
be  learn  to  die  daily.  And  it  is  hard  to  say  whether 
it  was  more  easy  to  him  to  speak,  or  uneasy  to  his 
friends  to  hear  him  speak,  of  leaving  the  world.  This 
minds  me  of  a  passage  I  was  told  by  a  worthy  Scotch 
minister,  Mr.  Patrick  Adair,  that,  visiting  the  fam- 
ous Mr.  Durham,*  of  Glasgow,  in  his  last  sick- 
ness, which  was  long  and  lingering,  he  said  to  him. 
Sir,  I  hope  you  have  so  set  all  in  «»rder,  that  you 
have  nothing  else  to  do  but  to  die.^  **  I  bless  God,'' 
said  Mr.  Durham,  "  I  have  not  had  that  to  do 
neither  these  many  years.''  Such  is  the  comfort  of 
dying  daily,  when  we  come  to  die  indeed. 

[Mr.  Henry,  some  time  before  his  last  illness,  had 
a  severe  attack  of  disease,  which  greatly  excited  the 
alarm  of  his  friends.  His  excellent  wife  was  then  on 
a  visit  to  Mrs.  Savage,  at  Wrenbury  Wood.  How 
his  own  mind  was  affected  by  the  apparent  approach 
of  the  last  enemy  will  be  seen  by  the  following 
letter  :— 

Dear  Daughter ; 

This  is  to  yon  because  of  yours  to  me.  I  am  glad 
to  see  you  so  well  so  quickly,  as  to  be  able  to  write, 
— ^that  your  rip  hi  hand  hath  not  forgot  its  cunning  ; 
neither  hath  mine  yet.  I  had  an  ill  day  yesterday, 
and  an  ill  night  after,  but  ease  came  in  the  morn- 
ing. I  have  been  preaching  Christ,  the  door  to  God, 
and  letting  a  little  one  in  to  him  by  the  door  of  bap- 
tism, and  hope  for  strength  for  the  afternoon  work, 
though  in  some  pain,  yet  less  than  deserved.  Your 
mother  hath  sometimes  told  me,  she  could  not  en- 
dure to  see  me  die,  and  for  that  reason  I  was  glad 
she  was  away,  for  I  thought,  all  night,  there  was 
in/  a  step.  Here  are  many  people,  and  they  are  come 
to  hear  of  Christ ;  and  willing,  I  am,  they  should, 
and  that  they  should  learn  what  I  have  learned  of 
him.  I  can  cheerfully  say, — Lord,  now  lettest  thou 
thy  servant  depart  in  peace  !^  God  increase  your 
strength,  and  especially  your  thankfulness,  and 
write  the  name  of  the  child  in  the  booh  of  the  living. 

My  dear  love  to  my  wife,  and  to  yourself  and 
husband,  and  all  the  rest.     I  am  glad  that  she  is 

•  He  died  25th  June,  165a  »t.  36.  Biogrephia  Scoticana,  p. 
»S^  1796. 

b  When  Dr.  Googe  was  visited  by  his  (Viends  in  his  sickness,  he 
often  said,-"  I  am  willin;  to  die ;  having,  I  bless  God,  nothing  to 
do  bat  to  die."  Clark's  Lives  annexed  to  the  Martyrologie,  p. 
246.  wt  nfra. 

•  IflGP,  Nov.  17.  Ill  of  the  cold,  which  provoked  other  distem. 
perSk  insomuch  that,  for  a  time,  I  despaired  even  uf  lire.  Apt  to 
fcint;  and  what  is  death,  but  a  very  little  more?  Lord.  I  bless 
thee,  that  I  can  look  death  in  the  face  with  comfort,  knowing 
that  my  redempli»m  draweth  nigk.    P.  Henry.  Diary,  Orig.  MS. 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

•  He  was,  all  bis  days,  a  pattern  of  temperance  in  eating  and 
drinking,  at>oTe  any  that  1  have  known,  as  to  time,  quantity,  aod 
quality.    U£t.  Orig.  MS.  mi  npra. 

acceptable  to  you,  and  am  willing  she  should  be  so, 
while  she  and  you  please. 
The  Lord  everlasting  be  your  portion !  ** 

For  Mrs.  Sarah  Savage, 
At  Wrenbury  Wood.] 

Mr.  Henry's  constitution  was  but  tender,  and 
yet,  by  the  blessing  of  God  upon  his  great  temper- 
ance,* and  care  of  his  diet,  and  moderate  exercise 
by  walking  in  the  air,  he  did  for  many  years  enjoy 
a  good  measure  of  health,  which  he  used  to  call, — 
The  sugar  that  sweetens  all  temporal  mercies ;  for 
which,  therefore,  we  ought  to  be  very  thankful,  and 
of  which  we.  ought  to  be  very  careful. 

He  had  sometimes  violent  fits  of  the  colic,  which 
would  be  very  afilictive  for  the  time.  Towards  the 
latter  end  he  was  distressed  sometimes  with  a  pain, 
which  his  doctor  thought  might  arise  from  a  stone 
in  his  kidneys.  Being  once  upon  the  recovery 
from  an  ill  fit  of  that  pain,  he  said  to  one  of  his 
friends,  that  asked  him  how  he  did, — he  hoped,  by 
the  grace  of  God,  he  should  now  be  able  to  give  one 
blow  more  to  the  devil's  kingdom ;  and  often  pro- 
fessed, he  did  not  desire  to  live  a  day  longer  than 
he  might  do  God  some  service.  He  said  to  another, 
when  he  perceived  himself  rccovering,^-Well,  I 
thought  I  had  been  putting  into  the  harbour,  but  I 
find  I  must  to  sea  again.' 

He  was  sometimes  suddenly  taken  with  fainting 
fits,  which,  when  he  recovered  from,  he  would  say,— 
Dying  is  but  a  little  more. 

When  he  was  in  the  sixty-third  year  of  his  age, 
which  is  commonly  called  the  grand  climacteric, 
and  hath  been  to  many  the  dying  year,  and  was  so 
to  his  father,  he  numbered  the  days  of  it,  from 
August  24, 1G93,  to  August  24, 1694,  when  he  finished 
it.  And  when  he  concluded  it  he  thus  wrote  in  his 
Diary  ; — This  day  finisheth  my  commonly  dying 
year,  which  I  have  numbered  the  days  of;  and 
should  now  apply  my  heart,  more  than  ever,  to  hea- 
venly wisdom. 

He  was  much  pleased  with  that  expression  of  our 
English  Liturgy  in  the  office  of  burial,  and  frequent- 
ly used  it ;— **  In  the  midst  of  life  we  are  in  death." 

The  infirmities  of  age,  when  they  grew  upon  him, 
did  very  little  abate  his  vigour  and  liveliness  in 

He  never  took  tobacco,  ir  asked  concerning  it.  he  would  say, 
he  was  not  come  to  it  yet ;  but  he  did  not  know  what  he  might 
do ;  having  known  some  who  had  vigorously  resolved  against  it, 
but  atlerwards  were  persuaded  to  it.    Ibid. 

It  is  said  or  the  learned  Dr.  Barrow,  that  he  was  very  free  in  the 
use  of  tobacco,  believing  it  did  help  to  regulate  his  thinking.  Life, 
prefixed  to  his  Works,  vol.  d.  fol.  1683. 

f  Sir  Henry  Wotton,  being  visited  in  his  latter  days  by  his 
learned  friend,  the  celebrated  Mr.  Hales,  of  Eton,  said  to  hiio,— 
•'  I  now  see  that  I  draw  near  my  harbour  of  death ;  that  Aarbovr  that 
will  secure  me  from  all  the  future  ttorwu  and  wavet  of  this  restless 
world ;  and,  I  praise  God,  I  am  willing  to  leave  it,  and  expect  a 
better."  Walton's  Lives,  by  Dr.  Zouch,  v.  I.  p.  284.  See,  also^ 
Clarke's  Lives  annexed  to  the  Martyrologie, «/  tnpro,  p.  171. 



preaching,  but  he  seemed  even  to  renew  his  youth 
as  the  eagles ;  as  those  that  are  planted  in  the  house 
of  the  Lord,  who  still  bring  forth  fi'uit  in  old  age ; 
not  so  much  to  show  that  they  are  upright,  as  to 
show  that  the  Lord  is  upright.  Psalm  xcii.  14,  15. 
But,  in  his  latter  years,  travelling  was  very  trouble- 
some to  him ;  and  he  would  say,  as  Mr.  Dod  used 
to  do,  that,  when  he  thought  to  shahe  himself  as  at 
other  times,  he  found  his  hair  was  cut  ;>  his  sense  of 
this  led  him  to  preach  an  occasional  sermon  not  long 
before  he  died,  on  John  xxi.  IS,— When  thou  wast 
young,  thou  girdedst  thyself,  ifc.  Another  occasional 
sermon  he  preached  when  he  was  old,**  for  his  own 
comfort,  and  the  comfort  of  his  aged  friends,  on 
Psalm  Ixxi.  17, 18. — O  God,  thou  hast  taught  me 
from  my  youth,  Sfc.  He  observed  there, — That  it  is 
a  blessed  thing  to  be  taught  of  God  from  our  youth  ; 
and  those  that  have  been  taught  of  God  from  their 
youth,  ought  to  declare  his  wondrous  works  all  their 
days  after.  And  those  that  have  been  taught  of  God 
from  their  youth,  and  have  all  their  days  declared 
his  wondrous  works,  may  comfortably  expect,  that 
when  they  are  old  he  will  not  forsake  them.  Christ 
is  a  Master  that  doth  not  use  to  oast  off  his  old 

[On  another  occasion,  he  writes  ;— It  was  David's 
prayer ; — O  God,  thou  hast  taught  me  from  my  youth, 
and  hitherto  have  I  declared  all  thy  wondrous  works. 
Now,  also,  when  I  am  old  and  grey-headed,  O  God, 
forsake  me  not !  And  we  should  thus  pray.  For,  when 
God  forsakes,  it  is  like  as  when  the  soul  forsakes  the 
body.  There  is  nothing  left  but  a  carcass.  It  is  as 
when  the  sun  forsakes  the  earth,  which  causes  night 
and  winter.  It  is  as  when  the  fountain  forsakes  the 
cistern,  for  God  alone  is  the  Fountain.  It  is  as  when 
the  father  forsakes  the  children.  It  is  as  when  the 
pilot  forsakes  the  ship ;  then  she  is  in  great  danger  of 
rocks  and  quicksands.  It  is  as  when  the  physician 
forsakes  the  patient,  which  is  not  till  the  case  is 
desperate.  It  is  as  when  the  guide  forsakes  the  tra- 
veller, and  then  he  is  exposed  to  many  dangers.*'] 

For  some  years  before  ho  died,  he  used  to  com- 
plain of  an  habitual  weariness,  contr&cted,  he 
thought,  by  his  standing  to  preach,  sometimes  very 
uneasily,  and  in  inconvenient  places,  immediately 
after  riding.  He  would  say,  every  minister  was  not 
cut  out  for  an  itinerant ;  and  sometimes  the  manifest 
attention  and  affection  of  people  in  hearing,  en- 
larged him  both  in  length  and  fervency,  somewhat 
more  than  his  strength  could  well  bear.    It  was 

r  See  Judges  xvi.  19,  30.  and  the  Account  of  the  Rev.  John 
Dod.  in  Fuller's  Church  History,  ni  mtfn,  B.  xi.  p.  2S0. 

h  April  28, 1692. 

1  Appendix,  No.  XXIV. 

\  P.  Henry.  From  Mrs.  Sarage^s  MSS. 

1  The  body  of  him  who  hath,  in  truth,  given  his  name  to  Clirist 
and  his  gainfull  service,  shall  goe  into  the  grave,  as  into  a  chamber 
or  rest,  and  bed  of  downe,  sweetly  perfumed  unto  it  by  the  sacred 
^od^  of  the  Sonne  of  God  lying  in  the  grave.   Directions  for  a 

not  many  months  before  he  died,  that  he  wrote  thus 
to  a  dear  relation,  who  inquired  solicitously  con- 
cerning his  health  ; — I  am  always  habitually  weary, 
and  expect  no  other  till  I  lie  down  in  the  bed  of  spices. 
And,  blessed  be  God,  so  the  g^ve  is  to  all  the 
saints,'  since  he  lay  in  it,  who  is  the  Rose  of  Sharon, 
and  the  Lily  of  the  Valleys.  When  some  of  his 
friends  persuaded  him  to  spare  himself,  he  would 
say ; — It  is  time  enough  to  rest  when  I  am  in  the 
grave.  What  were  candles  made  for,  but  to  bum  ?  *" 
[One  of  the  last  letters  he  wrote  to  Mrs.  Savage 
is  thus  expressed ;  and  it  manifests  the  enlightened 
and  calm  anticipation  he  indulged  as  to  his  final 
change ; — 

May  28,  1605. 
Dear  Daughter ; 

You  arc  loath  to  part  with  your  lister,  but  you 
know  this  is  not  the  world  we  are  to  be  together  in ; 
and,  besides,  it  is  to  a  father  and  mother,  that  are 
to  be  but  a  while,  either  for  her  or  you  to  come  to. 
These  short  partings  should  mind  us  of  the  long  one, 
which  will  be  shortly,  but  then  the  meeting  again, 
to  be  together /or  ever,  and  with  the  Lord,  is  very 
comfortable  in  the  hope  ;  and  much  more  will  it  be 
so  in  the  fruition.  Two  that  awhile  ago  were  of  ust 
Ann  D.  and  Susan,  are  gone  before ;  and,  as  sure 
as  they  are  gone,  we  are  also  going,  in  the  time  and 
order  appointed. 

Our  dear  love  and  blessing  are  to  all  and  each. 

Your  loving  father, 

P.  H.»] 

It  doth  not  appear  that  he  had  any  particular  pre- 
sages of  his  death ;  but  many  instances  there  were  of 
his  actual  gracious  expectation  of  it,  somewhat 
more  than  ordinary,  for  some  time  before.  The  last 
visit  he  made  to  his  children  in  Chester,  was  in  July, 
1695,  almost  a  year  before  he  died,  when  he  spent 
a  Lord's  day  there,  and  preached  on  the  last  verse 
of  the  Epistle  to  Philemon  ;-*TAe  grace  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ  be  with  your  spirit.  By  grace,  he  un- 
derstood not  so  much  the  good  will  of  God  towards 
us,  as  the  good  work  of  God  in  us  ;  called  the  grace 
of  Christ,  both  because  he  is  the  Author  and  Finish- 
er of  it,  and  because  he  is  the  I^ittem  and  Sam- 
plar  of  it.  Now  the  choicest  gift  we  can  ask  of  God 
for  our  friends,  is,  that  this  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus 
Christ  may  be  with  their  spirit.    This  is  the  one  thing 

comfortable  Walking  with  God,  by  Robert  Bolton,  B.D.  4to.  1638. 
Ep.  Ded. 

n  **  You  are  as  a  candle,  the  better  part  burnt  out." 

Shakspeare.  Second  Part  of  Henry  IV.  Act  1.  Scene  i. 
See  Matt  v.  \5.  Mark,  iv.  21,  22.  Luke,  viii  16,17.  zi.  33. 

We  are  wasted  as  candles.  What  matter,  so  we  may  liglit  our 
people  to  heaven!  Mr.  Steele,  at  an  Ordination,  Nov.  15,1659. 
Philip  Henry's  MS. 

>  Ong.  MS. 



needful  J  the  better  party  the  root  of  the  matter,  the 
wkole  man,  the  principal  thingy  the  more  excellent 
vcy,  a  blessing  indeed,  and  the  thing  that  accompanies 
ialvaiian.     The  grace  of  Christ  in  the  spirit  enlight- 
ens and  enlivens  the  spirit,  softens  and  suhdues  the 
spirit,  purifies  and  preserves  the  spirit,  greatens  and 
guides  the.  spirit,    sweetens  and  strengthens  the 
spirit ;  and  therefore,  what  can  be  more  desirable  ? 
A  spirit  9dthout  the  grace  of  Christ,  is  a  field  with- 
oat  a  fence,  a  fool  without  understanding ;  it  is  a 
horse  without  a  bridle,  and  a  house  without  furni- 
ture ;  it  is  a  ship  without  tackle,  and  a  soldier  with- 
>ut  armour ;  it  is  a  cloud  without  rain,  and  a  carcass 
irithout  a  soul ;  it  is  a  tree  without  fruit,  and  a 
traveller  without  a  guide.     How  earnest,  therefore, 
Uiould  we  be  in  praying  to  God  for  grace  both  for 
ourselves  and  for  our  relations.     He  had  intended  to 
preach  upon  that  text  when  he  was  at  Chester  the 
year  before,  but  was  then  prevented  by  a  particular 
sad  occasion,  which  obliged  him  to  a  funeral  ser-  ■ 
mon,  Di?inc  Providence  reserving  that  benediction, 
which  his  heart  was  much  upon,  for  his  valediction. 
The  Thursday  following,  being  kept  as  a  fast  in 
his  son's  congregation  at  Chester,  he  preached  on 
Luke  xix.  41. — He  beheld  the  city,  and  wept  over  it ; 
—which  proved  his  farewell  to  the  town,  as  the  for- 
mer was  his  farewell  to  his  friends  and  relations  in  it. 

It  was  not  many  weeks  before  he  died,  that  he 
wrote  thus  to  one  of  his  children : — We  are  well 
here,  thanks  be  to  God,  and  are  glad  to  hear  that 
you  and  yours  are  well  also ;  God,  in  mercy,  con- 
tinue it !  But  why  should  we  be  well  always  ?  Do 
we  deserve  it  ?  Are  there  no  mixtures  in  our  obe- 
dience ?  Are  there  any  persons  or  families,  at  whose 
door  sickness  and  death  never  knocked  ?  Must  the 
tvrth  beforsahen  for  us,  or  the  rock  removed  out  of  its 
place  f  Is  it  not  enough  that  we  be  dealt  with  ac- 
eording  to  the  manner  of  men  ?  And  that  we  have  a 
promise,  that  it  shall  end  well,  everlastingly  well. 

To  another  of  his  children,  about  the  same  time, 

he  writes  : We  are  sensible  that  we  decline  apace, 

hat  the  best  of  it  is,  that  as  time  goes,  eternity 
comes ;  and  we  are  in  good  hope,  through  grace,  that 
it  will  be  a  comfortable  eternity. 

It  was  in  April,  1696,  a  few  weeks  before  he  died, 
that  his  son's  father-in-law,  Robert  Warburton,  Esq." 
was  gathered  to  his  grave  in  peace,  in  a  good  old  age* 
Upon  the  tidings  of  whose  death,  Mr.  Henry  wrote 
thas  to  his  son  : — Your  fathers,  where  are  they  ? 
Your  father-in-law  gone,  and  your  own  father  going; 

•  Of  HctTerston  Grange  in  Cheshire.  See  Tong's  Lire  ofBlatthew 
Henry,  v/n^o,  p.  108.  Nicbors  Lit.  Anecd.  v.  5.  pp.  529,530. 
Mr.  Matthew  Henry  married  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Mary  Warburton, 
July  8, 1690.  See  also  Blr.  Tong's  Sermon  on  the  Death  of  Matthew 
Henry,  4to.  1714.    Dedication. 

f  Nat.  Nov.  1619  i  ob.  April  11,  170&  See  his  Life  in  this 

He  was  an  inUmate  acquaintance  of  the  Hon.  Robert  Boyle. 

Bitig.  Brit  Y.  a  p.  496.  n.  F. 

but  you  have  a  God-Father  that  lives  for  ever.  He 
was  wont,  sometimes,  to  subscribe  his  letters,— Your 
ever-loving,  but  not  ever-living,  father. 

It  was  not  a  month  before  he  died,  that,  in  a  letter 
to  his  very  dear  and  worthy  friend  and  brother,  Mr. 
Tallents,P  of  Shrewsbury,  he  had  this  passage  :— 
Methinks  it  is  strange,  that  it  should  be  your  lot 
and  mine,  to  abide  so  long  on  earth  by  the  stuff,'^ 
when  so  many  of  our  friends  are  dividing  the  spoil 
above,  but  God  will  have  it  so  ;  and  to  be  willing  to 
live  in  obedience  to  his  holy  will,  is  as  true  an  act 
of  grace,  as  to  be  willing  to  die  When  he  calls,  espe- 
cially when  life  is  labour  and  sorrow.  But  when  it 
is  labour  and  joy,  service  to  his  name,  and  some 
measure  of  success  and  comfort  in  serving  him  ; 
when  it  is  to  stop  a  gap,  and  stem  a  tide,  it  is  to  be 
rejoiced  in  ;  it  is  heaven  upon  earth ;  nay,  one 
would  think,  by  the  psalmist's  oft  repeated  plea 
Psalms  vi.  xxx.  Ixxxviii.  cxv.  cxviii.  that  it  were 
better  than  to  be  in  heaven  itself.    And  can  that  be  ? 

[In  a  manuscript,  showing  wherein  the  happiri^s 
of  heaven  consists,  he  has  thus  expressed  his  views. 
We  shall  see  God,  Matthew  v.  8.  Job  xix.  26.  This 
^ill  be  a  clear  sight,  1  Corinthians  xiii.  12.  1  John 
iii.  2.  transforming,  Psalm  xvii.  15.  and  satisfying, 
John  xiv.  8.  We  shall  enjoy  the  presence  of  Jesus 
Christ,  John  xvii.  24.  Phiiippians  i.  23.' — and  have 
society  with  glorified  saints,  Matthew  viii.  11.  There 
will  be  freedom  from  sin  and  sorrow,  Revelations 
vii.  17.  It  will  be  a  heavenly  sabbath,  Hebrews  iv. 
9.  which  will  dllTer  from  sabbaths  now, — in  the  ex- 
ercises to  be  performed :  there  will  be  all  praise ; 
no  mourning  for  sin. — In  the  frame  of  our  hearts  for 
the  performance:  our  affections  will  be  raised. — 
In  the  place:  it  will  be  our  Father's  house. — In  the 
continuance :  there  will  be  no  intermissions,  no  part- 
ing, no  night Now,  while  we  are  sanctifying  the  sab- 
bath, others  are  piofaning  it ;  but  then  all  shall  join.'] 

A  little  before  his  sickness  and  death,  being  sum- 
mer time,  he  had  several  of  his  children  and  his 
children's  children  about  him,  at  Broad  Oak,  with 
whom  he  was  much  refreshed,  and  very  cheerful ; 
but  ever  and  anon  spoke  of  the  fashion  he  was  in,  as 
passing  away ;  and  often  told  them,  he  should  be 
there  but  a  while  to  bid  them  welcome.  And  he 
was  observed  frequently  in  prayer,  to  beg  of  God, 
that  he  would  make  us  ready  for  that  which  would 
come  certainly,  and  might  come  suddenly.  One 
asking  him  how  he  did,  he  answered,— I  find  the 
chips  fly  off  apace,  the  tree  vnll  be  down  shortly.' 

q  1  Sam.  xxx.  24. 

r  The  happiness  of  heaven  consists  in  being  with  Christ;  That 
they  may  be  with  me.  Thoughts  of  this  are  reviving,  and  should  be 
improved,  as  a  cordial,  to  keep  from  fainting  under  any  trouble ; 
as  a  spur,  to  put  us  forward  in  duty ;  as  a  bridle,  to  restrain  from 
sin ;  and  as  a  loadstone,  to  draw  our  aflections upward.  P.  Henry. 
Mem.  of  Mrs.  Savage,  p.  2ia  nt  npra. 

•  P.  Henry.  Orig  MS. 

t  When  King  James  the  First  was  informed  of  the  death  of  his 



The  last  time  he  administered  the  Lord's  sapper, 
a  fortnight  before  he  died,  he  closed  the  administra- 
tion with  that  scripture,  1  John  iii.  2.  It  dotk  not  yet 
appear  what  we  shall  he ;  not  yet,  but  it  will  shortly. 

The  sabbath  but  one  before  he  died,  being,  in  the 
course  of  his  exposition,  come  to  that  difficult  part 
of  Scripture,  the  40th  of  Ezekiel,  and  the  following 
chapters,  he  said  he  would  endeavour  to  explain 
those  prophecies  to  them ;  and  added,— If  I  do  not 
do  it  now,  I  never  shall.  And  he  observed,  that  the 
only  prophetical  sermon  which  our  Lord  Jesus 
preached,  was  but  a  few  days  before  he  died.  This 
many  of  his  hearers  not  only  reflected  upon  after- 
wards, but  took  notice  of  at  that  time  with  a  concern, 
as  having  something  in  it  more  than  ordinary. 

On  the  Lord's  day,  June  21, 1696,  he  went  through 
the  work  of  the  day  with  his  usual  vigour  and  live- 
liness. He  was  then  preaching  over  the  first  chap- 
ter of  St.  Peter's  Second  Epistle,  and  was  that  day 
on  those  words.  Add  to  your  faith  virtue^^  vcxse  5. 
Ho*  took  virtue  for  Christian  courage  and  resolution 
in  the  exercise  of  faith ;  and  the  last  thing  he  men- 
tioned, in  which  Christians  have  need  of  courage, 
is  in  dying ;  for,  as  he  was  often  used  to  say,  it  is  a 
serious  thing  to  die,  and  to  die  is  a  work  by  itself."^ 

[He  that  would  not  die  when  he  must,*  and  he 
that  would  die  when  he  must  not,  are  both  alike 

A  Christian's  desire  of  life,  he  sometimes  re- 
marked, should  proceed  from  a  desire  of  honouring 
God  with  his  life,  as  it  was  with  Paul.  Phillppians 
i.  23, 24 J] 

That  day  he  gave  notice,  both  morning  and  after- 
noon, with  much  affection  and  enlargement,  of  the 
public  fast,  which  was  appointed  by  authority  the 
Friday  following,  June  26.  pressing  his  hearers,  as 
he  used  to  do  upon  such  occasions,  to  come  in  a 
prepared  frame,  to  the  solemn  services  of  that  day. 

The  Tuesday  following,  June  23,  ho  rose  at  six 
o'clock,  according  to  his  custom,  after  a  better  night's 
sleep  than  ordinary,  and  in  wonted  health.  Between 
seven  and  eight  o'clock  he  performed  family  worship, 
according  to  the  usual  manner ;  he  expounded  very 
largely  the  former  half  of  the  104th  Psalm,  and  sung 
it ;  but  he  was  somewhat  shorter  in  prayer  than  he 
used  to  be,  being  then,  as  it  was  thought,  taken  ill. 
Blessed  is  that  servanty  whom  his  Lord,  when  he  com- 
cthy  shall  find  so  doing.    Immediately  after  prayer 

fayourite,  James,  Marquis  of  Hamilton,  he  said.  If  Uie  hranchn  be 
thut  cut  down^  the  stock  cannot  coiUinue  long.  Walton's  Lives  by  Dr. 
Zouch.  V.  2.  pp.  50,  51. 

u  This  was  bis  last  subject.  See  the  discourse  among  "  Eighteen 
Sermons,"  by  Philip  Henry,  p.  350.  ut supra. 

▼  My  dear  father's  prayer  for  such  usually  was.— When  they 
come  to  do  a  work  they  never  did,  let  them  have  that  strength  and 
prace  they  never  had.— This  once  to  die.— What  emphasis  has  it ! 
Mrs  Savage's  Diary.    Orig.  MS. 

w  Moses  and  Aaron,  like  well  nurtured  children,  went  to  bed 
when  they  were  bidden,  though  great  provision  was  making  ready 
for  others.    P.  Henry.  Com.  Place  Book.   Orig  MS.  See  also  Dr 

he  retired  to  his  chamber,  not  saying  any  thing  of 
his  illness,  but  was  soon  after  found  upon  his  bed 
in  great  extremity  of  pain  in  his  back,  breast,  and 
bowels ;  it  seemed  to  be  a  complicated  fit  of  the 
stone  and  colic  together  in  very  great  extremity. 
The  means  that  had  been  used  to  give  him  relief  in 
his  illness  were  altogether  ineffectual.  He  had  not 
the  least  intermission  or  remission  of  pain,  neither 
up  nor  in  bed,  but  [was]  in  a  continual  toss.  He 
had  said  sometimes,  that  God's  Israel  may  find  Jor- 
dan rough  ;  but  there  is  no  remedy,  they  must  through 
it  to  Canaan ;  and  would  tell  of  a  good  man  who 
used  to  say, — he  was  not  so  much  afraid  of  death  as 
of  dying.*  We  know  they  are  not  the  godly  people, 
part  of  the  description  of  whose  condition  it  is,  that 
there  are  no  bands  in  their  death,  and  yet  [it  is  of 
the  godly  alone  that  we  can  say,]  their  end  is  peace, 
and  their  death  gain,  and  they  have  hope  in  it 

In  this  extremity  he  was  still  looking  up  to  God, 
and  calling  upon  him,  who  is  a  present  help  in  the 
needful  hour. 

[He  had  been  accustomed  to  remark  when  in  usual 
health, — Prayer  is  never  out  of  season,  but  it  is  in  a 
special  manner  seasonable  when  we  are  sick  and 
come  to  die, — Christ's  last  breath  was  praying  breath, 
— then  we  take  our  leave  of  prayer  for  ever.  Those 
that  do  not  pray  while  they  live,  cannot  expect  to 
be  heard  and  accepted  when  they  come  to  die.*] 

When  the  exquisiteness  of  his  pain  forced  groans 
and  complaints  from  him,  he  would  presently  cor- 
rect himself  with  a  patient  and  quiet  submission  to 
the  hand  of  his  heavenly  Father,  and  a  cheerful  ac- 
quiescence in  his  heavenly  will.  I  am  ashamed, 
saith  he,  of  these  groans,  I  want  virtue,  O  for  virtue 
now  when  I  have  need  of  it,  referring  to  his  subject 
the  Lord's  day  before.  Forgive  me  that  I  groan  thus, 
and  I  will  endeavour  to  silence  them.  But,  indeed, 
my  stroke  is  heavier  than  my  groaning.  It  is  true 
what  Mr.  Baxter  said  in  his  pain,  there  is  no  dis- 
puting against  sense.  It  was  his  trouble,  as  it  was 
Mr.  Baxter's,  that  by  reason  of  his  bodily  pain,  he 
could  not  express  his  inward  comfort ;  however,  that 
was  it  with  which  God  graciously  strengthened  him 
in  his  soul.  He  said  to  those  about  him,  they  must  re- 
member what  instructions  and  counsels  he  had  given 
them  when  he  was  in  health,  for  now  he  could  say 
but  little  to  them ;  [he  could]  only  refer  them  to  what 
he  had  said,  as  that  which  he  would  live  and  die  by. 

Sibb's  Soules  Conflict,  p.  36-2.  duod.  1651.  x  P.  Henry. 

Orig.  MS.  It  was  the  speech  of  dying  Julian.  See  Swinnock's 
Christian  Man's  Calling,  part.  iii.  p.  618.  4to.  1665. 

y  P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS 

«  Would  you  be  above  the  fear  of  death,- get  an  interest  in 
Christ,— labour  to  know  thy  interest  in  Christ,  2  Cor.  v.  1.  9,  &c. 
—lave  in  the  fear  of  God,  Luke  xii.  4,  6— Learn  to  die  daily,  i 
Cor.  XV.  31.  in  meditation ;  in  expectation ;  Job  ziv.  1-L  Ps. 
xliv.  ^2.— Sit  loose  from  the  world ;  keep  a  good  conscience ;  live 
by  faith ;  2  Cor.  iv.  18;  v.  I.&c.    P.  Henry.  Orig.  MS. 

•  P.  Henry.  Mr.  Matthew  Henry's  MS. 



It  was  two  or  three  hoars  after  he  was  taken  ill, 
before  he  would  suffer  a  messenger  to  be  sent  to 
Chester  for  his  son,  and  for  the  doctor,  saying,^He 
ihould  either  be  better,  or  dead  before  they  could 
come ;  but  at  last  he  said,  as  the  prophet  did  to  his 
importiinate  friends, — Send.**  About  eight  o'clock 
that  evening  they  came,  and  found  him  in  the  same 
extremity  of  pain,  which  he  had  been  in  all  day. 
And  nature  being  before  spent  with  his  constant  and 
indefatigable  labours  in  the  work  of  the  Lord,  now 
sank,  and  did  perfectly  succumb  under  its  burthen, 
and  was  quite  disabled  to  grapple  with  so  many 
hours'  incessant  pain.  What  further  means  were 
then  used  proved  fruitless,  and  did  not  answer  the 
intention.  He  apprehended  himself  going  apace, 
and  said  to  his  son  when  he  came  in, — Oh  son,  you 
are  welcome  to  a  dying  father.  /  am  now  ready  to 
be  offered,  and  the  time  of  my  departure  is  at  hand. 
His  pain  continued  very  acute,  but  he  had  peace 
within.  /  am  tormented,  said  he  once,  but,  blessed 
be  God,  not  in  this  flame  ;^  and  soon  after,  I  am  all 
on  fire,  (when  at  the  same  time  his  extreme  parts 
were  cold,)  but  he  presently  added, — Blessed  be  God, 
it  is  not  the  fire  of  hell.  To  some  of  his  next  neigh- 
boars  who  came  in  to  see  him,  for  those  at  a  distance 
had  not  notice  of  his  illness,  he  said, — Oh,  make 
•are  work  for  your  souls,  by  getting  an  interest  in 
Christ  while  you  are  in  health,  for  if  I  had  that  work 
to  do  now,  what  would  become  of  me?  But  I  bless 
God  I  am  satisfied.  It  was  a  caution  he  was  often 
wont  to  give, — See  to  it,  that  your  work  be  not  un- 
done, when  your  time  is  done,  lest  you  be  undone 
for  ever. 

Towards  ten  or  eleven  o'clock  that  night,  his  pulse 
and  sight  began  to  fail ;  of  the  latter  he  himself  took 
notice,  and  inferred  from  it  the  near  approach  of  his 
dissolution.  He  took  an  affectionate  farewell  of  his 
dear  yoke-fellow,  with  a  thousand  thanks  for  all  her 
love,  and  care,  and  tenderness ;  left  a  blessing  for 
all  his  dear  children,  and  their  dear  yoke-fellows, 
and  little  ones,  that  were  absent.  He  said  to  his 
son,  who  sat  under  his  head, — Son,  the  Lord  bless 
you,  and  grant  that  you  may  do  worthily  in  your 
generation,  and  be  more  serviceable  to  the  church 
of  God  than  I  have  been ;  such  was  his  great  humi- 
lity to  the  last.  And  when  his  son  replied.  Oh,  Sir, 
pray  for  me  that  I  may  but  tread  in  your  steps ;  he 
answered, — Yea,  follow  peace  and  holiness,  and  let 

them  say  what  they  will. More  he  would  have 

said,  to  bear  his  dying  testimony  to  the  way  in  which 
he  had  walked,  but  nature  was  spent,  and  he  had 
not  strength  to  express  it. 

His  understanding  and  speech  continued  almost 
to  the  last  breath,  and  he  was  still  in  his  dying 
agonies  calling  upon  God,  and  committing  himself 
to  him.    One  of  the  last  words  he  said,  when  he 

w  See  2  Kingi  ii.  n.  c  See  Luke  xvi.  24. 

4  See  Mattbew  Henry's  Sermons  on  these  words,  July  8,  1696.  I 

found  himself  just  ready  to  depart,  was,— O  death, 
•  where  is  thy— ;<'  with  that  his  speech  faltered,  and 
within  a  few  minutes,  after  about  sixteen  hours'  ill- 
ness, he  quietly  breathed  out  his  precious  soul  into 
the  embraces  of  his  dear  Redeemer,  whom  he  had 
trusted,  and  faithfully  served  in  the  work  of  the 
ministry,  about  forty-three  years.*  He  departed 
between  twelve  and  one  o'clock  in  the  morning  of 
June  24,  Midsummer-day,  in  the  sixty-fifth  year  of 
his  age.  Happy,  thrice  happy,  he  to  whom  such  a 
sudden  change  was  no  surprise,  and  who  could 
triumph  over  death,  as  an  unstung,  disarmed  enemy, 
even  when  he  made  so  fierce  an  onset  He  had  often 
spoke  of  it  as  his  desire,  that  if  it  were  the  will  of 
God,  he  might  not  outlive  his  usefulness;  and  it 
pleased  God  to  grant  him  his  desire,  and  give  him  a 
short  passage  from  the  pulpit  to  the  kingdom,  from  the 
height  of  his  usefulness,  to  receive  the  recompcnccof 
reward.  So  was  it  ordered  by  him,  in  whose  hands 
our  times  are. 

[The  afflicting  dispensation  was  communicated 
to  Mr.  Tallcnts,  in  the  folldwing  interesting  letter. 

Broad  Oke,  June  24,  96* 
Honoured  Sir; 

Here  is  an  opportunity  that  offers  itself  soon 
enough  to  bring  you  the  evil  tidings  of  this  place 
and  day.  My  dear  and  honoured  father  was  this 
time  yesterday  as  usual,  worshipping  God  witli  his 
family,  and  in  wonted  health  ;  but,  presently  after, 
was  seized  with  violent  pain  and  sickness.  It  was 
in  g^eat  extremity,  and  without  any  intermission ; 
means  used  gave  him  no  relief.  Doctor  Tylston  and 
I  had  speedy  notice  of  his  illness  sent  us  to  Chester^ 
and  came  hither  last  night,  and  found  him  very  ill. 
Nature,  being  decayed  with  his  great  labours  in  the 
work  of  the  Lord,  was  not  able  to  bear  up  under  it, 
but  sunk  away  apace  under  the  heavy  load  of  pain ; 
and  a  little  after  midnight  he  quietly  breathed  outhis 
dear  soul  into  the  hands  of  the  Lord  Jesus,  in  whom 
he  now  sleeps.  Oh,  Sir,  this  is  a  sad  providence,  and 
so  sudden,  that  I  am  as  one  stunned.  I  cannot 
express  my  loss.  I  have  many  things  to  write  to  you 
concerning  it,  but  I  am  in  haste,  and  much  confused. 
We  intend,  if  the  Lord  will,  to  lay  up  the  mantle  of 
this  translated  prophet  in  the  wardrobe  of  the  grave, 
upon  Saturday  next,  not  doubting  but  our  friends 
that  hear  will,  as  far  as  they  can,  let  us  have  their 
company.  My  poor  mother's  and  my  respects  to 
yourself,  and  Mrs.  Tallents,  and  Mr.  Bryan,  and 
Mr.  Jones. 

I  rest  your's  totus  in  lachrymis, 

M.  Henry. 
I  know  you  will  pray  for  us,  and  mourn  with  us.' 

For  the  Rev.  Mr.  Tallcnts. 

Eighteen  Sermons,  by  P.  Henry,  p.  371,  ut  tupra.  •  See 

Tong's  Life  of  MaUhew  Henry,  p.  131,  &c.  «/  $Mpra.        t  Orig.  AiS. 



In  reply  to  a  letter  written  by  Mr.  Tallents,  ex- 
pressive of  the  greatness  of  his  sorrow  on  this  melan- 
choly occasion,  the  bereaved  widow  writes  thus. 

Ju8  24,  06. 
Dear  Ser ; 

It  is  my  conmfort  and  joy  that  the  people  of  God 
do  sympathise  with  me  in  this  my  great  loss,  and 
truly  I  have  reason  to  acknowleg  the  goodnes  of 
God  that  did  spar  him  so  long,  and  dus  suport'  and 
send  reuiuing  in  the  midst  of  trubel.  Pray  for  me 
that  I  may  be  a  widdou  inded,  trusting  in  God ; 
that  my  children  may,  in  all  things,  carry  themselucs 
like  the  children  of  such  a  fathar,  and  that  wee  may 
get  the  good  and  learne  what  our  heauenly  Fathar 
is  tcching  us  by  this  sad  strok.  Good  Sir,  giue  my 
loue  and  saruis  to  my  ould  good  friend  and  sistar, 
for  so  I  wil  make  bould  to  cale  her,  your  dear  yoak- 
fellow,  and  except  of  the  same,  with  many  thanks 
to  you  both  for  past  and  present  favors. 

From  Sir,  yours. 
My  sister  presents  her  Much  obliged, 

sarvis  to  you  both.  Kat.  Henry."^] 

After  the  account  we  have  given  of  his  great  useful- 
ness, it  is  easy  to  imagine  what  sorrow  and  mourning 
there  was  among  his  friends,  when  they  heard  that 
the  Lord  had  taken  away  their  master  from  their 
head.  One  that  lived  so  much  desired,  could  not 
but  die  as  much  lamented.  The  surprise  of  the 
stroke  put  people  into  a  perfect  astonishment ;  and 
many  said, — the  Lord  removed  him  so  suddenly, 
because  he  would  not  deny  the  many  prayers  that 
would  have  been  put  up  for  his  recovery,  had  it  been 
known  that  he  was  in  peril.  One  thing  that  aggra- 
vated this  severe  dispensation,  and  made  it,  in  the 
apprehension  of  many,  look  the  more  dismal,  was, 
^that  this  powerful  intercessor  was  taken  away  just 
before  a  fast-day,  when  he  would  have  been  wrestling 
mightily  with  God  for  mercy  for  the  land.  How- 
ever, it  proved  a  fast-day  indeed,  and  a  day  of 
humiliation,  to  that  congregation,  to  whom  an  empty 
pulpit  was  an  awakening  sermon.  The  Broad  Oak 
was  then  like  that  under  which  Rebekah's  nurse  was 

V  Supposed  to  bt  July.  Mr.  Tallents  has  written  at  the  top, 
**  In  answer  to  one  of  mine." 

b  The  wives  of  many  painful  ministers,  while  their  husbands 
lived,  were  made  account  of.  and  invited,  that,  when  God  hath 
taken  their  husbands  flrom  them,  (when  they  had  most  need  of 
comfort,)  have  found  cold  friendship,  not  of  strangers  only,  but 
even  of  those  that  professed  greater  love  to  the  parties  deceased. 
This  is  but  carnal,  or  at  least  but  cold,  love,  that  is  then  farthest 
oflT,  when  there  is  roost  need  of  it.  A  Treatise  of  Love,  by  Jo. 
Rogers,  p.  220.  duod.  1632. 

i  We  went  to  Broad  Oak  to  visit  dear  mother:  found  her  in 
health.  I  cannot  but  own  the  goodness  of  God  in  supporting  her 
under  this  heavy  stroke.  It  is  to  me  the  answer  of  my  dear 
father's  prayer,  which  he.  thus,  (Vequently  expressed  ;->"  Fit  us 
to  leave,  or  to  be  left,  according  to  the  will  of  God."  Dr.  Preston 
hath  an  expression  to  this  purpose,— that  the  children  of  God 
receive  no  prejudice  by  affliction,  no  more  than  the  sun  by  an 

buried,  Genesis  xxxv.  8.  AUon-hacuthy — the  6ak 
of  weeping.  They  who  had  many  a  time  sat  with  dry 
eyes,  under  melting  ordinances,  could  not  sit  so  under 
such  a  melting  providence,  by  which  the  Lord  God 
called  so  loudly  to  weeping^  and  to  mourning^  and  to 
girding  with  sackcloth.  But  because  Mr.  Henry  had 
been  wont  to  give  it  for  a  rule,— that  weeping  must 
not  hinder  sowing,  a  mite  was  cast  into  the  treasury 
of  the  nation's  prayers,  and  a  word  spoken,  to  bring 
the  work  of  the  day  and  the  event  of  the  day  toge- 
ther, from  2  Kings  xiii.  20. 

The  day  following,  being  Saturday,  June  27,  the 
earthen  vessel,  in  which  this  treasure  had  been 
lodged,  was  laid  up  in  the  g^ve  in  Whitchurch 
church,  attended  thither  with  a  very  great  company 
of  true  mourners,  all  the  country  round.  Many  from 
Chester  and  Shrewsbury,  and  the  towns  about,  came